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Holistic marketing and its application. Classification of European management systems according to Lessem and Neubauer Modern development of marketing

The modern concept of marketing is that all activities of the enterprise (scientific and technical, production, marketing, etc.) are based on knowledge consumer demand and its changes in the future. Moreover, one of the tasks of marketing is to identify unsatisfied customer requests in order to orient production to meet these requests. Marketing means developing, producing and marketing something for which there is really a consumer demand. The marketing system puts the production of goods in a functional dependence on requests and requires the production of goods in the assortment and volume required by the consumer. When implementing the concept of marketing, the emphasis on making economic decisions is shifted from the production links of the enterprise to the links that feel the pulse of the market. The marketing service is a think tank, a source of information and recommendations not only for the market, but also for the production, scientific, technical and financial policy of the enterprise. Here, on the basis of a thorough analysis of the state and dynamics of demand and business conditions, the question of the necessity, prospects, and profitability of the production of a particular product is decided.

The modern concept of marketing involves a holistic, integrated approach to all issues marketing activities enterprises. That is why, according to a number of domestic foreign experts, the modern marketing concept is the quintessence of social and ethical marketing, relationship marketing and some other approaches.

The concept of holistic marketing proposed by F. Kotler can be adapted, for example, for the banking sector. Let's represent it schematically. Figure 3 shows a holistic marketing model for a commercial bank.

Fig.3. Holistic marketing model (on the example of a commercial bank)

The concept of holistic (holistic) marketing is based on the planning, development and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities, taking into account their breadth and interdependence.

Holistic marketing recognizes that everything is important in marketing and, as often happens, an extended, integrated approach is needed.

The concept of holistic marketing proposed by F. Kotler and including the planning, development and implementation of marketing programs, processes and activities, taking into account their breadth and interdependence, is now gaining more and more popularity. The concept of holistic marketing includes four categories of marketing: internal, integrated, socially responsible and relationship marketing. Holistic marketing provides results, not the illusion of understanding and control.

Thus, holistic marketing is an approach that attempts to recognize and balance the various competencies and complexities of marketing activities.

On the communications spectrum, holistic marketing occupies the higher levels. Holistic marketing does not limit the content of communications either to individual details and characteristics of a product or service, or even to some complexes of ideas. The content of communications becomes the whole world in which the business lives, including the personalities of managers and employees. Holistic marketing communicates this world to customers in its complexity, richness and diversity. On the other hand, in holistic marketing, we turn our communications not to individual human needs or even to some generalized values, but to the unified personality of the client in its complexity, richness and individuality. We do not try to look for points of control over the consumer, we do not seek to find his "button", but we create conditions for cooperation and co-creation with him.

Holistic marketing is primarily a special, holistic way of thinking, and not a set of specific recipes and technologies. Any business can use its powerful and yet little explored potential, but for this you need to learn how to act, not trying to understand and control everything around. It's not easy, but don't be scared. Even the transition from classic 4P marketing to branding requires a major rethink: you can't understand branding without shifting the focus of attention from your office to the consumer's head.

Holistic marketing simply takes it one step further by offering to take both into account. Holistic marketing is hard to understand, but that doesn't stop it from being used successfully.

Marketing system.

In an enlarged form, the marketing system includes the following:

A manufacturing enterprise whose functions include the production of products.

A supplier company whose function is to provide necessary resources production. It is better for the manufacturer if it is possible to use

Resources from different areas, then the supplier competes. If resources are scarce, then manufacturers have to compete.

Market. It is the place where supply and demand, buyer and seller meet, where goods are exchanged for money, where the end result of marketing is manifested.

Intermediary. These are organizations or people who are engaged in the exchange of goods, providing communications, insurance, labeling of goods, identifying markets, etc. This includes transport, warehouses, wholesale and individual traders, and in foreign markets - sales agents, brokers, consignees, credit facilities and more.

5. Competitors. These are enterprises (associations) that produce similar products (services). Distinguish between functional competition, when different products can perform the same function; specific (for example, an electric or mechanical coffee grinder); intercompany, when products of the same type are produced, but at different enterprises. As a rule, competitors are associated with all of the above subsystems.

Finally, the marketing system also includes the internal sphere, which refers to a clearly defined group of people who show real or potential interest in the enterprise and can have a great influence on it. Among them, organizations or people are distinguished:

whose interests, in principle, coincide with the interests of the enterprise (banks, stock exchanges, financial departments, etc.);

who may not show interest in the enterprise, but the enterprise is interested in their interest (means mass media, information commercial publications, etc.);

In the circle of marketers, the concept of holistic marketing is considered one of the newest and most unknown, so attention to all seekers of new products. Trying to capitalize on this trend can bring unexpectedly rich results for your website, online store, or online accounts. in social networks.

We define XM

The most accurate interpretation of holistic (in other words, holistic) marketing was given by Kevin Lane Keller. According to him, this is a concept that involves the creation, implementation and development of marketing programs, events and advertising campaigns, taking into account the relationship with the target audience. In philosophy and economics, holism is based on the application of a holistic approach, where something as a whole will always be greater than the sum of its individual parts.

Why was this concept so quickly praised? As planned, it was a response to fundamental changes in customer behavior and content marketing. Agree , demographic changes, the development of the Internet and wide access to information are just some of the factors affecting the consumer. Today is your the target audience will no longer evaluate promotional offers by type:

"Shock! This new drug will permanently stop snoring"

“Do you still wash by hand? Our machine will help"

“Do you want to know how to make a million while sitting at home?”

Consumers have become more demanding and less naive: they do not like manipulation, they do not accept psychological blackmail, and they do not give in to simple tricks.

As a result, the task of holistic marketing is to use any content marketing tools that will satisfy your client. They will make him satisfied with the purchase of a product or ordering a service, which means they are not aimed at the simplest imposition of unnecessary products on a person. Offering a hairbrush to a bald man seems silly, but for some reason, many entrepreneurs continue to do so, albeit in a figurative sense.

With the XM concept, it is important to use not one type of advertising, copywriting or other content, but several at once, combining them with each other. That is why in the circle of marketers it is believed that holistic marketing takes into account all aspects of a person: needs and desires, values ​​and beliefs, hobbies. That is, in fact, the concept is a synonym which aims to convey to target audience all brand values.

Benefits of Holistic Marketing:

1) Takes into account different target audience and its changes. Today it is not enough to know the gender, age, skin color and other demographic characteristics of your consumers. You need to keep abreast of their desires and needs, which are constantly changing.

2) Improves brand promotion. If you have a specific goal and experienced professionals to implement it, this is half the success.

3) Increases the efficiency of marketing efforts. Precise statement of the task, distribution of efforts and full involvement of the team minimize errors in promotion.

4) Strengthens positioning companies. Integrity in the development and positioning of the company accumulates all efforts for the set goals, not allowing to deviate from the intended path.

5) Unites the project team from the inside. Due to its integrity, this approach requires the participation of all team members from directors to ordinary performers. Therefore, such a positive joint work will be an excellent team building.

Most importantly, holistic marketing is able to simultaneously benefit the company in two directions: in promoting the market and developing internal corporate culture. As a result, with proper motivation, the employee will do the job for 5+, and high results will motivate him to try even harder.

What is holism in marketing?

This concept is multifaceted and therefore based on an integrated approach. Holistic marketing has 4 main components:

Item #1. Relationship Marketing

Target : to achieve strong and trusting relationships with the target audience, while the long-term and management of these same relationships are equally important.

Problem : a large number of potential and current customers that vary in multiple demographics.

Solution : to manage your audience, you need to take into account its needs, goals, desires and other features. In this case, you can not do without a preliminary study of potential and current customers, followed by segmentation into groups. Only after that you will understand that a significant part of the target audience only considers infographics or reads short posts, and flips through longreads only in traffic jams or the subway.

Therefore, start by analyzing the target audience, developing a portrait of potential buyers with a list of their pains, desires and values. Next, you can engage in the cultivation of loyal customers, which will further strengthen the brand's place in the hearts of the target audience.

Item #2. Integrated Marketing

Target : to promote the company's product or service using different methods, which together ensure the achievement of the target result.

Problem : different forms of marketing and content can be poorly combined with each other, perhaps even contradict each other.

Solution : it is necessary to create corporate standards, strategy, general positioning, on the basis of which it will be possible to think over each advertising campaign. Let's say that first you deal with naming (come up with a name, a slogan, a unique selling proposition), and only after that you will develop a text for a landing page. Otherwise, you run the risk of creating something incongruous: the slogan in a playful style, the text in an official business style, and the CTA elements in a bold style. Just a marketing vinaigrette, which is unlikely to want to taste your the target audience.

The main thing to remember is that synergy rules work here, which means that all content elements together will bring much more results than individually. For example, one cool slogan might work, but if it's reinforced with a catchy design and clear - the effect will be much more powerful.

Item #3. Internal Marketing

: build quality relationships with your own employees to increase their motivation and engagement in work.

Problem : all team members are different and pursue different goals, but without passion for their work, they will never achieve the desired results.

Solution : Maximize team engagement. This process includes the development by employees of the key principles of the company, strengthening relationships within the team, team building, strengthening the value of each member. Those people who are directly involved in the creation, development and promotion of the product know much more about it than others. From top managers to employees of small departments, it is their contribution to marketing that will make the content more expert and advertising more targeted. But with zero interest of people, the result will be appropriate - at best, tend to zero.

Develop motivation within your team, because even high-end products and services cannot offset their passive attitude towards the brand, product, and customer. And involvement and even partial participation in the affairs of the brand will increase the pride of employees and motivate them to try harder.

Item #4. Effective Marketing

Target : achieve high results in sales of goods and services, development of a positive image and brand reputation.

Problem : if a company does not have a clear understanding of what objective results it expects from a specific advertising campaign and posting each new blog post, the result will never be achieved.

Solution : before setting a goal, the marketing department is obliged to draw up the desired goals for advertising, posting new content, creating social media profiles. For example, posting photos of dishes and promotional offers on a sushi bar's Instagram profile should increase sales by 10%. In this case, marketers and content specialists will receive a specific task for work that can be evaluated after the fact. And although no one can predict the result and give guarantees, but the exact goal will positively affect the work and its results.

Another vivid example of a situation is when, when ordering copywriting, you do not have an actual task or you do not fill out a brief. As a result, the performer will not have a clear understanding of the task, and you will not have objective criteria for evaluating the work.

How important is holistic marketing?

This question can only be answered by a company whose marketers have already tried this concept. But objectively, the approach has a number of advantages, which means it can significantly improve positioning brand and its popularity among the target audience.

Now we can summarize and collect the main truths of holistic marketing:

a) first of all, think about the consumer, the main values ​​\u200b\u200bof the client, put yourself in his place (as they say in such situations, “done as for yourself”);

b) apply different , promotion channels, ways of interaction with target audience;

in) always set objective goals so that you can build a route to achieve them.

These truths are quite simple and understandable, but in practice it turns out that many companies lack quite ordinary things to achieve the desired success. Perhaps holistic marketing will be that iconic tool that will help you achieve good sales and earn a good reputation as an expert among the target audience. You will find out after you try to implement this concept.

Holistic Marketing is, in essence, a shift in emphasis from the product to the buyer and from the sale of goods to the consumer.

This trend has been manifesting itself for some time and is gradually increasing.

Such marketing requires the company to perform the following actions.

  • Expand your understanding of the needs and lifestyles of your customers. The company should stop considering customers only as consumers of the goods it produces and try to find new ways to serve customers, taking into account their lifestyle.
  • It is necessary to evaluate the contribution of each of the departments of the company in meeting the needs of the consumer.. The buyer is harmed when the product is delivered late or if it is damaged when invoices are issued incorrectly, the customer experiences poor service, or other slip-ups occur. The goal of marketing is to make every employee of the company think first of all about the consumer and contribute to the confirmation of the brand's reputation.

Holistic, or holistic, (Greek holos - whole, whole) - an approach to marketing, in which all components of the process are considered as a whole, and not a collection of individual elements.

The impact of all company operations on all stakeholders - consumers, employees, distributors, dealers and suppliers, and not just shareholders should be assessed. Any group of participants in the process who are not interested in the success of the whole business can disrupt plans and hinder the development of the company. Holistic marketing encourages the company to cooperate with all: employees of the company, suppliers, distributors - only by feeling like participants in a common cause, they will be able to provide target consumers with the highest value.

Holistic marketing is a step towards restructuring the entire structure of the company in order to put it into practice. concepts of cooperation between the consumer and the company which will eventually become the driving force for further development. Marketing cannot be effective if it is not holistic.

The international market is strongly biased towards demand. Companies, when deciding to launch a new product, are primarily guided by the needs of consumers. Marketing analyzes consumer demand. There are several approaches to the study of demand. most efficient and modern look marketing - holistic. He proposes to solve the problem of marketing in a complex way. The market is so oversaturated with goods and services that using one marketing tool is no longer enough. In order to interest the consumer, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem in a systematic way.


Holistic marketing is a set of marketing tools used simultaneously to increase consumer demand. The word 'holistic' comes from the Greek word 'holos' which means 'whole'. This approach helps to capture and manage marketing processes: forecasting, planning, implementation and analysis. All tools must work together. The concept of "holistic (holistic) marketing" is an alternative to the concept of intensifying sales efforts.


Target classic marketing- the sale of existing goods, increasing its value to the consumer. While the concept of holistic marketing offers a different approach. It is based on the following principles: production for the sake of the consumer, taking into account the needs, customer orientation. The ultimate goal of holistic marketing is to meet the needs of consumers and reach all groups of the target audience.

The main task of holistic marketing is the optimization of production processes, their integration to create a product that satisfies the needs of consumers. The focus of the entrepreneur's interests is shifted from the product to the consumer.


founder modern theory holistic marketing is considered to be Philip Kotler, who defined the components of marketing. He also explained the need for their mutual and harmonious simultaneous development.

The essence of the concept of holistic marketing lies in the relationship of 4 elements:

Marketing mix

This is a set of marketing activities. The system considers holistic marketing as a modern management concept. It consists of a chain: product - cost - distribution - promotion. In this case, the product is understood as measures to attract the attention of the buyer to the product (product quality, packaging design, warranty, trademark creation).

The “cost” element includes the development of a product discount system, credit conditions, compensation and price list, that is price policy enterprises that can influence consumer choice. The distribution process includes distribution channels, assortment, market coverage, transportation. Promotion means the process of selling products, advertising, creating channels of communication with customers and direct marketing.


Holistic marketing tools include 3 levels:

  1. Demand management level. It consists in focusing the attention of the manufacturer on consumers. It includes collecting data about the needs of the consumer, creating a useful product for the consumer and managing customer relationships.
  2. Resource management layer. The scope of core competencies is implied. The level consists of the space of core competencies, the business domain, and the management of the company's internal resources.
  3. The network management layer is the process of creating a collaboration network. Consists of processes for creating a common space for partners, finding and managing business partners.


The company from the very moment of its creation demonstrates a high degree of effectiveness of the implementation of holistic marketing. The fast food chain is famous for its friendly staff, speed of service and attention to public opinion at the same time. Criticism is perceived as an opportunity to improve the product and brand. In the 90s, rumors began to circulate around McDonald's about the excessive harmfulness of fast food.

The management of the restaurant chain reacted immediately to this. McDonald's has added more vegetable salads to the menu, apple slices for children and tried to reduce the calorie content of some dishes on the menu. And after criticism for using packaging that is harmful to the environment, McDonald's began to use environmentally friendly materials that do not pollute environment.


Successful example holistic marketing is a business process management system created by Puma. This is a German company that has successfully launched and promoted its sportswear on international market. But few people remember that in the 70s the company experienced a significant drop in consumer demand. It gradually began to be forced out of the market by competitors.

Holistic marketing helped solve the company's problems. "Puma" began to focus on the needs of its customers. To begin with, they divided them into target groups: professional athletes, slimming people, fans of sporting events and those who like to wear sportswear in everyday life. Management has started developing certain types for each segment of consumers, taking into account their needs: clothing for yoga, snowboarding, running, etc.

Then a campaign was launched to evaluate the new products by consumers, and edited it in accordance with requests. Only after that the company started advertising campaigns at international sports competitions, on catwalks and in sports bars. This allowed them to target their target audience and return the brand to its former popularity.


In its work, the company is guided by the main principle of holistic marketing - internal leadership. Each employee of the company is given guidance on how the actions of a particular employee affect consumers. Employees understand the benefits own work and feel supported. The work of the company resembles a well-oiled clockwork. Xerox is making another bet on complete openness for consumers, everyone can get a tour of the plant.


This company has become famous not only for its ability to please consumers, but also for one of the best models of social marketing. Avon has spent $400 million to fund the fight against breast cancer. This is a direct way to win the favor of consumers. By creating unique products, the company emphasizes public need brand and actively helps people.

Holistic marketing is a relatively new direction in the development of management concepts, in which all attention is focused on the integrated elements of the firm's business interactions with customers, suppliers and intermediaries.

Holistic ideas have been known in the West for a long time, and the mysterious Eastern philosophy is traditionally considered to be their source. The first Western preacher of holistic thinking, Johann Wolfgang Goethe (poet and scientist), developed his own scientific method Anschauung, which is an interesting technique for holistic thinking. Unfortunately, only now, after 200 years, science is beginning to take an interest in the Anschauung idea.

The next notable milestone in the history of the holistic paradigm is the work of the German psychologist Max Wertheimer. At the beginning of the 20th century, he conducted experiments that proved that our perception does not collect the world from separate pieces, but perceives it as a whole, in a single way. And only then does logic enter the business, which analytically breaks everything into parts and reassembles the world. In our opinion, Max Wertheimer came closest to the secret of creative thinking, which today occupies so many. He showed that creative thinking is the result of a holistic view of things.

Then there was cybernetics, catastrophe theory and, finally, the theory of complex systems. Complexity science, as the theory of complex systems is called in the West, is developing rapidly. The holistic paradigm associated with it is increasingly penetrating many areas of knowledge - medicine, economics, politics. And everywhere it brings a new, holistic view of complex, albeit familiar things. Most experts in the field of marketing, considering the evolution of management concepts, rely on five concepts identified in the scientific works of F. Kotler - production, commodity, marketing concepts, as well as the concepts of traditional and social and ethical marketing. At the same time, for a long time it was believed that marketing was aimed more at promoting the product, and only since the thirties of the twentieth century, marketing has lost its purely marketing function. With the formation and development of marketing, various scientists put forward their points of view on the evolution of its concepts.

The most relevant and taken as a basis by such scientists as L.A. Danchenok, G.L. Bagiev, A.P. Pankrukhin, V.I. Belyaev is an assumption about the emergence of modern marketing, which was substantiated by F. Kotler. According to F. Kotler modern marketing was formed relatively recently in the USA, and that the evolution of management concepts through:

– improvement of production;

– product improvement;

– intensification of commercial efforts;

– integrated marketing;

– social and ethical marketing.

Consider each of the marketing management concepts.

1. The most widely used production improvement concept(I.L. Akulich, G.L. Bagiev). The manufacturing concept is one of the oldest in the business. In accordance with it, consumers prefer affordable and inexpensive products. The attention of management in companies focused on production is focused on achieving high production efficiency, reducing production costs and mass distribution of products. This approach is justified when supply exceeds demand or when the cost of producing one unit of product is so high that there is a need to reduce these costs through mass production.

2. In product improvement concepts or a commodity concept, quality is of paramount importance (F. Kotler, V.N. Eremina). The concept focuses on the fact that the consumer is ready to purchase a product if it is of good quality and reasonable price. Consumers are interested in such products, are aware of the availability of analogues and choose a product by comparing the quality and price of competitors' products. Achieving the desired result in sales volumes using this concept requires the manufacturer to spend little on marketing activities.

3.The concept of intensifying commercial efforts(sales concept) serves as the basis for intensifying activities in the field of sales and promotion (L.A. Danchenok). According to the marketing concept, consumers and businesses, by their very nature, will not voluntarily buy all of a company's products. Therefore, the company must conduct an aggressive sales policy and intensively market their products.

4.Concept of integrated marketing or the traditional marketing concept is a focus on consumers in conjunction with a set of specific measures to meet the needs of the market (G.L. Bagiev, T. Levitt). The concept of integrated marketing obliges enterprises to follow certain rules:

a) to produce what can be sold, and not to sell what can be produced;

b) love not your product, but your consumer;

c) satisfy needs, not sell goods;

d) study the needs of the market, and not their own production capacities;

e) link the goals, needs of customers and the resource capabilities of the enterprise;

e) adapt the enterprise to changes in consumer characteristics;

g) focus on the long term and consider the needs of buyers in a wide range.

5.The concept of social and ethical marketing boils down to the fact that the enterprise should strive to benefit for itself in such a way as not to cause any damage to society or nature by its actions (I.L. Akulich). The essence of the concept is to balance three components: the profit of the enterprise, the needs of customers and the interests of society.

The main modern socio-ethical marketing technologies that are implemented in the world within the framework of the definition of social and ethical marketing, E.P. Golubkov highlights:

- promotion of a good deed;

- charity marketing;

– corporate social marketing;

– corporate philanthropy;

– community development and support;

volunteer activities in the public interest;

- environmental Protection.

Holistic Marketing- a concept that integrates all elements of the company's business interactions with customers, suppliers and intermediaries, which allows you to constantly expand your understanding of consumer needs, search for new ways of serving, taking into account the values ​​of the target audience, and also evaluate the contribution of each employee and company department to the implementation of the concept holistic marketing.

Bibliographic list

1. Kalieva O.M., Mikhailova O.P. Methods and methods for studying the marketing potential of an enterprise // Bulletin of the Orenburg state university. Orenburg, 2011. No. 13 (132). pp. 216−221.

2. Demchenko A., Sezonova O. Features of the concept of "holistic" marketing // Marketing. 2012. No. 1 (122). pp. 84−90.



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