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Information on individual entrepreneurs. Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (egrip)
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN, read as "ienen") is a special digital code that is issued to individuals and legal entities in order to streamline and control the payment of taxes.

TIN plays one of the main roles in individualization legal entities and individuals with the status of individual entrepreneur (IP) as taxpayers.

Check the TIN and get information about the counterparty

TIN of legal entity and individual entrepreneur

Legal entity receives a tax identification number from the tax authority at the place of registration of the person simultaneously with other registration documents.

Individuals with individual entrepreneur status can obtain a TIN in two ways:

1) simultaneously with the assignment of individual entrepreneur status and the issuance of a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur;
2) at any time before registration as an individual entrepreneur (in this case, upon registration There is no need to get a TIN again).
Without a TIN, an individual will not be able to obtain individual entrepreneur status.
Legal entities and individuals with the status of individual entrepreneurs, when concluding any agreements, are obliged indicate your TIN in the details.
The TIN must be located on stamps (for individual entrepreneurs - if there is a stamp).

TIN of an individual without individual entrepreneur status

Individual can obtain a TIN from the tax authority at your place of residence.
Currently obtaining TIN by individuals is voluntary. Exception: TIN is required for individual upon his appointment to the position of a civil servant.
In practice, when applying for employment in other positions, they are often asked to present the TIN along with other documents. Such a requirement cannot be mandatory, since it is not reflected in Labor Code RF.

TIN verification

Anyone can visit our website for free check the correctness of the TIN counterparty - a legal entity or an individual with the status of an individual entrepreneur, as well as the fact of making an entry on the registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

Knowing the TIN and the name of the organization, you can obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for verification:

  1. the reliability of documents received from the counterparty (since legal entities and individual entrepreneurs are required to indicate the TIN on any local acts and documents they issue);
  2. the fact of the existence of a legal entity (situations are possible when an unscrupulous counterparty, for selfish purposes, acts in a transaction on behalf of a non-existent legal entity);
  3. the reliability of the counterparty's legal address;
  4. last name, first name and patronymic of the director of the legal entity and other information about the legal entity.

An individual can, via the Internet, and knowing the TIN - the amount of debt for taxes and fees. TIN verification individuals is carried out free of charge online.

Verification of the counterparty: procedure in questions and answers

Verifying a counterparty by TIN is a mandatory procedure that all business representatives face sooner or later, regardless of their line of business. Is it worth cooperating with a counterparty, is it possible to trust him and make an advance payment? This is only a short list of questions that can be answered by carrying out a procedure such as checking the counterparty by TIN.

If we consider individual situations, the need to check the counterparty can be useful to an accountant who wants to make sure of the transparency of the activities of a potential partner of his company before concluding an agreement. By using the TIN number on our website you can obtain an extract about the legal entity from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, as well as expanded financial data on the legal entity.

It will be rational to present basic information about conducting a verification of a counterparty by TIN in the form of questions and answers in order to achieve a high degree of understanding of the need for this procedure and the features of its implementation.

What is verification of a counterparty by TIN?

Checking a counterparty by identification number includes a search for information about him and its further analysis aimed at determining the integrity/bad faith of a potential partner.

Who is responsible for checking counterparties?

In most cases, checking the counterparty by TIN is the responsibility of legal service employees and economic department. If such structural divisions the enterprise does not, responsibility for checking the counterparty will be borne by the person authorized to conclude the contract.

Why do you need to check your counterparty?

The verification of the counterparty is carried out to minimize financial risks from cooperation with him. Analysis of data obtained using the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) will help avoid delays in deliveries, problems with the quality of goods or services, and will make it possible to stop fraudulent schemes of the counterparty.

In addition, this check is necessary to avoid sanctions from the tax authorities: if violations are found, then responsibility for choosing a counterparty will fall entirely on your organization. The consequences may be different (exclusion of a transaction of a dubious nature from expenses, refusal to accept VAT for deduction), so it is imperative to check the counterparty.

What exactly is studied when checking a counterparty?

The specifics of checking a counterparty - the procedure, responsibilities of the parties, the criteria by which research is carried out - are not established at the legislative level. The concept of “verification of a counterparty” is currently not prescribed in regulations and is absent in the Tax Code.

Along with this, in 2006, a Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation appeared, which somewhat clarifies who should check the counterparty. It is devoted to the issue of assessing the validity of a person receiving a tax benefit. It may be found unfounded in court if it turns out that the taxpayer acted imprudently. In practice, this means that responsibility for checking the counterparty rests with business representatives. In fact, in most cases the audit is carried out by accountants.

What documents are most often requested when checking a counterparty?

The absence of a written counterparty verification scheme complicates the process somewhat. At the same time, a standard practice has already developed, which involves collecting and studying such documents of the counterparty as the charter, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates of state registration and registration tax accounting, a letter from statistics indicating activity codes, documents identifying the counterparty and confirming his authority.

Information about individual entrepreneurs can be considered personal (personal) information about an individual who is properly registered as an individual entrepreneur. Personal data is usually considered to be the last name, first name and patronymic indicated in the individual entrepreneur’s passport, his residential address (registration), Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) code, INN, state registration certificate number, etc. All information not included in the list of such information, which is not defined by the law on the protection of personal (personal) data, can be obtained in the manner prescribed by law.

The unique data of the individual entrepreneur is exclusively the TIN and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. The surname, first name and patronymic may be the same for several people even within the same city, that is, they are not unique. It is the tax payer identification number that is the main one when searching necessary information about IP. Obtaining this type of information may be necessary for the buyer of goods or products produced by an entrepreneur, or the customer of services in the event of poor quality performance or violation of the delivery time of goods. In such situations, clients of an individual entrepreneur can file lawsuits against the entrepreneur in court, and the application must indicate the registration address of the individual entrepreneur. Before making a transaction, the customer of the product may simply want to get acquainted with information about the entrepreneur and check the legality of his activities. Information about individual entrepreneurs of this nature is contained in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs - a unified register of all entrepreneurs who have gone through the process state registration to the Federal Tax Service. In the unified state register you can obtain the following information about the individual entrepreneur of interest:

Last name, first name and patronymic, as well as date and place of birth;

Citizenship of the individual entrepreneur and address of residence on the territory of the state;

Passport information, namely: series, number, authority that issued the identification document and the date of its issue;

In the case of a foreign individual entrepreneur, information is provided regarding his identification documents and the right to reside and work;

Person identification number assigned to him as a tax payer;

Information about licenses issued to the entrepreneur and types economic activity, carried out by him;

Date of registration with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and other funds;

Date of issue and number state certificate, confirming the registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

The information contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is available to everyone and is not confidential. An individual, individual entrepreneur or enterprise can obtain information about an individual entrepreneur. However, some information is not publicly available. Information about the place of residence and passport data of participants of a legal entity may be available if they are indicated in the constituent documents. The entrepreneur himself can obtain information about the person who made the request to receive his personal data. In this case, they submit a corresponding application to the tax authority at the place of residence of the entrepreneur.

Information about individual entrepreneurs from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is issued in the form of copies of documents required by the applicant, supporting certificates or a certificate of absence of information required by the applicant. The issuance of this type of information is carried out after submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of the individual entrepreneur and payment of the state duty within a maximum of five days. Anyone can obtain information from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs after submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service. You can also find out some information about individual entrepreneurs in special Internet services by entering the entrepreneur’s TIN. Statistics codes assigned to a business entity during the registration process (OKATO, OKFS and others) can be found in the territorial statistics office at the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur.

Some information about the individual entrepreneur can be found by carefully examining the products and checks issued to the client by the entrepreneur. As a rule, checks indicate the full name of the entrepreneur, his certificate number, and sometimes his address. The packaging of the products produced by the individual entrepreneur reflects the “legal” address of the entrepreneur, which is, in fact, the residential address of the individual entrepreneur. The exception is when the packaging indicates the address of production facilities.

All information about entrepreneurs and the progress of their business activities is stored in a single database.
This base is called Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs .

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What is its purpose

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) is a unified database that stores all the basic information about individual entrepreneurs.

The registration, re-registration or liquidation of an individual entrepreneur is recorded here.

EGRIP - federal information resource, which is the property of the state.

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs contains information that:

  • an individual has registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • there have been some changes in the data that were entered during the registration of individual entrepreneurs;
  • The IP was liquidated.

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs also contains information about the individual who was registered as an individual entrepreneur:

  • date of birth and age;
  • address of permanent registration;
  • passport details.

When registering as an individual entrepreneur, a citizen receives a registration certificate. The details of this certificate are also in the unified register.

In addition, if the activities of an individual entrepreneur require additional permits or licenses, information about these documents is also available in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs.

Regulatory regulations

The regulatory framework for individual entrepreneurs does not have a single document, and is included in other laws and regulations.

Therefore, entering information into unified register carried out on the basis of .

Register of individual entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation

All changes that occur to the individual entrepreneur are also recorded in the registry.

As an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur, the register of certificates of state registration of individual entrepreneurs contains the following information:

  • date of birth;
  • permanent registration address;
  • passport details;
  • citizenship - Russian Federation or another country;
  • details of the document confirming the right of this citizen to reside in our country, if the individual entrepreneur is a foreigner.

As a subject of economic activity, an individual entrepreneur contains the following information:

  • information about the state registration of individual entrepreneurs - the number of the registration certificate and the date of its issue;
  • all details of various permits and licenses;
  • about a bank account;
  • date of registration of individual entrepreneurs in various funds - Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund;
  • date of registration with the tax authority, if the individual entrepreneur uses a preferential tax regime;
  • OKVED codes;
  • about the changes that have occurred with the individual entrepreneur;

    For example, when changing the surname of an individual.

  • on the liquidation of an individual entrepreneur as a business entity.

Video: how to get an extract

Where does this information come from in the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs?

All information contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs comes from the tax service.

Tax authorities have all the data indicated in the register, since the individual entrepreneur is obliged to provide this information. Without them, registration of an individual entrepreneur or its further activities is impossible.

The exception is the details of permits and licenses. The entrepreneur does not need to independently bring copies of licenses for the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs. This responsibility rests with the licensing authority.

For 5 days from the moment an individual entrepreneur receives a license for a particular activity, the licensing authority is obliged to submit this information to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. Exactly the same actions must be taken by the licensing authority if the individual entrepreneur’s license has been revoked.

deadline for updating information in the registry

If the individual entrepreneur does not change his passport data, residence address or type of activity, then there is no need to update the information in the register.

As soon as an individual entrepreneur needs to change something, he contacts the tax office where he is registered and submits new information. Entry into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs requires a change of citizenship of the entrepreneur, as well as a change or addition of a new type of activity.

To do this, within 3 working days after the change, the individual entrepreneur applies to the tax office with a package of documents, which includes:

  • application for amendments to the unified register in the form;
  • documents confirming these changes;
  • document confirming payment of the state duty.

For 5 working days After submitting the documents, the information in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs will be updated, and the individual entrepreneur will receive a corresponding notification about this.

Providing information

Sometimes it is necessary to obtain information about a particular entrepreneur. Most often, a request to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is made in order to make sure that this individual entrepreneur is actually carrying out its activities and has not been liquidated.

request for information about individual entrepreneur

An example of a completed receipt for payment of a duty by a legal entity can be seen in the appendix to this article.


But not all the information contained in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs can be obtained upon request.

Personal information about an individual who is registered as an individual entrepreneur is not covered.

That is, in the Unified State Register of Enterprises you cannot find out:

  • IP passport details;
  • his place of residence;
  • other personal data that may be contained in registration documents.

But if constituent documents Individual entrepreneurs contain this information, then the Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs will issue it to the person who requests the certificate.

service cost

The cost of issuing USRIP information is not free. If the applicant wishes to obtain an extract for himself, then he will not be charged a fee for this service.

When requesting information about a counterparty, the cost of the service will be equal to 200 rubles. Request is being processed 5 working days, and only then the applicant receives the necessary certificate.

If we are talking about an urgent extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the cost of the service will increase by 2 times. The applicant will have to pay 400 rubles, but the document will be ready the next business day.

is it possible to get it for free

You can receive a free extract if the applicant orders information about himself.

To do this, you also need to make a request, but you will need to present your passport to the tax officer to confirm your identity. A copy of your passport will need to be attached to your request.

You can also receive information from the registry for free:

  • police;
  • investigative authorities;
  • prosecutor's office;
  • other government bodies;
  • tax office;
  • off-budget funds.

An individual entrepreneur can also find out for free who requested information about him from the registry.

About the procedure for switching to single tax on imputed income, when opening a business, you will read in this article:

The procedure for choosing a taxation system when registering an individual entrepreneur is described in detail

How is registration of an individual entrepreneur in the service carried out? state statistics, you will find out

Request via Internet

You can request information about individual entrepreneurs from the registry using the Internet. This can be done at Federal Tax Service website. To do this you need to register on it.

The login on this site is the TIN of an individual or legal entity. But the password must be obtained from the tax office at the place of registration of the citizen or at the place of registration of the legal entity.

The application is also filled out on the website, the fee is paid using the Internet service.

When all documents are ready, the request must be sent. In this case, information about the individual entrepreneur is obtained from the TIN of this entrepreneur, if it is known.

To bring your business to the top of the business “Olympus”, you need not only to masterfully conduct business, but also to understand people. And we are not talking about brilliant intuition at all, but about competent testing of a future partner. Indeed, along with the rapid growth of competition, the number of fraudsters is also growing, especially among small entrepreneurs who cannot afford to pay taxes.

Trust, but verify, and the most best option - checking individual entrepreneurs by TIN or full name on the Federal Tax Service website, with which you can find out all the information about the counterparty and reveal its secrets, for example, the lack of a license or hidden bankruptcy.

How to check an individual entrepreneur by TIN

When a citizen undergoes state registration as an individual entrepreneur, all information about him is entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) - a single register individual entrepreneurs. They are kept there forever, even after liquidation. If any registration data changes during the work, the entrepreneur is obliged to notify the tax office about this so that its employees make changes to the register.

There is no need to report a change of name, passport or place of residence; the Federal Tax Service independently monitors the relevance of such data.

The information stored in the Unified State Register of Enterprises is not classified. Each individual has the right to check any individual entrepreneur through the service on the website of the Federal Tax Service, knowing only the TIN or full name and region of the entrepreneur of interest.

Don't panic! Personal data, such as residential address, passport number and series, bank account, are not provided to third parties. They can only be obtained by the entrepreneur himself by personally contacting the tax authority.

Verification algorithm

To obtain information, go to the official website of the Federal Tax Service and click on the “Business risks” tab. Then set your search criteria:

  • In the topmost field, click on “Individual entrepreneur/peasant farm”;
  • In the “Search by” field, select the option with the data you know - OGRN and INN or full name and region of residence.

If you chose to search for an individual entrepreneur by OGRNIP or TIN, indicate the 12-digit taxpayer identification number or the 15-digit number under which he is listed in the register of individual entrepreneurs. And if full name/region - last name, first name, patronymic and region of residence of the businessman. Then enter the numbers from the picture and click “Find”.

Using the service, you can check the reliability of a legal entity. The principle of action is the same, but since legal. person acts on behalf the whole organization, when choosing the second search option, you should indicate its legal name, and not the full name of an individual citizen.

Check result

If a citizen has not undergone mandatory registration with the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the system will not find information about him. The absence of an inspection result indicates that the businessman is carrying out his activities illegally, and the registration documents provided by them are false.

If the individual entrepreneur you specified is listed in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the system will issue a document for download in PDF format with the following information:

  • about an individual;
  • about registration;
  • about the main type of business activity and additional ones;
  • on registration with the tax authority;
  • about the changes made;
  • on bankruptcy and liquidation procedures.

But if you indicated the full name and region of the businessman, a list with all namesakes will appear on the page. Select the appropriate option and click on your full name, the document with the data will be downloaded to your computer.

How to find out your or someone else's TIN

Using the “Business Risks” service, you can not only verify the reliability and solvency of the counterparty, but also find out the TIN of any individual entrepreneur by last name. You need to find the business entity you are interested in using the same scheme mentioned above, for this:

  • select “Individual entrepreneur” and search by full name;
  • indicate your last name, first name, patronymic and region;
  • enter the captcha;
  • click "Find".

The system will give you a list of all individual entrepreneurs with that name. Their TIN, OGRNIP, and registration date will also be indicated. Just select the props you need.

There are often situations when an entrepreneur needs to find out his own TIN. For example, if you need to fill out some paper, but you don’t have a registration certificate at hand, which contains all the basic details. You can find out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur that belongs to you in two ways:

  • through the Federal Tax Service service;
  • through the Gosuslug service.

Both portals provide the service for free, but on the second you will have to go through a simple registration procedure. Details will include your full name, place and date of birth, number and series of a passport or other identity document, and date of issue.

To find out the TIN of an individual entrepreneur, go to the website, fill out all the fields, enter the numbers from the picture and send a request.

How to get an extract

The PDF file obtained as a result of verification in the Business Risks service does not have any legal force. It is intended exclusively for information assessment counterparty. If a businessman needs a document with legal significance, for example, to confirm the legality of a transaction before tax service, he can order it in several ways:

Any individual can receive an extract; it will only contain general information about the individual entrepreneur, like an information copy, but it can appear in any business as an official document. To obtain it you will need:

  • A freely drawn up application and a copy thereof.
  • A receipt confirming payment of the state fee in the amount of 200 rubles for a regular extract or 400 rubles for an urgent one.
  • A power of attorney certified by a notary, if a representative has applied for the paper.

The above method is expensive, since a fee is paid for each requested copy of the extract. If a large number of entrepreneurs will be checked, it is better to resort to the free online option:

The completed statement will appear in your list of applications; download it to your computer and print it. But please note: to open a PDF file with electronic signature, you will have to install software Crypto Pro version 3.6 or higher.

Other services for checking

You can find information about individual entrepreneurs not only on the Federal Tax Service website. Although this portal is the most accessible, reliable and, moreover, free, with its help you can not find out all the important information.

The list of official sites that provide information from the database of entrepreneurs includes:

Website: What you can find out How to find out
SAC of Russia (Federal Arbitration Court) Complete list of ongoing and completed litigation.
  • Go to the “Card Index of Arbitration Cases” service.
  • In the topmost field on the left side of the page, enter the name or full name, INN or OGRNIP of the participant in the case.
  • If you know any other information, add it as well; if not, there is no need to find out.
  • Click on "Find".
  • A to-do list will appear on the right side of the screen.
Bailiffs portal A complete list of completed trials for which a court decision has already been made.
  • Follow the link and select search for individuals.
  • Specify the search region, for example, Moscow.
  • Enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the plaintiff or defendant.
  • Click Find.
  • Scroll to the top of the page, there you will find all the cases you are looking for.
"Contour-Focus" Information about the counterparty and a simplified version of the extract without legal significance.
  • Free: INN, OGRN, KPP, main and additional OKVED, company address.
  • Paid: telephone, arbitration cases, balance sheet and reporting, registration in extra-budgetary funds, certificate number, extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

If you don't check your partner

To reduce risks for your business, you should not blindly trust your partners. When entering into a business relationship, ask them for a package of documents confirming the reality of the existence of an individual entrepreneur and allowing you to assess the reliability of the company. And also check the counterparty in all possible services to avoid such unpleasant situations as:

  • delay in payment for goods/services;
  • non-receipt of the goods you paid for;
  • appearing in fraudulent schemes;
  • impossibility of deducting VAT;
  • signing an agreement with a future bankrupt.

And if the tax authorities come to the conclusion that the company knew about the unreliability of its partner, then it will have to prove its non-involvement in fraud in court. Therefore, in addition to checking the individual entrepreneur, it is also worth getting an extract to provide it as proof of your innocence.

The Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) contains complete open information about individual entrepreneurs who legally carry out entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Russian Federation. Registration of individual entrepreneurs is carried out by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Registers are also maintained by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. Register data is used to check the counterparty, exercise Due Diligence, obtain an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs for an individual entrepreneur, and for other purposes for which it is necessary to provide official registration data to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

On the CHESTNYBUSINESS portal, you can obtain free information about the state registration of individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farm) farms, and complete open data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

The data on the portal is updated daily and synchronized with the nalog.ru service of the Federal Tax Service of Russia*.

To obtain data from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, use the search bar:

To do this, enter the TIN or OGRNIP or full name of an individual entrepreneur in the search bar.

Using the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs you can get the following for free up-to-date information about the Counterparty - individual entrepreneur (head of peasant (farm) enterprises, individual):

  • . Individual entrepreneur status (current, activity terminated);
  • . Registration date, tax authority that carried out the registration;
  • . Species economic activity;
  • . Registration in extra-budgetary funds;
  • . Other official public information.

Please note: the legal address of an individual entrepreneur is the address of his registration as an individual, therefore it does not apply to open data and is not published. Changes to the registers, changes to any data, are carried out only by the Federal Tax Service after an official request from the Manager and submission of the appropriate form for changes.

We wish you a fruitful comfortable work with the registers of the Unified State Register of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on the portal!

* Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs data is open and provided on the basis of clause 1 of article 6 Federal Law dated 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs”: Information and documents contained in state registers are open and publicly available, with the exception of information to which access is limited, namely information about identity documents of an individual .



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