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An interesting scenario for the autumn ball for high school students. Competitions for the autumn ball for high school students are funny

Guests and participants of the holiday are greeted by buffoons. Participants in the stage action are smartly dressed. Everyone has some sign of autumn on their clothes, a leaf is drawn, etc.

Buffoons: (speaking in turns)
Come in, honest people,
Autumn is calling you to visit.
Games, laughter and jokes await you
Don't waste a minute.
Games, competitions, miracles of miracles!
Hurry up everyone! Time is running out!
Hey, friends, girlfriends and buddies!
Everyone should definitely play.
Spectators, cheer more actively,
Just don’t take validol.
Get ready, people.
A lot of songs, jokes,
Yes, funny jokes.

The music is playing - the calm, slightly sad melody of “Autumn Waltz”. Gradually it calms down. The presenters come out.

1 presenter.

It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...

This is how A.S. once expressed his admiration for the autumn nature. Pushkin. And I wanted to express my feelings precisely with these words of the great poet.

2 presenter.

And I would like to continue with the words of another famous Russian writer and poet Ivan Alekseevich Bunin:

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, through the windows.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And autumn with calm waters
Enters his motley mansion.

3 presenter.

Autumn... The golden time of the year, striking with the richness of flowers, fruits, and a fantastic combination of colors: from bright, eye-catching to blurry-transparent halftones. Agree that early autumn is truly charming.

4 presenter.

But it’s true, look around, take a closer look: the foliage sparkles like forged gold, multi-colored lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums flash brightly, rowan berries freeze on the trees with droplets of blood, and the bottomless autumn sky surprises with the abundance and brightness of the stars scattered across the sky. It is not for nothing that the theme of autumn is heard in the works of many writers, poets, artists, and composers.

1 presenter.

Sad October holds out its business card, where the lines of the brilliant Russian poet are written in colorless ink of fog. And immediately I involuntarily remember Pushkin’s lines:

There is a short but wonderful time in the original autumn.
The whole day is like crystal and the evenings are radiant...

2 presenter.

It’s autumn outside now... And how A.S. loved autumn. Pushkin!

(Sketch “Pushkin’s Thoughts”. There is a small table on the stage, a candle is lit. A participant in the holiday in a suit, top hat, with sideburns depicts A.S. Pushkin working on his next literary work. In his hand is a quill pen, on the table is an inkwell and a volume of poetry ).

Pushkin: Autumn is coming. This is my favorite time, my health usually gets better, the time for my literary works is coming.

And every autumn I bloom again;
The Russian cold is good for my health;
I again feel love for the habits of being;
One by one sleep flies away, one by one hunger comes...

3 presenter.

Pushkin's autumn is a symbol of creative flourishing, the personification of the time of the best human achievements...

4 presenter.

We call it differently: cold, golden, generous, rainy, sad. But be that as it may, autumn is a wonderful time of year, it is the time of harvesting, summing up the results of field work, and the beginning of school. And these are fun fall birthdays too! We ask all autumn birthday people, those born in September, October, November, to come up to the stage. Let's welcome them! A song as a gift for... (The buffoons list by name all the birthday people gathered at the holiday).


When guests come to someone's birthday party, they always sing a song for the birthday person. For example, “The Song of Gena the Crocodile,” which begins with the words “Let the pedestrians run clumsily...”. Dear viewers, imagine that it is not girls and boys who celebrate their birthday, but some animal. And his relatives came to him. Show how they would perform the song if they don't know how to speak words. But they don’t know how to speak because they…(crows; wolves; frogs; goats; chickens and roosters…).

1 presenter.

Popular wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.”

2 presenter.

So let beautiful music sound on this autumn day and unbridled cheerful laughter flow like a river.

3 presenter.

Let your legs never get tired while dancing.

4 presenter.

May your fun never end!

All presenters: we are opening our festive Autumn Ball.

1 presenter. Now let's take the oath of the Autumn Ball participants.

All. We swear!

2 presenter. Having fun from the heart!

All. We swear!

3 presenter. Dance until you drop!

All. We swear!

4 presenter. Laugh and joke!

All. We swear!

1 presenter. Participate and win in all competitions.

All. We swear!

2 presenter. Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.

All. We swear! We swear! We swear!

3 presenter. We talked for a long time, but completely forgot that we had to dance at the ball. Maestro, music!

The dance is a joke.

(Performed only by young men in Russian folk costumes)

I. Russian folk music is playing.

The first girl dances in a long sundress and beautiful shoes.

The second girl dances in a long sundress and beautiful boots.

The third girl dances in a long sundress and large men's boots for fishing.

II. The first girl dances in a long sundress and beautiful shoes. She then takes off the shoe and throws it off stage. A good fellow comes out with a shoe in his hands. They dance together.

The second girl dances in a long sundress and beautiful boots. Then she takes off her boot and throws it off stage. “Two people with identical faces come out of the casket” with a boot in their hands. They dance together.

The third girl dances in a long sundress and large men's boots for fishing. She envies her friends, gets angry, takes off her boot and throws her off stage. She dances, waits... then she takes off her second boot and throws it off stage. Dancing, waiting...

III. A happy, kind fellow comes out in her boots. She is offended, turns away, and the young man dances a modern break dance.

The beauty's heart is conquered. All three couples dance together.

Fairy tale (based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”).

Presenter: Days and nights fly by
The boy grew up in the shape of a barrel
The wind blows across the sea
And the boat speeds up.

(The shipbuilders bring onto the stage a basin of water in which a paper boat floats. One participant imitates the wind - it blows, urging the ship on).

Tsar: How is it there, overseas? Isn't it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
Presenter: Shipmen in response:

There are no more leaves anywhere,
The sun began to shine less
Autumn has arrived.
An island lies on the sea,
Our school is there.
And humanists live there,
Activists and artists.
Presenter: They only spoke for nothing,
But the guests were not surprised.
And everyone already wants to sleep
We need to dance urgently. (Dance with umbrellas)

(Football players appear on the stage with balls in their hands, and one of the biggest ones is wearing knee pads and on roller skates. They make a lap of honor to the anthem of the football club).

Presenter: Tsar Saltan - dash sclerosis
He asks the question again.

(Music from the program “What? Where? When?”)

Dear experts, the question is asked by the school director Olga Mikhailovna from the village of Vesely.
And attention - the question: “When will they wear school uniforms?”

Presenter: Shipmen in response
Shipbuilders: We have traveled all over the world.
What a miracle it is at school:
They have uniforms at school
That you can't take your eyes off
But not everyone understands that
And they sneeze on that uniform...... (show of school anti-fashion)
Schoolboy: We didn’t wear it and we don’t wear it
At least autumn has already arrived!
(The vocal group “POSITIVE” performs the song “Autumn Jazz”).
Buffoons: We have a wonderful autumn
Let's start our dance class
We invite everyone to the stage
And we reward you for dancing.

(Dance class: on stage, buffoons show rhythmic dance movements; those who want to take part in the competition repeat the movements to the music. The winners are awarded delicious gifts of autumn - apples, pears, etc.).

Competitions and disco

Buffoons: Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!
So as not to get bored at all
Hurry up to please the world
The leaf fall king announces a tournament.

Competition 1. “Running in galoshes.”

Buffoons: Wonderful autumn has arrived
How cold has it gotten?
We won't freeze at all
Let's sing better songs.
Competition 2. “Can you sing.”
Buffoons: Tell me my light, mirror,
Tell me the whole truth
Am I the sweetest in the world,
All blush and whiter...
Competition 3. “Say my light, mirror.”


Everyone has been familiar with a line from a poem by A.S. since childhood. Pushkin: “There are traces of unprecedented animals on unknown paths...”. But no one has ever seen these tracks. It can be assumed that next to the traces of unprecedented animals there were also traces of evil spirits. Imagine and depict (draw) what the footprints look like: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Koshchei the Immortal, Leshy, Kikimora.

Competition 4. “Traces of evil spirits.”


Almost all birds can fly, but they fly in different ways. The beauty and speed of a bird's flight depends on its size, its wingspan, and the shape of its wing. Try to imagine how a swallow, a crane, a hawk, a duck, a hummingbird fly.

Competition 5. “Flight of birds”.

The winners of each competition are awarded delicious gifts of autumn - apples, pears, etc.

Buffoons: We announce a fun party (disco) for everyone at the end.

Early autumn is a bright time, inspiring poets to write heartfelt lines. But after gentle September comes slushy October and dank November. Nature is preparing for rest: the days are getting shorter, and the sky is overcast with gray clouds. Students sit at their desks, sadly remembering the sunny days of summer. It's time to hold an interesting event called "Autumn Ball" or "Autumn Symphony", the decoration of which can be school scenes about autumn.

"Yeralash" to help

If the school does not have a drama club, the skits can be taken ready-made - from the children's "Jumble", for example. Most children do not have acting talent, but they can imitate remarkably well. This is not bad: to become a master, you first need to master the craft. Viewers will be doubly interested: they will be able to enjoy not only the funny plot, but also the transformation of their classmates. In many issues children's magazine The beginning of the school year and autumn chores are perfectly shown. You can use early stories that have not been shown on television for a long time.

Autumn is the time for hiking in the forest and picking mushrooms. Do the guys know how to collect them? “Mushrooms” - a sketch about autumn. they will be happy to role-play her, and the audience, represented by parents and classmates, will laugh at the unlucky hero.


A boy in the forest collects mushrooms with exclamations: “Well, wow!”, “But here’s a whole family!” In a few minutes, the basket is completely filled with the gifts of the forest. Tired, he walks, leaning on a stick, towards the stop. Two girls his age are waiting for the bus. They look at each other slyly and talk to each other.

First girl: Wow! I picked up some toadstools.

Second girl: And why does he need them?

Boy (thinks and asks with interest): Are you local? Do you understand about mushrooms?

Both girls (almost in unison): Certainly! We are from this village, we can help.

The boy hands them a basket, and the girls, one after another, throw all the mushrooms onto the ground with the words: “Oh, toadstool!”, “And one more!” The bus is coming. The boy pours the remaining mushrooms onto the ground and jumps onto the step with the empty container. The bus is leaving. The girls pull out baskets from the bushes and begin to collect scattered mushrooms.

First girl: Wow! How lucky!

Second girl: Yeah! Another naive one!

A skit about autumn is funny if the children manage to convey the intrigue after the heroes of “Jumble”.

Fairy tales

The amazing role of fairy tales. Why?

  • This is the easiest way to experience life.
  • Through the relationships of the characters, children learn what friendship, deception, meanness, and love are.
  • There are no halftones in fairy tales: the hero is either positive or negative, which is easier to understand.
  • The total victory of good instills confidence in children.
  • Belief in the good becomes the main principle of life.
  • Through fairy tales, children learn the wisdom of centuries.

Therefore, it’s very cool if a fairy tale is a scene about autumn. Primary school- that period when it is through allegory that it is easier to convey educational points to children. For a fall event, a traditional piece can be remade for added interest.



We open the curtain.

Once. And two. And three!

New one about turnips

Look at the fairy tale.

One day in spring

Our grandfather has not forgotten

And in the garden

I planted a turnip.

Autumn has come.

Harvest harvest

All your family

Grandpa started calling.

Grandfather (grandmother):

Dear wife,

Come out and help.

The turnip was born

It's like it's inside.


What are you doing, grandpa?

Did something fall from an oak tree?

I should dig in the ground

Manicure was in the way!

I'm also now

I'm in a hurry to get a massage.

Granddaughter is on the Internet.

I'm leaving!


Grandfather bravely

He's calling his granddaughter.

And in response he hears...


The number will not work!

I still need lessons

Do it for two hours.

Sadness set in

There's a streak in life!

Well, Bug will have to

I'll call you instead.


Why do I need a turnip?

It's time for me to go for a walk!

Well, all that's left is Murka

Just ask.


And I want to sleep,

How could you forget?

Concerts at night

I love to give.

And now I need

Lie down for an hour or two!


And alone left

Our grandfather was sad.

Even about a mouse

Out of grief, he forgot.

And that rodent is small

He took it and ran.


What happened, grandpa?

Did I hear, emergency?

You and I are great

We can handle it together.

The song "Hey, let's whoop!"

We'll sing now.

(They pulled out the turnip and found a bag).



What kind of nonsense is this?

Look, a bag of gold!

This is a miracle garden!

A skit for schoolchildren about autumn will be interesting for children of any age if it has an unexpected ending. The following ending is proposed:

We are now, my little mouse,

Let's live together with you!

(Everyone is running after grandfather).

All in chorus:

Forgive us grandpa

This is all for the last time.

Let us start life again

We will help you spend it!


Grandfather forgave

Yes, only him

I took all the money...

To the orphanage!

The scene about autumn is dedicated to the theme of the harvest, so it will be relevant at any autumn event.

For middle management

Autumn is the beginning of the school year. The guys met with classmates after the holidays, so it is very important to talk about friendship at the holiday. In the proposed scene “In autumn forest"A completely unexpected ending. Costume performances are interesting for younger teenagers, so the mini-play is based on an allegory that will require dressing up. The costumes should not completely match the image; just a hint is needed, which will make the viewing more interesting. At first glance, the scene about autumn does not look funny, but rather philosophical. Here the right mood will be created by the acting, in which there is no tragedy. Some pathos in the voice and detachment will cause positive emotions and a smile. And the final scene will do the rest.

For a mini-play, three characters are needed: a presenter and two wolves - a wise old man and a young leader. In a mass scene, several participants act as a pack.

"In the autumn forest"

Leading: The old wolf, the leader of the pack, on a slushy autumn morning did not feel the strength to lead others on a hunt. He nominated a young leader, remaining in the thicket in anticipation of prey.

Young leader: Don't be sad, we won't return empty-handed in the morning.

Leading: Morning came, and the elder saw a flock descending from the hillock. The wolves were with prey, but with bloody muzzles and paws.

Elder: What's happened? You're all covered in blood!

Young leader: We met seven hunters, fought with them and won, wisest one.

Elder: Well... now you can replace me in everything. Tomorrow you will lead the pack again.

Leading: In the evening, the flock went hunting again, and the old man waited for the wolves in the forest. The next morning he saw one young leader descending from the hill without prey. His whole face was covered in blood.

Elder: What happened, where is the pack?

Young leader: The pack is no more, oh wisest one! We ran into people again!

Elder: And how many were there?

Young leader: Three!

Elder: How so? Yesterday there were seven hunters, but you were able to defeat them. And today there are only three, but the whole flock died! Were they armed with a gun?

Young leader: No, they had no weapons at all. Three schoolchildren collected a herbarium. But they turned out to be... friends!

This is a very unpredictable scene about autumn. The funny ending in no way detracts from the important content it conveys.

For high school

School years are a wonderful period. This is not only a time of academic success and failure, but also the experience of disagreements with teachers, finding friends and falling in love for the first time. Textbooks and notebooks, lessons and breaks, homework and school holidays - this is the fabric from which school life is woven. In high school, educational and professional activities come first, but students are especially sensitive to activities that allow them to reveal their other talents and express themselves in front of the opposite sex. The autumn ball is one of the most beautiful holidays, where the queen of the ball is chosen and the guys show their dancing skills. Therefore, a skit about autumn would be appropriate, switching the participants to the musical part of the holiday.

If you have creative high school students, you can write the script yourself. The main thing is to have a team of those who will feel confident on stage and will be able to dilute the anxiety of the participants various competitions, adding a positive mood. An example would be a scenario called “Autumn Syndrome.” This is a universal skit that can be shown to both parents and younger children.

Skits about autumn for high school students: “Autumn Syndrome”

Participants: two doctors and a patient - a high school student.

First doctor: How are you?

Second doctor: The student was admitted here alone, diagnosed with “Autumn Syndrome.” I just can't figure it out...

First: I understand...Is your body aching?

Second: No... this one has the blues.

First: I quickly cured one of these. I turned on Malakhov’s program right in the ward, and after the second one he began asking to go home. He says: better autumn slush than a brain explosion.

Second: The method is not bad, but my patient, I suspect, won’t even look at the screen.

First: Well then universal remedy- castor oil...

Second: I tried it. It helps, but not for long.

First: What about sweets?

Second: He fed me chocolates.

First: Well, where is he? ( The orderlies take out a patient who is muttering poetry about autumn...) Listen, maybe he should have some Rastishki?

(The scene about autumn will be funny if the patient manages to play apathy).

Second: If only you mix mustard in there.

Patient: And it doesn’t matter to me: with or without mustard...

First: Did you give him toys?

Patient: I haven't played since the tenth grade...

Second: Maybe try Rammstein? A strong remedy. ( Music is playing. The patient gets scared and hides behind a chair).

First: ABOUT! At least he reacts. He needs music. Just have fun. ( Cheerful music sounds. Everyone starts dancing).

Second: This is the medicine he should be prescribed. For every day!

If you need a short sketch about autumn

There are situations when you need a very small miniature on the theme of autumn (KVN, humor evening). It should be fun and original, so more important than the content are those ideas that can make you want to improvise. We can offer:

  • The creative process of writing an autumn poem... A. S. Pushkin.
  • An unexpected meeting in the autumn forest with talking leaves, animals, trees.
  • I will meet with an alien who needs to explain what autumn is.
  • Writing from life.
  • School scenes in September days.

Roll call in a class where half the students are missing is a scene about autumn. The funny situation is based on the fact that high school students will not get involved in the educational process.

Teacher: Ivanov?

Answer from class: And he was exempted from exams, why should he go to school?

Teacher: Petrov?

Answer from class: And he had a headache, so he went to the first aid station. And Sidorov, Popov, Gorokhov, Nikolaev and Vertushkin took him there.

Events are very important, and funny skits will help overcome that slight blues that everyone experiences on cloudy days.

We offer our own version of what exactly the scenario of an autumn ball for high school students with competitions could be. Of course, special attention is paid to competitions. After all, such a ball is not a matinee for children, but an opportunity for high school students to have fun and spend an unusual time.

The guys should be warned in advance that according to the scenario it is important that they dress smartly. You should prepare in advance a piece of paper, cut in the shape of a maple leaf, on which the number will be written. Distributing leaves to high school students to attach to their clothes is an important symbol of autumn. The leaves should be in equal quantities of maple, oak and birch. The scenario below will make it clear exactly why such a division is needed. On the eve of winter, you can hold a competition about...

Presenter: Autumn is a dull time, but it is a charming time. We like its beauty, and the magnificent decline of nature always makes us admire these processes. Even Pushkin wrote about this in slightly different words.

Presenter: The words of another famous Russian poet, Bunin, come to mind. In his poems, he called autumn colorful, mentioned lilac and crimson, golden colors. The leaves are so bright that they become a colorful wall in front of a person.

Host: No matter who says what or how, it is clear that autumn is the golden time of the year. This is indicated not only by the crowns of trees, but by a large number of flowers and fruits.

Presenter: This is really so, it’s worth looking around to understand how bright everything is now and, despite the death of nature, positive. These include bright lanterns of asters and chrysanthemums, bright bunches of rowan berries, and a bottomless blue sky.

Host: After bright September comes October. It already takes away some of the colors from nature, but all the same, forests and fields, gardens continue to delight. Although, towards the end of the month a cold breeze appears, which gradually removes the leaves from the trees. In November the first frosts arrive, and in the morning the puddles are already covered with a crust of ice...

Presenter: It’s autumn outside and it doesn’t matter what they call it. It's a wonderful time of year, the start of the school year. By the way, it is precisely this event that we are going to celebrate today in this beautiful and elegant hall.

Both presenters: Let our festive autumn ball be considered open.

Presenter: I would like to provide the solemn right to cut the ribbon for the opening of the ball (to choose a person for this part of the holiday).

Presenter: Now you can move on from words to action and begin the competition program. We propose to make sure that today we have three teams. You can determine who is on which team by looking at the pieces of paper that are attached to your clothes. This is a team of maple, birch and oak leaves. Please take a seat at your tables.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this is not just a funny scenario for an autumn ball for high school students with competitions, but also an intellectual one. Contests are aimed at both entertainment and improving students' knowledge.

The first contest "Cheerful Greeting"

As soon as people in different countries They don’t greet each other: in some places a nod is enough to show respect, but in others you must kiss. We will focus on this option as a handshake.

When the music starts, you just need to walk around the hall. As soon as the music stops, you urgently need to find a mate and stand next to you. Next, the presenter will name the part of the body that needs to be greeted in this version of the greeting. As soon as the music starts playing again, you should start moving around the hall again. From this competition, high school students will understand that you can greet not only with your hands, but also with your ears, little fingers, and even your legs, foreheads, feet, and backs.

Second competition "Who's Hungry"

Each team will need to invite two people to participate in this competition. The first participant must eat the apple on the plate, but not take it with his hands. The second participant, without using his hands, must eat all the cornflakes from a flat plate as quickly as possible.

Third competition "North Pole"

It will be necessary to call one person from each team to participate in the competition. This man is going to the North Pole, where it is cold and deserted. The team has a minute to get ready. Everyone must put some item of clothing on the participant to equip him for the expedition.
Clothes must be taken off directly. Those who dress their pioneer the warmest will win.

Fourth competition “Water Lovers”

Participants from the team are again invited, this time three people from each table. You will need to quickly drink one and a half liters of water, but you can only drink it using a straw. You can change within the framework of the three people who come out to take part in the competition.

Fifth competition “Hard foreheads”

You need to call two people from each team. They will have to touch their foreheads, between which there will be a napkin. The participants' task is to wipe a hole in the napkin without using their hands.

Autumn ball in high school


Target: nurturing love for beauty, for nature, for the Motherland, the development of aesthetic

taste, feelings of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun and have fun.

All classes take part in the event, one class - one team.


Pupil 1 Pupil 2 Queen Autumn Patient

Slush (galoshes, umbrella) Kholodryga Doctor 1 Doctor 2


For Cold and Slush: suit, fan, spray bottle, “Runny nose”, “Chiaunty”, 2 trays of candies, vanillin or ground pepper, saucer, glass

For the competition “Autumn Jewelry”: pasta, rose hips, rowan, chokeberry, threads, needles, small tree leaves

For the "Guess What's in the Basket" competition: basket, apple, cucumber, carrot, wheat


For the skit “How to deal with the autumn blues?”: 2 medical gowns, castor oil,

candy, "rastishka", mustard, toy

For the Queen of Autumn: red ribbon/red tape

Tray, leaves with couples names

Balloons (3 x 5 pcs)

10 cardboards (2 x 5)


Musical arrangement:

    Song “Autumn” by the group “Lyceum” 4:25

    Sound of wind, blizzard 1:03

    REP 1:23

    Music for girls coming out (competition “Queen of Autumn”) 1:00

    Music for the “Find a Pair” competition (after the “Autumn Jewelry” competition) 4:53

6 . Waltz. Autumn leaf fall. V. Kharlamov. 3:48

    DJ_Vint_-_5. For the competition 3:26

    ROCK 4:48

    Barbariki 2:54

    DJAntoinefeatMisha(competition “Inflate the balloon”) 00:47

    Song “Autumn Ball” performed by Igor Yasny 3:48


    There's a song playing AUTUMN (gr. LYCEUM)

Student 1: Autumn! I love this time of year! Holiday of gold and crimson!

(boy) Blue noisy weather, clarity of the inevitable end

Student 2: And again, the autumn portrait of nature hangs in the living room

(girl) To the sounds of the crane's song, to the golden light of the leaves!

Student 1:The golden leaves are swirling! In the dance of autumn the leaves flutter,
Our sad, thoughtful garden falls asleep to the tunes of rain!
Student 2: The wet forest stands in the gilding and freezes in the chilly wind.
Autumn gives us so many miracles! This only happens in the fall!

Student 1: Good evening, dear guests of our autumn ball.
Student 2: A ball in the 21st century, you must admit, sounds unfashionable and is not popular,

so let's call our program “Autumn Disaster.” You

Do you agree, friends? ... That's good.
Student 1: But we should preserve the old traditions of autumn balls and solemnly

open our evening!

Student 2: I completely agree with you, and allow me

say these beautiful words.

Autumn invited us to her ball today
So that no one is late, Autumn asked.
And here we are, the hall sparkles, our faces are warm,
The time has come to open our ball and dance.

Student 1: But where is Autumn? What if she forgot the way to us?

Maybe she was a little slow with things to do?

Let's call Autumn, let's all say together:
"We're going to the ball for you, Autumn, We’re waiting!”

2. The phonogram sounds blizzards.

Covered with a blanket of leaves crawl onto the stage Slush And Kholodryga.

Slush: (stretching) I'm dreaming, or it seems to me...(pinches himself) no, it doesn't seem

autumn is in full swing. Hey, Kholodryga, wake up!
Kholodryga: Brrr! Why are you shouting, neighbor!
Slush: Wake up, Autumn has come!

3. Sounds like rap

As soon as autumn comes, our turn comes, and Slush and Kholodryga advance.
But no one is waiting for us, but, on the contrary, we are always scolded and scolded.

Slush: I am Slush, I am around in galoshes and with an umbrella,

I wander through the puddles, catching up on the dampness.
Kholodryga: And Kholodryga is a friend, he keeps running around, spreading the cold at all passers-by.

Listen, Slush, where are we with you?

To a ball or something? Maybe we were called here?
Slush: What are you, Kholodryga, what are you!(sneezes)

No matter how many years I have lived in the world, no one has ever invited me to visit.
Kholodryga: And they don’t really like me, Kholodryga either. Well, since they didn't call us,

they will regret it. We will ruin the whole ball for THEM.
Slush: (whines) So they were invited(points to the hall ) , but you and I are NOT!
Kholodryga: Phew, what a mess I made! Don't cry, it's cold without you, better come on

Let's think about how to teach these people a lesson so that they don't become arrogant!
Slush: I came up with an idea! Now we will bewitch all the guests, and they will fall asleep, and we ourselves will receive a golden

Let's turn autumn into a cold and rainy one.

Kholodryga: Brrr!
Slush: Now I'll spread the slush on a platter

(dilutes water on a saucer, pours it into a spray bottle) Kholodryga: Hooray! It worked! Well, hold on, now I'll freeze you!

(runs with a fan, and Slush splashes water)

Slush: I also have candy.
Kholodryga : (reads ) Sneakers.
Slush : You're a Snickers yourself! And this is “Runny nose!”
Kholodryga : (reads) Ba-un-ti!
Slush: Not a bounty, but a “Chiaunty”, hand out candy!(run around and hand out candy)

4. a melody sounds (Music for the release of class teams in the fall), the Queens of Autumn enter the hall with their teams)

Kholodryga: Oh, I’m afraid of the Autumn Queen, I’d better retire voluntarily.....

Slush: Hey, wait for me, and I'm with you! ...(run away)

Student 2:

At our ball today there are ladies and gentlemen of grades 8-11. We were all preparing for this ball, doing our homework. And where the task is, there is the jury. Our panel of judges today includes:




Friends, and now the presentation of teams of grades 8-11

(Autumn Queens from each class present their outfits)

Student 1: Now let's take an oath for the participants in the Autumn Disaster.

All together: We swear!

- All: (hall) We swear!
Student 2:
Have fun from the heart!

- All: We swear!
Student 1: Dance until you drop!

- All: We swear!

Student 2:Laugh and joke!

- All : We swear!
Student 1:Participate and win in all competitions.

All: We swear!

Student 2:Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends.

All: We swear!

Student 1: We are glad to see you in this hall. We have collected a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits, made preparations for the winter


Contest "Vegetable Presentation"

dishes using vegetables or salad

Student 1:- Let's play a game . Our basket contains various gifts of autumn, and you willguess what is here . Whoever guesses correctly wins a prize.

Question 1: I won’t tear the rosy nesting doll away from my friends, I’ll wait until the matryoshka falls into the grass on its own.(Apple)Question2: In the field, a broom in a gold bag. (Wheat)

Question 3: They say about the vegetable that lies here: “It’s not good for good, but it’s good for good!” He

and not filling, and poor in vitamins, but when cut into slices, lies on a plate, fresh, cool, juicy, the smell alone increases your appetite, it’s not for nothing that the Roman Emperor Tiberius demanded that he always be served this fresh vegetable for dinner. It's very good in salads. Rubbing a piece of this cold vegetable on your forehead and cheeks will immediately refresh and soften your skin. And if you lie on the sofa for 5 minutes, putting pieces of this vegetable on your eyelids, your tired eyes will become shiny again.(Cucumber)

Question 4: Let's call it the main vegetable, without it you can't cook tasty and fresh cabbage soup,

prepare soup and salad, this treasure of vitamins will increase your growth and dexterity(Carrot)

Student 1: And now - the competition "Autumn jewelry ». We invite 2-3 people from each class. In the allotted time (3 minutes), make beads that are fashionable this season from pasta, rowan berries, rose hips, and cones. Whose beads turn out to be more original and longer wins.

Student 2: While the guys are working, I’ll tell you some riddles:

1. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves(Autumn).

2. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, prowls, whistles(Wind).

3. The beast is afraid of my branches, they won’t build nests in them, my beauty and power are in the branches, tell me quickly - who am I?(Autumn).

4. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black.(Sheet)

5. Very friendly sisters, they wear red berets.

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer(Chanterelles).

6. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide(Rain).

7. Under the ground the bird made a cube and laid eggs(Potato).

8. There is a hat but no head, there is a leg but no shoes(mushroom ).

9. The dress was lost, but the buttons remained.(Rowan.)

10. There is a thorn on the pitchfork,

Dressed in scarlet.

Who will come,

Togo will sting. (Rose hip.)

11. Yegor lies under the boundary,

Covered with a green veil.(Cucumber.)

12. Green above, red below,

It has grown into the ground. (Carrot.)

13. I look like the sun

And I love the sun

I turn after the sun

I head my own. (Sunflower.)

(teams bring beads to the jury for evaluation)

1 -th Ved. And now the “Autumn Rain” competition

Each team receives a bag with cut out autumn leaves on which fragments of poems about autumn are written. The participants' task is to read the passage and identify the author of the lines given.

Read the poem while smiling.

The sky was already breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less often,

The day was getting shorter

Mysterious forest canopy

She stripped herself naked with a sad noise. (Pushkin)

Read the poem with gestures.

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

Read the poem together together.

There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant. (F. Tyutchev)

Read the poem sadly.

Autumn. Our whole poor garden is crumbling,

Yellow leaves are flying in the wind,

Only in the distance they show off there, at the bottom of the valleys

Clusters of bright red withering rowan trees. (L. Tolstoy)

Student 2: And now the competition“Who will get to the prize first?” Participants from each class (one) get to the prize using two cards. They stand on one, move to another, move the first one forward, etc.

Sounds DJ_Vint_-_5 contest“Who will get to the prize first?”

Student 1: Guys, do you know how to deal with AUTUMN BLIND? We invite you to watch the scene. So homework. Numbers from classes.

9th grade Skit for the autumn ball how to fight the autumn blues

Characters: Doctor 1, Doctor 2, Patient
Doctor 1: How are you?
Doctor 2: I can’t figure it out with the patient alone, a schoolboy, 9th grade, admitted with a diagnosis of “Autumn syndrome”
Doctor 1: This is when your ears hurt...
Doctor 2: No, this is when there is blues and dampness.
Doctor 1: Well, of course, I had one like that, he quickly recovered, I put him in the same room with Malakhov, after the third transfer he perked up, began to ask for freedom, he says that autumn slush is better than brain irritation.
Doctor2: Of course good way, but the patient is not at all good, I’m afraid he won’t react...
Doctor 1: Well then castor oil?
Doctor 2: It helps, but not for long.
Doctor 1: Did you feed him candy?
Doctor2: Chocolate.
Doctor 1: Where is the patient?
Doctor 2: Yes, here he is...
(they take the patient out).
: ( hands down, hair tousled, sleepy) Reads sad poems about autumn
Doctor 1: Can I give him some plants?
Doctor 2: I don’t know, but will it help?
Doctor 1: And we’ll mix mustard in there for him
Patient: What with mustard, what without mustard,
Doctor 2: Should I give him a toy?
Patient: What with the toy, what without the toy...
Doctor 1: Let's play him a song, make it more fun?
Doctor 2: Come on!
(Include8. rock )
Doctor 1: No, not this one.
(Include9. cheerful - group “Barbariki” )
Doctor 2: That’s it, take it every day... (The three of us dance...)

(art numbers from classes)

Student 2 : Did you like it? Please participatein the “Blow up the Balloon” competition. This

The competition is quite simple. Participants are given a balloon and play

start to inflate. The winner is the one whose balloon bursts first.

Dj_Antoine_feat for the competition Blow up the balloon

Student 1: Now we offer you a POP test

INremember and complete the line of the famous hit by choosing the correct answer.

Student 2 : 1. “Esaul, Yesaul, why did you leave...”

a) grenade ; b) horse ; c) a grenade into a horse.

Student 1: 2. " Best friends girls are..."

a) waiters; b) speculators ; c) diamonds.

Student 2 : 3. “I am love’s lonely tramp...”

a) Cippolino; b) Cheburashka ; c) Casanova.

Student 1: 4. . “What is autumn? This…"

a) dampness; b) puddles; c) acute respiratory infections; d) sky.

Student 2 : 5. “The whole world illuminates your eyes if...”

a) got their finger caught in doors; b) at night you look for a dropped key ; c) love lives in the heart .

Student 1: 6. “And the world cracked in half, the rift smokes. Along the dark streets..."

a) everyone carries a hammer; b) flies n full-time watch c) the dead stand with scythes... and silence;

Student 2: Our school garden is empty, cobwebs are flying into the distance,
And the cranes flocked to the southern edge of the earth.
The face of nature is becoming increasingly gloomy - the vegetable gardens have turned black,
The forests become bare, the bird voices become silent.
The field turned black and white, rain and snow were falling.
It also got colder and the river waters were frozen in ice.

Now we are bringing to your attention the Bouquet Competition (the jury is evaluating)

1st class And now the competition “Theatre of Autumn Miniatures”.

You should act out autumn miniatures on a given theme in pantomime.

Stories are glued to autumn leaves. The captains approach the presenter, pull out one of the plots, after a few minutes each team acts out the plot, the audience must guess the theme of the plot.


1. The bear arranges its den and goes into hibernation.

2.A hamster gathering supplies for the winter.

3. A hedgehog pricking mushrooms and blocks with needles.

4. Farewell dance of cranes.

Ved. 2 Friends. Surely there are people in the room who were born in the fall...

Congratulations to autumn birthday people (song “Happy Birthday”)

Presenter 1 . I ask those born in September, October and November to come here. A gift has been prepared for you, autumn birthday people.

(They bring in a black box, pretending that it is heavy.)

Presenter 2 . This treasure will go to the one who guesses what is in the box. You can ask any questions to which I will answer “yes” or “no.” I promise you won't be disappointed.

Black box raffle. You can put a maple leaf, a soft toy, an apple, a zucchini, a postcard, etc. in the box.

B 1.And now, we ask the girls competing for the “Queen of the Autumn Ball” to walk to the music, and the audience and jury please watch carefully and choose the “Queen of the Autumn Ball”

Student 2 : In nature, every month has its turn. So it fits in our program

time to sum up the results of all competitions.
- The jury is given the floor.

And in conclusion, we present to your attention a dance from grade 9

Student 1: So the evening is over, are you satisfied, friends?

So everything is fine, we met for a reason!

Presenter 2: They say that autumn is sad, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don’t believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!

Presenter 1. Autumn has fully come into its own today. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us at our school more than once. See you again!

TOGETHER: Happy holiday!

Happy golden autumn!

Our evening continues with an autumn disco.

(Music sounds)

Presenter 1: And again autumn portrait

Nature hangs in the living room,

To the sounds of the crane song,

There is a golden light under the leaves.

Good evening!

Presenter 2: Good evening, dear friends! Today we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate Lady Autumn.

Presenter 1. She's wearing a veil of rain

We won't miss her coming

And let's indulge in light sadness,

She couldn't find an explanation.

Presenter 2: Autumn has invited you here to give everyone its last, wonderful moments, the enchanting, barely perceptible aroma of autumn flowers, the bright tempting beauty of the collected fruits and, of course, a thoughtful and at the same time joyful mood in autumn.

Presenter 1. Yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness, it is also a time of joy. Why? Because everything is beautiful all around in autumn.

Presenter 2. And so today we will not only sigh and be sad in unison with the romantic lady of autumn, but also have fun, dance, and enjoy her last moments.

Presenter 1. The autumn holiday is a holiday of friends, and friends try to give each other joy.

Presenter 2. For example, a gift or just attention. Artists give their art, poets give poetry. Nature gives us its beauty, and the students of our lyceum give us their surprises.

Presenter 1. At the “Evening of Autumn Surprises” today there are students from grades 9-11 who have prepared a couple for today’s holiday. So... meet funny, smart and talented couples...

Presenter 2. Pair No. 1 _____________________________________________ 9 A class

Presenter 1. Pair No. 2 _____________________________________________ 9 B grade

Presenter 2. Pair No. 3 _____________________________________________ 9 To class

Presenter 1. Pair No. 4 _____________________________________________ 10 A class

Presenter 2. Pair No. 5 _____________________________________________ 10 B grade

Presenter 1. Pair No. 6_______________________________________________ 11 A class

Presenter 2. Pair No. 7 _____________________________________________ 11 B grade

Presenter 1. We were all preparing for this day. And where there are competitions, there is a jury.

Presenter 2. Our panel of judges today includes...

Presenter 1. Asters are falling in the gardens,

The old maple under the window is turning yellow

And cold fog in the fields

It remains motionless white all day.

Presenter 2. The nearby forest becomes quiet, and in it

Clearances appeared everywhere

And he is handsome in his attire,

Dressed in golden leaves!

Presenter 1: And I love autumn!
Presenter 2: Why?
Presenter1: There are so many vegetables in the markets!

Presenter 2: And you go to the market for vegetables?

Presenter1: Of course, you need to show off yourself and your outfits, going to the theater is expensive, in the supermarket everyone is staring at the shelves.

Presenter 2: What are you wearing?

Presenter1: Well, different things, I watch the program “Fashionable Sentence”, they give a lot of advice there.

Presenter 2: And I would advise you to look at the fashion show from each class.

Presenter 1. Well, now we are moving on to the competition program, so support your teams with a cheerful mood and enthusiasm. Notice how hard our couples worked today! They are elegantly dressed for autumn. Efforts should not be in vain! Now our podium works for them! Maestro, I ask for rhythmic music! So, our collection for the autumn season of the outgoing year!

Competition 1 Show of outfits “Autumn brings joy to us”

Presenter 1. Aw, aw...
Presenter 2. What are you doing?
Presenter 1. Autumn has come, rains, fogs, and you can get lost in the fog, so I’m training...
Presenter 2. Where to get lost? In the fog? Yes, I can get to school with my eyes closed!
(Closes eyes and speaks) You leave the house, walk to the corner, turn, be careful here - there’s an angry dog, then there’s a puddle, let’s try, no, it’s not frozen yet…. After all, autumn is a sad time of year

Presenter 1: How about replacing autumn with summer!?
Presenter 2. Is this a 6 month vacation?
Presenter 1: Yes! It's a pity, what to do...
Presenter 2: And the weather is rainy in spring...brrr
Presenter 1: You're about to catch a cold.
Presenter 2: Even poems about autumn are sad.
Presenter 1: But beautiful...
Presenter 2: Speaks with poems about autumn...

Competition 2 Poems about autumn (homework).

Presenter 1. The soul begins to sing something...
Presenter 2: I don’t hear!?
Presenter 1: Don’t you hear, Keep it quiet... listen!
Presenter 2: I don’t hear!?
Presenter 1. It can’t be, I can hear it!
Presenter 2: These are probably our couples preparing for the next competition

Competition 3 “Sing a song”

Participants listen to the chorus of the song “Yellow Leaves”

Presenter 2. We all know the famous song “Yellow Leaves”. You need to remember this composition in the face:

Red Banner Military Choir;

School choir;

Russian-folk choir;

Gypsy choir;

In rap style;

Presenter 1.

Touching, mysterious charm!

Presenter 2.

There is a slight rustle of dark crimson leaves.

Presenter 1. The resounding summer has flown by.

A generous autumn has arrived.

Presenter 2. Some people are happy about it, while others may be upset. But every season has its own charm: autumn has all kinds of shades and colors of flowers. After all, autumn is a magnificent artist who paints her pictures. And our next competition is called “Colors of Autumn”

Competition 4 “Colors of Autumn” (draw a picture)

Presenter 1. And we move on to the next competition. Raise your hands those who dream of becoming an artist, who want to act in films. Now, right here, without leaving the spot, a film will be shot, in which you, dear couples, are entrusted to play the main roles... Everyone has their own role. I will read the script, name the characters, and you must play your role, that is, get into character... Well, the jury will evaluate your acting abilities...! So: camera, motor, let's start!

Competition 5 “Theatrical”

Buffoonery: “A movie is being made!”

Presenter 2.— One day, old Grandfather harnessed the Horse to the Sleigh and rode into the forest to pick up the Christmas tree. I went into the forest. And it’s autumn in the Forest: The wind is rustling, the leaves are rustling, the wolves are howling, the eagle owl is screaming. Lonely Doe ran by. The Bunnies jumped out into the clearing and began drumming on Stump. Grandfather arrived in the clearing, the Hares got scared and ran away. Grandfather sat down on Stump and looked around. And all around - Christmas trees are growing. Grandfather approached the first Christmas tree and touched it. He didn't like the Christmas tree. I went to another one. I touched it and liked it. I touched it again and really liked it. I touched it more carefully, and this is not a Christmas tree, but an oak tree! Grandfather spat and went to the third. I touched it, shook it - that’s right, Christmas tree! Grandfather swung his ax, and lo and behold, there was no ax! Then the grandfather swung just like that. The Christmas tree begged: “Don’t cut me down, elder, I won’t be of any use to you. Because everything, as it is, is sick: the trunk has scoliosis, the needles have fallen out, the legs are crooked.” Grandfather obeyed and went to the fourth Christmas tree. I touched the trunk - it was straight, I felt the needles - and the needles were good, I touched the legs - they were straight. Just right Christmas tree! Grandfather waved, and the Christmas tree asked him: “What are you waving, old man?” Pull by the roots!” Grandfather grabbed the Christmas tree, pulled and pulled, but couldn’t pull it out. He sat down on Stump again and became sad. And he thought: “Why do I need a Christmas tree in October? I’ll go home, sharpen my axe, and come back in December!” He got on the sleigh and drove off.

End of the first episode. Wait for the continuation of the series!

Presenter 1. Well, while the jury is summing up the results of this competition, we will play a game with the audience...

Playing with the audience.

You all know very well that in the history of mankind there are such inseparable names as Adam and Eve, Romeo and Juliet, Chip and Dale. There are many of these couples. Now we will try to split into the same pairs. I name one name, you suggest the second in unison. So let's get started!

Adam - Eve

Romeo - Juliet

Tristan - Isolde

Wolf - Little Red Riding Hood

Basilio - Alice

Winnie the Pooh - Piglet

Evgeniy - Tatiana

Hamlet - Ophelia

Ulyanov - Krupskaya

Carlson - Baby

Pierrot - Malvina

Ruslan - Lyudmila

Father Frost - Snow Maiden

Tom - Jerry

Piggy - Karkusha

Petka - Anka

Elephant - Pug

Worker - Collective Farm Woman

Ant - Dragonfly

Leg - Hypotenuse


Chip - Dale

Grandfather - Grandmother

Jack - Queen

Presenter 1. And here are the names that the people gave to September. Gloominess - due to frequent changes in weather. Howler - because of the roar of autumn winds, because of rains and bad weather. Zhelten, zhovten - due to the yellow color of the leaves. Veresen - due to the first frosts.

Presenter 2. Here are the popular names for October. Breast - because of the bare cooling earth. Muddy - due to the autumn impassability. Winter road, winter road, first winter - in honor of the coming winter. Deciduous, deciduous.

Presenter 1. And November received such names among the people. Jelly, snow, semi-winter, off-road due to the cold and the coming winter. Mozzar, leafy - due to fallen and rotting leaves.

Presenter 2. Well, now, as it should be in autumn time, leaf fall. And not just leaf fall, but interrogative and educational!

Competition 6 “Autumn Quiz”

Presenter 1.(reads questions)


1. Stem turnip... (Kolrabi)

2. What vegetable were lazy people called in the old days? (Peas)

3. The name of which vegetable comes from the Latin word “kaput” head? (cabbage)

4. Which vegetable resembles a space plate? (Squash)

5. In Italian “tartufel”, and in Russian...? (Potato)

6. Small, bitter brother of onion.. (Garlic)

7. Which vegetable contains a large amount of growth vitamins? (Carrots)

8. Not a book, but with leaves? (Tree)

9. What did Baron Munchausen shoot at the deer’s head? (cherry pit)

11. Which vegetable is called the second bread? (Potato)

12. What fruit got Adam and Eve kicked out of the Garden of Eden? (Apple)

13. Why isn’t radish sweeter? (Horseradish)

14. What caused the princess's insomnia? (Pea)

Presenter 2. It was a little warm up .

Presenter 1. Yes... Eh, autumn, autumn... Some people are happy about her arrival, while others may be sad. But each season has its own uniqueness: winter covers the earth with a snow-white blanket, in spring young greenery pleases the eye, in summer you can enjoy the singing of birds... Autumn also has its own signs. There are a lot of them. Our participants will help us remember some signs of autumn.

(Tasks are distributed to pairs)

1. Lots of rowan... (for cold winter)

2. Mosquitoes are annoying until late autumn... (winter will be mild)

3. Late leaf fall... (for a harsh and long winter)

4. A lot of cobwebs... (for a long and dry autumn)

5. Thunder in October foreshadows... (snowless winter)

6. If there are a lot of nuts, but no mushrooms.. (the winter will be snowy and harsh)

Presenter 2. In the meantime, our participants are preparing... “Musical break” (Arkhipova Anna)

Presenter 1. There are in the brightness of autumn evenings

Touching, mysterious charm:

The ominous shine and diversity of trees,

Crimson leaves languid, light rustle

Presenter 2. And ahead of us is the next competition “Re-Dance”

Competition 7 “Re-dance”

Participants must dance to music.

The music is changing.

Presenter 1. Amazing!

Presenter 2. Fabulous! Everyone danced great.

Presenter 1. When stars fall, people make wishes. When the leaves swirl in the wind, they say it's time for love. When a child comes to school (and this always happens in the fall), he meets his teachers, and for him (take my word for it!) it’s time for the stars to fall, because every teacher is a star, bright and alluring, a star calling into the distance for the beautiful .

Presenter 2. And what does leaf fall have to do with it?

Presenter 1. And despite the fact that the time has come for a declaration of love.

Presenter 2. I know who we will talk about, about the most beloved, about the most wonderful, about the most worthy people, about those for whom there is no bad weather, about those to whom we confess our love even on cold autumn days.

Presenter 1. The class teacher is invited to the stage...

9 A class - Tribunskaya Natalya Aleksandrovna

9 B class - Lokteva Olga Nikolaevna

9th grade - Sokolova Alla Vasilievna

10 A class - Lysenko Elena Vladimirovna

10B class - Gartvikh Marina Anatolyevna

11 A class - Chernykh Natalia Vitalievna

11th grade B - Lidiya Vladimirovna Nechitailo

Presenter 2. Natalya Alexandrovna!

You are so caring, attentive, kind

The kids love her so much!

The object loves us too,

She is so similar to rowan!

Modest, sweet and attractive -

And her speech is so wonderful! (they give a rowan leaf)

Presenter 1. Olga Nikolaevna

We give aspen leaves,

No kinder, more attentive -

We know this for sure.

An aspen leaf, like the trembling of hands,

This one is from us to you, our priceless friend. (they give an aspen leaf)

Presenter 2. Alla Vasilievna is slim and neat,

She is both smart and pleasant at heart

She is impressionable and playful,

We give her a poplar leaf as a souvenir.

He is thin and seems inconspicuous,

But he is radiant and transparent in soul. (they give a poplar leaf)

Presenter 1. Elena Vladimirovna!

willow leaf

We have prepared for you

You are like a willow, flexible,

You are like a willow tree, slender.

Wise, graceful -

The princess is real. (they give a willow leaf)

Presenter 2. Marina Anatolyevna!

You are beautiful and wise,

You are an idol for children,

You have good spirits,

And good luck to you, friend.

You really are a smart man -

Therefore, this is an oak leaf for you. (they give an oak leaf)

Presenter 1. Natalya Vitalievna!

A maple leaf blows in the wind

It's flying! He always has something to do!

He spins in the air for a long time,

Always in solemn flight,

Always in discoveries and work.

How can you not fall in love with him and you!

Fly our leaf! Fly, spin!

After all, your destiny is flight and heights! (they give a maple leaf)

Presenter 2. Lydia Vladimirovna!

Direct, honest, but still without temper!

You were given a good class - and that's great!

“We hit the bull’s eye” - we know that for sure,

We give you a leaf from an apple tree. (give an apple leaf)

Presenter 1. Dear teachers! Each person has a line of a poem written on a piece of paper. You must read it expressively in the order indicated on the sheet (1-2-3). And then a good autumn poem will sound.

1. All leaves are collected in a bouquet

2. There is no one more solemn than him

3. Everything is in it: light and purity,

4. And it’s time for long-ago autumn,

5. And from the transparent dew tenderness,

6. Love, Good, success, Hope.

7. And we are reflected in those leaves.

8. We are all flight and inspiration.

9. But every leaf is a child of the tree

10. And only in him is holy faith,

11. He has strength, firmness, skill,

12. There is no life in the leaves without him,

13. And therefore today, in Autumn,

14. We ask the director to come on stage.

Presenter 2. Dear Nina Nikolaevna!

Autumn waltz, autumn dream

Sounds good to you! How wonderful he is!

Autumn bouquet as a gift,

Let him be modest. Not too bright

But from the heart! With great excitement...

A touch of autumn for you. (A bouquet is presented)

Presenter 1. And now it’s time to sum up the results of our competition. The floor is given to our strict but fair jury.

The jury sums up the results. Each couple is awarded the title...

1. "The most friendly couple"

2. "The most charming couple"

3. "The most artistic couple"

4. "The Bravest Couple"

5. "The most fun couple"

6. "The most original couple"

7. "The Most Autumn Couple"

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