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Job responsibilities: chief mechanic. Chief mechanic: job description and responsibilities Working as a chief mechanic

The job description of the chief mechanic regulates the main parameters of the manager’s labor relations, based on the provisions employment contract. Being a legally significant document, it requires a careful approach to the correctness of its design and content. Being correctly drawn up, it can be used both in legal proceedings and for presentation to employees of regulatory organizations.

Sample job description for chief mechanic

1. Basic provisions

  1. The decision to hire a chief mechanic and fire him is made by the head of the enterprise.
  2. The chief mechanic is subordinate to the head of the enterprise.
  3. A candidate for this position must meet the following qualification requirements:
    • higher technical education;
    • professional retraining and advanced training courses;
    • 3 years of experience in similar positions.
  4. During the absence of the chief mechanic, the work responsibilities assigned to him are transferred to his deputy.
  5. The chief mechanic must understand the following aspects:
    • regulatory and legislative acts governing its activities;
    • standards and parameters of relevant technical documentation;
    • basics of document management of an enterprise;
    • the main types of equipment used by departments of the enterprise, as well as their features and characteristics;
    • criteria for assessing the quality of work performed;
    • technologies used by departments of the enterprise;
    • rules for carrying out preventive measures for equipment;
    • rules for assessing the quality of equipment used by the enterprise;
    • methods for detecting defects and malfunctions, as well as the reasons for their occurrence;
    • the procedure for organizing stocks of necessary parts and spare parts;
    • technology planning methods;
    • the basics of interactions with counterparties in the field of its activities;
    • management organization of the enterprise;
    • organization of equipment repair and use;
    • specialized technological innovations of interest to the employer;
    • fundamentals of economics, management and ecology;
    • technological and fire safety rules.
  6. The chief mechanic is guided by:
    • current regulations and laws;
    • enterprise documents;
    • the contents of this instruction.

2. Functions

The chief mechanic is responsible for the following issues:

  1. Monitoring the activities of subordinate employees.
  2. Ensuring measures for the efficient operation of enterprise equipment.
  3. Interaction with management on issues affecting the operation of equipment.
  4. Tracking equipment replacement schedules, inspections, testing, and necessary repair work.
  5. Participation in negotiations with the company’s counterparties on equipment operation issues.
  6. Monitoring trends and innovations in your field of activity.
  7. Research of possible alternatives for suppliers and contractors in the field of their activities.
  8. Monitoring the implementation of plans in your area of ​​responsibility.
  9. Checking the correctness of relevant certificates, drawings and calculations.
  10. Monitoring the technological and fire safety situation at your work site.
  11. Management of the development of the regulatory part of the relevant documentation of the enterprise.
  12. Compliance tracking technical parameters equipment for those stated in the documents.
  13. Identification of the reasons for the incorrect operation of enterprise equipment.
  14. Participation in organizing the creation of stocks of spare parts and assemblies necessary for equipment.
  15. Organization of activities for modernization and improvement of entrusted equipment.
  16. Participation in the inventory of the active part of fixed assets.
  17. Organization of testing and adjustment of new equipment.
  18. Preparation of proposals for replacing outdated equipment with the most suitable advanced models.
  19. Interaction with employees of Rostekhnadzor and other inspection authorities.
  20. Development of measures to verify the qualifications of employees involved in working with equipment, as well as their certification.

3. Responsibility

The chief mechanic is held accountable by the employer in the following cases:

  1. For causing harm to the enterprise due to incorrect actions - within the boundaries established in the documents of the enterprise and the relevant sections of the law.
  2. For failure to fulfill assigned job functions or their inappropriate performance - within the limits given in labor legislation.
  3. For committed violations of norms and laws - within the limits given in the relevant legislation.

4. Rights

The chief mechanic has the following range of rights:

  1. Regulate personnel processes in the area of ​​your responsibility, including issues of rewards and punishments for subordinates.
  2. Make proposals to management for improving work procedures in their area of ​​responsibility.
  3. Participate in top management meetings on technical condition issues.
  4. Sign documents in your field of activity.
  5. Represent the company in meetings with contractors and employees of regulatory authorities on issues related to their area of ​​responsibility.
  6. Request from company employees the information and assistance necessary to effectively perform their assigned duties.
  7. Require management to maintain the conditions necessary for the effective performance of assigned functions.
  8. Receive preferential payments as KPIs and targets are achieved.


What to remember when drafting a document

To date, the legislation does not have requirements for the preparation of job descriptions. There are only wishes for its content in letters from Rostrud and professional standards. Therefore, employing companies calmly adapt the document to their needs, based on the specifics of their industry activities, size, location and other factors. But there are certain parameters for drawing up the document that employers adhere to. Thus, the structure of most instructions includes 4 main sections, which provide the following parameters for the employee’s activities:

  • General section.
  • Job functions of the employee.
  • His rights at work.
  • His possible liability.

Additionally, other sections may be added to the instructions, which describe job relationships in more detail, the specialist’s working conditions and other parameters that the employer wants to pay attention to.

Attention! The job description can be drawn up as an annex to the employment contract; Another option is to formalize it in the form of a local legal act. In both cases, the employer, if he wants to change its content in the future, will have to obtain the employee’s consent to this change.

Basic provisions

An introductory part reserved for describing the basic job parameters. Who the chief mechanic reports to, who makes the decision on his dismissal and hiring, and other points - everything is described in this part. For this position, the requirements for work experience, education and skills of the candidate play a particularly important role. They must correspond to the industry profile of the enterprise.

Attention! The responsibilities described in this section should not go beyond the parameters set out in the employment contract.


The functions of the chief mechanic, especially in specialized processing plants, are very extensive, making him one of the most important top managers. Therefore, although some of his responsibilities are of a general nature, required in any company, the other part is influenced by the scope of the employer’s activities, whether he is part of a large corporation and what the scope of his activities is. All these factors must be taken into account in the section in order to assign to the manager the functions appropriate to his workplace.

Attention! The job functions given in this section must correspond to the skills and abilities outlined earlier.


The section is reserved for listing situations when an employee can be punished for violations committed. Since the degree of responsibility and the degree of guilt of a particular employee can only be revealed through administrative and judicial disputes, there are no specific penalties in the section.


A section reserved for the list of employee rights given to him by the employer. For a chief mechanic, these rights can vary greatly depending on his place in the company's management hierarchy.

When drawing up a job description for a chief mechanic, who plays a key role in many enterprises, you need to coordinate it with the relevant specialists: lawyer, HR manager, senior engineers and technologists. Only after taking into account their proposals can the document be sent to the head of the enterprise.

After approvals are completed, the instructions must be printed, as a rule, on corporate letterhead, where all official attributes must be present: date of preparation, company details and others.

Already in this form, a candidate for a position becomes acquainted with it during the process of applying for a job.

The final stage of approval of the instruction is its signing by all parties: the employee, the head of the enterprise and other people, if required by the current document flow rules.

Work schedule: full time
Higher education
Work experience: from 3 years

1. Know all the units in detail and constantly personally monitor the current work and condition of the entire technical component of production. 2. Daily monitoring of the condition of working units. Responsiveness "forward", preventive repairs of equipment and... preventing its downtime. 3. Organization and management of the activities of the technical area in production: planning (daily, weekly, monthly), monitoring the work process and deadlines, reporting on the results. 4. Tight control labor discipline, work and rest schedules, staff motivation, etc. Ensuring full employment of staff during the working day. 5. Maintenance, repair, adjustment and, if necessary, installation of electrical networks. 6. Control over the consumption of resources at the enterprise and their constant optimization (electricity, air, water, fuels and lubricants, etc.). 7. Initiative to refine existing equipment, introduce new equipment (individual elements), aimed at optimizing labor, increasing equipment productivity and reducing production costs. 8. Ensuring the supply of the technical area with materials, spare parts, components and tools in accordance with the work schedule. 9. Responsibility for the technical warehouse. Traffic accounting, control and optimization of consumption. 10. Ensuring accounting, control and responsibility for tools and equipment in all technical and production areas. 11. Control over the consumption of fuels and lubricants, carrying out routine maintenance and repairs of vehicles, mechanized equipment, compressors and other equipment. 12. General control over fire safety in production, labor protection, electrical safety, etc. 13. Independent study of everything new to optimize production, mastering new skills and programs necessary to perform their duties. 14. Evaluation of everything from the standpoint of optimality for production and savings for the enterprise. 15. Bringing technical documentation to the minimum required. 16. Quality A car is provided for work purposes. Registration in accordance with labor legislation Full social. package Real opportunity career growth(the opportunity to acquire additional experience, skills, job prospects, additional financial incentives as they develop various areas and make personal contributions to the development of production as a whole) There are the necessary conditions and a considerable front for work and the opportunity to realize oneself. Salary is limited only by the employee’s desire to work. Specified wage is not final and may be revised upward based on actual performance, successes and achievements. On probation(1-3 months depending on the speed of involvement in the process) salary 40,000, further increase depending on mastery of responsibilities (all 15 points mastered - salary 80,000 and above). There is no limit on wages if a person truly devotes himself completely to production and does everything for its development in technical terms. Constantly developing production needs a young and energetic professional with his head and hands, ready not to receive, but to earn money with his own hands and head, who knows (or is able and willing to study) all the components in production (electrics, pneumatics, hydraulics, electronics, mechanics and etc.), able not only to personally carry out any work on adjustment, repair and maintenance, but also able to organize the work of a small technical team (3-5 people), ensure control of “anything and everything” in production, master the current situation in the regime online. Minimum skills and experience (knowledge of the principles of operation, repair, adjustment): 1. Electrics, electronics (preferably) 2. Pneumatics (cylinders, distributors, regulators, pumps, etc.) 3. Hydraulics (press, loaders) 4. Turning works (be able to draw up and read drawings, be able to create technical specifications for turning, estimate and minimize the cost of work) 5. Drawings (drawing skills in programs) 6. Know/understand welding work, work on a plasma cutter 7. Metalworking work (drilling, grinding , boring, etc.) 8. Bearings, sprockets, chains, gears (types, types, housings, etc.) 9. Motor vehicles, loaders (device, operation, repair, etc.) High performance and readiness for irregular working hours (in case of falling behind the work plan), self-control, responsibility, diligence, attentiveness, focus on results.

The chief mechanic at an enterprise, especially if we are talking about a business that is based on own production goods, and therefore the use of a wide range of types of machinery and equipment, can perform one of the most important labor functions. Therefore, the most strict standards can be formed for the corresponding position. In addition, the company's management will most likely pay great attention to drawing up the job description for the chief mechanic. Its structure will have to reflect all the specifics of the employee in this position, regulate in sufficient detail the procedure for the work he performs, and contain all the necessary provisions regarding the rights, duties and responsibilities of the hired employee. What might be the main components of a mechanic's job description? For what purposes can this document be used, in principle?

Instructions for the position of chief mechanic: structure

The instructions for the position of chief mechanic, like most other documents of the corresponding type, most often consist of general provisions, as well as sections regulating the functional duties, rights, responsibilities, and work hours of the employee. Let us study the specifics of the corresponding elements of the source under consideration in more detail.

Instructions for the position of chief mechanic: general provisions

The job description of the chief mechanic thus begins with general provisions. What is recorded in them?

First of all, the relevant section of the instructions reflects the fact that the chief mechanic is a specialist who is appointed to and removed from the position in accordance with the order of the head of the employing company. It is noted that the relevant order must comply with labor legislation. The instructions also state that the chief mechanic is directly subordinate to the head of the company.

The next paragraph of the document, in terms of general provisions, usually sets out the qualification requirements for the position in question. Most often, this means having a higher technical education, work experience in positions related to equipment maintenance, as well as experience in performing managerial functions.

What should chief mechanics know?

Provisions regulatory documents regarding the repair of various types of equipment and building structures;

Features of the technological structure of your enterprise, the specifics of the goods produced by the employing company;

Features of the functioning of internal corporate repair services;

Standards for planning tasks related to ensuring the operation of equipment, as well as carrying out its repairs;

Information about the current production capacity of the employing company;

Specifics of installation of equipment included in the company’s fixed assets;

The procedure for identifying malfunctions, defects, the procedure for obtaining access to one or another technical documentation;

Fundamentals of business, legislation regarding management, Labor Code, legal norms in the field of ecology.

IN general provisions instructions also, as a rule, indicate the full name of the specialist who must perform labor function chief mechanic in case of his temporary absence from work.

The next most important point of the document in question is the functional responsibilities of the chief mechanic. Let's study its specifics further.

Functional responsibilities

The next section of the job description is for the specialist. For a position such as a chief mechanic, these are usually presented in the following spectrum:

Ensuring stable operation and timely repair of instruments and machines involved in production;

Carrying out preventive inspections of relevant funds, planning these activities, monitoring their implementation;

Organization of work with contractors performing an auxiliary or leading function in ensuring the stable operation of equipment in production, as well as in carrying out its repair;

Supervising personnel involved in equipment maintenance and organizing related document flow;

Development of the necessary regulatory sources related to the operation, prevention and repair of equipment at the enterprise;

Participation in certification activities aimed at optimizing the use of fixed assets by company employees;

Participation in the development of a strategy for modernization and expansion of production at the enterprise;

Ensuring correct inventory of fixed assets;

Carrying out experiments aimed at improving production capacity;

Participation in the purchase of new equipment for the purpose of modernizing or expanding production;

And increasing its economic profitability by eliminating inefficient equipment from the process of producing goods;

Quality control of equipment repairs, acceptance of repaired or diagnosed fixed assets;

Ensuring compliance with legal standards regarding labor protection when interacting with company employees responsible for the functionality and repair of equipment.

The next most important section of the chief mechanic's job description is rights. Let's study it.

Rights in the job description of the chief mechanic

Rights that include job description chief mechanic, most often these are:

Drawing up instructions and tasks for subordinate employees and departments within the framework of those issues that affect the scope of competence of the position;

Control over the implementation of relevant tasks and instructions;

Requesting documents and materials necessary to solve assigned tasks within the limits of current competencies;

Interaction with other departments of the employing company, as well as third-party organizations in resolving work issues.

The next mandatory component of the job description is responsibility. Let's study it.

Responsibilities in the job description of the chief mechanic

The chief mechanic of an enterprise, in accordance with his job description, is most often responsible for:

The effectiveness of your work, reflecting the fulfillment of functional responsibilities;

Reliability of information about tasks solved by subordinate employees and services;

Timely and correct execution of orders from the head of the company;

Taking timely measures to prevent violations of safety standards at the enterprise;

Ensuring the necessary production discipline of subordinate employees and services.

The next section of the chief mechanic’s job description is the one that regulates the work schedule of a person in the corresponding position. Let's consider its specifics.

Operating mode in the job description of the chief mechanic

The chief mechanic, in accordance with the instructions in question, must look at what hours the work stipulated by the employment contract should be carried out in the Labor Regulations approved by the management of the company - and this point, as a rule, is recorded in the document in question.

Business trips and use of a company car

In addition, the part of the instruction in question usually states that a person holding the corresponding position may be sent on a business trip. Another important point in the relevant section is that if the work requires it, the chief mechanic can have service vehicles at his disposal.

These are the main points of the instructions that a person receives when applying for a job for the position in question. It is worth noting that the relevant document, as a rule, includes one more clause - about the right of signature of the person holding the position of chief mechanic in cases where this is required based on his functional responsibilities.

The relationship between instructions and the employment process

So, we have looked at what the responsibilities of the chief mechanic, his rights, responsibilities, and work schedule may be as provided for in the job description. It is noteworthy that the corresponding document can be useful not only at the time of applying for a person to the corresponding position to work in the office of the employing company.

It can also be useful, for example, when writing a resume for a chief mechanic. A specialist applying for this position can, after studying the main points of the relevant document - for example, in terms of qualification requirements and responsibilities, indicate the competencies corresponding to them. Or prepare for the interview, implying that the HR manager can ask questions regarding these aspects of performing job functions.

Instructions as a universal source of information about the position

The job description we examined can be considered a fairly universal document. It doesn’t make much difference what the city in which the chief mechanic plans to find a job will be - Moscow or some other. as a rule, they work within the framework of fairly unified standards in terms of assessing the competencies of candidates for employment - these can be developed based on the provisions of the instructions in question.

This, of course, makes the task easier for a person who wants to occupy the corresponding position - he will know what the employer expects from him when hiring him in the relevant department. The chief mechanic can expect a very thorough interview to determine whether he has the competencies we have listed. Their deficiency would be highly undesirable.

At the same time, the HR manager, comparing resumes from different candidates, may give preference to the one that lists more of these competencies. But, as a rule, if a person has sufficient experience in the relevant position or similar ones, no problems with meeting the competency requirements noted above usually arise.

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Workius directly cooperates with the law firm RusYurKom, where Russia's leading lawyer Alexey Rasputin communicates on our forum, giving initial consultations to everyone absolutely free. Go ahead, register and join the conversation.

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January 10, 2020 2020-01-10T20:25:19+03:00 - Requirements: - Experience as a department head (chief mechanic) in production - Higher/secondary vocational technical education - Knowledge of vehicle operating rules, traffic rules, traffic rules; maintaining documentation - Confident PC user - Knowledge of regulatory,...

January 10, 2020 2020-01-10T12:59:18+03:00 - Required work experience: 3–6 years Full time, full time We are looking for a Chief Mechanic for heavy and specialized equipment to join our team. Please indicate in your resume the BRANDS OF EQUIPMENT, with which you work with. Responsibilities: Organizing work on...

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January 10, 2020 2020-01-10T05:39:39+03:00 - PJSC "Korshunov Mining and Processing Plant" invites you to participate in filling the vacancy of a chief mechanic. Responsibilities: 1. Monitor the technical serviceability of main and auxiliary equipment (excavators, drilling rigs); 2. Supervision...

January 9, 2020 2020-01-09T20:05:26+03:00 - ... research on vehicles and mechanisms of drivers, technical personnel; Knowledge of the rules for transporting goods on the territory of the Russian Federation; Knowledge of the basics labor legislation; Higher professional education Experience in a management position: chief mechanic,...

January 9, 2020 2020-01-09T18:25:41+03:00 - Responsibilities: - Ensuring uninterrupted operation and operation of equipment. - Development of plans (schedules) for inspections, tests and preventative repairs, provision of technical preparation for production. - Coordination of plans (schedules) with contractors...

January 9, 2020 2020-01-09T07:05:57+03:00 - Responsibilities: chief mechanic in construction organization repair and maintenance of cars and special equipment (mixer, dump truck, concrete pump, excavator, bulldozer, crane, power plants) be able and understand how to repair the equipment yourself, also organize...

January 1, 2020 2020-01-01T00:58:21+03:00 - The Russian cosmetic production and trading company "BIG" announces a competition for the open vacancy "Chief Mechanic": Area of ​​responsibility: Operational management of the technical services of the enterprise; Planning, monitoring of project implementation,...

January 9, 2020 2020-01-09T15:03:37+03:00 - Responsibilities: Provides operational management of departments performing repair maintenance of equipment. Organizes the development of inspection, testing and maintenance plans. Organizes overhaul maintenance, specialized repairs and centralized...

December 31, 2019 2019-12-31T07:04:56+03:00 - Responsibilities: Management of a staff of adjusters, mechanics, electronics engineers for the repair of production equipment; Management of the development of regulatory materials for equipment repair, consumption of materials for repair and maintenance needs, analysis of indicators...

January 8, 2020 2020-01-08T15:12:07+03:00 - The company requires a chief mechanic with experience in confectionery factories, namely with dryers. Responsibilities: Ensuring uninterrupted operation of equipment; Development and organization of implementation of plans, organizational and technical activities; Maintaining...

January 8, 2020 2020-01-08T16:11:59+03:00 - Responsibilities: Ensuring trouble-free and reliable operation of equipment, proper operation, timely high-quality repairs, maintenance; Analysis of equipment failures and malfunctions, development and implementation of measures for...

January 8, 2020 2020-01-08T15:11:58+03:00 - Open vacancy for Chief Mechanic Work in the Nizhny Novgorod region on a large scale industrial enterprise(specialization – production of electrical products). Responsibilities: Management of the technical service of the enterprise; Operational management of a centralized...

December 31, 2019 2019-12-31T10:39:11+03:00 - Well Cementing Center LLC is looking for a Chief Mechanic. Responsibilities: 1. Organization of a unified technical policy in society, aimed at ensuring the rational operation of equipment, increasing its service life, improving the use...

December 31, 2019 2019-12-31T09:45:52+03:00 - Requirements: We need a chief mechanic certified in categories A1, B-9-31, B-9-33. Safe production works, basics of industrial safety, installation and dismantling of a crane Conditions: Full benefits package...

January 8, 2020 2020-01-08T13:11:58+03:00 - Responsibilities: Operational management of the chief mechanic’s service, distribution of work among RMC employees, quality control of their implementation (taking into account the round-the-clock operation of the enterprise); Ensuring uninterrupted, technically correct operation...

January 8, 2020 2020-01-08T13:59:44+03:00 - Responsibilities: ensuring uninterrupted and reliable operation of equipment, maintaining it in working condition developing plans (schedules) for inspections, tests and preventative repairs of equipment, managing the development of regulatory materials...

January 6, 2020 2020-01-06T11:11:51+03:00 - Our expectations from candidates: - higher professional (technical) education; - experience as a chief mechanic manufacturing plant at least 3 years; - experience in organizing scheduled preventive maintenance; - advanced user...

December 31, 2019 2019-12-31T00:58:15+03:00 - Requirements: Higher education (technical); At least 5 years of experience working in a meat processing industry; Leadership qualities, independence, responsibility, stress resistance; Willingness to work at a high pace, multi-tasking...

January 6, 2020 2020-01-06T06:50:53+03:00 - Responsibilities: Ensuring the repair of trucks and Kamaz, Tonar rolling stock; Organization of development of maintenance and repair schedules; Organization of maintenance and repair of vehicles and equipment; Organization...

January 6, 2020 2020-01-06T08:11:39+03:00 - The LLC Scientific and Production Complex "Electro-Thermal Technologies" company has 28 years of experience in the technical gas market (work throughout Russia), due to business expansion, is looking for a candidate for position of Deputy Chief Engineer. Responsibilities: Provide...

January 6, 2020 2020-01-06T09:58:53+03:00 - Responsibilities: Organizing vehicle repairs; Management and ensuring the smooth functioning of the equipment fleet; Filling out applications for the purchase of materials and spare parts; Drawing up a schedule for maintenance cars, control...

January 3, 2020 2020-01-03T10:02:25+03:00 - Responsibilities: Organizing the reliable operation of technological, lifting, power equipment, utilities and communication networks Managing the work of workshops and services of the chief mechanic's department in accordance with the approved structure of the enterprise.. .

December 31, 2019 2019-12-31T00:58:15+03:00 - ... good analytical and organizational skills; Ability to multitask; Developed management skills Willingness to make decisions and take responsibility for their results; Active life position Conditions : Chief mechanic in...

January 2, 2020 2020-01-02T15:51:19+03:00 - Chief Fleet Mechanic (Chief Technical Manager) Requirements: Higher engineering and technical education, preferably in the field of water transport Minimum 3 years of experience as a technical manager (superintendent) -x years, or in a senior position...

December 30, 2019 2019-12-30T15:23:30+03:00 - Due to an increase in the fleet of equipment, as well as an increase in staff, we are looking for a chief mechanic. The chief mechanic is in charge of 100 units. equipment (excavators, loaders, cranes, trucks). One of the main tasks is to maintain equipment in working order...

January 2, 2020 2020-01-02T15:04:06+03:00 - Responsibilities: Organizing maintenance and repair of enterprise equipment, maintaining all types of documentation, reporting, and work planning. Maintaining equipment in good condition. Participation in the development of repair projects for technical mechanisms, equipment,...

January 13, 2020 2020-01-13T21:41:56+03:00 - Responsibilities: Assigning mechanics to work Moving spare parts to the mechanic's warehouse Issuing work orders for standard work in 1C Coordination of repair dates with the client Processing work orders Placing an application in the spare parts department...

January 13, 2020 2020-01-13T20:02:21+03:00 - Responsibilities: Manages the work of the relevant services (mechanics), subordinate branches and production bases. Manages the technical operation of machines, hydraulic equipment and mechanisms. Provides trouble-free, technically correct...

December 30, 2019 2019-12-30T11:04:16+03:00 - Requirements: - higher technical education. Work experience in engineering, technical and management positions. - work experience as a chief mechanic at a manufacturing enterprise for at least 5 years. - knowledge of technical characteristics, design...

December 30, 2019 2019-12-30T18:40:46+03:00 - The chief mechanic must know: Rules for technical operation, maintenance and repair Vehicle(including KamAZ with KMU and Lomovoz) The procedure for maintaining records and reporting of rolling stock The procedure for training and admission to driving transport...

January 13, 2020 2020-01-13T08:03:06+03:00 - Responsibilities: Ensuring uninterrupted and technically correct operation and reliable operation of equipment. Organization of the development of plans, schedules, inspections, and repairs of equipment in accordance with the regulations. Organization of work to record the presence and movement of...

December 30, 2019 2019-12-30T18:08:23+03:00 - Requirements: Auto mechanics are not considered. A specialist with experience working in industrial enterprises is required. The employer does not compensate for relocation and rental housing. higher technical education; experience as a mechanic at an industrial enterprise not... » in the region

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“Chief Mechanic” is a popular vacancy in Russia

Number of “chief mechanic” vacancies on the site over the past 2 months

The vacancy of chief mechanic has a second name - chief mechanic. The median salary for the chief mechanic specialization in Russia is 80,000 rubles. Vacancy chief mechanic in Russia. The chief mechanic specialization is available in many companies and belongs to the category. The maximum monthly salary for the profession of chief mechanic is 200,000 rubles. The average salary of 80,000 rubles remains quite popular for those wishing to find a job. There are 7 vacancies for full-time work in the specialty “chief mechanic”. The category has the following specializations:. For the vacancy for the position of chief mechanic, the average salary for one month is approximately 108,100. The number of vacancies for “chief mechanic” includes 1,284 positions throughout the country. This vacancy is in demand in the regions:

Employers usually indicate the types of employment for a given specialization: “Full-time”, “full-time”. The most often in demand form of employment is Full-time. The minimum salary (in numerical format) for vacancies for the current request per month is 29,573 rubles. Companies hiring workers as chief mechanics:

Distribution schedule for “chief mechanic” vacancies by salary
  • "Anchor";
  • "Personnel Center ETALON";
  • "ALEV";
Median salary for the vacancy “chief mechanic” in other cities

In the general list, the request page occupies position 0. The most popular among similar vacancies in the specified specialization:

  • “Chief mechanic of a gold mining plant for a gold mining company (Amur Region)”;
  • "Chief mechanic at management company(Moscow city)";
  • "Chief mechanic (Saransk)."

Article current as of: January 2020

Ensures uninterrupted and technically correct operation and reliable operation of equipment, increasing its shift availability, and maintaining it in working condition at the required level of accuracy.

Organizes the development of plans (schedules) for inspections, tests and preventative repairs of equipment in accordance with the provisions Unified system scheduled preventive maintenance, approves these plans and monitors their implementation, provides technical preparation for production. Coordinates plans (schedules) with contractors involved in repairs, provides them with the necessary supplies in a timely manner technical documentation, participates in the preparation of title lists for major repairs.

Organizes work to record the availability and movement of equipment, compilation and execution of technical and reporting documentation. Manages the development of regulatory materials for equipment repair, consumption of materials for repair and operational needs, analysis of indicators of its use, drawing up estimates for repairs, filing applications for the purchase of materials and spare parts necessary for the operation of equipment.

Organizes overhaul maintenance, timely and high-quality repairs and modernization of equipment, work to improve its reliability and durability, technical supervision of the condition, maintenance, repair of buildings and structures, ensures the rational use of materials for repair work. Participates in the preparation of proposals for a special assessment of working conditions, rationalization, accounting and planning of jobs, for the modernization of equipment, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of complex mechanization and automation means technological processes, security environment, in developing plans to improve production efficiency.

Organizes an inventory of production fixed assets, identifies obsolete equipment, objects requiring major repairs, and establishes the order of repair work. Participates in experimental, adjustment and other work on the introduction and development of new equipment, in equipment testing, in the acceptance of new and repaired equipment, reconstructed buildings and structures. Studies the operating conditions of equipment, individual components and parts, develops and implements measures to prevent unscheduled shutdowns of equipment, extends the service life of components and parts, interrepair periods, improves the safety of equipment, increases its reliability in operation, organizes specialized repairs at the enterprise, centralized production of spare parts , units and replacement equipment. Takes part in studying the causes of increased wear and tear of equipment, its downtime, accident investigation, development and implementation of measures for their elimination and prevention. Manages the development and implementation of measures to replace ineffective equipment with high-performance equipment, to reduce unscheduled repairs and equipment downtime, to reduce repair and maintenance costs based on the use of new progressive methods for repairing and restoring parts, assemblies and mechanisms. Ensures control over the quality of equipment installation work, rational spending of funds for major repairs, correct storage of equipment in warehouses, timely inspection and presentation of lifting mechanisms and other objects to bodies exercising state technical supervision, and changes to equipment passports. Takes measures to identify unused equipment and its sale, improve the operation of existing equipment, organize repair work based on the mechanization of labor and the introduction of advanced technology, and improve the organization of work of repair service workers. Ensures compliance with labor protection and safety regulations during repair work. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to create safe and favorable working conditions during the operation and repair of equipment, in the consideration of rationalization proposals related to improving the operation of equipment, provides feedback and conclusions on the most complex of them, as well as on draft industry standards and state standards, promotes the implementation of accepted rationalization proposals. Participates in the preparation of applications for the purchase of equipment on leasing terms. Manages the employees of the department and divisions carrying out repair maintenance of equipment, buildings and structures of the enterprise, organizes work to improve their qualifications.

Must know

The chief mechanic must know:

  • regulatory, methodological and other materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures
  • profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development
  • fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise's products
  • organization of repair service at the enterprise
  • procedure and methods for planning equipment operation and carrying out repair work
  • A unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment
  • production capacity, specifications, design features, purpose and operating modes of enterprise equipment, rules of its operation
  • methods of installation and repair of equipment, organization and technology of repair work
  • procedure for compiling lists of defects, passports, albums of drawings of spare parts, operating instructions for equipment and other technical documentation
  • rules for acceptance and delivery of equipment after repair
  • requirements for rational labor organization during operation, repair and modernization of equipment and repair equipment
  • advanced domestic and Foreign experience repair maintenance of the enterprise
  • fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management
  • basics of environmental legislation
  • basics of labor legislation
  • labor safety rules and regulations

Qualification Requirements

Higher professional (technical) education and work experience in the specialty in engineering, technical and management positions in the industry relevant to the enterprise for at least 5 years.

Mechanic job description

A mechanic's job description is created to determine the order of labor relations. The document contains a list of functional responsibilities, rights, as well as information regarding working conditions and employee responsibilities.

Job responsibilities may vary depending on specialization and place of work. The standard form below can be used as an example for drawing up a job description for a garage mechanic, workshop mechanic, motor vehicle mechanic, or mechanical engineer.

Sample of a typical job description for a mechanic

I. General provisions

1. A mechanic belongs to the category of specialists.

2. Appointment or dismissal from a position is made in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation by order of the director of the enterprise on the recommendation of the chief mechanic / production manager.

3. The mechanic reports to the chief mechanic / production manager / director of the organization, and in their absence, to their replacements.

4. The position of a mechanic can be held by a person who has a higher or secondary specialized education and work experience in a similar position for at least one year.

5. Functional responsibilities during the absence of a mechanic, they are performed differently official, as reported in the order of the institution.

6. The mechanic must know:

  • methodological and regulatory materials related to the organization of equipment repair and maintenance;
  • technologies for manufacturing the company's products;
  • organization of repair service;
  • production capacity, technical characteristics, design features of equipment;
  • rules for operating equipment, its purpose, operating modes;
  • methods of repair, installation, technology of repair work;
  • standards for issuing passports, defect reports, equipment operating instructions and other technical documentation;
  • procedure for acceptance and delivery of devices after repair;
  • provisions for the rational organization of work during operation, repair and modernization of equipment, repair support;
  • basics of labor organization, management and production;
  • fundamentals of environmental protection legislation, Labor Code RF;
  • labor safety standards.

7. In his work, the mechanic is guided by:

  • employment contract and legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • regulatory documents and teaching materials related to the work performed;
  • Charter of the enterprise;
  • labor regulations, labor safety, orders, instructions of the director of the enterprise, immediate superior;
  • this job description;
  • internal regulations, fire protection.

8. The mechanic bears financial responsibility for the safety of the tools and valuables entrusted to him.

9. Employees and services of the enterprise may report to the mechanic, as reported in the relevant document.

10. The mechanic’s activities are carried out in accordance with the established time standards for performing work operations for maintenance and repair of components and assemblies. Their list is contained in the corresponding document.

II. Job responsibilities of a mechanic

The mechanic performs the following job duties:

1. Implements uninterrupted, reliable and technologically correct operation of devices and equipment, ensures their maintenance in working condition.

2. Develops plans and schedules for inspections, tests and preventive maintenance of equipment, regulated by the provisions of the Unified System of Preventive Maintenance. Monitors their implementation and carries out technical preparation of production.

3. Organizes work on:

  • preparation and execution of technical and reporting documentation;
  • accounting for the availability and transfer of equipment.

4. Prepares documentation related to requests for the purchase of materials and spare parts.

5. Implements high-quality and timely repairs, modernization of equipment, technical control over its condition, and promotes the rational use of materials.

6. Participates in the development of proposals for planning, accounting of jobs, reconstruction of equipment, technical re-equipment of the organization, introduction of mechanization and automation means.

7. Identifies equipment and mechanisms that require replacement or major repairs. Establishes the procedure for carrying out repair work.

8. Participates in commissioning, experimental and other work on the implementation, development of new equipment, testing and acceptance of equipment.

  • considering rationalization proposals related to improving the operation of equipment, gives conclusions about them;
  • implementation of measures to create favorable and safe working conditions, approved rationalization proposals.

10. Manages the implementation and development of measures for:

  • replacing low-efficiency equipment with more productive ones;
  • reducing the frequency of unscheduled repairs and equipment downtime, the costs of its repair, maintenance, and restoration.

11. Carry out work on:

  • identifying equipment not used in the enterprise’s activities;
  • improving the use of equipment;
  • organizing repair work using labor mechanization and introducing advanced technologies, improving working conditions.

12. Complies with safety regulations and labor protection during repair work.

13. Manages the employees of the enterprise subordinate to him.

14. Wears the prescribed uniform and personal protective equipment.

III. Rights

1. Give subordinate employees instructions and tasks within their own competence.

2. Monitor the timely execution of assignments by employees subordinate to him.

3. Send requests and receive the necessary information and documents relating to his activities and subordinates.

4. Interact with enterprises, organizations on production and other issues within their competence.

5. Receive from the management of the enterprise the information necessary to carry out own work and subordinate services.

6. Demand from the organization’s management:

  • creation necessary conditions for the proper performance of duties;
  • provision of personal protective equipment and necessary materials.

7. Make proposals to improve the quality of work and rationalize the organization’s activities.

8. Do not perform proper work if there is a threat to the safety of health or life.

IV. Responsibility

The mechanic is responsible for:

1. Causing material damage to the organization and its employees.

2. Results of production activities related to his duties.

3. Providing false information about the progress of work.

4. Untimely or improper performance of one’s official duties.

5. Violation of the provisions of orders, instructions and instructions of the director of the enterprise.

6. Inaction to suppress identified violations that pose a threat to the activity of the enterprise, life, and health.

7. Failure to comply with safety standards, fire protection, labor discipline: own and subordinate employees.

8. Regular failure to comply with established time standards for completing work.

9. Offenses established by law.

V. Working conditions

1. The mechanic’s working conditions are determined by:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • orders, instructions from the management of the institution;
  • internal labor regulations and safety regulations;
  • requirements of current sanitary and hygienic standards.

Chief mechanical engineer

The chief mechanic is a specialist responsible for the operation of equipment in production. He belongs to the category of leaders. His tasks include organizing, monitoring the implementation of work and measures necessary to maintain equipment in working condition, carrying out timely repairs and proper operation.

The functional responsibilities in the job description of the chief mechanic of an enterprise and an ordinary specialist are different.

The chief mechanic manages the entrusted units and services. He coordinates joint work with contractors and related organizations carrying out repair work, promptly provides them with the necessary technical documentation, and participates in compiling a list of equipment requiring major repairs.

The chief mechanic inspects:

  • quality of work performed, rational use of materials, equipment, storage conditions;
  • inspections and provision of lifting mechanisms and other objects to state technical supervision authorities;
  • making changes to equipment documents.

The chief mechanic is involved in:

  • studying the causes of failure, increased wear and tear of equipment, and downtime;
  • identifying the causes of accidents, failures, developing and implementing measures to prevent and eliminate them;
  • drawing up applications for the purchase of equipment.

Job Description for Chief Mechanic

I. General provisions

1. The chief mechanic belongs to the category of managers.

A person who has a higher professional (technical) education and work experience in his specialty in engineering, technical and managerial positions in the relevant industry profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years is accepted for the position of chief mechanic.

2. The chief mechanic is hired and dismissed by the director of the organization.

3. The chief mechanic must know:

— regulatory, methodological and other materials on organizing the repair of equipment, buildings, structures;

— profile, specialization and features of the organizational and technological structure of the enterprise, prospects for its development;

— fundamentals of the production technology of the enterprise’s products;

— organization of repair service at the enterprise;

— procedure and methods for planning equipment operation and carrying out repair work;

— a unified system of scheduled preventive maintenance and rational operation of process equipment;

— production capacities, technical characteristics, design features, purpose and operating modes of the enterprise equipment, rules of its operation;

— methods of installation and repair of equipment, organization and technology of repair work;

— the procedure for compiling lists of defects, passports, albums of drawings of spare parts, operating instructions for equipment and other technical documentation;

— rules for acceptance and delivery of equipment after repair;

— requirements for the rational organization of labor during operation, repair and modernization of equipment and repair equipment;

— advanced domestic and foreign experience in repair maintenance of the enterprise;

— fundamentals of economics, organization of production, labor and management;

— basics of environmental legislation;

— basics of labor legislation;

— rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

5. In his activities, the chief mechanic is guided by:

- orders and instructions of the director of the organization,

- this job description,

— Internal labor regulations of the organization,

6. The chief mechanic reports directly to (specify position)

7. During the absence of the chief mechanic (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by the director of the organization in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights, duties and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities

1. Ensures uninterrupted and technically correct operation and reliable operation of equipment, increasing its shift availability, and maintaining it in working condition at the required level of accuracy.

2. Organizes the development of plans (schedules) for inspections, tests and preventative repairs of equipment in accordance with the provisions of the Unified System of Scheduled Preventive Maintenance, approves these plans and monitors their implementation, and ensures technical preparation of production.

3. Coordinates plans (schedules) with contractors hired to carry out repairs, provides them with the necessary technical documentation in a timely manner, and participates in the preparation of title lists for major repairs.

4. Organizes work to record the availability and movement of equipment, compilation and execution of technical and reporting documentation.

5. Manages the development of regulatory materials for the repair of equipment, the consumption of materials for repair and operational needs, the analysis of indicators of its use, the preparation of estimates for repairs, the preparation of applications for the purchase of materials and spare parts necessary for the operation of the equipment.

6. Organizes maintenance between repairs, timely and high-quality repairs and modernization of equipment, work to improve its reliability and durability, technical supervision of the condition, maintenance, repair of buildings and structures, ensures the rational use of materials for repair work.

7. Participates in the preparation of proposals for certification, rationalization, accounting and planning of jobs, for the modernization of equipment, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of means of comprehensive mechanization and automation of technological processes, environmental protection, and in the development of plans for increasing production efficiency.

8. Organizes an inventory of production fixed assets, identifies obsolete equipment, objects requiring major repairs, and establishes the order of repair work.

9. Participates in experimental, adjustment and other work on the introduction and development of new equipment, in equipment testing, in the acceptance of new and repaired equipment, reconstructed buildings and structures.

10. Studies the operating conditions of equipment, individual components and parts, develops and implements measures to prevent unscheduled equipment shutdowns, extend the service life of components and parts, between-repair periods, improve the safety of equipment, increase its reliability in operation, organize specialized repairs and centralized production at the enterprise spare parts, components and replacement equipment.

11. Participates in the study of the causes of increased wear and tear of equipment, its downtime, accident investigation, development and implementation of measures for their elimination and prevention.

12. Manages the development and implementation of measures to replace ineffective equipment with high-performance equipment, to reduce unscheduled repairs and equipment downtime, to reduce the cost of repairs and its maintenance based on the use of new progressive methods of repair and restoration of parts, assemblies and mechanisms.

13. Ensures control over the quality of equipment installation work, rational spending of funds for major repairs, correct storage of equipment in warehouses, timely inspection and presentation of lifting mechanisms and other objects to bodies exercising state technical supervision, and changes to equipment passports.

14. Takes measures to identify unused equipment and its sale, improve the operation of existing equipment, organize repair work based on labor mechanization and the introduction of advanced technology, improve the organization of work of repair service workers.

15. Ensures compliance with labor protection and safety regulations during repair work.

16. Participates in the development and implementation of measures to create safe and favorable working conditions during the operation and repair of equipment, in the consideration of rationalization proposals related to improving the operation of equipment, gives feedback and conclusions on the most complex of them, as well as on draft industry regulations and state standards , promotes the implementation of accepted rationalization proposals.

17. Participates in the preparation of applications for the purchase of equipment under leasing terms.

18. Manages the employees of the department and divisions carrying out repair maintenance of equipment, buildings and structures of the enterprise, organizes work to improve their qualifications.

19. Complies with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

20. Internal rules and standards of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

21. Ensures cleanliness and order in his workplace.

22. Carry out, within the framework of the employment contract, the orders of the employees to whom he is subordinate in accordance with these instructions.

Continued on pages: 2

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