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Pictures on the topic “Safe Internet. Safe Internet for children We are for safe Internet drawings

An event aimed at attracting public attention and raising the level of awareness of children and youth about the problem of safety when using the Internet, as well as to identify and support talented children in the field of computer technology.

Dear participants of the creative competition.

The evaluation of competition entries has been completed.

Competitive works that won prizes based on the evaluation results

Nomination "Video"

Average Score

Title of the competition work

Participant age (years)

Competition work

Anxious night

MBOU Secondary School No. 2 s. Yumaguzino, 3A class

Safe communication on the Internet

Republic of Bashkortostan, Kumertau, MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 named after. N.T. Antoshkina, 5A class

"Dangerous communications!"

Duvansky district, village. Voznesenka, MBOU secondary school village. Voznesenki, 3rd grade

We will make the Internet safer

MAOU Bashkir boarding school in Belebey, Republic of Belarus, grade 5a

The Internet is great! And... dangerous!

Ufa MBOU "Lyceum No. 21"

Safe Internet

MOBU secondary school No. 6 named after. M.A. Kinyashova, Blagoveshchensk RB, 5A

Sea of ​​whales

With. Verkhneyarkeyevo, MBOU Gymnasium No. 1, grade 11B

MBOU secondary school in the village of Tashtimerovo, Abzelilovsky district

Safe Internet through the eyes of children

Republic of Bashkortostan, urban district Kumertau, MBOU Gymnasium No. 1 named after. N.T. Antoshkina, class 10 B

Nomination "Poster"

Average Score

Title of the competition work

Participant age (years)

City and educational organization

Competition work

Safe Internet Rules

MBOU "Secondary school No. 9" of the urban district of the city of Oktyabrsky of the Republic of Bashkortostan, class 3B

Safe Internet

Belebey, MAOU secondary school 1, 3G class

Safe Internet through the eyes of children

Agidel, MAOU Secondary School No. 2 4B

Dangers of the Internet

Ufa, MAOU "Lyceum No. 155", 6B

We are for a safe Internet

Ufa, MBOU gymnasium No. 105, 5B


Virus protection

Dyurtyuli, MBOU Bashkir Gymnasium named after. Nazara Najmi, 10A class

Safe Internet through the eyes of children

Ufa, GAPOU Ufa College of Entrepreneurship, Ecology and Design, 1st year

Safe use of the Internet

Nomination "Story"

Average Score

Title of the competition work

Participant age (years)

City and educational organization

Competition work

Message from a stranger

MBOU "UGBG No. 20 named after F.Kh. Mustafina" 5B

A story about a girl and the Internet

MOBU secondary school No. 1, Baymak

City Ufa MBOU School No. 118, grade 1A

Frightening communication

RB, Belebeevsky district, village of Glukhovskogo sanatorium, MAOU OOSH village. Glukhovsky sanatorium, 5th grade

The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs launched the all-Russian preventive campaign “Safe Internet”

A lesson on cybersecurity issues was conducted by employees of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs in one of the capital’s schools. The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, and employees of the Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Directorate "K" came to visit the guys. Thus, the all-Russian preventive campaign for children “Safe Internet for Children” was launched.

“Representatives of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs told schoolchildren in an accessible manner about the threats awaiting them on the World Wide Web, in particular, about new types of cyber fraud. Students learned what requirements their passwords for personal accounts must meet social networks, what you should pay attention to when corresponding with strangers, who trolls are and how to react to them correctly. It came as a surprise to some that there could be real penalties for online hooliganism. In the coming weeks, similar lessons will be conducted by representatives of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in various regions of the country,” said Irina Volk.

The police officers explained to the children that protecting themselves from most cyber threats is not so difficult. It is enough to take the problem of security in a virtual environment seriously and follow simple rules to protect your personal data and your computers and gadgets from malware. Particular emphasis was placed on the need to comply moral and ethical standards in online communication and methods of countering trolling.

The lesson ended with a cyber literacy test, which almost all students passed with excellent marks.

Materials for the interactive lesson, designed for schoolchildren aged 11-14 years, were prepared by specialists from the Directorate “K” and the Department of Education and Science of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

“Basic Internet Security Rules”

The Internet is a unique reality of our time. This is a boundless world of information, where there are not only entertainment and gaming portals, but also many useful information for study. Here you can communicate with your friends online, you can find new friends, and join communities of interest. Information that quickly meets your daily needs is all on the Internet.

Why are police forced to warn about the dangers of the virtual world if there is so much good and useful in it?

A fairly large proportion of Internet users are not looking for friends on the Internet, but for their victims.

The fact is that unscrupulous citizens - scammers, drug dealers, other criminals, asocial and mentally ill people have assessed the capabilities of the Internet in their own way. After all, it is the World Wide Web that allows criminals to act anonymously.

Therefore, unsafe behavior on the Internet can harm both you and your family and friends. Protecting yourself is not so difficult - just take the problem of cybersecurity seriously and follow simple rules.

THREE most general rules, which in our information age should become your companions for life:

1. PASSWORDS(house key)

Always use unique and complex passwords consisting of letters, numbers and special characters. Eliminate the use of default passwords, do not save passwords in your gadgets and browsers. Why are we talking about this in the first place? Statistics show that people pay little attention to password policy.

For the third year in a row, the most popular password in the world is “123456.” It won’t be difficult for an attacker to guess such a password for your portals and personal data.

Change passwords regularly, ensuring their confidentiality every time. This is your biggest secret, like the key to the lock of the front door to your house.

Rule one: “The key to the house must be secret, reliable, and only yours, personal.”

2. VIRUSES and ANTI-VIRUSES(“wash your hands with soap”)

Any computer or gadget can be harmed by malware (or viruses). They can copy, damage or destroy important information, track your activities and even steal funds from your account. Programs “Worms”, “Trojans”, “Spies” - there are many varieties of them and beautiful names, but the essence is the same - all these are harmful viruses!

To protect your computer, special security programs and filters are installed on it. You can only use licensed software with current updates.

You must install all updates as soon as they become available. Don't let your antivirus expire.

Don't download software products from dubious sources (file-sharing networks and torrents). Do not open or save suspicious files - delete them immediately. Do not respond to mailings you do not understand.

And most importantly, do not visit resources with a dubious reputation that arouse suspicions of any kind in you (or your antivirus program). If in doubt, do not press “yes” or “ENTER”.

Here you can draw a simple parallel - we stay away from viruses, wash our hands regularly, with good, high-quality soap. In any doubtful situation: “We wash our hands with soap, do not touch viruses.”

3. PERSONALIZATION(documents in the safe)

Do not share your confidential data (username, password), birth certificate, passport details, address and registration, and even your photographs with anyone. Such “digital traces,” if created, can follow you throughout your life. They can harm you on the way to achieving your goal. Ignore such requests on the Internet.

It turns out strange - at home and at work we keep our documents in a safe, locked with a key. We understand their importance. And then, upon an unverified request, we open the safe, take out documents, take photographs and send them via resources on the Internet. The number of people who can gain access to such messages is even difficult to predict.

Let's remember the third rule: “Our documents are always in the safe.”


Memo "Safe behavior on the Internet."

Incorrect behavior on the Internet can harm not only you, but also your family and friends. To protect yourself, just follow the rules that you read.

other presentations on the topic “Safe Internet”

“The Harm of the Internet” - The Harm of the Internet. Mobility and speed in acquiring knowledge. Interesting facts about the World Wide Web. The speed of reactions slows down. Physical inactivity (lack of movement) develops. Affordable and in clear language, using available and interesting facts. Benefit or harm? In our presentation we want to reflect the entire essence of the Internet.

“The history of the creation of the Internet” - Theme of the game -. “It is obvious that today’s search technologies are far from ideal. Game "Debate" on the topic. Tutor - trainer (teacher). 1993 There are 600 sites on the Internet in 2002. First round. The team then engages in cross-issues. 1982 History of the creation of the Internet. A few facts. 1973

“Internet development” - 3.3. Internet in Russian regions. 2.4. Countries are leaders. “How do you assess the process of formation of the information society (IS) in Russia?” Dynamics of growth of the Russian Internet sector for 1997-2002. Hosts. Annual growth is 100-125%. Report on the course “Internet technologies”. 3.1. Internet audience in Russia.

“Safe Internet for children” - *results of the study “Children of Russia Online”. “My Safe Network” (2009) “Children of Russia Online” (2010-2011). How did teachers help children? (%)*. Who is more aware of the dangers of the Internet – teachers or students? (%)*. One on one with the Internet (%)*. Foundation Research. What do parents check? (%)*. "Children of Russia online".

“Safe behavior near bodies of water” - You cannot walk on ice during a thaw! Rules for safe behavior on water bodies. Help yourself - if you find yourself in a hole. Once in the water, take off your clothes and shoes. In warm summer weather, swimming is great fun, but tragic accidents also happen on the water. Simple tips.

“Safe behavior on the water” - Rules for safe behavior on the water during a hike. Preparing for a boat trip. Water trips and water safety. What are the rules for safe behavior of a tourist-water driver on the water during a trip? For water tourism the following are used: kayaks, catamarans, inflatable boats, dinghies, dugouts, punts and other vessels.

Student digital safety card https://lesson.proektoria.online/cyber

Smile as often as possible
And give your joy to everyone.
Wake up with a light smile,
Betting in the clouds with happiness.
Life is so beautiful, smile.
And the world will laugh with you
Smile as often as possible.
Greet every day with a smile.

These words were the epigraph of the events that took place from October 23 to 27 at the school. And the school held Unified Internet safety lessons for students in grades 1-11. This year the lessons were held for the fourth time. The guys watched a video lesson on cyber security, which was conducted by assistant member of the Federation Council L.N. Bokova.

And computer science teachers held interesting events about the rules of safe behavior on the Internet. The guys answered questions and highlighted the basic rules when working on the Internet. Also, the guys took an “Internet quiz” - There are no necessary materials - Look on the Internet.

The guys concluded:

  • When registering on websites and social networks, try to provide a minimum of personal information.
  • Try not to use a webcam when talking with strangers.
  • It is good to install antivirus and special software on your computer that will block the spread of viruses.

In the lower grades, resources were presented: a computer, a tablet, a phone, and the following topics were covered: “viruses,” “fraudulent letters,” “account theft,” “SMS fraud,” and a class hour “Useful and Safe Internet” was held.

The school also held a drawing and poster competition on the topic “We are for a safe Internet”

Information for parents: CHILDREN'S SAFETY ON THE INTERNET

On protecting children from information harmful to their health and development

A unified lesson on Internet safety is being held in Russian schools

The initiator of the Unified Lesson was the Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly Russian Federation V.I. Matvienko.

The single lesson is being held with the active support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Internet Development Institute, federal and regional authorities, as well as representatives of the Internet industry and public organizations.

The single lesson is a series of events for schoolchildren aimed at increasing the level of cybersecurity and digital literacy, as well as ensuring the attention of the parental and pedagogical community to the problem of ensuring the safety and development of children in the information space.

Our institution will host thematic lessons, parent meetings and other events.

We ask students to register on the website of the digital literacy quest “Netevichok” www.Netevichok.rf, and their parents (legal representatives) to complete a survey on the website www.Parents.setevichok.rf.

Materials for parent meetings:

  1. Presentation for parent meetings link.
  2. Methodical recommendations about placement on information stands, official websites and other information resources in general educational organizations and bodies exercising management in the field of education, information about safe behavior and use of the Internet. Download methodological recommendations. Download applications to methodological recommendations.

A single lesson for children can be conducted in the following forms, which can be used both separately and together:

  1. Conducting a traditional lesson, class hour And business games based on the methodological materials provided below;
  2. Demonstration of a cartoon and/or video lesson;
  3. Conducting the All-Russian test work By information security(online test) on the portal of the Unified Lesson for Children www.Unified Lesson.children. Upon completion, the test taker is given a certificate that allows them to evaluate their knowledge and assign a grade. In the test, questions are issued randomly from a pool of questions;
  4. Organizing the participation of children in the international quest (online competition) on digital literacy “Netevichok” on the website www.Netevichok.rf;
  5. Organize the distribution of leaflets and distribution of thematic brochures through student diaries, which can be printed independently by organizations.

Materials for lessons and activities:

  1. Methodological recommendations on the basics of information security for students in general education organizations, taking into account the information, consumer, technical and communication aspects of information security, are aimed at organizing the teaching of the basics of information security in general educational institutions of the Russian Federation. WORD. PDF.
  2. Course for primary, general and complete secondary education in the interdisciplinary field “Fundamentals of Cyber ​​Security”:
  3. Working program of the digital literacy quest “Networker” for inclusion in the institution’s extracurricular activities program.
  4. Video lesson on cybersecurity for children by the Chairman of the Interim Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society L.N. Side. You can run it either on the website or download it. Download file (mp4, 800 MB) Second link.
  5. Inserts in student diaries. It is recommended to print out these tabs and paste them into the homework block for Saturday in the students’ diaries.
  6. Video lesson of the “Setevichok” portal together with the NP “Safe Internet League”. Download file (mp4, 800 MB).
  7. Teaching materials prepared by specialists from the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution “Academy of Advanced Training and professional retraining education workers." Materials from 2017, recommendations from 2016, 2015, 2014.
  8. A textbook on media and information literacy from the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of Russia.
  9. Materials for safe internet lessons were also prepared by specialists from the NP “Safe Internet League”. Materials for the lesson in high school (Presentation), in middle school (Presentation, Presentation in updated design), in elementary school. (Animated presentation, sample lesson summary, presentation). Methodological recommendations for conducting safe Internet lessons in schools
  10. The NP “Safe Internet League” translated into Russian the Slovenian animated series “SheepLive”:
    1. Telephone Mania and Foggy Heads

The third audience of the Unified Lesson is pedagogical, managerial and other employees of educational organizations who take part in the All-Russian Conference on the formation of a digital children's space "Networker", organized by the Temporary Commission of the Federation Council for the Development of the Information Society together with the Ministry of Education of Russia in accordance with paragraph 12 of the plan activities to implement the Concept of Information Security for Children for 2018-2020. Find detailed information via the link.

Greetings from the Chairman of the Federation Council Temporary Commission for the Development of the Information Society Lyudmila Nikolaevna Bokova to the participants-teachers of the Unified Lesson. . Download .

Report on the “Decade of Safe Internet” campaign
in MBOU "Secondary school No. 5"

2016-2017 academic year

Ensuring information security and promoting information culture is one of the areas of work of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 5”.

From March 10 to March 20, 2017, the school is holding a promotion "Decade of Safe Internet".The following events were organized as part of this campaign:

  • Internet safety lessons for schoolchildren,
  • lectures with parents on the topic “ Children on the Internet! Who is responsible for them?
  • exhibition of drawings “We are for a safe Internet!”
  • thematic exhibition of leaflets “Safe Internet”
  • radio broadcasts on school radio in the “Safe Internet” series
  • lectures for teaching staff on the prevention of suicide and the influence of destructive cults in children and adolescents.

Events dedicated to the safety of schoolchildren on the Internet were held for different ages:

  • A drawing competition “Interneshka” was organized for students in grades 1-4, interactive lessons were held with entertaining elements and the fairy-tale character “Interneshka”,
  • Lessons on Internet safety for schoolchildren and an exhibition of drawings “We are for a safe Internet!” were held for students in grades 5-11. During the classes, the teacher and the children discussed the rules for preventing cyber threats that occur when working on the Internet. At the beginning of the lesson, students were shown a video telling about the dangers that lurk on the Internet. Then the children were explained how to protect themselves from these dangers. In December 2016, students took part in the “Setevichok” quest, held on the website setevichok.rf. On October 28, high school students completed the III International quest on digital, technical, consumer and information literacy among children and adolescents “Networker 2016”, and also took part in the All-Russian online championship “Learn the Internet - Manage It!” and in the II All-Russian flash mob “Let's go to Webland!”
  • As part of the week, parent meetings were held to discuss the safety of both parents and children in the information world and on the Internet. The topic of the parent lecture " Children on the Internet! Who is responsible for them? At the end of the conversation, parents received reminders some of which were made by the students themselves
  • In the classroom safety corners, pages dedicated to the theme of the week were designed.

The most important thing is that the guys learned that the Internet can be a friend, an assistant, you just need to learn how to use it correctly. And in order to protect yourself, your family, your parents from the dangers of the Internet and possible damage, you need to know what precautions to take when working on the Internet.

When preparing and conducting events, teachers used Methodological Recommendations for the Organizers of the All-Russian Action, and Useful Links:

The lessons covered schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11. In total, more than 1000 students took part in the events.

Materials for safe internet lessons

We bring to your attention preliminary materials for conducting safe Internet lessons in schools. The materials are prepared based on the experience of real lessons and take into account the recommendations of teachers.

Suggestions for improvement and wishes are accepted by email [email protected]

Materials for the lesson in primary school. Animated presentation. Additionally, a sample lesson summary.

Methodological recommendations for conducting safe Internet lessons in schools.

A program for testing knowledge on Internet security. Executable file in archive. No installation required. Use requires a Windows computer with Microsoft Framework 4.0 installed

“And the terrible Hacker was caught,

served tea with raspberries and delicious sweets

and offered a job at the largest Internet bank as chief programmer.”

Second place - Alexey Kadyshev, 11 years old

If there were no signature, would you guess where the positive character is and where the negative character is? For me, the virus is also prettier than the evil antivirus. What is this drawing even about? About the struggle between good and evil? Or about a war between two street gangs? By the way, let me remind you that according to the terms of the competition, the drawing had to be “about how important it is to know the rules of safe use of the Internet, what role the Internet plays in your life and how you spend time on the Internet.” Obviously, in this case the boy chose the latter. Wow, safe Internet for children! However, this is the jury's choice.

I liked third place the most. He was occupied Evgenia Nesterenko, 14 years old

Well, this is a poster made in the best Soviet traditions. The girl clearly knows how to draw and was able to express the main idea of ​​the competition in a laconic form. It’s even strange that she only got third place

So, as I already said, all three prize places according to the jury were taken by “paper” drawings (BY THE WAY, FOURTH AND FIFTH PLACES ALSO). This is a very interesting fact. You can build different hypotheses, but the fact remains: the teachers in this competition were not ready to evaluate works in the genre of computer graphics. Or computer graphics in our schools is so relegated that there is practically nothing to evaluate. and in fact - look at the drawings that won audience awards - how much time a fourteen-year-old teenager had to spend to create something like this:

In my humble opinion, no more than ten minutes. Of course, it’s not worth talking about any artistic merits here. Ideas are also not noticeable. Technological skills are at the second grade level. Nevertheless, this drawing took fourth place according to the audience. However, a lot can be said about the quality of voting. In the FAQ section, the organizers themselves admit that the voting results were “inflated” and then reset by the administration. So looking at the “popular vote” rating is largely pointless. But the fact that only four participants voted for all three winners according to the jury, while the number of votes in the “top” of the popular vote exceeded several thousand is, to put it mildly, puzzling. The rules of the “popular vote” were clearly not thought out by the organizers and provided scope for abuse.



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