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Business on Uber: how intermediaries of the famous service earn money. Attracting taxi drivers

Let’s look at how familiar processes work from the reverse side using the example of the company VipUber.

Irina Cherepanova, development director of the uKit business website builder, spoke with the owners of the intermediary company Uber.

We meet at Starbucks in the east of Moscow. A coffee shop near the metro is one of the points from which two young men of about twenty-three conduct their business. They started bringing drivers to Uber a little less than a year ago. They call their current staff of 40 active taxi drivers “average” for small intermediaries in the capital.

“There is no money, but you hold on”: first investments

Evgeny and Ilya are friends from school and “forced” entrepreneurs. The first worked in a private company, but during the crisis the company closed. The second one after college could not find a well-paid job in engineering.

Ilya and Evgeniy

“We have been thinking about our business since our college days. For example, we tried to transport used cars from Europe. – says Evgeniy. “But by the end of 2014, due to the exchange rate, it became not so profitable to do this.”

Young people began to look for a new niche. The “taxi via app” model attracted them both as ordinary users and as entrepreneurs. Almost all business with counterparties can be conducted remotely. And the entry threshold seemed low.

« We didn’t approach Yandex and Gett: you need to come to them with a dozen or two machines. At Uber, to start, you only needed to have a current account and a legal entity to enter into contracts with performers, the founders say. “The driver needs a scheme with an intermediary so as not to bother with registering his own individual entrepreneur and to quickly obtain a taxi license if he does not have one.”

To get started, the guys pulled out 170 thousand rubles from their savings. The budget was set with a reserve to be on the safe side. For example, one hundred thousand were provided for paying salaries to drivers in case there were delays in transferring money from.

The first expenses were:

  • To register an LLC (with the information indicated in OKVED activities taxi service) - 4800 rubles,
  • To open an account with Promsvyazbank - 5,000 for opening an account and certification of documents, plus about 1,000 per month for maintenance;
  • To create and maintain the site - we assembled the site ourselves using a builder, paid 2,700 for premium functionality and 600 rubles for a domain for a year in advance;
  • For paid functionality – 1500 per month;
  • For the paid functionality of HeadHunter - 1000 per month for publishing vacancies and 3000 for access to the applicant database;
  • For expenses for drivers - 20 thousand (payments from Uber occur once a week, and when the car just leaves, the driver sometimes needs a deposit: for gasoline, washing, etc.).

The connection to the system itself took place in two stages. First, remotely: it was enough to send documents to the company and account information. “After the check, we were invited to the Uber office, we exchanged contracts and details, and received a partner account to enter applications for connecting performers and receive reports,” the guys recall. That was the only time a meeting was needed: since then, all business has been conducted over the Internet.

A mutual acquaintance began to do the accounting for the entrepreneurs. The first driver arrived a week after the start. The first money arrived in two weeks.

“VK users don’t bomb on Uber”: attracting drivers

By the end of the second month, the guys already had 15 drivers. First, taxi drivers with experience joined, then fired managers of private companies, civil servants who were laid off, and even an ex-policeman. Now drivers are divided into two categories: half are those who taxi professionally and constantly; half go on line several times a week to earn extra money.

The first channel that worked well became Avito. “A job advertisement for a driver can be published there in two sections - both as a vacancy and as a service. It has its own context and retargeting. Plus, we still make a selection of new advertisements from applicants every two weeks and call people. But the conversion is quite low, about 5%. Not everyone is ready to work through the application.”

Due to constant questions with Avito, the guys urgently had to develop the site: create a FAQ, publish examples of documents for connection, news about Uber and articles on why being their driver is good. According to Ilya, who took charge of all digital issues, minor updates take place after almost every call from applicants.

“We went to public pages with paid posts about inexpensive foreign cars, We tried retargeting but only lost our budget. VKontakte users don’t seem to bomb Uber, says Ilya. – It’s a different story with taxi driver forums. It’s easy to run into negativity there, including from competitors: they say they’re hucksters. After all, we take 7 to 4 percent from orders, depending on the driver’s experience, the frequency with which he comes on line, and the channel through which he came...”

Negativity towards intermediaries on an unofficial forum

Poaching gives the highest conversion. It looks like this: Ilya calls a car and tries to get the driver to talk during the trip. If it is possible to find out under what conditions a person works, he offers a 4% commission. According to him, every third driver shows interest.

To switch from one intermediary to another, the driver just needs to write a short letter to the Russian representative office of Uber and wait 1-3 days for reconnection.

Working with drivers: recipes and problems

Competitors do not remain in debt. The recruitment process looks like this: the driver sends an application and documents to the intermediary, the data is checked, and the person is added to the queue for an interview at Uber. In two or three days he should be on time for the meeting.

“Once we received a lot of applications, which we passed on - but almost none of the drivers came to the meeting. As a warning, our partner’s account was blocked for two weeks,” says Evgeniy.

If the interview goes well, the driver receives an account in the Uber app, signs an agreement with the intermediary and can go online.

Driver app

The second key point after hiring is technical support for drivers on the line. Ilya took over. The main problem for a beginner is to understand the system.

The guys say: “Nowadays during interviews they often play a video that explains how to use the driver’s application. The person seems to understand everything, but when he goes out on the route, questions may arise. It also happens that after app updates, bugs appear - the button disappears, or something else. They are promptly corrected, but it’s difficult to figure it out when a person calls you from , and you have an iPhone. So we are thinking of switching everyone to one smartphone model.”

The guys have already made one “transfer”: to speed up payments, they issued Tinkoff cards to the performers and transferred the business there themselves.

Standard agreement between an intermediary and a contractor

The Uber week starts and ends at exactly 04:00 every Monday. Funds written off from passenger cards are initially accumulated by the company. Once a week, she sends drivers and intermediaries a detailed statement of orders and transfers earnings minus her commission.

The system’s commission is officially 20%, but part of it goes to bonuses for drivers: for working during peak hours and in peak zones.

“Bonuses usually cover half of Uber’s commission and more,” says Evgeniy. Judging by the forums and blogs of other intermediaries, it happens when the commission is completely offset by bonuses. So far it looks like an investment in .

After receiving funds into the account, partners deduct their percentage and send the rest to the performers.

In addition to bonuses from the service, “compliments” from the intermediary help to retain drivers: for example, discounts on car washes and maintenance at car services.

Evgeniy says: “Having worked in cleaning and in car dealerships, I can say that the cost of a regular car wash service is low, and for dry cleaning it is even lower. We went and agreed with one of the points in the east of the capital. A car service can cut the margin on a car wash, but it is guaranteed to receive a flow of customers: drivers regularly have to clean the interior, and the whole car must be clean - this is the rule.”

Rules and perspectives

We managed to recoup the investment by the beginning of the fourth month: At that time, there were already 30 drivers working with partners. Then the profit appeared: to New Year's holidays Uber raised rates and temporarily closed registration of new cars. But then there was a lull. Two partners admit that - strongly competitive market, it is difficult to maintain positions and expand here without serious investments.

“We tried to offer Uber participation in regional development - that we would go out to them in new city, configure all processes. But they don't operate as franchises. The company itself opens offices in cities and launches the first intermediaries there. And it’s hard to get into their number,” says Evgeniy.

Recently the guys found out that some of their drivers are going to work in the South this summer. Now they are opening a branch in Sochi, where Uber is already operating - they hope for a surge in domestic tourism in the summer and a flow of skiers in the winter.

A driver or partner registered in one city cannot just pick up and start working in another: they need to register a new legal entity and link the cars to it. In general, go through the entire starting process again.

The second option for scaling that they are considering is Eastern Europe: from the days of the car transportation business, they still have an acquaintance in Varna, Bulgaria.

How to attract drivers to the service? Let's figure out what the driver needs. He wants to choose a convenient work schedule for himself, an acceptable dispatch commission and, of course, a large number of orders.

Of course, it’s easier to provide all drivers with the same conditions, otherwise there will be confusion.

But what are the consequences of the lack of individual working conditions? Drivers will leave in search of suitable conditions, the percentage of non-pickup orders will increase, and customers will turn to competitors.

However, not every software package can set up different shifts for drivers.

Therefore, when choosing software package Make sure you can set up individual driver pricing and flexible shift options.

Shifts for drivers

All drivers have different life circumstances. Some work shifts only in the evenings or on weekends, while others are ready to work 12 hours every day.

If everyone is required to work 12 hours in a row, then you are losing a huge number of drivers who could transport your clients.

What changes might there be?

Hourly shifts
Do drivers want to work 3-4 hours a day? Create hourly shifts for them with an increased percentage of orders delivered.

For regular drivers, create unlimited shifts of 8 or 12 hours with an unlimited number of orders.

8 hour shifts
8 hour shifts with a fixed percentage of the completed order.

Create different shift options to attract the maximum number of drivers!

Settlements with drivers

Why are individual calculations needed?

If you want to keep drivers driving premium vehicles. You can reduce the cost of shifts for them or reduce the dispatch commission.

Or, for example, you open a taxi in a small city where drivers have fewer requests. Then increase the commission for them, and for drivers big city do less.

Do you have a group of drivers who sees orders first? Let others pay for permanent or temporary access to this group.

Situations may vary. A flexible payment system allows you to solve various problems: from driver retention to cost optimization. And all this can be done with just one program.

They often write in private and ask something like this: “I’m from a small town, we only have 5-6 taxi services. I’m thinking of opening my own dispatch office, buying a nice license plate and accepting drivers with a license. How to promote a taxi service, where to advertise so that both customers call and drivers come?”
In this article I will try to answer these questions so as not to waste time each time explaining everything to everyone who applies.

First, let's ask the right question: advertising for a new taxi service is needed for both customers and drivers!
Due to its specifics, the taxi service makes money from drivers (plan, air), and provides services to passengers. I note that with the advent of such monsters as Saturn, Maxim and other network players, it is now difficult to open a dispatch office even in a small city - there is a lot of competition, tariffs for drivers are being reduced and it is more difficult for newcomers.

However, in my neighboring village there is an example of how a taxi service started working and is still working, and even bought out a competitor - we are talking about Dima Glukhov from Yak-Bodier and his “Fast Taxi” service. By the way, they took part in our last year’s protest against Federal Law 69 and contributed to our struggle - see photo

By the way, I really hope that Dima will find time and give an interview for this site - his experience will be useful to many, because When he opened the service, he also managed to squeeze money from the state.

However, we digress: we are interested in .

4) handout (calendars, notepads, pens)

5) discount cards

Now about each type in more detail.

1) advertising on billboards and city boards- it's moderate efficient look advertising. Large billboards are noticeable, but why might their effectiveness be low? Firstly, there are a lot of billboards - there is a lot of competition: if there are 1000 billboards in a city, then your 2-4-7 will simply get lost among the rest! Therefore, in my opinion, for a new taxi service it is not worth recommending spending money on billboards - because, secondly, this is an expensive medium: side “A” in a city of half a million will cost from 9 to 13 thousand per month + banner printing + installation.

Small formats are another matter: city boards, banners at bus stops - here the prices are several times lower, and the effect is very good. People constantly stand at the bus stop and stare at your advertisement, which, firstly, is large (usually the banner takes up the entire information stand or the side surface of the kiosk), and secondly, the contact time is long (from 5 to 20 minutes while waiting for the bus). So city boards (small advertising structures along the streets, size 1.2 by 2.2 meters on average) and advertising at bus stops new service I can recommend it - it is both effective and cheap. The downside is that it is a more targeted effect compared to a billboard.

2) Advertising on cars and checkers- almost all major services force drivers to vinyl stickers to your cars. I mean “forced” - it is impossible to 100% force a car to be wrapped, but employees strongly recommend wrapping and economically motivate it (lower plan, higher priority). Why?

Yes, because it is very effective: if a person sees cars of a certain service on the roads - in a traffic jam, from a bus, walking down the street - then this service exists for him. It is very difficult to promote your service on unnamed cars and with a standard small yellow checker. Therefore, new services should be 100% recommended to wrap cars. These can be masterpieces, such as service 434343. Or maybe just a large number on the door - here it is important that the person remembers the numbers of your phone and nothing more! Therefore, the checkers should be large and with a phone number (also large, in contrast).

3) Transfer case- This is the first type of advertising that is more focused on drivers than on passengers. Usually they hand out pens, notepads, and power of attorney forms (in my opinion, the most effective). Drivers receive all this for free in the office - and since they use it, their friends, colleagues, and so on see it. This way other drivers will know that there is such a service as taxi 606060, for example. By the way, with the help of free power of attorney forms, this service received dozens of drivers - after all, the power of attorney form has a long cycle of use (3-6-12-36 months, depending on how long). And a large number of people see it. Therefore, have your own calendars, pens, notepads (by the way, taxi companies periodically give these to passengers - on holidays, New Year and so on), powers of attorney and so on - this is both inexpensive and pleasant. I especially liked the authorization documents, I just rent out cars and the new driver always needs to issue an authorization document, but they cost 5-7 rubles and are always not at hand. And so I took a pack right away - and was provided for 2-3 months in advance. True, handwritten credentials have now been abolished. However, photo:

4) Creative advertising— here I include non-standard types of advertising. Advertising on the asphalt (Maxim taxi number 77-77-77) is very cheap and very effective: we place it at crowded intersections - people constantly look at their feet and see our number. An excellent example of creative advertising is the pot-bellied Volga GAZ-21 (after restoration) in service 43-43-43 - it is used for wedding rides and periodically works on the line, serving ordinary clients. At the same time, there are stickers on the sides, and checkers with service numbers on the roof. There is only one in the whole city and it is very noticeable among the sleek foreign cars.
I also like it public transport, plastered with advertisements of companies - buses LiaZ, Nefaz and others. Advertising on the sides of the bus is not very expensive - from 2 to 4 thousand per month, it works for a very long time and is very effective: along the entire route of the “cattle truck” people see that “Taxi 43-43-43 is coming to you.” By the way, Maxim taxi also entered into an agreement for advertising on the sides of buses in Izhevsk - with STEF CJSC, these are routes 18,39,49 and others (used Korean long buses). Well done, they are on the right track.

7) and last but not least – the website.
Everything here is not very simple - you can make a business card website, but it will be of little use. Again, make an expensive designer website and bring it to the TOP-3 of Yandex, pay for Yandex-Direct, participate in advertising Google AdSence is also not the same, because it is very rare to look for a phone number for a service via the Internet. Usually it is in memory (which is what the rest of this article is aimed at). But the site is its own information system needed.
Let me explain: now about 15% of all orders are made via the Internet. In large cities this figure is higher (the Yandex taxi service is popular in Moscow), in small cities it is lower. Therefore, if you are in a large city, you are a large network company with branches in a bunch of cities - you need to think about a service for the Internet.
The service here is two-directional - for clients and for drivers. The client can order a taxi online, independently choosing the cars located next to him - to do this, you need to install the appropriate program on your website. In Izhevsk, the service 900-373 (Saturn) has such a “Taxi 373” (sort of) program - and it is popular.
On the other hand, it is no secret that almost all drivers now receive orders through communicators - and also use a program for this (most often on Android). There are a lot of questions and misunderstandings about installing the program, about glitches, about updates and new releases, you get tired of explaining to everyone, so it’s convenient to have a website/forum/blog so that people can find answers there - this reduces the load on dispatchers and the amount of misunderstanding. So the site is more needed as a platform for ordering a taxi online, for downloading program updates and for communicating between drivers and management. As you can imagine, this is far from the site that a beginner might think about at the very beginning.
In my opinion, best solution So far, two companies have offered in this area: Maxim (they have an excellent corporate taxi blog) and service 900-373 (the ability to order a taxi online).

Here you go! With this I would like to complete the answer to the question “What should an advertisement for a taxi service be like?” As you can see, there is no clear answer and a lot depends on the budget. But the most important thing is that taxi work has a lot of specifics, so not all standard solutions are suitable for this area. Leave your questions and write additions in the comments if you think that something is not said here.

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We all know that time is money, so if you need a squeeze useful information on the topic, but I don’t have time to read the entire site, I recommend purchasing the book « » .
The book collects and systematizes all the information on how to make money by renting out a car as a taxi, driving your own taxi, or creating a dispatch office. Only experience and practice, no water.

How to make money in a taxi: 4 ways to earn money + how much you can really earn from it + 5 tips for getting stable orders + 3 options additional income.

Now is the time when there are many more people with cars than people with jobs. And often the car sits idle in the garage and does not bring any benefit to its owner.

But you can make money from it and provide for your family.

There are many ways to earn income from your own car, but we will tell you about how to make money in a taxi: what you need to consider and how profitable it is.

4 ways to make money in a taxi

The time when the word “taxi” meant daily idle time at a station or in the city center while waiting for a client is long over.

Let's look at what has changed and how to make money in a taxi today.

Method number 1. Private driver.

To make money in a taxi, you will need:

  • car;
  • a special checkerboard for the car or other identification marks.

The method is that you will look for clients on your own.

In order to find passengers, you need to stand in crowded places:

  • near restaurants, clubs, pubs in the evening;
  • close to bus stops in the morning;
  • close to shopping and entertainment centers on weekends;
  • close to train stations, airports;
  • near hospitals, clinics, clinics, etc.

In such places, finding a client and making money is a matter of just a few minutes. But there is one “but”. Competition.

Often, all active “spots” are already distributed among taxi drivers, and taking your place is not so easy.

In the best case, you will need to share your earnings, for example, with security guards of establishments who will call you for clients; in the worst case, there will be conflicts with a number of worthwhile owners taxis are provided for you.

Advantages of the method:

  1. Flexible work schedule without standards.
  2. You can use almost any car that has a more or less presentable appearance.

Disadvantages of this type of earnings in a taxi:

  1. If there is no established customer base, it is quite difficult to find regular orders, so downtime is guaranteed.
  2. There is a lot of competition, which is often unfair.
  3. Risk of property damage at the hands of other taxi drivers.

If you want your car to remain safe and sound, we recommend that you think about other ways to make money in a taxi.

Method No. 2. Cooperation with the taxi service dispatcher.

Let us immediately make a reservation that this method is most popular in large cities of our country.

To get started you will need:

  • automobile;
  • smartphone or tablet;
  • a special application that must be installed on your gadget.

Your cooperation with the taxi dispatch service begins with an agreement under which you are provided with a special application for downloading and are assigned a unique number.

You will be required to provide your full name and phone number, as well as the make, color and license plate number of your car.

It is completely optional to come to the taxi service and sign any documents; this is rather an exception. The application can be submitted online or by telephone.

As soon as you get started, launch the downloaded application and select your sector - and notifications about possible orders will begin to arrive on your smartphone.

If the order suits you, you accept and serve it. And so on in a circle.

You decide for yourself how long to work a day to earn money in a taxi, but for each order you must pay a commission to the dispatch service (about 10%).

This can often be done through a self-service terminal. If you do not do this, then you will not receive subsequent orders.

Advantages of the method:

  1. You don't need to look for clients yourself.
  2. The ability to choose more suitable and profitable orders.


  1. Transportation tariffs are set by the dispatch service.
  2. The need to share revenue.
  3. If you do not have a license, you face a fine of 30,000 rubles.

Method number 3. Earning money in a taxi legally.

According to Law No. 69 of 2011, for legal earnings in a taxi it is necessary, i.e. license.

What you will need for this:

The price for a license in each region may differ, but on average it is from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Also, the following requirements are imposed on the driver and vehicle:

  1. Driving experience of 5 years.
  2. The following taxi attributes are required:
    • taximeter;
    • roof lantern orange (yellow), removable;
    • checkerboard belt (squares of contrasting color, placed in a checkerboard pattern).

You can use magnetic strips or attach a few squares to the door.

Thus, in a month and a maximum of 10,000 rubles, you can start earning money legally in a taxi. How you look for clients is up to you.

Advantages of the method:

  1. You don’t have to be afraid of inspections, fines and liability.
  2. You have the choice of how to look for clients.


  1. Additional licensing and tax costs.
  2. The license must be renewed every 5 years.
  3. It is necessary to bring vehicle in accordance with the requirements.
  4. Profits are reduced due to taxes.

Method No. 4. Earn money in a taxi using the Uber app.

Nowadays it is gaining more and more popularity among taxi drivers and customers. mobile application Uber. They call him the “taxi killer.”

This is because with its help there is no need for dispatchers or any taxi services.

What you need to become an Uber driver:

  1. Age from 21 years.
  2. Having a car and driver's license.
  3. Watch a training video.

3 steps to cooperation with Uber:


    You need to tell us about yourself and the car.

    Upload all required documents.
    Passport, driver's license, insurance, vehicle insurance - provide copies of these documents.

    Pass the interview.

    You must drive a registered car to the activation center and undergo an interview.

    If you and your car meet all the necessary requirements, you will begin working with Uber on a commercial basis and can earn money from it.

How to make money in a taxi through Uber?

As with dispatchers, the application allows you to find the necessary orders and respond to them. It shows the route to the customer's location and destination.

After completing the trip, the client pays for it by bank transfer. Cash payments in the Russian Federation are not yet available.

For this, the company charges you a 20% commission.

In addition, two payment options are available:

  1. Daily – in addition to the standard commission, another 14% is collected.
  2. Weekly – plus 7% to the standard commission.

It turns out that making money at Uber with such a large commission is oh so difficult.

That's why there is a bonus system:

  1. First, there is the minimum hourly wage.
  2. Secondly, if you meet the minimum requirements (1 - 2 orders, good rating), then you will receive an additional payment from the company.
  3. There are also bonuses for the number of completed orders.

The advantages of this way of earning money in a taxi:

  1. Availability of regular orders.
  2. A large number of bonuses and incentives.
  3. Security, because all personal data of not only the driver, but also the passenger is checked.


  1. Big commission.
  2. The need to meet all requirements.

How much can you really earn in a taxi?

Cost of 1 km, rub.9,34 - 11,5


Car price, rub.690 000
Resource before major repairs (reducing the cost of the car by ¾ of the cost), km.300 000
Average daily mileage by taxi, km150 000
Service life, years5

Total depreciation
(250 working days × 5 years with a mileage of 150 km/day), rub./km

Maintenance and current repairs

Maintenance and current repairs (oil, filters, belts, tires, etc.), rub./10,000 km25 000

Total maintenance and current repairs, rub./km

Fuel costs

Cost of 1 liter of gasoline, rub.40
Cost 1 l. gas, rub.16
Consumption l/100 km9

Gasoline costs, rub./km

Gas costs, rub./km

Mandatory payments

Insurance, rub./year15 000

Total mandatory payments RUR/km

In theory, 1 km of mileage costs less than 12 rubles, but if you take into account idle runs, accidents, fines, etc., then the cost increases to almost 15.

Taking into account the average cost of 1 km and the current tariffs (feed 50 - 70 rubles + from 20 rubles per kilometer), with an average daily mileage of 150 km per week, it’s realistic to make money in a taxi from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles .

In order not to just waste your time in the car, but to earn good money in a taxi, take note of the following tips:

    Find your niche.

    Most likely, your car will do this for you.

    But if you have the opportunity to choose, then decide who or what you will transport: if you have a small passenger VW Multivan, then you should focus on airports; Nissan Qashkai is suitable for working at night, when restaurants and clubs are closed, etc.

    Decide on a schedule.

    Remember: you won’t earn all the money, and the driver needs proper rest.

    Choose a schedule that suits you. After all, the number of orders and their cost often depends on this.

    Filter orders - don’t take on everything.

    Try not to rush to the first order you receive, because you can wait a little and get a route with a higher cost or in a more suitable area.

    Build a base of regular customers.

    Nowadays, more and more people are abandoning the use of their own cars in favor of taxis.

    Take advantage of this.

    After all, you can take a manager to his office or a teacher to work at the university every day.

    Learn the tricks of the trade.

    For example, the impact of weather on taxi demand.

    There are many more customers in rainy weather and severe frost than on sunny and clear days.

How much does a taxi driver earn in Moscow?

Find out first-hand by watching this video:

How to make money in a taxi using additional services?

You already know how to make money in a taxi, but you can also think about additional ways to make a profit:

    Part-time job as a courier.

    Get a job as a courier for a company or online store and deliver orders in your free time.

    Event services.

    If you have a premium car, it will be in demand for servicing events: weddings, bachelorette parties, conferences, photo shoots, filming, etc.

    You can make money from this too.

As you can see, working in a taxi is not so simple and has many options on which your income will depend.

Who figured it out how to make money in a taxi, is unlikely to give it up. After all, you can combine a free schedule with a decent income, and the amount you can earn will depend only on you.

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How to attract drivers to the service? Let's figure out what the driver needs. He wants to choose a convenient work schedule for himself, an acceptable dispatch commission and, of course.

Of course, it’s easier to provide all drivers with the same conditions, otherwise there will be confusion.

But what are the consequences of the lack of individual working conditions? Drivers will leave in search of suitable conditions, the percentage of non-pickup orders will increase, and customers will turn to competitors.

However, not every software package can set up different shifts for drivers.

Therefore, when choosing a software package, make sure you can set up individual calculations with drivers and flexible shift options.

Shifts for drivers

All drivers have different life circumstances. Some work shifts only in the evenings or on weekends, while others are ready to work 12 hours every day.

If everyone is required to work 12 hours in a row, then you are losing a huge number of drivers who could transport your clients.

What changes might there be?

Hourly shifts
Do drivers want to work 3-4 hours a day? Create hourly shifts for them with an increased percentage of orders delivered.

For regular drivers, create unlimited shifts of 8 or 12 hours with an unlimited number of orders.

8 hour shifts
8 hour shifts with a fixed percentage of the completed order.

Create different shift options to attract the maximum number of drivers!

Settlements with drivers

Why are individual calculations needed?

If you want to keep drivers driving premium vehicles. You can reduce the cost of shifts for them or reduce the dispatch commission.

Or, for example, you open a taxi in a small city where drivers have fewer requests. Then increase the commission for them, and make it less for big city drivers.

Do you have a group of drivers who sees orders first? Let others pay for permanent or temporary access to this group.

Situations may vary. A flexible payment system allows you to solve various problems: from driver retention to cost optimization. And all this can be done with just one program.



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