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The hygienic and epidemiological significance of soil pollution and self-purification. Epidemic significance of soil Sanitary epidemiological significance of soil

The soil has a large epidemiological significance. The causative agents of many infectious and parasitic diseases can be present and transmitted to humans through direct contact and indirect routes. Transmission factors for pathogens include: dust, soil-contaminated hands, food products(vegetables, fruits, berries, leafy greens, mushrooms, etc.), water, equipment, utensils, dishes, containers, etc. Pathogens can be carried by animals, rodents and insects.

The main source of soil contamination by pathogenic microorganisms and helminth eggs are physiological wastes of humans and animals, wastewater, etc. Over time, as a result of soil self-purification processes, they die off, but retain their viability in it for a significant period.

Almost permanent and long-term inhabitants of the soil are spore-forming pathogenic microorganisms, the spores of which remain viable in the soil for decades. Basically, these are causative agents of wound infections (tetanus, gas gangrene), botulism, anthrax.

Soil, especially contaminated with organic substances, can be a factor in the transmission of pathogens of bacterial and viral intestinal infections - dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fevers A and B, salmonellosis, viral hepatitis, pseudotuberculosis, etc. The survival time of these pathogens in soil can range from several days to several months. Thus, bacteria of the typhoid-paratyphoid group can remain in the soil for up to 400 days, dysentery - up to 100 days.

The soil can become contaminated with opportunistic microorganisms coming from human excretions (coliforms, E.coli, B.cereus, Proteus, Cl.perfringens, etc.).

Soil plays a specific role in the transmission of geohelminths (roundworms, whipworms). The specific role is determined by the need for geohelminth eggs to enter the soil with human secretions, where they undergo a certain development cycle and acquire invasive properties. Only after “ripening” in the soil are ascaris eggs capable of causing invasion (disease) in humans. Ascaris eggs can remain viable in the soil for up to 1 year; with soil particles they can infect food products that are used as food without heat treatment.

Soil contaminated with organic substances serves as a habitat for rodents, which are sources of such dangerous infections as rabies, plague, tularemia, etc., as well as a favorable place for the development of flies that can carry pathogens of intestinal infections (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Major infectious diseases,

The transmission mechanism of which involves soil

More on the topic Epidemiological significance of soil:

  1. History of the development of sanitary soil protection. Indicators characterizing the basic properties of soil, their hygienic significance
  2. Hygienic importance of soil. Types of soils, their hygienic characteristics. Soil microorganisms. Self-purification of water

In nature, everything is interconnected. Substances move from the atmosphere to soil and water, and from there they return to the atmosphere. They influence flora and fauna, our entire civilization. To avoid disaster, you need to take care of every part unified system. Biological significance soil is large. It is a vast natural area where inorganic compounds are formed, constant processes of synthesis of substances occur, and organisms live.

The hygienic importance of soil focuses on two main sources of pollution: natural and anthropogenic. Chemicals, waste, sewage, sludge - all pose a threat to the environment. The hygienic and epidemiological importance of soil lies in the possibility of transmission of intestinal (typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera), anaerobic (tetanus, botulism, gangrene), viral (poliomyelitis, Botkin's disease), zoonotic (anthrax, brucellosis) diseases and geohelminthiases (ascariasis, enterobiasis , hookworm). It should be remembered that the soil serves as a medium for the development of larvae of fleas, flies, mosquitoes and horse flies, which are dangerous to humans.

Sanitary and epidemiological significance of soil

Now sanitary and epidemiological requirements are higher than ever. The very first measures to protect human health were aimed at sanitary protection of the soil, as people walked barefoot, slept on the ground or in dugouts, drank underground water, and ate food grown on the ground. The problem of the influence of soil on human health has historically been of great interest. The standards established in our time are based on SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for soil quality.” Rules have been established on maintaining the quality of soils, on maintaining hygiene standards for living, on the construction and operation of facilities.

The Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” (1999) regulates the condition of the territories of populated areas and soil microflora. In soil approved by sanitary tests, the total number of bacteria in 1 g does not exceed 2.5-3 million.

Hygienic assessment of soil quality is given by the content of nitrogen, carbon, chloride and the Khlebnikov number. The cleaner the soil, the closer the number is to one. It shows the ratio of humus nitrogen and organic nitrogen in general.

Soil structure and components

The hygienic importance of soil is to promote healthy living. Since it is part of the biosphere and the upper sphere of the earth's crust, it consists of compacted solid particles, between which pores are located. They serve for the transport of air, steam, water or smaller particles, as well as for the development of microflora.

The chemical is very diverse and is represented by mineral and organic substances. In other words, humus. This is an essential component for normal plant development and high yields. In different natural zones, the soil can differ radically. Its formation is influenced by climate, geochemical conditions, and relief. Therefore, the plant world of the planet is so diverse, which entails a variety of animal species, because the existence of fauna is inextricably linked with flora. For convenience, there is a classification of soils by composition, which is based on the study of the ratios of sand, dust and clay in soils.

  1. Single-grain structure. The soil subsides easily under the influence of gravity. For construction, the ratio of soil voids should be minimal. This type is very unstable and cannot withstand vibrations and shocks.
  2. Honeycomb structure. The soil consists of particles of sand and silt ranging in size from 0.02 to 0.002 mm. As particles settle, they are attracted to each other and form compounds. A large void forms between them, which makes the soil loose.
  3. Lumpy structure. This type of soil is caused by the attraction of charged clay particles. In marine conditions, they are affected by salt - an electrolyte. It promotes compaction. Although in other cases this type has a low density.
  4. The dusty structure is formed by the reconstruction of the clay surface and the repulsion of particles from each other. Over time, it loses strength.
  5. Coarse-grained structure is found in combined soils. The space between coarse-grained particles is filled with fine-grained ones. Thanks to this, the soil can withstand heavy loads.
  6. The matrix clay structure resembles a coarse-grained one, but it is dominated by fine-grained particles. This type is very stable in nature.

Organic part of the soil

This includes all types of influence on the soil of living beings:

  • The animals, mesofauna and microorganisms that shape it form burrows and pores necessary for the movement of water and air. In the same way, plant roots open underground channels.
  • Plants with long taproots that penetrate deep layers and absorb nutrients. Fibrous roots, which are closer to the surface, decompose easily and increase organic matter.
  • Microorganisms, fungi and bacteria. They influence the chemical exchange between roots and soil and accumulate nutrients.
  • People controlling vegetation, which leads to the destruction of areas.

Hygienic assessment of soil takes into account the presence of all necessary components in it and the minimum amount of polluting factors.

Sources of pollution

The soil “suffers” from living beings that carry out their activities in it and on it. The main “supplier” of pollution is man, but not only him.

Sources of pollution:

  • Inorganic: industry, transport (heavy metals).
  • Organic: natural waste (animal corpses, dead plants), human waste (oil, detergents, pesticides).
  • Radioactive.
  • Microbial agents: fungi, helminths, bacteria, spores, protozoa.

Some of them have a particularly strong effect on the hygienic value of the soil.

Nitrites and nitrates

These compounds do not linger in the soil and are quickly absorbed into water or absorbed by the crop, that is, they end up in food. Vegetables grown in the fall with the help of fertilizers at low air temperatures and low light intensity, as a rule, contain very high nitrates, unlike fruits and other crops. They are dangerous to consume, as studies have established a connection between nitrates and cancer. The risk of negative consequences for the pregnant woman and fetus is especially high. If nitrates are found in a mother's breast milk, her baby is most likely susceptible to methemoglobinemia. This is called the “blue baby” syndrome.

Heavy metals

Mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic are considered very dangerous. Organic arsenic is a naturally occurring element in the soil, absorbed by plants and concentrated primarily in leaves. But inorganic can be harmful. It causes a number of pathologies in living forms.


This includes any mixtures or liquids designed to expel, destroy or get rid of any insects, rodents, fungi or weeds. First, they spread by air currents, precipitation, vapors, droplets and particles. Then they are carried away by water: currents, runoff, spills, rain. At the same time, pesticides settle on animal hair, human clothing and other objects. When using them, you need to think about the possible consequences:

  • Damage to third party organisms (bees).
  • Prolonged residence of pesticides in the air.
  • Their distribution.

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs)

Toxic chemicals have a negative impact on the environment. Firstly, they are intensively spread by wind and water. Once used in one country, they can easily be transferred to a neighboring one. Secondly, they do not disappear anywhere, they accumulate and can be transmitted by animals along the food chain. Among such elements: additives for paint and lubricants, aerosols against mosquitoes, waste from incineration of garbage and medicines. A person consumes them with food, with untreated water, as a result of direct contact. This often leads to disorders of reproductive, behavioral, neurological, endocrine functions and weakness of the immune system.

Polluting masses
Aldrin, dieldrin Sources and areas of use
Chlordane Insecticides commonly used on corn and cotton fields against termites.
Endrin Insecticide for vegetable and grain crops, potatoes, sugar cane, beets, fruits, nuts, citrus fruits and cotton.
Mirex An insecticide for cotton and grains, also useful in rodent control. A product to control ants, termites and mealybugs.
Heptachlor An insecticide used primarily against soil-dwelling insects and termites, it is useful against malaria.
PCB A product for various industrial processes and tasks, used as a coolant, additive for paint, paper or plastic. Unintentionally produced by combustion.
Toxaphene A product for controlling pests of crops and livestock, and for eliminating unwanted fish in lakes.
Dioxins and furans Produced by combustion, including the combustion of municipal and medical waste.

Soil contamination and environment occurs due to the direct absorption of harmful substances into the soil and into objects close to it. Chemicals settle in the respiratory tract and are absorbed into the skin of organisms.

Helminth infections


Sources can be nuclear explosions, disposal of radioactive waste, mining of radioactive ores, accidents at nuclear power plants.

Household waste

Waste is a by-product of human activity that no longer performs useful functions.

  • Infectious: pathogenic substances, swabs, materials or equipment that have been in contact with infected patients, excrement).
  • Pathological: human tissues or fluids (body parts, blood, other biological fluids, fetuses.
  • Sharp: needles, syringes, scalpels, blades, broken glass.
  • Pharmaceuticals, bottles or boxes contaminated or containing medicines.
  • Genotoxic: substances with genotoxic properties (cytostatic drugs).
  • Chemical: laboratory reagents, expired disinfectants, solvents.
  • Heavy metals: batteries, broken thermometers, pressure gauges.
  • Pressurized containers (gas cartridges, aerosols).
  • Radioactive: Radioactive substances (unused fluids from radiation therapy or laboratory tests, contaminated glassware, packaging, or absorbent paper).

There are several ways to solve the problem with garbage: recycling, burning and covering with soil. Due to these factors, a significant part of the waste does not disappear anywhere and affects chemical composition soil. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to recycling, finding alternative sources of food in order to exploit and deplete the earth less. It is also worth thinking about searching for its artificial analogues. The ecological significance of the soil needs to be taken care of now so as not to face global disasters in the future.

How to save soil

There are many simple activities available to each of us:

To preserve natural soil, you can use other substrates for growing crops. They should perform only two functions: serve as support for the root system and contain water and nutrients that ensure growth.

1. Soil is one of the climate-forming factors.

2. It is the main factor in the formation of natural and artificial provinces, which play a leading role in the occurrence of endemic diseases.

3. The soil is the medium that causes circulation. External environment - humans, chemical and radioactive substances used in the national economy, as well as exogenous chemicals entering the soil with emissions industrial enterprises, transport and in connection with this factor affecting public health.

4. Soil is one of the sources of chemical and biological pollution of atmospheric air, ground and surface waters.

5. Soil is a transmission factor infectious diseases(epidemiological significance).

6. The soil is natural environment, most suitable for the disinfection of liquid and solid waste.

7. It affects the planning and construction of populated areas, individual buildings, their improvement and operation.

The role of soil in the spread of infectious diseases and helminthic infestations is known. Outside populated areas, soil microflora, as a rule, consists of harmless saprophytes. Pathogenic microbes enter the soil mainly with feces, urine, garbage, corpses, manure, and wastewater. The bulk of both saprophytic and pathogenic microorganisms are located at a depth of 1 to 10 cm. Spores of pathogenic anaerobes persist in the soil for a long time (20-25 years) - spores of tetanus bacillus, malignant edema bacillus, pathogens of botulism and anthrax, which is the cause of relevant infectious diseases.

Intestinal infections can be transmitted through soil - typhoid fever, paratyphoid A and B, dysentery, cholera, salmonellosis, giardiasis, brucellosis, infectious hepatitis, enteroviral and adenoviral diseases.

The spread of helminthiasis such as ascariasis and hookworm disease, trichuriasis is associated with soil. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and polio viruses can spread with soil dust.

Soil heavily contaminated with organic waste, serving as a habitat and breeding ground for rodents and flies, which are active carriers of infections.

The vital activity of pathogenic bacteria in the soil is affected by the absence nutrients, aeration and temperature fluctuations, antagonism of protozoa and other saprophytes, the presence of bacteriophages and antibiotics, the latter produced by microorganisms, higher plants and animal tissues. An important role in the processes of self-purification of soil from pathogenic microorganisms is played by enzymes that enter it with sewage and form the fauna and flora that inhabit the soil.

Soil self-purification

Without the self-cleaning properties of the soil, with its constant pollution by waste products of people and animals, it would become impossible to live on Earth. Soil self-purification is understood as its ability to convert hygienically dangerous organic substances into inorganic substances - mineral salts and gases that are absorbed by vegetation.

The self-purification process goes through two stages: the first stage is decay (decomposition), the second is the synthesis of organic substances (humus). During the mineralization of organic substances, ammonia and ammonium salts are formed, of which nitrites are formed, then nitrates, which are considered the final products of self-purification: they are able to be absorbed by plants. In parallel, the synthesis of humic acids, also harmless in a sanitary sense, continues.

Self-purification of the soil begins with the fact that organic substances that entered it along with pathogenic bacteria and helminth eggs are filtered through it and adsorbed by it. Pollutants under the influence of biochemical, biological, geochemical and other processes, passing through the soil, lose color (fade) and unpleasant odor, toxicity, virulence and other negative properties. The decomposition and mineralization of organic matter in the soil occurs with the active participation of microorganisms contained in it. These processes can last both aerobically (with air oxygen necessary for the life of aerobic bacteria) and anaerobically (without oxygen, with the help of putrefactive bacteria). From a hygienic point of view, aerobic decomposition of organic substances is better: in this case, unpleasant-smelling gases are not formed, and the hygienic quality of air and water does not deteriorate.

Self-purification is more intense in soil with a high oxygen content in the air of its pores. For example, in a pile of garbage, where there is no access to oxygen, rotting processes predominate. In soils that are slightly polluted by waste (little waste and cleaner soil), self-purification processes proceed to completion, ending with mineralization and the formation of humus.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the self-purification mechanism stops functioning when the soil is overloaded with polluting agents, especially substances whose decomposition takes a long time.

Epidemiological significance of soil

Soil is an extremely favorable environment for the habitat of bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, algae, lichens, and simplex. 1 g of soil contains from 500 to 500,000 simple organisms. The safety of the soil, its possible adverse effects on the human body, and its health depend on the content and quality of contamination by microorganisms.

Microbes of anthrax, typhoid fever, dysentery, infectious hepatitis and other intestinal infections can survive in the soil for a long time. If pathogens of infectious diseases are present, soils are divided into groups:

Soils with microorganisms that constantly live in their thickness (pathogens of gas gangrene, anthrax, tetanus, botulism, actinomycosis)

Soils with microorganisms that are temporarily located in their thickness (pathogens of intestinal infections, typhoid-paratyphoid diseases, dysentery, cholera)

Soils with microorganisms that can be present in them either permanently or temporarily (tuberculosis, tularemia).

The soil may also contain pathogenic viruses - polio, ECHO, Coxsackie.

The bulk of microorganisms die when they enter the soil, but individual microbes can survive in it long time. The typhoid bacillus is viable in the soil for more than 13 months, the diphtheria bacillus - from 1.5 to 5 weeks, etc. The survival of microorganisms depends on the type of soil, humidity, temperature, the presence of a biological substrate on which they develop, and the influence of antagonism of microorganisms. The anthrax pathogen persists in the soil longer.

There may be helminth pathogens in the soil. There are geo- and biohelminths. For the former, soil is the environment in which eggs develop to the invasive stage (roundworms), as well as a factor in the transmission of the disease. Biohelminths include roundworms, pinworms, whipworms, and hookworms. Helminth eggs survive in the soil for an average of 1 year, although in the experiment they remain viable only for three months.

The role of soil in the transmission of pathogenic anaerobes deserves the greatest attention. The causative agents of tetanus, gas gangrene and botulism, which are intestinal saprophytes of warm-blooded animals and humans, enter the soil with feces, form spores there, and remain viable for years. In populated areas without asphalt (or paved) streets and sewerage, soil contamination by bacteria and helminth eggs in yards and on the street can be significant, especially in shaded areas. The survival period in soil for pathogens of dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, cholera and purulent infections is usually several weeks, sometimes months. It depends physical properties soil, nutrient availability, microclimate and interspecific competition.

In the case of direct contact of a person with soil through damaged skin, one can develop tetanus and gas gangrene, the causative agents of which are among the spore-bearing anaerobes and are constantly present in the soil. Tetanus spores are most often found in garden soil fertilized with manure, as well as in other places contaminated with animal excrement. Therefore, grazing in rural stadiums is unacceptable.

With various traumatic injuries to the skin, along with soil particles and dust, for example, tetanus spores enter the body, which can cause

diseases. For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary, even with minor damage to the skin and contact with soil, to administer anti-tetanus serum. Athletes should remember this, as skin damage may occur during competitions. During sports activities with contaminated floors, it is also possible for the skin to become infected, which requires regular wet cleaning to prevent.

IN modern conditions the hygienic importance of the soil increases to create optimal sanitary conditions life of the population both in the location of cities and villages, their planning, and in the use of large land masses for various fields human activity, including for sports (creation of sports grounds). In the matter of prevention negative influence landscaping and proper sanitary and hygienic maintenance of populated areas, as well as sewage systems, asphalting (paving), landscaping, systematic cleaning and watering of streets and courtyards, sanitary protection of soil and rationally organized cleaning of territories from garbage are of decisive importance for the health of people.

Qualitative criteria for sanitary and hygienic assessment of soil:

1. Sanitary and chemical criteria. This includes the Khlebnikov sanitary number - the ratio of humus nitrogen to total nitrogen. Total nitrogen is the sum of humus nitrogen and pollutant nitrogen. The soil is considered clean if the sanitary number approaches 1. For sanitary and hygienic assessment of soil, it is important to know the content of such pollution indicators as nitrites, ammonia salts, nitrates, chlorides, sulfates. their concentration should be compared with the control for the given area. The soil air is assessed for its hydrogen and methane content, along with carbon dioxide and oxygen.

2. Sanitary and bacteriological indicators. These include titers of microorganisms. The soil is considered clean if the titer of coliform bacteria does not exceed 4.0. Based on the content of microorganisms, one can determine the age of fecal contamination: fresh when E. coli appears in the soil, old - clostridia.

3. helminthological assessment. Clean soil should not contain helminths and their eggs and larvae.

4. Sanitary entomologist. The number of fly larvae and pupae is counted.

5. Algological indicators: in clean soil yellow-green algae predominate, in polluted soil blue-green and red algae predominate.

6. radiological indicators: you need to know the level of radiation and the content of radioactive elements.

7. Biogeochemical indicators - content of chemicals and microelements.

When assessing the content of chemical substances per pound, the limit of the amount of substances is allowed at which their migration from soil to plants, groundwater, and atmospheric air will not exceed the maximum concentrations established for these environments

The main source of soil contamination by pathogenic microorganisms and helminth eggs are physiological wastes of humans and animals, wastewater, etc. Over time, as a result of soil self-purification processes, they die off, but retain their viability in it for a significant period.

Almost permanent and long-term inhabitants of the soil are spore-forming pathogenic microorganisms, the spores of which remain viable in the soil for decades. Basically, these are pathogens wound infections(tetanus, gas gangrene), botulism, anthrax.

Soil, especially contaminated with organic matter, can be a factor in the transmission of bacterial and viral pathogens intestinal infections- dysentery, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fevers A and B, salmonellosis, viral hepatitis, pseudotuberculosis, etc. The survival time of these pathogens in the soil can range from several days to several months. Thus, bacteria of the typhoid-paratyphoid group can remain in the soil for up to 400 days, dysentery - up to 100 days.

The soil may become contaminated opportunistic microorganisms, coming with human secretions (coliforms, E.coli, B.cereus, Proteus, Cl.perfringens, etc.).

Soil plays a specific role in transmission geohelminths(roundworms, whipworm). The specific role is determined by the need for geohelminth eggs to enter the soil with human secretions, where they undergo a certain development cycle and acquire invasive properties. Only after “ripening” in the soil are ascaris eggs capable of causing invasion (disease) in humans. Ascaris eggs can remain viable in the soil for up to 1 year; with soil particles they can infect food products that are used as food without heat treatment.

Soil contaminated with organic matter provides habitat rodents, which are sources of such dangerous infections as rabies, plague, tularemia, etc., as well as a favorable place for the development flies, which can transmit pathogens of intestinal infections (Fig. 1).

3.1. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for water supply to food facilities

Water supply to food facilities can be carried out by various systems.

Local system water supply is the installation of shaft and tube wells, mainly in rural areas. The water sources for this system are groundwater, which is used without preliminary treatment. The hygienic characteristics of wells depend on the depth of the aquifer and measures to protect water from possible contamination. Tube wells (small-tube, artesian) meet hygienic requirements to a greater extent than shaft wells, since their design more reliably isolates water from surface contaminants.

In the absence of centralized water supply, it is equipped local water supply, which is fed from a deep mine or artesian well. The shaft well is located at a distance of at least 20 m from production premises and at least 100-150 m from possible sources of pollution. The well frame is raised above the ground surface by at least 0.6 m and tightly closed with a lid. A “clay castle” with a width of at least 1 m and a depth of up to 2 m is arranged around the log house. Paved slopes with a slope of 0.1 m and a width of 2 m are arranged near the well.

Centralized system water supply is the installation of central water pipelines, which provides for the purification and disinfection of water at water supply stations before it enters the water supply pipes. The source of water supply for the installation of water pipelines, as a rule, is open reservoirs, and in small settlements - groundwater.

To prevent contamination of water intake sites and water supply structures, they are installed around them. sanitary protection zone.

A sanitary protection zone is understood as a territory where a special regime has been established and measures are taken aimed at preventing periodic or systematic pollution that can deteriorate the quality of water. The entire sanitary protection zone is divided into two zones: first belt - strict security zone, is designed to protect the place of water intake and the head structures of the water supply system. It is fenced and guarded; living and construction are prohibited on it. IN the second zone is a restricted zone, establishing a restrictive regime according to which construction is allowed only in agreement with the sanitary authorities.

To protect the water supply network from contamination, the impermeability of pipes, insulated joints, inspection wells, etc. is provided. Water pipes must be laid below the freezing level of the soil. When crossing the lines of the utility and drinking water supply with sewer collectors, the former must be located above the latter at a distance of at least 0.4 m. If the intersection occurs at a shorter distance and the water supply is laid below the sewer level, then steel pipes are used for the water supply instead of cast iron, and for sewerage - cast iron instead of ceramic. At the intersection, water pipes are protected by a special case in clay soil - at least 5 m long in each direction, in filter soil - 10 m.

Water supply for enterprises catering. Public catering establishments, regardless of their form of ownership, capacity, or location, are equipped with internal water supply systems. Water supply is carried out by connecting to a centralized water supply system, and in its absence, an internal water supply system is equipped with water intake from an artesian well or well. A sanitary and epidemiological conclusion is required for water supply sources of newly built, reconstructed and existing organizations.

The amount of water must fully meet the needs of the enterprise. The following water consumption standards are provided for the preparation of 1 ton of semi-finished products in public catering: meat - 1500 l, fish and vegetables - 2200 l, culinary - 1000 l. The calculated second water consumption and the percentage of simultaneous operation of the equipment are presented in table. 9.

Table 9

Estimated second water consumption

and the percentage of simultaneous operation of equipment

The quality of water used in public catering establishments must meet the hygienic requirements for household and drinking water.

In case of any accident of the water supply network, during production repair work It is prohibited to use this water supply. After repairs, the water supply network must be disinfected, and the water must be taken for bacteriological analysis.

In addition to cold water, food establishments must be provided hot water of appropriate quality.

According to the method of supply from the cold water supply network, open and closed hot water supply systems are distinguished, which are arranged with upper and lower wiring. For sanitary and hygienic reasons, it is preferable to install lower wiring in an underground channel or under the basement ceiling.

Hot water is supplied to washing machines and bathtubs, industrial sinks, showers, washbasins, to watering taps for washing wastewater treatment facilities (grease traps, dirt sumps and pulp collection tanks), as well as to the waste chamber for washing tanks. The minimum temperature of hot water must not be lower than 65 o C; to obtain a higher water temperature, special local heating devices are provided.

All production workshops must be equipped with sinks with cold and hot water supply. At the same time, mixer designs are provided that prevent contamination of hands.

If necessary, food enterprises are equipped with a steam supply system to disinfect equipment, containers, flasks, etc.

In cases where the amount of drinking water is limited, it is allowed to install a separate water supply network for technical needs, which must be completely separate from the drinking water supply. In such cases, it is permitted to supply process water to refrigeration units, vacuum pumps, barometric condensers, heating appliances, etc. It is prohibited to use hot water from a water heating system for technological, household purposes, as well as for processing technological equipment, containers, inventory and premises .

3.2. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for sewerage



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