Life and business

What is the labor function of an employee?

What is the labor function of an employee?

When hiring a new employee, the employer always stipulates the range of responsibilities that he will have to perform...

Systematization of factors in the analysis of economic activity

Systematization of factors in the analysis of economic activity

Factor analysis is understood as a method of complex and systematic study and measurement of the impact of factors on the value...

Budget for procurement of material resources The budget for materials is compiled on the basis

Budget for procurement of material resources The budget for materials is compiled on the basisThe purchasing budget, along with the budgets for sales, expenses, movement of fixed assets and intangible assets, describes the main activities of the company. Let's look at the composition of this functional budget and planning features. The procurement budget shows how much

The art of Gzhel: origins and modern development of the craft

The art of Gzhel: origins and modern development of the craftVarious methods and techniques can be used in the work; it is not difficult for the teacher to choose visual material: dishes, albums, illustrations, photographs, transparencies, posters, postcards, but show the correct drawing technique and brush writing techniques.

Presentation "history of the profession - electrician" as part of the festival of professions presentation for a lesson on the topic Presentation on the topic electrician technician

Presentation“Profession classes” - 8th grade propaedeutic stage of profile orientation. 7th grade Self-determination in the field of “person-work-profession”. 9th grade Pre-profile preparation. Preliminary diagnosis of interests, inclinations, abilities, educational background

Lawyer's resume: how to tell about your successes in clear language Sample lawyer's resume for a job sample

Lawyer's resume: how to tell about your successes in clear language Sample lawyer's resume for a job sampleThe functions of a lawyer in any company are limited to ensuring the legality of transactions, monitoring literacy when drawing up contracts and other documentation, and advising the manager on the legal aspects of commercial activities. From the qualifications of this

State corporation

State corporationThe economy of any state is based on the development of various enterprises, which, through their tax contributions to the country's treasury, ultimately form a positive balance. The presence of money in a country, in turn, is the key to a successful life for the population, a guarantee


Topic: Lipids Objectives: Study the structure, properties and functions of lipids in the cell

Topic: Lipids Objectives: Study the structure, properties and functions of lipids in the cell

LECTURE PLAN LIPID CHEMISTRY 1. Definition, role, classification. 2. Characteristics of simple and complex lipids. DIGESTION OF LIPIDS IN THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT 1. Role...

Presentation on the topic "coordination of movement" Presentation on the topic development of coordination abilities

Presentation on the topic

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and sign in:...

Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is the science and technology of creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent

Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is the science and technology of creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent

Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence is the science and technology of creating intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer...

Typical management mistakes and ways to eliminate them Basic properties of the external environment

Typical management mistakes and ways to eliminate them Basic properties of the external environment

What questions will you find answers to in this article: How to ensure that all business processes in an enterprise are effective, but at the same time not...

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