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How to use employer blacklists and employee reviews. Rating of companies - black list of companies Dishonest employer

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 8 minutes


labor market in Russian Federation is a great field for scammers. By cheating when hiring, dishonest employers extract money from citizens or dismiss them after completing a certain amount of work under the pretext of not having passed the probationary period, naturally, without paying remuneration.

How to protect yourself from such troubles, we will try to describe in this article.

Signs of unscrupulous employers - how to recognize fraud when applying for a job?

The very first thing to know and never forget is that you came to work to earn money, not spend it. If you have employment require any advance payment , for example - for uniforms or work tools, something is clearly not right here.

Most people find a job in three stages:

1. Search for a job posting.

2. Phone call to the employer.

3. Interview with the employer.

  • First stage on a job search, as a rule, begins with a search for ads in the media mass media or the Internet. Already at this stage signs of dishonesty of the employer can be seen if you look closely.

1. The ad is too enticing

Significantly lower requirements for the applicant. In the ad, the employer does not show interest in the age, work experience of the candidate, and often even, on the contrary, focuses on this.

2. Large circulation of ads in various media and on job portals

Constantly repeated in new publications over a long period.

3. Suspicious data is indicated in the contacts to the ad

There is no company name or a cell phone is indicated for communication. This, of course, is not the main reason, but still.

After finding a suitable ad, it is best for the job seeker to do their own research. It is very simple to do this, especially since a modern person has all the tools for this.

Criteria to pay attention to in a deeper check of the work of interest:

1. The salary level indicated in the ad is higher than the average market salary for a similar job.

2. The absence of an official website on the Internet or a description of the company and its activities on information resources. Complete lack of information.

3. Frequent editing of the same ad in different media and on different resources on the Internet, which indicates a high turnover.

4. A very intrusive invitation to an interview.

  • Second phase

After searching for an ad and checking at least the brief details of the organization that placed the ad, the stage of a phone call to the specified number begins. This stage can also give a lot of information, if you approach it correctly, know what to do and what to say when you first telephone conversation with the employer.

  1. The employer refuses to give information about himself and the nature of his activity. Does not name the name of the company, the address where it is located, and the full name of the director. Instead, you are asked to come in for an interview to get all this information. In most cases, there is absolutely no need for an ordinary employer to hide information about himself.
  2. Your questions about the vacancy are answered with a question For example, they ask you to tell about yourself first. Most likely they just want to extract information from you in order to understand whether it is possible to work with you further.
  3. The interlocutor answers your questions regarding the vacancy in abstract phrases. For example, "We are a team of professionals" or "We are promoting global brands on the market."
  4. The interview is scheduled for work time. In any conscientious company, the HR department is responsible for hiring employees, which, in turn, cannot have a floating schedule and traditionally works only on weekdays and during business hours. For example, from 9:00 to 17:00.
  5. The address at which the interview is scheduled is the address of a private apartment. This is easy to check through the reference book. It often happens that the office of the company is indeed located on the territory of the apartment, but there must be relevant information about this. If it is not, it is better to refrain from such an interview.
  6. During a telephone conversation, the employer asks you to reset your or passport data by e-mail. Your resume is yours confidential information, but most likely there will be no damage if it is disclosed. But with passport data, it is quite the opposite. At the stage of a telephone conversation and an interview, this data of yours should definitely not be of interest to the employer.

  • Third stage and the last one is, of course, the interview itself. If you still decide to go for it, then you need to pay attention to the following criteria:
  1. An interview was scheduled for several applicants at the same time. If the employer is decent, and the job that he offers is stable and well paid, this format of the interview is not acceptable.
  2. At the interview you are asked to contribute some money, suppose - for special clothes or tools, to pass some kind of paid test or training on training - turn around and boldly leave. Such actions are completely illegal.
  3. If at the interview you are asked to sign some documents, contracts about non-disclosure of commercial information or something like that, then this is also a sure sign of the employer's dishonesty. At the interview stage, you have no legal relationship with the employer, and you are not required to sign anything.
  4. At the interview, you are told that the first time working in their company is not paid, as it is considered a probationary period or training time. In this case, this item must be described in the employment contract and clearly state under what circumstances probation is considered passed, and under which - no.

Knowing the criteria described above and operating with them, you can protect yourself from the actions of unscrupulous employers and protect yourself from getting into unpleasant situations, primarily related to the waste of time on scammers.

Anti-rating of the most dishonest employers in Russia

Of course, the creation of such an anti-rating is a rather complicated matter. But still there resources that are designed to do just that. Their work, as a rule, is based on the correspondence of employees of a particular company with reviews and recommendations.

It is possible to find almost any company you are interested in in any industry and in any region in the vastness of such resources.

  • One such resource is the antijob.net project. It will offer you more than 20,000 real reviews for review, and if you yourself find yourself in a not very pleasant situation, then you can take part in the formation of anti-ratings yourself.
  • You can also get a lot of information from orabote.net.

Certainly, unified register there are no unscrupulous employers, but it should be noted with The most frequently pop-up on resources such as antijob.net, companies:

  • Garant-Victoria- imposes paid training, after which it refuses applicants due to unsatisfactory results.
  • OOO Satellite - ask applicants to pay 1000 rubles. on the organization of the workplace, which is completely contrary to the law of the Russian Federation.
  • Hydroflex Russland LLC - company executives CEO and his wife, the commercial director, do not value their employees at all, and the principle of their work is the organization of staff turnover, with the aim of non-payment of wages under the pretext of fines.
  • OOO "Mosinkasplomb" – is engaged in the construction business, in which he understands absolutely nothing. It hires contractors represented by BelSlavStroy LLC and ABSOLUT-REAL ESTATE. Very often does not pay employees anything other than an advance under the pretext of poor-quality work.
  • LLC "SF STROYSERVICE" — these are large and good facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region. LLC "SF STROYSERVICE" does not have its own staff of finishers and constantly searches for finishers via the Internet. After completion of the work does not pay employees wages under the pretext of poor quality work.
  • OOO SHIELD-M- The company is engaged in hiring private apartments. She is known for the lack of payments under employment contracts.
  • 100 percent (Language Center) - systematically delays wages. Many employees, even upon dismissal, were not paid settlement. * 100RA (Group of companies) - when applying for a job, they do not tell the truth about working conditions. There are a lot of illegal immigrants who live right in the shops. They pay much less than they promise at employment.
  • 1C-SoftClub- conclude fixed-term contracts with applicants, and a month later they are expelled without payment of wages.

Of course, reviews also need to be properly filtered. Since competitors often order compromising information on their opponents, they can still be trusted. Especially if they are massive.

Do you want to be sure that the employer will fulfill the terms of the employment agreement, and that all conflict situations will be resolved within the framework of the law? Most companies value their reputation and do not allow violations. However, it happens that the expectations of employees are not justified. How to protect yourself in advance?

Browse Employer Blacklists: Online directories that contain negative employer reviews from former or current employees.

The main queries for searching on these sites are the name of the company (often without quotes and form of ownership) or the names of the key persons of the company. Instead of LLC "Horns and hooves" it is better to search by request Horns and hooves. If the name contains a unique word (for example, " Dupelganger and partners"), then you can search for it (in this example doppelganger).

Search for information across multiple lists. See if the representatives of the company answer the accusations, what exactly they say and whether they are ready to confirm their case.

Black list of employers - why do they get there?

You can get blacklisted by employers for various reasons.

  1. Violations Labor Code RF:
    • non-payment or delay of wages;
    • unwillingness to pay a trial period;
    • refusal to compensate for confirmed travel expenses, demand for payment for uniforms, tools, training;
    • coercion to work above the norm (without a preliminary contract) and to perform official duties not covered by the contract;
    • refusal to give sick leave, annual and maternity leave, dismissal of a pregnant woman, a parent on maternity leave or parental leave.
  2. Personal qualities of a leader, a team associated with violations of the norms of human communication:
    • addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, etc.;
    • mental states that take away the ability to communicate adequately;
    • extremist views of any kind that find expression in the work environment;
    • cases of physical or psychological violence against staff - beating, insults, harassment, sexual harassment.
  3. Opinions, emotions, impressions of employees. Former employees often leave reviews about employers:
    • "on fresh tracks" conflicts. Such comments are full of sharp, emotional assessments. All the blame for what happened is shifted to the representatives of the company;
    • out of revenge on the boss (envy, unwillingness to understand the justice of decisions).
  4. Unfair competition. The goal is to ruin the reputation of a successful opponent. Some firms collect feedback from offended employees of a competitor: people are asked to write more bad things. Others order negative comments from people who have nothing to do with the competing firm.

We do not encourage you to look for reasons for a bad review. Just avoid jumping to conclusions after the first negative, even a convincing and beautifully written one.

Signs of a "black employer"

  • Very high salary with simple duties.
  • Requiring any advance payment or investment.
  • Unpaid trial period. Internship does not apply here. However, remember that under the law, the employer is obliged to conclude an internship agreement with you. The document indicates its term, the responsibility of the parties and the possibility of payment.
  • Incomprehensible business structure and unwillingness to clarify it to applicants.
  • Evasive answers, vague wording.
  • High turnover in the position and in the company as a whole. You can learn about such a situation from a private conversation with employees (you can find employees using social networks), perhaps you have acquaintances who have already encountered the organization.
  • Humiliating manner of communication. And even in such cases, do not rush to draw conclusions. It is important to distinguish:
    • stressful job interview - provocative questions, uncomfortable conditions. The recruiter wants to find out how the applicant gets out of conflict, uncomfortable situations;
    • rudeness - you are called names, insulted on racial, gender, religious grounds. Boorish behavior speaks of the unprofessionalism of recruiters, and if the interview is conducted by the manager, it speaks of his moral qualities.

How to determine the validity of a review in blacklists?

Pay attention to the style of the statements. The author of offensive comments can be an accomplice, a culprit, and even an instigator of a conflict. Information with a high degree of certainty is mostly descriptive. The commentator relies on facts that can be confirmed.

Let's look at examples of potentially valid and questionable reviews.

An example of a valid recall

Evdokia Nikolaevna, 04/15/2016:

From January to April 2016, I worked as a storekeeper at Posyltorg-AVTO. Signed a liability agreement. She took on her duties diligently. There is 10 years of experience as a storekeeper, cashier and salesman, from all places of work - positive recommendations. The management of the company assured me that only me and the head of the warehouse had the keys to the warehouse. From January 22 to February 1, the boss was on sick leave. He gave me all the keys. One day I came to work early and noticed that two parcels were missing, although I had prepared them for shipment the evening before. Immediately reported to the authorities, but the search yielded nothing. I was forced to reimburse the cost of the parcels from my salary. The warehouse manager still insisted that only he and I had the keys. A similar story repeated on March 13, then on March 29, before the inventory. The messages were never found. My requests to call the police and conduct an investigation were refused by the authorities. When I refused to reimburse the cost of another loss and threatened to call the police, I was ordered to write a statement on own will- otherwise they will be fired under the article. This was heard by my colleague from the neighboring company "Veles" Natalya. I quit, but still wrote a statement to the police. An investigation is underway.

Questionable Review Example

Lena, 01/11/2016

"Posyltorg-AUTO"terrible company!!! I have no words to describe the attitude of the authorities to the people. Rude, call names, hang "dogs". They came up with a whole scheme of how to steal parcels from people, and then blame everything on the storekeepers !!! And you can't prove anything! They threaten that they will be fired under the article, they will send guys and take the money by force if you refuse to pay. The head of the warehouse is a rude person, I immediately did not like him. And the team is unpleasant, everyone is kind of evil, they look at each other like a wolf. I ran away from there, if only they would not spoil the labor!

The second comment is full of emotion, but the first one deserves attention. It shows that the author wants to achieve justice, and not unfoundedly blame colleagues.

The most up-to-date blacklists of employers

  1. - actively promotes the protection of workers' rights, allows you to search for data throughout Russia or individual cities. Reviews about employers on this site are considered one of the most reliable.
  2. - covers the labor markets of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Provides complete information about employers: negative, positive reviews, trust ratings. The site is very popular among those who post and read reviews.
  3. - catalog of employers, reviews of their staff, clients.
  4. , - these two sites are connected to each other. Blacklists of companies, swindlers, unreliable partners, dangerous Internet resources.
  5. - provides information about scammers from different spheres of life, incl. employer reviews and blacklists.
  6. - for the CIS and Baltic countries. Associated with a partner "black list", which is structured by regions, cities and business areas.
  7. - a small but well-structured site with reviews of companies and individuals.
  8. - publishes comments with positive and negative aspects of the company, assessments according to several criteria.
  9. - directory of firms with reviews about work and employers. Each organization has a separate profile where you can leave comments. The site also forms a rating of companies by the number of reviews - both positive and negative.
  10. - blacklists of companies, bosses and employees.
  11. English resources. The app collects anonymous employee comments from your workspace. There is information about international companies with offices in Russia.

Blacklisted information cannot be considered 100% reliable. However, it can influence the decision if you are in doubt about the future employer.

Not enough information? Use additional sources

Additional sources for collecting information about unscrupulous employers:

  1. First of all, go to the blog search service from Yandex. It provides information from Livejournal, Twitter, VKontakte, LiveInnernet, Diary.Ru and Google+, etc. Perhaps this is enough to give you a complete picture of the employer.
  2. For a more thorough search, find the Vkontakte and Facebook communities dedicated to employer reviews. There are a lot of them, especially VKontakte. We recommend visiting the groups:

Finding a job has always been a rather difficult process. And the selection of a suitable employer plays a huge role in it. It is not always so easy and simple to find someone who will really value their employees and will not begin to deceive them. Therefore, we have to study who an unscrupulous employer is, how it can be detected even at the interview stage (or in the first days of work), and also how applicants have the right to punish a deceiver. These are all very serious questions. Especially if you take into account the fact that the Internet and newspapers are full of false ads, which in principle are a fraudulent technique.

no conscience

The first step is to find out who such an unscrupulous employer is. It's not that hard to understand though.

As a rule, they say this about those who constantly deceive their employees and, of course, do not comply with the conditions employment contract. Or even promises one thing to the applicant during employment, but in practice it turns out completely different. But do not confuse unscrupulous employers with scammers - the latter deceive brazenly, and their goal is to extract money from gullible citizens. But in the case of dishonesty, the motive is different - to recruit better employees, pay less, strain subordinates more. And, as a result, to get rich at someone else's expense, but legally.

Beware of scammers!

Before studying at least an approximate list of dishonest employers (each city, as a rule, has its own list and includes a huge number of candidates), you need to remember the mentioned difference between dishonesty and fraud.

As already mentioned, the main goal of the latter is open and brazen enrichment by extracting funds from applicants. It is usually accompanied by a lack of real recruitment. That is, you will not have a conversation beyond the interview. And an unscrupulous employer will still provide you with opportunities to perform job duties.

Fraudsters are now very easy to identify. They make attractive advertisements. They usually do not care about the age of the applicant, as well as his status and gender. They offer little work (about 4 hours a day), and earnings are simply sky-high. True, all communication is maintained exclusively via the Internet. The interview takes place via mail, at best - Skype.

In the end, it turns out that you must pre-pay the insurance premium before employment. And this is a clear indication that the potential employer is a scammer.

Black list

And now a little more about bosses without conscience. Where to complain about dishonest employer? And where can you see those who are already considered not the best leadership offering employment to job seekers?

As a rule, so-called black lists are now being created in every city. They publish all firms that violate the employment contract. In other words, here you can see unscrupulous employers.

Moscow deceivers

Well, let's try to understand which employers do not perform their duties very well in Moscow. It is in the capital that many come to work, and therefore the list of unscrupulous employers in Moscow can be useful to everyone.

Alas, there are a lot of candidates in it, so it’s not worth listing all of them completely. It is better to pay attention only to some well-known companies.

For example, Burger King. This is a great fast food restaurant, but not exactly suitable as an employer. Often students are recruited here, and the staff turnover here is huge. Constantly left for overtime work, quite often even students and schoolchildren fail to pass the probationary period. Why? This unscrupulous employer conducts special testing. And in most cases, it turns out that you failed it. Training (probationary period) is not paid to you in any way.

Many fast food cafes operate on similar principles (for example, Tri-S Food, Krabs, Teremok-Invest). But the list doesn't end there. Unscrupulous employers in Moscow are the vast majority of firms. Even large retail chains are often blacklisted Child's world", Kari, Kari Kids, Baucenter and so on. And lesser-known, but large corporations in general, in most cases, turn out to be real scammers. So you should be careful with employment in Moscow!

Who makes the lists

There is a question that began to interest applicants: who is it that makes black lists of employers in certain cities? After all, someone originally came up with this? The answer is definitely not possible. Everything is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance:

  1. Blacklists can be created by users themselves. They write reviews about unscrupulous employers on forums and in the media, share their employment experience so that others are not deceived - a common occurrence at the moment.
  2. A black list regarding the regions of Russia can be compiled by recruitment agencies. Such a technique is needed in order to simply not get involved with certain employers and not discredit your reputation. Although sometimes such lists are published in open access for the population.
  3. The register of unscrupulous employers can also be compiled by competing firms. It is easy to recognize such a technique - the activities of all organizations that will be on such a black list have one direction or are generally similar. The phenomenon is not very frequent, but it does occur.

Where to complain

Where to complain about a dishonest employer? A lot depends on your overall situation. Every victim always has a choice. But with a high degree of probability, there will be no sense in your attempts to defend your rights.

To get started, you can report what is happening in different recruitment agencies. If you initially looked for an employer through such an organization, then all claims should be accepted by personnel officers even more so.

You can also just go to the Internet to write a review about your work in the appropriate black list of employers in your city.

And if you are determined and can prove the dishonesty of your leadership, it is advisable to apply to the district court with a lawsuit. Such cases are not so rare. Especially if the employer delays wages or even owes a tidy sum to his subordinates.

Perhaps this option is considered the best if you suddenly decide to think about how to punish an unscrupulous employer. True, it is rarely possible to achieve justice. Such cases are not of interest to the judiciary. They always have more important cases.


And now we will try to figure out how to identify an unscrupulous employer. This is not so difficult to do if you look closely at some key points. Most likely, you will be able to recognize the deceiver at the interview stage, or even earlier.

First of all, pay attention to the text of the ad. Often, not the most conscientious employers try to place their offers in newspapers (free publications), on poles, road signs, fences, entrances, bus stops - where there are a lot of people and a huge traffic.

If we are talking about a virtual ad, then pay more attention to the text of the message. Here, most likely, they will report that there is no age limit. Unless you have to be over 18 years old. But there are no requirements for the floor and other nuances - this is an alarming bell. In addition, often from the same employer on the same virtual sites several ads are posted at the same time with a small frequency. This is also a reason to think.


To attract the attention of applicants, an unscrupulous employer will use a variety of tricks and tricks. And often even before the interview. And your first meeting with potential bosses will simply duplicate the ad that attracted you.

What is another indicator of the likelihood of cheating? Limited offer. In the text of the announcement, you can note for yourself that there are few vacancies left. And the offer is limited. This pushes the applicant to hurry up with the appeal, and, as a result, confuses - the person loses vigilance and attentiveness.


Among other things, not the best employers attract applicants to their candidacy with the help of promises in the matter of earnings. Here the principle "work less - get more" works. That is, they will promise you that you don’t really need to work after employment - the money will literally get for nothing. Yes, and in obscenely high sizes.

All these are old and well-known tricks. They are used by both unscrupulous employers and scammers. Thus, consider this fact and do not get fooled by offers of high earnings. An exception is if the vacancy is really prestigious.


Another point that will help you avoid meeting not the best employer is the requirements for applicants. Pay attention to them. Often you will be put forward a minimum, which generally cannot be considered as requests. Plus, there may be vague requirements.

What does it mean? It is enough to be purposeful, decent, and also learn quickly. And that's it. Work experience for the employer is not important. Often they even write openly: "Without experience."

Among other things, the advertisements of unscrupulous employers contain a minimum of contact information. Not always, but very often. Especially if the firm is small or has only recently been opened.

Meet for an interview

An interview can also open your eyes. Unscrupulous employers have already learned how to correctly compose ads so as not to arouse suspicion. But the interview is able to give out a deceiver.

How exactly? The reasons for cheating are:

  • demand for money for paperwork;
  • mass interviews;
  • the conversation will begin with stories about your dreams and successes;
  • the manager constantly points out the rapid development of the company;
  • they promise to personally teach you how to earn money quickly;
  • the signing of the employment contract is delayed;
  • they can't tell you about job descriptions fully.

Remembering all of the above, we hope you can avoid meeting with unscrupulous employers and scammers. Good luck!

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According to the results of 2014, FINAM is the leading broker in Russia. Its total turnover on the MICEX stock exchange in 2014 exceeded 7 trillion rubles, the largest regional network. Products and services of the investment company "FINAM" are available in almost 100 cities of Russia, while regional expansion continues, a dynamically developing global broker. "FINAM" is a member of the American electronic exchange NASDAQ, has offices in the USA, EU, Mexico, largest countries Southeast Asia, serves operations of Japanese and Chinese investors with Russian securities, the company's clients can work on all major exchanges in the world, one of the main participants in the asset management market. Within the framework of the holding, several mutual funds have been formed, services are provided for asset management, management of pension savings and reserves, structural products are offered, a leading investment bank working with IT projects. Within the framework of the holding, packages of a number of leading Russian and global IT companies are consolidated, actively developing retail bank. FINAM Bank is in the TOP-300 Russian banks in terms of net assets, in the TOP-200 banks in terms of liquid assets and in the TOP-50 banks in terms of consumer loan portfolio growth, the leader of the Russian stock market. In 2014, ANO “Training Center “FINAM” trained over 130 thousand investors.

Each of us has faced job search at least once in a lifetime. Someone was lucky, and after the first interview he moved from the category of applicants to the category of employees. And someone came across in the network of scammers, lost money and faith in people. So that you can avoid such mistakes, we have collected in our article the advice of qualified HR specialists who know how to identify scammers even at the stage of acquaintance with the vacancy.

How to distinguish an unscrupulous employer by ad

The job search begins with the selection of job postings. Do not trust employers who:

  • place ads on poles and stops. Companies do not use this way of disseminating information.

We advise you to trust more online job search agencies (work.ua, rabota.com.ua, alljob.ru, zarplata.ru). Some of them even take the trouble to check who is behind the ads they submit - conscientious employers or false employers who deceive job seekers;

  • not listed in the job posting functional responsibilities, limited to the general phrases "work with correspondence and clients, providing primary information and consulting", "additional earnings with the prospect career development"," work at the computer ", etc.

The absence of clearly defined job responsibilities in the vacancy announcement means: you are a scammer;

  • Warn in the announcement of a limited number of seats. Such a trick is a sure sign that they want to catch you on a bait. Serious employers never use this technique. It is important for them to find a professional employee, and not to get a hundred candidates for an interview;
  • indicate higher wages. An unqualified specialist, accepted on the terms of “working 2-3 hours a day,” cannot receive as much as a middle manager. High wages for unskilled labor will not be paid by any employer - this is not in his interests;

  • do not impose specific requirements on the applicant. “Without work experience, training is provided”, “ready to take a student” (and pay like a professor), “we are looking for enterprising and ambitious”, “employees without special skills are required” - such wording should alert.

Be prepared: a "divorce" for money will follow. Honest employers do not promise mountains of gold and clearly prescribe the requirements for candidates and the list of job responsibilities. The goal of the personnel officer is to find a good specialist, and not to collect more resumes;

  • withhold contact information. The absence of a landline phone number should cause concern: usually unscrupulous employers are in no hurry to install a landline phone, intending to quickly make money on naive job seekers and turn the case before they are caught in a hot act.

Some scammers do not even include the name of the company in the job description so that job seekers cannot verify whether such a company actually exists. Try to “break through” all the contact information in the ad via the Internet: look for who owns the specified phone number, whether the company has a website and how old it is, whether the name of the company is mentioned on the forums and in what context (praise, scold, accuse of deception, in unpaid wages). Only after that decide whether to take the second step - go to an interview;

  • indicate telephone numbers, the first three digits of which are not in the list of long-distance codes and codes of mobile operators. It is worth calling such a number, and money will be withdrawn from your account.

To help you understand the difference between a fraudulent ad and a job description written by an honest employer, we will show you a good example:

Unscrupulous employers Honest employers

Position: call center operator

Salary: from $300

Education: secondary

Age: from 20 years old

Experience: Doesn't matter

Working hours: free

Remote work at home.

We are looking for energetic people who need additional income.

Your responsibilities will include informing and advising customers about services and products.

You will need a computer and Internet access, we provide a database, software and we provide training.

Position: receptionist

Salary: $300

Education: higher (hotel management)

Age: 25 to 30 years old

Experience: from 2 years

Working hours: Mon.-Fri. 8.00 – 17.00


  • reception and registration of clients;
  • maintaining a database of personalized data;
  • booking accommodation services;
  • informing customers about additional hotel services.


  • knowledge of service standards in the hotel industry;
  • competent and correct speech;
  • knowledge of cash discipline, software 1C;
  • Fidelio software skills.

How to distinguish an unscrupulous employer while talking on the phone

Deciding to call the number indicated in the job advertisement, pay attention to the content of the conversation and the manner of speech of the speaker. If he:

  • does not voice the name of the company and avoids answering this question in every possible way;
  • vaguely and streamlined describes the scope of the company (“consulting services”, “sales consulting”, “providing information about our services”);

  • does not indicate the title of the position;
  • does not describe job responsibilities under the pretext of lack of time and providing more detailed information during the interview;
  • avoids voicing the size of the salary, they say, this is not a telephone conversation;
  • without conducting a single interview, asks to send a scanned copy of the passport;
  • using various pretexts, asks to send SMS to the specified number -

Be aware that this is how scammers behave. It is better to continue your job search elsewhere.

Signs of a Fraudulent Employer's Office

Unscrupulous employers have recently become more adept at disguise and are more careful about the design of the work office in which interviews are held. Therefore, scammers do not always settle in old basement rooms with a lonely computer and a piece of paper on the door instead of a sign. Although such an entourage is almost a 100% sign of a dishonest office.

The presence of a solid sign, a renovated room and several PCs should not reassure you. It is much more important to assess the structure of workplaces, the presence of the little things necessary for work (stationery, cabinets with folders and segregators, landline phones). Then it will become clear whether they work in this office, or just create a kind of violent activity. In the second case, the job search here will not be successful, you will have to start all over again.


What words and actions of the interviewer should alert during the interview?

  • A large number of candidates present at the same time in one place. Usually, employers prefer not to bring applicants together, assigning them different times for the meeting.
  • A story about success and a dream to strive for, and a promise to help achieve your cherished goals. Wait: what follows is either a request to pay for courses that teach how to achieve a dream, or an offer to sell "goods of a Canadian company."
  • You are offered to fill out several papers: questionnaires, applications, tests, etc. Experienced HR managers warn: do not write any applications, the maximum that you should agree to is passing the test.

  • The interviewer asks to pay for paperwork, educational literature, a master class, etc. Having heard this, do not agree and try to say goodbye to this company as soon as possible, you should not continue looking for a job here.
  • The information provided at the interview does not match the information given over the phone. Such inconsistencies are not characteristic of professionals, which means that you are being deliberately misled.

Employer tricks

Unscrupulous employers, wanting to deceive a candidate, use the following tricks:

  • bonus salary. When voicing the level of salary, dishonest employers “forget” to mention: the indicated amount includes taxes, possible bonuses, bonuses and other additional payments.

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