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How to calculate the proportion of workers. Share in the economy is an indicator of the weight of any financial phenomenon

Number of workers / Number of employees

2. Average annual output per worker= Volume of TP / Number of employees

3. Average annual output per worker= Volume of technological process / Number of workers

4. Wed. number of days worked by one worker= Total number of man-days worked / Number of workers

5. Wed. length of working day = Total number of man-hours worked / Total number of man-days worked

6. Average hourly output per worker= Volume of TP /Total number of man-hours worked

7. Labor intensity = Total number of man-hours worked / Volume of technical work

The table shows that the average number of employees has not changed compared to the plan. Regarding average number workers, it increased by 12.53%, which in absolute units amounted to 460 people. At the same time, the share of workers in the total number of employees increased compared to the plan by 12.53%.

As for the average annual output per 1 worker, it increased by 4.66%, and per 1 worker it decreased by 1.31%, respectively.

The total number of man-days and man-hours worked increased compared to the plan by 13.51% and 14.92%, respectively. At the same time, the average number of days worked by one worker increased by 2 days or by 0.87%. The average working day increased relative to the plan by 0.1 hours (1.24%). Average hourly output per worker is underfulfilled by 8.92%. Labor intensity in fact increased by 9.8% compared to the plan.

We will use the method of absolute differences and the following factor model to conduct a factor analysis of the average annual output per worker:

GVppp = UD x D x P x ChV, where GVppp is the average annual output per worker;

UD - the share of workers in the total number of employees, %;

D - average number of days worked by one worker, days;

P - average working day, hours;

PV - average hourly output per worker, rub.

ΔGWood = Δ UD´Dpl´Ppl´ChVpl = 0.09´240 ´ 7.85 ´9967.04= 1690011.30 thousand rubles.

ΔGVd =UDf´ Δ D´Ppl´ChVpl = 0.70´ 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 99967.04 = 109537.77 thousand rubles.

ΔGVp =UDf´Df´ Δ P´ChVpl = 0.70 ´ 240 ´ 0.1 ´ 99267.04 =167446.27 thousand rubles.

ΔGVchv =UDf´Df´Pf´ΔChV= 0.70 ´ 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) = -1173151.73 thousand rubles.


Total: = 793843.62 thousand rubles.

Consequently, the average annual output per worker was 793,843.62 thousand rubles, with a small error in the calculations. Average annual output per worker increased by 1690011.30 thousand rubles. due to an increase in the share of workers in the total number of industrial production personnel by 12.53%. There was an increase in the average number of days worked by one worker, due to which output increased by 117,527.39 thousand rubles. due to a reduction in daily lost working time. The average working day increased by 0.1 hours, and production due to this increased by 167,446.27 thousand rubles. Average hourly output per worker decreased by 1,173,151.73 thousand rubles. All this caused an increase in average annual output per worker.

The average annual output per worker is affected by the number of days worked by one worker per year, the average working day and the average hourly output.

GVr = D x P x ChV, where GVpp is the average annual output per worker;

ΔGVd = ΔD´Ppl´ChVpl = 2 ´ 7.85 ´ 9967.04 = 156482.53 thousand rubles.

ΔGVp = Df´ Δ P´ChVpl = 240 ´ 0.1 ´ 9967.04 = 239208.96 thousand rubles.

ΔGVchv = Df´Pf´ΔChV = 240 ´ 7.85 ´ (-889.56) = -1675931.04 thousand rubles.


Total: = -1280239.55 thousand rubles.

According to the factor analysis data, it is clear that the average annual output per 1 worker was affected by an increase in the average working day by 239,208.96 thousand rubles. Moreover, there was a decrease in daily and an increase in intra-shift working time losses by 156,482.53 and 1,675,931.04 thousand rubles. respectively. Which led to the fact that the average annual output per 1 worker decreased by 1280239.55 thousand rubles.


Let's calculate the absolute and relative deviation for the fund wages. We summarize the calculations in analytical table 6.1.

Table 6.1


Previous year

Reporting year


From previous year

1.VTP, million rubles.

2. Average annual number of employees

3.GW per 1 worker, million rubles.

4.Fixed wages of employees, million rubles.

5.Average year

wages of workers, million rubles.

6.FW of workers, million rubles.

Specific gravity and its calculation is one of the most frequently used indicators. Its calculation is used in statistics, organizational economics, financial analysis economic activity, economic analysis, sociology and many other disciplines. In addition, the specific gravity indicator is used when writing analytical chapters of coursework and dissertations.

Initially, specific gravity is one of the methods of statistical analysis, or rather, even one of the varieties of relative values.

The relative size of the structure is the specific gravity. Sometimes the specific gravity is called the share of the phenomenon, i.e. This is the proportion of an element in the total volume of the population. The calculation of the share of an element or specific gravity (as you like) is most often carried out as a percentage.

Formula for calculating specific gravity

The formula itself can be presented in different interpretations, but its meaning is the same and the principle of calculation is the same.

The structure of the phenomenon should always be equal to 100%, no more, no less; if adding the fractions of 100 does not work out, then do additional rounding, and the calculations themselves are best done with hundredths.

The structure of what you are calculating is not so important - the structure of assets, the share of income or expenses, the share of personnel by age, gender, length of service, education, the share of products, the structure of the population, the share of costs in the cost - the meaning of the calculation will be the same, we divide We multiply the part by the total by 100 and get the specific gravity. Don’t be afraid of different words in the text of the problem, the calculation principle is always the same.

Example of specific gravity calculation

We check the sum of the shares ∑d = 15.56+32.22+45.56+6.67 = 100.01%, with this calculation there is a deviation from 100%, which means it is necessary to remove 0.01%. If we remove it from the 50 and older group, the adjusted share of this group will be 6.66%.

We enter the obtained data into the final calculation table

All direct problems for determining specific gravity have this calculation principle.

Complex structure - There are situations when the source data presents a complex structure and several groupings are made within the phenomenon. The object is divided into groups, and each group, in turn, is not yet a subgroup.

In such a situation, there are two ways to calculate:

– either we calculate all groups and subgroups according to a simple scheme, divide each number by the final data;

Either we count groups from the general data, and subgroups from the value of the given group.

We use a simple structure calculation. We divide each group and subgroup by the total population. Using this method of calculation, we find out the share of each group and subgroup in the total population. When checking, you will only need to add groups - in in this example urban and rural population in the total number, otherwise if you add up all the data, the sum of the shares will be 200%, a double count will appear.

We enter the calculation data into the table

Let's calculate the share of each group in the total population and the share of each subgroup in the group. The share of urban and rural population in the total population will remain the same as in the calculation above 65.33% and 34.67%.

But the calculation of the shares of men and women will change. Now we will need to calculate the proportion of men and women in relation to the size of the urban population or rural population.

That's all. Nothing complicated or difficult.

Good luck to everyone in their calculations!

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And if suddenly someone finds it difficult to solve problems, contact the group and we will help!

Currently, all medical workers with secondary and higher education must have certificates for the right to engage in medical activities. In 2009 Russian Federation this figure for doctors was 83%, for nursing staff - 76%.

Indicators of the volume of outpatient care. The volume of outpatient care is characterized by the following indicators:

· average number of visits per 1 resident;

· share of preventive visits to APU;

· share of visits to APU for diseases;

· share of home visits.

Of great importance for assessing the availability of outpatient care to the population, as well as calculating the resources necessary for its development, is indicator of the average number of visits per 1 resident. The actual value of this indicator for the reporting period is compared with the indicator of the planned volume of outpatient care, which is annually approved as a standard in the territorial program of state guarantees for providing citizens of the Russian Federation with free medical care. The indicator is calculated using the formula:

The indicator can be calculated separately for office visits and home visits.

In addition, it is important to have an understanding of visits to doctors in a specific specialty, for example:

In some cases, it becomes necessary to separately analyze visits made for preventive purposes and for diseases. For this they calculate indicators of the share of visits for preventive purposes and in connection with diseases according to the formulas:

This figure should be at least 30% of all medical visits.

To analyze the activity of medical observation of patients suffering from acute and chronic diseases, calculate home visit rate:

This figure, ranging from 15-20%, indicates the availability of outpatient care for these categories of patients.

Personnel workload indicators. The workload of medical personnel is assessed according to the following indicators:

· the actual average hourly workload of a doctor at an appointment at an APU;

· planned function of a medical position (at the reception, at home);

· the actual function of the medical position (at the reception, at home);

· performing the function of a medical position.

Indicator of the actual average hourly workload of a doctor at an appointment at an APU are used for operational daily analysis of the workload of doctors of various specialties and are calculated using the formula:

The indicator can be calculated separately for visits to the APU and for home visits for individual medical specialties. Planned indicators for individual medical specialties are presented in table. 12.3.

End of table. 12.3

Based on the planned indicator of the average hourly workload of a medical specialist, calculate indicator of the planned function of a medical position, which represents the planned annual workload of a specialist doctor in total at outpatient clinics and at home. This indicator is annually approved by the head of the healthcare organization, based on the planned volume of outpatient care as part of the municipal task for the implementation of the territorial state guarantee program.

The indicator of the planned function of a medical position is used to analyze the workload and calculate the required number of medical positions, taking into account the planned volumes of outpatient care and the wage fund

Planned indicators of the function of a medical position are presented in table. 12.4.

This indicator is compared with indicator of the actual function of a medical position, which allows for operational (weekly, monthly, quarterly) analysis of the workload of doctors of various specialties and represents the sum of indicators of the actual function of the medical position at the reception and at home:

*Indicators are calculated for individual medical specialties.

The ratio of the actual function of a medical position to the planned one allows us to analyze the work of doctors in fulfilling the planned volumes of outpatient care to the population.

Constant study of personnel workload is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the use of labor and financial resources, development of progressive forms of remuneration that would differentially take into account the volume and quality of work performed.

Indicators of preventive work. To analyze preventive work, the following indicators are used:

· complete coverage of the population with medical examinations;

· complete coverage of the population with dispensary observation;

· complete coverage of patients with dispensary observation;

· timeliness of taking patients under dispensary observation;

· effectiveness of clinical examination.

Indicator of completeness of population coverage with medical examinations is the main characteristic of the preventive activities of the clinic and is calculated using the formula:

The optimal figure should be close to 100%.

In addition, the coverage of the population with preventive work is assessed based on the results of targeted (screening) medical examinations to identify socially significant diseases (malignant neoplasms, tuberculosis, STIs, etc.), for example:

Based on the results of the examinations, the frequency of detection of individual diseases (pathological involvement) is calculated, and groups for dispensary observation are determined.

Indicator of completeness of population coverage with dispensary observation gives a general idea of ​​the organization of medical examination of the population and is calculated using the formula, %:

For individual constituent entities of the Russian Federation, indicators fluctuate in the range of 60-70%.

Indicator of completeness of coverage of patients with dispensary observation used for a deeper assessment of the organization of work on medical examination of the population. The indicator is calculated using the formula:

For patients suffering from socially significant diseases (diseases of the circulatory system, diabetes mellitus, malignant neoplasms, mental and behavioral disorders, HIV infection, tuberculosis, etc.), this figure should approach 100%.

Indicator of timeliness of taking patients under dispensary observation is an important characteristic of the work medical institutions and allows you to estimate during what period of time a patient with a diagnosis established for the first time in his life was registered for dynamic observation. The indicator is calculated using the formula:

As a rule, to calculate this indicator, the time interval from the moment the disease is detected until the patient is registered at the dispensary is taken, equal to 1 year. At the same time, for certain nosological forms (bronchial asthma, hypertension, gastric ulcer, etc.) this period of time should not exceed 30 days.

Clinical examination effectiveness indicator used to analyze the quality of dispensary work carried out by outpatient clinics and is calculated using the formula:

Analysis of these and other indicators is very important for planning, assessing the quality of outpatient care for the population as a whole, developing priority areas its development. At the same time, for in-depth statistical analysis of the activities of antenatal clinics and children's clinics, a number of special indicators are used.

1) The share of workers in the total number of workers on the farm:

where ∆Ud is the share of workers in the total number of workers;

Dpl - according to the plan, the number of days worked by one worker per year;

2) Number of selected days by one worker per year:

∆D - the number of days worked by one worker per year;

Ppl - according to plan, the average working day;

ChVpl - according to the plan, the production of gross output in one man-hour.

) Working hours:

where Udf is the actual share of workers in the total number of workers;

∆П - average working day;

ChVpl - according to the plan, the production of gross output in one man-hour.

) Average hourly output of workers:

where Udf is the actual share of workers in the total number of workers;

Df - the actual number of days worked by one worker per year;

Pf is actually the average working day;

∆ChV - production of gross output per one man-hour.

It is mandatory to analyze the change in average hourly output as one of the main indicators of labor productivity and a factor determining the average daily and average annual output of workers. The value of this indicator depends on many factors: the degree of mechanization production processes, qualifications of workers, their work experience and age, organization of work and its motivation, equipment and production technology, natural-climatic and economic conditions management, etc. To study the influence of these factors on the level of average hourly output, you can use methods of multiple correlation analysis.

The level of average hourly output on average for a household also depends on changes in the structure of industries (Table 4). If the share of an industry in which the average hourly output is higher than in others increases, then this will lead to other equal conditions to increase its level on average in the household and vice versa.

Table 4 - Impact calculation sectoral structure production to change in average hourly output


Average hourly output, rub.

Structure of industries, %

Change in average hourly output, rub.

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Formula and algorithm for calculating specific gravity as a percentage

There is a set (whole), which includes several components (component parts).

Let us introduce the following notation:

X1, X2, X3, ..., Xn are parts of the whole.

They can be expressed in various units of measurement - rubles, pieces, kilograms, etc.

To find the specific gravity of each part of the population (Wi), you need to use the following formula:

That is, the value of each part is divided by the total amount and multiplied by 100 percent.

Specific weight will indicate the value, importance or influence of each element in the aggregate.

To check the correctness of the calculations, you need to add all the specific weights together - their sum should be equal to 100 percent.

Example of calculating specific gravity as a percentage

The company produced 100,000 notebooks during the reporting period.

Among them:

  • notebooks 12 sheets - 30,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 18 sheets - 10,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 24 sheets - 10,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 48 sheets - 30,000 pieces.
  • notebooks 96 sheets - 20,000 pieces.

It is required to find the specific gravity of each type of product.

To solve this problem, we will use the formula given above.

1) W1 (notebooks 12 sheets) = (30000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.3 * 100% = 30%.

2) W1 (notebooks 18 sheets) = (10000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.1 * 100% = 10%.

3) W1 (24 sheet notebooks) = (10000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.1 * 100% = 10%.

4) W1 (notebooks 48 sheets) = (30000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.3 * 100% = 30%.

5) W1 (notebooks 96 sheets) = (20000 / 100000) * 100% = 0.2 * 100% = 20%.

Let's sum up the obtained specific gravities:

30% + 10% + 10% + 30% + 20% = 100%.

This means that everything was calculated correctly.

Calculation of specific gravity in Excel (Excel)

If the population includes a fairly large number of elements, then the specific gravity of each element is very convenient to calculate using Excel.

Here's how you can do it (using the notebook problem as an example):

1) We draw up a table consisting of 3 columns: 1st column - name, 2nd column - value, 3rd column - specific gravity.

2) In cell D3 we write the formula for the specific weight of notebooks of 12 sheets:

Set the percentage cell format - to do this, click on the "%" button located on the toolbar.

3) To calculate the rest specific gravity copy the formula from cell D3 to the lower cells (D4, D5, etc.).

In this case, the percentage format will be applied to these cells automatically and will not need to be set.

When finding specific gravity as a percentage in Excel, the “Increase Bit Depth” button can be very useful; it is located on the toolbar next to the percentage format button:

This button will be needed when the specific gravity is a fraction and you want to display tenths and hundredths.

4) The last step is to add the specific weights using the SUM function.



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