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OKVED codes for attracting borrowed funds and investments. OKVED of banking activities: the correct choice of designations for banks

Excessive fat has long stepped from the category of a lack of aesthetic taste into the category of a serious medical dilemma. The fat layer is insidious and dangerous! Exhausting sports and strict diets seem to be an imaginary salvation: with their help, you can only lose a couple of kilos in weight, and then they come back again. Experts have developed newest product Reduslim, which not only fights excess weight, but works as quickly as possible and is harmless to health.

Positive characteristics of dietary supplements. Every year the number of people facing obesity increases. The manifestations of the disease were previously announced by scientists:

  • - shortness of breath when walking up the stairs;
  • - sucking pain in the lumbar region;
  • - excessive sweating, even without obvious reasons;
  • - swelling of the lower extremities, most obvious at the end of the day;
  • - changes in blood pressure;
  • - cephalgia;
  • - frequent changes in mental state;
  • - sleep disorder;
  • - lethargy during the period of wakefulness.

If only a few of these signs are detected over the age of 46, doctors recommend not delaying weight loss, because they consider the danger of excess weight and its impact to be very great. If you do not pay attention to this issue in a timely manner, obesity of important tissues is likely to develop.

REDUSLIM - fat burning tablets for 100% weight loss!

REDUSLIM - BREAKTHROUGH in fat burning! At the moment of resorption of the drug, an intense thermogenic process of lipid combustion and energy production starts.

Unlike standard products, where the active ingredients are lost in an unfavorable acidic environment own efficiency by 88%, the components of Reduslim do not act immediately, and therefore it is created SUSTAINABLE WEIGHT REDUCTION, all metabolic processes are accelerated and FAT WILL NOT RETURN even after the end of the use regimen.


REDUSLIM includes EXCLUSIVELY natural ingredients that will help you get rid of excess fat without harming the body. Natural extracts are well metabolized by the body and also add reserve activity!


Reduces appetite
Increases combustion lipids
Favors deliverance
from excess weight

Steapsin and protease

Facilitates the work of the heart muscle
Improves metabolic
programs. Shows

Coleus forskohlii
(Plectranthus barbatus)

Eliminates excess fluid
Cleanses, protects and activates

intestinal motor function.

Yacon root extract

Increases content
serotonin and creates
a surge of energy, reduces cravings

conjugated linoleic acid 84%
(Safflower oil)

Reduces cholesterol levels
by 47.4%,
blood movement Enhances motor skills
alimentary tract

Glucomannan (Konjacomannan)

Suppresses the emergence process
fat cells
Helps reduce
volume of lipid deposits.

Irvingia gabonica

Eliminates toxins and poisons
Provides a general strengthening effect
Effect on the body

Evening Primrose Extract

Normalizes hormonal
background, increases turgor and
softness of the skin

Reduslim in the pharmacy in Yerevan, available for sale.

Using Reduslim for weight loss provides:

  • - successful fat reduction;
  • - complete removal of all organs from toxic substances and toxins;
  • - accelerated weight loss;
  • - improving metabolism;
  • - getting rid of congestion;
  • - one hundred percent stop of fat deposits.

Since the dietary supplement produces glycogen, which is responsible for delivering a notification about satisfying hunger to the mind, there is a natural decrease in appetite and getting rid of unhealthy eating habits. Over time, it completely disappears in foods with a high glycemic index, snacks and late meals, the portion size decreases several times, and saturation occurs faster.

Unlike other weight loss drugs, Reduslim fat burning pills act in stages, due to which a lasting reduction in the amount of fat is created and normalization of digestion begins. Moreover, the quality of the skin improves, thanks to the rejuvenating qualities of the dietary supplement, which triggers organic cell restoration systems. An attractive feature of the drug is its effect on the long-term picture. This means that at the end of the course, the effect obtained does not disappear, and the weight remains the same for a long time.

  • Existence of more than 10% excess body weight.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
  • Excessive penchant for sweets and fast food.

Reduslim tablets price in pharmacies in Yerevan - find out the information here. Just 1 period with dietary supplements allows you to get a slim figure and prevent the serious consequences of obesity. This is an innovative pharmaceutical product that simultaneously affects body weight and the body. Reviews of Reduslim from doctors and those losing weight confirm the high effectiveness of the dietary supplement.

Reduslim is a product of a subgroup of biologically active food additives, exclusively designed to eliminate fat and reduce appetite, approved in the Russian Federation and endowed with all the necessary quality certificates. In just a few weeks, the drug can destroy up to 10 kg of fat! For comfortable use, the drug is available in the form of light-menthol-colored, film-coated tablets.


Possessing a natural composition, REDUSLIM turns out to be 100% safe to get rid of fat deposits. The organic combination of components found in the REDUSLIM complex is aimed at extreme burning of lipid deposits, accelerating the vital activity program, suppressing hunger and getting rid of toxic molecules in the body. As a result of using the complex, weight stops fluctuating due to the established metabolic process.

Alekhina Natalya,

This page provides information from the OKVED classifier, edition 2 (OK 029-2014 NDES), which came into effect on June 28, 2016.
Before this date, when registering companies they used (OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1))


This section includes:
- production and transmission of materials for informational and cultural purposes, provision of means of transmission and placement of these materials, as well as activities in the field of communications, information technologies and data processing technologies and other activities for the provision of information services

The main elements of this section are publishing activities, including the release software(group 58), filming and sound recording (group 59), activities in the field of television and radio broadcasting (group 60), activities in the field of telecommunications (group 61), information Technology(group 62) and other information services (group 63). Publishing activities include the acquisition of copyrights to the content of material (information products) and the distribution of this content to the general public by organizing or participating in the reproduction and distribution of this content in various forms. All possible forms of publication (including printed, electronic and audio form, information and communication network Internet, creation of multimedia products, such as directories on CD-ROM, etc.) are included in this section.

Activities related to the production and distribution of television and radio programs are included in groups 59, 60 and 61, which are devoted to various stages this process. Individual elements, such as the production of motion pictures, television series, etc., are included in group 59, while the production of finished programs for television and radio channels from components produced within group 59 or other components (for example, live news programs) is included in grouping 60. Broadcasting of finished television and radio programs without any change in content is included in grouping 61. Such broadcasting, in accordance with the description of grouping 61, can be carried out through terrestrial terrestrial, satellite, cable television and radio broadcasting systems, wired radio broadcasting or using the Internet information and communication network.

Section J activity classes
OKVED codes transcript

Choosing an OKVED code is the first step with which activities always begin legal entities. The designation is used for the all-Russian classifier of species economic activity. It becomes an integral part of the national standardization of the Russian Federation, and is being developed by the Ministry economic development. and should always choose codes that are suitable for the future field of activity. Regardless of the status, the numbers will always be the same. There are five numbers in total in the abbreviation.

The main thing in the banking sector is the redistribution and receipt of funds. An exception is revenues intended for social or compulsory insurance, pensions. All these activities are designated by code 64.

Excluded from the group are such areas as state-owned property management, mandatory social insurance together with state, as well as insurance and activities for non-state provision of pensions.

Information about financial intermediation

Here are the numbers starting with 64. Next to them are usually ones. This group of codes was created specifically for organizations that control other financial institutions working in the Russian Federation. Some of the most popular services here relate to:

  • supervision of the activities of organizations;
  • currency regulation and control on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • establishing rules for financial statements on the territory of Russia;
  • publications, setting exchange rates;
  • analysis and financial activities on the territory of our country.

There are other types of financial intermediation that are associated with issuing bank guarantees, servicing accounts of individuals and legal entities, and providing loans.

Holding companies

For them, the number 64 is also used. But after the dot in this case there are already twos.

The divisions that own the group’s assets organize their activities in this direction. Assets are needed to control the activities of the main office. Holdings do not provide services to the organizations they own.

Investment funds, similar associations

Here the next digit after 64 will be three. The activity involves attracting not only funds, but also other types of funds, which are owned by citizens. These funds and investments are subsequently combined and placed in the form of shares in some objects. Organizations do not receive money from services or sales of goods. It is formed only on the basis of investments that were placed previously.

This direction is tied to:

  1. Open and joint stock investment funds, mutual associations.
  2. Investment trust and closed funds, trusts. In which management is carried out on behalf of the co-owners in connection with the relevant agreements concluded earlier. Wills or agency agreements also help control activities.

Registration of insurance, non-state pension funds

This group provides annual insurance on an ongoing basis. Clients are provided with direct and reinsurance, separately establishing rules for each type of service.

The usual code is 65.1 or 65.11. 65.12 is a combination that denotes insurance in the provision of medical services.

About the main structural features of the classifier

The OKVED directory contains a large number of codes. They were structured in the form of digital coding to make it easier to find suitable options. Let's take Y as a symbol to explain the meaning of the combinations:

  • YY. YY. YY. - view;
  • YY. YY. Y – subgroups;
  • YY. Y – subclasses;
  • YY – classes.

What exactly should you consider when choosing?

Only the use of the appropriate one allows you to legally engage in one or another type of activity. A situation is allowed when several notations are used at once. One of them becomes the main one, and the rest become additional.

Areas of activity of the company

For example, food products are sold. And this is the main area for an entrepreneur. Additional sales may include the sale of other goods such as clothing or household chemicals.

It doesn’t matter whether activities will be carried out using only one code or several at once. It is better to immediately select as many combinations as possible. This is especially important for those who plan to expand and develop further.

A few simple steps are enough to select the code:

  1. Determination of the specific activities that will be carried out in practice.
  2. Search the directory for the required section and subsection.
  3. Selecting a class with subclasses and groups of a specific direction.
  4. Final determination of the code, entry into the appropriate register or enterprise.

Changing or adding new code

A new code is required if additional items appear in the list of services. First you need to go to the tax office, where the individual entrepreneur was initially registered. There, a statement is drawn up asking for the appropriate changes to be made.

In this case, mandatory notarization is required. You can’t do without depositing funds for state fee. When the procedure is completed, the entrepreneur will be given documents that will confirm the adjustments in practice.

Why are codes needed, their influence

The classifier is needed in order to facilitate activities. And providing documentation in certain areas of the economy. That is, it becomes easier to group types of businesses, depending on certain characteristics. Then tax service It’s easier to determine which one is suitable for which applicant.

Among the functions performed by OKVED:

  • Assistance in drawing up regulatory documentation. This is necessary to control the activities of firms at the state level.
  • Unify data from registers and directories throughout the state.
  • Collect information about all entities in order to properly maintain records.
  • Carrying out economic analysis, both within the state and outside its borders.
  • Regulation of taxation in certain areas.

Only having the code will allow you to open an account with a banking institution and take part in tenders for large orders. This combination is indicated in almost all documents related to the company's activities.

Thanks to such regulatory bodies, it is easier to monitor all areas of the economy. They collect data to compile statistics and solve analytical questions. OKVED can affect the size of the authorized capital and the tax burden for a particular enterprise. Codes allow you to determine affiliation with a direction in a particular industry. They will also help you understand whether you need to obtain a license to carry out specific work or provide services.

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