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Ship in the Navy. Naval Arsenal: what ships will the Russian Navy receive in the coming years

Navy is one of the most important foreign policy attributes of the state. It is designed to ensure security and protect interests Russian Federation in peacetime and wartime on the ocean and sea frontiers.

The Navy is capable of attacking enemy ground targets, destroying enemy fleet groups at sea and bases, disrupting the enemy's ocean and sea communications and protecting its maritime transportation, assisting ground forces in operations in continental theaters of war, landing amphibious assault forces, and participating in repelling enemy landings and perform other tasks.

Today The Navy consists of four fleets: Northern, Pacific, Black Sea, Baltic and Caspian flotillas. The priority task of the fleet is to prevent the outbreak of wars and armed conflicts, and in the event of aggression, to repulse it, cover the country’s facilities, forces and troops from ocean and sea directions, defeat the enemy, create conditions for preventing military actions at the earliest possible stage and concluding peace in conditions that meet the interests of the Russian Federation. In addition, the task of the Navy is to conduct peacekeeping operations by decision of the UN Security Council or in accordance with the international allied obligations of the Russian Federation.

To solve the priority task of the Armed Forces and the Navy - preventing the outbreak of war, the Navy has naval strategic nuclear forces and general purpose forces. In the event of aggression, they must repel the enemy’s attacks, defeat the strike groups of his fleet and prevent him from conducting large-scale naval operations, and also, in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ensure the creation necessary conditions for the effective conduct of defensive operations in continental theaters of military operations.

The Navy consists of the following branches of forces (Fig. 1): submarine, surface, naval aviation, Marine Corps and Coastal Defense Forces. It also includes ships and vessels, special purpose units, and logistics units.

Submarine forces— a striking force of the fleet, capable of controlling open spaces, covertly and quickly deploying in the right directions, and delivering unexpected powerful strikes from the depths of the ocean against sea and continental targets. Depending on the main armament, submarines are divided into missile and torpedo submarines, and according to the type of power plant into nuclear and diesel-electric.

Rice. 1. Structure of the Navy

The main striking force of the Navy is nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. These ships are constantly in various areas of the World Ocean, ready for the immediate use of their strategic weapons.

Nuclear-powered submarines armed with ship-to-ship cruise missiles are aimed primarily at combating large enemy surface ships.

Nuclear torpedo submarines are used to disrupt enemy underwater and surface communications and in the defense system against underwater threats, as well as to escort missile submarines and surface ships.

The use of diesel submarines (missile and torpedo submarines) is mainly associated with solving typical tasks for them in limited areas of the sea.

Submarine equipment nuclear energy and nuclear missile weapons, powerful hydroacoustic systems and high-precision navigation weapons, along with complex automation of control processes and the creation of optimal living conditions for the crew, significantly expanded their tactical properties and forms of combat use. Surface forces in modern conditions remain the most important part of the Navy. The creation of ships that carry aircraft and helicopters, as well as the transition of a number of classes of ships, as well as submarines, to nuclear power have greatly increased their combat capabilities. Equipping ships with helicopters and airplanes significantly expands their capabilities to detect and destroy enemy submarines. Helicopters create the opportunity to successfully solve the problems of relay and communications, target designation, transfer of cargo at sea, landing troops on the coast and rescuing personnel.

Surface ships are the main forces for ensuring the exit and deployment of submarines to combat areas and returning to bases, transporting and covering landing forces. They are assigned the main role in laying minefields, combating mine danger and protecting their communications.

The traditional task of surface ships is to strike enemy targets on its territory and cover their coast from the sea from enemy naval forces.

Thus, surface ships are entrusted with a complex of responsible combat missions. They solve these problems in groups, formations, associations, both independently and in cooperation with other branches of the naval forces (submarines, aviation, marines).

Naval aviation- branch of the Navy. It consists of strategic, tactical, deck and coastal.

Strategic and tactical aviation designed to combat groups of surface ships in the ocean, submarines and transports, as well as to carry out bombing and missile attacks on enemy coastal targets.

Carrier-based aircraft is the main striking force of the Navy's aircraft carrier formations. Its main combat missions in armed warfare at sea are the destruction of enemy aircraft in the air, launch positions of anti-aircraft guided missiles and other enemy air defense systems, conducting tactical reconnaissance, etc. When performing combat missions, carrier-based aircraft actively interact with tactical ones.

Naval aviation helicopters are an effective means of targeting a ship's missile weapons when destroying submarines and repelling attacks from low-flying enemy aircraft and anti-ship missiles. Carrying air-to-surface missiles and other weapons, they are a powerful means of fire support for Marine landings and destruction of enemy missile and artillery boats.

Marine Corps- a branch of the Navy forces designed to conduct combat operations as part of amphibious assault forces (independently or jointly with the Ground Forces), as well as for the defense of the coast (naval bases, ports).

Marine combat operations are carried out, as a rule, with the support of aviation and artillery fire from ships. In turn, the Marine Corps uses in combat all types of weapons characteristic of motorized rifle troops, while using landing tactics specific to it.

Coastal Defense Troops, as a branch of the naval forces, they are designed to protect naval force bases, ports, important sections of the coast, islands, straits and narrows from attacks by enemy ships and amphibious assault forces. The basis of their weapons are coastal missile systems and artillery, anti-aircraft missile systems, mine and torpedo weapons, as well as special coastal defense ships (protection of the water area). To ensure defense by troops on the coast, coastal fortifications are created.

Rear units and units designed for logistical support of forces and combat operations of the Navy. They ensure the satisfaction of material, transport, household and other needs of formations and associations of the Navy in order to maintain them in combat readiness to carry out assigned tasks.

The Navy includes an aircraft carrier (Fig. 2), nuclear submarines armed with ballistic and cruise missiles with nuclear charges (Fig. 3), nuclear-powered missile cruisers (Fig. 4), large anti-submarine ships, destroyers (Fig. 5), patrol ships ships, small anti-submarine ships, mine-sweeping ships, landing ships, aircraft (Su-33 - Fig. 6, A-40, MiG-29, Tu-22M, Su-24, MiG-23/27, Tu- 142, Be-12, Il-38), helicopters (Mi-14, Ka-25, Ka-27, Ka-29), tanks (T-80, T-72, PT-76), BRDM, armored personnel carrier, self-propelled artillery guns (self-propelled guns of 122 and 152 mm caliber), self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, portable and self-propelled anti-aircraft missile systems.

Rice. 2. Heavy aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral Kuznetsov": standard (full) displacement - 45,900 (58,500) tons; length (but waterline) - 304.5 (270) m; width (at the waterline) - 72.3 (35.4) m; draft - 10.5 m; maximum speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 3850 miles (29 knots) or 8500 miles (18 knots); autonomy - 45 days; crew (officers) - I960 (200) + headquarters 40 people; flight crew - 626 people; aircraft fleet - 22 SU-33, 17 KA-27/31; maximum aircraft capacity - 36 SU-33, 14 helicopters; runway area - 14800 m2; hangar capacity - 18 SU-33; support equipment - 2 aircraft lifts, a springboard, a landing corner deck, 3 take-off platforms; weapons - strike, anti-aircraft, anti-submarine, radio-electronic

Rice. 3. Heavy nuclear submarine cruiser with ballistic missiles of Project 941 “Typhoon”: surface (underwater) displacement - 28,500 (49,800) tons; length - 171.5 m; width - 24.6 m; draft - 13 m; underwater speed - 27 knots; crew (officers) - 163 (55) people; autonomy - 120 days; diving depth - 500 m; armament - 20 ICBMs, torpedo tubes, anti-ship missiles, missiles, torpedoes, hydroacoustic stations, electronic countermeasures

Rice. 4. Heavy atomic missile cruiser project 1144 “Peter the Great”: standard (full) displacement - 19,000 (24,300) tons; length - 252 m; width - 28.5 m; draft - 9.1 m; maximum speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 14,000 miles (30 knots); crew (officers) - 744 (82) people: weapons - strike (anti-ship missile launcher), anti-aircraft, artillery, anti-torpedo, anti-submarine, aviation (3 Ka-27), radio-electronic

Rice. 5. Destroyer “Admiral Chabanenko”: standard displacement (full) - 7700 (8900) tons; length - 163.5 m; width - 19.3 m; draft - 7.5 m; maximum speed - 30 knots; cruising range (at speed) - 4000 miles (18 knots); crew (officers) - 296 (32) people; weapons - strike (anti-ship missile launcher), anti-aircraft, artillery, anti-submarine, aviation (2 Ka-27), radio-electronic

Rice. 6. Su-33 ship-based fighter: wingspan - 14.7 m; length 21.19 m; height - 5.63 m; maximum take-off weight - 32,000 kg; maximum speed at high altitude -2300 km/h; ceiling - 17,000 m; range - 3000 km; armament - 30 mm cannon (250 rounds), UR; crew - 1 person

The French Navy has the second largest and most combat-ready aircraft carrier in Europe, the Charles de Gaulle. The ship's total displacement is 42 thousand tons, up to 40 aircraft can be mounted on board, and the ship is equipped with a nuclear power plant. Triumphant-class nuclear submarines have great strike capabilities; the fleet has four such submarines in total.

Triumphants carry M4S ballistic missiles with a firing range of 6,000 km. In the near future, they will be replaced by M51 missiles with a firing range of more than 10,000 km. In addition, there are six multi-purpose nuclear submarines like "Ruby". In total, according to open sources, the French fleet has 98 warships and auxiliary vessels.

5. UK

Great Britain once bore the proud title of “Mistress of the Seas”; the fleet of this country was the largest and most powerful in the world. Now Her Majesty's Navy is just a pale shadow of its former power.

HMS Queen Elizabeth. Photo: i.imgur.com

Today the Royal Navy does not have a single aircraft carrier. Two, the Queen Elizabeth class, are under construction and should enter the fleet in 2016 and 2018. The most interesting thing is that the British did not have enough funds for such important ships as aircraft carriers, so the designers had to abandon side armor and armored bulkheads. Today, according to open source data, the British Navy has 77 ships.

The most formidable units of the fleet are considered to be four Vanguard-class SSBNs armed with Trident-2 D5 ballistic missiles, each of which could be equipped with fourteen warheads of 100 kT each. Wanting to save money, the British military bought only 58 of these missiles, which was enough for only three boats - 16 each. Theoretically, each Vanguard can carry up to 64 missiles, but this is uneconomical.

In addition to them, Daring-class destroyers, Trafalgar-class submarines and the newest Estute-class represent an impressive force.

4. China

The Chinese fleet is one of the largest, with 495 ships of various classes. The largest ship is the aircraft carrier "Liaoning" with a displacement of 59,500 tons (the former Soviet aircraft-carrying cruiser "Varyag", which was sold to China by Ukraine at the price of scrap metal).

The fleet also includes strategic missile carriers - Project 094 Jin nuclear submarines. The submarines are capable of carrying 12 Julan-2 (JL-2) ballistic missiles with a range of 8-12 thousand km.

There are also many “fresh” ships, for example, destroyers of type 051C, type “Lanzhou”, type “Modern” and frigates of “Jiankai” type.

3. Japan

In the Japanese Navy, all capital ships are classified as destroyers, so true destroyers include aircraft carriers (two Hyuga-class ships and two Shirane-class ships), cruisers and frigates. For example, two Atago-class destroyers boast a cruising displacement of 10 thousand tons.

But these are not the largest ships - this year the fleet will include a 27,000-ton Izumo-class helicopter carrier, and another will be produced in 2017. In addition to helicopters, F-35B fighters can be based at Izumo.

The Japanese submarine fleet, despite the absence of nuclear submarines, is considered the strongest in the world. It has five Soryu-class submarines, eleven Oyashio-class submarines and one Harushio-class submarine.

The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force currently has approximately 124 ships. Experts note that the Japanese fleet has a balanced composition of ships and is a combat system thought out to the smallest detail.

2. Russia

The Russian fleet has 280 ships. The most formidable are the Project 1144 Orlan heavy cruisers with a displacement of 25,860 tons; there are only three of them, but the firepower of these ships is simply amazing. It is not for nothing that NATO classifies these cruisers as battle cruisers.

Three other cruisers, Project 1164 Atlant, with a displacement of 11,380 tons, are not inferior to them in armament. But the largest is the aircraft-carrying cruiser "Admiral of the Fleet" Soviet Union Kuznetsov" with a displacement of 61,390 tons. This ship is not only well protected by air defense systems, but also armored. Rolled steel is used as armor, and the anti-torpedo three-layer protection 4.5 m wide can withstand a 400 kg TNT charge.

However, the fleet itself is being actively modernized: it is planned that by 2020 the Russian Navy will receive about 54 modern surface combat ships, 16 multipurpose submarines and 8 strategic missile submarines of the Borei class.

1. USA

The US Navy has the largest fleet in the world, with 275 ships, including 10 Nimitz-class aircraft carriers; no other country has such an impressive force. It is on the navy that the military power of the United States is mainly based.

Soon, the Nimitz should be complemented by even more advanced ships - aircraft carriers of the Gerald R. Ford type with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons.

The US submarine fleet is no less impressive: 14 Ohio-class nuclear submarines, each carrying 24 Trident 2 ballistic missiles. Three advanced submarines of the Sea Wolf type, the price of which was exorbitant for the United States, so it was decided to abandon the construction of a large series. Instead, cheaper Virginia-class submarines are being built, while there are only 10 of them in the fleet so far.

In addition, 41 Los Angeles-class submarines remain in the Navy. The US Navy has gigantic military power, which today hardly anyone can challenge.

At the moment, the Russian Navy relies on four pillars: the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern, Pacific fleets, as well as the Red Banner Caspian Flotilla. According to the latest data, they house not only surface combat battleships, but also submarines and about two hundred combat units. Yes, Russia has something to be proud of; it’s not for nothing that its fleet is considered one of the most majestic on the planet. Meet the ten largest ships of the Russian Navy.

Belongs to the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation, several years ago it was named the largest attack cruiser on the planet. And there was a reason: its length is more than 250 meters, and its width is almost 30 meters! Main technical indicators: two nuclear reactor(by the way, they can be safely used for half a century); speed up to 31 knots. A team consisting of a thousand people can safely go on an independent voyage for a period of sixty days. The Peter the Great's armament is impressive: artillery mounts with a range of more than twenty kilometers, a variety of missile weapons that can easily destroy targets within a radius of seven hundred kilometers. There are also three helicopters on the Petra. This is why the nuclear giant is such an impressive ship.

This giant cruiser with a maximum displacement of 58.6 thousand tons is also in the Russian Northern Fleet. It has twenty aircraft and seventeen helicopters, and these are not the only ones aircraft- There are about fifty of them in total. The aircraft carrier is well armed, which cannot but amaze: it carries the Dirk, Granit, and Kinzhal missile systems, as well as sixty deep-sea bombs.

Some time ago they began to modernize this cruiser, so it is currently out of service, but still it is impossible not to talk about it in our TOP. And before this, the nuclear giant was famous for its missile weapons and artillery mounts, and after the completion of the upgrades, the Navy leadership promised to purchase many modern devices and complexes. The improvements were supposed to be completed by 2018. We look forward to seeing what the cruiser will amaze the whole world with!

The giant, with a displacement of almost 12 thousand tons, is known for its power and various weapons: it has sixteen launchers, various artillery mounts, anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-submarine weapons and a helicopter.

Another pride of the Northern Fleet with terrifying weapons: a variety of missile systems, including “Dagger”, “Dirk”, “Vodopad” and “Boa”, a hydroacoustic complex, navigation systems and its own air group consisting of two Ka-27s. This anti-submarine ship is distinguished by maneuverability and high fire performance.

The Varyag, second in size and armament after the Moskva GRK, belongs to the Black Sea Fleet. It can reach speeds of up to 33 knots and set off on independent voyages for up to a month. Its armament includes two installations of the Metel anti-submarine complex, the Storm anti-aircraft missile system, respectable super-artillery and torpedo tubes, by the way, there is also a helicopter.

Every submarine of the Russian Navy deserves to be in our TOP, especially the Dmitry Donskoy - the most gigantic of all, which makes it one of the largest submarines on the planet. For four months, the Donskoy can sail in sea ​​waters, fully supporting a team of more than 160 people. The battleship has a Bulava missile system with six nuclear warheads.

One of the most powerful modern boats of the Northern navy. Armed with Maces, ballistic missiles (SLBMs), a combat launch complex, a variety of torpedoes, missiles and mines.

Another underwater giant, although smaller than the previous ones and not the fastest, can dive up to 480 meters. “Vladimir Monomakh” is armed with torpedo tubes, missiles, “Bulava” (sixteen of them in total) and portable anti-aircraft systems.

Our list is completed by a destroyer belonging to the Russian Northern Fleet. The giant is armed with deck guns and anti-aircraft artillery, an air group with a helicopter, missile systems, many mines and torpedo missiles.

All the ships of our TOP serve the Navy of the Russian Federation; in the near future, other, modern ships will be launched, equally powerful, and sometimes even more impressive. We look forward to new giants defending Russia.

Hello, you made us sad the day before by showing how many warships have been decommissioned from the fleet since 2000. Let's look at the opposite trend. How many large warships have been accepted into the Russian Navy since 2000? Only large ships were taken into account. The photo review did not include landing boats and Grachata.

1. Strategic missile submarine cruiser K-535 “Yuri Dolgoruky”. Commissioning - 2012. Affiliation: Northern Fleet.

2. Nuclear torpedo submarine K-335 “Gepard”. Commissioning - 2001. Affiliation: Northern Fleet.

3. Multi-purpose nuclear torpedo submarine with cruise missiles K-560 “Severodvinsk”. Commissioning - 2013. Affiliation: Northern Fleet.

4. Strategic missile submarine cruiser K-550 “Alexander Nevsky”. Commissioning - 2013. Affiliation: Pacific Fleet.

5. Strategic missile submarine cruiser “Vladimir Monomakh”. Commissioning – 12/10/14. Affiliation: Pacific Fleet.

6. Special purpose nuclear submarine "AS-31". Commissioning - 2010. Affiliation: Northern Fleet.

7. Special purpose diesel submarine B-90 Sarov. Commissioning - 2008. Affiliation: Northern Fleet.

8. Diesel-electric submarine B-585 “St. Petersburg”. Commissioning - 2010. Affiliation: Northern Fleet.

9. Diesel-electric submarine "Novorossiysk". Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

10. Diesel-electric submarine "Rostov-on-Don". Entry into service – 11/25/14. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

11. Patrol ship "Yaroslav the Wise". Commissioning - 2009. Affiliation: Baltic Fleet.

12. Corvette “Guarding”. Commissioning - 2008. Affiliation - Baltic Fleet.

13. Corvette “Savvy”. Commissioning - 2008. Affiliation: Baltic Fleet.

14. Corvette “Boikiy”. Commissioning - 2008. Affiliation: Baltic Fleet.

15. Corvette “Staudy”. Commissioning - 2008. Affiliation: Baltic Fleet.

16. Rocket ship "Tatarstan". Commissioning - 2003. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

17. Rocket ship "Dagestan". Commissioning - 2012. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

18. Small artillery ship “Astrakhan”. Commissioning - 2006. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

19. Small artillery ship "Volgodonsk". Commissioning - 2011. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

20. Small artillery ship "Makhachkala". Commissioning - 2012. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

21. Small artillery ship "Grad Sviyazhsk". Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

22. Small artillery ship “Uglich”. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

23. Small artillery ship "Veliky Ustyug". Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Caspian Flotilla.

24. Small rocket ship hovercraft "Samum". Commissioning - 2000. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

25. Missile boat "R-2". Commissioning - 2000. Affiliation: Baltic Fleet.

26. R-32 missile boat. Commissioning - 2000. Affiliation: Baltic Fleet.

27. R-29 missile boat. Commissioning - 2003. Affiliation: Pacific Fleet.

28. Sea minesweeper “Valentin Pikul”. Commissioning - 2001. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

29. Sea minesweeper "Vice Admiral Zakharyin". Commissioning - 2008. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

30. Sea minesweeper “Vladimir Gumanenko”. Commissioning - 2000. Affiliation: Northern Fleet.

Separately, I would like to talk about the updates (trophies) that were captured from Ukraine, and are currently officially listed as part of the reserve of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

31. Large landing ship “Konstantin Olshansky”. Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

32. Diesel-electric submarine "Zaporozhye". Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

33. Small anti-submarine ship "Ternopil". Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

34. Small anti-submarine ship “Khmelnitsky”. Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

35. Small anti-submarine ship "Lutsk". Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

36. Missile boat "Pridneprovye". Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

37. Sea minesweeper "Chernigov". Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

38. Sea minesweeper "Cherkassy". Captured from the Ukrainian Navy. Commissioning - 2014. Affiliation: Black Sea Fleet.

The end of 2015 - beginning of 2016 was marked by an unprecedented number of announcements of promising naval weapons from representatives of the military-industrial complex and naval commanders of the Russian Federation. FlotProm has collected in one material everything that is known about the planned appearance of the Russian Navy of the 21st century.


The closest to implementation seems to be a project of a non-nuclear submarine with an anaerobic power plant, which can significantly increase the time the ship remains under water. The development of an air-independent engine in Russia is being carried out by the Rubin design bureau, which has already reported on the successful testing of the installation at a coastal stand. Sea trials are scheduled for 2016, and development work on the construction of a submarine capable of not rising to the surface for up to 3 weeks is scheduled for 2017. The total number of promising submarines of the Kalina project will be determined by the yet to be adopted state weapons program until 2025.

Launching a diesel-electric submarine

There are no changes to be expected in nuclear submarine shipbuilding in the foreseeable future. Until 2020, the Severodvinsk shipyard "Sevmash" will continue the construction of multi-purpose nuclear submarines of the Yasen-M project and strategic missile carriers "Borey-A". Against this background, the Navy has just begun to formulate tactical and technical specifications for a fifth-generation nuclear-powered submarine, which will receive the code “Husky.” Little is known about the new submarine: it will be multi-purpose and equipped with hypersonic anti-ship missiles. In addition, the fifth generation of Russian nuclear submarines can be replenished with an anti-submarine hunter submarine. According to open documentation for the re-equipment of production facilities, it is planned to build fifth-generation submarines - like modern nuclear-powered ships - at Sevmash.

Sevmash, slipway shop

Submarines of the future are planned to be designed taking into account the active use of composite materials that can reduce vibration and noise signature of the ship. There is no talk yet about the manufacture of composite hulls - replacement of metal will be made in the manufacture of external coverings, rudders, stabilizers, propellers and other external elements.

When talking about the prospects of the submarine fleet, a lot of attention is paid to reducing the crew size. On modern ships there are about a hundred people on board - in the future, their number is expected to be reduced to 30-40 through the introduction of control automation equipment.

Launching of the submarine "Krasnodar"

A separate representative of the submarine forces of the Navy of the future is the ocean-going multi-purpose system "Status-6", information about which became publicly known after the presidential meeting in November 2015. The striking force of this system is a self-propelled underwater vehicle with a range of 10 thousand kilometers and a depth of one kilometer, designed to destroy the enemy’s coastal infrastructure. It should be armed with nuclear submarines of projects 09852 Belgorod and 09851 Khabarovsk, the first of which is being rebuilt into a special-purpose submarine from a cruise missile carrier, and the second is being built from scratch. Both ships are on the slipways of the Severodvinsk Sevmash.

Surface ships

The prospects for the Russian surface fleet, according to informed naval officials, seem less ambitious and are aimed primarily at withdrawing the Russian Navy to the ocean zone. The driving force of this process should be the new Project 23560 Leader destroyers, the construction of a series of which will be included in the state armament program 2018-2025. Only the characteristics of the pre-sketch model of the ship developed by the Northern Design Bureau were published in the open press. It was assumed that it would carry more than 200 missiles for various purposes and would receive a hull with a displacement of 18 thousand tons, which is more than twice the similar characteristics of the Soviet Project 956 Sarych destroyers. The ship's power plant will be nuclear.

Model of one of the variants of the Leader destroyer project

The Leader's atomic heart is planned to be unified with the power plant of another promising Russian design - the Storm aircraft carrier. During its construction, it is planned to combine two schools of creating ships of this class - domestic and Western. For example, lifting an air wing into the air will be ensured by both a runway with springboards and an electromagnetic catapult. This will help maintain a balance between the need to ensure takeoff speed for heavy aircraft, such as AWACS (early airborne detection and control) aircraft, and the rate at which the air wing leaves the deck. It is planned to place at least 80 aircraft and helicopters on board the aircraft carrier. The laying of the new ship is expected to be carried out no earlier than 2025 at Sevmash - the only Russian enterprise, capable of building marine equipment about 300 meters long.

Aircraft carrier project 23000 "Storm"
Russian newspaper

The third ship of the future in the Russian Navy should be a domestically produced helicopter carrier, even the beginning of the design of which led to a wave of speculation about the imminent replacement of the sanctioned Mistrals. At military exhibitions held in the summer of 2015, specialists from the Nevsky Design Bureau showed their model of a ship of a similar class, Priboi, and at a nearby stand, scientists from the Krylov Center showed everyone a model of the helicopter carrier Avalanche. However, the Navy gave an unequivocal answer - the shipyards will not be tasked with its construction before 2017.

Export version of the universal landing ship "Priboy"
Central Naval Portal, Sergey Severin

In the context of surface shipbuilding, the statement of the head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, Alexei Rakhmanov, about the introduction of an electric propulsion system when designing new types of marine equipment deserves special attention. Currently it is used primarily on auxiliary fleet vessels and icebreakers, but in the future it should be introduced on all warships. Its principle is based on the rotation of the propeller by electric motors, the energy for which will be generated by the main power plant. This allows for a freer layout of the ship in terms of its location and significantly increases the maneuverability of the ship.

Oddly enough, in the context of naval weapons, the project closest to implementation is not offensive, but defensive. We are talking about anti-torpedoes for submarines, which will allow Russian submarines to gain an advantage in dueling situations. Today, the Package-NK system has been created only in a version for surface ships, but the general director of the Admiralty Shipyards announced the appearance of anti-torpedoes on diesel-electric submarines being built by the enterprise.

Launch of the MPT-P torpedo of the "Packet" complex
Central Naval Portal, Georgy Tomin

The next item to update the Navy's arsenal should be a modernized version of the Bulava ballistic missile, which specialists from the Naval Institute of Thermal Engineering are working on. The need to update the main weapons of underwater strategists is due to the fact that “fundamentally new design and engineering solutions are appearing, the purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of the use of weapons.” Among other things, it is planned that the new Bulava will become less expensive.

The Kalibr cruise missile complex, the capabilities of which were demonstrated to the world during the Russian operation in Syria, is also awaiting development. According to the latest statements by the Navy command, they will be installed on Project 971 multi-purpose nuclear submarines.

Salvo "Caliber"

Other promising cruise missiles, called Zircon, will not be as multifunctional as Caliber. This complex should replace the Soviet Granit missiles and will be intended exclusively for anti-ship purposes. The main advantage of the Zircon will be the ability to fly hypersonic speed at Mach 5-6 (Mach number indicates the speed of sound - ed.). They will be armed with promising nuclear submarines of the 5th generation "Husky", destroyers "Leader" and modernized nuclear cruisers of Project 1144 "Orlan". Testing of the Zircon in Russia has already begun, but the timing of putting the missiles into service has not yet been announced.

One of the most recent and intriguing statements was the mention by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Viktor Bursuk of technologies with which in the future submarines will be able to strike at space targets. The vice admiral did not disclose any details to journalists, but emphasized that they would be one of priority areas development of naval weapons.



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