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Job descriptions of a psychologist in an organization. Psychologist


[Job Title]



[Name of organization]



"_____" _______________ 20___



1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the psychologist [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A psychologist belongs to the category of specialists, is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position as established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. The psychologist reports directly to [name of the immediate supervisor's position in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person who has:

Psychologist: higher professional (psychological) education without requirements for work experience.

1.5. The psychologist should know:

  • resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents related to issues of practical psychology;
  • psychology of work and management, engineering and social psychology;
  • methods for studying psychological characteristics labor activity workers;
  • technical means used in studying working conditions;
  • advanced domestic and foreign experience work of psychologists;
  • basics of production technology;
  • fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;
  • basics of career guidance work.

1.6. In his activities, the psychologist is guided by:

  • regulations and teaching materials regarding the work being performed;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders and instructions of the head of the Company and immediate supervisor;
  • this job description;
  • rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of a psychologist, his duties are assigned to [name of deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

The psychologist performs the following duties:

2.1. Studies the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of the Company's employees in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.

2.2. Performs work on drawing up draft plans and programs social development, identification of psychological factors influencing workers.

2.3. Conducts examinations together with a physiologist individual qualities workers, features of labor activity of workers and employees various professions and specialties, as well as related professional selection, checking psychological conditions labor, identification of interests and inclinations, job satisfaction.

2.4. Participates in experiments to determine the influence of working conditions on the psyche of workers.

2.5. Analyzes labor processes and the psychological state of the employee during work.

2.6. Together with a sociologist and other specialists, he participates in determining the tasks of social development.

2.7. Selects the most current issues and problems that need to be solved (staff turnover, violations labor discipline, ineffective work), determines ways to eliminate the causes that cause them.

2.8. Develops professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of workers’ professions and employee positions, determined by the influence production environment on the psychological stress of the worker, gives recommendations regarding the conditions for the optimal use of a person’s personal labor capabilities, taking into account the prospects for the development of his professional abilities.

2.9. Participates in the implementation of measures for production and professional adaptation young workers and specialists.

2.10. Prepares recommendations and proposals for implementation of results psychological research into practice, as well as measures in specific areas of improving the management of social development, contributing to the organization of optimal labor processes, the establishment rational regimes work and rest, improving the moral and psychological climate, working conditions and increasing human performance, exercises control over their implementation.

2.11. Analyzes the reasons for staff turnover, selection and placement, based on the requirements of labor organization and production management, develops proposals to ensure staff stability, acceptance necessary measures on adaptation of workers.

2.12. Takes part in the formation labor collectives, in the design of labor organization systems (organization of working time, rationalization of workplaces) taking into account psychological factors and ergonomic requirements.

2.13. Consults the head of the Company on socio-psychological problems of production management and social development of the team, as well as employees involved in personnel and labor issues.

In case of official need, a psychologist may be involved in carrying out his duties. job responsibilities overtime, in the manner prescribed by the provisions of federal labor legislation.

3. Rights

The psychologist has the right:

3.1. Require the Company's management to provide assistance in the performance of their duties.

3.2. Improve your skills.

3.3. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the Company's management relating to its activities.

3.4. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

3.5. Receive from Company employees the information necessary to carry out their activities.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. The psychologist bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases, provided for by law RF, - and criminal liability for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of your labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The evaluation of the psychologist’s work is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. Certification Commission enterprises - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a psychologist is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The psychologist’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. Due to production necessity the psychologist is required to go to business trips(including local significance).

6. Signature right

6.1. To ensure his activities, a psychologist is given the right to sign information and reference documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

I have read the instructions ___________/___________/ “__” _______ 20__

The main function of a psychologist is to study and analyze mental processes behavior of people, individuals, groups of people to provide advice and regulation of social, scientific and professional processes and personal development. Person assigned to position of psychologist, must have a higher education corresponding to the field of training. This profession is divided into categories:

leading psychologist, work experience as a psychologist for at least two years.

Psychologist of the first category For a master's degree without work experience, for a specialist, the work experience in the specialty of a psychologist of the second category is at least two years.

Psychologist of the second category At least two years of work experience in the specialty.

Psychologist without requirements work experience.

Psychologist in its activities, be guided by regulations, international norms and standards that relate to the provision of qualified assistance and support during psychological disorders of employees. Compliance with confidentiality requirements. Psychologist must have the state language, know how to operate a PC and the relevant software, know the rules of communication, ethics, aesthetics, social and practical psychology, sociology of personality, psychodiagnostics, be aware of the rules for using psychological tests in the enterprise.

For the position of psychologist the director of the enterprise appoints and dismisses.

Responsibilities of a psychologist.

Psychologist plans and conducts tests for mental and physical characteristics, namely: intelligence, aptitude, ability, opportunity.

Psychologist evaluates and interprets consultation results.

Also analyzes the influence of heredity of social, professional and other factors on the thinking and behavior of individuals.

Psychologist maintains contacts with family members, educational leaders, employers regarding the individual and provides them with recommendations for implementing decisions and resolving problems.

Psychologist Provides counseling and talk therapy to individuals or groups and provides similar services.

Psychologist studies the psychological causes of emotional disorders during the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness.

Psychologist prepares scientific and practical information and reports.

Psychologist advises managers regarding socio-psychological problems of production management and social development of the team.

Psychologist takes part in the implementation of activities regarding the adaptation of young employees, and also selects current issues that require immediate clarification.

The psychologist should know:

The Constitution of the country, the Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Regulatory documents that regulate issues of labor protection, health protection, career guidance, and personal employment.

General psychology, educational and social psychology, personality psychology, child and developmental psychology, medical, child neuropsychology, pathopsychology, psychosomatics.

The psychologist should know fundamentals of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, mental hygiene, career guidance, occupational psychology, psychodiagnostics.

Methods of active learning and social psychological training communication.

Modern methods of individual and mass consultations.

Labor protection and safety rules and regulations.

Rights of a psychologist

Psychologist has the right to get acquainted with draft management decisions that relate to its activities.

Submit proposals to improve productivity for management's consideration.

Ask personally or on behalf of management for information or documents necessary to perform official duties.

Involve all employees in performance improvement tasks.


Job description

from __________ No._______

Service for individual psychological assistance to youth “Cabinet of Trust”


General provisions.

He is hired and dismissed from his position by order of the director of the Center in accordance with the established procedure and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Reports directly to the head of the department.

Qualification requirements.

Has a higher education vocational education.

Should know.

Resolutions, decrees, orders, other governing and normative documents of higher and other youth affairs authorities relating to work with children and youth, the Constitution Russian Federation, Convention on the Rights of the Child, fundamentals of professional psychological activity, methods and techniques of psychological diagnostics of various profiles, the basics of psychological counseling, the specifics of working with children and youth, labor legislation, labor protection standards and safety regulations.

Qualification requirements: higher education, work experience of at least 1 year.


Security professional activity aimed at providing psychological assistance to various groups of youth, children, adolescents and their parents.

2. Psychological education of young people and promotion of the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention for the Protection of Individual Rights.

3. Information, methodological and diagnostic support for the activities of the service.

Job responsibilities.

1. Proficient in a set of methods and technologies of psychological diagnostics, correction and non-medical psychotherapy.

2. Prepares and participates in the production of printed materials of the Center in the area of ​​the department’s activities.

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Despite the fact that the position of psychologist was introduced in educational institutions in 1988, there are still no established ideas about the content and forms of his professional activity. As a result, subjects educational process Often they place demands on him that are not typical for his role. For example, the administration often offers the psychologist class management, and sometimes teaching academic disciplines (especially when the psychologist has and teacher education), seeks to monitor its activities in detail, requires a report on the results of diagnostics and counseling. The teacher expects support from the psychologist in implementing his usual style of pedagogical communication and assistance in manipulating students and their parents. In turn, parents hope that the psychologist will protect their child from “school negativity” and at the same time authoritatively confirm the “correctness” of family upbringing. Children, if a psychologist manages to establish a trusting relationship with them, look for an older comrade and protector in him. It is easy to see that in many ways the listed expectations are contradictory.

Educational psychologist educational institution is an independent specialist and an equal member of the teaching staff, responsible for that aspect of the pedagogical process that, except for him, no one else can professionally provide, namely, for the mental development and psychological health of children and schoolchildren. It should be noted that, being an equal member of the team, a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution takes his specific place in the entire educational process.

In different educational institutions, the educational psychologist is assigned different tasks, which depend not only on the type and type of the institution, but also on the requests of the administration for the role of a specialist in a particular educational institution.

The most pressing problems faced by an educational psychologist are: the difficulty of determining one’s role in a given institution, the problem of taking a worthy place in the educational process, the difficulty of determining one’s responsibilities that do not run counter to the general concept of the educational institution.

The main activities of a practical educational psychologist are: psychological education, psychological prevention, psychological counseling and psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection and development. All of the above types of work in practice exist only in unity, in interaction. Anytime specific situation each type of work can come to the fore depending on the problem that the psychologist is solving and on the specifics or profile of the institution where he works.

In general, specialists carry out professional activities aimed at preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of children, their optimal personal development and social adaptation, promote the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and take measures to provide various types of psychological assistance.

In various literature currently published, consideration of a number of organizational problems, which are crucial for the adaptation of a practical psychologist in an educational institution and thereby all his subsequent work.

How a psychologist can build relationships with the teaching staff and administration, students and their parents depends on his real status in the educational institution and, accordingly, the conditions future work specialist

Job description of a psychologist - sample

The boundaries of his functional responsibilities in practice turn out to be quite flexible and extend from the roles of “eternal duty officer,” “social activist,” “messenger for small errands,” etc. to “expert on the most important issues of training and education.” It is also important that a specialist cannot always determine the job and functional responsibilities of his professional activity.

Unfortunately, existing legal norms do not clearly define the responsibilities of an educational psychologist in an educational institution. Thus, in the requirements for tariff and qualification characteristics for positions (Appendix 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education of Russia and the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated August 31, 1995 No. 463/1268), three sections are included: “Job responsibilities”, “Must know” and “Qualification requirements for pay grades."

The “Job Responsibilities” section contains the main functions that can be entrusted in whole or in part to an employee holding this position; they are the basis for the development of job descriptions locally, establishing the duties, rights and responsibilities of the employee, approved by the heads of the institution in agreement with the relevant trade union committees. The job responsibilities of an educational psychologist include:

  • carrying out professional activities aimed at preserving the mental, somatic and social well-being of students (pupils) in the process of education and training in institutions;
  • promoting the protection of individual rights in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • promoting the harmonization of the social sphere of the institution and implementing preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of social maladjustment;
  • identifying factors that impede the development of the personality of students (pupils) and taking measures to provide various types of psychological assistance (psychocorrectional, rehabilitation and advisory);
  • providing assistance to students (pupils), parents (persons replacing them), teaching staff in solving specific problems;
  • conducting psychological diagnostics of various profiles and purposes;
  • drawing up psychological and pedagogical conclusions based on materials research work for the purpose of orienting the teaching staff, as well as parents (persons replacing them) in the problems of personal and social development of students (pupils);
  • maintaining documentation in the prescribed form and using it for its intended purpose;
  • participation in planning and development of developmental and correctional programs educational activities taking into account the individual gender and age characteristics of the personality of students (pupils), promoting the development of their readiness for orientation in various situations of life and professional self-determination;
  • providing psychological support to creatively gifted students, promoting their development and search; determining the degree of deviations (mental, physiological, emotional) in the development of students (pupils), as well as various types of social development disorders and carrying out their psychological and pedagogical correction;
  • formation of psychological culture of students (pupils), teaching staff and parents (persons replacing them), including the culture of sex education;
  • consulting employees of an educational institution on the development of this institution, the practical application of psychology, focused on increasing the socio-psychological competence of students (pupils), teaching staff, parents (persons replacing them).

The “Must Know” section contains the basic requirements for the employee in relation to special knowledge, as well as knowledge of legislative acts, regulations, instructions, other guidelines and normative documents, methods and means that an employee must be able to use when performing job duties. So, an educational psychologist (grades 8-14) should know: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; laws of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation and federal bodies education management on educational issues; Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms; Convention on the Rights of the Child; regulatory documents regulating issues of labor protection, healthcare, career guidance, employment of students (pupils) and their social protection; general psychology, educational psychology and general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, child and developmental psychology, social psychology, medical psychology, child neuropsychology, pathopsychology, psychosomatics; fundamentals of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, mental hygiene, career guidance, vocational studies and occupational psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling and psychoprophylaxis; methods of active learning, socio-psychological communication training; modern methods individual and group professional consultations, diagnosis and correction of normal and abnormal child development; rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

As we can see, these sections are general and not filled with specific content. The educational psychologist needs to rethink and structure the entire array of practical problems, determine priority areas their activities, fill them with specific content.

It should be noted that the double subordination of the teacher-psychologist (to the head of the institution for administrative issues and to the methodological center for professional issues) introduces some confusion into the organization of the specialist’s professional activities. It is precisely well-designed functional responsibilities that will help the educational psychologist coordinate his position with the requests of the administration in resolving professional issues; develop common ideas about the function of a psychologist in an educational institution; predict real performance results.

Functional responsibilities by a specialist, taking into account the general job responsibilities approved in the tariff and qualification characteristics and areas of activity, within the framework of the work of the psychological service of the educational institution, taking into account the requests of the administration of the educational institution.

So, for example, a teacher-psychologist can indicate in his functional responsibilities such areas of work as:

  • Conducts psychological diagnostics of various profiles and purposes (in order to determine the personality structure, the level of development of the child’s intelligence, the characteristics of his neuropsychic sphere, professional abilities, emotional relationships in the family).

    Determines the degree of deviations (mental, physical, emotional) in the development of students. Identifies factors that hinder personal development.

  • Offers a program of psychological and pedagogical assistance taking into account diagnostic examination data. Draws up a psychological report and conducts a consultation based on the materials of the diagnostic examination in order to orient the student, parents (or persons replacing them), the school (teacher, school psychologist) and specialists in psychological and pedagogical correction.
  • Carries out correctional work in individual and group modes based on a psychological conclusion and in accordance with the capabilities of the age and intellectual development of a particular child.
  • Promotes the development of a child’s positive self-concept, his sense of confidence, adequacy of self-esteem, ability to navigate in various life situations, communication skills
  • Carries out correction of deviations in personality development on the basis of a psychological conclusion and in accordance with the age capabilities and personal characteristics of a particular student, correction of the emotional state; eliminates the consequences of negative past experiences; develops communication skills.
  • Carries out preventive measures to prevent social maladjustment. Provides advisory assistance to parents in creating an environment that develops the student's traits of an active, independent and responsible personality, in choosing an educational route and microenvironment of communication to which he could successfully adapt. Helps effectively and consistently organize the process of social adaptation.
  • Conducts psychological work on vocational guidance students.
  • Maintains working documentation in the established form.
  • Participates in the work of the center’s psychological and pedagogical council
  • Etc.

Functional responsibilities are approved by the head of the educational institution and signed by the educational psychologist.

Appendix 3

The psychologist of the military unit is responsible for the organization and condition of psychological work in a military unit, the psychological state of personnel, the effectiveness of work to maintain psychological stability and preserve the psychological health of military personnel.

Job description of a psychologist at the City Methodological Center for working with families

He reports to the deputy commander of the military unit for educational work, and, for special issues, to the formation psychologist. He supervises the work of the psychological assistance and rehabilitation center of the military unit, and on special issues - the psychologists of the battalions (their equals) 1. The psychologist of a military unit is obliged to:

‣‣‣ know the psychological qualities of every officer and warrant officer (midshipman) of a military unit, all military personnel of individual units of a military unit, as well as military personnel requiring increased psychological and pedagogical attention;

‣‣‣ organize and conduct socio-psychological studies and psychological examinations of military personnel of a military unit;

‣‣‣ organize and conduct psychological work when performing combat (combat training) tasks, combat training tasks, combat duty (combat service), guard and internal (duty and watch) services, daily activities of a military unit;

‣‣‣ organize and conduct professional psychological selection events, participate in the placement of military personnel into units and military specialties; study socio-psychological processes in military units and units, forecast their development, develop proposals and take part in the formation of a healthy moral and psychological state of military personnel in military groups;

‣‣‣ organize work in the military unit to provide qualified psychological assistance to military personnel and their psychological rehabilitation;

‣‣‣ draw up and regularly clarify together with the social work and the prevention of offenses in the military unit, the socio-psychological characteristics of the military unit;

‣‣‣ carry out activities for the psychological adaptation of military personnel to the conditions military service, provide their psychological support;

‣‣‣ to identify, together with the medical service of the military unit, military personnel with mental development disorders, carry out dynamic monitoring of military personnel with signs of neuropsychic instability, and organize the provision of qualified psychological assistance to them; carry out measures to preserve the mental health of personnel,

‣‣‣ carry out measures to counteract the negative psychological impact on military personnel and develop proposals for commanders to increase their psychological stability;

‣‣‣ carry out measures to prevent suicidal phenomena, identify people prone to suicidal behavior;

‣‣‣ carry out training for officers, warrant officers (midshipmen), sergeants (foremen) in forms and methods of psychological work with subordinates;

For military units where there are psychological assistance and rehabilitation centers, battalion psychologists are provided by the staff.

Appendix 3

‣‣‣ carry out methodological support for combat (special) training in order to develop psychological stability among military personnel;

‣‣‣ organize psychological work with unit personnel and individual military personnel performing tasks independently outside permanent deployment points, as well as performing tasks with weapons;

‣‣‣ observe ethical standards professional activity of a military (naval) psychologist;

‣‣‣ develop the material and technical base of psychological work;

‣‣‣ report on the psychological state of military personnel, members of their families and civilian personnel of the military unit, the psychological work carried out to the deputy commander of the military unit for educational work, and inform the division psychologist on special issues;

‣‣‣ provide methodological assistance and management of the activities of battalion psychologists.



(manager position)


(name of organization)


(signature) (full name)

"___"_____________ _______G.

Job description of a psychologist

I. General provisions

1. A psychologist belongs to the category of specialists.

2. The psychologist is appointed and dismissed by the director of the organization.

3. The psychologist reports directly to the director of the organization.

4. A psychologist must have a higher professional education without presenting requirements for work experience.

1. Psychodiagnostic work;

2. Psychoprophylactic work;

3. Psychological consultation;

4. Psychocorrectional work;

5. Psychological propaganda.

II. Job responsibilities.


1. Maintains and prepares the necessary accounting and reporting documentation for work;

2. Conducts a personal reception for employees of the organization;

3. Conducts work in the organization aimed at ensuring the psychological health and personal development of employees;

4. Through psychoprophylaxis, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection, counseling, provides psychological assistance to employees and, if necessary, members of their families;

5. Works with the management of the organization within the framework of psychological and pedagogical activities;

6. Takes measures to maintain a healthy psychological climate in the organization;

7. Participates in the professional selection and training of reserve personnel for leadership positions;

8. Conducts psychological propaganda and training of employees of the organization;

9. Develops proposals for the socio-psychological adaptation of the organization’s employees;

10. Conducts a psychological examination and analyzes the psychological state of the employee during his work.

11. Studies the influence of psychological, economic and organizational factors of production on the labor activity of the Organization’s employees in order to develop measures to improve their working conditions and increase work efficiency.

12. Performs work on drawing up draft plans and programs for social development, identifying psychological factors that influence workers.

13. Conducts, together with a physiologist, examinations of the individual qualities of workers, the characteristics of the work activities of workers and employees of various professions and specialties, as well as those related to professional selection, checking psychological working conditions, identifying interests and inclinations, and job satisfaction.

14. Participates in experiments to determine the influence of working conditions on the psyche of workers.

15. Together with a sociologist and other specialists, he participates in determining the tasks of social development.

16. Selects the most pressing issues and problems that require solutions (staff turnover, violations of labor discipline, ineffective work), determines ways to eliminate the causes that cause them.

17. Develops professiograms and detailed psychological characteristics of workers’ professions and office positions, determined by the influence of the production environment on the neuropsychic stress of the worker, gives recommendations regarding the conditions for the optimal use of a person’s personal labor capabilities, taking into account the prospects for the development of his professional abilities.

18. Prepares recommendations and proposals for the implementation of the results of psychological research into practice, as well as measures in specific areas of improving the management of social development, contributing to the organization of optimal work processes, the establishment of rational work and rest regimes, improving the moral and psychological climate, working conditions and increasing human performance , monitors their implementation.

19. Participates in the formation of work teams, in the design of labor organization systems (organization of working time, rationalization of workplaces) taking into account psychological factors and ergonomic requirements.

20. Consults the head of the Organization on socio-psychological problems of production management and social development of the team, as well as workers involved in personnel and labor issues.

III. Rights

The psychologist has the right:

1. Require the administration of the organization to create necessary conditions to work with employees;

2. Demand timely provision necessary equipment, diagnostic and developmental aids;

3. Make proposals for improving the organization’s activities;

4. Undergo retraining and advanced training in the prescribed manner;

5. Get acquainted with draft management decisions relating to its activities;

6. Within the limits of your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the course of your activities and make proposals for their elimination;

7. Assignment of official duties not provided for by these instructions is not permitted.

IV. Responsibility

The psychologist is responsible for:

1. Failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment without good reason of the internal labor regulations of the organization and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by this instruction - disciplinary liability in the manner established by labor legislation;

2. The correctness of psychological conclusions, the adequacy of the diagnostic and correctional methods used, the validity of the recommendations given;

3. Preservation of examination protocols, documentation, their execution in the prescribed manner;

4. Safety of property, equipment, teaching aids;

5. Status and results of work in assigned areas.

V. Working conditions

2. The psychologist’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the Organization.

3. Due to production needs, the psychologist is obliged to go on business trips (including local ones).

VI. Signature right

1. To ensure his activities, a psychologist is given the right to sign information and reference documents on issues included in his functional responsibilities.

This job description has been developed in accordance with


(name, number and date of document)


Legal Advisor

_________________________________ _________ "___" __________ ______G.

(full name) (signature)

I have read the instructions:

________/____________________________________/ "___"_______ ____G. (signature) (full name)

A psychologist in a company is an employee who is responsible for the mental peace of employees. It should help them maintain a positive subjective attitude during their activities in the enterprise. He is also obliged to monitor the microclimate in the team and take measures to improve it.

General provisions of the instructions

The general provisions of a psychologist's job description include basic instructions that relate to the performance of their functions by these employees. They are located at the beginning of the instructions. These general provisions include the following list:

If a psychologist is absent from his workplace for one reason or another, the company appoints a person who temporarily performs his duties. Such a position may not be directly indicated, in which case the deputy is appointed by decision of the director.

Responsibilities and tasks

A psychologist performs a very wide range of duties, since the psychological needs of employees of any company are very diverse. In particular, he must:

Another responsibility of a psychologist is conducting interviews. It is stipulated that he is required to talk not only with people hired by the enterprise, but also with those who leave it. The employee is obliged to help such employees leave the enterprise without any psychological harm.

Requirements for a specialist

Requirements for a psychologist may be different. Their level depends on the nature of the activity ahead. Thus, in the instructions specific organizations criteria that are optimal for them can be indicated.

At the same time, the standard job description stipulates that a person who has graduated from higher education can become a psychologist. educational institution majoring in psychology and worked in a similar position for two years.

It has also been established that the psychologist needs to have a sufficient understanding of:

  • legislation regulating its field of activity;
  • local legal acts containing regulations regarding his work at the enterprise;
  • methodological materials related to personnel management;
  • strategy and policy of the company in the field of personnel work;
  • basic psychology, including general, social and occupational psychology;
  • career guidance activities;
  • psychological counseling.

What personal qualities should a psychologist have?

Kit personal qualities skills that it is desirable for a psychologist to possess include the following:

  • empathy, the ability to immerse yourself in the world of another person;
  • tolerance or tolerance;
  • a large amount of knowledge, erudition;
  • desire for analysis;
  • general tact and delicacy;
  • stress resistance and emotional stability;
  • ability to observe.

Responsibility and rights

The psychologist bears responsibility, which in a standard case can be of a material and disciplinary nature. It occurs in the case of:

  • failure to fulfill the duties assigned to this specialist or performing them improperly, in particular if he performs them untimely or negligently;
  • violations of existing regulations at the enterprise, including instructions, as well as instructions and orders from management;
  • actions that led to the disclosure of confidential data or trade secret to inappropriate persons;
  • failure to comply with labor regulations, discipline standards, and safety regulations.

In addition, the psychologist is responsible for general procedure in case of violation of administrative or criminal legislation during work activities. It occurs in accordance with the relevant code.

The rights of a psychologist include:

  • access to decisions that relate to the area for which he is responsible;
  • drawing up and subsequent presentation to management of draft decisions to improve the company’s performance in the area defined by this instruction;
  • informing the immediate supervisor about detected deficiencies and making proposals for measures to eliminate them;
  • submitting a request to obtain information and documents required to perform its functions;
  • requiring assistance from superiors in performing their functions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Among the advantages of being a psychologist, it makes sense to highlight:

  • its unconditional demand, an applicant who graduated from a university in this direction, will always find a job;
  • The nature of the work is office-based; the psychologist does not have to work in dangerous conditions.

Another advantage is often highlighted: a psychologist can help himself cope with the problems of this plan. However, it is worth mentioning that if this motivation becomes the main one when choosing such a job, this is not a very good sign for the psychologist, or even for the organization. It is desirable that it be secondary.

Disadvantages of this specialty include:

  • emotional burnout, the psychological apparatus of an employee who works as a psychologist for too long eventually wears out;
  • the average salary for most psychologists is a mass profession and those who chose it but were unable to break into the minority of real professionals will not receive much.

Watch the video of an experienced psychologist on how to diagnose yourself.



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