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How can I find out how the interview went and whether I should call the employer myself? How to correctly find out about the results of an interview: expert advice How to ask the employer about the decision made.

How else to understand at an interview, that your candidacy not interested employer? Should I wait for a call from the recruiter or schedule my next interview?
I often get asked questions like this. In this article, I have collected general tips that will help applicants determine their chances of passing an interview.


It is believed that a 15-minute interview says about disinterest employer. However, an experienced HR manager will say that sometimes 7–8 minutes are enough to make a positive decision, and sometimes even 50 minutes do not guarantee that you will be hired.
The timing of the interview largely depends on the position for which you are applying. Imagine yourself in the shoes of a recruiter and try to understand what information an employer needs to make a quality selection of an employee.

Don't rush to lay all your cards on the table

During the interview, applicants try to show their good side - they describe their professional experience, talk about their qualities. Eichar listens politely, and at the end of the interview, in a friendly tone, says that he will call back later.
For example, an applicant told the HR manager that his strongest qualities are diligence, responsibility, and perseverance. And the employer needs a creative person who loves and knows how to make independent decisions, strives to professional growth, ready for a large amount of work.
Before the interview, carefully read the employer's requirements. During the meeting, do not rush to tell the employer about all your qualities and skills. It’s better to try to find out what qualities an employer is looking for, and using this information, tell us about yourself in the appropriate context.

Behavior of an HR manager

Body language can tell you a lot. If the interviewer sits straight, slightly leaning towards you, follows you with his eyes, listens attentively and nods periodically, most likely he is interested in your candidacy. If he completely leans back in his chair, crosses his arms over his chest, looks around or at his watch, most likely he has lost interest in you.
A recruiter's inattention may signal a lack of interest. In this case, you will feel that the interview is formal and the interviewer wants to end the meeting as quickly as possible.
If during the interview the interviewer refuses to answer your questions and says that you will find out everything later, then this rather demonstrates his lack of professionalism. At the end of the interview, both parties should not have any questions.
However, even in this case, there is a chance that the employer may change his mind and schedule a new interview if no candidate has been approved for the position.

Offensive strategy

To find out whether your candidacy is suitable for a vacancy or not, you need to ask the employer's representative a few questions. For example: “Can I consider that I have passed the first stage of the interview?”, “Can I apply for the position?”, “When can I hear from you?” etc. However, it is unethical to ask questions like: “Did you like me?”, “How do you like me?” or “Well, did I pass?” It is much more effective to clarify with the HR manager the most important professional and personal qualities. This way, you will be able to assess how well your candidacy corresponds to the employer’s idea of ​​an ideal applicant.
Most likely, the interviewer will not give you an exact answer to any from the above questions. In this case, ask permission to call him personally the next day, specify the phone number at which it is convenient to keep in touch. Be sure to call him the next day. Don't be afraid to seem intrusive!

Every recruiter has their own interviewing methods. Some personnel officers demonstrate traditional politeness, others use stress interview methods or test techniques. Always be honest, open and positive. Smile at people, and then success will definitely await you!

How to find out if you are suitable for the desired position after an interview with the company's HR manager? What should job seekers do and shouldn't do?

The structure of the interview with candidates for a vacant position may differ depending on the company, the position itself, and also on the methodology used by a particular recruiter/HR manager. As a rule, at the end of the interview, the recruiter talks about further interaction with the candidate and guides him in terms of response time. The candidate himself can clarify all the points at the end of the conversation.

The best option for the applicant would be to wait for the agreed period. If a representative of the employing company does not get in touch, the candidate may well call back the HR specialist with whom he spoke, or write him a letter asking him to clarify what his status is for this vacancy.

Perhaps the recruiter is not getting in touch because there is no response on this candidate yet. In this case, the applicant can, on his own initiative, confirm his desire to work in this company, which will be his advantage when considering other candidates.

Applicants should not:

    call or write to the recruiter before the announced deadline;

    come to the office to clarify the answer, referring, for example, to the fact that you cannot get through by phone or there were no contacts for communication (you can always find out contacts through the company’s website or through open sources);

    find in open sources the contact of the head of the department and write or call him to find out your status or even send him your resume.

All these actions, firstly, will not speed up the process of considering a candidate, and secondly, may be interpreted by a potential employer as incorrect and unacceptable according to the existing corporate culture. Moreover, despite the positive impressions from the initial interview, such actions may even serve as a refusal to the candidate for the position.

The candidate should also be prepared for a kind of “homework” - when, after the end of the interview, the recruiter gives some test/task to complete for the next meeting. In this case, everything should be completed within a predetermined time frame.

If the HR specialist informed the candidate about the refusal by telephone or email, then, if desired, the applicant can clarify the reasons for the refusal. If possible, the recruiter will provide him with this information.

Meanwhile, the applicant should not give up and immediately turn away from the employer. You can ask to add your resume to the company database. And if a specialist is really worthwhile, works in a “narrow” field or is a top manager, and has also proven himself properly in negotiations, then they will definitely pay attention to him.

As soon as we leave the threshold of the office where an interview for an interesting vacancy has just ended, questions immediately begin to arise: “What to do next?”, “Will they call me back?”, “Or maybe I should call or write a letter myself?” And the most painful question - How long should I wait for an answer after the interview?
But you shouldn’t sit idly by, waiting for good news. Correct actions on your part after the interview will help not only “ease the pain” of waiting, but also influence the choice of the employer.
Experts suggest the following appropriate and useful actions for you after the interview!
Dot all the i's during the interview
If at the interview you were not immediately given a job offer (or were not refused employment), then the employer must inform you when and within what time frame you will learn about his decision. If nothing was said about this, you need to ask yourself, and also clarify whether you can call/write to the recruiter yourself and find out the results (don’t forget to ask for a business card with contact information). The favorite template phrase of recruiters “We will call you” should not suit you; be sure to specify the date of the call.
Send a thank you letter to your employer
Immediately after the interview (preferably within 24 hours, before you are forgotten), send a thank-you letter to your interlocutor, thanking him for the interview and confirming your interest in the job. Any employer will be pleased with this step - so why not take it.
In this letter, you can also ask about the time frame for making a decision on your candidacy, if you suddenly forgot to clarify this at the interview.
Should I call after the interview?
Before the deadline for making a decision - definitely not! Just like writing. This will characterize you as a forgetful or annoying candidate.
Why don't they call you back after the interview?
The decision date has already arrived, and the employer has not contacted you. What's happening? Perhaps they were simply not interested in your candidacy. Many recruiters are reluctant to take the time to inform candidates that they have been rejected.
But there is a possibility that the employer cannot make up his mind about his choice and your call or letter reminding him about yourself will be very helpful.
Therefore, take the initiative into your own hands and call the recruiter.

Feedback after the interview

Ekaterina P. Head of Corporate Clients Department:
“I was looking for a customer service manager for my department. I really liked the two girls, and I couldn’t decide between them. In the end, I took the one who called me back herself.”
An example of a telephone conversation could be as follows:
“Good afternoon, Nadezhda. My name is Ivan Ivanov. On July 22, I had an interview for the position of head of the sales department. I am very interested in working for your company, so I called to inquire about your decision regarding my candidacy.”
If you do not want to call your employer, you can write an email.
It should be short and polite, convey only positive emotions. There is no need to accuse anyone of anything - just remind the employer about your interview, show interest in the position and clarify the decision on your candidacy.
Letter after an interview, example:
“Good afternoon, Nadezhda. On July 22, 2013, we met at an interview for the vacancy of head of the sales department. I would like to inquire about the results of consideration of my candidacy for this position, since working in your company is very interesting to me, and I believe that I can make a worthy contribution to its development. Thanks in advance for your answer. Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov."
It may turn out that the employer has not yet made a decision. In this case, during a conversation (or in a letter) you need to set a new deadline. But if within the next specified period the decision is not made, you should think about whether this work is worth such a wait in the absence of any guarantees.
Stay in touch
While waiting for the employer's decision, be always in touch, do not plan trips to places where you will not be available. Check your email often, including your Spam folder, as recruiters, in case of refusal, most often report this in a letter.
Don't stop looking for work
Even if you are sure that the position is in your pocket, continue your job search. There are no guarantees that the employer will not find a better candidate than you, or will not change plans for a new vacancy. Go to a couple more interviews, at least so that you have something to choose from.
When showing interest and reminding yourself after the interview, the main thing is not to “overdo it”! Don't scare off your employer with your intrusiveness and impatience. Behave like a true professional who knows his worth and knows how to value time and money.

Almost always, the person responsible for selection is the HR manager. It is from him that it makes sense to find out the result. If there is no such specialist in the company, then You should contact the person who conducted the first interview. In a small company, this could be either a potential immediate supervisor or the CEO. If there is no connection with these individuals, the correct option would be to call the company, explain the situation to the office manager and ask who and how you can contact to clarify the solution.

How long after the interview do they call? If there were no agreements during the interview, You will have to wait for a response from 2 days to 2 weeks. On average, the candidate is informed about the results within 2-5 days. And some employers do not consider it necessary to inform the applicant about their decision in case of refusal.

Therefore, it is pointless to passively wait for an answer for more than a week.

In order to make life easier for yourself, it is better for the candidate to agree in advance with the interviewer the deadline and method for obtaining the result of the conversation. If the interview is nearing the end and the interviewer has not said anything on this issue, the applicant will have to take the initiative into his own hands. It is enough to thank the interlocutor for his time and ask when you can expect the result or when you can call yourself to find out.

Should you call the employer after the interview? If the candidate is interested in the vacancy and wants to work in the company, then it makes sense to remind about yourself. This will show the applicant his interest in this particular employer. Sometimes an active and persistent candidate is hired, despite the fact that he is not entirely suitable professionally. But it is important to observe moderation and remain correct. Persistence should not develop into importunity and, especially, arrogance.

We talk about how to find out the results of an interview, who should report them and how.

How to remind yourself after an interview?

There are two optimal ways: a phone call and an email. Sending a paper letter by mail is not the best idea, because it can take a very long time to travel even to the next block. It is also undesirable to use non-standard communication methods in this case - social networks, SMS messages, instant messengers, Skype.

Phone call

At the stage of inviting an interview, the HR specialist usually leaves the applicant with a phone number. This could be a mobile phone and/or a company extension. By You can call the same number to learn about the results of the interview. But how to ask an employer about the results of an interview? The conversation could be structured like this:

Candidate: Good afternoon, Olga Vyacheslavovna! Would it be convenient for you to give me a couple of minutes?

Recruiter: Yes. What question are you talking about?

Candidate: My name is Maxim Pospelov. On July 29, I had an interview at your company for the position of Sales Manager. After the conversation, I became even more interested in your vacancy. I would like to know about the results. Should I hope for a positive response from you or would it be wiser to continue my search?

The candidate in this appeal makes an indirect compliment to the company and shows his sincere interest in getting a job specifically in this organization. Employers in most cases have a very positive attitude towards such activity of applicants.

Important! There is no need to drag out the conversation and take up time from the interlocutor. If the answer based on the results of the interview is not yet ready, you should agree on the time of the next call and end the conversation.


Such a letter is somewhat inferior to a telephone call, because there is no guarantee of receiving an answer. The recipient may, for example, read the letter, but get distracted and forget to respond. There is also a possibility that the letter will end up in the Spam folder. In this case, the recipient will not even see it. Makes sense after sending the letter additionally call the recipient and check whether he received it. You can use the following letter option:

Good afternoon, Olga Vyacheslavovna!

My name is Maxim Pospelov. On July 29, 2016, I had an interview at your company for the position of Sales Manager, during which I finally became convinced of my desire to work for you. Thank you for your attention to my candidacy and your time!

I would like to know about your decision based on the results of the interview and testing. Can I hope to get a job in the company? I'm looking forward to your answer!

If you don't mind, I will contact you within three days to clarify the results.


Maxim Pospelov

Phone 8-900-000-00-11

Important! To increase your chances of reading an email, it should be given high priority using a special function in an email service or email program. In this case, the letter will be highlighted in color in the recipient’s mailbox and will be difficult to miss.

Why doesn't the HR manager call back?

The HR manager does not make hiring decisions alone and therefore has to wait for a response from the immediate supervisor and, possibly, other employees of the company. The Security Service is often involved in the candidate selection procedure. Verification of candidates in this case may take up to a week.

Delayed response times may be caused by a large influx of applicants. Perhaps the company has a dozen interviews scheduled within a week, and a decision will be made only after all of them have been completed.

Force majeure cannot be ruled out. The HR manager could get sick, leave urgently, quit, and when transferring cases, the candidate’s resume was lost. Therefore, it is important to call yourself and remind yourself.

Also silence may mean a refusal, but in this case it is advisable for the applicant to call himself and find out the reasons for the negative decision.

Important! If the employer does not give reasons or they are unconvincing, and the applicant considers the refusal to be unfair, he has the right to formally demand from the employer an explanation of the reasons for which he was refused. In response to a written request, the employer will also have to explain in writing no later than 7 days the reasons for his refusal. But such a development of events can negatively affect the further career development of the applicant, because other companies are unlikely to want to cooperate with a conflicted person, and information in business circles spreads at lightning speed.

We looked in more detail at the reasons why you may not be called back after an interview.

There are also publications on our website that are designed to help recruiters in their work. In special articles we talk about how to correctly and and how you can evaluate and.

How to let your employer know that you are waiting for results?

If during the interview no agreement was reached on the timing of reporting its results, you can include a request to respond about the results in a separate letter of gratitude. Rarely do applicants send letters immediately after an interview thanking them for their time, but in vain. This tool can help you not only get your current job, but also help you develop your career in the future.

After all, the business community is quite limited and today’s modest recruiting manager of a small company can become an influential HR director of a large company in 5 years. Precisely the company to which the same applicant who sent a letter of gratitude to the modest recruiting manager 5 years ago will send his resume. Of course Such letters are important (and even irreplaceable) when interacting with middle and senior managers.

Letter of thanks sent to the interviewer within 2 days after the interview. An example text of a letter to an HR manager looks like this:

Dear Olga Vyacheslavovna!

Thank you for your attention to my candidacy, invitation to an interview and your time. It was nice to chat with you! After our conversation, my interest in working for your company has increased significantly, so I look forward to your response on the results of the interview.


Maxim Pospelov,

Candidate for the vacancy Sales Manager

Phone 8-900-000-00-11

In such an unobtrusive form, the applicant hinted that it would be nice to give him an answer. The option of a thank you letter is always a winner for the candidate. In Russia it is not customary to send such letters and therefore they have not become routine and formal. They surprise and are memorable. In a sense, the HR specialist will feel obligated, because if the candidate took the time to write such a letter, then the HR manager should also spend some of his time in return to communicate the decision.

How do you know if you passed the interview? If the agreed period has passed and there has been no response, the applicant must call the employer himself. It is better to find out the result as soon as possible and, if it is negative, to continue searching for your ideal job, than to be nervous or get your hopes up while waiting for a call from an employer who may not be going to call.

How to inquire about the results of an interview? This is also discussed in the video.

In this article you will learn how to write a letter to HR after an interview and confirm your interest in the job.

  1. What is a thank you letter?
  2. Why write a thank you letter after an interview?
  3. Examples of thank you letters
  4. Lifehack

1 . Why write a thank you letter after an interview?

After the interview, you have much more information about the company and responsibilities, as well as other details that were unknown to you. There is a possibility that you failed to highlight in your answers to the questions exactly the competencies that the employer is looking for. Are you confident that you were able to provide convincing answers to the following questions:

  • What can you do that other candidates can't?
  • What skills do you have that will help solve problems in the company?
  • What basic employer needs can you meet?
  • What are your advantages from an employer's point of view?
  • Why should an employer choose you?

It is also worth thinking about what objections might arise from a potential employer and what weaknesses he might see in your professional experience. These are the ones you need to focus on and try to remove all possible doubts. This can be done by writing a thank you note after the interview. Such letters can be sent as a follow-up after a telephone interview and as a follow-up after an interview in the office with one of the company representatives.

Why should you write a thank you letter?

Writing such a letter is not just a form of politeness; it is one of the key elements in the job search process, along with your resume and cover letter. Candidates sending a thank you note after an interview is the exception rather than the rule. The fear of being rejected or being too pushy paralyzes all writing skills and prevents you from making that last effort to increase your chances of getting a job offer. That's why you should definitely do it! If you write your letter in a polite manner and follow the rules of business correspondence, you will be able to stand out from the crowd of other candidates who do not. Use a thank you letter as another tool to sell yourself to your employer.

Many employers say that when it comes to making a decision, there are often 2-3 candidates left from which they have to choose. They begin to study the details, looking not only at the applicant’s qualifications, but also at how he performed during the interview and after it. When reviewing a list of top candidates, an employer may ask:

  • Which one of them sent a thank you letter?
  • Who sent the best thank you letter?

Thus, a thank you note can play a crucial role in getting a job offer.

In writing a thank you letter, I suggest you use Caesar's main weapon - speed. Don’t delay your submission – move as fast as you can after the interview. Be the masters of blitzkrieg! Don't put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

2. What is a thank you letter?

A thank you letter is an expression of gratitude to the company employees who interviewed you. This is also an opportunity to remind the interviewer of your qualifications and interest in the job. Such a letter must be sent within 24 hours after the completion of the interview to the HR manager.

Structure of writing a thank you letter

  1. First paragraph You should start by expressing sincere gratitude for the time spent and interest shown in your candidacy. You can also thank the HR manager for his help in preparing for the interview with the manager.
  2. In second paragraph add important details that you forgot to mention during the interview, or the interviewer did not ask you about it. Start writing the main part by describing the skills that are listed in the job description. Try to answer 2 questions:
    Why do you want to work for this company?
    Why are you the best candidate for this position?
  3. In the third paragraph answer the question: What benefit and contribution can you give to the company?
  4. At the end of the letter provide contact information (last name, first name, phone number, email address), and also express your willingness to provide any additional information about yourself. You also have the opportunity to inquire about next steps in the hiring process if the interviewer did not tell you this during the interview.

3. Examples of thank you letters

If you have any questions regarding my work experience, please contact me. You can contact me by phone or email.

I will eagerly await your response.


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me. I am very grateful to you for the information you provided. I was very pleased to meet you and learn more about company “N” (company name).
After our conversation, I was even more convinced that my previous experience (what exactly) would allow me to successfully cope with the tasks of the position (position title) and contribute to creating an effective team.
If you require any further information please call me on 123456789.
I look forward to your response regarding the status of consideration of my candidacy.


Dear N (name of HR manager),
Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to talk with me today. I was glad to meet you and learn more about your company “X” (company name). I was impressed by the friendliness of the staff I interviewed with.
Based on the information I have learned about your company, I am even more excited about the position of (job title). My 10 years of experience in direct sales in large Western companies (list which) will allow me to make a significant contribution to the development of the sales department, and I would like the opportunity to demonstrate this.
I would be grateful for information regarding the results of my interview with the company management.
If you need additional information about me, you can call me at (number) or contact me by mail: (email).


3. Life hack

Formula for writing a thank you letter after an interview:

Past + Present + Future

Here's how this formula works in practice:



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