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Qualification characteristics. Profession Electric and gas welder (2nd category) in the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory Electric welder 2nd category

\Typical job description Electric welder of manual welding of the 2nd category

Job description of electric welder for manual welding, 2nd category

Job title: Electric manual welder 2nd category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General provisions:

  • Electric welder of manual welding of the 2nd category is directly subordinate...................
  • Electric welder of manual welding of the 2nd category follows the instructions.................................... ..........

  • (the instructions of these employees are followed only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Electric welder of manual welding of the 2nd category replaces.................................................... .......................................
  • Replaces electric welder of manual welding of the 2nd category.................................................... ....................................
  • Hiring and dismissal:
    A manual electric welder is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • design and principle of operation of electric welding machines and devices for arc welding in conditions of using alternating and direct current
  • methods and basic techniques for tack welding
  • welding joint shapes
  • cylinder device
  • colors, paints and rules for handling them
  • rules for welding in shielding gas and rules for ensuring protection during welding
  • rules for servicing electric welding machines
  • types of welded joints and seams
  • rules for preparing the edges of products for welding
  • types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings
  • basic properties of the electrodes used and the metal and alloys being welded
  • purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation
  • causes of defects during welding and ways to prevent them
  • device of torches for welding with a non-consumable electrode in shielding gas.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Tack welding of parts, products and structures in all spatial positions of the weld.
  • Manual arc and plasma welding of simple parts in the lower and vertical position of the weld, deposition of simple parts.
  • Preparation of products and assemblies for welding and cleaning of seams after welding.
  • Ensuring protection of the reverse side of the weld during shielding gas welding.
  • Heating of products and parts before welding.
  • Reading simple drawings.
page 1 Job description Manual welder
page 2 Job description Manual welder

4. Rights

  • A manual electric welder has the right to give instructions and tasks to his subordinate employees on a range of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • A manual electric welder has the right to control the implementation of production tasks and the timely execution of individual assignments by employees subordinate to him.
  • A manual electric welder has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to his activities and the activities of his subordinate employees.
  • A manual electric welder has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues included in his functional responsibilities.
  • A manual electric welder has the right to get acquainted with draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning the activities of the Division.
  • A manual electric welder has the right to submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this Job Description to the manager for consideration.
  • A manual electric welder has the right to submit for consideration to the manager proposals for rewarding distinguished employees and imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • A manual electric welder has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The electric welder of manual welding is responsible for improper performance or failure to fulfill his job responsibilities provided for by this job description - within the limits specified labor legislation Russian Federation.
  • The manual welder is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or being released from a position, the Electric Welder of Manual Welding is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of work to the person taking up the present position, and in the absence of one, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • A manual welder is liable for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The manual welder is responsible for causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The electric welder of manual welding is responsible for compliance with current instructions, orders and regulations for the preservation trade secret and confidential information.
  • The manual welder is responsible for compliance with internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description has been developed in accordance with (name, number and date of document)

Head of structural

§ 45. Electric and gas welder 2nd category

Attention! This qualification characteristic is excluded by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 9, 2018 N 215

Characteristics of the work. Manual oxygen cutting and cutting of lightweight and heavy steel scrap with petrol and kerosene cutting devices. Manual arc, plasma, gas, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steel. Oxygen and plasma straight and curved cutting in the lower and vertical position of a metal weld, as well as simple and medium complexity parts made of carbon steel by manual marking, on portable stationary and plasma cutting machines. Tacking of parts, products, structures in all spatial positions. Preparation of products, assemblies and joints for welding. Cleaning seams after welding and cutting. Ensuring protection of the reverse side of the weld during gas shielded welding. Surfacing of simple parts. Elimination of cavities and cracks in simple parts, assemblies, castings. Heating of structures and parts during straightening. Reading simple drawings. Preparing gas cylinders for use. Maintenance of portable gas generators.
Must know: design and principle of operation of maintained electric welding machines and devices for arc welding of alternating and direct current, gas welding and gas cutting equipment, gas generators, electric welding automatic and semi-automatic machines, oxygen and acetylene cylinders, reducing devices and welding torches; rules for using used burners, reducers, cylinders; methods and basic techniques of tack welding; forms of cutting a seam for welding; rules for ensuring protection when welding in shielding gas; types of welded joints and types of seams; rules for preparing the edges of products for welding; types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings; basic properties of electrodes, welding metal and alloys, gases and liquids used in welding; permissible residual gas pressure in cylinders; purpose and brands of fluxes used in welding; purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation; causes of defects during welding and ways to prevent them; characteristics of gas flame; scrap dimensions according to the state standard.
Examples of work
1. Transformer tanks - lining the walls for automatic welding.
2. Cradle beams, spring bars and bolsters for all-metal cars and electric section cars - welding of reinforcing angles, guides and centering rings.
3. Guardrail shoes - cutting on the ship.
4. Rolling beams - welding of points, gripping strips along the markings.
5. Strikers and templates of steam hammers - fusion.
6. Axle-box, column and center bolts - fusing of excavation areas.
7. Details of the frames of the side awning - tack and welding.
8. Metal parts of containers - hot straightening.
9. Diaphragms of platform frames and metal gondola cars - welding of ribs.
10. Lots - welding.
11. Rivets - cutting heads.
12. Frames and parts of brake platforms of freight cars and window frames of passenger cars - welding.
13. Casings and fences, lightly loaded components of agricultural machines - welding.
14. Casings of oil pumps and filters of automobiles - surfacing of shells in castings.
15. Header brackets, brake control rollers - welding.
16. Brackets for attaching the muffler to the car frame - welding of cracks.
17. Brackets for fastening mining equipment - welding.
18. Brackets for subframes of dump trucks - welding.
19. Covers of undercar lighting gutters - welding.
20. Corner sheets of the inner and outer skin of the tram - welding of cuts.
21. Scrap steel for charge - cutting.
22. Spring pads and linings - welding.
23. Small flasks - welding of ears.
24. Steel flasks of small sizes - welding of ears.
25. Small steel and cast iron castings - elimination of cavities in untreated areas by melting.
26. Pallets for machines - welding.
27. Profits and flyers on steel castings up to 300 mm thick - cutting.
28. Frames of transformer tanks - welding.
29. Bed mattress frames, armored and rhombic mesh - welding.
30. Reception pipes - fusing of safety nets.
31. Car wing reinforcements - welding.
32. Hydraulic clamps for dump truck mechanisms - welding.
33. Non-critical foundations, small components made of low-carbon and low-alloy steels - semi-automatic welding on a rack.

From July 1, 2016, employers are required to apply professional standards, if the requirements for the qualifications that an employee needs to perform a certain labor function, installed Labor Code, federal laws or other regulations ( Federal law dated May 2, 2015 No. 122-FZ).
To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use

Welder is a prestigious profession. They get paid better than many others, because a high-quality welder is worth his weight in gold. But knowing how to cook using conventional methods is not a difficult task. As practice shows, several attempts, and even the most ordinary person can somehow weld one metal piece to another. That’s why people learn this profession, that’s why there is such a thing as the ranks of welders.

So, welders are assigned six categories, which depend on the qualifications of the worker. To improve your qualifications means to receive the next rank. And this is not only honor and respect, it is a solid increase in wages. This is an opportunity to take part in more complex projects.

Before moving on to analyzing the categories of welders, it is necessary to understand the categories.

They depend on the ability to use one or another welding technology.

  • Welders who work on resistance spot welding equipment. There are no electrodes, and the process itself is quite simple.
  • Workers who can work on diffusion-welding type installations. These are operations with a piece connection, which allows you to increase the characteristics of the weld.
  • Ability to work on electron beam installations. Welding is carried out in a vacuum; workpieces made of special alloys are usually joined using this technology. Such an employee must know a lot; he usually has the highest qualifications.
  • A welder who can perform thermite welding. The process itself is carried out on special presses, the welding molds of which are heated, and therefore the parts being joined are heated.
  • Gas welding. Such a worker is called a gas welder. By the way, he can also cut metals using a gas cutter.
  • And the last category is electric welder. The most popular profession in the welding category.

Welding discharges

A welder of the first category is, in fact, a novice master, or rather, an apprentice. Such workers are not classified as qualified; they are still learning and can perform simple operations of cutting and welding non-critical structures. Such categories are assigned to students of vocational schools.

A welder of the second category is a graduate of welding courses or an educational institution who can perform welding in a lower and vertical position. But at the same time, such a specialist cannot seal pipelines during welding joints.

A 3rd category welder is also a graduate of a specialized educational institution. But he has no experience in manufacturing or construction.

  • Firstly, a 3rd category welder must be able to weld corner, vertical and bottom seams, plus weld hermetically sealed pipe structures.
  • Secondly, he must understand welding equipment, know the principles of its operation, as well as safety precautions when carrying out welding operations.
  • Thirdly, he must be able to read blueprints, because this was taught to him during his studies. And assemble structures according to the drawings. But only simple products are trusted to him.

A 4th grade welder can work with structures and parts of average complexity. This is already a qualified specialist who can carry out welding in any position except the ceiling. In addition, he has the skills to create sealed seams when welding two pipes that will operate under pressure. Knowledge of drawings and other skills is required. A 4th grade welder earns more than all previous workers.

Welder 5th category. This category is assigned to those craftsmen who can weld in any position and cut any configuration from sheet material. At the same time, the fifth category indicates that its owner is allowed to weld any types of pipelines. At the same time, it can weld workpieces of any thickness, any grade of metal and its alloys.

Welder 6th category. This is the highest level. Its owner performs all operations, like the owner of the previous rank. But only he is trusted to carry out welding work related to joining workpieces from experimental alloys that no one has ever welded before. It is the sixth high that gives him the right to determine for himself how to cook, in what mode and with what consumables (electrodes, additives, gases, and so on).

How to increase the rank of a welder

For example, a 3rd category welder wants to upgrade his category to the fourth. What needs to be done for this. If he works in a large enterprise, then it must have a qualification commission. You need to contact it, after which the exam day will be set. You must pass this exam and receive a document that will confirm that you have received an increased rank.

If the enterprise is small, you will have to contact training center, where welders undergo advanced training. But it is necessary to clarify whether you will receive a document for the next grade, or you will only be given a certificate stating that you have attended a certain course. If this is the second option, then this does not bode well for you, because the certificate is only confirmation that you were just studying. Therefore, it is worth looking for a training center that will assign qualifications and issue the necessary document. It will need to be provided to the head of the enterprise, the human resources department and the accounting department. This will serve as proof that the employee can receive a salary increase and be involved in work with increased complexity. And a 4th grade welder gets more than a 3rd grade welder.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

The advantages include:

  • Constant demand in the labor market.
  • High salaries.

On the downside:

  • Very often you have to work in difficult conditions, one might even say extreme.
  • Eye strain even with protective glasses and masks.
  • The welder constantly inhales industrial dust, so their occupational diseases are silicosis, asthma, pneumoconiosis.

And yet the profession of a welder is very popular. Of course, salary plays a big role. But there will always be work for them, so young specialists who have graduated educational institutions welder by profession, they quickly find work. Many industries give quotas for their hiring, regardless of qualifications, because many progressive managers prefer to grow workers for themselves rather than hire them on the side, fulfilling the workers’ conditions.

For development industrial production V modern Russia The need for highly qualified specialists in blue-collar professions has increased sharply. One of these professions is the profession of a welder. Thus, an analysis of the labor vacancy market showed that today more than 21,000 jobs across the country are waiting for welding specialists.

What skills does a welder need to have to get this job? What are the characteristics and working conditions of this category of workers? How do they affect people's health? How much does a welder earn per month? Does he have the opportunity to increase his income?

Range of professional responsibilities of a welder

Many modern structures are based on many metal elements. In order for the structure to hold firmly, specialist welders are needed who will carry out the work of connecting its elements into a single whole. If the work is done efficiently, the structure will last a long time and its operation will be reliable and safe for humans.

If the welding of parts is carried out with poor quality violations, then sad consequences cannot be avoided. Under the influence of load, welding seams can separate, and after this the entire structure will collapse, which will inevitably lead to the destruction of the object and even the death of people. Therefore, every welder must treat his work with a high degree of responsibility. He must constantly improve his skills and achieve high quality welding work.

Welding structures is a complex and creative process at the same time. There are three main types of welding:

  • automatic electric welding;
  • electric arc;
  • gas welding;

Not all workers with a diploma in the specialty “Welder” can be admitted to all of the listed types of welding work. To work with each type of welding, you must have the appropriate specialization.

In order to master the skills of working on all types of welding equipment, it is necessary to master a significant amount of special knowledge. Among them, knowledge of the rules for the safe use of welding equipment, the basic principles of operation of the equipment and the ability to use technical means. The welder must have a good knowledge of the properties of metals and alloys and the peculiarities of changes in their properties under the influence of high temperatures.

In addition, a true welding professional must love his job, be responsible for all production tasks, be resilient and have good physical health.

What does the salary depend on?

The salary of a welder is determined by the following factors:

Welder rank and work experience

The level of professionalism of a welder is determined by his rank, which means that the higher the rank, the higher the specialist’s salary. There are six categories of welders.

  1. Level 1 allows you to carry out only auxiliary work that will bring no more than 10-12 thousand rubles. per month.
  2. A 2nd category specialist can perform simple welding work on minor parts and receives 15-20 thousand rubles for his work. monthly.
  3. The 3rd category gives access to work on the main sections of metal structures and pipelines, and provides an income of 20-30 thousand rubles.
  4. A 4th grade welder does basic welding with seam cutting for 30-40 thousand rubles. per month.
  5. A 5th category professional is allowed to work on important areas of complex technological structures, including pipes under high pressure. Such work brings in up to 40-50 thousand rubles per month.
  6. The highest 6th category provides the ability to work on the most complex and critical objects oil and gas industry, shipbuilding, aircraft and rocket engineering. Generalist welders earn more than 50 thousand rubles per month.

Place of residence and place of work

The salaries of welding specialists living in the Far North, Far East, as well as in the Moscow region significantly exceed the earnings of welders in other territories of the country.

Employees of oil and gas complex enterprises receive the highest salaries - up to 200 thousand rubles. And for welders who ensure the work of housing and communal services, monthly incomes amount to 20-45 thousand rubles. It is worth noting that welders working in hazardous industries earn more than their colleagues. Yes, welders argon welding on average they receive 60-65 thousand rubles per month.

Shift work method

Today, the labor market offers welders from the central regions of Russia up to 50% of open vacancies with employment in the Orenburg and Tyumen regions, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Employers are willing to pay 100-150 thousand rubles. per month.

Additional bonuses

As an additional bonus, organizations inviting welders to work on a rotational basis, pay employees for accommodation, food, travel to and from work.

Besides, harmful conditions welders' labor assumes an annual additional leave lasting at least 7 days. Some types of work, incl. outdoors means an increase in vacation by 12 days.

Average salaries of Russian welders

The average monthly salary of welding specialists in Russia is 47-49 thousand rubles, which is approximately 1.5 times higher than the average salary in the country’s economy.

In Moscow

In the Moscow region, welders earn between 30-200 thousand rubles per month. Average earnings are 60-70 thousand rubles. This corresponds to the average salary indicators for the Moscow economy. Today, the demand in the labor market in the capital for welding specialists is great; about 1,200 vacancies remain open. Employers undertake to pay workers in this profession 30-130 thousand rubles.

In the regions of Russia

Welders earn the highest wages Tyumen region and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, they receive 110-120 thousand rubles monthly for their work. Average salary welders in St. Petersburg, Volgograd corresponds to the average monthly income of this category of Russian workers - 48-50 thousand rubles. IN Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, Perm, Samara, Ufa and Chelyabinsk average salaries are at the level of 33-40 thousand rubles.

Welders earn less Kazan, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod– 27-32 thousand rubles. The lowest incomes are among welding specialists in Krasnodar– 20-25 thousand rubles.

In other countries of the world

Welders have high incomes Finland and Belgium. Their work is estimated at 3.2 thousand euros (190 thousand rubles) per month. V G Germany and the Czech Republic welders earn 1-3 thousand euros (60-180 thousand rubles). Estonian specialists receive an average of 1.3 thousand euros (80 thousand rubles) for their work.

Thus, the average salaries of welders in Europe are 0.3-4.5 times higher than in Russia.


Due to difficult working conditions associated with health risks, welders have the right to preferential pension. The retirement age for men in this profession comes after 55 years, and for women - 50 years. Subject to work experience in the specialty of 12.5 years for men and 10 years for women.

The level of pension provision for welders is low, averaging about 12-13 thousand rubles.

2nd category

Characteristics of the work. Manual oxygen cutting and cutting of lightweight and heavy steel scrap with petrol and kerosene cutting devices. Manual arc, plasma, gas, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of carbon steel. Oxygen and plasma straight and curved cutting in the lower and vertical position of a metal weld, as well as simple and medium complexity parts made of carbon steel by manual marking, on portable stationary and plasma cutting machines. Tacking of parts, products, structures in all spatial positions. Preparation of products, assemblies and joints for welding. Cleaning seams after welding and cutting. Ensuring protection of the reverse side of the weld during gas shielded welding. Surfacing of simple parts. Elimination of cavities and cracks in simple parts, assemblies, castings. Heating of structures and parts during straightening. Reading simple drawings. Preparing gas cylinders for use. Maintenance of portable gas generators.

Must know: design and principle of operation of maintained electric welding machines and devices for arc welding of alternating and direct current, gas welding and gas cutting equipment, gas generators, electric welding automatic and semi-automatic machines, oxygen and acetylene cylinders, reducing devices and welding torches; rules for using used burners, reducers, cylinders; methods and basic techniques of tack welding; forms of cutting a seam for welding; rules for ensuring protection when welding in shielding gas; types of welded joints and types of seams; rules for preparing the edges of products for welding; types of grooves and designation of welds in the drawings; basic properties of electrodes, welding metal and alloys, gases and liquids used in welding; permissible residual gas pressure in cylinders; purpose and brands of fluxes used in welding; purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation; causes of defects during welding and ways to prevent them; characteristics of gas flame; scrap dimensions according to the state standard.

Examples of work

  1. Transformer tanks - lining the walls for automatic welding.
  2. Cradle beams, spring bars and bolsters for all-metal cars and electric section cars - welding of reinforcing angles, guides and centering rings.
  3. Rolled beams - welding of points, gripping strips along the markings.
  4. Guardrail shoes - cutting on a ship.
  5. Strikers and templates of steam hammers - fusion.
  6. Axle-box, column and center bolts - fusing of excavation areas.
  7. Details of the frames of the side awning - tack and welding.
  8. Metal container parts - hot straightening.
  9. Diaphragms of platform frames and metal gondola cars - welding of ribs.
  10. Lots - welding.
  11. Rivets - cutting heads.
  12. Frames and parts of brake platforms of freight cars and window frames of passenger cars - welding.
  13. Casings and fences, lightly loaded components of agricultural machines - welding.
  14. Casings of oil pumps and filters of automobiles - surfacing of shells in castings.
  15. Header brackets, brake control rollers - welding.
  16. Brackets for attaching the muffler to the car frame - crack welding.
  17. Brackets for fastening mining equipment - welding.
  18. Dump truck subframe brackets - welding.
  19. Covers for undercar lighting gutters - welding.
  20. Corner sheets for the inner and outer skin of the tram - welding of cuts.
  21. Scrap steel for charge - cutting.
  22. Spring pads and linings - welding.
  23. The flasks are small - welding of the ears.
  24. Steel flasks of small sizes - welding of ears.
  25. Small steel and cast iron castings - elimination of shells in untreated areas by melting.
  26. Pallets for machines - welding.
  27. Profits and letniki on steel castings up to 300 mm thick - cutting.
  28. Transformer tank frames - welding.
  29. Bed mattress frames, armored and rhombic mesh - welding.
  30. Receiving pipes - fusing of safety nets.
  31. Car fender reinforcements - welding.
  32. Hydraulic mechanism clamps for dump trucks - welding.
  33. The foundations are not critical, small components are made of low-carbon and low-alloy steels - semi-automatic welding on a rack.

3rd category

Characteristics of the work. Manual arc, plasma, gas welding, automatic and semi-automatic welding of simple parts, assemblies and structures made of structural steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys and medium complexity parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon steels in all weld positions, except for the ceiling. Oxygen plasma straight and curved cutting in various positions of metals, simple and medium complexity parts made of carbon and alloy steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys by manual marking on portable, stationary and plasma cutting machines in all positions of the weld. Manual oxygen cutting and cutting with petrol and kerosene cutting devices to specified sizes, releasing non-ferrous metal waste and preserving or cutting out components and parts of the machine. Manual arc air planing of simple and medium complexity parts from various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions. Surfacing of cavities and cracks in parts, assemblies and castings of medium complexity. Preliminary and accompanying heating when welding parts in compliance with the specified mode. Reading drawings of varying complexity of parts, assemblies and structures.

Must know: installation of serviced electric welding and plasma cutting machines, gas welding equipment, automatic, semi-automatic and plasma torch; requirements for weld seam and surfaces after air planing; methods for selecting electrode grades depending on steel grades; properties and significance of electrode coatings; weld structure; methods of their testing and types of control; rules for preparing parts and assemblies for welding and welding; rules for selecting a metal heating mode depending on the grade of metal and its thickness; causes of internal stresses and deformations in welded products and measures to prevent them; basic technological techniques for welding and surfacing parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys; cutting mode and gas consumption for oxygen and gas-electric cutting.

Examples of work

  1. Fittings made of tin bronze and silicon brass under test pressure up to 1.6 MPa (15.5 atm) - fusing of defects.
  2. Balancers for spring suspension of rolling stock - cutting according to the markings manually.
  3. Beater and cutting drums, front and rear axles of a tractor trailer, drawbars and frames of a combine and header, augers of a header, rake and reel - welding.
  4. Sidewalls, transition platforms, footboards, frames and skins of railway cars - welding.
  5. Raid buoys and barrels, artillery shields and pontoons - welding.
  6. Crankshafts of engines and cam shafts of cars - welding of defective semi-finished forgings with special steels.
  7. Shafts electric machines- fusing of necks.
  8. Silencers - welding.
  9. Internal combustion engines (fuel and air systems) - welding.
  10. Car parts (oil heater neck, gearbox crankcase, crankcase cover) - fusing of defects.
  11. Parts made of sheet steel up to 60 mm thick - manually cut according to markings.
  12. Freight wagon body frame parts - welding.
  13. Details of the rocker mechanism - fusing of holes.
  14. Bronze brake discs - fused shells.
  15. Workpieces for manual or automatic electric arc welding - cutting without bevel.
  16. Frames for switchboards and control panels - welding.
  17. Support rollers - welding.
  18. Assembled casings, heating boilers - welding.
  19. Casings of elastic couplings - welding.
  20. Truck brake pads, casings, rear axle axles - welding.
  21. Structures, components, parts for gun mounts - welding.
  22. Housings of electrical explosive equipment - welding.
  23. Lifting cranes - fusing of slopes.
  24. Dump truck bodies - welding.
  25. Rear axles of cars - surfacing of shells in castings.
  26. Car radiator lining - crack welding.
  27. Level regulator floats (fittings) - welding.
  28. Profits, sprues for castings of complex configuration with a thickness of over 300 mm - cutting.
  29. Projectors - welded to the ship's hull.
  30. The frames of the steam locomotive's drawbars are surfacing.
  31. Driver's cab profile window frames - welding.
  32. Pantograph frames - welding.
  33. Diesel locomotive frames - welding of conductors, flooring sheets, parts.
  34. Tanks for non-flammable liquids and brake systems of rolling stock - welding.
  35. Shaped cutters and simple dies - welding.
  36. Bulkhead shaft seals - welding of the housing and pressure sleeve.
  37. Small machine beds - welding.
  38. Racks, bunker grates, transition platforms, stairs, railings, decking, boiler casing - welding.
  39. Rear wheel hubs, rear axle and other car parts are soldered using ductile iron.
  40. Joints and grooves of sections, deck partitions, enclosures - automatic welding on a rack.
  41. Non-pressure pipelines for water (except main ones) - welding.
  42. Pipelines of external and internal water supply and heating networks - welding in workshop conditions.
  43. Ventilation pipes - welding.
  44. Copper gas exhaust pipes - welding.
  45. Smoke pipes up to 30 m high and ventilation pipes made of sheet carbon steel - welding.
  46. Connected smoke pipes in boilers and steam superheater pipes - welding.
  47. General purpose pipes - bevel cutting.
  48. Pipes brake line- welding.
  49. Car tanks - automatic welding.
  50. Gasifier balls are brass (open) - fused.
  51. Gears - welding of teeth.

4th category

Characteristics of the work. Manual arc, plasma and gas welding of medium complexity parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of structural steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys and complex parts of assemblies, structures and pipelines made of carbon steel in all spatial positions of the weld. Manual oxygen, plasma and gas straight and shaped cutting and cutting with petrol cutting and kerosene cutting devices on portable, stationary and plasma cutting machines, in various positions of complex parts from various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys according to markings. Oxygen flux cutting of parts made of high chromium and chromium-nickel steels and cast iron. Oxygen cutting of ship objects afloat. Automatic and mechanical welding of medium complexity and complex devices, components, pipeline structures made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys. Automatic welding of critical complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Manual electric arc air planing of complex parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions. Welding of cast iron structures. Surfacing of defects in complex machine parts, mechanisms, structures and castings for machining and test pressure. Hot straightening of complex structures. Reading drawings of various complex welded metal structures.

Must know: installation of various electric welding and gas-cutting equipment, automatic and semi-automatic devices, features of welding and electric arc planing on alternating and direct current; basics of electrical engineering within the scope of the work performed; types of defects in welds and methods for their prevention and elimination; basics of metal welding; mechanical properties welded metals; principles for selecting welding modes based on instruments; brands and types of electrodes; methods for producing and storing the most common gases: acetylene, hydrogen, oxygen, propane-butane, used in gas welding; gas cutting process for alloy steel.

Examples of work

  1. Equipment, vessels and containers made of carbon steel, operating without pressure - welding.
  2. Apparatuses, vessels and containers made of carbon steel, operating without pressure - welding.
  3. Pipeline shut-off valves made of non-ferrous metals and alloys under test pressure over 1.6 to 5.0 MPa (over 15.5 to 48.4 atm) - fusing of defects.
  4. Transformer tanks - welding of pipes, welding of terminal boxes, cooler boxes, current installations and tank covers.
  5. Rudder stocks, propeller shaft brackets - welding.
  6. Car engine cylinder blocks - fusing shells in castings.
  7. Crankshafts - surfacing of journals.
  8. Bronze and brass inserts - surfacing on steel bearings.
  9. Boiler fittings and burners - welding.
  10. Parts made of stainless steel sheets, aluminum or copper alloys - gas-electric cutting with beveled edges.
  11. Parts made of sheet steel over 60 mm thick - manual cutting according to markings.
  12. Cast iron parts - welding, fusion with and without heating.
  13. Parts and assemblies made of non-ferrous metals - welding followed by pressure testing.
  14. Car retarders - welding and surfacing of components under operating conditions.
  15. Cast iron gear teeth - welding.
  16. Thin-walled products made of non-ferrous alloys (air cooler covers, bearing shields, turbogenerator fans) - welded with brass or silumin.
  17. Large cast iron products: frames, pulleys, flywheels, gears - fusing of shells and cracks.
  18. Hydraulic turbine impeller chambers - welding and deposition.
  19. Frames of industrial furnaces and boilers - welding.
  20. Crankcases of large engines and mechanical transmissions of diesel locomotives - welding.
  21. Lower engine crankcases - welding.
  22. Pole coils of electrical machines made of strip copper - welding and welding of jumpers.
  23. Gas exhaust manifolds and pipes - welding.
  24. Regulating rings for hydraulic turbines - welding and deposition.
  25. Blast furnace structures (casings, air heaters, gas pipelines) - cutting with bevel edges.
  26. Housings and axles of the header drive wheels - welding.
  27. Compressor housings, low and high pressure cylinders of air compressors - crack fusion.
  28. Rotor housings with a diameter of up to 3500 mm are welded.
  29. Stop valve housings for turbines with power up to 25,000 kW are welded.
  30. Brush holder housings, reverse segments, electric motor rotors - welding.
  31. Fastening and supports for pipelines - welding.
  32. Brackets and fastenings for diesel locomotive bogies - welding.
  33. Large thickness sheets (armor) - welding.
  34. Masts, drilling and production derricks - welding in workshop conditions.
  35. Aluminum furniture - welding.
  36. Fundamental plates of large electrical machines - welding.
  37. Struts, axle shafts of aircraft landing gear - welding.
  38. Heaters - welding of a cage, a hot water pipe with a cage, cone, rings and flanges.
  39. Bearings and liners are axle boxes, drawbars - fusing along the frame and fusing cracks.
  40. Pistons of pneumatic hammers - fusion of shells and cracks.
  41. Dust-gas-air ducts, fuel supply units and electric precipitators - welding.
  42. Spool frames, pendulums - welding.
  43. Porthole frames made of aluminum alloys - welding.
  44. Conveyor frames - welding.
  45. Air tanks for trolleybuses - welding.
  46. Tanks for petroleum products with a capacity of less than 1000 cubic meters. m - welding.
  47. Rail butt joints - welding under operational conditions.
  48. Rails and prefabricated crosspieces - fusing ends.
  49. Single and twisted metal mesh for pulp and paper production - soldering of ends with silver solder.
  50. Crusher beds - welding.
  51. Frames and electrical machines are welded and cast - welding.
  52. Cast iron beds of large machine tools - welding.
  53. Beds of working stands of rolling mills - welding.
  54. Stators of air-cooled turbogenerators - welding.
  55. Tubes for sensors with a radioactive isotope - fusing.
  56. Pipe elements of boilers, armor plates, etc. - hot edit.
  57. Pipelines of external and internal water supply and heating networks - welding during installation.
  58. Pipelines of external and internal low-pressure gas supply networks - welding in workshop conditions.
  59. Technological pipelines of category 5 - welding.
  60. Drill pipes - welding of couplings.
  61. Half-timbers, connections, lanterns, purlins, monorails - welding.
  62. Complex cutters and dies - welding and deposition of high-speed cutters and hard alloys.
  63. Brass refrigerators - welding of seams for hydrotesting at pressures up to 2.5 MPa (24.2 atm).
  64. Cylinders of car blocks - fusing of shells.
  65. Car tanks - welding.
  66. Balls, floats and tanks made of special aluminum alloys - welding.

5th category

Characteristics of the work. Manual arc, plasma and gas welding of various complexity of devices, parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to work under dynamic and vibration loads and under pressure. Manual arc and plasma welding of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Oxygen and plasma linear and horizontal cutting of complex parts from various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys according to manual markings with cutting edges for welding, including the use of special fluxes from various steels and alloys. Oxygen cutting of metals under water. Automatic and mechanical welding of complex devices, components, structures and pipelines made of various steels, non-ferrous metals and alloys. Automatic welding of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads. Mechanized welding of complex building and technological structures operating in difficult conditions. Manual electric arc air planing of complex parts made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys in various positions. Welding of structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld. Welding and surfacing of cracks and cavities in thin-walled products and in products with hard-to-reach places for welding. Heat treatment of welded joints with a gas torch after welding. Reading drawings of varying complexity of welded spatial metal structures.

Must know: electrical diagrams and designs of various welding machines, automatic, semi-automatic and power supplies; technological properties of welded metals, including high-alloy steels, as well as deposited metal and metal being planed; selection of technological sequence for applying welds; the influence of heat treatment on the properties of the weld, rules for cutting metals under water.

Examples of work

  1. Embrasures of blast furnaces - surfacing of shells and cracks.
  2. Equipment and vessels made of carbon steels operating under pressure and alloy steels operating without pressure - welding.
  3. Open hearth furnace fittings - welding during repair of existing equipment.
  4. Load-bearing reinforcement reinforced concrete structures(foundations, columns, floors, etc.) - welding.
  5. Pipeline shut-off valves made of tin bronze and silicon brass - surfacing under test pressure over 5.0 MPa (48.4 atm).
  6. Tanks of unique powerful transformers - welding, including welding of lifting hooks, jacking brackets, stainless steel plates operating under dynamic loads.
  7. Beams and traverses of crane trolleys and balancers - welding.
  8. Span beams for overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of less than 30 tons - welding.
  9. Center beams, buffer beams, pivot beams, frames of locomotive and wagon bogies - welding.
  10. Cylinders, caps, spheres operating in a vacuum - welding.
  11. Boiler drums with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm) - welding.
  12. Blocks of building and technological structures made of sheet metal (air heaters, scrubbers, blast furnace casings, separators, reactors, blast furnace flues, etc.) - welding.
  13. Cylinder blocks and water manifolds of products - welding.
  14. Large crankshafts - welding.
  15. Lead baths - welding.
  16. Gas holders and tanks for petroleum products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. m or more - welding in workshop conditions.
  17. Gas and oil product pipelines - welding on a rack.
  18. Parts of gas welding equipment - soldering with silver solders.
  19. Structural parts with complex configurations are cut with edges prepared for welding without additional machining.
  20. Parts of machines, mechanisms and structures forged, stamped and cast (propellers, turbine blades, engine cylinder blocks, etc.) - fusing defects.
  21. Parts of particularly complex machines and mechanisms (charging devices of blast furnaces, propellers, turbine blades, rolls of rolling mills, etc.) - deposition with special, hard, wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials.
  22. Ball and spherical bottoms - cutting oblique holes without subsequent machining.
  23. Red copper coils - welding.
  24. Caissons for open hearth furnaces operating at high temperatures - welding.
  25. Caissons of open hearth furnaces (hot repair) - internal cladding.
  26. Manifolds of complex configuration made of 20 or more parts made of stainless and heat-resistant steel with testing for macrostructure and radiography - welding.
  27. Columns, bunkers, rafter and sub-rafter trusses, beams, trestles, etc. - welding.
  28. Bellows type expansion joints made of stainless steel - soldering.
  29. Structures of radio masts, television towers and power line supports - welding in stationary conditions.
  30. Cutting bodies, loading machines, coal combines and mine electric locomotives - welding.
  31. Head housings, traverses, bases and other complex components of presses and hammers - welding.
  32. Cast iron bodies, covers, tees, elbows, cylinders - fusing of defects.
  33. Rotor housings with a diameter of over 3500 mm are welded.
  34. Stop valve housings for turbines with power over 25,000 kW - welding.
  35. Covers, stators and blade linings of hydraulic turbines - welding.
  36. Masts, drilling and production derricks - welding during installation.
  37. Bases made of high-alloy drill pipes for drilling rigs and three-diesel drives are welded.
  38. Aluminum and bronze castings, complex and large - fusing of shells and cracks.
  39. Support plates for walking excavators - welding.
  40. The molds are complex - welding in hard-to-reach places.
  41. Frames and components of cars and diesel engines - welding.
  42. Kingpin and diesel locomotive frames - welding.
  43. Tanks for petroleum products with a capacity of 1000 and less than 5000 cubic meters. m - welding during installation.
  44. Rotors of electrical machines - welding of short-circuited rings, rods, surfacing.
  45. Complex beds, aprons of large lathes - welding, fusion of cracks.
  46. Joints of reinforcement outlets of elements of load-bearing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures - welding.
  47. Pulse tubes for instrumentation and automation systems - welding.
  48. Pipe elements of steam boilers with pressure up to 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm) - welding.
  49. Pipelines of external and internal low-pressure gas supply networks - welding during installation.
  50. Pipelines of external and internal gas supply networks of medium and low pressure - welding during installation and in workshop conditions.
  51. Technological pipelines of III and IV categories (groups), as well as steam and water pipelines of III and IV categories - welding.
  52. Lead pipes - welding.
  53. Assemblies of sub-engine frames and shock absorber cylinders of aircraft landing gear - welding.
  54. Brass refrigerators - welding of seams for hydrotesting under pressure over 2.5 MPa (24.2 atm).
  55. Engine cylinders - fusing of internal and external jackets.
  56. Tires, tapes, expansion joints for them made of non-ferrous metals - welding.

6th category

Characteristics of the work. Manual arc, plasma and gas welding of particularly complex devices, parts, assemblies, structures and pipelines made of various steels, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, designed to operate under dynamic and vibration loads and under high pressure. Manual arc and gas-electric welding of building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, and structures of complex configuration. Automatic welding of various structures from alloyed special steels, titanium and other alloys on specially designed machines, multi-arc, multi-electrode machines and machines equipped with television, photoelectronic and other special devices, on automatic manipulators (robots). Mechanized welding of devices, components, pipeline structures, building and technological structures operating under dynamic and vibration loads, when performing welds in the ceiling position and on a vertical plane. Welding of experimental structures made of metals and alloys with limited weldability, as well as titanium and titanium alloys. Welding of complex structures in block design in all spatial positions of the weld.

Must know: variety of titanium alloys, their welding and mechanical properties; kinematic diagrams of automatic and semi-automatic machines, basic design of electronic control circuits; rules for training robots and rules for working with robotic systems; types of corrosion and factors causing it; methods of special testing of welded products and the purpose of each of them; main types of heat treatment of welded joints; Fundamentals of weld metallography.

Examples of work

  1. Span beams for overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of 30 tons and above - welding.
  2. Beams of working platforms of open-hearth shops, structures of bunkers and unloading platforms of metallurgical enterprises, crane beams for heavy-duty cranes, booms of walking excavators - welding.
  3. Boiler drums with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm) - welding.
  4. Air separation units for oxygen shops - welding of non-ferrous metal parts.
  5. Gas holders and tanks for petroleum products with a volume of 5000 cubic meters. m or more - welding during installation.
  6. Main gas and oil product pipelines - welding during installation.
  7. Parts and assemblies made of non-ferrous metals operating under pressure above 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm) - welding.
  8. Spherical and drop-shaped containers and coatings - welding.
  9. Vacuum containers, caps, spheres and pipelines - welding.
  10. Drill pipe joints and couplings are double seam welded.
  11. Working wheels of gas turbine compressors, steam turbines, powerful blowers - welding of blades and paddles.
  12. Ammonia synthesis columns - welding.
  13. Structures made of light aluminum-magnesium alloys - welding.
  14. The design of radio masts, television towers and power line supports - welding during installation.
  15. Structures made of low-magnetic steels - welding.
  16. Steam turbine boxes - welding and welding of shells.
  17. Stator housings of large turbogenerators with hydrogen and hydrogen-water cooling are welded.
  18. Housings of heavy laser engines and presses - welding.
  19. Steam boilers - straightening the bottoms, welding critical components with a one-sided butt weld.
  20. Paws and rustles of drill bits, drilling steam conduits - welding.
  21. Rotor blades and turbine stators are soldered.
  22. Oil and gas pipelines - welding to eliminate gaps.
  23. Pipeline piping of oil and gas wells and peripheral filling wells - welding.
  24. Wiring of pulse turbines and boilers - welding.
  25. Tanks and structures made of two-layer steel and other bimetals - welding.
  26. Reinforcement bars for reinforced concrete structures of split molds - welding.
  27. Span structures of metal and reinforced concrete bridges - welding.
  28. Pipe elements of steam boilers with pressure over 4.0 MPa (38.7 atm) - welding.
  29. Pressure pipelines, spiral chambers and impeller chambers of hydroelectric turbines - welding.
  30. Pipelines for external gas supply networks of medium and high pressure - welding during installation.
  31. Technological pipelines of categories I and II (groups), as well as steam and water pipelines of categories I and II - welding.


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