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Innovative technologies that allow saving; review of innovations for kitchen factories and food processing plants. Innovation in catering establishments

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Loading area of ​​the enterprise. Acceptance of products. Unpacking and accounting. Magnat offers a full range of innovative equipment for receiving, sanitary disinfection, weighing and boring from factory packaging of all groups of raw materials. The loading area is represented by scales, washing baths, sanitary access systems with access control, boring tables, an express analysis laboratory, an automated control system accounting point, a security post, and a buffer zone for GN standard trolleys. The loading area must be sanitized using a foam generating device and compressed air. The room is equipped with thermal curtains, swing doors, mobile UV amalgam irradiators, and a special washing cabinet for reversible carts.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Unstuffing All products arriving at the enterprise are unpacked in gastronomic containers of the GN 1/1, ½, 2/1 standard. Root crops are loaded into mesh boxes on wheels (up to 500 kg). After sanitary wiping, preserved products are placed on GN carts. After acceptance, accounting and weighing, the raw materials enter medium-temperature, low-temperature chambers and dry storage pantries. After each acceptance of goods, the boring area is treated with special disinfectants and treated with open amalgam radiation. Meat products are placed in 200 liter stainless vats and sent to the defrosting zone

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Equipment for the indigenous workshop. Equipment for the vegetable workshop is represented by production lines of different capacities for washing vegetables, root vegetables, fruits and leafy ones. The degree of automation of lines depends on the investment opportunities of the project. The equipment consists of vibration washing of vegetables, automatic peeling machines, a manual cleaning conveyor, cyclones for drying leaves, fruits and noble vegetables. Cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, and pumpkins are cut and transported to the workshop in special stainless steel weighing baths. The rest of the products are transported in gastronorm containers or stainless 200-liter vats (depending on production volumes).

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Equipment for cold shops. Equipment for the cold shop (workshop for the production of preparations for salad and hot shops) is represented by unique American-made universal vegetable cutters. The equipment allows you to cut vegetables, fruits, and gastronomy with more than 100 types of cuts. The operating speed of the devices exceeds analogues by 8-10 times. Due to this, significant energy savings are achieved. Such equipment is used in fruit and vegetable canning factories. The least productive cutting machines are also used in catering kitchens. A constant temperature of + 12 °C is maintained in the cold workshop. The chopped products are transferred to the salad shop using a conveyor.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Equipment for a vegetable shop. All peeled and cut vegetables according to the multiplicity are delivered in gastronorm containers or plastic Euro boxes to the salad shop. Some of the vegetables arrive at the hot shop already cut according to the multiplicity for cooking in steamers (steamers). In the salad shop, salads are mixed in rotary crank mixers. These mixers are specially designed for mixing salads with a delicate texture. They ensure uniform and proper mixing without compromising the integrity of the fractions. Puff salads are laid out in plastic trays in layers. Korean salads are mixed by hand in weigh baths because they don't mix well with machines. After mixing the ingredients, the salads are dosed using volumetric dosers.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Packaging area. Packaging in MGS The RP Technology company offers modern packaging equipment from Super Sealer Australia, which has been operating uninterruptedly for 3 years at the Elki-Palki, Shokoladnitsa, Crocus-Expo, Satellite, Skazka, and Teaspoon factories. " The equipment includes dispensers, conveyor lines and rotary filling machines for sauces and soups. The equipment packages products in an MGS environment using the “vacuum-gas” principle.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Hot shop The hot shop is represented by the following types of equipment: low-temperature cooking baths, pressure steamers for fast and economical cooking of vegetables, steam boilers for cooking soups, sauces, pasta and side dishes, smoking cabinets for cooking and smoking delicacies, tilting frying pans for frying minced meat, autoclave chambers for preparing vegetable caviar and lecho. All equipment is certified under the Star Energy program (USA) and, as official studies prove, they provide resource savings of 25-40% due to high-speed steam cooking and lower energy consumption.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Product cooling area. Cooling of products is carried out in a simple and at the same time innovative way. Boiled meat, vegetables, and seafood are placed in disposable cheap plastic bags and hermetically sealed. After clipping, the products are placed in ice baths connected to a glycol chiller. Water circulation and a temperature of +0.5 °C guarantees cooling of up to 500 kg of products from a temperature of +80 °C to a temperature of °C. Such technologies are widely used in the USA and Canada. Savings on the purchase of equipment (as opposed to working with blast chillers) are 100% on the purchase of equipment and 450% on energy consumption

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Meat shop equipment. The equipment of the meat shop is represented by a wide variety of equipment for cutting, tenderizing, stuffing, slicing, passing through a meat grinder, mixing cutlet masses, molding, massaging and stuffing into casings. Unique American equipment can significantly improve the quality of the product through marinating in spices, beating, passing, rolling into rolls, and vacuum massage. The equipment has energy saving functions according to the Star Energy program. Most of the developments are patented and have no analogues in the world. Such processing equipment is exclusively installed in factories - kitchens of MC Donalds and KFC in the USA, in large meat processing enterprises producing premium class products.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Sanitary equipment. The RP Technology company is implementing a system of quality control and sanitary and hygienic indicators according to the HACCP methodology. An increased sanitary regime at the enterprise involves the use of innovative sanitary equipment: sanitary checkpoints, special equipment in the meat shop, steam sterilizers, steam generators for washing technological equipment with steam at a temperature of °C, foam generators for washing floors and walls, special systems for treating hands and feet ( no touch), water and air disinfection stations.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Design RP Technology Company offers a full range of services for the design of food processing plants with the invitation of foreign specialists. Design involves the introduction of innovative solutions in the field of application of engineering equipment: ventilation, sewerage, water and air filtration, air conditioning, heating and others. The design principles assume maximum automation of all technological processes and maximum leveling of consequences negative influence human factor. In the period from 2007 to 2009, RP Technology launched more than 20 innovative facilities that save up to 40% of utility costs and up to 50% of personnel compared to classic cooking standards. Innovation Resource saving Reliability

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Project implementation Integrated equipment of corporate catering enterprises and factories - kitchens is carried out according to the following principles: - Resource saving implemented in engineering networks and technological equipment; - Detailed study of the project with the involvement of leading English and American design technologists; - Development of an economic, technological and logistics model; - Providing numerous options for equipment from various global manufacturers with technical, technological and economic justification for choice.

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR CREATION OF LARGE-CAPACITY CULINARY PRODUCTIONS Tycoon provides a full range of consulting services for the design of factories - kitchens, selection of technological equipment, creation of an algorithm system production processes with the invitation of leading technologists and industry practitioners. All work is included in the cost of equipment delivery

INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES ALLOW YOU TO MAKE PRODUCTS OF BETTER QUALITY AND THE ENTERPRISE IS MORE ECONOMICALLY EFFECTIVE Type of product/Type of processing Classic version processing Innovative processing option % Savings in application innovative method 1 Meat, poultry, game, fish (cooking) Combi steamer Low-temperature cooking system for cooking in vacuum bags 20% saving in product weight, 15% saving in marinade and spices 2 Vegetables (cooking) Combi steamer, hotplate boilers Steamer (steamer) 30% saving in energy, in 2 times higher speed, 20% lower water consumption 3 All types of products (cooling) Blast chiller, cooling room/chamber Water Cook&Chill 6 times higher cooling speed. Energy savings - 300% 4Cooking soups Digestive boiler Steam jacketed boiler 2 times higher cooking speed, 50% energy savings 5Cutting vegetables Disc type vegetable cutters Guillotine type vegetable cutters 2 times higher cutting speed 2 times lower energy consumption 6 Defrosting meat and fish Chamber defrosting High-frequency defroster Saving weight loss 20%. Defrosts 100 times faster (5-6 minutes 100 kg). Maintains product quality 7 Washing of premises and equipment Detergents, hand washing Washing with a steam generator and foam generator Saving 100% of detergents when washing large dishes and equipment. Saving 50% of detergents when washing walls and floors 8 Transfer of products from workshop to workshop Trolleys Conveyor Reduction of 8 personnel 9 Packaging equipment Manual packaging in corks Packaging on a conveyor Reduction of personnel by 50%. Reducing the cost of packaging by 20% 10 Packing salads Packing and mixing vrchunu Packing on a dispenser Reduction of 60% of site personnel. Precise dosing. Abuse Protection

EGAIS, “smart cash registers”, new reports - the authorities prepared retail in advance for these and other innovations that came into force in early January. For details about the main changes in the field of trade and public catering, read the article of the St. Petersburg Legal Portal.

Entrepreneurs working in the trade sector will have to spend a lot this year. Starting from January 1, 2016, they need to connect to EGAIS, take care of purchasing new generation cash register equipment, and switch to new sanitary rules. The government, however, gives businesses some concessions by providing deferments of penalties and tax deductions.

Statistical report on trade volumes

() Before February 5, 2016, micro-enterprises in the field of trade must submit a special document to Rosstat “Information on the turnover of retail trade and public catering of a micro-enterprise.” According to the department's order, all trade organizations, including those selling motor vehicles, motorcycles, their components and accessories, and motor fuel, must report using the new form. At the same time individuals those carrying out entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity, do not have to submit such a report. Microorganizations are allowed to transmit statistical information in electronic and paper versions. At the same time, for failure to submit a report, an economic agent faces a fine of 20 to 150 thousand rubles under Article 13.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Commercial property tax reporting and payment

() In 2016, taxpayers who pay property tax based on its cadastral value are required to report to the tax authorities based on the results of the first, second and third quarters of the calendar year. This is provided for by amendments to. At the same time, reporting rules can be canceled by decision of the authorities in each specific subject. Therefore, it is possible that not all entrepreneurs will have to report to the Federal Tax Service every three months. In addition, as previously Federal tax service According to the results of 2016, property tax on real estate for retail and office purposes, calculated on the basis of the cadastral value, will have to be paid not only by the owners of such objects, but also by organizations that own them with the right of economic management.

Sanitary requirements for grocery stores and cafes

() In 2016, Rospotrebnadzor is preparing to introduce new sanitary requirements for trade organizations selling food products. They will replace the still existing Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Trade Organizations, issued in 2001 and revised in 2007. According to , the new standards will become mandatory for all organizations and individual entrepreneurs involved in the sale of food products through shops, warehouses, fairs, markets and other facilities. Moreover, the transition period for their entry into force has not yet been planned. Among the innovations from Rospotrebnadzor is a ban on placing non- food products and food products. A similar requirement will apply to retail establishments: selling food and other goods in the same sales area will be prohibited. In addition, all culinary products will have to be sold in packaging, and food products Vacuum packing will not be allowed. At the same time, a ban is introduced on the sale of eggs in departments where unpackaged ready-to-eat products are located. Another innovation: employees of shops and cafes will no longer be allowed to cut cakes themselves and sell them by the portion. The sanitary and epidemiological standards being discussed also provide for some new requirements for premises where food products are received, stored and sold.

Joining EGAIS

() According to the current version of Law No. 171-FZ on the regulation of the production and turnover of alcohol-containing products, from January 1, 2016, the following must join the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS):
  • organizations producing beer, beer drinks, cider, poire and mead (except for those whose annual production volumes do not exceed 300 thousand decaliters of these products);
  • organizations that purchase, store and supply alcohol and alcohol-containing products;
  • individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer and beer drinks, cider, poiret, mead, as well as alcohol for subsequent retail sale.
[M=134776] To do this, by the beginning of the year, economic agents needed to purchase special technical means of recording and transmitting information. Details about what kind of equipment will allow entrepreneurs to timely and fully report to the state are presented on the official website of the system egais.ru. In connection with the expansion of the list of EGAIS users on the eve of the new year, the government updated the rules for the functioning of this system, and also clarified what information must be transferred to Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Thus, organizations and individual entrepreneurs purchasing beer and beer drinks, cider, poire, mead for their subsequent retail sale are required to provide the following information:
  • information about the taxpayer, including TIN;
  • name, type and code (by classifier) ​​of the purchased product;
  • information contained in the consignment note and (or) international consignment note, a certificate attached to the consignment note or customs declaration;
  • numbers, dates and times of submission of applications for recording in the Unified State Automated Information System information about the organization/individual entrepreneur, about products of each type and name, about the volume of production and turnover of products of each type and name, about documents permitting and accompanying the production and turnover of products;
  • information about the counterparty(s) for the supply and purchase of products (name, taxpayer identification number, address);
  • data on the volume of alcoholic products, established based on the results of the inventory of alcoholic products, including indicating the numbers of federal special stamps and excise stamps applied to labeled alcoholic products;
  • information about write-off of products in case of defects or other reasons.
Since retailers of alcoholic products report only on purchases, and the state wants to improve control over all its turnover, Rosalkogolregulirovanie introduced a new form of journal for recording the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products on January 1, 2016. This document must be completed by organizations and individual entrepreneurs selling beer, cider, poire, mead, alcoholic and/or alcohol-containing products. The journal itself can be kept in paper or electronic form, but information should be entered into it no later than the next day after the sale of each unit of consumer packaging (packaging) or upon opening of the transport container used for the delivery and subsequent bottling of products to the consumer. The deadlines and frequency of submission of this journal have not yet been stated in any legislative act. However, in its clarifications, Rosalkogolregulirovanie clarified that taxpayers should use data from it when filling out “alcohol” declarations, which are submitted quarterly. At the same time, inspectors have the right to control the procedure for maintaining a log of the volume of retail sales of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, as well as to apply sanctions in case of non-compliance with the requirements or the absence of this document. According to Article 14.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, for violation of the procedure for recording the sale of alcoholic beverages officials may be fined 10-15 thousand rubles, and legal entities - 150-200 thousand rubles. [M=135018] As for fines for failure to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System itself, paragraph 4 of Article 2 of Law No. 182-FZ states that individual entrepreneurs and organizations will not be punished for failure to transfer information to it before July 1, 2016. In fact, legislators gave businesses a six-month deferment so that they could get used to the new requirements and learn how to interact with the system. In addition, Rosalkogolregulirovanie states that until March 31, 2016, organizations and individual entrepreneurs will not be fined for the lack of necessary equipment and corresponding software.

New price tag formats

() According to the updated version of the government decree on the rules of sale individual species of goods, the requirements for price tags change. Now, along with traditional paper price tags, stores are allowed to use electronic price tags, including in the form of any visually accessible media - tickers, light displays, stands, slates. At the same time, officials so that during peddling trade the seller (his representative) can present a price list indicating the names and prices of all goods sold.

Share of foreign workers

() At the end of 2015, the government issued a decree limiting the proportion of foreign workers who have the right to work in the trade sector. However, no changes in government policy have been observed. As in 2015, in 2016 the share of foreign workers should not exceed 15% of the total number of workers selling alcoholic beverages (including beer) and tobacco products in specialized stores. Foreign citizens are still prohibited from selling medicines in pharmacies, as well as working in markets and non-stationary retail outlets.

Markets in capital structures

() From January 1, 2016, all agricultural markets and agricultural cooperative markets operating in cities with a population of over 1 million people must “move” into permanent buildings and structures. According to amendments to the law on retail markets, their location in temporary structures has been prohibited since the beginning of this year. In addition, as of January 1, agricultural market managers must equip retail space in compliance with architectural, urban planning and building codes and regulations.

Transition to smart cash registers

() Throughout last year, officials discussed how to most painlessly switch to cash register equipment new generation, equipped with an online transmitter of information about completed transactions. in December on a phased transition to “smart cash registers”, the government recently introduced a bill to the State Duma, according to which in 2016 the installation of devices that transmit information about transactions in real mode will become voluntary. But starting from February 2017, entrepreneurs may be required to install new-style fiscal drives. Also, after a year, they will have to transfer fiscal data to the tax authorities in electronic form through a fiscal data operator. New rules for all economic agents legally required to use cash register systems will become fully operational as of July 1, 2017. [M=135052] And by July 1, 2018, officials are going to make it mandatory for individual entrepreneurs using the patent taxation system to use cash registers. From this date, according to the bill, they will be prohibited from making cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment. The same bill clarifies that the following types of activities will be exempt from the mandatory use of CCP:
  • sale of newspapers and magazines, as well as related products at newsstands, provided that the share of the sale of newspapers and magazines in their turnover is at least 50 percent of the turnover;
  • sale securities;
  • sale of travel documents (tickets) and coupons for travel on city public transport;
  • providing meals to students and employees of educational organizations;
  • trade in markets, fairs, exhibition complexes, as well as in other areas designated for trade, with the exception of retail outlets located here (shops, pavilions, kiosks, tents, auto shops, vans);
  • peddling small retail trade in food and non-food products (with the exception of technically complex goods and food products requiring certain storage and sale conditions) from hand carts, bicycles, baskets, trays;
  • sale of tea products in the approved range in passenger carriages of trains;
  • trade in kiosks of ice cream and soft drinks on tap;
  • trade from tanks in beer, kvass, milk, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene;
  • trade in vegetables and melons was rampant;
  • acceptance of glassware and waste materials from the population, with the exception of scrap metal, precious metals and precious stones;
  • sale of objects of religious worship and religious literature, provision of services for conducting religious rites and ceremonies in religious buildings and on the territories related to them;
  • sale at face value of postage stamps and other signs confirming payment for postal services.
It is possible that during the discussion the deputies will further change the norms proposed by the government. In addition, they will have to legislatively approve the amount of tax deduction to compensate entrepreneurs for the purchase and installation of new cash registers. According to some, it could be 18 thousand rubles. While the authorities are addressing issues related to the spread of “smart cash registers” throughout the country, the government has extended the experiment, within the framework of which data on transactions carried out is transmitted to the tax authorities electronically. According to Resolution N 1402, participants in this project are allowed to use the equipment at their disposal until December 31, 2016 inclusive. Despite some concessions from the state, it will not be easy for entrepreneurs working in the trade sector to do business this year. Their situation will worsen if deputies during the spring-summer session approve new rules for traders, according to which the number of days for payment for delivered goods will be reduced, retro bonuses will be reduced, and control over retail chains will become tougher. It is possible that the authorities will take other “tough” measures - change the hours for the sale of alcohol, ban the sale of cigarettes at certain hours, and abandon 24-hour stores located in premises where apartments were previously located. No matter how events change, readers of the St. Petersburg Legal Portal will learn about them from primary sources.

Recently, the role of innovation in the economy has increased significantly in Russia. Without their use, it is almost impossible to produce competitive products that would have a high degree of novelty. In conditions of market competition, producers of goods or services constantly have to look for ways and means of reducing the costs of producing public catering products and reaching a new level of their sales. Based on this, public catering enterprises that were the first to apply effective innovations in their activities gain a huge advantage over their competitors.

Foreign and domestic experts offer various systems of innovation classifiers. The works of such foreign authors in the field of economics as I. Ansoff, J. Schumpeter and P. Drucker are widely known. In the domestic literature, one can consider innovative classifications proposed by V.V. Gorshkov and E.A. Kretova, A.N. Tsvetkov, A.I. Prigozhin, P.N. Zavlin and A.V. Vasilyev, E.A. Utkin , G.I. Morozova and N.I. Morozova and others.

The most promising area for the development of innovative activities is public catering. This is facilitated by high growth dynamics and qualitative changes in the development of markets for the production of public catering products. The concept of “innovation” means new method the work of the enterprise, a new approach to doing business, the formation of a new style of thinking, which is a condition for the high competitiveness of enterprises in the public catering industry.

Innovative processes in the development of public catering in our country are associated with innovations in the product distribution system, restructuring of the wholesale chain, innovations in retail trade and marketing of relationships with customers. The main directions for the development of innovations in public catering in the Nizhny Novgorod region are:

1) increasing the growth of public catering enterprises to 15% per year;

2) an increase in the number of customers visiting public catering establishments;

3) product innovation is the production and sale of new types of products produced by enterprises, changes in their biochemical composition (synthetic products, genetic engineering, substitutes, etc.);

4) innovations in product production technology - the use of automated equipment, new methods of processing products, which make it possible to reduce the production time of public catering products and increase production efficiency;

5) innovation in the field marketing research. They are widely used to identify customer demand, tastes and needs and are one of the main factors in the development of the catering industry;

6) the emergence on the market or exit of monopoly firms from the public catering industry. Large companies lead to competition between existing businesses in the industry. Many small manufacturers go bankrupt under their pressure, dumping prices and brand;

7) cost changes in manufactured products. With an increase in the cost of raw materials, the price of ready-made meals increases, which leads to a decrease in the share of customers of public catering enterprises. The increase in prices is directly related to unfavorable weather factors in the region, abnormal drought, abnormal increase in ambient temperature, which resulted in a decrease in the percentage of harvest in the region;

8) introduction of new, improved products into sales. This innovation has a positive impact on food service in general. In recent years, the greatest demand has been for more refined and high-quality food products, more expensive varieties of a certain category of products, in particular bread (for example, standard loaves of bread are inferior in demand to new, more expensive products);

9) changes in legislation. This factor pushes weaker participants out of the market, leaving strong, large enterprises trade and public catering, which leads to a decrease in competition;

10) changes in the social situation and quality of life of the region’s population. This indicator has a positive impact on public catering. For example, among young people and in the middle-aged category it is becoming more and more prestigious to meet and spend time in coffee shops, cafes, clubs, which has a beneficial effect on the work and productivity of public catering establishments;

11) reducing uncertainty and risk in business. The foodservice industry currently faces a moderate level of uncertainty and risk. The constant and primary human need for nutrition, as well as compliance with the requirements of fashion and society, reduces the level of risk of illiquidity of manufactured products. The level of risk of rejection increases when business is conducted by non-professionals and amateurs, both in management and in production. Modern management strategies, catering economics, and the emergence of various new services contribute to the stable and high-quality operation of public catering enterprises. The level of risk is proportional to the general economic condition of the country.

The industry's driving forces have negative and positive implications. Negative values:

Changes in the pricing policy of manufactured products;

Changes in the industry under the influence of laws and regulations;

Displacement of small catering establishments by larger monopolies.

The following have a positive effect:

Increasing the growth rate of the catering industry;

Increasing the quantitative composition of buyers;

Implementation of innovations in technological processes production of products;

Production of improved new products;

Reducing risk in business.

Regardless of the results of assessing the attractiveness of the public catering industry, enterprises often have the opportunity to reduce the impact of the negative factor of increasing the cost of the product by changing the range of products, ingredients in dishes and drinks. When large manufacturers enter the market, they determine their own individual policies, find their “client”, as well as a market for their products.

Based on the results of this analysis, positive factors are identified that the enterprise can strengthen in its favor. In the case described above, these are: technological innovation and the overall growth rate of the industry (recovery due to increased demand), which can generally be considered an indicator of the development of the catering industry.

When choosing a direction for your own business, pay attention to business ideas for catering. Many service sectors lose relevance during a crisis, but delicious food, drinks, homemade products always remain in demand.

Catering business ideas 2018

You can open a business and start earning money quickly if you draw up a clear business plan for a catering establishment. Here are some popular business ideas:

  • Production of dumplings, dumplings;
  • Pizzeria or fast food production;
  • Brewing, making kvass, lemonade;
  • Mobile points for the sale of hot drinks in the off-season;
  • Baking pancakes, pancakes, donuts;
  • Hot baked goods.

The catering market is full of supply. Perhaps to create a new unusual enterprise you will need to buy expensive equipment and hire good chefs to prepare original dishes. Originally designed delicious food, quality service and affordable prices will help you quickly get used to it and strengthen your position in the industry.

Social surveys confirm that small, cozy fast food establishments with an unusual interior and original cuisine are popular among middle-income people.

Which idea should you choose?

Sufficient starting capital- an important condition for making a profit. Investments may be small when it comes to delivering food to offices or homes. Large investments will be required if the business develops in several stages. For example, opening a large restaurant, and then a summer area nearby.

Choosing a direction is impossible without marketing research. The number of offers related to the delivery of pizza, sushi, and fast food is simply incredible. However, hot soups, homemade pastries, dumplings or dumplings are no less in demand, and there are not many outlets offering these products, even in large cities.

The costs of organizing a catering establishment include the cost of paying rent, bringing the premises into compliance with sanitary standards, purchasing equipment and hiring staff.

The catering business plan must be drawn up for a specific category and type of enterprise, in accordance with GOST R 50762-2007 “Public catering services”. This allows you to quickly determine the amount of investment required to create the material and technical base of the cafe and collect documents confirming the safety and quality of the products offered.

In this article we will get acquainted with such an area of ​​​​business as retail and catering, touch her too. The most significant of them are:

Necessity and rules of registration statistical reporting regarding the scale of trade;
Reporting and payment rules tax obligations levied on commercial real estate;
Updated requirements of sanitary services aimed at grocery stores and public catering establishments;
Connection to ;
Changes in the rules for issuing price tags for goods;
Innovations regarding the permissible number of employees from other countries;
Rules for owning markets located in capital buildings;
Introduction of innovative cash registers.

So it follows that latest changes in 2016 will mainly be aimed at innovations in reporting, the cash register system for customers, as well as the Unified State Automated Information System, which will become relevant from the first month of the new year. For all entrepreneurs who are involved in retail or catering, this year will bring considerable costs and expenses. Transition to new rules of sanitary services, connection automated system and the purchase of new cash register equipment - all this will lead to quite serious costs. The state will introduce some relaxations that will allow individual entrepreneurs to make the process of implementing changes a little easier. For example, some deferrals of tax deductions will be provided, as well as slightly deferred penalties for failure to make timely payments. Next, we will consider each of these innovations and its features.

Reporting and rules for payment of tax obligations imposed on commercial real estate

Since the beginning of 2016, new rules have been introduced that will affect individual entrepreneurs paying property taxes according to the cadastral value of this property. Now, the need to provide reporting will arise in each quarter of the year, according to the changes that were made to Article 379. It is also said here that the authorities have the right to cancel the rules established for reporting for a particular business entity. That is, it is likely that this innovation will not affect all individual entrepreneurs. In addition, according to the approved changes in legislation, the payment of property tax now applies not only to its owners, but also to those who have economic ownership rights to the property. This applies to all areas that are used as retail or office premises.

Updated requirements of sanitary services aimed at grocery stores and public catering establishments

This year, sanitary services are also introducing new conditions for those whose business is retail trade or catering. If now these areas of business activity are guided by the guidelines that were introduced in 2001 and adjusted in 2007, then from 2016 they will change. These changes will affect absolutely all individual entrepreneurs whose activities involve selling products through any retail outlets, be they kiosks, shops, market or fair sales points. Exactly how long it will take for entrepreneurs to reorient their activities, in accordance with the new laws of sanitary services, has not yet been precisely determined. So, what changes is Rospotrebnadzor preparing?

It will not be possible to store both food products and non-food products in the same room;
Changes in trade also include a ban on the sale of food and non-food products in the territory of one department or trading floor;
In order to sell culinary products, they will need to be packaged before sale;
A ban is introduced on the sale of food group products that were packaged using a vacuum apparatus;
If a department contains ready-made public food for sale, then the sale of eggs is not allowed in this department;
Employees of retail outlets, as well as employees of restaurants and cafes will no longer be able to sell cakes in portions, cutting and packaging them themselves;
A number of changes will also be introduced regarding the necessary sanitary standards for places of storage, receipt and sale of food products.

Connection to EGAIS

From 2016, all enterprises that are engaged in the production and sale of certain groups of alcoholic products and have an income exceeding 300 thousand rubles will have to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System. Such enterprises include:

Manufacturers of beer drinks and beer;
Producers of cider, poiret, and mead;
Businesses that purchase, store or supply alcoholic beverages or beverages that contain a percentage of alcohol;
Individual entrepreneurs who buy beer or other alcoholic beverages for the purpose of their further sale at retail.

Scheme of working with EGAIS:

In order to ensure the operation of EGAIS, it is necessary to purchase a number of technical means, which will be used for subsequent data transfer and product control. Each individual entrepreneur can visit the official website egais.ru, where he can familiarize himself with the list of necessary technical devices that changes in trade oblige him to purchase. Since after the innovation the EGAIS customer base will increase significantly, government agencies updated and improved it specifically for the beginning of that year. Also, on the website you can find all the information about what reports and data will need to be sent to the Rosalkogolregulatory authorities. For entrepreneurs whose companies purchase beer drinks, beer or mead and cider, the list of information required by the authorities must contain the following data:

Information about the citizen who pays taxes: his identification number, the name of the individual entrepreneur, as well as the type of activity and code of the product he buys, according to the classifiers;
Data that is present in the consignment note of a commodity transport or international transport nature, or in the certificates that are attached to them or to customs declarations;
Information about all application numbers, as well as the dates and times when they were recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System;
Data of an individual entrepreneur or the enterprise itself;
Information about what products were ordered along with their names;
Calculations regarding the turnover of each type of product, indicating its type and name;
All documents that give permission for the production, purchase and sale of alcoholic products;
Changes in trade also include the need to provide information about the counterparties with whom the individual entrepreneur cooperates when purchasing products, which must contain their identification numbers, addresses and names or personal data;
It is also necessary to provide data on how many products were purchased, as well as what quantity was established after the inventory. Here you need to indicate the numbers of excise stamps of goods, the federal stamp, which are always present on those alcoholic products that are marked;
If any product arrives defective or is not suitable for sale, it is necessary to inform the authorities that it has been written off and indicate the reasons.

Also from the first day of this year will come into force new logging rules, in which individual entrepreneurs will keep records retail sales alcoholic products. The authorities made this decision based on the fact that retail trade in alcoholic beverages is controlled only through purchasing records, which complicates the control itself. A new type of control log will need to be submitted to each individual entrepreneur who sells products containing alcohol. There are no specific requirements for the method of maintaining this journal: it can be either paper or electronic. But after the sale of each unit, it will be necessary to enter data into it. Moreover, this should be done no later than the next day from the date of sale, as well as after the delivery has been received and opened, which will subsequently be used for bottling to customers. There are currently no specific dates set for when this document must be submitted to the control authorities, but Rosalkogolregulirovanie clarified that this data must be taken into account and used to fill out alcohol declarations, and they are submitted every quarter. At the same time, tax inspectors have the right to exercise control over documentation describing the retail trade of a particular individual entrepreneur. If the record keeping log is missing at the point of sale or it is not kept according to the rules, then the inspector has the right to apply sanctions to to this enterprise. For a legal entity this will be a fine of up to two hundred thousand rubles, and for an individual - up to fifteen thousand. Such a violation is prescribed in Article 14.19, as a violation of the rules for controlling the sale of alcoholic beverages. Because unified state automated information system(EGAIS) is mandatory for connection; failure to do so will also result in a fine. But due to a number of innovations and additional costs, the state postponed the need for connection for six months, which means that until the first of July, individual entrepreneurs have time to purchase the necessary technological resources, as well as learn how to use the system. If you believe the latest information, then until March the absence of EGAIS for an entrepreneur will definitely not be subject to fines, but what will happen next is not yet known.

Changing the rules for issuing price tags for goods

From 2016, new formats will be introduced for the design of price tags on certain groups of goods. This is indicated in the new version of the legislation and government decrees that regulate retail trade. Now an individual entrepreneur will not be able to limit himself to just a paper price tag placed on goods. It will be necessary to install additional electronic information media. What exactly they should be does not matter - here the entrepreneur is given the right to choose. These can be tickers, stands or boards with prices written on them in chalk, as well as any other means of providing information. For those whose retail business is peddling, there are also a few new additions. For example, a person who delivers goods must have a price list with him, which will indicate the names of each product and their cost.

Innovations regarding the permissible number of employees from other countries

From 2016, the number of employees who are not citizens of our country will be limited. The restriction will remain the same as it was last year: an individual entrepreneur cannot employ more than fifteen percent of foreign citizens in an enterprise whose activities include the sale of alcoholic beverages. Such changes are also present in the trade of cigarettes and tobacco products. It is worth recalling that persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation are not allowed to work in the sale of drugs and medicines, at market outlets and non-stationary retail outlets.

Rules for owning markets located in capital buildings

Since the beginning of this year, market trading platforms agricultural type, whose activities are carried out in cities with a population of over a million, can only be organized in capital-type buildings. Changes in trade, according to the adopted amendments to the laws on retail bazaars, indicate a ban on their operation in any other locations except permanent buildings. Also, from the first day of this year, all entrepreneurs who own an agricultural goods market must re-equip it so that architectural standards, urban planning standards, and building regulations are met.

Introduction of innovative cash registers

Quite a lot of talk and gossip in the government was caused by the issue of installing new cash registers for entrepreneurs who carry out retail trade and public catering. The authorities tried to think through how to carry out the transition and at the same time not cause significant damage to employees of small and medium-sized businesses, because the costs are quite large. The new cash registers have a number of positive qualities, such as the ability to immediately send information about what operations have been carried out using an online transmitter. In December last year, it was said that public catering and retail have the right to switch to the use of this equipment sequentially, and more recently an amendment was made that in 2016 the transition to the use of new cash registers will be carried out if the individual entrepreneur is able and willing. Nose February 2017 the use of new cash desks may become a mandatory condition of work for individual entrepreneurs. In addition, from the same time it is planned to introduce the transfer of fiscal information to the tax office using electronic forms and operators of fiscal information. For entrepreneurs who provide catering and retail sales of goods, the mandatory use of new cash registers is scheduled for July 1, 2017. And a year later, those individual entrepreneurs will join the obligatory users of the new type of cash registers. Which operate on the basis of a patent taxation system. From the same time, there will be a ban on carrying out settlement transactions using bank cards or cash, without using a new type of cash register. However, according to the amendments, some types of activities will still receive an exemption from these requirements. These will be the following:

Sales of magazines, newspapers and other products offered by press kiosks, but only if more than half of their sales volume consists of newspapers or magazines;
Sale of securities;
Sale of tickets for travel in transport that travels around the city, as well as travel cards and coupons;
Catering for employees of educational institutions, as well as for pupils and students of these institutions;
Sale of goods at fairs, exhibitions, markets and other places that are intended for the sale of goods, but this does not mean shops, stalls, tents or trade pavilions;
Sale of goods from the small retail group, which is carried out using wheelbarrows, carts, trays and other methods of distribution. But it should be borne in mind that this does not mean trade in those groups of goods that require certain efforts to store and sell them, and are also technically complex;
Sales of tea and coffee, in accordance with established rules and assortment, in passenger transport carriages;
Sale of ice cream and drinks that do not contain alcohol, on tap, in stalls;
Sales of beer, milk or kvass from barrels, as well as sale of fish or kerosene from a special tank;
Sale of vegetables, fruits, melons for sale;
Reception of glass containers or other raw materials for disposal from the public. This does not apply to precious stones or metals, or to the acceptance of scrap metal;
Sale of goods that are related to religion or literature that is devoted to this topic;
Carrying out various rituals of religion, ceremonies that are related to this kind of rituals;
Sales of stamps and other postal signs that are necessary to confirm payment for postal services.

It is likely that some other changes will be introduced in this part of the innovation, and there is still a need to approve the volume of tax deductions. After all, they should be minimal in order to compensate the individual entrepreneur for the costs that they will incur when installing the necessary software. According to some information, it is likely that the deduction will be around eighteen thousand, but this is not reliable information. At the moment, the authorities are considering how to transfer all retail workers, as well as catering workers, to new system cash accounting. At the moment, it has been finally decided that the experiment on transmitting information about completed transactions electronically will continue. This will allow everyone who takes part in it to use the same cash register equipment until the end of this year.

Although the authorities tried to help as much as possible individual entrepreneurs, all these innovations will cause serious material damage to them. There is also another package of amendments that will be considered closer to the summer. It includes such items as reducing the permissible number of days in which it is possible to pay for a received shipment of goods, reducing some bonuses and tightening control over sales employees. More stringent introductions are also possible, for example, changing the permissible hours for the sale of alcohol and tobacco products, abandoning stores that operate 24 hours a day on the territory of former residential apartments, and much more. Retail trade and catering will incur quite large costs, latest changes in 2016 are very large-scale and costly for these industries.



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