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Job description of a systems analyst, job responsibilities of a systems analyst, sample job description of a systems analyst. Job description of an analyst Organizational analytical work analyst job responsibilities


[Job Title]



[Name of organization]



"_____" _______________ 20___



1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the analyst [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. The analyst is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position as established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The analyst belongs to the category of specialists and is subordinate to [the names of the positions of his subordinates in the dative case].

1.4. The analyst reports directly to [name of the immediate supervisor's position in the dative case] of the Company.

1.5. A person who meets the qualification requirements is appointed to the position of analyst:

Analyst category I: higher professional education and work experience in the field professional activity at least 10 years, including in the position of category II analyst for at least 5 years.

Analyst: higher professional education without any work experience requirements.

1.6. The analyst is responsible for:

  • effective performance of the work assigned to him;
  • compliance with the requirements of performance, labor and technological discipline;
  • the safety of documents (information) in his custody (that have become known to him) containing (components) trade secret Companies.

1.7. The analyst must know:

  • laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of analytical activities;
  • production order practical recommendations;
  • methods of collecting, assessing and analyzing information;
  • basics of labor organization;
  • basics of labor legislation;
  • labor safety rules.

1.8. The analyst is guided in his activities by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.9. During the temporary absence of the analyst, his duties are assigned to [deputy position title].

2. Job responsibilities

The analyst is required to perform the following job functions:

2.1. Organizes analytical and methodological support for conducting research work.

2.2. Conducts analytical and research work to collect, evaluate and analyze the information received, as well as develop practical recommendations.

2.3. Monitors publications, including in Russian and foreign media mass media, gives them an assessment.

2.4. Prepares necessary reporting documentation.

2.5. Coordinates the activities of co-executors when performing joint work with other structural divisions of the organization.

In case of official necessity, the analyst may be involved in the performance of his official duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The analyst has the right:

3.1. Give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees and services on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.

3.2. Monitor the implementation of production tasks, timely completion of individual orders and tasks by subordinate services.

3.3. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of the analyst, subordinate services and departments.

3.4. Interact with other enterprises, organizations and institutions on production and other issues within the competence of the analyst.

3.5. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

3.6. Submit proposals on the appointment, relocation and dismissal of employees of subordinate departments for consideration by the head of the Company; proposals to encourage them or to impose penalties on them.

3.7. Exercise other rights established Labor Code RF and other legislative acts of the RF.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The analyst bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of your labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The analyst’s work is assessed by:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the analyst’s work is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The analyst’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure his activities, the analyst is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues within his competence by this job description.

I have read the instructions ___________/___________/ “____” _______ 20__

Often people who start exercising entrepreneurial activity, ask the question: “Business analyst - who is this and why hire him?” Having read the definition of the concept, it will become clear that he is an indispensable employee. Then you will need to find out what information his job description contains.


A business analyst is a specialist who applies business analysis methods to analyze the needs of the company, to find out the causes of problems in the implementation of activities and create proposals for solving them.

This concept is defined by the International Institute of Business Analysis as an intermediary for collecting necessary information and verification of requirements for creation information systems. The employee must understand what opportunities and challenges the business has that help or hinder the company's achievement of its goals.

The term in question has not been established for a long time. Synonyms can be used to name a specialist: requirements analyst and systems analyst. Business Analyst is the lowest position of a consultant when considering a consulting business.

General provisions of the job description

A business analyst is an employee of the company's development department, who belongs to the category of administrative and managerial apparatus. It is worth noting that the purpose of the position is to optimize and analyze the processes carried out by the company. A systems analyst can be appointed and removed from a position upon the recommendation of the head of the department by the chief manager of the enterprise. The employee must follow the orders of the director strategic development. To do this, he must use the appropriate regulatory documents.

Functions of a business analyst

The system analyst plans work on analyzing business processes:

  • is engaged in creating a work plan for analysis, optimization and modeling of processes, after which it is agreed upon with the head of strategic development;
  • is engaged in the formation of resource estimates and communication plans required to perform modeling of new processes.

Performs analysis and optimization:

  • develops the structure of elements necessary to assess the effectiveness of existing functions and processes;
  • applies tools modeling, company acceptance;
  • compiles a comprehensive analytical report, presented with text comments and analysis tables;
  • develops recommendations for change organizational structure and application of optimized business processes;
  • Prepares the required information for the technical writer of the development department.

Presents the optimized process to other company employees:

  • the business analyst develops demonstration materials required for the presentation;
  • ensures that the presentation has the necessary information materials, software and hardware;
  • demonstrates optimization results to other employees;
  • deals with the procedure for publishing materials on the company’s website.

Engaged in improving the methodology for examining company processes:

  • monitors available sources of information to identify shortcomings in the methods adopted at the enterprise;
  • conducts documentation of the shortcomings of the company's methodology, which will contain a report to the head of strategic development and ways to eliminate the problems;
  • develops recommendations for the use of innovative optimization technologies.

The responsibilities of a business analyst include training and professional development for company employees:

  • must undergo appropriate training and certification in accordance with the established company plan;
  • trains other company employees to work with optimized business processes;
  • trains other company employees to work in the instrumental environment of their modeling.

Business Analyst Knowledge

A business analyst must have the following knowledge:

  • existing national standard DSTU ISO 9001-2001;
  • organization standard for internal audit, regulation and system description;
  • current orders and orders of company managers in the field of optimization and analysis of business processes;
  • adopts domestic and foreign experience to improve management systems;
  • established and current operating model of the company;
  • modern capabilities of computer technology, as well as ways of using it to carry out survey work and optimize relevant processes;
  • norms and rules of labor protection established by law.

Job responsibilities

To make it clear what responsibilities a business analyst has, instructions for him should be drawn up by a representative of the company in which he will work. He has the following responsibilities:

  • performing the functions established by the job description;
  • Ensuring compliance with company policies with high quality;
  • promoting the optimal functioning of the quality management system;
  • carrying out corrective measures in the implementation of its activities;
  • fulfillment of the requirements stipulated by organizational documents.

The duties of a business analyst must be performed in full in accordance with the established job description.

System analyst rights

It is worth highlighting the following rights of a business process analyst:

  • Request from officials and receive the required documents and materials that relate to the activities being carried out.
  • Conduct surveys and interviews with company executives to perform analysis and optimization
  • Carry out a survey of the company's management to ensure the collection of the required information to identify shortcomings in the functioning system and determine the need for its improvement.
  • A business analyst has the right to receive reviews of documents developed by the company and required for the implementation of business processes.
  • The employee must be familiar with the working hours included in the list of internal rules of the company.
  • Has the right to travel to business trips if necessary.

The list of rights may expand depending on the order of the enterprise management.


Job description business analytics contains a list of processes for which he is responsible:

  • for insufficient quality of performance of their official duties;
  • for providing false information about the quality of work performed in accordance with accepted indicators;
  • for untimely submission of reports in accordance with the requirements of the internal audit regulations;
  • for failure to comply with the orders of the company management and the head of strategic development;
  • for violation of the company's internal regulations.

Responsibility is established separately for each enterprise. The analyst must understand that it is impossible to violate company rules.


A business analyst's responsibilities also include relationships. They represent the implementation of information interaction with officials of the company’s structural divisions under their authority. Also, the systems analyst must provide the required information to the technical writer of the development department in the area of ​​documenting the results.


A business analyst must be guided by the following documents and standards in the performance of his duties:

  • Job Description, which is developed and adopted by the company's management.
  • National standard DSTU ISO 9001-2001.
  • Company standard.
  • The company's quality management.
  • An established description of the enterprise's operating system.
  • Directives and orders from the company's management in matters of analysis and optimization of business processes.
  • Accepted internal rules of the company.
  • Legislatively established rules and standards of labor protection.
  • Instructions and orders from the boss that relate to the organization of activities of other company employees.

It is mandatory to adhere to the requirements of these documents if provided by the enterprise.

Labor efficiency criteria

An IT business analyst must demonstrate certain performance results. The main criteria for labor efficiency are:

  • Compliance with the established work schedule.
  • Achieving a high level of employee satisfaction with the quality of work organization.
  • Achieving maximum values ​​when conducting performance assessments, which are pre-established by company management.

A business analyst who has been hired to work in the enterprise development department must read the job description and sign an agreement to comply with its terms. The document must be developed by an employee specially appointed for this purpose. It is necessary to develop a job description taking into account all the requirements that must be met.

The business process analyst should read the submitted document in detail. After his signature, he can begin to perform his duties. You should also know your rights and responsibilities for violating the current rules. The job description is also signed by the head of the department and the chief manager of the enterprise.

M.P. Job description of an analyst (name of organization, enterprise, etc.) This job description was developed and approved on the basis employment contract with an analyst in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code Russian Federation and other legal acts regulating labor relations. 1. General provisions 1.1. The analyst belongs to the category of specialists and is directly subordinate to (name of the position of the immediate supervisor) 1.2. A person with a higher professional education is appointed to the position of analyst, without presenting requirements for work experience.1.3. The analyst is hired and dismissed from work by order. (Position of an authorized person) 1.4.

Analyst job description

Request from structural divisions and employees of the organization the information necessary for him to perform his job duties. 3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties. 4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties. 6. Other rights established by current labor legislation. IV. Responsibility of the analyst The analyst is responsible in the following cases: 1.

Job Descriptions

In his activities, the manager-analyst is guided by: 1.4.1. orders and instructions from management; 1.4.2. current legislation of the Russian Federation; 1.4.3. regulatory, methodological and other guidance materials in the field of transport, warehousing; standards and technical specifications for storage of inventory, organization of procurement, current customs legislation; 1.4.4. this job description, regulations organizations regulating the current activities of the organization and the activities of the logistics department, and internal regulations. 1.5. The main tasks of the manager-analyst are: 1.5.1. participation in organizing the smooth and productive work of the logistics department; 1.5.2. assessment and analysis of costs associated with execution logistics operations, identifying ways to reduce them; 1.5.3.
You can download the analyst job description for free. Job responsibilities of the analyst I approve (Last name, initials) (name of the organization, its organizational - legal form) (director; other person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_g. m.p. JOB DESCRIPTION ANALYST (name of institution) 00.00.201_g.
No. 00 1. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of the analyst (hereinafter referred to as the “enterprise”). Name of institution 1.2. Position of analyst is accepted by a person with a higher vocational education(there are no work experience requirements). 1.3.The analyst is hired and dismissed from his position by order.
The sales analyst is the person who will dissuade management from selling ice cream in Greenland and UGG boots in July. Knows which products are selling well and which are collecting dust in the warehouse. Without fortune telling cards and a crystal ball, predicts a surge in popularity for no one famous brands.
In a word, this is an irreplaceable employee, on whose recommendations the company’s strategy depends. A sales department analyst is a specialist who assesses demand for goods and analyzes the market. Draws conclusions about which products are popular or will be in demand in the near future.

It tracks which items from the company’s price list are profitable and which are not in demand and trading them brings losses. Based on sales analytics reports, the company forms an assortment of products. As they aptly put it online, this is a man who “prepares a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.”

Let's imagine the end of the month in a company selling household chemicals.

Call tracking provides detailed data for this - audio recordings of calls, information about duration, waiting time on the line, responsible manager, etc. A specialist listens to calls, watches how requests from clients are processed, and draws conclusions about the effectiveness of individual employees. For more details on how call tracking works and why it is needed, read the article.


A useful tool for a sales analyst - This is a simple service for identifying surges in demand for specific products. You can compare the popularity of several products at the same time. The interactive map reflects the popularity of the product in different regions.

For example, an online toy store wants to include spinners in its assortment, because this item is trendy and is sold on every corner. Let's check with The toy is going out of fashion, so there is little chance that it will sell well. Also, the Sales Analytics Toolkit is much broader.

Sales analyst: what does he do and what are his responsibilities?

The manager-analyst must know: 1.3.1. the basics of logistics; 1.3.2.principles of managing transport and commodity flows; 1.3.3.principles of planning and forecasting logistics systems, formation of logistics connections; 1.3.4. profile, specialization and features of the enterprise structure; 1.3.5. rules for the carriage of goods; 1.3.6.forms of transport, cargo and financial documentation; 1.3.7.basics of organizing the transport process; 1.3.8. personal computer at the level of a confident user (Excel, Word, Outlook, IE, 1C Trade and Warehouse); 1.3.9.logistical aspects of activity (purchases, inventories, warehousing, transportation, insurance, information and logistics flows); 1.3.10. market methods of enterprise management (accounting, analysis, forecasting, planning, personnel management, incentives and motivation); 1.3.11.

Working as a sales analyst

For a specialist who analyzes demand for goods, call tracking will help them understand which items receive calls most often. Paying attention to keywords, which generate calls, the specialist finds out the demand for goods. Another way is to work with call categories. They are configured independently, depending on the company’s product range.

Below is an example of call categories for a store women's shoes: After the call, the manager assigns one of the categories to the request. The analyst creates a report by category, which is uploaded in Excel or CSV format. This way the analyst sees which products receive calls most often.

If you create an “Out of Stock” category and indicate in the comments to the call what the buyer was interested in, it will become clear which items should be included in the assortment. In some companies, the analyst also monitors the work of the sales department.

— job description for manager-analyst of the logistics department

The analyst comes with a report to management and comments: “It’s better not to buy more window cleaning products in the coming months. It’s already autumn and the rains; demand will drop until spring. The new German shampoo met expectations and is selling well. It is worth advertising it and purchasing more. Macadamia nut body butter has been gaining popularity lately.

  • Working with statistics to determine the structure and volumes of sales. Tracking:
    • the most popular product items;
    • seasonal fluctuations in sales.
  • Forecasting the number of transactions, demand for different product categories and the amount of the average bill.

    Drawing up a sales and purchasing plan.

Sales Analyst job description

Makes proposals for the coordination and direction of financial flows associated with logistics processes.2.11. Analyzes the document flow system of logistics processes.2.12. Submits to the head of the logistics department for approval the procedure and conditions for interaction of the department with other divisions of the organization, in accordance with the developed and approved technological schemes.

III. Rights The manager-analyst has the right: 3.1. Give instructions and tasks to the heads of the logistics departments of the department on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.3.2. Require managers and employees of all departments to provide the necessary materials, reports, information for planning and organizing the work of the Logistics Department.3.3.

Sales analyst job description


During the period of temporary absence of the analyst, his responsibilities are assigned to. 2. FUNCTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. The analyst carries out: Organization of analytical and methodological support for research work. Conducting analytical and research work for the purpose of collecting, evaluating and analyzing the information received, as well as developing practical recommendations.

Monitoring publications, including in Russian and foreign media, gives them an assessment. Drawing up the necessary reporting documentation. Coordination of the activities of co-executors when performing joint work with other structural divisions of the organization. 3. RIGHTS The analyst has the right: 3.1. Request and receive necessary materials and documents related to the analyst’s activities. 3.2.


1610 General provisions

1610.1 This job description is the main regulatory and organizational document establishing the functions, rights and responsibilities, responsibility of the Lead Systems Analyst, regulating the organization of his activities, the procedure for business interaction with officials of structural divisions of XXX.

1610.2 This job description is a document of direct effect, comes into force from the date of approval and is mandatory for execution by the employee from the moment of familiarization with signature.

1610.3 Renaming, liquidation of the position of Leading Systems Analyst, appointment to the position and dismissal from the position are carried out by order of XXX.

1610.4 Leading systems analyst, directly reporting to.

1610.5 The Lead Systems Analyst has no subordinates.

1611 Goals and job responsibilities

1611.1 The activities of the Lead System Analyst are aimed at achieving the following goals:

2.1.1 Construction, maintenance and optimization of processes for registration, approval, monitoring and implementation of configuration changes (settings and composition) of software;

2.2.2 Suitability of any changes to the software (new versions, customizations, patches), settings, etc.;

2.2.3 IS functional architecture management: includes IS configuration management (software composition + settings). Audit of functional architecture, formalization of FA at different stages of its evolution. Ensuring the integrity of the FA by system analysis any changes thereto;

2.2.4 Expert analysis of conceptual problems and preparation of their solutions. Consulting support for key users, functional and technical specialists.

2.3 To achieve the established goals, the Lead Systems Analyst performs the following responsibilities:

1611.1.1 Develops design documentation regulating the processes of changing the configuration and composition of the software;

1611.1.2 Analyzes and makes decisions on the implementation of changes to the software configuration (software settings and composition), analyzes and makes decisions on the implementation of changes to the software composition (new versions, customizations, patches);

1611.1.3 Uses systems automated control settings and monitoring of software configuration changes;

1611.1.4 Organizes the implementation of solutions to problems.

1612 Performance evaluation indicators

The activities of the Lead Systems Analyst are assessed based on the following indicators:

1612.1 Implementation of the OA action plan.

1612.2 Implementation of the action plan for the implementation of a circulation ERP system.

1612.3 The number of defects found in functional designs, in datafixes for the reporting period in the systems under test.

1612.4 The number of tasks not completed by the group on time during the reporting period.

1612.5 The ratio of the planned time indicator in the work plan of the System Analysis Group to the indicator of spent time in the TimeSheet system.

1613 General corporate standards

The activities of the Leading Systems Analyst for Systems Analysis are regulated by general corporate standards reflected in the following documents:

1613.1 Internal labor regulations;

1613.3 Enterprise standard “Business etiquette. Corporate dress code standard"

1613.6 Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees XXX;

1613.7 Regulations “On the Automation Department XXX;

1613.9 This job description.

The Lead Systems Analyst has the following rights necessary to perform his duties: functional responsibilities:

5.1 Receive any information required to perform your tasks from management and employees of XXX;

5.2 Make proposals to senior management on issues related to their competence;

5.3 Control all changes to the software and related business processes.

1615 Responsibility

The leading systems analyst is personally responsible to General Director XXX for failure or improper performance of his functional duties in achieving established goals, as well as improper use of the rights granted to him:

— In accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation, internal regulations, and an employment contract, the employee bears disciplinary liability.

— In accordance with the agreement on full individual financial liability the employee bears financial responsibility.

1616 Requirements for an employee when hiring

General mandatory requirements
Higher technical
Minimum 2 years of experience in administrative positions
Professional skills
Knowledge in the field of economics, labor organization and management;

Organizational skills;

Experience in preparing, executing and monitoring orders;

Knowledge of software design methodologies, understanding of MRP/ERP/CRM standards, knowledge of systems analysis methodology

Special Requirements
Knowledge of special software and technical systems
Experienced PC user, MS Word, MS Excel, MS Project, PowerPoint, MS Outlook
Knowledge of regulatory documentation

Mastery of techniques
Preferably Oracle Applications Implementation Methodology
8 Glossary of special terms and abbreviations

Definition of the term
Information Technology
Information system
Automation Department
Functional Architect Service
System Analysis Group
Functional architecture
The instructions fully reflect the content and specifics of the activities of this official.

1617 Familiarization sheet

I have read the job description and accept obligations to comply with the performance standards established therein. I received a copy of the job description.


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.
0.2. Document developer: .
0.3. The document has been approved by: .
0.4. Periodic check of this document carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

General provisions of the job description Senior Systems Analyst

1.1. Position “Senior systems analyst “Professionals”.
1.2. Qualification requirements- complete higher education relevant areas of training (master, specialist) and advanced training. Work experience in the profession - at least 5 years.
1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
laws, regulations, orders, directives, decisions and other regulatory legal acts of government information security authorities;
programming basics;
experience Agile applications approaches (scrum, kanban);
knowledge of notations (UML, BPMN, IDEFx, etc.);
experience in developing technical design documentation;

1.4. The senior systems analyst is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the technical director.
1.5. The Senior Systems Analyst reports directly.
1.6. The senior systems analyst leads the work.
1.7. During his absence, the senior systems analyst is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities Senior systems analyst

Identifying customer requirements.
Analysis of functional and non-functional requirements.
Writing technical documentation(instructions, technical specifications, specifications).
Development and maintenance of project documentation up to date.
Communication with, and testing at all stages of the project.
Work using the Scrum methodology.
Participation in the project to implement a platform for the provision of interactive television services: analysis subject area, formation of requirements for application functionality, preparation of technical specifications for the development/configuration of systems.
Interaction with the customer and contractors, Collection and analysis of requirements for the integration part of the platform functionality, preparation and approval of technical specifications for the development/configuration of the platform;
Analysis of system operation errors and search for contradictions in customer requirements.
Systematization of work on API
Identification, documentation and management of requirements, including visits to customer and consumer sites.
Conducting an information survey.
Setting tasks for programmers (formalized description of functional requirements, program scenarios, user interface) and monitoring their implementation.
Maintaining internal project documentation (requirements specifications, use cases, etc.), filling the project knowledge base (Wiki).
Development of entire documents or development of individual sections of reporting documentation (technical specifications, product concept, product content, explanatory notes, programs and test methods, etc.).
Passing functional tests and participating in the delivery of work to the customer (preliminary, state tests, etc.).
Consulting the project team during the development process, users and the customer at the implementation and maintenance stages.
Studying the company's developments, developing recommendations for their improvement for further use in the current project. Identification and entry into the knowledge base of typical application solutions for reuse in future developments.

3. Rights Senior systems analyst

3.1. The Senior Systems Analyst has the authority to take action to prevent and correct any violations or inconsistencies.
3.2. The senior systems analyst has the right to receive all provided for by law social guarantees.
3.3. The senior systems analyst has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties and rights.
3.4. The senior systems analyst has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.
3.5. The senior systems analyst has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.
3.6. The senior systems analyst has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to fulfill his job duties and management orders.
3.7. A senior systems analyst has the right to increase his or her professional qualifications.
3.8. The senior systems analyst has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
3.9. A senior systems analyst has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of job duties.

4. Responsibility Senior Systems Analyst

4.1. The senior systems analyst is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned by this job description and (or) failure to use the granted rights.
4.2. The senior systems analyst is responsible for non-compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
4.3. The senior systems analyst is responsible for disclosing information about the organization (enterprise/institution) related to trade secrets.
4.4. The senior systems analyst is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.
4.5. The senior systems analyst is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.
4.6. The Senior Systems Analyst is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.
4.7. The Senior Systems Analyst is responsible for the unlawful use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

The possibility of applying non-financial (non-financial) motivation methods at different stages of the personnel management system not only includes policies and procedures on non-material remuneration of employees, but also practices in the field of selection, adaptation,...

Interview questions cover 3 aspects: First aspect: Business process assessment. The candidate must be able to analytically assess the business situation and have a broad outlook. Second aspect: Assessment of the ability to work with information. The candidate must receive, operate and...

Need for analysis personnel policies enterprises usually arise: during the period of internal transformation of the company - reorganization, stage of rapid growth, downsizing, liquidation; under the influence of external factors - changes in labor legislation, practices and... I affirm
_______________________________ _________ _______________________________
(organizational and legal form, (signature) (full name, position of manager
name of the organization or other official,
enterprise) authorized to approve
job description)

"__" _________________ 20___

Job description


(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)

This job description was developed and approved by
based on an employment contract with an analyst in accordance with the provisions
Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts,
regulating labor relations.

1. General provisions

1.1. The analyst belongs to the category of specialists and directly
submits to _______________________________________________________.
(name of position of immediate supervisor)
1.2. A person with a higher education degree is appointed to the position of analyst
professional education, without requirements for work experience.
1.3. The analyst is hired and dismissed from work by order
(position of authorized person)
1.4. The analyst must know:
- laws and other regulatory legal acts in the field of implementation
analytical activities;
- the procedure for developing practical recommendations;
- methods of collecting, assessing and analyzing information;
- basics of labor organization; basics of labor legislation;
- labor protection rules.

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The analyst, within the scope of his job responsibilities:
2.1.1. Organizes analytical and methodological support
carrying out research work.
2.1.2. Conducts analytical and research work with
the purpose of collecting, assessing and analyzing the information received, as well as developing
practical recommendations.
2.1.3. Monitors publications, including in Russian
and foreign media, evaluates them.
2.1.4. Prepares necessary reporting documentation.
2.1.5. Coordinates the activities of co-executors during joint
performing work with other structural divisions of the organization.

3. Rights

The analyst has the right:
3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.
3.2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management,
relating to his activities.
3.3. Submit proposals for management's consideration
improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for
this instruction.
3.4. Within the limits of your competence, inform the immediate
to the manager about all shortcomings identified in the process of activity and
make proposals to eliminate them.
3.5. Receive from structural units and specialists
information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties
3.6. Sign and endorse documents within your
3.7. Involve specialists from all (separate) structural
divisions of the enterprise to solve the tasks assigned to it (if this
provided for by the provisions on structural divisions, if not - with
manager's permission).
3.8. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in
performance of their official duties and rights.
3.9. Improve your professional qualifications.
3.10. Other rights provided for by labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

The analyst is responsible for:
4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties
duties provided for in this job description - in
within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits
determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For offenses committed in the course of exercising their
activities, - within the limits determined by the current administrative,
criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with ____________________.
(name, number and
document date)

Supervisor personnel service
(initials, surname)
"__" _____________ 20__


Boss legal department
(initials, surname)
"__" _____________ 20__

I have read the instructions:
(initials, surname)
"__" _____________ 20__



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