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What is the difference between functional responsibilities and job responsibilities? The difference between a job description and labor protection instructions Job description or production instructions

The job description specifies the scope of duties and work that must be performed by a person holding a certain position. The job description in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation, or OKUD, OK 011-93 (approved by Gosstandart Resolution No. 299 of December 30, 1993) is classified as documentation on the organizational and regulatory regulation of the organization’s activities. The group of such documents, along with job descriptions, includes, in particular, internal labor regulations, regulations on structural unit, staffing.

Job descriptions for workers: are they necessary?

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige employers to draw up job descriptions. After all, an employment contract with an employee must always disclose his labor function (work according to his position in accordance with staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications or the specific type of work entrusted to him) (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Therefore, it is impossible to hold the employer liable for the lack of job descriptions.

At the same time, it is the job description that is usually the document in which the employee’s job function is specified. The instructions contain a list job responsibilities employee, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management, the rights of the employee and his responsibilities (Letter of Rostrud dated November 30, 2009 No. 3520-6-1). Moreover, the job description usually not only reveals the employee’s job function, but also provides qualification requirements, which are presented for the position held or the work performed (Letter of Rostrud dated November 24, 2008 No. 6234-TZ).

The presence of job descriptions simplifies the process of interaction between the employee and the employer on the content of the job function, the rights and responsibilities of the employee and the requirements placed on him. That is, all those issues that often arise in relationships with both existing employees and newly hired ones, as well as with applicants for a certain position.

Rostrud believes that a job description is necessary in the interests of both the employer and the employee. After all, having a job description will help (Letter of Rostrud dated 08/09/2007 No. 3042-6-0):

  • objectively evaluate the employee’s activities during the period probationary period;
  • justifiably refuse to hire (after all, the instructions may contain additional requirements related to business qualities employee);
  • distribute labor functions among employees;
  • temporarily transfer the employee to another job;
  • assess the integrity and completeness of the employee’s performance of his or her job function.

That is why drawing up job descriptions in an organization is advisable.

Such instructions may be an annex to the employment contract or approved as an independent document.

How to draw up a job description

Job descriptions are usually drawn up based on qualification characteristics, which are contained in qualification directories (for example, in the Qualification Directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated August 21, 1998 No. 37).

For workers who are hired by blue-collar professions, unified tariff and qualification directories of work and blue-collar professions for the relevant industries are used to determine their labor function. Instructions developed on the basis of such reference books are usually called production instructions. However, in order to unify and simplify internal documentation in an organization, instructions for blue-collar professions are often also called job descriptions.

Since the job description is an internal organizational and administrative document, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with it against signature when hiring him (before signing the employment contract) (

In many modern companies engaged in the production of goods, in order to optimize the interaction between employees and management, production instructions are issued. They are considered as local regulatory sources that have the same legal force, in particular, with employment contracts. What are the specifics of the relevant instructions? How are they developed?

What is a production instruction?

Production instructions are usually understood as a local legal act that regulates labor function employee, determines the list of his duties, rights, as well as the conditions for liability for certain actions. It can be noted that labor protection at an enterprise involves the compilation by employees of the company responsible for personnel management, along with the document in question, also of such sources as fire safety instructions, labor protection instructions.

All types of noted sources are compiled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as by virtue of internal corporate standards established at a particular enterprise. Labor protection at an enterprise is a process that requires the greatest attention to the development of the types of documents under consideration.

The production instructions set out the standards that characterize a specific position in the company. Thus, it reflects the rules establishing what work an employee is required to perform and the requirements for the employee’s skill level.

Let us consider in more detail the features of using the documents in question.

Purpose of production instructions

Why does the company need production instructions? The purpose of this document, if we follow the norms of official sources of law and corporate governance practice, is to ensure regulatory regulation human resources management in the company. The production instructions regulate:

  • key HR issues;
  • interaction of employees of various profiles with colleagues and management;
  • the procedure for specific specialists to perform labor functions.

The creation of high-quality production instructions allows the company to:

  • line up effective system division of labor in the organization;
  • stimulate labor productivity;
  • ensure control over activities individual workers or groups thereof;
  • increase the level of responsibility of company employees for their own actions in the process of solving problems related to business development.

The presence of production instructions in the internal corporate document flow system allows the company to speed up the process of adapting new employees to the specifics of local production tasks. This contributes to the stability of the process of releasing goods and providing services, stimulates business growth and the development of new promising segments.

Relationship between production instructions and other internal corporate sources

The document in question is quite closely related to other local regulations, which are published at the enterprise. First of all, it should be noted that the production instructions are a source that can be divided into a number of categories. Which ones exactly?

There are sources such as industrial fire safety instructions. It therefore pays special attention to the rules for how employees should respond to a fire threat. It can complement the main production instructions or be published as a separate local source.

There are industrial sanitation instructions. They set standards that reflect how employees should act in order to maintain the required level of sanitary conditions carrying out labor activities. This document, again, can complement the main one or be published as an independent local source.

In some cases, the source in question may regulate labor functions not by position, but by areas of activity of specialists. For example, production instructions for the operation of electrical installations may be drawn up. There are documents of similar purpose related to other areas of labor protection - not directly related to the labor functions of enterprise employees. Thus, there are production and technical instructions, which in their structure can be close to the operating manuals for certain fixed assets used in production.

The document in question is developed for each position by the company’s HR specialists. For this purpose, standard production instructions for a particular position, as well as various sources of law, can be used. For example - Qualification Handbook, approved by the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 37, issued on August 21, 1998. Industry sources of law, recommendations of experts and analysts are often used for these purposes.

Which source should be used to develop the optimal job description depends on the size of the enterprise, the types of products manufactured, and the characteristics of the organization production process. Requirements for relevant documents put forward by a higher organization, the owners of the company, and investors may also be important.

Production instructions as a source of regulation of the technological process and an employment contract

Manufacturing instructions are related to employment contract employee. In some cases, their provisions are duplicated or mutually supplemented. In many companies, HR specialists prefer to include as much as possible of the standards characterizing production instructions, namely, in the employment contract. This is due to their desire to minimize labor costs for document flow: the fewer sources of local standards, the easier it is to organize their accounting.

But this is not always effective. The fact is that in some cases it is necessary to include a description in production instructions technological process, while it is sometimes problematic to place the corresponding wording in an employment contract. The technological process is one of the main criteria for distinguishing production instructions from other types of local sources of standards. In order for a company employee to correctly ensure that his work meets the noted criterion, the employer must provide him with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the official source of the requirements for his work function.

If the instructions in question are separate sources, contracts concluded by the company with employees under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation usually indicate a reference to them. It can be noted that both the production instructions and the employment contract have the same legal force from the point of view of the law. If an employee violates the standards that he has undertaken to comply with according to the instructions - including those that characterize the technological process, then the same legal consequences that arise from non-compliance with the provisions of the contract.

Production and job descriptions

So, the production instructions can be used in the company along with other sources on labor protection. Some of them are similar to it, complement it. In particular, the production instructions are very similar to the job description.

In some cases, it is right to consider them as synonyms. To draw up a job description, the same sources of law as noted above can be used. But, in fact, production instructions mainly characterize working positions, and therefore are most often compiled by personnel services industrial enterprises. In the relevant document, a significant place is occupied by the description of the technological process that a company employee must follow as part of the performance of his own labor function.

That is, the scope of application of the document in question is narrower. The production instructions regulate labor activity in industrial companies. In turn, service enterprises are more likely to publish documents of the second type. But from a structural point of view, both will be almost the same.

Structure of production instructions

Let us therefore study the structure in which a typical production instruction can be presented. The document in question most often consists of the following key sections:

  • « General provisions».
  • "Qualification requirements."
  • "Production functions".
  • "Responsibilities".
  • "Rights."
  • "Responsibility".

In some cases, the production instructions are supplemented with other sections - for example, regulating the procedure for rewarding an employee for outstanding achievements in work.

The specified structure of the document, in general, is applicable to the job description. The main delimiting criterion between the corresponding types of documents, as we noted above, is the scope of application.

The procedure for developing production instructions is usually approved by local regulations of the employer company, since such sources of law are not accepted at the official level in the Russian Federation. Let's study the procedure for developing the source in question in more detail.

Features of the development of production instructions

First of all, you can study the question: why does the enterprise need to develop production instructions? As a rule, such a need becomes relevant:

  • when the company forms additional staff (for example, in connection with the expansion of production, the opening of new branches);
  • with a significant change in the labor function, which is regulated by local standards adopted previously;
  • when the content of employment contracts with employees changes for one reason or another (for example, when modernizing production).

A production instruction is a document that can be recommended for development in a company on the recommendation of a higher structure, experts, audit companies. The source in question can be formalized as an independent source or approved as an annex to the employee’s contract. In Russian companies, the main types of documents used in the labor protection system (production, job descriptions in particular) are developed using both methods.

But, in general, both procedures are characterized by similar stages. Let's study them in more detail.

First of all, HR specialists work through the textual content of the document. For this, as we noted above, standard production instructions can be used, as well as official sources rights.

The section of the document reflecting its general provisions, as a rule, does not cause difficulties in design. This part of the instructions is among those characterized by minimal differences when comparing documents developed for different positions or groups of job functions.

Certain nuances characterize the design of the “Qualification Requirements” section. They are most often considered in the context of:

  • job responsibilities;
  • necessary knowledge of the employee;
  • level of education of the specialist and other qualification criteria.

If in the process of creating a document a standard production instruction is used, then the wording that is present in it can quite superficially regulate the specifics of labor functions at a particular enterprise. Due to this personnel service the company may need to supplement the relevant standards with those that more effectively reflect the characteristics of the company's production process. To solve this problem, the help of experts and analysts can be called upon.

The next key section of the document is “Production Functions”. It is necessary to pay special attention to its drafting: as a rule, it is characterized by norms that reflect the specifics of regulating a specific labor function.

For example, industrial instructions for the operation of electrical installations may regulate functions that are very different from those that characterize the work of, for example, a mechanic. This may be due to the specifics of the equipment used by the specialist of the profile for which the document is being drawn up. The mechanic's production instructions will include standards that regulate another labor function in more detail.

The “Responsibilities” section of the instructions is also among those that include language that reflects the specifics of a specific position in the enterprise. For a plumbing equipment maintenance specialist, the responsibilities will be the same, for a worker - different. For example, a plumber is characterized by the functions of ensuring the proper operation of heating and water supply systems, and carrying out timely repairs of the relevant infrastructure. In turn, the worker may be responsible for the correct installation of these systems and checking their initial performance.

Sections such as “Rights” and “Responsibility,” in turn, may include fairly universal language. The production instructions of a worker, mechanic, or electrical installation specialist may have almost similar standards in terms of the marked sections of the document in question.

The next step in creating production instructions is design. Let's study its features in more detail.

Features of the design of production instructions

When solving the corresponding problem, you can rely on official sources of law - such as, for example, GOST R 6.30-2003. This GOST regulates the procedure for creating internal corporate administrative documentation at enterprises. Basic requirements contained in the corresponding

When developing job descriptions, sometimes not only job descriptions are provided, but also functional responsibilities. What is their difference? And what is the difference between a job description and a work instruction?

What is the difference between functional responsibilities and job responsibilities?

Labor legislation does not distinguish between the concepts of functional and job responsibilities and does not define them. It is believed that the employee’s functional responsibilities characterize the purpose or functions specific employee, i.e. the result that is achieved as a result of the employee fulfilling his duties. And the direct duties that an employee performs to achieve such goals are called job responsibilities. For example, in accordance with professional standard“Accountant” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 22, 2014 No. 1061n) one of the labor functions of the chief accountant is the preparation of accounting (financial) statements. This can be classified as functional responsibilities. And the direct labor actions that an employee must perform to achieve this function, i.e., in fact, his job responsibilities, are, for example:

  • counting and logical verification of the correctness of the formation of numerical indicators of reports included in the accounting (financial) statements;
  • preparation of explanations for the balance sheet and financial statements financial results;
  • ensuring the signing of accounting (financial) statements by the head of an economic entity;
  • ensuring the safety of accounting (financial) statements before they are transferred to the archive.

Often the terms “job responsibilities” and “functional responsibilities” are considered synonymous. And it doesn’t matter how the employee’s responsibilities are named in the job description. It is important that their content clearly indicates what specific work the employee will need to perform, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management at the enterprise.

The difference between a job description and a production job description

When managers, specialists and other employees are hired, the instructions developed for them are called job descriptions. And for worker professions, on the basis, as a rule, of uniform tariff and qualification reference books for work and worker professions in the relevant industries, production instructions are approved, which are also sometimes called work instructions. Thus, the difference between a job description and a work instruction lies only in the category of workers for whom such instructions are being developed. Although this division is quite arbitrary, because both job and work instructions should give the employee an unambiguous understanding of what kind of work he has to do.

When hiring, in addition to concluding an employment contract, employers often offer a new employee to read the job description. Some employees sign the instructions without reading them, while others are surprised: everything is written down in the contract, so why another piece of paper?
Employers often treat job descriptions with disdain: firstly, this document is not mandatory for commercial organizations, and secondly, like employees, I sincerely do not understand why “duplicate” an employment contract.
The basic rights and responsibilities of an employee are indeed enshrined in the employment contract, but absolutely everything must be spelled outjob responsibilitiesemployeein his text it is difficult, and therefore they are usually formulated very vaguely. Very often in commercial organizations In general, there is only one standard employment contract for all employees, so in the event of a conflict it is very difficult to prove that the employee really did not fulfill his obligations. job responsibilities. The result of such a disdainful attitude towards job descriptions is conflicts between the employee and the administration, sometimes leading to legal proceedings. So why do you need a job description?
Job description- this is the document that can prevent all or almost all disagreements between the parties regarding job responsibilities and specify the employee’s labor function as much as possible.
Let’s assume that an employer fires an employee for repeated failure to fulfill job duties, which is reflected in the fact that the employee reported on the work done not in writing, but orally. The employment contract simply states: “must report”; in what exact form is not specified. Such a dismissal may well be considered illegal, since it is very problematic to prove that the employee reported (or did not report) orally. These are the specifics that should be contained in the job description.
Clarification of an employee’s rights directly contributes to the high-quality performance of his job duties. For example, to complete a task from a boss, an employee needs to obtain some information from another department or service. If the employee does not have the right to receive such information, and colleagues do not provide it, then it will not be possible to punish the employee for failure to complete the task. Another question is if such a right is enshrined in his job description, but he did not use it... Here we can already talk about applying a disciplinary sanction.
The main difference between a job description and an employment contract is that it is an “impersonal” document, that is, it is approved not for this specific employee, but for the position.
When employees are transferred to other positions, major changes are rarely made to the employment contract, which leads to a conflict: the employee has a new position, but his job responsibilities are old. So it is very convenient to develop new job descriptions for all positions once, and then when transferring an employee, it is enough to draw up an additional agreement to the contract of two or three points and familiarize him with the job description, and not actually draw up a new contract. Yes, and where, purely technically, it is easier to enterchange to job descriptionthan in every employment contract.
Typically, a job description consists of several sections: “General Provisions”, “Rights”, “Job Responsibilities” and “Responsibilities”.
In the section " General provisions» indicate: job title; qualification requirements for the education and work experience of the employee filling this position; to whom the employee directly reports; procedure for appointment, replacement and dismissal; presence and composition of subordinates; list of documents that an employee must follow in his activities (legislative acts of the Russian Federation, local documents etc.). This section may include other items that clarify the employee’s status and the conditions of his activities.
Chapter " Rights» contains a list of rights that an employee has when performing his official duties. Here, based on the official duties and powers assigned to him, the employee’s rights are clarified, for example, the employee’s relationships with others are reflected officials and structural divisions of the organization.
In the section " Job responsibilities» in more detail, compared to an employment contract, the employee’s responsibilities that are assigned to him in accordance with the performance of his labor function are described.
With the section " Responsibility» everything is clear - it indicates the extent of the employee’s responsibility for failure to comply with the requirements established by the job description, other local regulations and labor legislation RF. Of course, nothing that goes beyond the current legislation should be contained in any section, and if it is included, it will not have legal force.
A familiarization sheet is attached to the job description, which serves as proof that the employee has read it and signed it, because its requirements are mandatory for the employee holding this position from that moment on.
The job description is developed by a person authorized by the head of the organization and agreed with the relevant legal department(legal adviser) of the organization (if any), and, if necessary, with other divisions of the organization and the superior officer supervising the relevant area of ​​the employee’s activity.
The agreed and approved job description is numbered, laced, certified with the seal of the HR department and stored in the HR department or in a structural unit in accordance with the established procedure. For current work, certified copies are taken from the original job description, one of which is issued to the employee, the second to the head of the relevant structural unit.
The main advantages of having job descriptions in an organization are as follows. Failure by an employee to comply with the provisions of the job description allows the employer to apply disciplinary action and as a result, dismiss the employee, and then prove in court that the disciplinary sanction for failure to fulfill official duties was imposed lawfully. The employee, in turn, will find it easier to refuse to perform work not provided for in the instructions.
The presence of job descriptions can also play an important role when hiring an applicant: the legitimacy of a refusal to hire can be confirmed or refuted using the job description, comparing its requirements with the qualifications of the applicant. In addition, the instructions allow you to evenly distribute responsibilities between employees with similar positions (for example, between the chief accountant, his deputy and a simple accountant), and avoid duplication of responsibilities.
And as practice shows, if an enterprise has developed job descriptions, most labor conflicts are resolved without the intervention of the court and other government bodies.

A work instruction is one of the tools for standardizing the work process.

A work instruction is a document that describes the rules for performing a specific process, type of work, or operation. Each employee may have several work instructions for each type of work.

How is it different from a job description?

In relation to the work process, the job description only regulates WHAT the employee must do.

And the work instructions indicate HOW to do this.

In addition, a job description is usually a formal document that is created only to fulfill a legal requirement. The job description is not used in permanent work.

A work instructions like a recipe - you need to follow the steps indicated in it and achieve the desired result.

Why are they needed?

The work instructions allow the employee to complete the work following the specified algorithm. High quality, no errors.

A work instruction is the shortest path to achieving a result. The employee does not need to figure out how to do the work, ask his colleagues these questions, or try to find advice in other sources.

In addition to the work algorithm, the work instructions may contain rules to avoid mistakes, rules for actions in various emergency situations, a list of equipment used, raw materials, tools and other information necessary for the worker.

Work instructions play an important role when hiring a new employee or temporary replacement. Work instructions allow you to avoid situations where an employee goes on vacation, but no one knows how to do this or other work for him.

Who needs work instructions?

In a good way, everyone needs work instructions!

But first of all, of course, instructions are necessary for workers who provide the main process at the enterprise.

It also makes sense to create work instructions for problem areas.

What should the work instructions look like?

The instructions should be brief and describe a specific process or type of work.

If possible, all steps of the algorithm should be accompanied by photographs and drawings. So that the employee can see the operation not only in text form, but also visually.

How to write work instructions?

Work instructions must be created by employees, i.e. the one who performs the work describes it. The optimization specialist’s task is to help him arrange everything correctly and not forget anything.



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