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What are the responsibilities of the achievement function. How to describe professional achievements and results in a resume? An example of achievements in a specific profession

It has long been a well-known truth: personnel decides everything. Market human resources- this is the same perpetual motion machine. Time passes, labels change, trademarks, faces, names of companies, positions, but the scheme remains unchanged. At some point, everyone has faced the question of choosing a job.

The first step on the path to employment is drawing up a correct resume. It’s a very fine line - it is necessary to describe your existing professional experience, without belittling or embellishing it, while presenting everything in the most structured and informative way possible. After all, how brightly and professionally you present yourself by describing your responsibilities determines whether you will receive an invitation to an interview, or whether your response will remain uninteresting to the employer.

Defining ambitions

So, we are faced with the task of creating competent advertising for ourselves as an employee.

The writing form is quite standard - the resume must contain the candidate’s personal data, including easy-to-reach contacts, information about education, experience, trainings or courses completed. An important point: in order to achieve the desired result, you need to identify your main professional or human advantages.

Correct resume. What it should be

When you sit down to write a resume, you should adhere to the “golden” principles:

Brevity. Your resume should be on 2-3 pages, no more.

Structure. The information you provide in your resume must be presented in a certain sequence and exactly correspond to the previously chosen form.

Objectivity. When indicating your experience and skills, moderate your creativity and imagination, be objective and realistic. Underline using action verbs. Using the same principle, we fill out the “Achievements” section in the resume. .

Selectivity. Analyze your existing professional experience, choose from it only what will be most useful in achieving your goal.

Positivity. Prefer positive information to negative information. Describing, defining, and narrating information through denial will not work to your advantage.

Focus on achievements. Identify and focus on your achievements. We will tell you how to fill out the “Achievements” column in your resume a little later. Confused, don’t know what to classify as your achievements? Think about it: maybe you should take a better look around? What do you already have, what has happened, what has been successful? Let us remind you that a well-written resume should ultimately be quite easy to read not only by professionals in your segment, but also by hiring managers. It is necessary to write responsibilities, functions, achievements (this also applies to the resume in general) briefly but succinctly in order to reflect all the work experience.

Standard chronological resume

Today, the standard form is the so-called chronological resume. It starts with the last place of work and then lists all the others in descending order. Don’t rush to immediately write down your responsibilities and achievements in your resume; don’t rush things.

Let's explain with an example step-by-step compilation such a resume.

Start with your last name, first name, patronymic, contact details and designation of the desired position. It would be a good idea to supplement your resume with a business-style photograph.


There is no need to put a strong emphasis on education if you have completed your studies quite a long time ago. It is quite possible to get by with the period of study, the name of the university, the faculty and the specialty. But students, on the contrary, are recommended to give education a key place.

You can specify a topic and some coursework that you completed during your studies. If you have multiple degrees, they are usually listed in reverse chronological order. When describing your education, you don’t need to go into global depth and remember your high school education. It is unlikely that this memorable fact exclusively for you will characterize you as a professional.

Briefly about the main thing

So, we come to the key section of our resume - “Work Experience”. The main task here is to show that you can perform the proposed functionality efficiently. Responsibilities and achievements in your resume should be presented in such a way that you can convince the employer that he needs you. Your previous work experience will certainly help with this.

A few tips at once: present information according to the following scheme: period of work (dates of employment and dismissal), the correct and full name of the organization, then be sure to indicate the market segment occupied by the company, the scope of its activities, as well as the position in the resume. You can make it even more informative if after each job you indicate the reason for your leaving.

Primary screening

Do not forget that the “Work Experience” section is the most important, and also the most informative, paragraph of the resume. The “Skills and Achievements” section is reviewed first. Think about it: your resume is read for 1-2 minutes, and during this time the manager should find useful points in it. Try to help him with this, write your resume properly. Design it in a single, easy-to-read style.

The resume should be constructive

Quite common phrases: “have extensive work experience”, “good managerial experience”, “brilliant organizational skills” and others, in addition to the fact that they carry absolutely no information content, will not interest the employer at all, because if you have not taken the time to correctly state your responsibilities, then why should he waste this time on you?

Don't know how to describe professional achievements and results in your resume or are you afraid to indicate something incorrectly? Contact your job description. But don’t make the mistake of many, don’t literally copy and paste paragraphs from the instructions; at a minimum it looks ridiculous, at a maximum it casts doubt on such competence as communication skills: in your own words you cannot tell what you yourself were doing, the information presented was copied and awkwardly inserted like a template. We were faced with the question of what to write in the “Achievements” section of the resume, where to write it and who needs it anyway? It is necessary, no doubt about it.

No memoirs required

When talking about job responsibilities, do not aim to mention every single one of them, choose about 5-7 main ones, and that’s enough. The employer is not interested in your entire life path; it is important for him to trace the last 3-5 years of professional activity. Therefore, do not overload your resume with additional and unnecessary information. It is worth telling in detail about a maximum of 2-3 last places of work. For others, it will be enough to simply mention without delving into the responsibilities.

Filling out your resume (the “Achievements” column, as well as the “Key Skills”) can be planned in such a way as to include actions that you really know how to do at least well and that were applicable in your work experience. Remember that it is not acceptable to be modest when writing a resume. Your main task is to increase your “marketability” and present yourself from your best side. In this case, the information must be objective, certainly based on facts from previous experience. What else should you remember when doing something like filling out a resume? The “Achievements” column, in addition to information about successfully completed projects and career advancement, should contain information about foreign languages, if the level of proficiency in them is really high.

In the final section " Additional information"It is recommended to indicate your personal qualities, which help you achieve your professional goals, and your professional guidelines in general. This section should help the employer determine why he should hire you.

Don’t forget to adhere to the requirements regarding formatting, impeccable literacy and stylistic unity, and your resume will certainly attract a potential employer.

Employers choose those who are ready and able to lead the company to prosperity. Therefore, they pay special attention to the candidates’ successes in previous jobs. Describe them in your resume.

Don't confuse professional and personal achievements. If you mastered a new program at your previous place of work, these are the skills and competencies that should be indicated in. But if you independently implemented or even developed this program to optimize your work, this is already an achievement.

Avoid common phrases. Work can be digitized, so back up your achievements with numbers.

P examples

“I processed 85-100 incoming applications per day. Successfully resolved 96% of the problems that arose.”

"Developed new method to attract clients. In two months I trained the sales department employees. The number of transactions increased by 14%, and sales volume by 20%.”

"Successfully passed nine tax audits».

"Optimized software. Result: we saved 15% on purchasing a new one.”

“Entered the top five in the city hairdressing competition.”

“I added 70 employees to the company’s staff and conducted 120 interviews.”

“I concluded five contracts for the wholesale supply of goods. This allowed us to increase revenue by 7%.”

“During my work, I became the best salesman of the month five times. He proposed a new design option for the window display, which increased the flow of customers by one and a half times.”

For employees administrative departments: Assistant managers or office managers can digitize their work by counting, for example, how many meetings were organized or how they saved the manager from wasting time. Well-established document flow and uninterrupted supply of the office with everything necessary can also be considered an achievement.

Mass professions, such as loader, require high-quality performance of daily duties. Achievements can be formulated as follows: “During the work, not a single emergency incident occurred.” That is, if you work, you should not count the number of clients served per day and multiply by work shifts. It is better to note that during your work you had no complaints, how you prevented shortages and saved the company from losses.

TOThe following formulations will not work:

  • “Organized the effective work of the department.” The phrase is blurry. It is necessary to clarify what exactly was done
  • “During my work as a secretary, the company’s client flow increased.” It is unlikely that the flow of clients increased due to the work of the secretary
  • “Reduced the company’s turnover.” Avoid negative language
  • “I improved my communication skills.” This is a personal achievement. And it’s better not to talk about the fact that you had problems in communication at all.

How to find merit

At first, it may seem like there are no achievements at all. To get your bearings, we recommend thinking about the following questions:

  • What were you praised for at your previous job?
  • What exactly were you assigned to do?
  • What did you do better than others?
  • In what cases did you show initiative?
  • Have you taken part in any significant event for the company?
  • Were there any business processes that resulted from your assistance that resulted in improved performance?
  • Did the company save time or money because of you?
Take into account implemented projects, improvements in financial and other indicators - any goals achieved.

The result should be a list of merits that you need to adapt for which you are applying. In your resume, indicate only those achievements that are relevant to the desired position.

Happy job searching!

Cover: pixabay.com

Social assistance and nursing

Office service

Research and analysis

Sales and Marketing


Technical specialties

Useful for most


So, let's draw the line and establish a certain procedure when listing achievements for a resume.

  1. We create a list of achievements.
  2. We leave only those that meet the highlighted points:
    ♦ the most important;
    ♦ professional;
    ♦ significant for the new job.
  3. We present it in business language, using complete forms of verbs.
  4. We enter it in the resume column intended for describing achievements. It may be in the “work experience” field.
  5. We support it with a covering letter.

If you did everything correctly, then the manager will definitely see you as a professional with written communication skills, the ability to structure data, and set accents. This point will help you achieve the job for which you fought so hard.

If during an interview you hear a question about achievements at previous places of work, do not look for a catch. They ask about achievements, on the one hand, to get a general idea of ​​a particular person, and on the other, to understand how valuable an acquisition he can become for a particular workplace or organization. The secret is that the most important achievements in previous jobs speak about the candidate’s current potential. When looking for a promising specialist, such information can play an important role. In other cases, it is not of fundamental importance. Everyone has achievements. The only problem: not every specialist sees and truly appreciates his achievements. If you don’t value the results of your work, then it will be difficult to talk about important achievements. Although, it’s not always worth talking about them. But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Why are many people confused by the question of previous achievements?

  • Each of us intuitively understands that achievement is a result that is somehow superior to others and stands out from many. But what kind of outstanding results can you talk about to someone who was doing “not so outstanding” work? Believe it or not, there are many. Below we will show you how to more easily identify them.
  • When a question is asked at previous jobs, sober-minded people have a suspicion that in the new workplace they will be required to achieve new achievements. This assumption is not without logic, but it is possible. Often all you need is a stable result that is familiar and familiar to you - a result that you have been able to achieve for a long time and reliably. Don't torture yourself with false assumptions. Calmly answer the question and that’s it.

How to quickly remember your achievements? Mentally return to your previous job. The first one that comes to mind. Remember that you told your friends about it with a fair amount of pride, surprise or joy. Be bolder. Remember and speak – right now and out loud. What were you joyfully surprised by, what were you proud of, what did you encourage yourself for? What have others praised or thanked you for - customers, colleagues, immediate or superior managers? Have you ever found yourself in difficult or unusual conditions, and if so, how did you overcome them and what did you come to? Don't look for something extremely outstanding. Achievements can be different - up to the ability to do something that you couldn’t do before. Practice remembering your most striking achievements - answer the questions above.

How to define an important achievement? As a rule, two situations are associated with important achievements: being forced to overcome difficult conditions when performing main responsibilities and setting tasks that go beyond the scope of main responsibilities. Let's take a closer look at simple examples.

A newcomer is unlikely to be praised for not being late. Right? And, for example, others will praise you for quickly mastering new functions, or you will be glad that you quickly got into it, figured it out, and learned. Or this example. It is unlikely that anyone will praise a worker for daily fulfillment of the norm established for him, a team, a site, a workshop, etc. Right? But if an emergency strikes or circumstances develop in such a way that fulfilling the same norm turns out to be difficult, the one who coped with the solution to the unexpected task can easily be expressed praise or gratitude. Why? Because in the first and second cases it was not easy, but people managed. We did it and got the desired result. Remember what you had to deal with in your previous places of work, and what results you managed to achieve by solving tricky problems.

It happens that a specialist helps an enterprise obtain important results when no one specifically asks for them. You know, we have seen ordinary hard workers who were noticeably nervous when asked about their achievements at work, although their work was full of notes of gratitude and awards for innovative proposals. And these are “ordinary people”. We generally keep quiet about unique specialists. Dig a little, and you will certainly find a whole scattering of impressive achievements, obtained for the sake of personal interest or due to passion for the work. Think about it, perhaps you also have a couple of achievements that are related not so much to direct responsibilities, but to curiosity, integrity, desire for optimization, passion for improvement, and so on.

To select the most valuable from all the achievements, ask a question for each of them: why do I consider this result to be one of the most important? How has he significantly helped or is able to help me or others? Remember: achievement is valuable not because it elevates or distinguishes one specialist from others, but because it allows you to consider new perspectives from the “height” of the achieved result. An important achievement is a kind of milestone that opens the way to goals and opportunities that previously remained vague, unattainable, but for some reason very significant . Example? you got additional knowledge and helped the client solve a problem that had never been solved before. We honed an important professional skill and brought a whole echelon of promising clients to our precious company. Done scientific discovery and gave someone hope for successful healing. They made a small rational proposal and unexpectedly helped to significantly reduce the cost of production at our native plant. You look forward from the milestone you just took and clearly understand that thanks to the result achieved, you yourself, your clients, patients, company, organization can now... wow!

Why is it important to value your work achievements?

  • The specialist intentionally reproduces and purposefully uses the results of his work that he knows about and which he sincerely values. Other achievements, as a rule, are random.
  • The presence of achievements even in a seemingly mediocre specialist reveals a real fighter, capable of fighting for results, at least out of a sense of pride, dignity or personal interest.

What is the difference between those who genuinely appreciate and openly devalue what they have achieved? Let's be honest. One employee leaves the checkpoint, albeit tired, but with his head held high or a barely noticeable but satisfied smile, because he understands that he has done something important. There is every reason to believe that when necessary, he will not shy away from a similar task. One of these has already submitted to him. He knows how to overcome such conditions and achieve the desired result. Knows that he has useful resources - from physical health and professional skills to special knowledge and natural ingenuity. The second, leaving the workplace exhausted, wastes his exhausted strength not on assessing what has been achieved, but on whining or cursing at circumstances, colleagues or management. Will he decide to attempt a similar feat in the future? At your own request - never.

Please note. One and the other achieved the desired result. However, the first one sees them, appreciates them and can reproduce them; the second one refuses to even look in their direction, much less repeat them or use them to achieve new or more significant results. If you don’t want to use it to achieve something new, that’s your right. But we must see and adequately perceive the results of our work. Otherwise, you risk ruining your relationship with the team, being fired due to inadequacy for your position, being at the forefront of being laid off, or finding other joys. Unfortunately, on the part of the organization this will not be a whim, but a necessary measure. After all, even monotonous work will oblige a specialist to reproduce a certain result every day - to produce certain parts, draw up certain documents, treat certain diseases, transfer certain knowledge, etc., etc. Therefore, please remember that, at a minimum, an important achievement is the very ability to perform certain functions, achieving the desired result. Briefly describe what you do especially well and it will be great.

How should you talk about important achievements at work? We strongly recommend: watch your mood. Present the facts with well-deserved pride, not with an annoying grin or exaggerated tragedy. Describe what task you faced and what result you achieved, and not what incredible hardships your path was paved with. In the first case, you will come across as a talented specialist who can help; in the second, you will come across as an unfortunate victim in need of help. Next to the winner, a difficult road turns into an exciting adventure, but with a victim, even an insignificant obstacle risks turning into an exhausting test. Don’t frighten people with the difficulties you face, don’t spoil the impression. After all, in fact, there are no helpless and mediocre specialists. Everyone is strong in at least something. So tell us what exactly you are strong at, and tell us about it with dignity.


The “achievements” section of a resume is one of those that directly influences the achievement of the most important goal - getting the desired position. But indeed, today a resume, even with the broadest experience and the presence of high qualifications, is nothing if it does not indicate achievements. The presence of achievements indicates the ability to effectively use your knowledge at work, the desire to develop professionally, improve your skills and thereby generate income for the company.

Your achievements are your advantages over other candidates who are applying for the same position as you.

Managers often choose those candidates who can demonstrate that they intend to achieve results, and moreover, are able to do this, which will have a positive impact on the development of the organization and its advancement to great achievements.

That is why you should not miss such an important section when writing your resume. Focus on describing your results and achievements, on previous places of work in order to present yourself in the best light, because bare facts are not enough for the employer to focus on you. Achievements do not have to be anything outstanding, even positive work results are enough, what you were able to achieve through hard work and the desire to achieve your goals.

Often, having reached this section when writing a resume, applicants encounter difficulties when it is difficult to squeeze out the necessary data. At the same time, they miss it, which is a huge mistake, and sometimes even costs them their job. Think carefully, analyze your work, and what you have come to, even if these are small achievements, but these are achievements, do not hesitate to list them, it will not get any worse.

Highlighting in your labor activity Some achievements are important to describe them correctly. When describing achievements, experts advise using an effective formula called “Problem + Action = Result.” Based on it, you briefly explain how it all began (task, goal, problem), what actions you took to solve it, and what the result was after that.

Examples of achievements in a resume

. “A new technique has been developed professional development employees with the result of an increase in staff motivation of 15%.”

. "Won an award in 2013 for Best Customer Service."

. “I helped the loan processing manager attract potential clients by making phone calls. As a result, the volume of loans issued increased by 8%.”

. “I have developed a new methodology for finding and attracting clients. As a result, the number of concluded transactions increased by 12%, and sales volume by 22%.”

It is important when indicating achievements to refer to a measurable result, referring to specifics in numbers, all achievements and results of work look more convincing, and do not look like an empty statement of dubious facts.

A resume is a short document that describes you and your professional skills.

When drawing up such an important document, be sure to write only the truth. Don't put yourself on a pedestal. It should be competent, clear and concise. Take care of appearance, stick to the formal style.

The volume of text is 1-2 sheets, no more. Print in an easy-to-read font, highlight important points and be sure to attach a photo. As for the photo, it should look something like a passport. Select suitable photo, with a suitable uniform, full length is not necessary (unless it is mandatory for the employer), the background of the photograph is preferably neutral. Without unnecessary pathos, you get a job, always remember this.

What information should be included in your resume?

The resume should be structured and there is a rough draft plan. Below is an example, try to stick to it.

  1. Personal data;
  2. Education;
  3. Experience;
  4. Labor skills;
  5. Achievements;
  6. PC proficiency;
  7. Personal qualities;
  8. Additional information/

Let's look at each point in detail.

1. Personal data - what should be in this section?

  • Full name - write full last name, first name, patronymic.
  • Date of birth - indicate the date, month and year of birth in full (write in numbers).
  • Residence address - it is better to indicate the city and area of ​​residence, for personal purposes. confidentiality since you place it on the Internet portal.
  • Phone number - write your mobile number to quickly contact you.
  • Email - if you send out your resume yourself, a response will be sent to you by email.
  • Marital status - married/married, single/unmarried, if there are children and what year of birth (optional, but desirable).


Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna

Purpose of the resume: applicant for the position of HR inspector

photo Date of birth: November 19, 1977

Residence address: Rostov-on-Don, st. Lenina, 5, apt. 37.

Phone number: +7834764368

2. Education- In this paragraph, indicate what education you have. If there are several, please list them in order. The date of admission, date of graduation, name of the educational institution, faculty, specialty and qualification obtained are required.


2007–2009 Donetsk National Technical University

Faculty: retraining

Specialty: economist

Qualification: specialist

1995–2000 Donetsk National University


Specialty: psychologist

Qualification: specialist

3–4 Work experience, work skills - you should briefly summarize your work history.

  • Date of admission and date of dismissal from your position (the article under which your employment contract was terminated);
  • Name of the enterprise, company;
  • Position held;
  • Transfers, appointments, promotions (very important, you can track career growth).

After you have indicated the position, briefly describe the job responsibilities.

Many people recommend not to write job responsibilities if you are applying for a position. But it’s better to write, in each company the operating principle is the same, but different job responsibilities. The employer must initially see what you did. For better perception of your resume, combine work experience and work skills into one paragraph.



(7 years, 4 months) Phoenix LLC

Reason for dismissal: Article 38 of the Labor Code of Ukraine - personal desire.

Head of HR Department:

Maintaining personnel records management(hiring, dismissal, transfer, vacation, staffing);

Maintaining T2 cards.

5. Achievements - this section is very important. If the previous part of the resume is template, you should try harder here. Reflect all the achievements that you achieved in your previous job. The employer wants to see the result of your work. Describe specific data and preferably support it with numbers.

Just remember that the information contains trade secret previous place work. If you share such information, please do not provide exact details. And more specifics. Do not write: provision, promotion, implementation - this suggests that you were just about to do this and you were fired.

And if you write: provided, promoted, implemented and at the same time confirm in percentage terms, then they will be more interested in your personality. Your results are obvious. Therefore, you can be described as a productive and goal-oriented person.

It is better to give an example of achievements from your last place of work or previous one, but do not write ten years ago.

It is important to write down the achievements you have achieved in your profession. Do not write about the success of a chief accountant if you worked as an economist. There are times when you want to change your occupation, then you need to bring your victories as close as possible to your new career growth goals.

There are professions where there are no outstanding services to the enterprise. The employee performs monotonous, monotonous work every day, then establish yourself as a reliable and responsible performer.

If you have just graduated educational institution, and naturally, you have no achievements, then do not pretend to high paying job. Many young professionals think that they “can do everything” after graduating from university.

Don't grab the stars from the sky, your achievement is the desire to learn and improve your level of knowledge.

  1. Increased product sales volumes by 15%;
  2. Increased marginal profit by 15%;
  3. Attracted potential clients and achieved a positive attitude towards our company. Has proven the status of a reliable partner. Sales area: Trained and shared experience with successful sales techniques;
  4. Developed a plan effective sales, due to which sales increased by 24%.

Administrative position:

  1. Worked her way up from secretary to regional director;
  2. Developed a comprehensive development plan for the branch;
  3. She organized the branch from scratch and brought it to a decent level of profit.

Technical specialties:

  1. Ensured information security;
  2. Organized the work of the department;
  3. Developed regulatory documents for information technology.

6. Computer skills. Do not write in this section - experienced user. Today, almost everyone has PC skills. Again you have to be specific. Describe what programs, office applications, systems you work with. It is imperative that you are an experienced Internet user; now they very often work through email, work on social networks, and so on.


Experienced user: MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, Outlook), skills in working with the Internet (Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Firefox) and e-mail (Outlook Express), graphic editors (Photoshop, CorelDRAW), professional programs: CRM, BSCS, SAP, 1C:Enterprise 7 and 8. Knowledge of Windows and Linux operating systems.

7. Personal qualities. Whatever you write here, all the qualities are good. Particularly valued are: responsibility, punctuality, non-conflict, communication skills, diligence, accuracy. Any set of such qualities characterizes you on the positive side.

But no matter what you write when you come for an interview, the HR manager will determine your qualities at first glance. And sometimes they will make a discovery for you. Therefore, when compiling personal qualities, take into account the opinions of others and each profession has its own qualities.


Assistant manager: Accuracy, attentiveness, pleasant appearance, sociability, competent speech. Operator: Competent speech, resistance to stress, punctuality, responsibility.

Sales consultant: Friendliness, sociability, desire to earn money, high stress resistance.

8. Additional information. Here you can write information that will focus on professional activity. Do not list personal qualities, professional skills, all this is stated above. You can mention language skills, driver's license.

As for hobbies, at the moment this is a very controversial issue. Some people think that hobbies don't affect professional qualities. Let's look at this issue.

If you are a very young specialist, then the “Hobby” column will save your resume. Do not write in general phrases, show your individuality. Therefore, write hobbies that are related to professional education.

To make your resume stand out from others, write hobbies that highlight character, drive, and perseverance. Bottom line, you should write a hobby, but with extreme caution.


Additional information:

Possession foreign languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian fluently, Spanish, German with dictionary. Driver's license: Category B, driving experience 10 years.

Hobbies: bead embroidery, chess, sports.

Let's look at the hobby example above:

  • Bead embroidery is a very painstaking and scrupulous work, which means that the work will be approached seriously and carefully;
  • Chess - strategic thinking;
  • Sport - sporty healthy employee.

A resume is an art. Therefore, we hope that our writing instructions will help you achieve a successful job search.

In recent years, the standards for writing a resume have changed: if previously it was a description of the duties and responsibilities of a person in a certain position, now the emphasis is on what successes and results the person holding this position has achieved. Employers select candidates based on the characteristics that make the candidate stand out from others and the benefits that the candidate can bring to the new employer or company. In other words, successes and achievements result oriented your activities and indicate that the candidate is able to evaluate his or her contribution as a whole.

The purpose of completing this document is to help you (and by extension us) highlight and highlight your specific successes and accomplishments in every position you have ever held.

In other words, Successes and Achievements measure the distance between a goal or task (what you should do) and the end result (what you did). A person can complete a task, exceed a task, or come close to solving a task.

Anatomy of Success/Achievement

  1. Definition/description of the task/goal/your responsibilities.
  2. Describe the result obtained when solving the problem:
    1. A) Did you manage to exceed the target? How exactly: (by time, budget, etc.)
    2. B) Were you able to complete the task? How exactly: (by time, budget, etc.)

If possible, try to provide specific facts that confirm your Successes and achievements, for example:

“Nikolai Ivanov installed and adapted the software... in... for 80 personal computers. According to the first budget estimates, this led to savings of nine man-months and 80 thousand hryvnia.”

Below are examples of resumes in which the candidates' successes and achievements are properly described.


Part 1(Describe the task/goal/your responsibilities)

“When developing the system... I was entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the functioning of the three main modules by a strictly defined deadline - January 2010, that is, within three months.”

Part 2(Describe the result)

“I was the manager of this project, and my team of 6 people completed the task on time. The modules have been working smoothly from day one. No major changes had to be made, and users sent our company a letter of thanks for a job well done.”


“I removed our company's product, completely redesigned it, and then installed it again at the user's site. This has fundamentally changed the customer’s attitude towards the product, and he now recommends our product to other customers.”

“I analyzed the problems that customers had that required technical support from our company. I identified the root causes of these problems and created working groups to eliminate these causes. This made it possible to increase staff productivity by 100%, since each employee now served not 15 points, as before, but 30”.

“I ensured that the number of users grew: when I started there were 30, now the number has grown to 700 and continues to grow.”

Above are examples of successes and achievements taken from the resumes of candidates we have. When describing your Successes and achievements, think about how your actions influenced the task and what results were obtained, always keeping in mind the benefit that the employer wants to receive from you.

List those results of your work that you yourself consider to be your highest achievements:

  • Implemented systems implementation on time and on budget.
  • Spent analytical work and designed the device that is used in the system now in production, on time and on budget.
  • With a limited time and budget, I wrote all the software specifications for the control and inventory system.


Instructions for completing the form:

1. Based on your resume, consider what results you have achieved in each position you have held that you consider a success or achievement.

2. Write a description of your Successes and achievements, looking at 2 pages for inspiration. entitled “ Professional characteristics information technology specialist” and “Key words”.

Start each phrase with the words “improved”, “modified”, “designed”, “reduced”, “eliminated”, etc.

Describe the results of your activities like this. so that it is absolutely clear in which position you achieved certain results.

3. After filling out the form, please return it to the reception. The consultant will be informed that you are ready for the interview.

4. Your successes and achievements will be included in your resume and will be used to find potential employers to apply your knowledge and skills.



Below are the key areas on which employers evaluate information technology professionals:

  • Deadlines.
  • Budget execution.
  • Difficulties.
  • Inspection/control strategies.
  • Documentation writing skills.
  • Compliance with standards.
  • Analytical potential.
  • Knowledge of structural methodologies.
  • Understanding consumer needs.
  • Learning ability.
  • Compliance with code conditions.
  • Specific knowledge.
  • Introduction of systems into production.
  • Breakthroughs.
  • Personnel training.
  • Problem solving.


Below is a list of some words that will help you describe your successes and accomplishments in each position. Your successes and achievements can then be added to your resume.



Organizational management structures at public catering enterprises Organizational structure of public catering

Organizational management structures at public catering enterprises Organizational structure of public catering

Submitting your good work to the knowledge base is easy. Use the form below Students, graduate students, young scientists using the database...

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We inspire people and their ideas

Relatively recently, consumers of the domestic soft drink market did not even know what Red Bull was. Today's share...

What does "unitary enterprise" mean?

What does it mean

Many frequently encountered and already familiar abbreviations are not fully understood by everyone. For example, what is a federal state unitary enterprise? We will dedicate ourselves to answering this question...

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