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Commercial drilling speed formula. Main technical and economic indicators of drilling oil and gas wells

IN well construction cycle includes:

1) preparatory work;

2) installation of the tower and equipment;

4) drilling process;

5) fastening the well with casing pipes and its plugging;

6) formation opening and testing for oil and gas flow.

During preparatory work they select a site for the drilling rig, lay an access road, and install power, water supply and communications systems. If the terrain is uneven, then plan a site.

Installation of tower and equipment is carried out in accordance with the layout scheme adopted for these specific conditions. They try to place the equipment in such a way as to ensure safety in operation, ease of maintenance, low cost of construction and installation work and compact arrangement of all elements of the drilling rig.

The following methods for installing drilling rigs are distinguished:: aggregate, small-block and large-block.

At aggregate method the drilling rig is assembled from separate units, for delivery of which road, rail or air transport is used.

At small block method the drilling rig is assembled from 16...20 small blocks. Each of them represents a base on which one or more installation units are mounted.

At large block method the installation is assembled from 2...4 blocks, each of which combines several units and components of the drilling rig.

Preparation for drilling includes a guiding device and a test run of the drilling rig.

During test drilling, the performance of all elements and components of the drilling rig is checked.

Drilling process begin by first screwing a bit to the square-section drive pipe. By rotating the rotor, rotation is transmitted to the bit through the drive pipe.

During drilling, the drilling tool is continuously lowered (feeded) in such a way that part of the weight of its lower part is transferred to the bit to ensure effective destruction of the rock.

During the drilling process, the well gradually deepens. After the entire leading pipe goes into the well, it is necessary to increase the drill string. The extension is performed as follows. First stop washing. Next, the drilling tool is lifted out of the well so that the kelly pipe is completely out of the rotor. Using a pneumatic wedge grip, the tool is suspended on the rotor. Next, the leading pipe is unscrewed from the drill pipe string and, together with the swivel, is lowered into the pit - a slightly inclined well 15... 16 m deep, located in the corner of the drilling rig.

After this, the hook is disconnected from the swivel, another pre-prepared pipe is hung on the hook, connected to a drill pipe string suspended on the rotor, the string is removed from the rotor, lowered into the well and hung on the rotor again. The lifting hook is again connected to the swivel and lifted with the drive pipe from the hole. The kelly pipe is connected to the drill string, the latter is removed from the rotor, the mud pump is turned on, and the bit is carefully brought to the bottom. After this, drilling continues.

During work at the bottom of the well, the bit wears out. When further work becomes ineffective, the bit is lifted out of the well, replaced with a new one, after which the drilling tool is lowered into the well again.

When drilling for oil and gas, the rock is destroyed by drill bits, and the bottom of the wells is usually cleared of drilled rock with streams of continuously circulating drilling fluid (drilling fluid); less often, the bottom is purged with a gaseous working agent.

Purpose plugging of casing annulus is the separation of productive strata.

Although the productive formations had already been exposed during the drilling process, they were isolated with casing and plugging so that the penetration of oil and gas would not interfere with further drilling. After completion of the excavation, the productive formations are opened a second time to ensure the influx of oil and gas.

For this purpose, casing and cement stone perforate .

Currently, two types of hammer drills are mainly used: shooting (torpedo and bullet types) and water-abrasive action.

After perforating the well master , that is, they cause an influx of oil and gas into it.

To do this, reduce the pressure of the drilling fluid on the bottom using one of following methods:

1) flushing is the replacement of the drilling fluid that fills the wellbore after drilling with a lighter liquid - water or oil;

2) pistoning (swabbing) is a decrease in the liquid level in the well by lowering into tubing and lifting to steel rope special piston (swab). The piston has a valve that opens during descent and allows fluid to fill the tubing. When rising, the valve closes, and the entire column of liquid located above the piston is carried to the surface.

The previously used methods of reducing the pressure of drilling fluid on the bottom, forcing with compressed gas and aeration (saturation of the solution with gas) have now been abandoned for safety reasons.

The wellhead is equipped column head(column piping). The column head is designed to isolate the intercolumn spaces and control the pressure in them. It is installed on a thread or by welding on the jig. Intermediate and production columns are suspended on wedges or a coupling.

Basic technical specifications column heads are reflected in their codes.

Start of drilling a well— the moment of the first descent of the drill string for penetration, and completion of drilling— the moment of completion of the release of drill pipes onto the walkway after flushing the well and testing the column for leaks.

To determine the duration of the most labor-intensive stage—drilling a well—a calendar time balance is drawn up.

Calendar time balance includes the following elements:

1. Productive drilling time t pr, including:

Drilling time - t m - mechanical drilling, t sp - hoisting work;

Time for preparatory and auxiliary work (change of bit, preparation of clay solution, etc.) t pvr;

Time for well casing (running casing and cementing it) t cr.

t pr = t m + t sp + t pvr + t cr

2. Time for repair work (carrying out maintenance of equipment, eliminating malfunctions that arise during drilling and securing a well) t repair.

3. Time to eliminate complications arising in the wellbore for geological reasons, t os.

4. Non-productive time t H, including:

Time to eliminate accidents t a;

Lost time due to downtime for organizational and technical reasons t p.

The balance of calendar time for drilling and casing is as follows:

T b.k = t m + t sp + t pwr + t cr + t rem + t os + t a + t p

The calendar time balance and its individual elements serve as the basis for determining the various drilling speeds that determine the pace of well construction.

Technical the drilling speed (v T) is determined by the penetration rate of the drilling rig during 1 month of productive work (m/st.-month):

Where N p— total penetration (planned or actual) for a certain period of time (well depth), m;

720 - duration 1 tbsp. - months of drilling, hours

The technical speed indicator is used for comparative assessment of the effectiveness of new equipment and various drilling methods.

Commercial The drilling speed is determined by the penetration rate for 1 month of operation of the drilling rig (m/st.-month):

The value of commercial speed is influenced by technical, technological and organizational factors. Increasing v K requires reducing and eliminating non-productive time, reducing the absolute costs of productive time by speeding up operations. This can be achieved by improving drilling equipment and technology, mechanizing labor-intensive operations, and improving the organization of production.

Cyclic the speed of well construction (m/st. - months) is determined by the penetration during the well construction cycle:

Where T c— well construction cycle time, hours.

The cyclic speed characterizes the technical and organizational levels of drilling operations and reflects the effectiveness of the joint action of the teams involved in the well construction cycle (rigging drilling teams and well testing teams).

M./hour or m/month.

Where: T months -number of hours in a month, N month . - the number of meters drilled during a calendar month. The commercial speed practically coincides with the productivity of the drilling crew and is the main indicator of the efficiency of the drilling crew and production organization generally.

Commercial speed differs from technical speed in that it takes into account all time costs, including unproductive ones associated with poor organization of work, poor discipline, etc. The greater the difference between V T. AND V k. The worse the work of the drilling crew and drilling managers is. It would be useful to enter efficiency factor rig manager

And multiply the salary of the drilling director by it.

5.Cyclic speed.


Where: N well - well depth, T well - time for all work on well construction, N drill. - volume of drilling work in this area, t level 6 - time for drilling the entire scope of work. Determines the number of meters drilled in a calendar month when including all work on the construction of a well, from site preparation to transportation and reclamation after drilling is completed. The cyclic speed is used when planning geological exploration work, and its comparison with commercial speed shows the share of time spent on preparatory and final drilling work.

6. Park speed

(m/machine per year)

It is defined as the total footage of drilling per year in a given geological exploration organization divided by the number of drilling rigs available in this organization, characterizing the efficiency of using the wall fleet.

Cost of 1 meter of drilling - From Art.

The second side of the efficiency of the process is the cost of work - for drilling this is the cost of drilling 1 meter of well. The relationship between the importance of cost and productivity as efficiency criteria, mainly. Associated with a given time for drilling, remembering that “time is money”. In most cases, maximum productivity corresponds to minimum cost, but sometimes increased productivity can be achieved at the expense of high costs for more expensive tools, equipment, and cleaning agents. In such cases, it is necessary to consider what is more profitable in a particular case - to increase productivity due to high costs or to reduce costs due to lower productivity. The approximate cost of 1 m of drilling can be determined by the expression:


Where: With - cost of 1 hour of drilling work, including depreciation, excluding costs for drilling, rub/hour (determined planning department taking into account local conditions)

C- price of rock cutting tool, rub.; hat. - penetration per crown (bit) m; D - cost of additional costs for well construction, rub.

From the analysis of the cost expression, it follows that, other things being equal, the cost decreases as the V r. And penetrations for the crown - h to. , once again proving that increasing travel speed is effective in all respects. Another conclusion from the cost analysis is the important role of the PR resource, given that its cost when drilling in hard rocks makes up a significant share (up to 50% or more) of the cost of 1 meter of drilling. Therefore, when solving the problems of drilling technology for hard and especially hard rocks, it is necessary to pay special attention to the wear of drilling equipment, primarily diamond, taking all measures to reduce its wear, even if this leads to a partial loss of drilling speed.

Quality. Third party process that determines the effectiveness of completing the assigned task. For geological exploration drilling, quality is determined by two main indicators - completeness of geological information (core output, cuttings sampling, side sampling, geophysical surveys, etc.) AND accuracy of carrying out well routes along a given trajectory, i.e. Obtaining geological information from a given point in a mountain range. Typically, the geological service sets minimum acceptable indicators, if violated, the well does not solve the assigned tasks and fails. For these reasons, to ensure required quality in some cases it is necessary to use special drilling modes using special technical means and technological methods, even if this leads to a significant decrease in productivity and increased drilling costs

The pace of well drilling work.

Distinguish S. b. :






Cyclic- an indicator characterizing the pace of well construction work:

v ts = H/S ts ; S ts = (T m + T n + T b + T And )/720, Where v ts - cyclic S. b., m/st.-month; H- volume of penetration, m; S ts- well construction cycle, work-months; T m , T n , T b , T And- calendar time, respectively, for installation of equipment, preparatory work for drilling, drilling and testing, h.

Commercial- the number of meters of penetration per rig-month of drilling.

This indicator is used when planning the volume of drilling work, financing, analysis economic activity, rationing.

Technical- the amount of wells drilled per unit of productive month (machine-month of productive time).

Characterizes the pace technologically necessary work on drilling and reflects the technical capabilities of drilling equipment and tools.

Mechanical- an indicator characterizing the rate of destruction of rock at the bottom of a well.

Expressed in meters of penetration per 1 hour of operation of the bit at the bottom (mechanical drilling). Used to evaluate the effectiveness of introducing new bits, downhole motors, drilling modes, and flushing fluids.

Scheduled- characterizes the productivity of drilling equipment and the labor of drilling workers:

v = H/(t m +t s-p ), Where H- penetration, m; t m- time of mechanical drilling, h; t s-p- time of hoisting operations, hours.


A cylindrical mine with a depth of more than 5 m and a diameter of more than 75 mm, drilled through a rock or mineral using mechanical or non-mechanical drilling methods.

Wells according to their purpose, depending on the stages of geological exploration and development of deposits, are divided into the following categories and groups(within categories):



    • first group;

      second group.



    Search engines




    • evaluative;





    • for collecting industrial waters;

      to eliminate open oil and gas gushers;

      for water supply, etc.

The basis for identifying categories of wells is dominated by a feature that defines the general task performed at one or another stage of geological exploration or field development. The exception is the category of special wells, the need to drill which may arise at any stage.

The division of wells into groups is subordinated mainly to the functional purpose of individual wells, which together provide a solution to a common problem.

In practice, classifications based on other criteria are used:

    according to the sequence of putting wells into drilling- independent, dependent and leading;

    according to the results achieved- those that have fulfilled or not fulfilled their purpose, productive (of different production rates), unproductive and practically “dry”, etc.

Metrological well- a well in which metrological control of downhole geophysical equipment is carried out.

Support well- designed to study the geological structure, hydrogeological and geochemical features of large geostructural elements, to determine the general patterns of distribution of sediment complexes favorable for oil and gas formation and oil and gas accumulation, in order to quantify oil and gas content and select the most promising directions for exploration work.

Drilling S. o. is an integral part of the complex of regional studies. They are laid in favorable structural conditions and drilled to the foundation, and in areas of its deep occurrence - to technically accessible depths. In these wells, a complex of geological and geophysical studies is carried out, provided for by the “Instructions for drilling support wells and office processing of support drilling materials.”

Depending on the geological knowledge of the region and the complexity of the problems being solved S. o. are divided into two groups:

    Wells that are laid in areas that have not been explored by deep drilling in order to study the entire section of the sedimentary cover, as well as establish the age and material composition of the foundation.

    Wells laid with the aim of clarifying the geological structure, oil and gas potential prospects of the area and increasing the efficiency of geological exploration when studying the lower part of the sedimentary cover section, which was not previously exposed by drilling.

Well parametric- is drilled to study the geological structure and comparatively assess the oil and gas potential of possible oil and gas accumulation zones and to obtain geological and geophysical characteristics of the sediment section, clarifying the results and increasing the reliability of seismic and other geophysical work.

Based on comprehensive analysis the results of parametric drilling and materials from geological and geophysical research identify priority areas for exploration work.

S.p. are of particular importance when solving regional and prospecting problems in complex geological conditions (great thickness and depth, lithofacies heterogeneity, tectonic disturbance of the section, etc.), both within large structural-facies zones and in local areas where geophysical data works are not reliable enough or are interpreted ambiguously.

The tasks, complex of research in wells, issues of organizing work, design and estimate documentation for construction, scientific processing and generalization of materials are regulated by the “Instructions for the installation and scientific processing of materials of parametric wells.”

Structural well- intended mainly for identifying and preparing for prospecting and exploration drilling of promising areas characterized by the presence of local structures and traps, where solving geological prospecting problems using geophysical methods is difficult, ineffective or economically infeasible.

When studying structures and traps for the purpose of their detailed mapping S. s. drill to marking horizons (usually to a depth of 2000 m).

Drilling in difficult geological conditions S. s. carried out most often in combination with geophysical methods; drilling complements them in order to clarify the details of the structure of the area: tracing disturbances, identifying breaks in the section, establishing the age of the rocks composing it, obtaining data on the physical parameters of the rocks, linking the upper reference horizons, deciphering other structural and parametric features.

Separate S. s., opening up the upper promising or oil and gas bearing complexes in the process of preparing areas, perform structural and prospecting tasks to assess the oil and gas potential of the section.

At depths greater than 2000 m, as well as in conditions of inconsistency of structural plans, mapping structures using drilling. is ineffective.

Exploration well- designed for searching for new deposits in promising areas, prepared by detailed work for exploratory drilling, and for searching for new deposits within previously discovered or developed deposits.

This category includes wells, the drilling of which began before the first commercial inflow was received: from a given horizon in a new promising area; from a similar horizon located in a separate tectonic block of a structure with proven industrial oil and gas content; from a new horizon within a known deposit. Drilling S.p. the tasks provided for the same stage of the geological exploration process are being solved.

Exploration well-intended for studying fields and deposits in order to prepare proven reserves of oil and gas in category C 1 and obtaining initial data for drawing up a development project (technological diagram).

S. r. They drill in areas with established industrial oil and gas potential, as well as in fields that have been put into operation. The tasks performed by each well are determined by the stages of geological exploration work and the degree of exploration of the field or deposit being studied.

When analyzing the results and methodology of exploration work among S. r. It is customary to distinguish between productive and non-productive, contour and intra-circuit, delineating, appraisal and other groups of wells according to their purpose, position in the area, productivity and other characteristics.

Test well- a well in which the most complete range of research work is carried out, based on the results of which a test array is formed.

S. t. is selected in such a way as to most representatively characterize the study area.

Production well- designed for the development and exploitation of oil and gas fields and deposits.

    assessment - clarification of the boundaries of isolated productive fields and assessment of the depletion of individual areas to clarify the rational development of deposits;

    actual operational (production) - extraction (production) of oil and gas, including related components;

    injection - impact on an operational facility by injection of water, gas, air or other agents;

    observational (control, piezometric) - control over development through systematic monitoring of changes in reservoir pressure, the advancement of oil-water, gas-water and gas-oil contacts during the operation of the deposit.

Special well- designed for auxiliary work, the implementation of which ensures the normal technology of the geological exploration process and development of oil and gas fields (discharge of produced water, elimination of open oil and gas gushers, water supply to the main production, underground gas storage, etc.).

M./hour or m/month.

Where: T months -number of hours in a month, N month . - the number of meters drilled during a calendar month. Commercial speed practically coincides with the productivity of the drilling crew and is the main indicator of the efficiency of the drilling crew and the production organization as a whole.

Commercial speed differs from technical speed in that it takes into account all time costs, including unproductive ones associated with poor organization of work, poor discipline, etc. The greater the difference between V T. And V k., the worse the performance of the drilling crew and drilling managers. It would be useful to enter efficiency factor rig manager

Cef. = Vк/Vт

and multiply the salary of the drilling director by it.

5.Cyclic speed.


Where: N well - well depth, T well - time for all work on well construction, N drill. - volume of drilling work in this area, T level 6 - time for drilling the entire scope of work. The cyclic speed is used when planning geological exploration work, and its comparison with commercial speed shows the share of time spent on preparatory and final drilling work.

6. Park speed

(m/machine per year)

It is defined as the total footage of drilling per year in a given geological exploration organization divided by the number of drilling rigs - n, available in this organization, characterizes the efficiency of using the wall park.

Cost of 1 meter of drilling - From Art.

The second side of the efficiency of the process is the cost of work - for drilling this is the cost of drilling 1 meter of well. The relationship between the importance of cost and productivity as efficiency criteria is mainly related to the given time for drilling, keeping in mind that “time is money.” In most cases, maximum productivity corresponds to minimum cost, but sometimes increased productivity can be achieved at the expense of high costs for more expensive tools, equipment, cleaning agents. In such cases, it is necessary to consider what is more profitable in a particular case - to increase productivity due to high costs or to reduce costs due to lower productivity. The approximate cost of 1 m of drilling can be determined by the expression:


Where: With - the cost of 1 hour of drilling work (salary, material consumption, depreciation and others) without the cost of equipment, rubles/hour (determined by the planning department, taking into account local conditions). C - price of rock cutting tool, rub., hat. - penetration per crown (bit) m; D - cost of additional costs for well construction, rub.

From the analysis of the cost expression it follows that, other things being equal, cost decreases as V increasesr. and penetrations at PRI- h at . , once again proving that increasing travel speed is effective in all respects. Another conclusion from the cost analysis is the important role of the PR resource, given that its cost when drilling in hard rocks makes up a significant share (up to 50% or more) of the cost of 1 meter of drilling. Therefore, when solving the problems of drilling technology for hard and especially hard rocks, it is necessary to pay special attention to the wear of drilling equipment, primarily diamond, taking all measures to reduce its wear, even if this leads to a partial loss of drilling speed.

Quality. Third party process that determines the effectiveness of completing the assigned task. For geological exploration drilling, quality is determined by two main indicators - completeness of geological information (core output, cuttings sampling, side sampling, geophysical surveys, etc.) and accuracy of carrying out well routes along a given trajectory, i.e. Obtaining geological information from a given point in a mountain range. Typically, the geological service sets minimum acceptable indicators, if violated, the well does not solve the assigned tasks and fails. For these reasons, in order to ensure the required quality, in some cases it is necessary to use special drilling modes using special technical means and technological methods, even if this leads to a significant decrease in productivity and an increase in drilling costs

Conclusion: drilling technology must be developed taking into account all performance indicators in their optimal combination.

Three factors determine effectiveness:

- performance;

- cost;

- quality.

1. Drilling productivity is determined primarily by:

Cruise speed and commercial speed

2. Cost price:

Increasing depths, as is known, greatly influence the rate of penetration. The commercial drilling speed, for example, in wells with a depth of over 3 thousand m is 2-3 times lower than in wells with a depth of less than 2 thousand m.  

Commercial drilling speed (according to drilling purposes), m-st-month Between repairs of wells, days  

Commercial drilling speed - a unique indicator of the economic activity of drilling enterprises - reflects all (productive and non-productive) time spent by drilling crews, i.e. the qualitative side of the wellbore construction process.  

In 1932, 758 thousand meters were drilled, in 1937 - 1971 thousand meters and in 1940 - 1947 thousand meters. The number of wells completed increased from 1022 in 1932 to 1708 in 1940. Growth the volume of penetration was accompanied by a significant increase in the commercial drilling speed. In 1940, compared to 1932, commercial speed increased in production drilling by 2.8 times and in exploration drilling by 3.4 times.  

Commercial drilling speed VK is the ratio of the number of meters of penetration H in a well (or group of wells) to the total cost of drilling time GB, expressed in rig-months.  

The superior organization sets for drilling enterprises carrying out production drilling the following indicators number of wells completed construction task to reduce the well construction cycle penetration in meters volume of drilling work in the estimated cost based on drilling speeds and prices of the current year commercial drilling speed labor productivity in kind and monetary terms total wage fund total amount of profit, payments to the budget and appropriations from the budget total profitability volume of centralized capital investments, including construction and installation works, commissioning of fixed assets and production facilities at the expense of centralized capital investments volume of supplies of materials and equipment distributed to higher organizing the task of introducing new technology.  

The value of the (total) commercial drilling speed (in m/st.-month) when using new equipment will be  

Commercial drilling speed is a general indicator characterizing the efficiency of the entire drilling process. This indicator is widely used in the practice of planning, analysis and financing of work at drilling enterprises.  

The required number of drilling and rig crews, drilling rigs and units for testing wells is established on the basis of the planned number of wells (by purpose), the standard duration of individual stages of well construction and planned commercial drilling speeds.  

The commercial drilling rate is determined by dividing the meters drilled per month by the number of rig-months of drilling in a given month.  

UK. Wed, UK. max - average and maximum commercial drilling speeds under identical operating conditions of the installation.  

VK. b and ok. Pl - basic and planned commercial drilling speed, respectively, in m/st.-month.  

The influence of commercial drilling speed VK (in m/st.-months), drilling time /v (in machine-tool-months), number of workers Ch0 on the level of labor productivity is calculated using the formulas  

Commercial drilling speed "k - the ratio of penetration of a well or a group of wells in meters to the total time spent on drilling these wells TV in machine-months  

Commercial drilling rate 46. Ratio  

The most complete significance of the tripping factor in the overall balance of drilling time can be revealed by studying the sensitivity of the commercial drilling speed and, to changes in the average actual rate of tripping soph.  

In Fig. 81 shows as an example graphs of the dependence of the commercial drilling speed on the speed of the trip, constructed for average conditions of production and exploration drilling.  

With the existing level of technology, technology and organization of drilling operations, an increase in the average actual speed of the drilling process by more than 0.4-0.5 m/s, regardless of the technical means used for this purpose, practically does not lead to an increase in the commercial drilling speed. At the same time, the increase in o)av in exploratory drilling is generally not noticeable.  

Naturally, when analyzing a specific well, the limit) of intensive influence

Commercial drilling speed, unlike technical speed, also takes into account time repair work and work to eliminate complications, accidents, work defects and downtime. It shows the amount of penetration per one calendar machine-month, which is included in drilling. The commercial drilling speed characterizes the achieved level of technology, technology and production organization under the given geological conditions of drilling a well and is determined by the formula  

The dynamics of changes in the commercial rate of drilling in sea and land areas and in the Azerbaijan SSR as a whole by drilling purposes are presented in Table. 5 and in Fig. 6. The general trend of concentrating the bulk of well drilling in fields with deep-lying productive horizons, as well as exploration of great depths (Table 6 and Fig. 7), has had a significant impact on commercial well drilling rates.  

The coefficient of intensive use of drilling equipment is often determined on the basis of the actually obtained CF and the maximum possible IC of commercial drilling speeds, i.e.  

Thus, Nizhnevartovsk UBR No. 2 of Glavtyumenneftegaza achieved record speeds and penetrations per crew per year. If in 1966 the average penetration per team in this area was 41 thousand m per year, then in the advanced team of master G.K. Petrov in 1973 it reached 85 thousand m with an average commercial drilling speed of 6600 m/st. -month instead of 3500 m/st.-month according to plan. For this remarkable achievement, master G.K. Petrov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.  

Commercial drilling speed uk. ll are planned for drilling purposes based on a balance of drilling time, taking into account the level of development of equipment, technology and organization of drilling production and exploration wells  



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