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Factors of competitiveness of natural fabrics in the Russian textile market. Increasing the competitiveness of a textile industry enterprise Sergey Aleksandrovich Novosadov Competition in the textile industry

Zemskova M.S. 1 , Krasnova M.V. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-6309-9568, Candidate of Economic Sciences, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-5171, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Vladimirsky state university named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs



The article evaluates the main competitive advantages fabrics made from nettle in comparison with cotton and flax, a polygon of competitiveness was built according to the main physiological and hygienic indicators and characteristics of reproduction.The consumer properties of fabrics are characterized by certain quality attributes, which are monitored both at the development stage and at the production stage of fabrics. In the first case, a wider range of indicators is determined, in the second - those that may change as a result of a disruption in the technological process.In any case, when organizing a technological process, it is necessary to simultaneously guarantee quality and reduce production costs - to ensure the competitiveness of products. To optimally solve this problem, it is necessary to develop a system of clear requirements for production technologies and flexible control systems, including the use of automated ones. ABOUTThe main attention in the article was paid to the properties of fabrics that affect their service life; hygienic; aesthetic characteristics, such as: comfort, thermal conductivity, strength, etc.The prospects for the production of nettle fabrics in Russia are considered. One of the features is that nettle fiber does not rot, is not prone to corrosion and is resistant to insect attacks. This allows you to protect the plant from chemical treatments and obtain the most environmentally friendly raw materials. So the ecological role of this plant and the fabric produced from it, as well as the manufacture of products from such fabrics, is highly pronounced.

Key words: nettle fabric, ramie, competitiveness, textile industry.

Zemskova M.S. 1, Krasnova M.V. 2

1 ORCID: 0000-0002-6309-9568, PhD in Economics, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, 2 ORCID: 0000-0001-9022-5171, PhD in Pedagogy, Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs



The paper evaluates the main competitive advantages of nettle fabrics compared with cotton and linen ones, a polygon of competitive ability based on the basic physiological and hygienic indices and features of reproduction is formed in this study. The consumer properties of fabrics are characterized by certain quality attributes, which are monitored both at the development stage and at the stage of fabrics production. In the first case, a wider range of indicators is determined, and in the second case – those that can change as a result of a violation of the technological process. In any case, at the organization of the technological process it is necessary to simultaneously guarantee the quality and reduce production costs – to ensure the competitiveness of the products. For the optimal solution to this problem, it is necessary to develop a system of crystal requirements for production technologies and flexible management systems, including those using automated ones. The main attention in the paper is given to the properties of fabrics affecting their life cycle; hygienic and aesthetic characteristics, such as: comfort, heat conductivity, strength, etc. The outlooks on production of nettle fabrics in Russia are considered. One of the features is that the nettle fabric does not lend to moldering processes, is not prone to corrosion and is resistant to attacks of insects. This allows you to protect the plant from chemical treatments and obtain the most environmentally friendly raw materials. So the ecological role of this plant and the fabric produced from it, as well as the manufacture of products from such fabrics is highly expressed.

Keywords: nettle tissue, ramie, competitive ability, textile industry.

Over the past five years, more than 12 new types of natural fibers of plant origin (from stems, leaves and even petals of plants) have been registered in the world. Among the exotic options for natural raw materials that are increasingly used in fashionable fabrics are the following types: ramie, sisal, pima, luobuma, pineapple and banana leaf fibers, kenaf fibers, cotton grass, broom, manila (abaca), jute (Calcutta hemp) ) and others.

All research in this area is related to pressing environmental issues. environment and people's health. Currently, the leader in the fabric market is cotton. To increase its yield, the traditional method of cultivation uses not only fertilizers, but insecticides in large quantities. 10% of all pesticides used in the world occur in cultivated areas occupied by cotton; their residues pollute the air and water bodies. In addition, cotton does not grow everywhere, and the raw material has to be transported over vast distances.

In Russia, the severe crisis in the textile industry is due to the lack of working capital among enterprises and the opening of borders for the import of light industry goods from the East and West. It is expressed in a reduction in the production of manufactured goods by 5-8 times.

In this situation for the right choice strategy for the development of the Russian textile industry, the question of searching for new types of plant fibers to create textile materials, as the leading raw material for the production of matter, becomes relevant.

Nettle is offered as an unconventional source of raw materials, known to mankind for a long time. During excavations of Scythian burials of the early 3rd century AD. near Kyiv, ramie fibers were found in fabrics. The first mention of nettle matter in Russia dates back to 1254 and subsequently occurs until the 40s of the last century (research by Professor J.A. Rokah), in fairy tales and other forms folk art. In Russia, the source of raw materials for such materials is stinging nettle (Urtika diocia), in China and Japan - white ramie (Boehmeria nivea).

IN modern conditions A rather limited circle of researchers, in particular V.F., is engaged in recreating the technology for obtaining threads and then matter from nettles. Baranov. The consumer properties of nettle as a plant raw material are being studied by D.I. Grebneva, F.A. Petrishche, G.I. Shpirny.

The purpose of this work is to assess the competitive properties of nettle fabric in comparison with the market leaders of natural fabrics, as well as the prospects for their production in Russia.

Manufacturers of ramie fiber are concentrated mainly in China, Brazil, India, South Korea, Thailand and the Philippines. The processing is carried out for domestic consumption of these countries, and only a small amount of raw materials ends up in international market. The fiber is successfully imported to Germany, Japan, France and the UK. In Russia, ramie first began to be grown at the end of the 19th century, mainly on Black Sea coast Caucasus and Central Asia. Ramie is a perennial plant, the length of the stems reaches 2.5 meters. Ramie can be harvested up to 6 times a year. It is cultivated in two types: green and white. In addition to weaving, ramie is actively used in medicine and paper production.

Ramie is especially popular because of its high strength, which is seven times more durable than cotton and even silk. The fiber has a natural white color and glossy shine, which is not lost under the influence of sunlight, again unlike silk.

The ecological role of this plant is associated with such properties as resistance to insect attacks, lack of corrosion and high resistance to decay processes, which allows the plant to be protected from chemical treatments. Growing ramie can protect the soil from erosion.

Ramie fabric has high absorption capacity, good resistance to dry cleaning, and is comfortable to wear, especially in the hot season due to its thermal conductivity. It washes well and does not shrink, and is highly antistatic. The only drawback of ramie for use in clothing is the low elasticity coefficient of the raw material.

Quality is the most important factor competitiveness of the product. The development of the woven materials market is currently undergoing significant changes, due to the emergence of a large number of materials with improved and new properties. The structure of matter and its functionality are the main elements of innovation in the textile industry. In addition to beauty, modern fabrics also require an increase in functional properties - wrinkle resistance, plasticity, biostability, convenience and comfort when using products. The modern generation of clothing and other manufactured products must not only protect from bad weather, but also be quite comfortable and support the health and vital functions of their wearer.

Physiological and hygienic indicators come to the fore when deciding the issue of acquisition and use by the population of both finished clothing and materials for it. Modern materials must meet the requirements for all factors of immunoprotection and human physiology, both in the structure of the mothers and in the types of final processing of raw materials.

The market leaders in plant-based fabrics are linen and cotton. Let's consider the competitiveness of ramie material in comparison with the physiological and hygienic indicators of other plant materials (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1 – Polygon of competitiveness of ramie fabric by indicators

Physiological and hygienic indicators were chosen as criteria for competitiveness, since they have recently influenced consumer commitment and satisfaction with the product and are attractive to target audience, and also added factors that directly affect the labor intensity and efficiency of production of these fabrics. These form the basic concept of product quality. The analysis method chosen was the “competitiveness polygon”, which allows you to quickly analyze the consumer and cost characteristics of a product, service, or company resource that determine its success in the market, in comparison with key competitors, and develop effective measures to increase the level of competitiveness of products. The assessment was carried out on a 5-point scale, where 1 is the lowest score, and 5 is the maximum score.

The competitiveness polygon shows that ramie fabric is superior to its closest rivals in terms of such criteria as: wrinkle resistance, biostability (lowly susceptible to rotting processes), comfort of a textile product made from this material, elasticity (stretch resistance), environmental friendliness (lack of processing of raw materials with organochlorine compounds ), thermal conductivity (cool in summer, warm in winter). The strength of ramie fabrics is superior to that of cotton, almost on par with linen.

The weaknesses of ramie fabric are: the labor intensity of raw material processing, the efficiency of fiber use and the low availability of processing equipment.

The reasons influencing the above indicators of decreased competitiveness of ramie include the following:

  • poor degree of modern technical equipment of textile industry enterprises (outdated technological equipment);
  • lack of innovative domestic developments for light industry, leading to the need to introduce the latest foreign technologies;
  • unprofitable state of many enterprises;
  • marketing policy is weakly consumer-oriented.

Mitigate the impact of low performance. At the same time, it is possible by borrowing the experience of manufacturing such fabrics in China, Korea, Hong Kong, and in addition, equipment for processing raw materials and producing ramie can also be purchased at the initial stage in these countries. In the future, to increase the advantages of products, it is necessary to introduce new, domestic, modernized technologies and equipment, which will make it possible to squeeze out the Asian manufacturer of this product in the Russian market.

In terms of positive characteristics, as can be seen from the competitiveness polygon, ramie is significantly superior to its peers in terms of assessment. This suggests that, given current consumer trends in modern world The quality criteria for assessing manufactured materials and products have undergone significant changes.

The population’s desire for environmentally friendly goods is associated not only with food, but also with industrial goods; it determines the need to generate a new generation of manufactured products endowed with a set of functional characteristics.

The domestic light industry for processing plant fibers, given this growing trend, is in conditions in which, in order to create competitive advantages, textile enterprises must enter the market with original types of products. And, therefore, use innovative technologies for their production technological processes and the domestic raw material base of natural raw materials.

Stinging nettle can be a domestic plant material, since in addition to all the listed positive characteristics of ramie, it is also extremely unpretentious when cultivated. Its processing will expand the range of environmentally friendly textile materials from natural plant raw materials for the production of home textiles, clothing and other fabrics and knitwear from a mixture of recycled nettle fiber with other natural and chemical threads for clothing, linen, furnishings, and technical consumption.

List of literature / References

  1. Bilyakovich L.N., Volynets T.A. Modern textile raw materials. Natural fiber materials in industrial production fabrics [ Electronic resource] / L.N. Bilyakovich, T.A. Volynets // Light industry market. – 2006. – No. 46. URL: http://www.rustm.net/catalog/article/111.html (access date: 03.2017)
  2. Grebneva D. On the possibility of using non-traditional technologies for the production of raw materials for the production of special and clothing fabrics / D. Grebneva, G. Shpirny, F.A. Petrishche // Materials of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference “Ledentsov Readings. Business. Science. Education", Vologda, March 28-29, 2013 at 2 hours - part 1 / Ed. Doctor of Economics, prof. Yu.A. Dmitrieva. – Vologda: VIB, 2013. – P. 309-314.
  3. Grebneva D.I. Results of studies of the properties of nettle tissue / D.I. Grebneva // Scientific and theoretical journal. – – No. 5. – P. 142-147.
  4. Rokah Y.A. Nettle as a textile raw material in the middle of the century / Ya.A. Rokah // For a new fiber. – 1935. – March-April.
  5. Das P.K. Machinery for extraction and traditional spinning of plant fibers / P.K. Das // Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. – 2010. – April. – P. 386-393. URL: http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/8170/1/IJTK%209%282%29%20386-393.pdf (access date: 03/02/2017)

List of references in English /References in English

  1. Bilyakovich L.N., Volynets T.A. Modern tekstil’noe syr’ye. Natural’nye voloknistye materialy v promyshlennom proizvodstve tkaney / L.N. Bilyakovich, T.A. Volynets // Rynok legkoy promyshlennosti. – 2006. – No. 46. URL: http://www.rustm.net/catalog/article/111.html (accessed: 03/01/2017). .
  2. Grebneva D., O vozmozhnosti ispol’zovaniya netraditsionnykh tekhnologiy vyrabotki syr’ya dlya proizvodstva spetsial’nykh i odezhnykh tkaney / D. Grebneva, G. Shpirnyy, F.A. Petrishche // Materialy Tretey mezhdunarodnoy scientific-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Ledentsovskiye chteniya. Business. Science. Obrazovaniye”, g. Vologda, March 28-29, 2013. v 2 ch. – ch.1 / edited by Yu.A. Dmitrieva. – Vologda: VIB. 2013. – P. 309-314. .
  3. Grebneva D.I. Rezul’taty issledovaniy svoystv krapivnoy tkani / D.I. Grebneva // Scientific-teoreticheskiy zhurnal. – 2014. – No. 5. – P. 142-147.
  4. Rokakh Ya.A. Krapiva kak tekstil’noe syr’ye v seredine veka. / Ya.A. Rokah // Za new volokno. . – 1935. – March-April. .
  5. Das P.K. Machinery for extraction and traditional spinning of plant fibers / P.K. Das // Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. – 2010. – April. – P. 386-393. URL: http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/8170/1/IJTK%209%282%29%20386-393.pdf(accessed: 03/02/2017).

About trends in light industry, import substitution programs, “smart” fabrics, and also how largest company industry - the BTK holding - organized full-cycle production, the deputy told RBC general director"BTK Holding" Sergey Bazoev.

- What key trends in light industry would you note?

Trends in the industry are determined by three main areas: fundamental changes in the materials used, the introduction of new technologies and state support for the industry in Russia, including within the framework of import substitution programs.

In recent years, the global market has seen a decline in the production of natural materials, while their production in general is characterized by instability due to dependence on the harvest of cotton and other crops. On the other hand, there is an increase in population and overall consumption of products. These factors force manufacturers to search for and develop new materials based on artificial and synthetic fibers. Leading countries are following the path of maximum use of these materials in finished products in the most different industries: sports, fashion industry, protective and casual clothing and other areas.

Recently, innovative and environmentally friendly technologies have emerged that make it possible to produce materials from artificial and synthetic fibers that are superior to natural ones in a number of indicators. In the future, the level of technology development will ensure their superiority in all respects, while products made from natural materials will most likely play a niche role. There have also been major changes in the production technologies of woven and knitted products. To produce these products, such high-performance equipment has appeared that the cheap factor labor force in Southeast Asia, which previously played a very important role, is now losing its importance.

There are also changes in marketing and sales technologies for light industry products. The future lies in customization, when clothes are made for a specific consumer, who can choose for himself appearance product, and precise measurements are taken using a 3D scanner. In shoe production, 3D printing technologies are already being tested, and there are technologies for knitting finished products for a specific consumer.

In Russia, with the active support of the industry from the state, domestic production in light industry has been developing in recent years. In addition, there is an increase in interest from large international chains in placing orders for sewing ready-made clothing in our country. Our company is fully in line with these trends and, taking into account all measures of support from the state, is investing in own production and new technologies.

- What can a Russian manufacturer offer to the market today?

Domestic enterprises cannot yet offer the full range of materials and finished products. This is due to the long period of underfunding of the industry and the consequences of the decline of light industry in the post-Soviet period. But there are segments in which Russian manufacturers are competitive. For example, according to the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, domestic production of special protective clothing increased by 40% in 2016, and today professional clothing is produced in Russia, which successfully competes with imported analogues. Eat successful examples Russian production quality products for outdoor activities, school uniforms, etc. The potential of domestic production has not yet been fully realized, and attempts are being made by enterprises and authorities to combine efforts to develop, produce and promote high-quality Russian products on the domestic market and beyond.

- How would you assess the results of import substitution programs in the industry as a whole?

They vary greatly depending on the segment. From a tailoring point of view, this is dramatic progress. From the point of view of mastering the production of high-tech materials, we are still only at the beginning of our journey.

The BTK group of companies is the largest light industry holding in Russia, which specializes in the production of high-tech textiles, clothing, and footwear. What is BTK's investment in modernization?

Over the past ten years, we have invested more than 10 billion rubles in the modernization of the sewing and knitting industry, launched a new textile complex for the production of innovative materials in the Rostov region, and are implementing a plant modernization project in the Altai Territory. Our holding strategy is to reinvest 100% of profits into development.

- Tell us about the technologies you use in production.

If we talk about technology, many of the fabric processing methods that we have mastered in production in the Rostov region are unique for Russia. We are talking about creating “smart” fabrics used in high performance sports, in special protective clothing, and about technical textiles with various properties used in construction, automotive industry, medicine, etc.

- What major successes of the company would you note?

Over the past five years, from major manufacturer We have created a full-cycle clothing company, built the entire production chain - from spinning to sewing finished products. We develop, manufacture and supply a wide range of products to companies in various industries and end consumers. Today the holding produces materials that were previously purchased exclusively abroad, and these are materials with a high innovative component.

The BTK group of companies unites twelve sewing sites, two textile factories with full cycle production and enterprise for the production of knitted fabric and knitted products. The enterprises are located mainly in Russia, and one site each in the Republics of South Ossetia and Belarus. Every year we can produce more than 5 million units of clothing and 17 million units of knitted products, 25 million meters of fabric and knitted fabric.

We offer clients the development of professional clothing that takes into account the specifics of their activities, we develop new fabrics, develop new types of products for end consumer In particular, we are preparing to launch our brand of outdoor clothing, Urban Tiger, to the mass market.

- What are the plans for developing the BTK business?

Our immediate plans include the second stage of modernization of the plant in Barnaul, aimed at improving product quality and increasing productivity. This will allow us to increase the production of cotton and blended fabrics and create the largest production in Siberia.

- Do you work only in Russia or do you send your products for export?

We began our first export deliveries to the EU countries last year and plan to develop this area. Here we have to compete with the world's leading manufacturers with already proven technologies, sales systems and assortments. Export volumes are still insignificant, but they have potential this direction very big.

- How are things going with professional staff in the industry?

An acute shortage of qualified personnel, primarily workers and engineers, is one of the most important issues for our company and the industry as a whole. In recent years human resources potential has been greatly lost, and the training of workers and engineers does not meet the needs of the industry.

- How do you improve the skills of your employees?

At BTK, work to attract, train and develop employees is carried out at the system level. We provide training to employees and organize the exchange of experience between sites. So far in key areas where they are used latest technologies, we attract foreign specialists as mentors, but gradually our employees master all the necessary skills and technologies.

- How do you assess government support measures for the industry?

Over the past few years, government attention to our industry has increased. Light industry is classified as a promising industry that has the opportunity to become a driver of development of the Russian economy. Existing measures state support We consider light industry adequate to the current situation. Our industry is severely undercapitalized, and support measures help motivate companies to invest in development.

- Are there any areas where business lacks government support?

It is important to focus on two aspects where we see the need for more active government participation. Firstly, with a developed petrochemical and forestry industry, we purchase high quality raw materials for synthetic and artificial fabrics abroad. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the petrochemical processing link in order to organize the production of synthetic and artificial fibers for the textile industry in Russia. The creation of such production facilities requires serious investments, and without government support this is practically impossible. Secondly, textile and clothing engineering technologies have been lost. Equipment for light industry is largely imported. Solving the above problems will fully ensure the competitiveness of the Russian light industry.

Today there are not many main consumers of textile products on the domestic market. One of them may be furniture makers. However, for now they mainly consume Western-made products, since they are more consistent with the requirements of furniture products.
Today, the production of upholstery fabric must include the mandatory use of synthetic fibers. But in the domestic textile industry, due to the lack of necessary equipment, the material is still little used. The production of modern upholstery furniture fabric is still in its development stage. Therefore, for now, the largest Russian holdings are just mastering the production of mixed fabrics for furniture, mixing natural raw materials such as linen, cotton and wool with artificial fibers such as lavsan or lycra.
Domestic textile manufacturers are prevented from increasing their competitiveness by high production process from imported raw materials. It is this that increases the cost of produced fabrics by at least 25%. Only 20% of the raw materials needed for fabric production can be found on the Russian market. These are primarily linen and wool. After the collapse of the USSR, textile workers became most dependent on the supply of imported raw cotton. Today it makes up 100% of imported raw materials for the textile industry. Each year, $500 million worth of cotton is imported into Russia.
Another reason hindering the increase in the competitiveness of domestic textiles is the high dependence on imported equipment. Due to high import duties on foreign-made equipment, the renewal of industrial capacity in the textile industry is hampered. In most factories it has not changed since the middle of the last century.
Today, the Russian industry is facing difficult times; its future fate depends on the solution of the assigned tasks. Without a change in strategy, it will be difficult to obtain competitive products. Producing simply a cheap product and competing with Chinese manufacturers in reducing textile production costs while constantly reducing quality will not lead to anything good.
Today it is necessary to produce textiles that are comparable in cost to the prices of Chinese fabrics, but superior in quality, approaching the samples of European textile products. If you need such a service as changing the director, then you should visit the website 1zakon.ru.

In a word, new times are coming for Russian weavers: it’s time for them to change their strategy. Producing a cheap product means competing with the Chinese in cutting costs, while constantly losing the quality of the product. This strategy is unlikely to bring good dividends. We need to learn to produce fabrics at a price comparable to Asian fabrics, and in quality closer to European products. Otherwise, in a year or two foreign manufacturers will force out domestic weavers not only from the external, but also from the internal market.
The competitive advantages of Russian weavers on the European market are that they are closer to European consumers and can deliver goods to them faster and cheaper than Chinese suppliers. Other competitors of the Russians - the Turks - are inferior to domestic producers in terms of costs. The fact is that Türkiye is striving to join the European Union and the salaries of Turkish weavers are already at the European level.
Domestic weavers will have to solve production problems simultaneously with solving marketing problems, namely, they need to create an effective sales system. After all, you need to compete not only with the quality and price of goods, but also with service. Large textile enterprises are already actively creating their own sales divisions: buying and building wholesale bases, retail stores. This gives them the opportunity not only to get closer to the consumer, to more accurately determine sales volumes, manage prices, quickly respond to demand, control financial flows and, importantly, limit the access of competitors to the local market, depriving them of the opportunity to sell fabrics, for example, in a branded retail chain.
The fabric market in Russia is estimated at approximately $1.2-$1.5 billion, and its annual growth is 15%. Two thirds of the textile market today is occupied by products of domestic enterprises. The largest textile companies are the “Russian Textile Alliance”, “Bolshaya Ivanovo Manufactory”, “Guta Textile”, “Shuya Calico”, “Trekhgornaya Manufactory Partnership”, “Cheboksary Cotton Mill”, etc.
The Russian textile industry produces cotton, linen, wool and synthetic fabrics. Cotton fabrics account for almost 85% of total production.
The production of all other types of fabrics in the country accounts for only 15%. Of these, 5% is linen production. The production of silk and synthetic fabrics accounts for about 6% of production volumes. The remaining 4% of the market is occupied by wool fabric manufacturers. The remaining third of the textile market is occupied by foreign companies, mainly from Southeast Asia.

In the economic system of leading industries, the textile industry occupies a far from leading position. Today in Russia the share of textile production in the total volume of shipped goods from the manufacturing sector is about 2%. The loss of supplies of Central Asian cotton, the powerful offensive of cheap imported products from the countries of Southeast Asia, China, Turkey - these are not all the moments of the deterioration of the situation of domestic fabric producers.

One of the competitiveness factors of the textile industry is its involvement in foreign trade(export and import level). The share of fabrics made from synthetic and artificial threads in national exports is steadily declining.

A similar trend is observed in imports, which grew steadily until 2004, and then decreased by 10%. In 2005, imports of textile fabrics exceeded exports by 16.5 times. All this gives reason to assume that a significant reduction in the demand for domestic fabrics is caused by a sharp increase in the supply of ready-made products, the annual turnover of which, compared to 2000, increased by 20%.

Positions of Russian textile fabrics in industrial markets developed countries remain extremely weak.

The government's policy of opening up the domestic market to import companies in the early years of the crisis produced mostly negative results.

Compared to 1990, fabric production decreased overall by 3 times, including: cotton - 2.53 times; linen - 4.94; silk - at 8.34. After a sharp decline in production in 1990, the textile industry never recovered. Annual increases in sales rates of 3-6% for cotton fabrics did not produce tangible results, and today the total production figure barely covers about 30% of the output of the early 90s. The position of woolen, and especially silk fabric producers, has further deteriorated, where production rates continue to decline.

The process of increasing the level of competitiveness of an enterprise is a long-term program of specific actions for the creation and sale of its products. In the field of fabric production, it is necessary to make specific management decisions, primarily in the following areas:

Modernization and focusing of production capacities;

Maximum utilization of production personnel;

Development of the structure of production organization;

Modernization of product quality management;

Improvement and development of production infrastructure;

Organization and cooperation of interactions with suppliers and other partners;

Improving the quality of production management.

Increasing the level of competitiveness of production can be achieved through the development and implementation of the following programs:

Production synchronization program;

Materials management program;

Program for increasing organizational flexibility of production.

The integration of Russia into the world economic community and the development of a competitive environment in the domestic economy makes the problem of increasing the competitiveness of Russian goods urgent. This is especially true for enterprises in the textile industry. Thus, assessing the factors of the level of competitiveness of production forms the basis for developing an increase in the degree of compliance of manufactured products with the value system of the market.

Since the period of economic liberalization, Russian market foreign competitors arrived. At first, this did not cause a negative reaction from domestic fabric manufacturers, since their products were, in their opinion, sufficiently differentiated in terms of quality, affordable prices and guaranteed government orders. However, the economic situation in the state began to worsen with increasing speed. As a result, by the end of the 90s. dominated price competition, in which the manufacturer who had minimal costs won. Since the cost of imported fabrics was lower, this served as a serious argument for them to conquer the market.

Not all domestic enterprises in the textile industry can withstand such competition. Many, due to their slowness and lack of production flexibility, went bankrupt. Only those that had modern equipment and a well-established system of sales and marketing channels remained.

The level of competitiveness of enterprises in the domestic textile industry in modern conditions is influenced primarily by the following factors:

Lack of clear and targeted state policy in the textile industry;

Liberalization of customs policy in relation to the supply of imported products;

Lack of a program to protect the domestic textile production market from the dominance of goods from foreign competitors;

Direct dependence on the main suppliers dictating selling prices for raw materials;

Absence legislative framework, providing legal support to domestic textile manufacturers;

The emergence of new enterprises with the participation of foreign capital, characterized by mobility, quickly and often introducing new products and new technologies;

Lack of investment injections due to the unattractiveness of the industry;

Increasing the number and forms of risks in the textile industry;

Decrease in consumer demand for domestic products due to the reduction in the solvency of the population;

Reorientation of some main suppliers of raw materials (yarn, lavsan and polyester thread) to import buyers;

Switching to imported fabrics for a certain proportion of Russian clothing enterprises that prefer to receive raw materials without interruption, accurately and on time;

Loss of economic ties with partners from the CIS countries.

All of the above factors have a significant impact on economic condition both the industry as a whole and its individual components. There is a need for early government intervention to provide financial (investment) support, otherwise we will lose the textile industry.

The integration of Russia into the global economic community and the development of a competitive environment in the domestic economy make the problem of increasing the competitiveness of Russian products, especially the market for fabrics and products made from it, very relevant.

Novosadov S.A. Factors influencing the increase in the level of competitiveness of enterprises in the textile industry // Russian Entrepreneurship. - 2007. - No. 6 Issue. 1 (92). - c. 132-134.

Introduction 3

Chapter 1 Theoretical And methodological basis

competitiveness of textile enterprises

1.1 Socio-economic essence of the strategy

increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise 9

    Factors influencing the increase in the level of competitiveness of an enterprise 23

    Methodological and methodological aspects of assessing the level of competitiveness of enterprise production 30

Chapter 2 State and trends in the level of competitiveness

production of textile industry enterprises....39

2.1 State of the economics of the textile industry

and its competitiveness 39

    Market conditions and competitiveness 55

    Reasons for the decline in competitiveness of production

at industry enterprises 80

Chapter 3 Reserves for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises

textile industry 85

    Methodological aspects of forming a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of the industry 85

    Positioning in competitive strategy 97

    Improving the processes of goods distribution on the goods market 109

Conclusions and suggestions 128

List of used literature 131

Introduction to the work

Relevance of the research topic. Increasing the competitiveness of textile industry enterprises is of great importance for the development of domestic production, saturation of the domestic market with high-quality fabrics accessible to all groups of the population, and the expansion of foreign economic relations. This solution is comprehensive for the economy of not only the industry, but also the country, associated with improving the quality of life of people and employment, ensuring economic security Russia.

Practical approaches currently being implemented at domestic enterprises industries tend to be focused on the use foreign experience, do not take into account the characteristics and economic conditions of the country. Hence many questions economic assessment situations and practices for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and minimizing risks are becoming paramount not only in economic strategy, but also in scientific research.

In recent years, at textile industry enterprises, there has been a definite tendency to increase the role and importance of activities to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, especially from the supply of high-quality fabrics at reasonable prices, as well as its integration with other structures economic activity. However, this trend is not sustainable.

The country’s integration into the world community upon joining the WTO will tighten competition for sales markets, which could lead to a further reduction in production. In this regard, theoretical and practical developments to improve the efficiency of the industry, adequate to market economic conditions. Insufficient knowledge of these issues determined the goals and objectives of the study.

The degree of knowledge of the problem. Research of various aspects

problems of increasing the competitiveness of economic and social systems a significant number of works by domestic and foreign authors are devoted. A significant contribution to the solution of this problem was made by the works of: G.A. Azoeva, S.A. Varakuta, O.S. Vikhansky, L.A. Zade, A.I. Kovaleva, I.I. Kretova, A.A. Kochetova, I.N. Mayatskoy, N.K. Moiseeva, D.V. Minaeva, N.M. Mironova, V.E. Nikolaychuk, R.B. Nozdreva, A.P. Pankrukhina, N.N. Pilipenko, E.L. Tatarsky, P.M. Tikhonova, V.N. Fomina, V.E. Khrutsky, S.A. Shutkov and a number of other authors.

However, the theoretical and methodological foundations of this problem in the textile industry have not been studied fully enough. Applied aspects and specific features of the competitive environment of the industry have been practically not studied. The policies of enterprises to improve the competitiveness of textile products are still represented as separate proposals and recommendations, often not linked into a single mechanism for creating a competitive advantage. Many aspects of methods for assessing the level of competitiveness of goods and increasing the efficiency of development of the textile industry have not been fully considered.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation work is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for increasing the competitiveness of textile industry enterprises, as well as practical recommendations for increasing fabric production.

In accordance with the purpose of the research, the following main issues were set and resolved in the dissertation work: tasks:

the socio-economic essence of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in the textile industry is determined, the patterns of their development are generalized;

the factors influencing the increase in the level of competitiveness of industry enterprises are substantiated;

The methodological basis and methodology for assessing the level have been expanded
competitiveness of textile products, consisting in

determining a system of performance indicators taking into account factor analysis;

the reasons for the decline in the level of competitiveness of production and textile enterprises have been identified;

Problems in the production of textile products related to
mainly due to the crisis state of the industry;

proposed methodological foundations for the formation of a strategy for increasing the competitiveness of the textile industry, including organizational and economic relations, cooperation and integration of production;

The mechanism for improving product distribution processes is substantiated
fabrics on the domestic and foreign markets;

an algorithm for strategic positioning of the enterprise within the framework of the process is proposed strategic management with definition new structure and functions of the enterprise;

alternative options for the forecast level of competitiveness of an enterprise and its products have been developed under the conditions of Russia's accession to the WTO.

Subject of research are a set of theoretical and
methodological problems of determining increased competitiveness
textile industry enterprises, improvement

organizational- economic relations between market subjects.

Object of study- textile industry, its enterprises and associations various forms management. A more in-depth study was carried out using the example of JSC Narfomtekstil.

Theoretical and methodological basis of the study there were provisions and conclusions contained in the works of domestic and foreign authors on the problems of development of the country's economy and the textile industry, the market for raw materials and finished products.

Initial data in the study of problems

the competitiveness of products was based on Rosstat materials, regulations and legislative acts, financial statements and periodic financial and economic information on the activities of industry enterprises. The collection of materials was carried out through a monographic study of the activities of textile industry enterprises, data synthesis annual reports and primary documentation.

In solving specific problems, abstract-logical, monographic, calculation-constructive, economic-statistical, expert and economic-mathematical methods were used. Abstract-logical and expert methods were used to substantiate theoretical and methodological provisions. During development priority areas increasing the level of competitiveness - monographic and economic-statistical.

Scientific novelty and the most significant results obtained personally by the author:

The theoretical essence of enterprise competitiveness is revealed
textile industry, manifested through its
criteria and

economic efficiency of fabric production;

a classification of system-forming factors of competitiveness of textile industry enterprises has been developed, affecting the level of their development, taking into account the influence of the internal and external environment;

the relationships and distinctive features between the competitiveness of a product and production efficiency are determined, revealing their dependence for the manufacturer and consumer;

the methodological and methodological basis for assessing the level of competitiveness of textile industry enterprises has been expanded and her

products of adequate specificity in the national economy, basic and additional performance indicators are proposed;

Methodological aspects are determined and a set of measures is justified
to solving the problem of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises
textile industry, which consists in developing a strategy for their
development, ensuring the integrity of interconnected social-
economic, organizational and technological events;

developed and justified, new organizational structure CJSC Narfomtekstil, which represents the improvement of the functions of management employees with an increase in the role of the marketing service. A mechanism for developing and making decisions on introducing new groups of fabrics to the market through advertising and other forms of influence on consumers is proposed;

An algorithm for the strategic positioning of an enterprise is proposed, aimed at choosing an effective mechanism and its long-term activities in the context of Russia's accession to the WTO.

Theoretical and practical value of conducting research is that the scientific principles formulated in the work can be used to substantiate priority areas for increasing the competitiveness of textile industry enterprises in terms of:

determining the competitive advantages of fabrics, identifying criteria for their positioning in the market segment;

developing the main directions for improving the quality of goods;

development effective strategy offering a product to a potential consumer.

The methodological and practical recommendations proposed in the work can be used by management bodies: when planning and forecasting the development of enterprises in the industry; development of targeted comprehensive programs, projects and regulatory documents; in the educational process of universities.

Testing and implementation of research results. The results of the study are used in the educational process, as well as in training and retraining courses for managers and specialists in the discipline " Strategic Marketing and management." They were reflected at all-Russian and regional scientific and practical conferences. The most important developments are presented in the form of recommendations and regulatory documents for industry enterprises.

Structure And volume of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions and proposals, presented on 150 pages of typewritten text, including 28 figures and tables. The bibliography consists of 120 titles.



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