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Analysis of geographic information systems in economics. Geographic information systems in economics

, economy, defense.

Based on territorial coverage, there are global GIS, subcontinental GIS, national GIS, often with state status, regional GIS, subregional GIS and local GIS.

GIS differ in the subject area of ​​information modeling, for example, urban GIS, or municipal GIS, MGIS (urban GIS), environmental GIS (environmental GIS) Template:Nobr; Among them, land information systems received a special name, as they are particularly widespread. The problem orientation of GIS is determined by the tasks it solves (scientific and applied), including resource inventory (including cadastre), analysis, assessment, monitoring, management and planning, and decision support. Integrated GIS, IGIS (integrated GIS, IGIS) combine the functionality of GIS and digital image processing systems (remote sensing data) in a single integrated environment.

Multiscale, or scale-independent GIS (multiscale GIS) are based on multiple, or multiscale representations of spatial objects (multiple representation, multiscale representation), providing graphical or cartographic reproduction of data at any of the selected scale levels based on a single data set with the highest spatial resolution . Spatio-temporal GIS operates with spatio-temporal data. The implementation of geographic information projects (GIS project), the creation of a GIS in the broad sense of the word, includes the stages of: pre-project research (feasibility study), including the study of user requirements (user requirements) and the functionality of the GIS software used, feasibility study, correlation assessment “costs/profits” (costs/benefits); GIS system design (GIS designing), including the pilot-project stage, GIS development; its testing on a small territorial fragment, or test area, prototyping, or creating a prototype, or prototype; GIS implementation; operation and use. The scientific, technical, technological and applied aspects of the design, creation and use of GIS are studied by geoinformatics.

GIS tasks

  • Data entry. To be used in a GIS, data must be converted into a suitable digital format (digitized). In modern GIS, this process can be automated using scanner technology, or, for a small amount of work, data can be entered using a digitizer.
  • Data manipulation (for example, scaling).
  • Data management. In small projects, geographic information can be stored in the form of regular files, and as the volume of information increases and the number of users grows, DBMSs are used to store, structure and manage data.
  • Request and analysis of data - obtaining answers to various questions (for example, who is the owner of this land plot? At what distance from each other are these objects located? Where is this industrial zone located? Where is there space for building a new house? What is the main type of soil under spruce forests ? How will the construction of a new road affect traffic?).
  • Data visualization. For example, presenting data in the form of a map or graph.

GIS capabilities

GIS includes the capabilities of a DBMS, raster and vector graphics editors and analytical tools and is used in cartography, geology, meteorology, land management, ecology, municipal government, transport, economics, defense. GIS allows you to solve a wide range of problems - be it the analysis of such global problems as overpopulation, land pollution, reduction of forest land, natural disasters, or solving specific problems, such as finding the best route between points, selecting the optimal location for a new office, searching for a house according to its address, laying a pipeline on the ground, various municipal tasks.

The GIS system allows you to:

  • determine which objects are located on a given territory;
  • determine the location of the object (spatial analysis);
  • give an analysis of the distribution density of some phenomenon over the territory (for example, settlement density);
  • determine temporary changes in a certain area);
  • simulate what will happen when changes are made to the location of objects (for example, if you add a new road).

GIS classification

By territorial coverage:

  • global GIS;
  • subcontinental GIS;
  • national GIS;
  • regional GIS;
  • subregional GIS;
  • local or local GIS.

By management level:

  • federal GIS;
  • regional GIS;
  • municipal GIS;
  • corporate GIS.

By functionality:

  • fully functional;
  • GIS for viewing data;
  • GIS for data entry and processing;
  • specialized GIS.

By subject area:

  • cartographic;
  • geological;
  • city ​​or municipal GIS;
  • environmental GIS, etc.

If, in addition to GIS functionality, the system contains digital image processing capabilities, then such systems are called integrated GIS (IGIS). Multiscale or scale-independent GIS are based on multiple or multiscale representations of spatial objects, providing graphical or cartographic representation of data at any of the selected scale levels based on a single data set with the highest spatial resolution. Spatiotemporal GIS operate with spatiotemporal data.

Areas of application of GIS

  • Land management, land cadastres. To solve problems that have a spatial reference, they began to create GIS. Typical tasks are compiling cadastres, classification maps, determining the areas of plots and boundaries between them, etc.
  • Inventory, accounting, planning of placement of distributed production infrastructure objects and their management. For example, oil and gas companies or companies that manage the energy network, a system of gas stations, stores, etc.
  • Design, engineering surveys, planning in construction, architecture. Such GIS make it possible to solve a full range of problems related to the development of the territory, optimization of the infrastructure of the area under construction, the required amount of equipment, manpower and resources.
  • Thematic mapping.
  • Management of land, air and water transport. GIS allows you to solve problems of controlling moving objects, provided that a given system of relationships between them and stationary objects is fulfilled. At any moment you can find out where the vehicle is, calculate the load, the optimal trajectory, arrival time, etc.
  • Natural resource management, environmental activities and ecology. GIS helps determine the current state and reserves of observed resources, models processes in the natural environment, and carries out environmental monitoring of the area.
  • Geology, mineral resources, mining industry. GIS carries out calculations of mineral reserves based on the results of samples (exploration drilling, test pits) with a known model of the deposit formation process.
  • Emergencies. With the help of GIS, emergency situations are forecasted (fires, floods, earthquakes, mudflows, hurricanes), the degree of potential danger is calculated and decisions are made to provide assistance, the required amount of forces and resources are calculated to eliminate emergency situations, the optimal routes to the disaster site are calculated, assessment damage caused.
  • Military affairs. Solving a wide range of specific problems related to the calculation of visibility zones, optimal routes over rough terrain, taking into account countermeasures, etc.
  • Agriculture. Forecasting yields and increasing the production of agricultural products, optimizing their transportation and sales.


Before the start of each growing season, farmers must make 50 critical decisions: what to grow, when to sow, whether to use fertilizers, etc. Any of these can affect yields and the bottom line. Previously, farmers made such decisions based on past experience, tradition, or even conversations with neighbors and other acquaintances. Today, agriculture generates more geo-referenced data than most other industries. Data comes from a variety of sources: vehicle telemetry, weather stations, ground sensors, soil samples, ground observations, satellites and drones. With GIS, agricultural companies can collect, process, and analyze data to maximize resources, monitor crop health, and improve yields.

Transportation and logistics

Moving people and things often presents enormous logistical challenges. Imagine a hospital that wants to provide its patients with the best and fastest route home, or organ, at a certain time. local government who wants to organize optimal bus and light rail routes, or a manufacturer who wants to deliver their products as efficiently and economically as possible, or oil company, which plans to lay pipelines. In each of these cases, location data analysis is required to make informed business decisions.


Energy exploration uses satellite photography, geological maps of the earth's surface, and remote sensing to determine the economic feasibility of mining in a particular area. Energy companies use a huge amount of geographic data, since industrial sensors are now installed everywhere: laser sensors on airplanes, sensors on the surface of the earth when drilling wells, pipeline monitors, etc. Mapping and spatial analysis provide necessary knowledge to make decisions in compliance with regulatory requirements regarding the selection of sites and localization of resources.


As consumers increasingly use smartphones and wearable devices, traditional retailers can use geospatial technology to gain a more complete picture of past and present customer behavior. Because geospatial data is not about location, but rather location-related data, such as customer demographics or where people spend the most time in a store. All this data can be used when choosing a location for a store, determining the range of products and their placement, etc.

Defense and intelligence

Geospatial technology has transformed military and intelligence operations in every part of the world where troops are stationed. Commanders, analysts and other professionals need accurate GIS data to solve their problems. GIS helps assess the situation (creates a complete visual representation of tactical information), conduct operations on the ground (shows terrain conditions, altitudes, routes, land cover, objects and populated areas), in the air (transmits weather and visibility data to pilots; directs troops and supplies , gives target designation) and at sea (shows currents, wave heights, tides and weather).

Federal government

Timely and accurate geospatial intelligence has vital importance for decision making by federal agencies that are responsible for safety and security, infrastructure, resource management, and quality of life. GIS allows you to organize safety and security with operational support, coordinate defense, response to natural disasters, actions of law enforcement agencies, national security agencies and emergency services. In terms of infrastructure, GIS helps manage resources and assets for highways, ports, public transport and airports. Federal agencies are also using GIS to better understand the current and historical data needed to manage agriculture and forestry, mining industry, water and other natural resources.

Local authorities

Local authorities make decisions every day that directly affect residents and visitors. From road repairs and utility services to land valuation and land development, mapping applications are used to analyze and interpret GIS data. In addition, the population and landscape of cities and towns can change greatly in a relatively short time. To adapt to these changes and provide people with the level of service they expect, local governments are making extensive use of modern GIS technology to monitor traffic and road conditions, quality environment, the spread of disease, the distribution of public utilities (such as electricity, water and sewer), for the management of parks and other public land, and for the issuance of permits for camping, hunting, fishing, etc.

GIS structure

The GIS system includes five key components:

  • hardware. This is the computer running the GIS. Today, GIS operate on various types of computer platforms, from centralized servers to stand-alone or networked desktop computers;
  • software. Contains functions and tools necessary for storing, analyzing and visualizing geographic information. Such software products include: tools for entering and manipulating geographic information; database management system (DBMS or DBMS); tools to support spatial queries, analysis and visualization;
  • data. Spatial location data (geographic data) and associated tabular data may be collected and produced by the user themselves, or purchased from suppliers on a commercial or other basis. In the process of managing spatial data, a GIS integrates spatial data with other types and sources of data, and can also use the DBMS used by many organizations to organize and maintain the data they have at their disposal;
  • performers. GIS users can be both technical specialists who develop and maintain the system, and ordinary employees whom GIS helps solve current everyday affairs and problems;
  • methods.

History of GIS

Pioneer period (late 1950s - early 1970s)

Research of fundamental possibilities, border areas of knowledge and technology, development of empirical experience, first major projects and theoretical work.

  • The emergence of electronic computers (computers) in the 50s.
  • The advent of digitizers, plotters, graphic displays and other peripheral devices in the 60s.
  • Creation of software algorithms and procedures for graphically displaying information on displays and using plotters.
  • Creation of formal methods of spatial analysis.
  • Creation of database management software.

Period of government initiatives (early 1970s - early 1980s)

Government support for GIS stimulated the development of experimental work in the field of GIS based on the use of databases on street networks:

  • Automated navigation systems.
  • Urban waste and garbage removal systems.
  • Movement vehicles in emergency situations, etc.

Commercial development period (early 1980s - present)

A wide market for a variety of software, the development of desktop GIS, the expansion of their scope of application through integration with non-spatial databases, the emergence of network applications, the emergence of a significant number of non-professional users, systems that support individual data sets on individual computers, pave the way for systems that support corporate and distributed geodatabases.

User period (late 1980s - present)

Increased competition among commercial geo producers information technology services gives advantages to GIS users, the availability and “openness” of software allows the use and even modification of programs, the emergence of user “clubs”, teleconferences, geographically separated but related user groups, the increased need for geodata, the beginning of the formation of a global geoinformation infrastructure.

GIS structure

  1. Data (spatial data):
    • positional (geographic): the location of an object on the earth's surface.
    • non-positional (attributive): descriptive.
  2. Hardware (computers, networks, storage devices, scanner, digitizers, etc.).
  3. Software (software).
  4. Technologies (methods, procedures, etc.).


Federal state budget educational institution

higher education

Voronezh State Technical University

Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning

Department of Urban Planning


on the topic:

"Application of GIS in Economics"

Completed: student of group 2441B

Opritov A.A.

Checked: Assoc. Kolupaev A.V.

Voronezh 2017

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………....3

2. GIS today…………………………………………………………….3

3. Economic development……………………………………………...5

4. Commercial GIS from global manufacturers……………………13

5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………..17

6. References……………………………………………………18


A geographic information system (GIS) is a collection of spatial and attribute information software, hardware platform, means of comprehensive information analysis and its visual presentation. The history of the development of geographic information systems begins in the late 50s of the last century. The main contribution to the development of GIS for the period of the 50s - 60s. contributed by the USA, Canada and western Europe. Russia joined the global process of creating and developing geoinformation technologies only in the mid-1980s.

Geographic Information System (GIS) Today

Today GIS is one of the most modern promising technologies that many organizations are implementing into their production activities as a tool that improves business processes of enterprises.

It is believed that more than 60% of the information contained in corporate databases data have a spatial (geographical) component. There is also an opinion that a person in his activities uses more than 70% of information that has a spatial reference. The use of geographic information systems is becoming an integral part professional activity many enterprises and departments. The speed and ease of displaying data, the ability to generate multifaceted queries, access to external databases and at the same time the creation and maintenance of internal databases, the ability to integrate with various corporate information systems - this is not a complete list of benefits that a user working with GIS receives.

Geographic information systems for various areas operate with such important concepts, How:

· determination of the exact spatial location of objects,

· displaying a set of various information to make an informed decision,

· planning of repair and restoration work,

· monitoring of the environmental situation and natural resources,

· planning for the development of social infrastructure.

All these tasks are solved in classical GIS - industry, municipal, applied or specializing in a specific problem.

Rice. 1. Quantum GIS program

Rice. 2. Quantum GIS program

Rice. 3 Options for GIS programs

Rice. 4. Criticality Analysis program

GIS in economics

GIS is a set of technical, software and information tools that provide input, storage, processing, mathematical and cartographic modeling and a figurative integrated representation of geographic and associated attribute data to solve problems of territorial planning and management.
This technology combines traditional database operations, such as query and statistical analysis, with the benefits of rich visualization and geographic (spatial) analysis that a map provides. These capabilities distinguish GIS from other information systems and provide unique opportunities for its use in a wide range of tasks related to the analysis and forecast of phenomena and events in the surrounding world, with understanding and highlighting the main factors and causes, as well as their possible consequences, with planning strategic decisions and the ongoing consequences of the actions taken.
Geographic information systems were created to manage the process of resource distribution in space. They interact with other systems that manage processes related to the spatial distribution of resources.

Rice. 5. GIS technologies and statistics

In economics, in order to facilitate the management of economic processes and predict ways of development of the territory in a single methodological basis, GIS can also be used. On large enterprises For more efficient work in geographic information systems, computer networks (in particular, the Internet) are used, which facilitates the exchange of operational information.
In the USA, a special magazine "BusinessGeographies" appears, this is a supplement to GISWorld, it is dedicated to a description of the basic principles of GIS and applications of this technology in business. And in the Western press, new concepts of geomarketing are increasingly being used, linking business and geoinformation technologies into an inextricable whole.
Let us formulate the advantages of GIS over other information technologies:
the ability to directly link all attribute and graphic data to each other in HotLink mode.
providing geographic analysis and visualization of the database in the form of various maps, graphs, diagrams;
The scope of application of GIS in business covers different areas:
analysis and tracking of the current state and trends of market changes;
business activity planning;
optimal choice of location for new retail outlets of company or bank branches, warehouses, production facilities;
selection of the shortest or safest transportation routes and product distribution routes;
demographic studies conducted to determine demand for products;
Geographical reference of databases on land and home ownership.
The scheme for using geographic information technology in business is quite simple. Any company usually maintains several databases. Even if this is absent, any company uses a directory of telephones and faxes, a directory of addresses of clients or partners, a directory of opportunities and services of companies. This data needs to be systematized and visually presented in order to increase the efficiency of working with it. For this purpose, a desktop GIS and a set of digital maps of relevant topics are purchased. The address catalog is transferred to the GIS database and becomes an attribute characteristic of the map, creating an appropriate load on it. Then other databases are filled with data: about clients, suppliers, customers, etc.
When planning the development of centers economic management there is a need for optimal control, the totality commercial organizations, traffic flows, communication networks, etc. Such problems are solved using GIS methods. First, an integrated information base is created. The geocoded feature information is then loaded into a GIS database that is already loaded with map information at the required scales. By using methods of theoretical and numerical analysis, linear programming, optimization problems are solved. As a result of solving such problems, the optimal location of commercial centers is selected, the areas of influence of these centers are selected, traffic flows are optimized, and information support is optimized.
The geographic information system will allow:
1. quickly identify on the map where buyers and competitors are hiding;
2. determine the most profitable location for business for new production facilities, branches and retail outlets;
3. create summary diagrams of sales volumes for a month or year for areas of interest trading enterprises;
4. visually evaluate and obtain a comprehensive statistical summary of the dynamics of supply and demand in any area of ​​the market, for example in real estate transactions;
5. visually on the map and on the basis of accompanying digital and textual information, compare demographic characteristics for different countries, regions and areas;
6. identify and delineate environmentally unfavorable areas or zones of increased sensitivity of the natural environment to anthropogenic influences;
7. map, highlight and supplement with accompanying information areas of production, storage, discharge and accumulation of substances and materials harmful to people and living organisms.
Let's consider the operational use of geographic information systems and a computer network using the example of goods accounting in an enterprise consisting of warehouses and a chain of stores. The electronic map clearly shows the location of all objects and the movement of goods between them. The system allows you to select a separate object and determine the turnover of products in it. Studying demand helps to react quickly when managing production: to purchase on time and send goods to the right point. Analysis of the operational summary of the roadway condition will help develop a transport route.
IN different countries ah GIS is used in business. With the help of GIS, for example, UK businessmen are opening new supermarkets, gas stations and car service stations.
In South Africa, GIS is used in wholesale and retail sales cars; distribution and distribution of mail and other correspondence, including advertising, in accordance with the individual needs, professional interests and income of each resident entered in the database; wholesale supplies of groceries; creation of an information system with address and cartographic reference for commercial companies and firms.
In France, GIS users include, for example, automobile companies Citroen, Renault and Peugeot, which are actively introducing cartography into their daily activities.
In the USA, the Infomark-GIS GIS system has been developed, specifically designed for marketing applications and supporting the decision-making process. The system easily integrates with more than 60 national business databases and can be localized for special tasks, typical for real estate transactions, without much additional effort. restaurant business, sales of consumer goods, activities of public utilities, banking and financial industry. This system combines the tools of the Arclnfo, ArcView packages and the developer's own product Infomark.
CastilloCompany, Inc., Phoenix, uses ArcInfo to identify areas with a certain population, within a given distance from an airport, with homes that have a certain average price, or that meet many other criteria in more than 50 countries around the world.
The results and solutions provided by the company contribute to the selection of optimal, most profitable strategies and tactics of action for its clients, rapid response to changing market conditions, and, if necessary, reorientation of the activity profile of commercial firms.
Such a specific area of ​​business as fast delivery of correspondence cannot do without GIS. For more than 25 years, the private company FederalExpress has been mailing postal items all over the world. This uses the geocoding tools of the Arclnfo package. Its database stores addresses, postal codes, titles, first and last names of millions of residents and organizations from different countries. Their locations, routes and flight schedules, boundaries of administrative regions, and other useful information are linked to the corresponding maps. successful work information. The ultimate goal of using GIS is the best satisfaction of the needs and requests of customers and clients, both in the present and in the future and, as a consequence, the prosperity of the company and its consistently high competitiveness.
The range of GIS software products offered by ESRI is the widest in comparison with competitors in the geographic information technology market. It includes simple end-user tools ArcView 1 and ArcView 2, full-featured GIS PC Arclnfo and ArcCAD running on personal computers, and the most powerful software functionality Arclnfo software package runs on all major UNIX workstation platforms.
An important advantage is the complementarity (full compatibility) of all ESRI multi-level products. The results of working with one package will not be lost if the user deems it appropriate to replace it or additionally use any other from the ESRI family. All of them work in a single information environment Arclnfo. Hundreds of specialized software products(applications) for many branches of science and practice. During development latest versions ESRI software products provide the ability to use the most common types of external relational databases and converters for data files in popular formats.
The first and second versions of the ArcView software product are simple and effective tools for visualizing and analyzing any data about objects and phenomena randomly distributed throughout the territory. The areas of their application are diverse: business and science, education and management, sociological, demographic and political studies, industry and ecology, transport and oil and gas industries, land use and cadastres, public utilities.
ArcView can be used by managers, planners, analysts and scientists to more fully understand the real-life problems they face in relation to their company's operations, and to geo-target information useful for solving these problems.
For example, when choosing a location for a new store using a map in ArcView 2, the user has the opportunity to first view data on product sales for previous months in other retail outlets, about the demographic and social composition of potential buyers, and additionally display a photograph or floor plan of the building on the monitor screen, where It is supposed to open a store and highlight competitors’ stores on this or a more detailed map displayed as part of the same image.
Businessmen who are introduced to such opportunities for the first time are often amazed to suddenly see and understand where they can find new buyers and clients, where competition with rival firms is most intense, what kind of people live and work in the area of ​​your outlet, what demand and, therefore, what kind of income you can expect.
After such an analysis, the feasibility of opening a store may become obvious, or it becomes clear that it is necessary to select another location or change the assortment of goods and the volume of turnover.
Thus, geographic information systems provide ample opportunities for informed adoption of operational and long-term decisions that ensure the sustainability of the organization’s economic development. In the future, a thematic map will become as common a form of presenting the final activities of any enterprise as all kinds of pie and column charts have become today.

Rice. 6. GIS program map options

In South Africa, GIS is used in: wholesale and retail sales of vehicles; distribution and distribution of mail and other correspondence, including advertising, in accordance with the individual needs, professional interests and income of each resident entered in the database; wholesale supplies of groceries; creation of an information system with address and map reference for commercial companies and firms with sales volumes of more than 50 thousand dollars.

In Spain, GIS is used by large banks to develop development plans and coordinate the activities of regional depositor service centers.

In France, GIS users include, for example, automobile companies Citroen, Renault and Peugeot, which are actively introducing cartography into their daily activities. The IBM-258 France regional center was able to increase sales of hardware and software, accelerated service clients by increasing the efficiency of interaction with 1,200 business partners, new opportunities for operational analysis of the results of their departments and numerous dealers as a result of the joint use of the potential of GIS analytical tools and their own Trajectoire database. The experience of using such a combination turned out to be so successful that the universal analytical business system created in two weeks itself became a market product, and a number of companies not directly related to the computer business showed interest in purchasing it.

In New Zealand, Eagle Technology, based on the Arc View package, has developed its own View/NZ application - a multifunctional tool for analyzing consolidated tabular, text and cartographic business data, demographic, statistical, land, municipal, address and other information. The use of this application helps to refocus the main goal of marketing efforts from meeting the average needs of the population of a city or region to promptly responding to the requests of every person living or working in the area where the company’s goods are sold. The fundamentally new level of service achieved with this approach is called personalized marketing.

In the USA, Equifax National Decision Systems, located in San Diego (California), developed the Infomark-GIS GIS system in mid-1993, specifically designed for marketing applications and supporting the decision-making process. The system easily integrates with more than 60 national business databases and can be localized without much additional effort for special tasks typical for: real estate transactions, restaurant business, sales of consumer goods, utilities, banking and financial industries .

Some of the first users of the system were Levi Straus & Co., Tennessee Valley Authority, Boston Chicken and Friday's (formerly TGI Fridays). The system combines the tools of the Arclnfo, Arc View packages and the developer company's own product Infomark.

Over the past decade, a large group of companies have appeared in the United States and other countries, specializing in business consulting services, conducting analytical marketing research based on GIS.

For example, specialists from Castillo Company, Inc., Phoenix (Arizona), using the Arclnfo package, can easily identify areas with a certain population composition, located at a given distance from the airport, with houses having a certain average cost, or meeting many other criteria.

The customers of the ever-expanding range of marketing, demographic, sociological, political science and many complex interdisciplinary problems solved by the company are both private companies and government organizations, such as the US Geological Survey.

The results and solutions provided by the company contribute to the selection of optimal, most profitable strategies and tactics for its clients, rapid response to changing market conditions, and, if necessary, reorientation of the activity profile of commercial firms. The latter clearly dominate Castillo Company, Inc.'s clientele, including computer giants Motorola and Intel.

Such a specific area of ​​business as fast delivery of correspondence cannot do without GIS. For more than 25 years, the privately owned Federal Express has been sending mail around the world. This demanding work has been carried out over the past seven years using the geocoding tools of the Arclnfo package. Its database stores addresses, postal codes, titles, first and last names of millions of residents and organizations from different countries. Their location, routes and flight schedules, boundaries of administrative regions, and other information useful for successful work are linked to the corresponding maps.

According to many businessmen and analysts, the scope of applications of GIS technologies is limitless. They enter the world of business, turning all ideas about purpose and economic efficiency geographic methods for visualization and analysis of routine information. GIS transforms this information into new knowledge that is unique in its applied value.

The use of GIS technologies is especially successful and beneficial in mass transportation of goods and people, when creating networks of optimally located retail outlets, analyzing existing and potential markets and areas of product sales, in oil, gas and electric companies, as well as in commercial firms involved in real estate transactions, to justify, expand and support banking operations, in the work of airlines and telecommunications corporations, and a number of other areas of business activity.

The ultimate goal of using GIS is the best satisfaction of the needs and requests of customers and clients, both in the present and in the future and, as a consequence, the prosperity of the company and its consistently high competitiveness.

Rice. 7. New GIS architecture

Commercial GIS from global manufacturers

ESRI (www.esri.com) was founded in 1969 by Jack and Laura Dangermond. The name ESRI is an acronym for Environmental Systems Research Institute, which translates to “Environmental Systems Research Institute.” ESRI's first commercial product, ARC/INFO, was released in 1981. Today, ESRI is one of the leaders in the GIS industry. The family of software products developed by ESRI (ArcGIS) has become widespread throughout the world and, in particular, in Russia.

Intergraph (formerly MS Computing Inc) was founded in 1969 and specialized in consulting services. Intergraph has advised various government agencies on the use of digital computer technology. To satisfy the needs of its first customers, the company offered technologies that were later used in graphics systems - this approach is reflected in the company name, composed of the words Interactive and Graphics. Currently, Intergraph Corporation is a world-renowned development organization in the field of technologies such as computer graphics, geographic information systems, hardware computer graphics accelerators, a complete environment for design and solid modeling, and much more.

Simultaneously with ESRI and Intergraph, the English Ferranti and the Swiss Contraves were founded (a little later they were joined by the Norwegian Koninglike Wappenfabriek and the German Messerschmidt-Boelkow-Bluehm). Ferranti offered a geographic information system for cadastral mapping in the late 70s, but soon disappeared from the market.

Survey companies such as Wild and Kern (which later merged with Leica) began creating GIS, inspired by the successful project in Basel. The companies followed different paths - one of them adapted American products for the European market, the second developed its own product.

One of the leading companies in the GIS development industry, MapInfo Corporation, was founded in 1986. Its products include desktop GIS, various mapping products, and some web applications. The company's most famous product is the GIS MapInfo Proffesional. In Russia, MapInfo Proffesional is one of the most widespread geographic information systems.

Founded in 1982, Autodesk Corporation, the world's largest supplier of software for the industrial and civil engineering, mechanical engineering, media and entertainment markets, released the AutoCAD Map software product for creating geographic information systems in 1996. The 150 thousand AutoCAD users using it in the field of cartography deserved special attention at that time.

Bentley Systems, Inc. (USA) was founded in 1984. Its specialization is complex GIS-CAD technologies. For the first ten years of its existence, Bentley was a one-product company, MicroStation, a professional, high-performance graphics system for 2D and 3D computer-aided design. Since 1995, Bentley began to rapidly expand its area of ​​interest and, accordingly, the range of software products offered. Bentley's current focus is on GIS technology.

Rice. 8. The growth of the global GIS market in 2012-2016 was ensured by the widespread use of 3D systems by government agencies and organizations

Another fast-growing market for GIS applications is telecommunications. Infiniti Research analysts claim that the average annual growth rate in this segment in the period from 2012 to 2016. will be 9.9%

Tutorial is devoted to the basics of geographic information systems and technologies (GIS technologies). The history of the emergence and development of GIS technologies, areas of application, classification and market of GIS, issues of their use to solve various applied problems related to management and business are considered. Shown functional organization software of instrumental GIS platforms. The review of technologies for input and processing of spatial information outlines the most important sources data, such as: existing maps, Earth remote sensing (RS) data, global positioning systems (GPS) data, data in exchange formats of other systems. Common exchange formats for spatial data are given. Considered structural organization GIS based on thematic layers, maps and projects, as well as data models that form the basis of GIS technologies. The mathematical basis of the map is considered: popular geographic coordinate systems and their projections onto the plane, including the Gauss-Kruger projection and UTM. The range of tasks of spatial analysis, methods of working with data are shown: SQL queries, thematic mapping, diagrams, dialog forms and macros (using the example of the GeoGraph GIS). The manual is intended for senior undergraduate students, master's students or graduate students of economic universities; it may also be useful to teachers of higher education educational institutions who want to get acquainted with the basics of geographic information technologies and apply them in their activities.

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Scientific and educational laboratory of quantitative analysis and economic modeling V.E. Turlapov GEOINFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN ECONOMY Educational and methodological manual Nizhny Novgorod NF SU-HSE 2007 UDC 332.1 BBK 65.04 T 61 Turlapov V.E. Geographic information systems in economics: Educational and methodological manual. – Nizhny Novgorod: NF GU-HSE, 2007. – 118 p. The textbook is devoted to the basics of geographic information systems and technologies (GIS technologies). The history of the emergence and development of GIS technologies, areas of application, classification and market of GIS, issues of their use to solve various applied problems related to management and business are considered. The functional organization of software for instrumental GIS platforms is shown. The review of technologies for input and processing of spatial information outlines the most important data sources, such as: existing maps, Earth remote sensing (ERS) data, global positioning systems (GPS) data, data in exchange formats of other systems. Common exchange formats for spatial data are given. The structural organization of GIS is considered based on thematic layers, maps and projects, as well as the data models that form the basis of GIS technologies. The mathematical basis of the map is considered: popular geographic coordinate systems and their projections onto the plane, including the Gauss-Kruger projection and UTM. The range of tasks of spatial analysis, methods of working with data are shown: SQL queries, thematic mapping, diagrams, dialog forms and macros (using the example of the GeoGraph GIS). The manual is intended for senior undergraduate students, master's students or graduate students of economic universities; it may also be useful to teachers of higher educational institutions who want to get acquainted with the basics of geographic information technologies and apply them in their activities. UDC 332.1 BBK 65.04 © V.E. Turlapov, 2007 © NF SU-HSE, 2007 2 Contents 1. Emergence and development of GIS technologies.............................. ........................................5 1.1. History of the emergence of GIS......................................................... ...........................................5 1.2. Areas of application and examples of application of GIS technologies....................................7 1.3. General functional components of GIS................................................................. ..............11 1.4.Software of modern GIS platforms.................................... ..........13 2. Russian geoinformatics market: state, problems, prospects. ...............15 2.1. State of the geoinformatics market in the Russian Federation in 2006 .............................. ...............................15 2.2. Main trends and problems of market development................................................... ....21 3.Principles of GIS organization.................................... ...........................................23 3.1. Layer, map and project, as the basis for organizing information in GIS...................23 3.2.Spatial objects of layers and their models........ ...........................................25 3.2. 1.Vector models........................................................ ........................................................ ............ 26 3.2.2.Vector topological models.................................. ........................................................ 27 3.2.3.Raster models.................................................... ........................................................ ................ 29 3.2.4. TIN models.................................... ........................................................ ............................................... 31 3.3. Problems of spatial analysis solved by modern GIS.....................31 4.Mathematical basis of the map.................. ........................................................ ................33 4.1. Map, its meaning and information complexity.................................................... ......33 4.2. The concept of map projections. Classification of projections by distortion and projection methods.................................................... ...........................34 4.2.1.Projecting an ellipsoid onto a plane and associated distortions...... ............... 35 Relationships between distortions and distribution of distortions on the map ............................ 37 4.2.2 .Classification of projections according to the type of meridians and parallels of the normal grid..... 37 4.3. Selecting a coordinate system........................................................ ........................................41 4.3.1.Geographical coordinate system. ........................................................ ........................... 41 4.3.2. Common geographic coordinate systems and map projections......... ........................................................ ........................................................ ....................... 42 4.3.3. Comparison of the Gauss-Kruger projection with UTM ............... ................................................... 45 4.4 . Layout and nomenclature of topographic maps......... ........................................47 5. Transformations of coordinate systems for layers and maps ...........................................49 5.1.Plane transformations ........................................................ ....................................52 5.1.1.Shift and rotation by two points... ........................................................ ........................... 52 5.1.2.Affine transformation............ ........................................................ ........................... 53 5.1.3. Projective transformation.................. ........................................................ .......................... 53 5.1.4.Quadratic transformation.................. ........................................................ ..................... 54 5.1.5.Transformation by polynomials of the 5th degree.................. ........................................................ 54 5.1.6. Local affine transformation................................................................. ........................... 55 5.2. Converting map projections.................................................................... .....55 6.Sources and means of input/output of spatial information................58 6.1. Remote sensing data (RSD)............................................................ ............59 6.2.GPS receiver data.................................... ........................................................ ..........59 6.2.1. Operating principle of GPS receivers.................................... ........................................................ . 59 6.2.2.NMEA protocol for GPS data exchange................................................. ............................... 63 6.2.3.Using GPS devices in GIS...... ........................................................ .............. 66 6.3. Source data formats in GIS GeoGraph.................................... ...............................68 3 7.Creating a project and geodatabase. Queries, thematic maps, forms, diagrams, macros.................................................... ........................................................ ...............71 7.1.Project and geodatabase................................. ........................................................ ........................71 7.2.Creating a layer database.................................. ...................................................77 7.2.1.Tables.................................................... ........................................................ .......................... 77 7.2.2.Requests........... ........................................................ ........................................................ ............... 80 7.2.3. Topics. Thematic mapping................................................................... ...................... 80 7.2.4.Forms.................................. ........................................................ ........................................................ ...... 81 7.2.4. Macros........................................................ ........................................................ ........................ 83 7.2.5. Diagrams........................................................ ........................................................ ..................... 85 8. Database tools.................................. ........................................................ ......87 8.1.QUERIES as an implementation of the relationship "spatial object - object attributes".................................. ........................................................ ...............................................87 8.2. QBE REQUESTS................................................... ........................................................ .......89 8.2.SQL QUERY.................................... ........................................................ ....................98 8.3.Examples of spatial analysis problems.................................... ....................................104 8.3.1.Construction of buffer zones..... ........................................................ .................................... 104 8.3.2.Logical overlay of layers...... ........................................................ .................................... 107 9. Data exchange formats in GIS..... ........................................................ ....................109 9.1. Exchange format VEC (GIS IDRISI) .................................................... .......................109 9.2. MOSS (Map Overlay and Statistic System) exchange format .............................................109 9.3. Exchange format GEN (ARC/INFO GENERATE FORMAT - GIS ARCI/NFO) ................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ....110 9.4. Exchange format MIF (MapInfo Interchange Format - GIS MAPINFO) .......... 111 Questions for self-control......................... ........................................................ .................115 Literature................................... ........................................................ ........................................116 4 1. Emergence and development of GIS technologies 1.1. History of GIS The abbreviation GIS literally stands for geographic information system or geographic information system. A GIS can be thought of as a set of hardware and software tools used to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, and display spatial (originally geographic) information. The term geoinformation has now come to mean something more than its expanded version. Why, we will become clear later. The first GIS is considered to be the system created in 1962 in Canada by Alan Tomlinson, which was called the Canadian Geographic Information System. The first GIS consisted of entire rooms occupied by computing equipment and many shelves filled with punched cards with spatial and descriptive information about objects (coordinates). Due to the high cost, such GIS were few in number and available only to large government organizations, as well as organizations managing the exploitation of natural resources. The development of GIS in its modern understanding and role as a technology is undoubtedly associated with the rapid development of information technologies in general and, first of all, with the development of the hardware base. Three sources of the birth of GIS technologies. GIS technologies are designed to work with any data that has a spatiotemporal reference, which has led to their rapid dissemination and widespread use in many branches of science and technology, and above all, in areas related to the use of maps and plans. The value of the card is difficult to overestimate various fields human activity and society as a whole. Digital geodesy and digital cartography (Automated Mapping, AM) have become a natural extension of traditional sciences and the first of three sources of GIS technologies. They learned to describe, structure, store and process spatial geodetic and cartographic information well, and solve problems of cartographic algebra. The second source was the development of database management systems (DBMS), which provided rational methods for storing all types of information and real time access to data even if it is distributed storage, and sometimes thanks to it. Ordinary (non-spatial) data that is somehow related to spatial data is called attribute information in GIS. Already these two components have powerful potential, which has made it possible to effectively develop digital cartography and automation of management of engineering networks and communications (Facilities Management, FM). The spatial information of FM systems was largely 5 based on information about utility network designs built in computer-aided design (CAD) systems. In the late 1980s, the first environmental GIS appeared in the United States. During this time, the Wilderness Society and the Sierra Biodiversity Institute conducted the first mapping of old-growth forests using GIS technologies, aerial and space imagery. In the early 1990s, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service began a project to analyze the system of protected areas using GIS (GAP analysis) and its correspondence to the diversity of ecosystems across all US states. However, these GIS still required rather expensive software and hardware (high-performance workstations), and did not reach the level of mass technology. Taking the third and final step to reach the level of mass technology allowed the development of computing and networking capabilities of mass media. personal computer to the level of the workstation's capabilities. The first publicly available, fully functional GIS capable of running on personal computers appeared in 1994 (ArcView 2.0). Since that time, the rapid development of GIS as a mass technology began. GIS technologies have made great strides in life and various mass tasks: management; trade, transport and warehousing; agriculture; ecology and environmental management; healthcare; tourism; construction; optimal investment, etc. The basis for the attractiveness of GIS technologies is: the clarity of the spatial representation of the results of database analysis; powerful data integration capabilities, including the possibility of joint research of attributive information factors that have spatial intersection; possibility of changing spatial information based on the results joint analysis attribute and spatial databases. If we talk about the beginnings of digital cartography, the world's first digital terrain model (DTM, Digital Terrain Model) was created in 1957 by MIT professor Miller. It was a digital terrain model and was intended for road design. Subsequently, DMMs began to be used in other areas. Cartographers and surveyors realized that they could serve as the basis for mapping automation. In the USSR, the first attempts to create a DEM were made in the 1960s. But already in the early 70s and 84, satellites were launched that provided global coverage of the globe with stereo imaging to create 1:50,000 scale maps of unsurpassed quality. 6 As we enter the second decade of the GIS information revolution, one of the most basic user requirements for spatial data—high-quality 3D data—still remains the most challenging. People involved in three-dimensional modeling and software development to simulate the movement of objects in space need digital models of relief and terrain (DEM and DTM), and an increasing number of specialists are considering the option of moving from two-dimensional to three-dimensional geographic information systems. 1.2. Areas of application and examples of application of GIS technologies The scope of application of GIS technologies extends to solving problems that use cartographic and spatial information. Today, the following areas of application have fully developed: 1. cartography and engineering geodesy (creation and updating of maps and plans); 2. management of engineering networks and communications; 3. management of protection (ecology) and development of natural resources; 4. enterprise and business management (including transport and cargo transportation, territorial and economic analysis, etc.); 5. management of territories (including land use, property); 6. spatial navigation; 7. information communication in society. The first area of ​​application serves both its own needs and provides a spatial basis for all other areas. Spatial navigation and information communication are areas available today to almost anyone, the remaining areas are served by management. Navigation and information communication in society. Using GIS web services similar to the Google site (www.maps.google.com) Fig. 1.1. Measuring in Google the length of the path along the streets on the map of N. Novgorod. 7 Fig.1.2. The center of N. Novgorod in the form of a satellite image in the Google Earth system Fig. 1.3. A section of the city with the exact coordinates of its topographic reference in Google Earth Business management. Western business firms use GIS to select the location of new supermarkets: warehouse location and service area are determined by modeling delivery and the influence of competing warehouses. GIS is also used for supply management. 8 Territory management. The tasks of managing a district, regional or municipal economy are one of the largest areas of GIS applications. In any area of ​​administration activity (land survey, land use management, replacement of office work technology, resource management, accounting for the state of property, Fig. 1.5. An example of analyzing the dynamics of income from property and real estate, before using a negative and positive color range (GIS MapInfo) highways) GIS technologies are applicable. They are used at command posts of monitoring centers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. GIS is today an integral component of any municipal or regional management information system. To protect the environment, special environmental safety centers (ESC) were created in the constituent entities of the federation, equipped with modern GIS technologies. The GIS of these services used digital maps created by aerial geodetic enterprises of Roscartography, and sometimes they themselves prepared such maps based on existing paper maps. Particularly effective in environmental Fig. 1.6. GIS (based on GeoGraph) of the Center for Environmental Safety GIS apparatus for constructing buffer zones and tasks of the Nizhny Novgorod region: more than 80 cartographic algebra. Ecological general geographic and more than 60 ecological layers; volume constantly GIS today are able to solve many problems with updated information, more than 30 files, including about 500 fields vital for the region, including problems using three-dimensional terrain. Forest management services of the Russian Federation, geological exploration and environmental management departments are also advanced in the field of GIS. 9 Engineering networks. Organizations providing public utilities, most actively use GIS to manage engineering communications (pipelines, cables, transformers, substations, etc.). Similar problems are solved by the engineering services of large enterprises. The tasks of GIS in this area of ​​application often include predicting the behavior of utility networks in response to deviations - Fig. 1.7. GIS for management of engineering communications based on AutoCAD Map is different from the norm, as well as tools for designing networks on the terrain and mapping the laying of communications. Recognized leaders in engineering GIS are the powerful AutoCAD Map and AutoCAD Civil tool systems from Autodesk. Problems of urban planning and its investment attractiveness. Assessment of the possibility of construction, encumbrances, pollution zones, recreation areas, construction costs and selling prices of housing based on information about the territory integrated into GIS - construction of zones for a combination of factors and regulations based on buffer zones and overlays. Transport. GIS has enormous potential for planning and supporting transport infrastructure. Today this is especially effective, since it is possible to use GPS receivers to monitor the movement of heavy vehicles and other vehicles. Obviously for everyone modern organizations, especially for organizations that directly manage territories, GIS is the best way to store information about, above and below an area of ​​land or sea. 10


Geographic Information System (GIS) is an Automated Information System (AIS) designed for processing spatiotemporal data, the basis for the integration of which is geographic information (digital maps)

GIS technologies: is a set of methods and techniques for the practical use of geoinformatics achievements for manipulating spatial data, their presentation and analysis

ELEMENTS OF CARTOGRAPHY Nomenclature - a way of designating (identifying) sheets (fragments) of a geographical map l Basic cartographic projections: Gauss-Kruger projection (CIS) Mercator projection, UTM (common in the West) Topology - a set of integrity rules and software tools that determine the behavior of spatially related geographic objects and object classes l

Features of data organization in GIS Spatial graphic information (point, linear and polygonal or areal objects) l Thematic (attributive) information characterizing spatial objects l Layer-by-layer organization of data (thematic layers, time slices and vertical levels) l Raster and vector representation of data ( advantages of vector representation: it takes up less space in computer memory, has the property of scalability) l

1. 2. THEMATIC SECTIONS OF GIS Land and real estate Territorial administration and municipal GIS Environmental management Engineering communications and networks Surveys, design, construction Navigation, communications, transport Education Geodesy Cartography, GIS Remote sensing of the Earth Defense, law and order, emergency situations, data protection Technologies Health Care Demography and statistics

1. 3. WHAT CAN GIS DO FOR ECONOMISTS? Perform spatial queries and analysis Improve integration within the organization Make more informed decisions Provide a variety of information requested by planning authorities Create versatile electronic maps

APPLICATION OF GIS IN ECONOMY Analysis and tracking of the current state Planning of business activity Optimization according to various selection criteria Decision support Selecting the safest routes Risk analysis material investments Demographic research Determination of demand for products tied to the territory Geocoding GIS and spatial data analysis Geographical reference of databases on land cadastres, real estate ... Assessment of economic risk and emergency damage Forecast of economic efficiency for sectors of the national economy Mobile GIS GIS and logistics (product flow processes) GIS in the tourism business etc.

GIS and banking services optimal location of branches collection efficient management of GIS resources and education GIS educational institution Distance learning methods Economic geoinformatics

Municipal GIS l l l l Development planning Resource management Socio-economic activities GIS IN TOUR BUSINESS Search for a tour (type and place of vacation, booking tickets, visas, excursions ...) Travel agencies Travel routes (Europe, Asia, Africa, ...) GIS service (world weather, currency of the world...)

BUSINESS GIS APPLICATIONS GIS for demographic analysis GIS for customer and partner communications GIS for product delivery and routing GIS for location selection and analysis GIS for marketing analysis and planning Internet service delivery (Web mapping) GIS data GIS software for business people: Arc. View Gis with additional modules - Arc. View Business Analyst; Business Map PRO; Atlas Gis; Arc. Logistics Route

1. 4. PRECEDORS to GIS l Digital cartography l Geosurvey l DBMS l CAD l Earth Remote Sensing l Photogrammetry (techniques for processing aerospace images)

1. 5. GIS CORE INCLUDES: l l l Tools for entering data into the computer environment Software and technological tools for converting coordinate systems and transforming map projections Tools for storing and manipulating positional (metric and topological) and non-positional (thematic, semantic) attributes in the database using the Rastrovo DBMS -vector operations Measuring operations, including calculation of lengths of segments, calculation of areas, perimeters, etc.

GIS CORE INCLUDES: (continued) Polygon operations (overlaying polygons, determining whether a point belongs to a polygon, a line to a polygon...) l Analytical and modeling operations (searching for the nearest neighbor, choosing the optimal route, analyzing networks, constructing buffer zones) l Surface analysis (creation and processing DEM, calculation of slope angles and exposures, determination of visibility zones...) l

GIS CORE INCLUDES: (continued) Outputting data and documenting results using various devices l Cartographic graphics for monochrome and color reproduction of maps (selecting and changing the palette of color fills, shading, editing the map legend) l Digital processing of remote images (filtering, summary of sheets, linking to a geographical basis, thematic classification of images) l



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