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Analysis of the assortment matrix of a retail trade enterprise. Drawing up an assortment matrix

Enterprises that produce goods or provide services in a large assortment are forced to conduct comparative analysis business units of the firm to decide on the allocation of investment resources. The maximum financial investment is received by the priority area of ​​the company, which brings maximum profit. The tool for managing the product range is the BCG matrix, an example of the construction and analysis of which helps marketers make decisions about the development or liquidation of the company's business units.

The concept and essence of the BCG matrix

Formation of long-term plans for the company, proper distribution financial resources between the components of the firm's strategic portfolio occurs through the use of a tool created by the Boston Consulting Group. Hence the name of the tool - the BCG matrix. An example of building a system is based on dependency relative share market on the rate of its growth.

The market share is expressed and is plotted along the X axis. An indicator is considered high if its value is greater than one.

The attractiveness and maturity of the market is characterized by the value of its growth rate. Data for this parameter is plotted on the matrix along the Y axis.

After calculating the relative share and market for each good that the firm produces, the data is transferred to a system called the BCG matrix (an example of the system will be discussed below).

Matrix quadrants

When product groups are distributed according to the BCG model, each assortment unit falls into one of the four quadrants of the matrix. Each quadrant has its own name and recommendations for decision making. Below is a table consisting of the same categories as the BCG matrix, an example of the construction and analysis of which cannot be done without knowing the features of each zone.

Wild cats

  • New Products Zone.
  • High level of sales.
  • The need for investment for further development.
  • In the short run, a low rate of return.
  • Growing market leaders.
  • High level of sales.
  • Growing profit.
  • Significant investment.
  • Unpromising group, failed or products of an unattractive (falling) market.
  • Low income.
  • Desirable disposal of them or termination of investment.

cash cows

  • Goods of the market with a falling level of sales.
  • Stable profit.
  • Lack of growth.
  • Minimum cost to hold positions.
  • for promising product groups.

Objects of analysis

An example of the construction and analysis of the BCG matrix is ​​impossible without the definition of goods that can be considered in the projection of this system.

  1. Lines of business that are unrelated. These can be: hairdressing services and the production of electric kettles.
  2. Assortment groups of the company sold in one market. For example, selling apartments, renting apartments, selling houses, etc. That is, the real estate market is considered.
  3. Goods classified in one group. For example, the production of utensils made of glass, metal or ceramics.

BCG matrix: an example of construction and analysis in Excel

To determine the life cycle of a product and strategic planning marketing activities enterprises will consider an example with fictitious data to understand the topic of the article.

The first step is to collect and tabulate data on the analyzed products. This operation is simple, you need to create a table in Excel and enter data on the enterprise into it.

The second step is the calculation of market indicators: growth rate and relative share. To do this, you will need to enter formulas for automatic calculation in the cells of the created table:

  • In cell E3, which will contain the value of the market growth rate, this formula looks like this: \u003d C3 / B3. If you get a lot of decimal places, then you need to reduce the bit depth to two.
  • The procedure is the same for each item.
  • In cell F9, which is responsible for relative market share, the formula looks like this: = C3 / D3.

The result is a completed table.

The table shows that sales of the first product fell by 37% in 2015, while sales of product 3 increased by 49%. Competitiveness or relative market share for the first category of goods is lower than that of competitors by 47%, but for the third and fourth goods it is higher by 33% and 26%, respectively.

Graphic display

Based on the data in the table, a BCG matrix is ​​constructed, an example of construction in Excel of which is based on the choice of a chart of the “Bubble” type.

After selecting the type of chart, an empty field appears, by clicking the right mouse button on which you need to call up a window for selecting data to fill in the future matrix.

After adding a row, its data is filled in. Each row is a product of the enterprise. For the first item, the data will be as follows:

  1. The row name is cell A3.
  2. X-axis - cell F3.
  3. Y-axis - cell E3.
  4. The bubble size is cell C3.

This is how the BCG matrix is ​​created (for all four goods), the example of constructing other goods is similar to the first one.

Change the format of the axes

When all products are displayed, it is necessary to break it into quadrants. This distinction is the X, Y axes. You only need to change the automatic settings of the axes. By clicking on the vertical scale, the “Format” tab is selected and the “Format Selection” window is called up on the left side of the panel.

Changing the vertical axis:

  • The maximum value is the average ODR multiplied by 2: (0.53+0.56+1.33+1.26)/4=0.92; 0.92*2=1.84.
  • The main and intermediate divisions are the average ODR.
  • Intersection with the X-axis - average ODR.

Changing the horizontal axis:

  • The minimum value is assumed to be "0".
  • The maximum value is taken as "2".
  • The remaining parameters are "1".

The resulting diagram is the BCG matrix. An example of the construction and analysis of such a model will give an answer about the priority development of the company's assortment units.


To complete the construction of the BCG system, it remains to create labels for the axes and quadrants. It is necessary to select the diagram and go to the "Layout" section of the program. Using the "Inscription" icon, the cursor is moved to the first quadrant and its name is written. This procedure is repeated in the next three zones of the matrix.

To create a chart title, which is located in the center of the BCG model, the pictogram of the same name is selected, following from the "Inscription".

Following from left to right on the Excel 2010 toolbar of the "Layout" section, similarly to the previous labels, axis labels are created. As a result, the BCG matrix, an example of construction in Excel of which was considered, has the following form:

Analysis of assortment units

Building a diagram of the dependence of market share on its growth rate is half the solution to the problem. The crucial moment is the correct interpretation of the position of goods on the market and the choice of further actions (strategies) for their development or elimination. BCG matrix, analysis example:

Product No. 1, located in the zone of low market growth and relative share. This item has already passed its life cycle And it does not bring profit to the company. In a real situation, it would be necessary to conduct a detailed analysis of such goods and determine the conditions for their release in the absence of profit from their sale. Theoretically, it is better to exclude this commodity group and direct the freed up resources to the development of promising benefits.

Product #2 is in a growing market but requires investment to increase competitiveness. It is a promising product.

Product #3 is at the peak of its life cycle. This type of assortment unit has high ODR and market growth rates. An increase in investment is required so that in the future the business unit of the company that produces this product brings a stable income.

Product No. 4 is a profit generator. The funds received by the company from the sale of this category of the assortment unit are recommended to be directed to the development of goods No. 2, 3.


An example of the construction and analysis of the BCG matrix contributes to the selection of the following four strategies.

  1. Increase in market share. Such a development plan is acceptable for products located in the Wild Cats zone, with the aim of moving them into the Stars quadrant.
  2. Maintaining market share. To obtain a stable income from the "Cash Cows", it is recommended to apply this strategy.
  3. Decreasing market share. Let's apply the plan to weak "Cash Cows", "Dogs" and unpromising "Wild Cats".
  4. Liquidation is a strategy for the "Dogs" and unpromising "Wild Cats".

BCG matrix: an example of construction in a Word

The method of building a model in Word is more laborious and not entirely clear. An example will be considered according to the data that was used to build the matrix in Excel.


Revenue, monetary unit

leading competitor, cash units

Estimated indicators

Market growth rate, %



Market Growth Rate

Relative market share

The column “Market growth rate” appears, the values ​​of which are calculated as follows: (1-growth rate data) * 100%.

A table is built with four rows and columns. The first column is combined into one cell and signed as "Market Growth Rate". In the remaining columns, you need to combine rows in pairs to get two large cells at the top of the table and two rows left at the bottom. As shown.

The lowest line will contain the coordinate "Relative market share", above it - the values: less or more than 1. Referring to the data of the table (to its last two columns), the definition of goods by quadrants begins. For example, for the first product, ODR = 0.53, which is less than one, it means that its location will be either in the first or in the fourth quadrant. The market growth rate is a negative value equal to -37%. Since the growth rate in the matrix is ​​divided by a value of 10%, then product number 1 definitely falls into the fourth quadrant. The same distribution occurs with the remaining assortment units. The result should match the Excel chart.

The BCG matrix: an example of construction and analysis determines the strategic positions of the company's assortment units and participates in making decisions about the allocation of enterprise resources.

Lazy marketing is not only the study of the consumer and the organization of the process of passive sales. One of the key points effective sales is the presence of a balanced assortment. The range of products and services must meet the expectations of consumers, so the company is interested in creating an interesting and effective assortment portfolio for the consumer.

Each company thinks about the question of what to sell and in what quantity. The solution to this complex dilemma will allow you to get the assortment concept of the company.

The task of forming an assortment concept – to formulate the basic principles, directions and mechanisms of assortment management, to determine target audience buyers.

First, let's define what a "product range" is.

Product range- this is a set of all commercial products of the enterprise, including assortment groups and individual products (having trademark and unbranded).

The product range is characterized by several indicators.

1. Range width- the number of assortment groups in the totality of marketable products.

2. Depth of assortment- the number of products in one assortment group.

3. Compatibility- the degree of complementarity and compatibility of various product groups.

4. Assortment height- the average price of the assortment group.

5. Range flexibility- the ability to change in accordance with the needs and demands of consumers.

6. Stability of assortment– the ability to maintain an assortment matrix of the most popular and profitable assortment positions.

7. The relevance of the range- this is the constant demand by consumers for assortment positions presented by the company.

Stability, breadth and high mobility of the assortment are the main indicators of the competitiveness of a trading enterprise.

The basis of the assortment policy is the strategy of the enterprise. For example, if your store is family-oriented, then in its assortment there must be children's toys, things for family holidays, despite the fact that they may not bring high income.

Development product range carried out taking into account the following factors:

> production, financial, human resources of the enterprise;

> market needs for this product (compliance with consumer expectations, their purchasing power);

> opportunities for new niches to emerge.

Many stores make a typical mistake: they purchase products according to the principle: "we will buy and see how it will be sold." However, this approach leads to the fact that the store presents a product that is completely unnecessary to the consumer, which, in turn, occupies a large share shelf space. Ultimately, the consumer develops a negative image of the store, and you lose your customers.

To form an effective assortment it is necessary to draw up an assortment matrix and an assortment minimum of commercial products.

Assortment matrix- this is a list of goods sold in the store that is necessary and satisfies the needs of target consumers. It is planned for a long period of time and is combined with strategic goals companies.

Assortment minimum of commercial products- this is the minimum list of products sold in the store that meets the expectations and needs of target consumers. This document is a matrix of assortment items that must be constantly present in the store in a certain period of time. The assortment minimum is formed on the basis of the product groups available in the assortment and depends on changes in consumer demand and other factors.

The location of a store or trade enterprise is of strategic importance for its development and assortment formation. In assessing the location, the following important aspects can be distinguished:

> availability of main transport routes;

> availability of residential complexes;

> the structure of the population living in this microdistrict.

4.2. Formation of the assortment matrix

The formation of the assortment matrix is ​​facilitated by the consumers themselves, who ask for this or that product, are interested in whether it will be in the store in the near future. Noting for themselves their requests, a “lazy” marketer can plan directions for expanding the assortment matrix.

The assortment matrix is ​​very similar to a cabinet with a large number of compartments and cells, each of which is designed for a specific product. Using the example of a clothing store, you can form an assortment matrix as follows. First, decide how many clothes for men, women, and children should be in the store. Secondly, in each segment, it is necessary to decide what types of clothing and in what quantity will need to be purchased, how the products will be presented in the store: by brands, by collections or mixed. Further, for example, children's casual summer clothes will be divided into capsules depending on the situation of consumption: swimsuit and panama; shorts, skirt and T-shirt, socks, sundress; jeans and T-shirt, jacket, etc. The smallest cell includes the description of one heading, for example, panama for a girl. This cell is supplemented with information about the quantity of this position in different colors and designs.

Assortment minimum is a list of cells that must always be filled in a certain amount. For example, a normal option is when the assortment includes four types of children's panamas, and at least two.

Thus, the basis for the formation of the assortment is the classification of goods into groups in accordance with the company's development strategy and the expectations and needs of consumers.

The basis for the formation of the assortment is the study of demand for assortment positions, which can be carried out by the approximation method. To collect information, first of all, you can use your own resources and information from buyers, suppliers, reports and research results. Some data can be requested from product manufacturers, they can also provide an analytical overview of the market and trends.

As part of the assortment analysis, it is advisable to apply the following methods for studying demand.

1. An operational method based on accounting for daily sales of products by quantity, amount, assortment structure. Based this method it is advisable to build a graph that reflects the dynamics of demand for assortment positions over time, for example, by day of the week.

2. "Journal of unsatisfied demand", which records consumer requests for goods that are not in the assortment of the store. Each position should be considered as a potential unit of the assortment portfolio.

3. Surveys of existing and potential buyers.

4. Monitoring the behavior of consumers on the trading floor. It is advisable to photograph the trading floor at certain intervals, which will allow you to understand who and at what time buys products, what caused the activity or passivity of buyers, focus groups.

5. Communication with store visitors.

6. Imagine yourself in the place of the buyer and look at shopping room and assortment "by his eyes".

7. Analysis of the trajectory of the customer flow and preferences of buyers regarding the place of purchase.

8. Make trial purchases in your own store and competitors' stores.

A complete assortment analysis includes the use of several well-known and universal methods. By applying them, the company can develop recommendations for the formation of a balanced assortment that increases the economic sustainability of the enterprise.

initial stage assortment optimization is to determine the percentage of groups of buyers. In order to determine who is the target consumer, it is necessary to monitor buyers at the place of residence. For example, buyers can be divided into categories:

> residents of nearby houses;

> motorists driving down the street;

> employees of nearby offices.

In turn, the residents of nearby houses can be divided into housewives, working men, working women, pensioners, youth and children. Followed by determine the share (in percent) of each category of buyers in the total number of buyers. The buyers represented in this diagram in larger numbers are the target consumers, therefore, their requests must be taken into account when forming the assortment.

For each of the above categories behavioral characteristics are determined:

> preferences for the time of the purchase;

> preferences regarding the place of purchase;

> type of purchase;

> requirements for the product and the purchase process (prestige, naturalness, convenient location of the product);

> expectations regarding navigation aids, maintenance.

One of the most popular and effective methods assortment analysis is ABC analysis.

The idea of ​​ABC analysis is based on the Pareto principle: “a relatively small number of causes are responsible for the majority of possible outcomes”, or on the well-known 20/80 rule.

The first step in the analysis is the breakdown of the assortment into groups according to the degree of influence on the overall result. As grouping principles, you can use the amount of revenue received from a particular assortment group, sales volume, or other parameters. It is advisable to use the sales volume when comparing products that are homogeneous in composition and price. If the goods are not homogeneous, then it is better to make a comparison by combining revenue.

The above operation will allow you to select group "A" (assortment items, the sum of shares with a cumulative total of which is 50% of the total amount of parameters), group "B" (assortment items, the sum of shares with a cumulative total of which is from 50 to 80% of the total amount parameters) and group "C" (the remaining assortment positions, the sum of shares of which is from 80 to 100% of the total amount of parameters).

Thus, during the ABC analysis, product ranking. It is determined that category "A" products must be tightly controlled, as they provide a large share in total sales and provide high profitability. Control over goods of category "B" can be current, and in relation to category "C" - periodic.

ABC-analysis should not be one-time, it should be carried out constantly, which will allow to determine the assortment positions that are constantly necessary for consumers and not to exclude them from the assortment portfolio.

It often happens that a product in category "C" carries a small share of sales, but it is sold with a stable frequency, perhaps in combination with some other product. If you exclude it from the range, then the consumer will no longer be fully satisfied with the purchase of the main product, and this is wrong.

Also, a significant reduction in category "C" may lead to the fact that after a certain time the remaining goods are distributed according to the same rule, but the overall result of the enterprise's activities may decrease by 50%.

Matrix BCG (Boston Consulting Group). Analysis of the BCG matrix is ​​based on the company's internal information and allows you to draw useful conclusions.

The BCG matrix is ​​a matrix that reflects the position of product groups in total sales and taking into account the growth rate compared to the previous period.

The X-axis shows the share of the product group in the sales volume (calculated as the ratio of the product sales volume to the sales volume of the entire company for the corresponding period).

On the Y-axis, the growth rate of product sales in relation to the previous period is fixed (calculated as the ratio of the sales volume of a given assortment position for the current period to its sales volume for the previous period). If the product is new and was not previously present in the assortment, then its growth rate should be taken as 100%.

The point of division of goods by growth rate is defined as the average growth rate of the entire range of the company for a certain period. The point of division of goods by the size of the share in the sales volume is determined by an expert assessment after applying all the company's goods to the matrix.

A dot representing a product is sized according to its contribution to the company's profits or marginal revenue per volume from sales of that product.

Based on the construction of this matrix, There are four product groups, in accordance with the definition of a particular product in the appropriate quadrant: "stars", "cash cows", "difficult children", "dogs". A product strategy is developed for each of the groups.

"Cash Cows" These are products with a low growth rate and a high market share. They provide a stable and high income for the company, require little investment. As a rule, these are popular and in demand products. With regard to them, it is advisable to use the strategy of "harvesting", i.e. when minimal cost get the most out of it.

"Stars"- goods with a high growth rate and a high share in the total profit of the company. These are young market leaders who are at the stage of growing popularity, but require significant investment. In the future, with proper promotion of these products, they can become "cash cows".

"Dogs" characterized by low market share and low growth rates. Most often, these are products that have a high cost compared to competitors. If these are not related products, then it is advisable to gradually withdraw them from the assortment or minimize investments in them.

"Difficult Children" characterized by high growth rates, but low market share. These are mystery items. It remains to be seen how they will perform in the future. Since the market is not yet formed, the demand is unstable and the expectations of consumers in relation to them are unpredictable. To maintain this position, investments are needed, which will allow them to be transferred to the category of "stars". Otherwise, their growth will gradually slow down and they will become "dogs".

Analysis using this matrix must also be carried out in dynamics at least once a quarter. By evaluating the trajectory of the movement of products along the matrix, it is possible to predict the future position of the product in the assortment and develop a program aimed at eliminating adverse trends.

Moreover, this type of analysis will allow balancing the company's assortment, determining the potential of the current assortment portfolio and developing strategies for working with it. The ideal variant of the product portfolio is products that bring financial profit, and products that are at the stage of implementation and growth. Products belonging to the second category develop at the expense of the first.

Dibba-Simkin analysis . This type of analysis is carried out for the classification of goods and allows you to determine the direction of development of product groups and ways to optimize the product range. The information basis for the analysis is data on the dynamics of sales and the cost of production (including only variable costs, excluding fixed costs). The classification of goods will allow select several groups.

AND- the most interesting group for the company, which is the standard for the introduction of new assortment positions. It is advisable to expand this product group, as it brings more profit than others.

IN 1– an assortment group that has the potential to increase profitability. Usage marketing tools: price increase, search for more profitable suppliers to reduce purchase prices - will increase the company's profit from the sale of these products.

IN 2 is a group whose high profitability along with high sales volumes will significantly increase the company's profit. Efforts should be made to increase sales of this product group (using sales promotion, advertising, merchandising).

FROM- a group that includes goods that are less valuable to the company, since they have a low potential to increase profitability. The enterprise should think about how to gradually replace this category with a more profitable one.

An important component of this type of analysis is taking into account several factors.

1. The time the product is on the market. Given the life cycle of a product and the level of consumer interest in it, it is possible to change the idea of ​​​​the prospects for the growth of its profitability. For example, if the product is new, then you should not make hasty decisions that it will not bring to arrive after some time. Perhaps consumers have not yet had time to appreciate it, and therefore the sales volumes do not correspond to the planned ones. However, after some time, the situation may change dramatically, and sales will go up sharply.

2. Information about the representation of this product from competitors. Competitor assortment analysis important factor increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise. If a similar assortment item is selling well in a nearby store, you should think about why it is not selling well in yours. Perhaps you should change the layout or highlight the product with a bright price tag.

3. Market trends. For example, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle leads to an increase in demand for sports goods and environmentally friendly clean products nutrition.

By carrying out such an analysis, the company can determine the prospects for the development of the assortment and ways to improve the efficiency of its management.

Estimating the ratio of sales in value terms and the contribution of the product to cover the costs of its promotion, the distribution of products into four groups is carried out. The financial contribution to covering costs is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of goods and variable costs.

Product portfolio optimization involves the management of marginal income and the share of net profit in the company's revenue. To search for options for optimizing the assortment, the following indicators are calculated: break-even point, marginal profit, sales volume.

Determination of the break-even point it is necessary to calculate in order to imagine at what point and at what volume of sales the company will make a profit from the sales of the assortment position. The following formula is used to calculate the break-even point:

Tb (np) \u003d Opr / Pp,

ODP - general fixed costs;

Пп - marginal profit per unit of output.

Tb (dv) \u003d Tb (np) * Ots,

Тb(dv) – break-even point in physical terms;

Тb(np) – break-even point in natural terms;

Ots - the selling price of a unit of production.

Evaluation of the marginal profit per unit of goods:

Pp \u003d Ots - Pz,

Pp - marginal profit per unit of goods;

Ots - the selling price of the goods;

Pz - variable costs per unit of production.

Increasing marginal profit can be achieved by increasing the price of a product or reducing the cost of production and promotion of products.

The volume of sales that provides the planned amount of profit can be calculated using the formula:

Op \u003d (Pz - P) / Pp,

Op - sales volume;

Pz - fixed costs;

P - profit;

Pp - marginal profit.

4.3. Assortment management principles

Modern principles of assortment management in the framework of the implementation of lazy marketing are the fundamental principles that should guide the development of an assortment strategy.

The principles of assortment management should be combined with marketing strategy companies.

1. Compatibility. The assortment strategy should be in line with and contribute to the development of sales, pricing, communication and other development strategies of the company.

2. Orientation to buyers-clients. The product presented in the store must meet the needs and expectations of customers, otherwise it will not be sold.

3. Development. Customer needs change and grow. The assortment should change not only in accordance with new needs, but also ahead of their appearance.

4. Professionalism. Assortment management and assessment of its parameters should be carried out by a professional, i.e. a person who not only knows theoretical basis assortment management, but also has the skills to use them, and also has the ability to think analytically, perform factor analysis and make informed decisions.

5. Efficiency. Assortment management should bear fruit - increase the profit of the company. Each assortment position should contribute to the increase in marginal profit and profitability of the enterprise. For this purpose, in this chapter, the main indicators for assessing the state of the assortment were considered.

The embodiment of the principles of managing the trading assortment is the assortment strategy.

Assortment strategy- this is a key moment in the formation and development of the product range. The effectiveness of the assortment strategy is the key to the efficiency of the entire enterprise.

It is possible to define two goals for the development and implementation of the assortment strategy: immediate and long-term.

immediate target - sale of goods and increase in the turnover of the enterprise.

Long-term goal – development of sustainable consumer loyalty to the enterprise.

To achieve these goals, the company needs to constantly work with its customers, study their needs and predict the emergence of new ones. An important direction of the assortment strategy is to attract new and retain regular customers.

Attracting new customers, as a rule, occurs during the period of offensive strategy, when a trading company introduces new assortment items that will be in demand among potential clients companies. However, the success of the implementation of this strategy is possible if there is information about these potential consumers and their needs and expectations. It is also important to inform the consumer that a product of interest to him has appeared in your store. To do this, you can use flyers, posters, coupons.

The following can be distinguished types of offensive strategies:

> large-scale offensive - the introduction of new assortment positions in most product categories;

> the desire to resist or surpass the advantages of a competitor - the introduction of assortment positions that are present in the assortment competitive company and possibly their addition;

> roundabout maneuvers – maintaining the constancy of demanded positions and simultaneously expanding the range of potentially demanded categories;

> secret war - a small change in the assortment matrix, based on the results of research on consumer needs, but allowing to increase their satisfaction from visiting the store and increase loyalty;

> active pre-emptive strikes – response actions of competitors changing the assortment, consisting in a corresponding change in the assortment matrix and its optimization.

The effectiveness of an offensive strategy is determined by the extent to which the benefits from its implementation exceed the corresponding costs.

Defensive strategies used to hold regular customers. The tools for their implementation are maintaining the consistency of the assortment demanded by target customers, as well as monitoring the emergence of new needs and their timely satisfaction.

As part of the implementation of assortment strategies, some rules for the formation and development of the assortment should be taken into account.

We can formulate the following rules for the formation and development of the assortment of the store:

> the company's product portfolio should take into account the needs of the target and secondary customer segments;

> the product range should take into account the basic and related needs of buyers;

> pricing policy should take into account the assortment policy, prices for goods should be formed taking into account purchasing power and ensure the profitability of the enterprise.

In this way, managing the development of the company's product range is an important strategic task, which requires the professionalism of employees, significant resource potential (availability of financial, storage, energy and other resources), partnerships with suppliers, creativity and much more. However effective assortment is a guarantee of active development of the enterprise and strengthening of consumer loyalty.

The assortment matrix is ​​a list of all commodity items, including seasonal goods that may be temporarily out of stock in the store. But this is not just a list of goods - the matrix is ​​built on the basis of the classifier and is the result of structuring the assortment. Subcategories, brands and other accounting units will be added to the division levels in the classifier.

The assortment matrix is ​​the result of studying and taking into account such factors as:

customer demand

range of competitors

specificity of the region or city (city with developed infrastructure, industrial, port city or regional center, regional capital or outskirts);

location features (sleeping area, city center, near a busy highway, near a market, etc.);

format requirements (self-service or counter sales, mini market, supermarket, discounter or boutique

Based on the existing assortment matrix, an assortment minimum is compiled - a list of commodity items that must be constantly present in the store at a certain period of time. Again, the assortment minimum depends on seasonal fluctuations in demand and other factors related to the specifics of the store - opening hours, location of the store, main customers

You can also talk about things like:

assortment width is the total number of different product categories included in the assortment.

assortment depth - the total number of product items within each product category in the assortment. In other words, the deeper the category is represented, the better we can guess the needs of our buyer, the more choice we will give him. If we are dealing with a specialized store, for example "Computers", then the buyer rightly believes that the assortment in such a store will not be very wide, but deep enough, i.e. there will only be computers, but different brands, models and options . The deeper the assortment, the higher the specialization of the store.

Assortment of goods - a set of their types, varieties and varieties, combined or combined on a certain basis. The main grouping features of goods are production, raw materials and consumer.

Distinguish between the production and trade assortment of goods.

The production range is called the range of goods produced by industrial and agricultural enterprises, as well as other manufacturers. As a rule, enterprises producing goods produce a narrow range of goods, which allows them to introduce advanced production technology, improve the range of goods produced, and improve their quality. Therefore, the goods produced by them need further sorting, taking into account the requirements of trade, at the enterprises of which a wide range of goods is concentrated, which is a combination of products produced by a wide variety of manufacturers. Such sub-sorting, or assortment transformation, is carried out mainly at enterprises wholesale trade, through which the bulk of goods of a complex assortment passes. Some of the food and non-food products are sorted directly in stores and other enterprises retail.

The trade assortment is a range of goods to be sold in retail trading network. It includes a range of goods produced by many enterprises, and is divided into two commodity sectors: food and non-food products. Each of the industries is divided into commodity groups, which include goods that are combined according to a number of criteria (homogeneity of raw materials and materials, consumer purpose, degree of complexity of the assortment).

Depending on the homogeneity of the raw materials and materials from which the goods are made, they are divided into products made of metal, leather, glass, etc.

By consumer purpose, goods are divided into sports, music, household, clothing, footwear, etc.

Given the complexity of the assortment, goods of a simple and complex assortment are distinguished. Goods of a simple assortment include goods consisting of a small number of species or varieties (vegetables, table salt, laundry soap, etc.). Goods that have an internal classification within the same type according to various characteristics (style, size, etc.) are classified as goods of a complex assortment (shoes, clothes, etc.).

Commodity groups are divided into commodity subgroups, which include goods that are homogeneous on the basis of the unity of production origin. For example, the commodity group of footwear is divided into subgroups of leather, textile, felted and rubber footwear, the group of tableware consists of subgroups of metal, glass and porcelain-faience dishes.

Each subgroup consists of goods of different types. Under the type of goods understand the same goods for various purposes (boots - women's, men's and children's; furniture - for the kitchen, living room, etc.). Within each type, goods may differ from each other by special features (articles, varieties, etc.), i.e. subdivided into varieties.

Taking into account the division of goods into groups, subgroups and types, it is customary to single out a group and intra-group (expanded) assortment of goods. Group assortment is a list of product groups included in the nomenclature. The intra-group (expanded) assortment is a detail of the group assortment for specific types and varieties of goods. These two concepts, in turn, are closely related to the concept of breadth and depth of assortment. At the same time, the breadth of the assortment of goods is determined by the number of product groups and items, and the depth - by the number of varieties of goods. For example, a relatively narrow assortment of specialty stores consists of a large number of varieties of related products and is more in-depth.

Goods are also classified according to such features as the frequency of demand for goods, as well as the stability and nature of the demand.

According to the frequency of demand, goods are divided into three groups:

everyday demand - the most frequently and even daily goods purchased by the population;

periodic demand - goods, the purchase of which is carried out periodically;

rare demand - durable items, the service life of which usually exceeds five years.

In addition, there is a group of seasonal goods, the sale of which is carried out during certain periods (seasons) of the year. Demand for goods can be stable (steady) or subject to certain (including sharp) fluctuations. With this in mind, goods are divided into following groups A: stable demand; goods, the demand for which is subject to sharp fluctuations; firmly articulated demand; alternative demand; impulse demand.

The procedure for the formation of an assortment of goods at wholesale trade enterprises

The formation of the assortment should be understood as the process of selecting and establishing a range of goods that meets the demand of customers and ensures high profitability of the trading enterprise. the formation of a rational assortment of goods is the most important function of commercial services wholesalers.

The most important principle in the formation of the assortment of goods is to ensure its compliance with the nature of the demand of the population served by the customers of the wholesale enterprise. It should provide for the comprehensive satisfaction of customer demand within the selected market segment. In this regard, the range of goods offered to wholesale buyers must have sufficient breadth and depth. At the same time, the breadth of the assortment is determined by the number of product groups, subgroups and items of goods included in the nomenclature, and the depth is determined by the number of varieties of goods for each item. The breadth and depth of the assortment of goods in the warehouses of the wholesale enterprise will depend on the assortment profile of the wholesale buyers served, the size of the warehouse space, the state of supply in the consumer market and other factors.

One of the principles for the formation of a product range at a wholesale trade enterprise is to ensure its sustainability, which is especially important when it comes to consumer goods.

And, finally, one of the important principles of the rational formation of the assortment of goods at a wholesale trade enterprise is to ensure the conditions for its profitable operation, which is especially important in a market economy.

the next stage in the formation of the assortment is to determine the number of varieties of goods sold for each item. It goes without saying that, while engaged in the formation of an assortment of goods, commercial services must constantly monitor the appearance of new goods on the market and involve them in the turnover. At the same time, they must take measures to exclude obsolete models from their product range, as well as products for which demand has sharply decreased.

The tool by which the regulation of the assortment of goods in the warehouses of wholesale enterprises is carried out is the assortment list. It includes a list of product names corresponding to the established breadth of the assortment, and the minimum required number of varieties of goods that must always be in stock.

The procedure for the formation of an assortment of goods in stores

The formation of the assortment of goods in stores, in contrast to wholesalers, has its own specifics. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the influence of many factors.

The following factors influence the construction of the assortment of goods in retail trade enterprises: the type and size of the store and its technical equipment; conditions for the supply of goods to the retail trade network (primarily the availability of stable sources); population served; transport conditions; the presence of a network of competing stores, etc.

It is known that one of the important features that determine the type of store is its assortment profile. Therefore, the first thing to consider when forming an assortment of goods is the type of retail trade enterprise.

The formation of the assortment of goods in retail trade enterprises is strongly influenced by the social composition of the population served and the nature of its labor activity, the level of development of culture, social security and the level of income of the population. A very significant factor is the level of prices for goods. In addition, one should take into account the age, sex, professional and national composition of the population, its traditions and customs, as well as the number and structure of families served.

When forming the assortment of goods, it is impossible not to take into account the presence of a network of competing stores, the range of goods presented in them, the level of prices for goods, methods of sale, services offered, etc.

The process of forming an assortment of goods in a retail trade network can be divided into three stages.

At the first stage, a group assortment of goods is established, i.e. the assortment profile of stores is determined. This work is carried out taking into account the existing principles for the placement of a retail network and on the basis of marketing research in area target market. With this in mind, the place and role of the store in the overall system of trade services for the city, district, etc. is determined.

The second stage involves the establishment of the quantitative ratio of individual groups of goods in the store, i.e. the structure of the group assortment is calculated.

At the third stage, the intragroup assortment is determined, i.e. the selection of specific varieties of goods of each group according to various criteria is carried out. At the same time, each store must ensure that the range of goods offered meets the demand of the population. They also take into account the influence of various factors on the construction of an assortment of goods in each particular retail trade enterprise.

Thus, the formation of the assortment of goods in stores should be primarily subordinated to the interests of the most complete satisfaction of the demand of the population, i.e. sufficient completeness of the assortment of goods well known to the population, the complexity of their offer should be ensured. In addition, the profitable operation of the store must be ensured.

29. Merchandising is the planning, implementation and control of the physical movement of goods from their places of production to their places of use.

Merchandise goals.

These goals are set on the basis of a compromise between the requirement for a minimum of costs and the creation of a system that provides maximum service to customers.

Maximum customer service means maintaining large inventories, an impeccable transportation system and multiple warehouses, all of which drive up distribution costs. The enterprise must find an appropriate compromise and formulate goals that can guide planning.

Transportation. The choice of carrier determines the level of prices, the timeliness of delivery and the condition of the goods at the time of arrival at their destinations. When shipping goods, an enterprise can choose one or another mode of transport or a combination of them.

Railway transport is the largest carrier in the country. Railways are the most cost-effective mode of transport for transporting wagonloads of goods (coal, ore, sand, agricultural and forest products) over long distances. Efficient transport possible certain types other goods.

The cost of transporting bulky, non-perishable, low-value goods such as sand, coal, grain, oil, and metal ores by water is very low. But water transport is the slowest and is often affected by weather conditions.

Road transport is constantly increasing its share in transportation. In cities, motor vehicles carry the bulk freight traffic. This type of transportation is extremely flexible, allowing you to use various options for the route and schedule. Trucks are able to transport goods from door to door, eliminating the need for unnecessary transportation.

Pipeline transport is a means of transporting gas, oil, coal and chemical products from their places of origin to markets. Transportation of petroleum products through oil pipelines is cheaper than through railway, but somewhat more expensive than by water. This, along with air, is the most modern look transport.

Air transport is becoming increasingly important. Although air freight rates are the highest, air transportation is preferred where speed is of the essence or distances are very long. Often the use of air transport can reduce the level inventory, reduce the number of warehouses, reduce packaging costs.

Choice of mode of transport. This choice is made taking into account a number of factors. So, if the sender is interested in urgent transportation, then he opts for air or road transport. If its goal is minimum costs, then a choice is made between water and pipeline transport. Thanks to containerization, shippers are increasingly resorting to the simultaneous use of two or more modes of transport. Containerization is the loading of goods into boxes or trailers that are easy to reload from one mode of transport to another. Any mixed mode of transportation provides the sender with certain benefits. Over time, the costs of different modes of transport change, and it is necessary to revise transportation schemes.

When organizing the process of product distribution, a number of factors affecting the efficiency of the process should be taken into account. They are combined into such groups: production factors, transport factors, as well as social and trade factors.

Production factors: location of production, existing specialization of production, seasonality in the manufacture of certain types of goods.

Also, a particular specialization of production in the production of a sometimes rather narrow range of consumer goods has a great influence on the organization of the process of commodity circulation. To a greater extent, this applies to goods with a complex assortment, since small stores cannot receive them without preliminary sorting in wholesale trade establishments. At the same time, most of the goods, before entering the retail trade enterprise, first pass through the chain through one or several sectors of the wholesale trade.

The production of individual groups of consumer goods is seasonal, and the seasonality of production in some cases is very pronounced.

Transport factors include the state of highways, the types of transport used in the movement of goods, and some other related ones. The fleet of vehicles must also meet modern requirements for the rational and efficient organization of goods movement, which requires appropriate specialized transport, vehicles different carrying capacity, cargo capacity and cross-country ability.

Social factors have a significant impact on the distribution process. These include the density of population settlement in districts and regions, the level of material prosperity, and others. With a low population density, for example, organize the delivery of goods end users much more difficult than in places where the population density is quite high: goods have to be transported over much longer distances and they pass through a greater number of intermediate links.

The level of money income of people has a decisive influence on the intensity of the process of commodity circulation.

So: the process of commodity circulation is influenced by such trade factors as the size, location and specialization of enterprises and trade establishments, the complexity of the assortment of groups of goods and the properties of these goods, as well as the level of organization of the supply of retail outlets. To a large extent, the distribution scheme depends on the properties and range of goods offered to the consumer. In particular, goods of a complex assortment, before entering the retail network, must be re-sorted in the link of wholesale points. The creation of special conditions in the developed schemes of commodity circulation is necessary when working with perishable products. The process of product distribution will follow different schemes, depending on the chosen form of supply of goods to the retail trade network. The form of the process adopted in the calculations and the number of links in it have a serious influence on the organization and efficiency of commodity circulation.

“Hello reader. Today we will talk about the range. And more precisely about how it should be. In any company, the assortment should be divided into appropriate categories and product groups. This is convenient for both customers and employees working with the assortment. The assortment matrix of any trading company should be based on the assortment matrix - its compilation will be discussed in this article.

The article turned out to be not at all small, but in a nutshell this component of the work of a marketer cannot be described. So have some patience.

What is an assortment matrix and what is it eaten with?

Assortment matrix - in fact, this is a kind of nomenclature list of absolutely all product names sold in a particular store, or a network of retail stores (if the assortment matrix is ​​​​formed for the entire network), compiled taking into account the characteristics of this store (network), as well as the assortment policy of the organization in in general.

Summarizing, the compilation of an assortment matrix is ​​an integral part of the assortment policy of a trading company, regardless of its organizational structure.

In general, the compilation of an assortment matrix in a retail store cannot be an end in itself, but should be the result of the formation of an assortment for a specifically designated point of sale. However, in any case, the assortment matrix is ​​created only after a clearly defined trade policy and strategy of the company. Ideally, the category manager (purchasing department manager, buyer) should be responsible for the creation and implementation of the assortment matrix, since only he knows where and what goods can be purchased.

Naturally, the assortment matrix is ​​by no means created by the forces of one categorizer. In this process, it is desirable that the marketing department, pricing and management team, represented by the commercial director, take part. However, their role is more to provide information on a particular product or product group, but the decision should be for the category manager.

Stages of compiling an assortment matrix

Stage number 1. Before compiling a product nomenclature, you need to clearly understand the format, dimensions and features of the store for which it will be intended. At this stage, almost all factors of the outlet are taken into account:

  • number of storeys, area of ​​the store, its shape;
  • its location (district, accessibility by buyers, presence of competitors, etc.);
  • socio-economic features of the area where the store is located;
  • estimated display of goods and commercial equipment.

Based on these data, the format of the retail outlet is determined (discounter, self-service store or off-the-shelf trade, its specialization, etc.). An understanding of the preferences of buyers in terms of the breadth of the line is also being formed. Positioning is being done. In other words, the compilation of the assortment matrix and, as a result, the purchase of goods, begins after having a clear strategy and positioning in the minds of buyers. However, this is ideal. In fact, it often happens that initially there is a purchase of goods for sale, and a disorderly one (if only the shelves were full), and then methods of selling it to their customers are developed. Which is fundamentally wrong in today's competitive environment.

Stage number 2. We segment buyers based on a study of current demand. This stage allows us to understand who our client is, what habits, requests and needs he has.

Methods of influencing the target audience, advertising and marketing concepts are determined. At the same time, on what basis these segments are created, it does not really matter. The main goal here is to understand who our client is and what their expectations are. The result of this stage of compiling the assortment matrix should be the choice of a key segment of buyers, to which the main efforts will be directed. There are several ways to obtain this information. As one of the options - a survey of potential buyers.

Stage number 3. We compare our own assortment with the assortment of competitors. At this stage of compiling the assortment matrix, it is necessary to understand who our competitors are and what position our retail outlet will take relative to them.

A large number of competitors, in principle, is not required, 3 - 5 will be enough. Having chosen the main competitors, you need to understand what advantages and disadvantages distinguish each of the competitors. It also compares the price level for key product groups. Based on the data obtained, as well as the adopted own strategy, we determine what our competitive advantages will be, for example, the depth or breadth of the presented assortment.

Stage number 4. We determine the main groups of goods presented in the store. Having decided on the location of the outlet, the preferences of customers, the depth and breadth of the competitors' assortment line, a vision of their own assortment is formed.

Based on the general concept of the store, the price level for the main groups of goods is fixed. Will our company be priced above or below the market, or something in between. Having understood the price level, we begin to look for suppliers for the groups of goods being sold.

Stage number 5. We break the range into categories. Perhaps this is the most interesting part of this task, at least for a marketer. Based on the preferences of the buyer, as well as their own knowledge of the psychology of the buyer, the marketer begins to break down key categories into subcategories, and then into individual items.

Why the most interesting? Yes, for one reason, scattering the assortment into categories and subcategories, one must proceed from the consideration of the buyer. Those. practically start thinking like a customer who comes to our store thinks. Why did he come? Behind the TV, so that it was huge, or behind the Samsung TV with a diagonal of 110 ', the color is gray. Or maybe he just needs a TV in general, and in order to meet 5,000 rubles. And so that the client does not leave without a purchase, the assortment of the store must be filled, based on key factors target buyer.

Stage number 6. Understanding the balance of the company's assortment. At this stage of compiling the assortment matrix, we analyze the balance of commodity items and categories. It is necessary to balance the assortment both in depth and in width, based on the key roles inherent in the product group. There are not so many roles for product categories. I will try to list the main ones:

  • unique goods - work on the company's image, and are more related to goods of impulse demand, i.e. those that grab, without hesitation, on the way to the checkout;
  • priority products – allow you to maximize profits and attract the main flow of customers. For such goods, the buyer can specially come to our store and, having not found the right product, leave without buying anything;
  • basic goods are also able to provide a flow of customers and have a high turnover. The buyer also comes for these goods on purpose, knowing that he will definitely find what he needs;
  • seasonal goods - aimed at the rotation of the assortment and attracting new customers;
  • convenient product categories - form loyal attitude buyers.

Stage number 7. Final compilation of the assortment matrix, formation of the final document. This is the final stage at which all information about the product is entered into a single database.

Additional properties are determined (color, brand, key parameters, packaging, etc.). In general, any data that can contribute to the convenience of the buyer's choice and analysis is recorded in one single array. The assortment minimum (i.e. the basis of the assortment of any store) is calculated for a specific retail outlet. It is worth noting that there should not be a deficit at this minimum in principle. That's why it is a minimum, only lower - a coffin.

Ultimately, in order for the assortment matrix to be understandable, realistically applicable in practice and convenient to use, three key rules must be observed:

  1. customer focus;
  2. shop specifics;
  3. optimization and nuances of assortment deliveries to the store.
Algorithm for creating an assortment matrix.

As mentioned earlier, the ideal assortment matrix is ​​created for a specific store, and the store is not yet open. However, things often turn out quite differently. The store has been operating for a long time, a certain circle of buyers has been formed and a decision is made whether we should change the assortment, well, it started. Below is an algorithm for creating an assortment matrix, so to speak from life, as I happened to do. In fact, it was necessary not to start everything from scratch, but to redo what had already been done once.

The first thing you need is a small product group containing items that are similar in their application, in this example This is the roulette group. A database is formed according to the main key parameters (product code, name, profit and quantity of goods sold for the year, current balance, retail price, brand, productivity).

The second thing we do is to break down the available assortment into price segments. Of course, the number of price segments can be anything, but I divided it into three equal pieces (cheap, medium, expensive). Blocks are also defined by key additional properties.

Third. We form a certain matrix of assortment representation in a particular price segment. As a result, we get a certain table containing key data for the analyzed group. In this table, we fix the number of positions, sales data.

Fourth. We analyze the received data. As a result, an understanding should come of which combination of “price segment” / “property of the product” is saturated or, on the contrary, is not filled in the context of the current assortment.

Fifth. We compile a similar table for selected competitors. I personally selected three competing companies and fixed the number of presented assortment in their price lists by key parameters. In other words, we create a similar matrix in terms of the number of positions for our competitors.

Sixth. In accordance with the adopted strategy of the company, we conclude that the assortment will be reduced or expanded. Also at this stage, a decision is made to fill in the empty intersections of the segments.

This is where my mission ended, all the data was agreed with the category manager and transferred to the internal database management department to make changes to the program and fix positions. If the manager wants to expand the assortment in any of the fixed segments, the program will not allow it.

On this, perhaps, I will end. I think now, reader, you have a certain understanding of what the assortment matrix is ​​and what key points should be taken into account when compiling it.

The BCG matrix, also called "growth - market share", is a simple and visual tool for portfolio analysis. Accessibility, originality of the names of the chart sectors made it very popular among marketers and managers. Consider the example of building a matrix in Excel.

Application examples of the BCG matrix

Using the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix, you can quickly and visually analyze product groups, branches of an enterprise or company based on their share in the relevant market segment and market growth rate. The application of the tool is based on two hypotheses:

  1. The market leader has a competitive advantage in production costs. Therefore, the leading company has the highest profitability in the segment.
  2. To work effectively in a fast-growing market, an enterprise needs to invest a lot in the development of its product. Presence in a segment with a low growth rate allows the company to reduce this cost item.

Using the BCG matrix, you can quickly identify the most promising and the “weakest” products (branches, companies). And already on the basis of the data received, make a decision: which assortment group (division) to develop, and which one to liquidate.

All the analyzed elements, after the work done on the analysis, fall into one of four quadrants:

  1. "Problems". Products present in high-growth industries but with low market share. Significant financial investments are needed to strengthen their position in the market. When an assortment group or division falls into this quadrant, the enterprise decides whether it has sufficient funds for development this direction. Without cash injections, the product does not develop.
  2. "Stars". Lines of business and products are leaders in a rapidly growing market. The task of the enterprise is to support and strengthen these products. The best resources should be allocated to them, because it is a stable source of income.
  3. "Money Bags" Products with a relatively high market share in a slow growing segment. They do not need high investments and are the main generator of funds. The proceeds from their sale should go to the development of "stars" or "wild cats".
  4. "Dead weight". Feature– relatively low market share in a slowly growing segment. These directions do not make sense to develop.

BCG matrix: an example of construction and analysis in Excel

Consider the construction of the BCG matrix on the example of an enterprise. Preparation:

Construction of the BCG matrix

In Excel, a bubble chart is best suited for this purpose.

Through the "Insert" add a construction area to the sheet. Enter the data for each row as follows:

On the horizontal axis - the relative market share (we set up a logarithmic scale: "Layout" - "Format of the horizontal axis"). On the vertical - the rate of market growth. The chart area is divided into 4 identical quadrants:

The central value for the market growth rate is 90%. For relative market share - 1.00. Based on these data, we will distribute the product categories:


  1. "Problems" - Goods 1 and 4. Investments are needed for the development of these items. Development scheme: creation competitive advantage- distribution - support.
  2. "Stars" - Goods 2 and 3. The company has such categories - and this is a plus. At this stage, only support is needed.
  3. "Cash Cows" - Good 5. Brings in a good profit that can be used to finance other products.
  4. "Dead weight" was not found.


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