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What should a school librarian do? Where and what are librarians taught? I am a librarian

Choosing a profession is not always easy or simple. Quite often, applicants experience certain difficulties with this issue before entering a university. Today we have to find out what a librarian does. This profession is found in modern world not so often, but it does happen. How can you succeed here? Who to study? What qualities are most valued in this field? All this remains to be found out further. True, not everyone will agree to build a career in our current field. After all, the profession also has disadvantages. You will have to learn about them so as not to make mistakes.

Who is

Librarian is a profession that, as already mentioned, is not very common in the modern world. Moreover, it is not so in demand when compared with the same IT technologies. What is a librarian anyway?

Everyone has encountered such employees at least once in their life. Librarian - who works in a library. That is, a kind of “guardian of books”. Also, such an employee is well versed in the literature and is able to quickly help with the search. necessary information citizens. In principle, there is nothing particularly difficult, as it seems, in the profession. Only working in a library is actually hard work. A true and successful librarian is endowed with many qualities and skills. How to become such an employee?


Well, like any other profession, ours today requires a certain education. Considering that the field itself is not very popular among modern youth, then the choice of specialties for further employment as a librarian is not very large.

Usually preference is given simply to the humanities. In particular, “Librarian”, “Documentation”, “Literature”. Sometimes you can also find “Culturology”, “Philology”. Rarely, but still there is such a specialty as “Management”. In principle, a good librarian is not limited to higher education; you can also learn to be a librarian at a technical school. Exactly in the same directions.

On average, you will have to study like everyone else - 4.5-5 years. It doesn’t matter what kind of place your work will be - the central library, a children’s library or any other. But the fact remains: you need to learn. In some cases, you can do without a “tower”; only then the lack of a diploma should be covered by your personal knowledge and qualities. In fact, it is not so easy to prove to the employer that you are a true librarian.

Where to work

Where can you go for employment after graduating from university or any other educational institution? To be honest, a librarian is a rather narrowly focused profession. So, there won't be too much choice here. Yes, with the development of progress and technology, our current direction has become more promising, but they still do not greatly influence the place of work. Unless, new duties and responsibilities of the highest degree appear.

For example, your place of work may become This place of honor goes only to the most best employees, and if there is already someone there, you shouldn’t really hope for employment. After all, few people will agree to “move.” There is usually only one librarian for the entire institution. Or there are several of them (depending on the size of the building).

In addition, central and regional libraries will now also be available for employment. In principle, this is a very good option, especially if these establishments are located near your home. There is no significant difference between the central library and the state library. Only by the amount of work.

But in practice, librarians usually go to educational institutions to work. For example, school or university employees. This kind of personnel is constantly needed here. School librarian or state librarian - it doesn’t matter job responsibilities in one place or another there will be the same ones. Just as personal qualities are valued in these two completely different places identical. What will you have to do after you get a job?


Working in a library is actually a lot of work. After all, as has already been said, only at first glance does it seem so easy to be such an employee. In reality this is not the case. Especially if you have no aspirations and knowledge of literature and creativity. What should a librarian do?

This employee must be responsible for sorting books in a particular institution. He also searches and issues them, and keeps order in the building.

Please note that my responsibilities also include helping readers find the necessary literature and providing them with advice. That is, in some cases you will have to recommend this or that book, suggest which source to turn to.

When new books arrive, you will have to process them. Accept, enter into the database, put in a specially designated place for them. Not the easiest thing to do if you think about it. And if you consider that now scientific research has appeared electronic library, then you can generally go crazy with the amount of work being done. If you bother to find a job where there is an electronic library, get ready - you will have to completely fill it out and maintain it. Not system administrator, not a programmer, but a librarian. So, not everyone can cope with such a volume of work.


Of course, when applying for a job (and even choosing a direction for work), great attention is paid to such an indicator as wages. The higher it is, the more applicants and young specialists will strive for a particular profession. How are things going with our direction today?

To be honest, it's not very good. The salary of a librarian, like that of most government employees, as well as state employees, is low. Both in Russia and in the capital. True, the difference is often felt.

On average, a librarian will earn about 6-9 thousand rubles. Not very much, right? And it doesn’t matter so much whether this is a rural librarian in front of us or an ordinary city one. in Russia, such employees usually do not exceed 10,000 rubles. But the workload for this type of employee is serious. And, as we have already seen, the amount of work that will have to be done is the same. Not to mention responsibility in the workplace.

But in the capital things are a little better. Not too much, but still better than nothing at all. Scientific electronic library or state library - it doesn’t matter where exactly you get a job. Please note that in Moscow or St. Petersburg you will have to work for about 15,000 rubles. More precisely, from 10 to 15 thousand. This is exactly how much librarians in major Russian cities receive. If we are talking about schools and universities, then usually the situation is no different from the general picture in Russia.

It turns out that being a librarian is an important profession, but it is poorly paid. This means that it is not so in demand among applicants and already graduated specialists. With a high degree of probability, if you want to get a job as a librarian, you won’t have much competition. Judging by statistics, about 60% of the population believe this direction not too important and widespread.


Despite all this, our today's profession has some variety. You will not only have to rearrange books and deal with paperwork. After all, there is one very interesting competition taking place in Russia. It's called Librarian of the Year. Every year, all over the country, the best librarians meet together, demonstrate their knowledge, and also compete for the title of the best employee in Russia.

In fact, it's very useful. Firstly, you will engage in self-development. Secondly, you will become a famous person. Thirdly, usually the winners are given some kind of awards and bonuses, cash payments and privileges. In addition, the best librarian usually receives a higher salary than everyone else. Although, for many, even the All-Russian annual competition is not an incentive for employment.


Among other things, from time to time, librarians are certified in the workplace. It would seem that there is nothing complicated about it - sorting and distributing books, caring for them, as well as issuing them. But our profession today, like any other, is still a responsible matter. And therefore there is no hiding from certification. If you don't pass it, you can go look for another job.

What will you have to prepare for? All libraries have their own rules for conducting the process, so it is not possible to accurately answer this question. You should check with your employer for this detail. However, some general principles will still take place. Which ones exactly?

First, you will be tested on your knowledge of the range of books that the library has. Also during this period, your performance is assessed. How knowledgeable are you about what has become part of your life, your work? Certification will show.

Secondly, most likely, work with visitors will also be assessed. How well you serve your readers. It is possible that for this idea they will give you a secret visitor. Quite a popular technique that is used more and more often.

Thirdly, certification involves testing your knowledge. And literary ones. Not everywhere, but in many places this is exactly the type of check that the employer will conduct. As already mentioned, a good librarian is one who understands literature. An uneducated, stupid, ignorant employee is a disgrace to the entire establishment.

But in practice, it’s usually enough just to show how you work, how well and efficiently you perform your duties. Remember, the more prestigious your place of work, the stricter the check will be. For example, the central library can guide her through all the points, and even find fault constantly. However, if you consider that competition for employment is low, then they will not “tyrannize” you too much. Most likely, you will simply pass a symbolic certification “for show.”


Characteristics for a librarian are usually given at your previous place of work. Well, or at the university where you studied. If you can’t get it anywhere, it’s enough to simply present your resume when applying for a job. And indicate your personal qualities there. Those that any librarian should have. To be honest, there are quite a lot of points. What are they? What is recommended to include in a resume when applying for a job in a library?

Literary skills and aspirations are the first and most important thing that can be highlighted. The qualities of a librarian are unthinkable without knowledge of literature. After all, it is with her that you will have to work. No one will hire an ignorant employee. So, indicate that you know what you will be working with.

Stress resistance is another equally important characteristic. It plays a role in any profession. A nervous and unbalanced person is hired without much desire. And when it comes to libraries - even more so. After all, this place is a storehouse of knowledge, peace and tranquility.

Quick learning and ability to execute - these are the other things a good librarian needs. This is especially true for the second point. Working in a library is constant monotonous work, which not everyone can do. So, if you do not know how to act within the framework of instructions for a long time, if you need a “clearing” for creativity and self-development, you will have to give up the profession. There's no point in talking about being a quick learner.

Openness, friendliness, discipline are qualities of a librarian that also become extremely important. It is not very pleasant to come to the library and communicate with the “manager” who is clearly not happy to see the visitor. Friendliness is the key to success in almost any direction of our lives. If a person is open and friendly, it is pleasant to communicate with him. And this will not scare off readers; they will be pleased to visit this or that establishment.

Initiative, composure, restraint, self-control - these are other points that should not be forgotten. Many people associate librarians with strict, self-possessed people who hold themselves “in This status was invented for a reason. Indeed, a good librarian will be distinguished not only by education, but also by self-control. Every self-respecting employee should have these qualities.


It is not so important what kind of place became your “haven” when building a career - a state library, a district library, or a simple school one. After all, any profession has its pros and cons. They are not particularly dependent on the place of work. What advantages does our current direction provide?

If you are, then you can only rejoice. The library is a place that will become your second home. Here you can work and have fun, develop and improve your literary knowledge.

If you do not get tired easily and are able to do monotonous work for a long time, then this place of work will seem like a paradise to you. In fact, an active and proactive person can easily cope with the load that falls on the shoulders of a librarian.

Plenty of free time is a quality that is emphasized by most employees. You can usually keep order in the hall from your desk (desk, reception). But, in general, most of the time you will have to sit either at the computer (they are everywhere now), or simply at documents and a desk. You can calmly mind your own business. For example, a part-time job.

It is not always necessary, as has already been said, higher education for employment. The librarian's instructions indicate more that you should simply be an educated and cultured person with skills and knowledge in literature. So, everyone has job prospects. It is impossible not to emphasize the low level of competition.


True, the direction also has more than enough shortcomings. Moreover, one point plays an important role. Of course, we are talking about wages. She, as already mentioned, is low. Both in Russia and in the capitals. If you compare it with the load and responsibility that will be placed on your shoulders, then you will simply waste time in the library.

The lack of prospects for promotion and career development also leaves its mark on the popularity and demand for the librarian profession. There is no career ladder in this area. Therefore, to some extent this direction can be called unpromising.

It has already been said about the load. Yes, quite often you can during working day go about your business - work on the computer, read, embroider, and so on (especially if you are not being watched by your superiors, the main thing is to keep order in the building and respond to the first call from visitors), but there are times when real emergency situations occur. And then the amount of work and responsibility simply does not compare with your salary.

As you can see, being a librarian is a profession that is not very popular among specialists. It requires special responsibility, knowledge and skills in literature. Only a true lover of creativity and books will be able to work in a library on a permanent basis. Rather, it is not even a profession, but a calling!

A librarian is an information processing professional in library and information science who organizes and manages information services and materials for anyone who needs that information.

A librarian is a library worker, a specialist in the field of fiction, popular science, and special literature.

The librarian's profession is aimed at working with readers. Librarian serving visitors reading room, selects and issues the necessary literature to them, completes the library collection - forms orders and purchases books, carries out technical processing of new received literature, compiles catalogues, fills out reader subscriptions, organizes exhibitions of books, magazines, newspapers, monitors the safety of the library collection.

In cultural and educational institutions, it ensures the selection of literature necessary for readers and the rapid fulfillment of their requests. Issues literature on subscription and to reading rooms, studies readers' requests in order to assist them in choosing literature. Participates in the acquisition of the library's collection, processing of literature and compiling catalogues, in the work of recording and storing the collection, in the promotion of books, in the research and scientific-methodological work of the library. Conducts individual conversations with readers, assists them in choosing books and magazines, organizes thematic literary conferences, book exhibitions, completes the book collection, keeps records of the library collection, etc.

The librarian must know the content of fiction, popular science, and specialized literature, methods of conducting individual conversations, forms and methods of holding conferences, exhibitions, etc., rules for recording and processing the book collection. The librarian must know the rules for compiling catalogs, special library computer programs, have communication skills with people, a good memory, love to read, and also possess such qualities as perseverance, attentiveness, accuracy, organization, concentration, patience, tact, emotional stability, and a tendency to perform monotonous work.

Professionally important qualities of a librarian: high communication skills, tact, emotional restraint, good memory.

Medical restrictions: Neuropsychiatric disorders. Allergy to book dust. Respiratory diseases. Very poor vision. Low intelligence.

Qualification requirements: Library technical school or the corresponding department of the cultural institute.

Typically, librarians work in public libraries or libraries of higher or secondary educational institutions, primary or secondary schools, media centers, and libraries within businesses or companies. In the West, some librarians may be independent entrepreneurs working as information specialists, catalogers, and other specialized areas.

Level wages librarians are usually short. Possibilities career growth The librarian is present up to the position of head of the library.

September 1 is the beginning of the school year. Students and schoolchildren go to libraries in search of the necessary literature. And the librarians, in turn, are in a hurry to get to class. This is because people who do not have a specialized education often come to work in Russian libraries, driven by one feeling - the love of books. But you can’t last long on feelings alone, so you have to go learn. Those RSL employees who have decided to seriously and for a long time connect their lives with the library come to Higher Library Courses at the Training Center for Postgraduate and Additional vocational education RSL. And each of them has their own story of entering the profession.

Three years ago, candidate of philological sciences Smita Sengupta graduated from the Higher Library Courses at the Russian State Library. “I have been working in the library for more than 15 years. And I got here in the following way. There was an exhibition at the Center for Oriental Literature organized by the Bangladesh Embassy. I worked there as a translator for the Ambassador. And that day they told me that the collections kept books in Bengali (this is my native language), but there was no specialist to work with it. They offered to take care of them. I agreed and now I’m still working here.” Since then, Smita has managed to obtain a residence permit in Russia and a specialized library education. “My boss, Maria Emelyanovna, who always helped and guided me, said: “Smita, if you want to continue working in the library, go study.” And I went with my colleague.” The knowledge gained was useful when fulfilling non-standard requests from readers, when you need to find some rare book or work of a little-known author. “If earlier I relied on my logical thinking, now I know exactly the search methodology - how and what is faster and easier to find. Thanks to the courses for this."

Olya Izhbulatova, an employee of the Center for Eastern Literature of the Russian State Library, came to the library out of love for the Chinese language and Chinese literature.

“I recently went down to our storage and looked at the mountains of Chinese books lying there. It will take at least a year or two to sort this out. I’ll be honest, my hands are itching.” Olya graduated from ISSA (Institute of Asian and African Countries at Lomonosov Moscow State University), has been working at the Russian State Library for a year and a half, and as a cataloguer at the TsVL for a month and a half. This year I entered the Higher Library Courses. From training he wants to gain knowledge about the preservation of documents, restoration and LBC tables. “We store very valuable publications and we need to understand how to handle them and maintain them in proper conditions. In the future, I would like to deepen my knowledge of the Chinese language and study other related languages. I want to become a first-class specialist."

Specifics library activities The fact is that it is quite difficult to work here without a specialized education, much less move up the career ladder. That is why in Russian state library a training center has been created where everyone can learn the intricacies of the library profession, improve their qualifications, or even advance science by enrolling in graduate school and defending a candidate or even doctoral dissertation. It is to this center that Olya will go to study on September 6th. She will be accompanied by about twenty other people - employees of the RSL and other Moscow libraries.

An interesting fact: initially, the librarian profession was taught only at the Russian State Library. IN 1920s years, various ideas for training employees of the then State Rumyantsev Museum of library specialization began to emerge and be put into practice, the foundations of course training and retraining were laid, and teaching methods were developed. Already in 1924, Higher Library Courses were created. And in 1930 - the Moscow Library Institute (later renamed the Moscow University of Culture and Art).

“I came to the library by accident. On a clear October day, walking along Mokhovaya, I saw a sign for the magazine “Library Affairs” on a house. Since at that time I was unemployed, I decided to just look into the HR department of the RSL and find out if they had any vacancies. They suggested going to the library services department of the new acquisitions reading room. I easily agreed. And now I’ve been working there for five years.” This is the story of Valentina Korenok, who, after her chance meeting with the library, decided not only to stay, but also to master a profession. She completed higher library courses two years ago. “Thanks to my studies, I began to have a more competent attitude to work and better understand the specifics of our library’s activities as a whole.”

You can get a diploma of higher library education if you go to study at a specialized university. Here is the story of the deputy manager Training center postgraduate and additional professional education of the Russian State Library by Lidia Sergeevna Martynova. “My relative, Vasily Vasilyevich Serov, a prominent scientist, was Deputy Minister of Culture under Demichev. He graduated from the Moscow Library Institute. And when I was in 10th grade, he brought me to this university and took me through the classrooms. So I began to study library science. Graduated from graduate school. And then I went to work at the Patent and Technical Library. In 1968, when the research department opened, she came to the RSL.”

Nowadays, short-term courses in information and computer technologies (specializations “ Microsoft Office XP", "Library and information technologies", "Library and information activities"). In 2010, about 220 people visited them. Considering the course taken by the Government of the Russian Federation towards computerization of the library environment, librarians are simply obliged to master the basic programs and services.

At the same time, there is also a reverse trend. IT specialists without library education are recruited to work at the RSL. And they, in turn, need to take specialized courses. Only in this way will these two groups, sometimes more like two warring camps, be able to build a constructive dialogue and productive working together over development library system Russia.

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Librarians store and disseminate knowledge, organize information, and create new, creative, and technologically advanced ways to access it. Depending on the chosen specialty, librarians may be responsible for both the work of public educational programs, as well as conducting research, teaching children to read, or managing library staff. From this article you will learn different facts, related to the work of a librarian, including what is needed to become a representative of this wonderful profession.


Part 1

  1. Know what librarianship is. This concept includes both the management of the library and book collection, as well as the preservation, archiving and dissemination of information, development information technology and participation in research. Librarians can specialize in anything, and many can specialize in everything at once. Librarians' tasks include:

    • Cataloging of books in the database
    • Create taxonomies to organize data
    • Using new technologies to update the organization of old collections
    • Search for primary sources
    • Creation of student and public educational programs
    • Library management
    • Keeping the library's book collection up to date
  2. Know what librarians are like. Maybe you would be more interested in working in a children's library? Or, for example, in a university library? Libraries are different, and therefore librarians, depending on their responsibilities, are of the following types:

    • Public libraries are open to anyone who wants to read. Often they hold something like public educational events with the aim of developing literacy among adults and children. Such libraries are an important element of free access to information for people. The task of librarians in this case is to monitor the state of the book collection and update it in a timely manner, exchange experiences with other libraries and conduct educational events.
    • School libraries are an important part of primary and secondary schools. Their task is to provide children with the books necessary for their comprehensive development. School librarians help children develop a love of reading and also manage the library.
    • Libraries in higher education educational institutions maintain significant collections of books that meet the needs of students. Often such educational libraries are specialized, have separate thematic collections for certain areas of knowledge. The librarian's task in this case is to compile reference lists, catalog new materials, help students select literature for projects, archive special books and update the book collection. Often, an advanced degree is required to work in specialized libraries.
  3. Consider whether you are ready to become a librarian. Many of those who love to read sometimes think about becoming a librarian. However, it requires much more than just a love of books. A good librarian not only has a thirst for knowledge, but also strives to organize it all in the best possible way, preserve the information and make it available to as many people as possible.

    Part 2

    education requirements

    Part 3

    become a librarian
    1. Don't wait until the end of training. You can gain experience working in a library even before graduating from courses, during your studies. Try getting a job at your university library or, say, at your local municipal library. Many libraries welcome students - you can delegate routine work to them. For students, this is a great chance to get into the spirit of libraries and understand whether this is what their soul is in.

      • Many libraries invite students to practice. Some pay for it, some don't, but it's still a great opportunity to get real work experience. If the library of your educational institution does not offer anything like this, talk to the librarian, maybe he can help.
      • In many educational institutions There are student library associations. Join one of them!
      • Become a volunteer and help libraries. Well, or work there from time to time, do an internship, and so on. In general, take every opportunity to get involved in the world of libraries and librarianship. Be enthusiastic, ask questions, and stay tuned after the practice is over!
    2. Find ways to make your resume more impressive. Unfortunately, library budgets are being cut, and therefore, to become a librarian, you have to try (at least in the USA). Experience in a library and certificates will definitely help you with this.

      • There is no need to emphasize on your resume that you love books. 9 out of 10 applicants focus on this! You need bigger cards, so focus on those qualities that make you a natural librarian!
      • Always tailor and change your resume to suit the job you are applying for. Focus on your qualities that are suitable for working in a particular place. And most importantly, don’t forget to show enthusiasm!
      • Dating is a useful thing. If your librarian friends know that you are looking for a job in this profile, then there is every chance that they will be able to help you.

Although more and more people use electronic media to read books, interest in the truly printed word does not fade at all. Every city, even the smallest one, has its own library serving several thousand readers. Librarians manage vast intellectual institutions and book depositories.

From the outside it may seem that all the work of a library employee consists of issuing forms and filling out registration forms. In fact, this is far from the case. A librarian is a qualified specialist who must have an excellent understanding of the range of books, be a philologist and a bit of a historian.

Librarian Responsibilities

The librarian is directly involved in the formation of the book fund, orders new copies of books, analyzes and monitors the emergence of new literary talents. At the same time, his responsibilities also include repairing old books (which can sometimes be antique and even have historical significance), and writing off those that are completely unusable. After receiving new ones, the librarian sorts them and catalogs them.

The specialist must know the standards for storing books and, if possible, ensure necessary conditions for long-term use. Some antique items require special conditions of increased caution.

Without a doubt, the main requirement for a bibliologist is an excellent knowledge of literature in all its diversity and enormous quantity.

Moreover, the librarian should be aware of not only the books of the direction that interests him, but also all the others that readers may ask about. A specialist will often have to suggest works to people based on their preferences, wishes and level of intellectual development.

The ability to work with a computer is mandatory for a modern library worker. In most institutions, all reader forms and catalogs have long been computerized, so it will be difficult for a person who is far from understanding the simplest programs to adapt to this process.

Is it difficult to work as a librarian?

The profession of a librarian is specific and requires a person to have a certain type of character. If he fanatically loves books, is erudite, neat and attentive, then such a specialist will truly be “in his place.”

However, there are also some negative aspects in the work of a bibliologist that can develop into difficulties: an abundance of clerical work, which is tiring and requires a high level of concentration, as well as constant communication with people. Of course, visitors are different, and some of them can make you nervous.

Don't miss:

Pros and cons of being a librarian


  • The profession of bibliologist is by no means boring. A specialist can simultaneously engage in scientific activities, study historical works, participate in organizing exhibitions and excursions;
  • communication mainly with interesting, educated people;
  • A suitable job for those who love to read.


  • low salary;
  • In the modern world, the relevance of paper books is gradually decreasing. The future prospects of the profession are unclear.

The librarian profession can hardly be called a careerist one, but still there are certain steps of the ladder here. The pinnacle of a career is the head of a library; if the institution is large enough, then the head of a department is one of the intermediate options. In addition, there are many other development options: head of a media library, thematic publication, organizer of an educational project.

There is one dangerous moment in the librarian profession - stopping professional development. Routine work can make the most diligent person bored. It’s worth remembering this and not stopping there.



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