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What are the responsibilities of an administrator? Administrator - who is this? Professional responsibilities of an administrator Working as an administrator, what are the responsibilities

The site administrator can be called its leader or manager, since the responsibilities of such an employee include a variety of functions that ensure the correct operation and regular updating of the Internet resource. Starting from technical support of the site and ending with its visual, textual content, promotion and raising in the search engine rankings - such a position involves considerable responsibility. Thus, an administrator is a universal specialist who, personally or by involving contractors and freelancers, ensures the full uninterrupted operation of the resource.

Site administrator. Responsibilities

When considering the job responsibilities of a site administrator, you need to take into account that not all of the functions listed below are necessarily performed personally. As already mentioned, if necessary or to optimize work, part of it can be delegated. But still, an understanding of the specifics of all related processes should be inherent in the admin - after all, if not carried out personally, then you need to analyze and control the correctness of everything that happens to the site. Among the main responsibilities of an Internet resource administrator:

  • Development, support of the site concept, improvement of its operation. Improvement and correction of the current structure of the web resource.
  • Organization of the technical side of the resource’s operation and security control.
  • Development and implementation of a strategy for promoting a web resource on the Internet.
  • Updating, editing or replacing text and visual content of the site, ordering materials for filling the resource to contractors and monitoring deadlines.
  • Analytics of traffic, visitor engagement, conversion; developing plans for further publications according to needs target audience is also included in the functions of the site administrator.
  • Technical support of the site, carried out independently or with the help of external specialists.
  • Feedback from resource visitors: working with comments, responding to messages.
  • Organization and control full-fledged work, correct functionality of the site, constant monitoring of the availability of the web portal for users on the network.

Required knowledge and skills

It is difficult to answer briefly the question “what does a site administrator do”, because the more an employee knows and can do, the higher his value in the labor market. Like any manager, a web resource administrator needs, firstly, to solve many current issues and look ahead, planning a strategy for further work. Also, among the basic skills of an applicant for the position of Internet resource administrator should be the following professional skills:

  • Confident computer skills, especially on the Internet. Understanding of the principles of operation of Internet pages, an understanding of the processes leading to malfunctions or breakdowns of an Internet resource and knowledge of methods for correcting them.
  • Knowledge of programming languages ​​(HTML, Adobe Flash, JavaScript, CSS, PHP). In the absence of such skills, if a malfunction occurs in the portal, you will have to resort to the help of programmers.
  • Skills in drawing up technical specifications for web designers and developers, cooperation with whom is an integral part of the work both during the preparation of a resource for launch and when making further changes (redesign, implementation of new functionality).
  • Knowledge of CMS systems for organizing website management.
  • Skills in drawing up plans for future publications - if authors, copywriters, and editors are involved in filling the web resource.
  • Knowledge of Internet search engine optimization methods is necessary to manage the process or participate in the development of an SEO resource promotion strategy.
  • Skills in ensuring comprehensive security of Internet resources.

When figuring out who a site administrator is, you should also understand that this is a specialty that requires constant involvement in the process. You need to constantly monitor the operation of the web resource, troubleshoot problems, improve the interface and fill the site. This often means working 24/7. You need to be prepared for a large volume of tasks, a variety of responsibilities, which requires responsibility, stress resistance, multitasking, perseverance, and attentiveness. Considering the need to communicate with site visitors, as well as with freelancers (web designers, copywriters, programmers), the ability to find a common language with people will be useful.

Versatile, multitasking and responsible work Site administrators are in great demand in the labor market. Considering the high pace of business transition to the Internet and the huge number of resources of various types, it will not be difficult for a qualified specialist to find an interesting job with decent pay in this field.

Any serious establishment, be it a warehouse, or a store, or a restaurant, cannot do without an administrator whose responsibilities include management functions.

Previous schemes for managing an enterprise have become obsolete, so we need a specialist who can manage processes well, monitor production, people and goods, and also competently distribute work between various departments.

The administrator must be aware of the situation in the external and internal activities of the company in order to do his job well. Sometimes an administrator is called a manager.

Operating principles

The overall goal of this job is to keep the store running like clockwork. The principle is control over people, goods, premises and documents.

is the leader for sellers, cashiers, receivers and loaders. He is the interacting link between the departments of the entire store.

Through him, issues are resolved between staff and senior management, who he also notifies about problems in production.

To successfully carry out his functions, the administrator must be guided by certain instructions and regulatory documents.

Areas of his competence

The administrator stores in a separate place and communicates to the staff the content of regulatory and guidance documents, orders, job descriptions; he maintains completed cash transactions and other reports.

At acceptance of goods The administrator checks the expiration dates of products and monitors the conscientious observance of storage conditions for goods. If necessary, takes all measures to dispose of expired products or return them to the supplier.

His responsibilities include adjustment of working conditions, compliance with the rights and obligations of employees, their work schedule.

The administrator must know perfectly Labor Code RF, have an understanding of the organization of collective work, combining professions, employee certification and much more, in order to skillfully direct the activities of their subordinates.

For successful implementation different products, the manager must be well aware of such things as consumer purchasing behavior, have an idea of ​​their needs and requirements, forecast demand, know how to position the product in the market, etc. All these are the basics of knowledge about marketing, which allow you to build the right strategies for conducting advertising campaigns and make forecasts of the market situation.

The administrator must control compliance with regulations, as well as strictly monitor the absence of violations of hygiene and sanitation rules at work, fire safety and civil defense.

All this is under the control of the administrator.

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Personal requirements for the candidate

An important quality that a successful administrator must have is the ability to take a leadership position.

This will motivate employees to do their job well.

Indispensable when communicating with customers, suppliers and subordinates communication skills. It allows you to find a common language with completely different people.

Positivity and patience are essential when training staff.

The ability to bring your work to completion is simply a must for a good manager. Responsibility and objectivity are necessary when exercising control over the entrusted area of ​​responsibilities of the administrator.

Organization needed when planning your time, events in the store, and timely checking permits. Logical thinking helps to analyze the information received about the market situation.

Attentiveness needed when working with fiscal and administrative documents and permits, when preparing a cash report, etc.

Key Roles and Responsibilities

This specialist is entrusted with a huge circle job responsibilities and functions:

The basics of working as a store administrator are discussed in this video:

Peculiarities of work and business management of various types of stores

Online store

When operating a store on the Internet, it turns out narrower range of responsibilities than required in a large retail store.

The main activity of a store administrator is communication with dealers when ordering goods.

Also manager must watch for quality, know its characteristics and expiration dates, application options and other information about the product.

He spends customer consultations by telephone or any electronic method of communication, organizes the delivery of goods (either independently or through a courier).

It also “maintains” the order, controls payments, informs about what stage of processing the order is at (for example, it is still on its way, or is already in the warehouse and handed over to the courier, and so on).

The administrator's functions may vary depending on the size of the online store and the specifics of its work.

For more information about the work of an online store administrator, see the following video:

Clothing store

In the work of a clothing store administrator there is a big the need to organize events, promotions, sales and so on, to sell the remaining goods from the past season.

The manager focuses on training staff in techniques for successful sale goods and motivation to work.

He also pays special attention to the sales plan.

What qualities should be written when writing a resume for this position?

You definitely need to write about responsibility. A store administrator is a very responsible position. A person must be passionate about this matter.

For such work you need leadership qualities, without them good job very difficult to build! Must have active life position, sociability, stress resistance.
Attention is required for a manager, because he deals with serious documents.

It turns out that the profession of “administrator” is very creative, while at the same time requiring the presence of opposite personality qualities. On the one hand, he is a thoughtful, attentive strategist, on the other, a communicative manager who brings people together. An imbalance in one direction or another may not have a very good effect on work.

People who have worked in this position for more than one year, as a rule, love their work very much, because every day they successfully solve many diverse issues on which the success of the common cause depends.

Regular visits to night and youth clubs, bars, karaoke establishments and other places where young people like to relax are addictive. Almost every club has its own regulars who know everyone, and many people around (including the staff) know them. Such people at some stage begin to hang out for the sake of partying. This is a kind of addiction to communication, music, and fun.

It is not surprising that you often hear from such people: “I would like to work here, even for a small salary, just to be in this place all the time.” But few visitors to such establishments can imagine what it means to work in a club, and if work as service personnel While shift work may still be an acceptable option, not everyone can apply for such a responsible position.

What education do you need for work?

Oddly enough, you can get a job as an administrator without having any education other than school. But this does not mean that such work is available to everyone and has low requirements. The presence will not hurt in any case, and it is desirable that it be something related to the work of the clubs. For an administrator vacancy You can safely apply by graduating from such faculties as:

  • economic;
  • psychological;
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages;
  • any department of a pedagogical university.
Administrator vacancy

Regarding economics, everything is clear: the administrator is almost always vested with the authority to resolve financial issues, and as for obtaining an education in other faculties, this need is justified by the fact that the administrator must first of all be able to communicate with people, feel them and try to make sure that visitors it was as comfortable as possible. To do this, it is necessary to be able to understand a person, and this will be useful to the administrator in many situations, including conflict situations, when it will be necessary to resolve various problems and disagreements that arise.

Interview and hiring

It is much more important for an applicant for the position of administrator to be successful when applying for a job than to have special skills and impress the employer with extensive experience and several educational qualifications. This is a rare exception to the rule when a completely random person, far from this activity, can get an interview, but at the same time he can get a position with a higher probability than an applicant with experience and a diploma.

Everything depends on the applicant’s behavior during the interview, and the main thing here is to be prepared for the most unexpected questions. Obviously, the club administrator will often have contact with visitors, among whom there will be different personalities - from modest grateful clients to inadequate rowdies.

In each case, you will have to look for your own approaches and ways to resolve the situation, and if the administrator hesitates during the interview, in a calm and friendly atmosphere, then he will definitely not be able to cope with his responsibilities during the work process.

But communication is not limited to showdowns with clients: the administrator’s responsibilities include monitoring almost all processes occurring in the club - from decorating the hall and inviting musicians to monitoring the work of the cleaner and assessing the quality of service to guests by the bartender.

Naturally, communication with colleagues may not work out the way you would like, so you will have to learn to manage a team in such a way as not to become a hated boss for other employees, but at the same time to avoid violations of discipline.

What is the job

Administrator's work- this is always a combination of several positions, and even though formally the administrator performs only management work, in practice he will be a director, a decorator, a security chief, and even an art director.

In a global sense, the administrator works simultaneously in three directions: visitors, employees of the establishment, premises. As for the latter, the administrator in this case is obliged to monitor order and, if necessary, the decoration and interior of the premises. The administrator is also responsible for advertising and working with promoters, therefore, all promotions must be carried out with the knowledge of the administrator.

Employees need to be monitored, and this applies to all personnel. If the cleaner washed the floors poorly, he needs to be reprimanded. If the waiters work slowly, the administrator is obliged to take appropriate measures. If musicians or DJs encounter any problems during their work, these problems must be resolved by the administrator.

But control is not the most important thing. In the event of a rush situation, an emergency, or if one of the employees does not show up for work for some reason, the administrator must be ready to replace the employee who is “incapacitated.” This does not mean that the administrator must complete a bartending course or clean the toilet himself. There are many ways to solve such problems, and a good administrator can really replace an employee, and an excellent administrator will quickly find a replacement without being distracted from his business.

It’s not bad if the administrator is “savvy” in . There are often cases when club visitors threaten to sue. The reason could be anything: poorly prepared food, a dirty table, diluted drinks, uncomfortable steps down which the client was injured, or rude behavior from the staff. In all these cases, visitors can demand compensation, and the administrator must be able to achieve a favorable outcome for the establishment.

Professional and career prospects

It should immediately be noted What is the job of a club administrator? Only “horizontal” promotion is possible. This means that at his workplace in a particular club, the administrator will no longer “grow”, because only the owners of establishments or some manager of several clubs, if it is a chain, are higher.

But job prospects in other institutions, where pay is higher and conditions are better, increase as experience is gained. For example, you can go to work in a small club, where the administrator has few responsibilities, there are few visitors, and you won’t have to do anything for the majority of the working day. Accordingly, you cannot count on decent pay in such cases, but in order to get a job in elite or simply popular establishments with high traffic, experience may be required.

In half of the cases, experience is not an important criterion, but it would be better for the applicant himself to have at least some practice. Otherwise, on the very first day you may find yourself in a stupid situation, not getting your bearings, not having time, or not being able to cope. And if for the unfortunate administrator himself this day will seem crazy and urgent, then for the establishment it can be ordinary workdays.

One of the features administrator profession is that a person may, to his surprise, find himself on the “black” or “white” list in other institutions. That is, if the administrator has stolen heavily or was guilty of some major scandal, he may no longer be accepted for a similar position in another institution.

Administrator salary

At the same time, owners of other establishments may pay attention to an administrator who does an excellent job and helps increase revenue by improving conditions in the club. Often in large cities, representatives of competitors approach such administrators and offer to go to work for them with an increase in salary and better conditions.

But this is typical for well-known and popular metropolitan establishments, in which the administrator is practically a media person. In ordinary clubs, the administrator is essentially an intermediate link between the owner of the club and everyone else. And an experienced administrator has only one advantage: recording in work book, thanks to which he is more likely to be hired at another institution if he needs to change his place of work.

How much do they pay

Administrator salary varies depending on two factors: the region and the size of the establishment. On average, a club administrator in Russia receives about 40,000 rubles, but this is an average figure. Consequently, in 50% of cases the administrator receives 15-20 thousand, and the other 50% includes those who earn 60 thousand rubles or more.

But many people agree to work for that kind of money, since it’s no secret to anyone: a smart and experienced administrator always has additional “left” income. They are not always legal, so it is not worth talking about them. But in cases where management pays for additional trips to work, work on weekends and holidays, or pays overtime, the administrator already “runs up” a decent amount in excess of the agreed pay.

It is worth considering that in many institutions the administrator, being the responsible person, can be fined for various violations. And being a financially responsible person, the administrator in some cases is obliged to cover losses for which he is directly or indirectly to blame.

Thus, it is often practiced that the administrator will cover shortfalls. In theory, responsibility for this lies with the staff, but the administrator can participate in the coverage equally with everyone or pay alone, since he is to blame for “not keeping track.” But do not be afraid of large monthly fines: all this is individual and depends on the specific establishment.

Pros and cons of the profession

U administrator All club staff are subordinate to them. This is both good and bad: bad, because the position implies responsibility, and not everyone can cope with such a load. On the other hand, the manager always has more opportunities, prospects and money, so with the ability to give orders and keep everything under control, the administrator will become an indispensable assistant for the club owner, who cannot be let go. As a result, the administrator will be appreciated, and this will inevitably affect the salary.

Job prospects largely depend on the personal qualities of the administrator: if he knows how to quickly make decisions, can lead and does not start to panic in stressful situations, he will be a valuable personnel for management. But the main thing in the work of an administrator is the need for constant communication with people, which to a certain extent is a disadvantage of the job.

The fact is that you have to communicate a lot and with everyone: with, with companies that book a table, with waiters, with drunken louts, with the owner of the club, with security. A huge amount of information is tiring, and if a person is not stress-resistant, then he quickly gets tired and begins to get nervous. Excessive communication gets boring even for sociable people, because the work of an administrator requires nerves of steel.

Another disadvantage of the profession is the need to work a lot. This does not mean that you will have to stay an hour and a half to finish some things. You really have to work almost all the time. Nightclubs are places where people relax on weekends and celebrate holidays or their personal significant events.

Profession administrator

Therefore, on the days when ordinary people weekend, administrators begin their busiest days. There is also no need to relax on holidays, and it is good if the administrator has a partner and works in shifts. In some cases, the club owner holds one person in this position. Yes, the administrator does not have to be constantly present at the club, but must appear as soon as the need arises.

Such an uneven or “ragged” schedule does not leave the opportunity to make your plans, and you have to devote almost everything to work free time. This is one of the reasons why they prefer to hire young, energetic, smart and, most importantly, single people for the position of administrator.

If all this doesn’t frighten you, you can safely become an administrator: perhaps you will find such stressful situations an excellent way to have fun, experiencing thrills and a rush of adrenaline. Anyway, The administrator position pays quite well, and the money more than pays for the lack of sleep, arguments with clients and the inability to take an extra day off, postponing your business for a long-awaited vacation.

An office manager is an employee who manages an office. As a rule, this employee is included in the staff of the central (head) office of the enterprise or the office in which the management of the enterprise is directly located.

The main task of the office manager is effective management office: its logistics, office work, and most importantly - office staff (secretaries, assistants, translators, telephone dispatchers, etc.). Often, office managers of small companies are entrusted with the responsibility of conducting personnel affairs (registration and accounting of office workers), preparing primary accounting documents, and conducting negotiations with office visitors. On a number trading enterprises Practices working with clients (service) and sales coordination. Among the responsibilities of an office manager may be work with utility services and representatives of organizations that service office equipment.

The main and significant difference between an office manager and an office administrator is leadership authority - the administrator, as a rule, does not manage office workers, but is simply one of them and performs his work in collaboration with office staff.

The office manager and office administrator must have such personal qualities such as communication skills, energy, the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, confidence, the ability to persuade, the ability to self-organize (for an administrator) and the ability to manage a team (for a manager), knowledge foreign language, pr.

I. General provisions

1. The office administrator belongs to the category of specialists.

2. A person who has vocational education(higher; secondary). Experience in economic and administrative work at least (1 year; 2 years; 3 years; etc.)

3. The office administrator must know:

3.1. Location of office premises.

3.2. Principles of planning and design of office premises, incl. advertising decoration of premises.

3.3. Rules and methods for organizing office work.

3.4. Scope of activity of office workers.

3.5. Ethics of relationships in a work group.

3.6. Office standards.

3.7. Principles of organizing office supplies.

3.8. Legislative requirements for business contracts and the procedure for their conclusion.

3.9. Technical equipment of the office.

3.10. Rules for using office equipment.

3.11. Principles of relationships with the administration (commandant’s office) of the building in which the office premises are located.

3.12. Fundamentals of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology.

3.13. Internal labor regulations.

3.14. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.15. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4. Appointment to the position of office administrator and dismissal from the position are made by order of the head of the organization.

5. The office administrator reports directly to ___________________________________.

6. During the absence of the office administrator (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

Office administrator:

1. Ensures that the office is prepared for the working day (deactivating the security alarm system, connecting office equipment and preparing it for operation, providing the office with office supplies and consumables).

2. Prepares estimates for the logistics of the office.

3. Draws up the necessary documents for concluding contracts for: supply of stationery, consumables and other inventory items necessary for the operation of the office; maintenance and repair of office equipment; other services.

4. Monitors the design of premises, monitors the preparation and release of advertising and other information materials in the office, intended for distribution to visitors.

5. Ensures cleanliness and order in the office premises.

6. Monitors the correct operation of office equipment and rational use stationery and consumables in the office.

7. Establishes contacts with operational services and utility organizations to provide resources to office premises, carry out repairs and other work.

8. Ensures proper maintenance and operation of office premises in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection.

9. Organizes the ordering of air and railway tickets for office employees, dispatching vehicles.

10. Organizes office paperwork, receiving incoming calls and managing outgoing calls.

11. Organizes efficient and cultural service for visitors, ensures creation for them comfortable conditions, advises them on administrative issues, provides information and other materials (business cards, price lists, booklets, etc.).

12. Prepares the material and technical base for conducting complex negotiations with partners, clients, and other categories of visitors.

13. Keeps records of visitors.

14. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

15. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate superior.

16. Prepares the office for closing (turns off lighting and office equipment, activates security alarm systems, etc.).

III. Rights

The office administrator has the right:

1. Independently and under your own responsibility manage the funds allocated to provide the office with the necessary inventory items.

2. Submit proposals for improvement of the work of the office and the enterprise as a whole for consideration by the head of the enterprise.

3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The office administrator is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties provided for by this job description, - within the limits established by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

If you collect the most important things that an administrator should be able to do, you get five main areas. And in order not to be upset that a lot of effort and time invested in an employee were wasted, read this article carefully! Let's talk about what an administrator should actually be able to do in order for him to be proactive, effective and highly motivated.

And so, 5 spheres...

No. 1 Telephone communication

Most of the initial patients contact the clinic by telephone, and at this stage the majority of patients are also lost.I’m sure you’ve heard more than once how one of your administrators lost patientsat this stage. And when you tried to explain to him his mistakes, you noticed that the administrator actually didn’t understand you very well...

Chat by phone

There are many techniques that can be taught to administrators, and they literally begin to change and grow before your eyes.


It is necessary for your administrators to learn to smileduring a telephone conversation. This may seem strange to you, butV telephone sales It is very important when you feel a smile in your voice.She gives the voice friendliness and goodwill.

A smile in your voice puts your interlocutor at ease, but there is no need to overuse itthis is how to replay. It's enough to just have a positive attitude towardscommunication. And then the smile in the voice will manifest itself.

Secondly, it is the pace, volume and clarity of speech.

The most common disadvantages when talking on the phone:

Very fast pace of speech (the administrator is in a hurry to give out the entire stream of memorized information, which looks unnatural and meaningless)

Unclear speech (the interlocutor often asks again what the administrator said)

№2 Service

Service is a thing that allows you to create warm relationships with clientsin such a way that the client wants to come only to you and no one else.The administrator must be able to quickly establish contact with the patient in order to win him over, and at the same time the patient must enjoy communication and visiting your clinic.

No. 3 Conflict situations

I love it conflict situation the administrator must be able to make amends,or better yet, he should be able to avoid such situations.



The patient wrote a negative review.

If the review was written in the book of reviews and complaints, then the administrator mustcall this patient and find out the reason for the complaint.Plus the administrator should thank the patient for the negative review,citing the fact that thanks to such reviews the clinic can become even better.

It's no secret that clients who have had a positive experience at the clinicwill share with a maximum of 2-3 of their friends about your clinic.But those clients who had a negative experience at the clinic will sharefrom 5-10 with your friends this negative experience.And if such a “grumbler” is nevertheless satisfied, he will be very activeshare positive experiences...

#4 Selling skills

The administrator is, first of all, the face of your clinic, because the firstwho the primary patient encounters are your administrators.Every potential patient who comes to your clinic hasa certain need. And the administrator’s task is to correctly identify thisthe need to competently work with objections, such as « It's expensive», « I will think» etc., and make an appointment for the patient.

Without sales skills, administrators can fully perform these tasksalmost impossible.

No. 5 Reporting and control system

These questions show that if there is no reporting and control system, your administrators are working “anyhow,” and this directly affects the clinic’s revenue.

How often do you check your administrators for the quality of patient care?

Do you know how effective each of your administrators is with numbers?

Do your administrators always do what you ask them to do or only when you are nearby?

The administrator must submit a report for the previous day to the senior administrator or manager every day.

“Accounting and Control” - V.I. Lenin

The report should contain:

Having the above indicators in hand, you can see how effective the administrator is, which allows you to control the development of your clinic.

Those. If your administrator closed 7 patients out of 20 requests from primary patients yesterday, which is a little more than 30%, then you know that you have lost at least the same number of patients. This means that the administrator either did not work out the scripts well, or the problem is something else.

In this case, audio recordings of conversations can help you to understand what was done wrong.

If you want to improve the work of your administrators once and for all, you need to train them and create a control system. Of course, the most powerful type of training, like in sports, is when you have a Personal Trainer. Which not only gives theory, but also conducts daily training in all five directions, which an administrator should be able to do.

As you understand, exactly this way and will give best result!

©Nikolai Shchegolkov



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