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How to choose a CRM system and does your business need it? CRM systems - what is it. Rating of the best customer relationship management systems and their implementation The crm system is used to

Present full control today own business simply impossible without a reliable software. With it, you can optimize not only the work of company employees, but also automate other commercial processes, including customer bases.

CRM system is a program with which you can manage transactions, track all operations carried out by the company, and also improve the efficiency of employees working in the enterprise. At the same time, the manager does not even need to leave the office - everything can be done using a computer right from the workplace.

CRM system is great for small businesses, helping companies to successfully solve commercial issues, enter into profitable contracts, and track the work of the entire staff of employees. It is for this reason that it is so highly valued today by all self-respecting entrepreneurs. To understand what the value of working in CRM is, it is necessary to understand in detail what this concept is and how to use it correctly for commercial purposes. You should also compare CRM systems based on the most popular computer programs used by both large and small businesses.

The concept of the CPM system

First of all, it is important to understand what a CPM system is. The English abbreviation CRM itself means customer relationship management, which in Russian sounds like “customer relationship management”. With their help, you can manage sales at a distance, as well as increase their level. For this, only one thing is needed: to understand the specifics of the functioning of this program.

Working in a modern CRM system provides the following opportunities for cooperation with partners:

  • storage of their personal data;
  • information about their preferences;
  • information data about hobbies, interests and hobbies of clients;
  • archive of calls and purchases made (if any);
  • a complete list of planned or already completed cases (transactions, negotiations, etc.).

Thanks to the data stored in the system, private entrepreneurs have the opportunity to build a plan of activities and work in such a way as to extract the maximum material benefit from them. With the help of special programs, you can regularly analyze the results of your work, for this you just need to learn how to use them correctly, and there is absolutely nothing complicated about this.

Understanding what a CRM system is is not difficult at all: this abbreviation can designate absolutely all programs installed on computers of an organization. At the same time, it should be such software that will keep automated records of working with potential or current customers, as well as partners.

The main difference between each type of CPM systems is that they are written for a specific area of ​​business. This means that people involved in the supply of household chemicals will not be suitable for the software of a company specializing, for example, in the extraction and processing of oil.

There is such a thing as CRM marketing, the meaning of which is not known to everyone. Let's see what this term means.

CPM marketing is a type marketing communications aimed at putting into practice unique knowledge about current or prospective (potential) clients of a particular company.

Another important question is who is a CRM manager and what does he do.

A CRM manager is a business employee who specializes in finding and attracting new customers and developing commercial relationships with them.

Benefits of CPM for business

Having figured out what it is - a modern CRM system, it is necessary to consider in detail another important aspect - what is it used for and what benefits does it bring to small entrepreneurs? If a system aimed at managing relationships with new and regular customers was correctly created, configured and used, then thanks to its use it is quite possible to achieve high results:

  • significantly increase the volume of products intended for sale;
  • improve the service and expand the list of services provided;
  • optimize the client base as much as possible;
  • improve the efficiency of marketing departments;
  • CRM is also designed for the sales department.

Such programs open up unlimited possibilities for users, which are very important for successful business. To learn how to use them for their intended purpose, then we will talk about CRM tools programs.

Basics of working with CRM

CRM system is such a system, the implementation of which can have a huge impact on the business, which is engaged in a businessman working in the field of small business. Such software consists of the following blocks:

  1. Keeping a careful record of the database concerning all the necessary information about the partners and clients of the firm.
  2. Storage of important information, which at any time can be accessed by all employees of the enterprise.
  3. Close interaction with the list of available contact details.
  4. Using the templates prescribed by the developers, the company's employees will be able to create various proposals that are interesting for partners.
  5. Creating and planning cases for all employees of the corporation, as well as tracking the implementation of tasks.
  6. The ability to quickly receive all the necessary commercial information (reports, analytical documentation, etc.).
  7. Organization and coordination of work between all employees of the office, as well as different departments.
  8. With the help of the CRM program, you can register transactions, conclude contracts, maintain important reporting documentation, which is a strategically important element when signing contracts with partners.
  9. Working with most CRM, thanks to the special function of Internet telephony, allows you to call customers at any convenient time. To do this, it is not even necessary to start an organizer with a list of important calls - just enter all the necessary data into the computer, and at the right time you will be connected to the interlocutor. If necessary, the call can be postponed or completely canceled. However, not all systems aimed at managing customer relations have such functions: in most cases, these are programs written to order.
  10. Distribute flyers and make attractive commercial offers potential or current partners.
  11. The possibilities of CRM also lie in the fact that with the help of such programs it is possible to conduct a thorough analysis of the implementation of the tasks planned by the management, as well as the effectiveness of the work done and the deals concluded at any time interval. This is possible due to the fact that the system automatically draws up graphs, where all positive or negative dynamics are noted.

Understanding what it is - modern CRM software and systems, every entrepreneur will be able to use their capabilities to the maximum without resorting to additional services of people or, even worse, unlicensed programs.

Varieties of software for small businesses

Today, various types of CRM systems are used in business, but you should not use everything in a row - this will not give the proper result. For example, the right software for small businesses that sell products can significantly increase the percentage of sales made. In addition, your interaction with customers will improve, and, accordingly, the effect of the collaboration will be higher.

So, CRM systems designed for large and small businesses are divided into 3 types:

  • information software;
  • analytical programs;
  • collaborative systems.

Let's make a brief overview of all three types of CRM systems according to the criteria described above, so that you better understand what we are talking about.

Information free CRM systems are a type of software that creates and maintains customer bases, as well as work with various important information related to transactions, contracts, sales and other important for maintaining successful business, questions. Thanks to a well-established and customized system, you can quickly get all the necessary data about transactions, customers, clients and potential partners, as well as systematize and synchronize the information received.

Now let's figure out what kind of work it is in an analytical CRM system. In this case, we are talking about expanding the functionality of the program used. Using the extended version, you can analyze all ongoing operations, as well as continuously monitor business processes by generating reports according to system-defined templates. Analytical CPM programs also allow you to monitor the implementation of new business projects, as well as the effectiveness of the staff.

The collaborative type of CRM programs and systems is also great for the sales department. It is one of the most useful and effective tools for the development of the case, helping users to make systematization and analytical analysis of the information received.

With the help of collaborative free CRM programs for small and large businesses, you can correct and significantly modernize business processes. Such applications will be a real godsend for those entrepreneurs who are trying to direct all their efforts to trying to bring the company to a new level of customer service.

Scopes of CPM systems

Having figured out what a CRM program is, what it is, and what opportunities it opens up for entrepreneurs, it is important to consider in which particular areas of business it can be applied. This is necessary, first of all, in order not to allow enterprising "hackers" to cheat themselves, "buying" into a tempting offer to purchase one or another "useful" and "magic" application.

So, CRM systems for customer relationship management can absolutely justifiably be used:

  1. Companies providing various paid services.
  2. Outlets, stores, etc. (this also includes CRM for online stores).
  3. Firms specializing in the production of various goods.
  4. Construction companies.
  5. Enterprises providing services in the field of repair of premises.
  6. financial institutions.
  7. Radio and TV companies.

However, despite all the profit that an entrepreneur receives while using a particular system, CPM applications also have a number of negative aspects that you should definitely be aware of. Here they are:

  • leakage of important commercial information, since, using CRM for the sales department, every employee in this area has access to all data;
  • high prices for licensed versions of applications;
  • the monotony and monotony of patterns, due to which the entrepreneur needs to involve specialists to expand the interface and customize the program for use in a particular business area.

TOP CPM programs for small businesses

Below are the best CRM systems that can significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise. First, let's look at their types.

  1. Saas is an online CRM program that can be easily accessed via the Internet. And it doesn’t matter at all which gadget will be used to connect: phone, computer, tablet. The main thing is to have access to the Web at any time of the day.

However, such programs have a significant disadvantage: you cannot customize them for yourself, as well as change something in the interface or functionality. Thus, you will have to be content only with the opportunities that the developers provide you.

  1. Standalone is a program that can be managed and configured in such a way that its use is convenient and efficient for the enterprise. But for this, you first need to purchase a licensed version from the developers, and it costs by no means cheap.

This design is usually used in big business when there is a need to manage many directions at once.

Which CRM to choose in each case depends on what the company is doing, and how wide the functionality should be for full-fledged work with the selected system. You can choose the right application for work from the following rating of CRM computer systems.

  1. Bitrix24. A very handy program for small businesses that helps to maintain a complete list of clients of the company, as well as establish contact with virtual stores, which helps to increase the efficiency of the entire enterprise. Also, using this development, you can set tasks for the company's employees and receive regular reports on events in the corporation before signing an agreement with partners.
  2. AmoCRM is an online CRM system. It can be used to independently select all the necessary functions to establish the work of all types of business. The program has built-in functions of Internet telephony and mailing lists, due to which it is possible to attract new customers.
  3. Megaplan is one of the most widely used CPM systems. It provides a wide range of services to its users. In particular, it can be used to store important information, keep records, sign contracts with business partners and plan the work of the company for the future, setting tasks for all its employees. Great for group use.
  4. Salis-CRM is one of the most striking examples of modern CRM systems that can be used to compile client base as well as sales management. A simple and intuitive interface makes working in this system convenient and comfortable, even for novice entrepreneurs or newcomers to the company.

Comparison of CRM programs takes place not only on the basis of their differences in functionality and interface, but also on the basis of accessibility. So, those systems that work without the need for access to the Internet can only be used within the company. Such a development is, for example, the ordinary Word Excel program. If the enterprise needs to regularly get in touch with partners or customers, then it is better to choose such systems that can provide this.

A detailed description of one of the most important business tools - CRM-system. What is it, how does it work, what is its peculiarity, are there any shortcomings in it, what do experts think about CRM. How this system helps to improve customer interaction and the efficiency of the sales department.

Any company offering goods, products or services operates due to specific business processes. 90% of them are time-consuming, require constant staff expansion and increase salary costs. The larger the business becomes, the more difficult it is to control each process.

The main, but at the same time, the most difficult thing in business is the interaction with customers or buyers. And this includes several processes at once:

  • Creation of an effective model of interaction with clients.
  • Improvement in the quality of service.
  • Collecting and maintaining customer base information.
  • Marketing optimization.
  • Analysis of the results and work on possible errors.

Each process mentioned needs to be regularly improved in order to get more customers, repeat sales and, accordingly, increase profits. And the most effective method to do this is to introduce a CRM system into the business.

What is a CRM system and what does it look like

CRM (Customers Relationship Management) is a customer relationship management system that allows you to control the quality of the sales department.

The system provides for saving all the information received about the client and the history of interaction with him for further analysis in order to improve various business processes.

Using a CRM system allows you to always have a ready-made customer base at hand, some of which are ready for repeat sales.

The system itself can be represented as a separate software, or as a simple file in Excel or Google.Tables. At the same time, each file can be assigned to a specific manager, so that in the future it will be clear how many individual specialists process applications and how efficiently they work. It also gives the manager the ability to quickly identify strengths and weak sides their managers.

CRM allows you to record calls or requests from the site and show which manager is dealing with a particular incoming request. Such accounting makes it possible to constantly monitor the performance of managers and see the real working conditions with incoming leads and existing contracts.

The CRM system helps:

  • At any time, exercise control over the work of the sales department or an individual manager.
  • Get a standardized customer base.
  • Get statistical data on the efficiency of working with leads, on the basis of which you can conduct various analyzes to improve the quality of the company's work and increase profits.
  • Optimize and automate some business processes.
  • Develop effective business development strategies.

What do I need from a CRM system? So that all incoming calls, all incoming calls from the site are automatically unpacked in it. That is, so that no one can forget to enter information that someone called or contacted.

For example, if I enter all this manually, for example, into an Excel spreadsheet, then this will mean a loss of information - holes. Because someone will forget, someone will not want to, someone will decide not to enter and work independently. And these are reasons for theft and loss of efficiency. You just won't understand how your marketing works.

The first thing I need, as soon as a call comes in, is that a card automatically appears in the CRM system, that is, in its interface, in which the name of the person, his phone number and other fields that need to be filled in are written. That is, I talk with the client and simultaneously fill in the required fields - I find out his city, the direction of the company, I determine whether he is a good client or a bad one in terms of priorities, how hot the application is and how to work with it.

The CRM system does not have common standards. It can be any program or service in which it is convenient to control work with clients, as well as analyze, plan and develop it.

The main tasks of any CRM system

Maintaining a database of clients with the necessary information about them

A CRM system is, first of all, the creation of a single customer base, to which both ordinary employees, such as managers, and the director of the company have access. This greatly simplifies the work with clients and protects against force majeure.

For example, if a manager falls ill and goes on sick leave, another employee can lead his clients. That is, the base and history of customer relationships is preserved, even if the manager who led them was fired.

Preservation and constant expansion of the base helps to draw the most valuable customers out of it and focus on working with them, since they are important for the company. It also allows you to maintain relationships with old customers who have not applied for services for a long time. That is, periodically they can send new, relevant and profitable offers.

Service quality improvement

Constant monitoring of work with clients has a positive effect on the quality of service.

Using all the information from the database of the CRM system helps to increase attention to customers, create a sense of care for them and thus get an army of loyal audience, ready for constant cooperation and repeat sales.

Attention should be understood as:

  • prompt provision of complete and interesting information about a product or service;
  • congratulating the client on a significant holiday for him;
  • inviting clients to events held by the company or its partners;
  • servicing VIP-clients on favorable terms and with an individual system of discounts.

This makes it possible, with some effort, to create and maintain an army of loyal customers to the company.

Increase in sales

Since the CRM system contains all necessary information about customers, it helps to improve the quality of interaction with each of them. That is, after analyzing the data about the client, talking with him on the phone, he can make the most advantageous offer. In this case, the manager will be able to remove all possible objections, justify the price and convince of the profitability of the transaction.

CRM is more than just a customer relationship management system. With its help, management is able to monitor the work of the sales department and plan the actions of its employees. The manager can tell the manager how to properly communicate with the client, how to answer his questions, give convincing arguments and remove objections.

The key tasks of a CRM system, as such, are:

The first is digitization and analysis, that is, the fixation of processes.

The second is prioritization. That is, the creation of a system in which the best tasks, the best applications collide with the best managers automatically.

The third is a system of next steps, in which the lead turns into a result, a rejection, or a transfer.

And the fourth is efficiency or the concept of the effectiveness of a manager, call and working time.

Mikhail Dashkiev - co-founder of the project "Business Youth"

Using a CRM system involves segmenting the customer base. After all, 80% of them simply waste the time of managers. While the main part of the profit is brought only by 20% of customers. Accordingly, more attention is focused on them. That is, clients are divided in the system according to their income, geography, occupation, hobbies and other necessary criteria. This has a positive effect not only on sales, but also on marketing effectiveness.

Advantages and disadvantages of using CRM systems


  • The system can be used stationary and remotely, having a laptop or smartphone with the Internet at hand.
  • CRM helps to competently manage a company and create effective business development strategies.
  • The system optimizes business processes related to customer interactions.
  • Small companies can use free CRM systems to avoid additional expenses.
  • The system allows you to control not only the entire sales department, but also a specific employee.
  • CRM helps to collect and maintain a database of customer information.
  • The customer relationship management system increases sales and increases loyalty to the company.


  • Difficulties in ensuring security. There is always a risk of information leakage, since a whole department of employees has access to the customer base.
  • The system has many features, most of which may not be required for operation. That is, CRM contains some redundant information, due to which managers often face difficulties when working with the database.
  • There are difficulties with non-standard reports. Most CRM systems contain template reports. To change and adjust them, you need to attract additional specialists or train managers.

For which companies is CRM relevant?

The use of a CRM system is only appropriate if the company has more than 2 managers and more than 10 clients.

For a small company, a free CRM option is suitable, while a large one will need paid software.

Regarding the field of activity, we can say that the CRM system is suitable for almost any business that provides services, sells goods or own products.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the CRM system is a useful tool that allows you to control the sales department, work with clients, the quality of their service, as well as analyze and develop effective business development strategies.

In order to effectively manage the company and achieve maximum results, it is necessary to try to automate many commercial processes, including the interaction of employees with each other and work with the client base.

The use of specialized software makes it possible to conduct effective management activities, tracking and analysis of all stages of the conclusion of transactions.

To work with the client base, specialized programs are used - CRM. They allow you to create an information base about customers, contractors, suppliers and other third-party counterparties. CRM systems are successfully used in small businesses and allow companies to quickly solve current problems.

CRM system: what is it

Translated from English CRM (Customer Relationship Management) - customer relationship management.

These programs are responsible for organizing and automating interaction with customers and help increase sales.

CRM systems allow you to save all necessary information about clients:

  • personal data;
  • preferences;
  • list of interests;
  • call and purchase history;
  • list of transactions.

Due to this data, companies have the opportunity to build effective work aimed at obtaining maximum profit, based on the collection and analysis of the results.

Video - what is a CRM system and why it is beneficial to use them in business:

In fact, any program for keeping records of work with clients can act as a CRM system. The same Excel can be used to control all forms of interaction between a buyer and a seller. However, such a program is not capable of fully automating the process.

The difference between CRM-systems lies in the fact that they are designed for each specific business area, taking into account the specifics and products sold.

Why are they needed for small businesses

If the software is fully consistent with the direction of the company and allows you to solve problems specific to a particular type of activity, then you will be able to achieve the following results:

  • increase in sales volume;
  • improving the service of the services provided when working with clients;
  • customer base optimization;
  • Improving the efficiency of the marketing and sales departments.

Video - why CRM systems are needed:

Key tools and features

The introduction of CRM-systems will expand the opportunities for doing business.

Video - how CRM systems work in the sales department to maintain a customer base:

The main software block includes sections that allow you to:

  • keep records of the client base and fill in information that will be available to other employees of the company;
  • interact with the list of existing contacts;
  • create ready-made commercial offers using built-in templates;
  • plan and set current tasks for employees and monitor the status of their implementation;
  • promptly receive reporting and analytical information;
  • coordinate and control the work between employees and individual structural units;
  • register transactions, draw up contracts and other reporting documentation necessary for the conclusion of contracts;
  • make calls to customers using the built-in Internet telephony system;
  • send commercial offers and send promotional emails;
  • analyze the fulfillment of tasks and the effectiveness of sales at any time interval using visual charts.


The market for customer relationship management systems has dozens of different programs that are applicable in various industries. A properly selected CRM system guarantees an increase in sales and an improvement in the service provided to customers.

Most companies do not use the full functional set of CRM, but focus on those features that are aimed at optimizing their business.

CRM systems can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  • information type;
  • analytical view;
  • collaborative type.

Information-type programs are a database of clients in which you can work with information on ongoing transactions and control the progress of sales. The ability to organize data allows you to instantly receive information on all customers, transaction histories and cooperation with clients.

Analytical type CRMs are an improved information option. Due to the extended functionality, it becomes possible to analyze the information received.

The tools of such programs allow you to control all business processes by compiling reports according to specified criteria. Analytical CRM systems use special templates and settings that display statistics on completed transactions, the number of goods and services sold, as well as the activity of the customer base.

Collaborative CRM is the most advanced business software. It opens up opportunities to systematize and analyze incoming information.

The main feature is the presence of functionality for the correction and modernization of business processes. The program is suitable for entrepreneurs who are constantly trying to improve the service and quality of services provided.

Who will benefit

Before choosing a CRM system, you should decide - whether it is necessary for a particular business. Such programs are effectively used in those industries that work directly with customers and consumers of the final product.

CRM-systems are needed in those areas where customers are given the most attention, and the main emphasis is on expanding the number of interested buyers.

In the operation of an online store, phone calls and inquiries from new customers play a key role. In order to retain the old audience and systematically attract new customers, it is necessary to use a CRM system with integrated Internet telephony.

CRM systems are well suited for wholesale companies that work with both customers and suppliers. In such a business, it is important that all requests from customers are processed as quickly and efficiently as possible, orders are fulfilled, and buyers are satisfied with the completed transaction. This increases the number active clients and loyalty to the supplier of goods or services.

CRM-systems will not be successful with retail stores and companies working on long-term contracts. If every contract with new clients is concluded through personal meetings, no CRM system will give positive results.

Overview of popular CRM systems

Among the most popular systems are the following:

  • Bitrix24;
  • Megaplan;
  • Sails CRM.


Development of the company "1C-Bitrix". Allows you to keep track of potential and current customers. It is possible to integrate with online stores for efficient order processing. With its help, you can set tasks for employees and keep track of working time. The system captures all events up to the moment of the transaction and provides reporting data to improve efficiency. There are 8 reporting forms for sales analysis.

Bitrix24 CRM official website - LINK .

amoCRM is a cloud-based system for implementing the effective work of a company. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the company can independently choose the necessary set of tools that is suitable for a particular type of business. amoCRM allows you to automate and speed up personal work with clients through integrated communication channels (telephony, mailing list).

Video - overview of amoCRM sections:

Learn about amoCRM.


Megaplan is one of the top corporate CRM systems. With its help, you can conclude transactions, store and view all documentation, keep track of finances and set planned tasks for employees.

Ideal for team work. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the rapid implementation of the program and easy development for full-time employees. There is a free version that is ideal for small businesses.

AT free version Megaplan has a limit on the number of entered contacts and a ban on the use of a number of functions.

Find more information about this CRM system.


Sails-CRM is a program that allows you to keep track of customers and manage sales. Intuitive and simple interface makes it easy to get used to the work of Sails-CRM.

You can visit the official website of Sails-CRM by LINK.

Reliable assistant for your business

If you decide to develop your business and attract new customers, and the specifics of your business are suitable for their use, then CRM systems will become an indispensable assistant in optimizing work with your customer base.

Video - how one of the CRM systems for realtors works:

AT modern business the need to automate various processes has become commonplace. It is already becoming difficult to imagine warehouse or accounting without the use of specialized software, sales representatives use special applications to place and send an order to the office directly from a tablet or mobile phone, a fairly large part of the orders come from the site already in the form of documents ready for processing. But at the same time, relationships with clients, at least in medium and small businesses, for some reason, are very often conducted without the introduction of automation and sufficient attention to accounting.
I observe all this quite often, since as a business consultant I am constantly in contact with small and medium-sized businesses. And every time I have to tell my clients how to automate customer relationships, how CRM systems work, what they are, and why in a particular case it is worth choosing one or another system.

What happens if the work of the sales department is carried out without an accounting system? Each sales manager works in a way that is more convenient for him, records calls and other types of interaction with customers at his own discretion: someone - on paper, someone - in Excel tables, and someone does not consider it necessary to record the process of their own work.

It is very important that data import is fast, simple and transparent. Without the convenient automatic transfer of all contacts and other important information for the work, the launch of the system is likely to fail. Of course, you can enter all the data manually, but it is very long and inconvenient. And if you enter this data in parts, then the risk of duplication of customer cards increases, as a result, confusion and overlays await you.

Personally, I really like the option of transferring data from an Excel spreadsheet, this option is universal, quite visual and convenient. In Excel, it is possible to unload from almost any system, including 1C. And uploading data in this format to the system is also quite fast and convenient.

Availability of localization
This parameter is not the most relevant today, since most of the powerful well-known CRM systems have long had Russian localizations. But, nevertheless, when choosing software, you should always pay special attention to this parameter, since without Russian localization, you and your employees may experience difficulties in working. In addition, I believe that it makes no sense to deprive yourself of the comfort of work, if you can avoid it.
Licensing: Open Source or proprietary architecture?
The difference between Open Source and proprietary architecture is that in the first case you get an open source system, and in the second you get a closed source system. It is clear that here we are talking about licensing options for Stand-Alone software products, since any Saas system has a closed code by default.

Proprietary (closed) architecture is sold mainly by large developers. In this case, you get a powerful system in which you can make changes within the limits indicated by the developer. I personally do not see anything wrong here, because, as I wrote above, medium and small businesses rarely require any non-standard solutions at all.

The Open Source license (open source) distinguishes developments created mainly on the basis of some kind of CMS. In this case, you get extremely wide opportunities for integrating and working with a website or other system. On the other hand, such CRM modules lose out in many respects to large CRM systems specifically designed for customer relationship management.

Contacts and counterparties
When choosing a CRM system, pay special attention to how directories are implemented, what is their structure. So, if you work only with individuals, then one level will be enough for you - this is a contact (client). In this case, in principle, any variant of the contact directory structure will suit you.

It's different if you're working with legal entities. In this case, your contact is an organization. But different people can call on behalf of this contact, for example, an accountant, a supplier, a storekeeper, a manager, etc. It is very important that the CRM system provides for the ability to create a card for each contact person (contractor) separately, as well as combine them into one common contact, organization. This is very important, since otherwise it will not be possible to organize a sufficient level of automation for monitoring work with clients.

System cost

Any businessman, before implementing this or that software solution, asks himself, how much will it cost? When determining the price of CRM, you need to understand that the numbers that you see on the sites in the "product cost" or "license cost" section are only part of the total costs. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what makes up the total cost of implementing a CRM system.

The total cost of the product consists of several parts:

  1. The cost of a license (acquisition). This may be access payment for "cloud solutions" or the cost of 1 copy.
  2. Transferring data to the system. You will definitely need to somehow transfer contacts and other data. Therefore, the presence or absence of a ready-made module, as well as the complexity of preparing data for import, will also affect the final cost.
  3. Improvement cost. Even if you bought a “box solution” or access to the saas version, some improvements will still be required. You will need to configure access rights, reports, tasks, etc.
  4. Escort cost.
In addition, many people miss another important, but not so obvious point. These are financial losses during the transition period. You need to understand in advance that during the transition to a CRM system, some problems may occur, due to which you may lose some leads, work them out of time, etc.

When implementing any software, there are some difficulties. Even if the seller software product tells you that it is enough to make a payment and you can immediately start work, all the same, in practice there are problems, malfunctions, overlays due to the human factor (employees still do not know how to use new system or they are not good enough, etc.).

You will also face indirect costs during implementation. So, your employees, instead of performing direct duties, will devote part of their time to training and testing the system. Also, the manager will be forced to devote part of his working time to solving issues related to the implementation of CRM, as well as to monitoring work to solve this problem.

If you understand in advance that there will definitely be costs at the implementation stage, if you are ready for the need to allocate time and effort to implement a CRM system, if you prepare for possible overlays, then all these costs can be minimized, and the process itself made as simple as possible and painless.

License cost
Depending on the type of CRM system you choose, there are various options for purchasing a license. You can:
  1. Buy a perpetual license.
  2. Buy a license (subscription) for a specific period (month, year, etc.)
  3. Buy a copy of the program to install on your own server.
  4. A perpetual license is purchased once and is valid on an ongoing basis. This is convenient, but the amount that needs to be paid immediately is usually quite significant.
Subscription implies the purchase of access to the system for a certain period. The subscription cost is usually low, but you will have to make regular payments to continue access to the CRM system.

When comparing the cost of licenses, one should also take into account the marketing moves that sellers often resort to. So, very often sellers of CRM-systems on the site advertise the minimum price of a service package, which will be valid only under certain conditions. But in reality, you will have to pay more for this system.

For example: on the page with the description of the service package, the price is $40 per 1 user per month. But if you carefully read the entire text, including the callouts and notes, it turns out that this price is valid only if you purchase at least 10 licenses at the same time for a period of 1 year. And if you only need 9 licenses, the price will be different.

Such marketing tricks are very typical for the IT market. But I plan to talk in detail about the tricks of licensing in a separate article. And now it’s enough just to remember that you need to be attentive to the conditions of price formation so as not to be deceived in your calculations.

In the case of purchasing the program, you pay once for an unlimited number of licenses. You will not need to pay for access to the program either periodically or in the event of an increase in staff. But any updates for your program will be paid.

Improvements and launch of the system as part of its cost
Work on setting up, finalizing and launching the software should also be taken into account when calculating the total cost of the CRM system.

You will need:

  1. Install the software (when purchasing the program, you will need a lot of work, setting up the server and much more; in the case of Saas solutions, you may need to install client programs on computers, tablets, mobile phones)
  2. Set up user groups, set access rights for all groups of employees who will work with the CRM system.
  3. Integrate the CRM system with other services and programs (set up information exchange with the website, 1C databases, telephony, etc.)
  4. Transfer data from other systems and programs.
It is very common for users to forget to factor in data migration when calculating costs, which is a serious mistake. Data migration is one of the biggest costs when starting a system. The data needs to be extracted from the existing system, processed, standardized, corrected errors in them, and only then this data can be loaded into the CRM system.

For example, I usually offer my clients a service such as phone fixing. This is a very common problem: in 1C counterparty cards, in Excel tables and in many other programs, customer phones can be recorded in an arbitrary way. As a result, some of the records end up in the “+7….” format, some start with an eight, some are landline numbers without any area code, etc. In order for these phones to be correctly entered into the CRM system, they must be standardized, given in a certain form (most often in an international format).

It is also important to understand that you will need improvements in any case. Even if you get a completely ready-made boxed solution, you still most likely need to modify something. It is better to focus in advance on what you will need to pay for the services of a specialist in this matter as well.

What to refine if a Saas solution is chosen?

On the one hand, when using a Saas solution, you do not have access to the code, and therefore there is nothing to modify by the programmer. On the other hand, Saas platforms provide a fairly wide range of customization options. various forms and reports, business processes, user rights, appearance your working system, etc. This work should also be entrusted to a specialist.

In addition, you will need to integrate your CRM system with the website, 1C programs, telephony, etc. This work is also performed by a specialist, and therefore its cost must be taken into account.

Standalone solutions require additional investments: buying or renting a server, setting it up, buying additional software, etc. It is important to understand that when you buy a Standalone solution, you are buying just a copy of the program. And all further costs associated with its installation, configuration, its use, you incur.

You need to understand that failures occur in any system, and this primarily concerns Standalone solutions. And support is the work of a specialist, and it should also be paid.

When choosing Saas solutions, you may not need maintenance or it will cost a minimum amount. Most often, a once-tuned solution works fine, unless, of course, you try to experiment with the settings yourself.

Why Saas systems do not require ongoing support:

  1. Such systems are usually very well debugged, and specialists constantly monitor the performance of the software.
  2. The functionality of such systems is quite limited, since it is designed to solve a certain range of tasks and nothing more.
  3. The interface is usually intuitive, and most of the actions do not require the help of a specialist.
Let me remind you that for small and medium businesses, I usually recommend Saas solutions for implementing CRM systems. And savings on implementation and maintenance is far from the last factor.


In this article, I did not set myself the task of fully and in detail describing CRM systems. I wanted to clarify the following questions: what is it, who needs them and why, and on the basis of what parameters is it best to choose a CRM system for small and medium-sized businesses. I hope that I was able to help you understand these issues. A lot has already been written about the diversity and features of various CRM systems, perhaps I will also return to this issue more than once. And here and now I tried to explain the basic things with which acquaintance with any CRM system begins.

At the same time, the process of implementing a CRM system is practically no different from implementing software. I wrote in detail about how this happens in the article.



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