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Where to look for a model. Search for models and photographers for TFP - find a model Need girls for a photo shoot

You can find a model for photography both on the Internet and beyond. The main thing is the speed of the search and the quality of the find, which can be regarded as the sum of skills and experience that distinguishes a real fashion model from those who like to be photographed.

This note is not a dogma, but after reading it, you will learn:

  • Where to find a model for photography
  • and how to work with her.

I write concisely, but if you have any questions - you can contact in person, leave a comment.

Where to find

The first thing to remember:

  • catwalk model and photography model are two different models(preferably). You can find universal ones, but their time is much more expensive.
  • The advantages (and selection criteria) of a model for photography are the acting school (behind) and the understanding of working on camera (in the head).
  • An experienced model listens to the photographer, understands the value of Stanislavsky's legacy (does not blink, at least when he is mentioned).

You can regard this as a checklist, if there is at least one dash, then it’s worth thinking about, but it’s better not to be afraid to refuse, not to be afraid to look again and again, fortunately, there are many sources:

  • Online model databases. FashionBank and FashionTime - despite the fact that their development has stopped, there you can find profiles of experienced models who have completed their careers and take part in projects for fun. Their time is not cheap, sometimes, if you're lucky, you can find agreement on TFP.
  • Social media. Podium.Life and traditional: Instagram and VKontakte. Public and private pages, thematic communities - the choice of many photo models who are in search commercial offers are active on social media pages (or have put this routine in the hands of their agents). Paid, sometimes - TFP.
  • Portfolio of colleagues. Our colleagues are not only photographers, carefully study the portfolio: make-up artists and stylists, artists and sculptors, if you have time, take a look at the portfolio of retouchers. This is how you can find little-known models that the viewer is not tired of. Perhaps TFP, but a partnership is better.
  • Modeling agencies and scouts. One call - and you have found a fashion model; one more - and she is on the set. Dream? No, reality, but first you need help. And the agency - to shoot model tests, and the scout - to shoot projects for favorites (on which his income depends) in order to cooperate on TFP conditions, otherwise it will be expensive.
  • Society. Theaters and museums, libraries and galleries… models are educated, on weekends they attend cultural events; feel free to get acquainted, and there will be an opportunity - show your portfolio, explain the projects for which it would be nice for you to unite - explain the benefits. Partnership, perhaps - TFP.


Don't be afraid to discover new faces and educate yourself as a scout - it's useful; then I will talk about how you can cooperate so as not to overpay, but also not to serve the laziness, ambitions or whims of the photo model.

How to cooperate

Cooperation options are very simple:

  1. If the model does not have experience in photography, but has the necessary external data and is trained, or has completed acting courses, then payment is an imprint.
  2. If an experienced model works for an agency, or has completed her career, then it is more profitable to become partners, because a percentage of sales is a benefit and responsibility; both are helpful.

These are the forms of cooperation. The basis is partnership and an understanding of responsibility (I don’t agree to other formats and don’t advise others, because motivation with a ruble is the best incentive and argument: in order to demand, you need to scold).

A lot has changed since we wrote about finding models online two years ago, including our idea of ​​what this article should be.

fashion bank

For those who have only recently become interested in photography, we have prepared a “Large selection of sites for photographers”. Here you will find a lot of useful resources on photography and photo editing.

About sites where you should not go for models:

In contact with

There are many groups on the VKontakte social network dedicated to finding photographers and models. As our experience shows, the probability of finding an interesting pattern here is the exception rather than the rule. Many of those who sit in groups are inexperienced and have no idea what a serious photo shoot is. Searching for a VKontakte model is long and impractical.


Napodiume.ru- another social network for photographers and models. Unlike Face.ru, Napodium has nothing really interesting to offer photographers and models. It makes no sense to hang out there, and the responses to the castings are very mediocre.

  • Ask the model to send diverse photos of themselves. The fact is that there are "perspective" models, i.e. people who look profitable and interesting only from certain angles.
  • Discuss in advance the possibility of selling and publishing photos. It will be very unpleasant if, right before the shooting, it turns out that the model is against the sale of her photos and thereby disrupts the shooting.
  • Often, when searching for a model on the Internet, you can see the abbreviation TFP in the description of the shooting conditions. TFP is short for Time For Print - “time for photos”. That is, the photographer does not pay the model for shooting, and the model receives photos without paying for the services of the photographer. This is the most common option for free collaboration between models and photographers. But when removing TFP, it is necessary to sign an agreement with the model - “model release”. Otherwise, you may have problems selling or selling photos. To know,

Looking for a model for a TFP photo shoot? Thousands of models are waiting for you!

Is the city, height, hair color and other parameters important?

Just register on the site and start the search by specifying the desired parameters. Turn on the option "I agree to TFP photo shoots" in the search for models - and here is a list of models in your city who agree to TFP. You can instantly send a message with a proposal for cooperation.

20,000 models in all cities of Russia and CIS countries.


Do you want to shoot TFP?

Are you an aspiring model and need snaps and professional tests for your portfolio? Or do you just love shooting and would like to work with a professional photographer for free? Register in our database and communicate unlimitedly with photographers, as well as receive offers from those photographers who found you in our search.

Register your model profile and indicate that you agree to free photography (TFP). Indicate the city, parameters (height, dimensions, etc.), and also upload a few of your photos so that the photographer gets an idea of ​​your type.

TFP - time for print - this means that you spend a little of your time to pose for free for a photographer, and in return he provides you with professional pictures.

Also get offers for commercial shooting and participate in our rating of models. This gives you a chance to get into our free promotion program.

Every photographer at least once in his professional career wondered: "Where can I find a model to embody my photo ideas?". Where to look for new faces. Where can I get a model that will perfectly match the intended image. Let's take a look at the most effective ways search patterns to date.

There are plenty of sources in which you can find the heroine of your future photography in our time. The Internet and social networks greatly simplify the search for models of all ages and types. Perhaps the most popular way to find heroes for your photo shoot is to browse the online database of models.

Online model databases

The most popular representatives in this direction are the websites “FashionBank” and “FashionTime”. Despite the fact that both have ceased their activities in the development of new data, the sites still provide everyone with existing lists of models with a high level of professionalism. There you can also find profiles of users who have already completed their modeling career and are now taking part in photo projects “for the soul”. The schedule of such models is freer, therefore, you can easily find a compromise solution regarding the date and location of the shooting. In addition, such models often agree to the terms of the TFP.
Online databases have many advantages. The main one is the ability to search by several characteristics at once: you can specify the city of residence you are interested in, gender, height, hair color, age of the model, and the program will automatically compile a list of profiles taking into account all your wishes.

TFP (Time for Print) - literally this term can be translated as follows: “Time for the image” - shooting, in which both the model and the photographer participate by mutual consent free of charge. That is, the model poses for the photographer for free, receiving high-quality pictures in return for the time spent. This term can often be seen in the profiles of novice models and photographers who work primarily on creating their portfolio.

Search in social networks


Now, in order to find a model for a photo shoot, you don’t even need to look for social networks. specialized network. It is enough just to be a user of the most popular social network Russia, VK. Vkontakte you can find a huge number of profiles of both beginners and experienced models, you just need to look through specialized communities with the name “Looking for a model”, “Model database”, “Photographers and models”, etc. Such “groups” are a lifesaver not only for beginners, but also for professional photographers. Here you can find interesting, non-standard types that are so rare in the profiles of modeling agencies.


Despite the fact that Instagram does not provide users with the ability to create communities and groups, the search for models is also active in this social network, just like Vkontakte. So, there are 2 options for searching for objects to shoot on Instagram: when a model is looking for you or when you are looking for a model. Let's analyze each of them.
To declare your intention to find the hero of a future photo shoot, it is enough to post a post with an attractive picture and a description of the features of the future model, and add the appropriate hashtags to it. For example, the hashtag # looking for a model will instantly draw users' attention to your post. However, to avoid a lot of unnecessary manipulations, the hashtag should indicate the city in which the photo session is planned. This will save a lot of time spent searching. You can add an abbreviated name of the city, for example, #ischumodelmsk or #ischumodelspb. Users who want to get beautiful pictures in their portfolio will find you by these signal words and will certainly respond to the offer.
If there is no time to wait for responses - use the second search option, find the model yourself. To do this, you can also use hashtags, for example, #modelmsk, #modeltfp and other variations that you can think of to diversify your search.

Note that on Instagram, the models are mostly girls from 16 to 25 years old, so if you are looking for a young beauty with a pretty appearance for your photo shoot, you are definitely here! The search is facilitated by the fact that by going to the profile of the model you like, you can immediately evaluate her external data, individual characteristics, ability to pose and work for the camera.


Podium.Life is a specialized social network for models and photographers. Here you, as a photographer, can find countless model profiles: girls, boys, children - the list is really amazing in its size. In addition to searching for a suitable candidate, you can also become a user of this social network as a photographer. By posting examples of your work and projects in your profiles, you will increase traffic to your page (models that are in search good photographer, will be able to see your pictures, contact you for cooperation). Podium.Life also has a lot of interesting information about upcoming castings for models and photographers, where you can find something interesting for yourself.


5.Top Model Group

The social network "Top Model Group" will also allow you to quickly and easily find a model for a photo shoot. In addition to the most important thing, the list of models, on the site you can also find information about upcoming castings for interesting projects and shootings. Models also have a great opportunity: tracking information about viewings arranged by modeling agencies that are recruiting new members to their team. The main page of the site is filled with useful and interesting articles about the rules of posing, creating a quality portfolio, and the secrets of working abroad.
It is worth noting that the Top Model Group presents profiles not only of models, but also of other employees of the fashion industry, so if in your photo project you want to get the experience of working with makeup artists, hairdressers, designers, etc. - the site will be useful for you doubly.

Modeling agencies

Such organizations are a great opportunity to find a professional model quickly and easily. All you need is to arrange a meeting with a special person - a scout - who is engaged in the selection of models for the photographer. At the meeting, you only need to talk about your idea, and now the portfolio of suitable candidates is in front of you. Everything is simpler than simple: it remains only to choose from the list the model that will attract your attention.

Cooperation with modeling agencies is a process that does not require much time from you, but is very costly in material terms. The profit of the entire agency depends on the photographers applying for the selection of a model for their project, therefore, the help of scouts is usually quite an expensive service.
If you do not intend to give a large amount of money for the help of a modeling agency, but still want to work with a professional model, you can offer your services to this agency (portfolio photography, etc.) in exchange for the services of a scout and a model. Thus, mutually beneficial cooperation will arise between you.

Contacts of colleagues

Are you looking for a model for your photography project? Chat with friends and colleagues who have rich experience in photography. The contacts of models that they have preserved can be very useful to you. Ask your colleagues to show you their pictures and works that feature models, in case the appearance of one of the heroes of these photos will interest you. It is also worth paying attention to the portfolio of retouchers. Usually the pictures there are large, which will help to examine in detail the appearance of the model.
This method will help you find a unique model for photography that has not yet had time to annoy the viewer.

External world

Visit theaters, museums, exhibitions and workshops. Professional models are constantly striving to expand their horizons, increase intelligence and cultural enlightenment. It is quite possible that, having come to the open air or a performance, you will get acquainted with a truly professional model, who will cooperate with you in the future. Most importantly, do not be afraid to prove yourself: come up, show your work, offer cooperation.
It may be that among other visitors you will see a person who is ideal for your project. He may not be a professional in the field of photo posing at all, but his appearance will harmoniously fit into your idea.
By offering him cooperation, you will open a new face to the photo world and practice scouting. As a rule, non-professionals most often agree to TFP conditions, which will be an additional benefit for you, and the photos taken will certainly become an adornment of your portfolio.

Now that you know where to look for a model for a photo shoot, let's figure out how to build the right personal contact and photography process in order to interest the model and get spectacular shots for your collection.

Are you a model? Wish to have a great portfolio but don't have money for a professional photo session? Apply for TFP. Just register at our site and select "Interested in TFP"

Are you a photographer looking for models? Join our community and look for thousands of TFP models in your area!

Join now , it will take 2 minutes to register.

Time for print (also known as trade for print or test for print, TFP and sometimes also print for time or PFT) is a term used in many online photography communities describing an arrangement between a model and a photographer, whereby the photographer agrees to provide the model with an agreed number of pictures of the best photographs from the session and a limited license to use those pictures in return for the model"s time. A variant of this arrangement is Time for CD or Trade for CD (TFCD). With TFCD, the selection of images is provided on a CD in lieu of prints. Printed image since the same accepted rules apply.

There are benefits to both parties of such an arrangement: the model can build a portfolio of prints to show to prospective clients at little or no cost, while the photographer gets a model for a particular project with little if any outlay of cash.

"TIME FOR PRINTS" or TFP for short, is where the photographer and model trade services. The photographer agrees to shoot the model at no charge, and give her prints for her portfolio or for her to market commercially. The model in turn receives the prints at no cost, in lieu of a modeling fee. TFCD is the same idea, just that all images are given on a CD/DVD for the model to use.

This is a very good way for a model to build up her portfolio, and explore new areas of modeling that she hasn't done before. It also allows a photographer to try out his own new ideas and perfect new techniques.

Some photographs highlight the talent of the photographer. Others show off the talent of the model. If you are a model, you of course want a talented photographer, but you also want the images to spotlight you, and not the photographer.

When a photographer or an advertiser pays a model, they generally have an image already conceived, and the model "s job is to bring that image to fruition. The advertiser and the photographer literally call the shots. While the resulting images flatter the product or the photographer, they don"t necessarily flatter the model.

If a model is paying a photographer however, the model should call the shots. The model is the client, and what she wants is to highlight her talents - not the photographer's.

So.... when shooting TFP, who is the client?

You both are. The photographer is "paying" the model with his talent and prints. In that regard, she should be working hard to produce the images that the photographer wants, just like for any paying client the model works for.

But the model is also "paying" the photographer. He should be catering to her needs, and producing not just prints that show off his talents....he is obligated to produce work that shows off her talents as well.

Half the shoot should be geared towards what the photographer wants. If he is doing street shots, ad copy/spec, figure studies, black & white art, fashion, nudes, etc., the model should work hard to produce the images he wants for his portfolio. The other half of the shoot should be geared to producing what the model wants - headshots, glamor, etc.

Remember: Everything is negotiable in TFP but also remember that both parties should get what they need. You are partners in this venture.

Should you Shoot TFP?

Yes, it will fit your schedule. If a model has an idea or needs photos fast. The model should be willing to travel but not too far for free. All you should ask for with a TFP Shoot is the ability to showcase the photos you take -



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