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Qualification requirements for service personnel. Requirements for service personnel

Requirements for enterprise personnel catering determined not only by the organization itself, they are also dictated by GOST. Catering establishments are places where many people come, expecting not only to eat delicious food cooked in the right conditions, but also receive quality service. There are state standards, which such enterprises must comply with, and these standards also stipulate requirements for personnel.

It is important to note that, despite all the demanding and strict GOST standards, catering establishments - canteens, cafes and restaurants - nothing prevents them from maintaining their own style and making additional requirements when hiring staff.

Personnel at catering establishments include not only cooks, waiters and kitchen workers. All employees are divided into three categories:

  • administrative staff, which includes the director, accountant and managers;
  • service personnel, which includes those workers who are in contact with customers and are directly responsible for the quality of service in the establishment - administrators, waiters, head waiters, bartenders and bartenders;
  • production personnel, this category includes cooks, technologists, sushi experts, culinary specialists, confectioners, etc., that is, those who prepare food.

General requirements for employees of all categories

There are requirements that apply to employees of public catering establishments when hiring, regardless of
depending on what category they belong to.

First of all, you need a sufficient level vocational training, which guarantees the employee’s knowledge of all theoretical and practical features of the profession. So, cooks must have certificates of completion educational institutions by profession a cook. This specification must be strictly observed.

Compliance with sanitation is mandatory, which requires all personnel, including waiters and hall workers, to have a valid medical certificate. This means that the company obliges the employee to observe the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness of the workplace. Personal hygiene is very important. For example, cooks are prohibited from having long nails or manicures, or from keeping personal items such as cell phones on kitchen work surfaces.

All employees must be made aware that they must comply with occupational health and fire safety regulations in their workplace. Such training should be carried out by the company itself for its employees.

Requirements for production personnel

The most stringent requirements are imposed on those who work in the kitchen and are engaged in preparing products and preparing food for guests of the establishment.

In particular, such employees must always wear only sanitary clothing and shoes at their workplace. They cannot work in their home clothes. At the same time, such clothes and shoes must undergo regular dry cleaning in order to always be free of any traces of dirt. Accommodation allowed brand logos or company badges on such clothing.

At the same time, it is prohibited to go into the hall and communicate with consumers of catering services while wearing sanitary clothing.

All personal clothing of staff, in which people come to work, must be stored during the day in a specially designated room.

If public catering workers show signs of illness, cuts or burns on their hands, the administration of the organization should immediately find out about this and immediately remove this employee from work until he has fully recovered.

Requirements for service personnel

The service personnel of a catering establishment - waiters, administrators, bartenders - are constantly in contact with visitors, so the success and profitability of the business largely depends on their literacy and professionalism.

The main characteristics of such workers are the ability to be polite, tactful, friendly even during conflict situations. Such personnel should be available to assist guests, such as disabled guests, if necessary.

Waiters must have an excellent knowledge of the menu, including the ingredients and preparation method for each dish.

Administrators must have the skills to work with complaints and claims from guests, and also be responsible for the correct and coordinated work of all employees.

Requirements for administrative personnel

Personnel management in a catering establishment is the responsibility of administrative staff. Depends on him competent organization activities of the entire institution.

Such workers must be able to monitor the efficiency of workers and production, know methods for introducing new, modern technologies, monitor the quality of service and conduct safety training in the workplace.

Administrative personnel must carefully monitor compliance with labor protection and sanitary conditions of the enterprise and its employees.

One of the most important requirements is knowledge technological process, the procedure for developing and compiling a menu, skills in determining the norms for losses of raw materials. Thus, a technologist or process engineer must be able to monitor the quality of products used in the preparation of dishes, produced by workers of semi-finished products and other culinary products. They are also responsible for screening and organoleptic testing, which is necessary in established deadlines produce to all organizations working in the field of providing public catering services.

The requirements for a warehouse manager are the ability to properly organize warehousing and equipment of warehouse premises, as well as supply of the organization material resources which are necessary for smooth operation.

The warehouse manager must know all the standards and technical specifications, which stipulate the storage of products and semi-finished products. He must also be able to systematize and correctly save all incoming documents to account for raw materials stored and used. The warehouse manager is responsible for monitoring the correct operation and timely execution of repair work warehouse and refrigeration equipment. If breakdowns occur, the warehouse manager must immediately notify the directorate and call repair specialists.

The main requirement for a storekeeper is the ability to receive incoming goods. food products, on-site documentation review and stock distribution.

Additional Requirements

It is important that all staff know how to properly store the products from which dishes are prepared for guests of the establishment.

First of all, personnel must ensure that all food products received for storage and use are labeled. He must control the quality of these products and their timely disposal.

When receiving packaged products, it is necessary to monitor the correctness and integrity of the packaging. An important requirement is knowledge of the rules of commodity proximity when storing ready-made dishes, prepared products and semi-finished products.

All hotel employees, in terms of qualification requirements, can be divided into three large groups:

  • management team(hotel administration, department heads, supervisors)
  • guest service staff(waiters, maids, doormen, receptionists)
  • supporting departments(engineers, technicians, warehouse workers, stewards).

The competence of the personnel of these groups is of great importance for quality management. Hotel management must ensure that its staff have the necessary qualifications, knowledge and skills to perform their jobs to the best of their ability.

General requirements to managers, supervisors:

Compliance of skills with the position held;

Professional efficiency - completing assigned tasks with maximum use of available resources;

Ability to make decisions, sound judgment, innovativeness, long-term vision;

Interpersonal and communicative competence, ability to persuade, respect for others;

Ability to train and professionally develop colleagues;

Leadership by example;

Delegation of tasks;

Organizational skills and planning.

General requirements for all personnel:

Politeness, friendliness, enthusiasm, interaction with colleagues, relations with guests;

Flexibility, adaptability;

Acceptance of responsibility, initiative;

Personal hygiene;

Discipline, punctuality;

Knowledge of work, quality of work, attention to detail;

Working under load, under stress;

Ability to complete tasks to completion;

Cost awareness;

Proficiency in a foreign language.

Highest energy potential;

Enthusiasm at work;

An exceptional feature of communicating with people;

Patience in dealing with clients and self-confidence;

Neat appearance, good diction, knowledge of a foreign language;

Ability to work independently;

High performance and endurance;

Rational working style;

The ability to overcome crisis situations and find the right way out of the current situation.

In addition to the above, you should also consider mandatory requirements To service personnel in the hospitality industry, they can be divided into 4 groups:

1. Qualification(for all categories of hotels).

1.1. All service personnel must undergo professional training. The level of training must be commensurate with the services they provide.

1.2. Knowledge of a foreign language.

For 3-star hotels, all personnel who have contact with residents need to have sufficient knowledge of at least two international languages ​​or other languages ​​most used by hotel clients in this region.

2. Behavior.

Staff of all categories of hotels must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, must be ready to kindly fulfill the request of the resident and show patience and restraint in relation to hotel guests.

3. Medical requirements.

4. Uniform.

Staff of all categories of hotels who come into contact with residents must wear uniforms, in some cases including a personal badge indicating their first and last name. The uniform must always be clean and in good condition.

The staff of catering establishments serving hotel complexes are also subject to a number of general requirements:

2. Head waiters, waiters, and bartenders must know at least one European language. The team includes waiters who speak different languages.

3. Regularly, but at least once every five years, recertification of production, maintenance, administrative, managerial and technical personnel is carried out to confirm or improve their qualifications.

5. All workers must be dressed in uniform, special or sanitary clothing and footwear established for of this enterprise sample in good condition without visible damage or contamination.

6. All employees of food establishments serving tourists must wear a personal badge on their uniform with the emblem of the enterprise, position, last name and first name.

7. The head waiter's uniform must be formally trimmed or include a tailcoat or tuxedo.

8. Service personnel must be externally neat, cheerful and have a fit appearance.

9. Employees serving guests must be polite, attentive and helpful in their dealings with visitors.

In the event of a conflict situation, the employee must invite the administrator on duty, head waiter or director of the enterprise.

10. Employees should not engage in extraneous activities at the workplace.

11. Kitchen workers, technical services and support staff (cleaners) should not appear in the premises for visitors in sanitary and special clothing, unless this is related to the performance of their direct duties (carrying out urgent repair work).

General requirements for service personnel

There are a number of requirements that are common to service personnel of all gradations:

    Studying and following the instructions of the relevant position and established internal regulations in restaurant organizations.

    Compliance with sanitization rules and hygiene requirements for both the employee and the work desk.

    Completion of training and compliance with fire safety measures, labor protection requirements and general safety.

    Possession of basic cultural communication skills, following professional ethics when providing services to visitors.

    Studying the requirements of strictly regulated documentation for products and services of restaurant enterprises.

    Completing training courses for employees at least once every 5 years.

Note 1

Restaurant employees are required to undergo a medical examination and must pass exams on general sanitation standards once every two years.

Requirements for a head waiter

To obtain a position, a head waiter must obtain a higher specialized or secondary specialized education and possess the following skills:

  • have basic knowledge of merchandising and production of public catering products;
  • know the requirements for serving dishes;
  • speak a foreign language at a conversational level (luxury and upper class);
  • study the characteristics of the process of providing services at celebrations and other special events;
  • study and comply with the requirements of international etiquette, features of providing services to foreign guests for luxury and high-class enterprises;
  • know the location of fire protection and alarm systems, and be able to use them correctly;
  • possess skills that allow you to competently evacuate guests in emergency situations.

The head waiter performs an organizing function in the hall. The scope of his responsibility is determined by the job description, which is established by the top manager of the restaurant. He exercises control over the activities of all waiters, bartenders, and cleaners retail premises, tableware washers, service workers, bread cutters, doormen, musicians and artists.

The head waiter's job description includes developing a work schedule and keeping records of the working hours of all of the above employees. He must also monitor the readiness for opening, the availability of a menu and wine list, instruct waiters before starting work, check the equipment of the premises (hall, buffet, lobby, wardrobe, toilets and smoking rooms), monitor employees’ compliance with the rules of wearing uniforms and personal hygiene .

The head waiter checks whether the tables are properly set, whether trading rules are followed, and whether there are any errors in the prices provided to visitors. He monitors the preparation by waiters of registers of accounts, the delivery of proceeds to the cash register and copies of invoices for reporting, and is responsible for errors in the preparation of invoices, for the operation of furniture, jukeboxes, etc.

Requirements for a waiter

Note 2

The waiter must have certain professional training in this area, be able to use technical techniques for providing services to guests, and have the skills to provide services to guests when organizing various banquets and celebrations.

The waiter must have the following skills:

  • know the basics of communication culture, requirements for professional ethics, possess table setting skills;
  • study the types and purpose of dishes, cutlery and table linen;
  • know the serving sequence different types dishes, principles of their design and serving temperature;
  • be able to recommend wine for various types of dishes;
  • study the features of providing services to foreign guests for luxury and high-class restaurants and bars;
  • know the principles of organizing customer service at receptions, banquets and other special events;
  • have conversation skills in a foreign language and professional terminology;
  • study the characteristics of dishes and drinks, have the skills to offer dishes to customers;
  • study the procedure for paying guests;
  • know and follow safety rules when servicing.

Requirements for a bartender

Bartenders must have professional training at a certain level and possess the following skills:

  • know the basic principles of etiquette and master the technique of serving guests at the bar;
  • study the assortment, production methods, principles of design and serving of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, as well as hot and cold snacks, confectionery;
  • speak a foreign language at a conversational level in luxury and upper class classes;
  • know the specifics of providing services to foreign guests;
  • study the types and purpose of equipment, utensils, appliances and equipment in the production and dispensing of drinks and snacks;
  • comply with the rules and terms of storage of culinary products and purchased goods;
  • comply with the rules for using video and sound reproducing equipment;
  • know the principles of providing services and paying visitors.

Requirements for a manager (hall administrator). The manager must have professional training. Know the basics of labor legislation, the provisions of the R.F. Law. “On the protection of consumer rights.” Rules for the production and sale of public catering products (services), industry guidelines relating to it professional activities, including certification of services. Be responsible for preparing the hall for service, observing the operating hours of the enterprise, and maintaining proper order in the hall. Know and follow the rules and technical techniques for serving consumers, the basic rules of etiquette and table setting. Know the basic merchandising, technological sanitary indicators about the quality of food and culinary products. Know traditional methods of preparing culinary products, drinks and the rules for serving them. Know within the conversational minimum foreign language and professional terminology (for those working in luxury restaurants and bars). Know the peculiarities of preparing, decorating and serving national, signature and custom-made dishes, dishes of foreign cuisines (for those working in luxury and high-class restaurants and bars). Features of servicing celebrations and other special events.

Know and follow the rules of international etiquette, techniques and specifics of serving foreign consumers. Monitor the proper service to consumers by waiters and bartenders. Provide a friendly atmosphere in the hall, conducive to consumer relaxation, and consider consumer complaints. Related to service and make decisions on them. Organize services for the elderly and disabled (in cafes, snack bars and self-service). Know the location of fire protection and alarm systems, as well as the rules for using them. Organize the evacuation of consumers from the enterprise in extreme situations.

Requirements for a waiter. The waiter must have professional training. Know and be able to put into practice the rules and techniques of serving consumers, the basic rules of etiquette, and the rules of table setting. Know the types and purposes of tableware, cutlery, and table linen used in serving consumers. Know the rules and order of serving dishes, requirements for their presentation and temperature, and the correspondence of the range of wine and vodka products to the nature of the dishes served. Be able to create menus for banquets, official and informal receptions. Know the rules of international etiquette, techniques and specifics, serving foreign consumers. Know the peculiarities of preparing, decorating and serving national, signature and custom dishes, dishes of foreign cuisines (for those working in luxury restaurants and bars). Know the characteristics of food and drinks. Be able to offer them to the consumer and give them necessary information about them during the service process. Know a foreign language and professional terminology within the conversational minimum. Know the operating rules of the control system cash registers, the procedure for issuing invoices and settling them with consumers. Know the forms of payments and consumers, including foreign currency and credit cards. Know the basics of psychology and the principles of professional ethics. In order to ensure the safety of consumers during service, the waiter must be careful and attentive when setting the table, transporting trays with dishes around the room, and when carrying dinnerware and dishes. Monitor the condition of the floor in the hall and around the distribution area.

Requirements for a bartender. The bartender must have professional training. Know the basic rules of etiquette and techniques for serving consumers at the bar counter in the hall. Know the range, recipes, preparation technology, rules for design and serving of alcoholic and low-alcohol cocktails and drinks. Know the specifics and techniques of servicing foreign consumers. Know the rules of international etiquette (for those working in a luxury restaurant). Know and comply with the conditions and terms of storage of culinary products and purchased goods, temperature conditions for serving drinks.

Job descriptions for maintenance personnel

Restaurant manager job description

I. General provisions

1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the head waiter.

2. A person with a higher education degree is appointed to the position of head waiter. vocational education(in the specialty of management) or higher professional education and additional training in the field of management, work experience in the specialty of at least 2 years.

3. The head waiter must know the basic legislative and regulatory documents regulating the production, economic and financial and economic activities of public catering establishments; goals, objectives, structure of the restaurant; principles of organizing visitor services; basics of cooking technology; fundamentals of management and its main functions (planning, organization, motivation and control); regulatory, methodological and technological documentation for the specialty; technology for preparing the restaurant hall for work; image direction of the restaurant; in-house service standards; protocol and etiquette; sales psychology; methods for monitoring the quality of guest service; methods for studying consumer preferences of visitors; methods of dealing with customer complaints and wishes; methods of working with the public and funds mass media; basics of conflictology; assortment and quality requirements for dishes and culinary products; basics of rational and dietary nutrition; order of menu creation; rules and terms of storage of prepared dishes and products; types of technological equipment used, operating principles, technical specifications, terms of Use; marketing basics; basics of logistics; basics of sanitation and hygiene, current sanitary rules and hygienic standards in relation to professional activities; the state and main trends in the development of the restaurant services market; basics accounting, financial management, taxation, pricing; production capacity and human resources of the enterprise; the procedure for concluding and executing economic and financial contracts; best practices in the restaurant industry; basics of quality management of products and services provided; labor legislation; basics scientific organization labor; reporting forms and internal documentation; rules for processing documents and the basics of office work; internal labor regulations.

4. The head waiter is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation.

5. The head waiter is directly subordinate to the head of the enterprise, or his deputy, or the head of a structural unit.

II. Job responsibilities

Organizing the work of the restaurant hall (organizing interaction with all structural divisions restaurant; organization of work of service personnel; planning and control of employee working time; planning and control of the necessary supply of restaurant linen, dishes, cutlery and accessories; control of preparation for work of the restaurant hall and utility rooms; compliance sanitary rules and hygienic standards, labor protection and fire safety rules; inventory of table linen, dishes and cutlery; instructing service personnel at the workplace; preparation of documentation and maintenance of relevant office work). Organization of meeting and greeting guests (development of procedures for meeting, seating and farewelling visitors; monitoring staff communication with guests; consultation and assistance in choosing dishes and drinks; creation comfortable conditions for visitors). Control of the quality of service to visitors in the restaurant hall (control of the procedure for greeting guests, offering menus, receiving and fulfilling orders, serving guests, preparing invoices and accepting payments; control of banquets, table cleaning; compliance with protocol and etiquette; preventing conflict situations). Working with restaurant visitors (forming a positive image of the restaurant among visitors; creating a pleasant and friendly atmosphere; studying the consumer preferences of restaurant visitors; preparing proposals and their implementation to improve customer service; establishing and expanding relations with the public and the media; recording and analyzing complaints, complaints and wishes of visitors; elimination of shortcomings in the work of the restaurant; compliance with the rules of protocol and etiquette). Drawing up a list of wines and drinks. Selecting restaurant accessories and other products from suppliers based on available information and data marketing research. Sales management in the restaurant hall (monitoring the availability of necessary inventory for stable operation of the restaurant hall; control and analysis of sales of food and drinks in the restaurant hall; determination of consumer preferences and rating of the most popular dishes and drinks; training staff on the correct combination of dishes and drinks). Working with staff and assessing their performance (selection and placement of restaurant hall staff; distribution of responsibilities and delegation of authority; drawing up work schedules for restaurant hall staff; promotion work motivation personnel based on the use of socio-psychological management methods and material incentives; development organizational culture and improving work ethics; solving socio-psychological conflicts and problems). Conducting professional trainings in the workplace (planning and organizing professional trainings, assessing their effectiveness). Introduction of progressive methods of work organization. Study and analysis competitive environment and consumer preferences.

The head waiter has the right:

1. give orders that are mandatory for execution by employees subordinate to him;

2. participate in the selection and placement of personnel for their activities;

3. make proposals to management for encouraging and imposing penalties on employees of the enterprise in their activities;

4. make proposals for the development and improvement of the enterprise’s activities;

5. request from management, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary for the execution of their job responsibilities;

6. take part in meetings at which issues related to his work are discussed;

7. undergo certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category;

8. improve your skills.

The head waiter takes advantage of everyone labor rights in accordance with Labor Code Russian Federation.

IV. Responsibility

The head waiter is responsible for:

1. carrying out the official duties assigned to him;

2. organization of its work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from senior management, regulations on its activities;

3. rational and efficient use material, financial and human resources;

4. compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and anti-epidemic regime, fire safety and safety regulations;

5. maintaining documentation required by job responsibilities;

6. provision of statistical and other information on its activities in the prescribed manner;

7. compliance labor discipline and performance of official duties by employees subordinate to him;

8. readiness to work in emergency situations.

For violation of regulations, the head waiter may be subject to disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with current legislation, depending on the severity of the offense.


"____" ______________ 20__


General manager

(full name, signature)

"____" ______________ 20__

I have read the instructions

(full name, signature)

"____" ______________ 20__

Job description of a bartender of the 5th category

This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of labor and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General provisions

duties, rights and responsibilities of a bartender of the 5th category.

1.2. A bartender of the 5th category is appointed and dismissed by order of the director in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Bartender of the 5th category reports directly to the head waiter

1.4. A person with a higher or secondary specialized education and work experience in this specialty of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of bartender of the 5th category.

1.5. During his temporary absence (vacation, illness), his duties are performed by another bartender or head waiter.

2. Functional responsibilities

2.1. A bartender of the 5th category performs the following functions:

2.1.1. serves visitors at the bar with ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages, such as wines, cognacs, liqueurs;

2.1.2. serves visitors at the bar counter confectionery products and other products with the preparation of a wide range of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks: strong, dessert, sparkling, with fruit, egg, layered cocktails, cups, punches, grogs, mulled wine, dazes and other drinks;

2.1.3. mixes the components of drinks in shakers, cups, beats them using tools and mechanisms;

2.1.4. prepares a variety of cold and hot snacks from mushrooms, sandwiches, canapés, sausage slices, sausages, ham in dough, stuffed eggs, fruit and berry salads, salted almonds, cream, olives, cookies with cheese and other snacks;

2.1.5. greets visitors, introduces them to the range and recipes of the drinks sold;

2.1.6. supervises bartenders of lower qualifications and organizes their work.

3. Rights and obligations

3.1. A 5th grade bartender must know:

3.1.1. types, assortment, recipe, preparation technology, order of registration and dispensing of a wide range of alcoholic and low-alcohol cocktails and drinks, cold and hot snacks;

3.1.2. the procedure for registering purchased goods sold in wine bars, cocktail bars, cocktail lounges and other bars;

3.1.3. requirements for utensils, cutlery, appliances, and equipment used in bars (ice makers, etc.);

3.1.4. rules of etiquette and service techniques in bars of the highest category and luxury category.

3.2. A bartender of the 5th category is obliged to conscientiously perform his job duties:

3.2.2. advise visitors on ordering snacks and various drinks;

3.2.3. bring ready-made hot and cold snacks;

3.2.4. remove dishes and cutlery before serving the next dish, as well as after visitors leave;

3.2.6. comply with the internal labor regulations of the Organization;

3.2.10. not to disclose information constituting trade secret organizations;

3.3. The employee has the right:

3.3.1. timely and within the exact deadlines established in the organization to receive the salary established for a bartender of the 5th category;

3.3.2. defend your rights granted labor legislation of the Russian Federation to the employee, in case of violation by the Employer.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A bartender of the 5th category is responsible both for improper performance of his duties and for inaction and failure to make decisions on issues within his competence in accordance with these instructions.

Head of structural unit


"____" ______________ 20__


General manager

(full name, signature)

"____" ______________ 20__

I have read the instructions

(full name, signature)

"____" ______________ 20__

Job description of a waiter of the 5th category

This job description has been developed and approved on the basis of labor and in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General provisions

1.1. This job description defines the functional

duties, rights and responsibilities of a waiter of the 5th category.

1.2. A waiter is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position by order of the director in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3. The waiter reports directly to the head waiter.

1.4. A person with a higher or secondary specialized education and work experience in this specialty of at least 2 years is appointed to the position of waiter of the 5th category.

1.5. During his temporary absence (vacation, illness), his duties are performed by another waiter or head waiter.

2. Functional responsibilities

2.1. A waiter of the 5th category performs the following functions:

2.1.1. serves visitors with complex table settings, reflecting national characteristics and thematic focus of country, national and themed restaurants, cafes and bars of the highest category and luxury;

2.1.2. accepts orders from visitors, prepares and presents them with invoices for payment and accepts funds from them according to the invoice;

2.1.3. serves ceremonial and official receptions, meetings, conferences, negotiations and congresses;

2.1.4. serves foreign tourists;

2.1.5. serves certain specialty foods and beverages with final transactions performed in full view of the customers who ordered the items;

2.1.6. when serving customers, provides wet hot wipes;

2.1.7. assists visitors in choosing dishes and drinks and serves selected dishes and drinks to the tables.

3. Rights and obligations

3.1. A 5th grade waiter must know:

3.1.1. types and rules of table setting, reflecting national characteristics and thematic focus of the enterprise;

3.1.2. forms and rules for serving foreign tourists at ceremonial and official receptions, conferences, negotiations, meetings and conventions;

3.1.3. compliance of the assortment of wines and wine-vodka drinks with the nature and order of the dishes and drinks served;

3.1.4. dietary habits of foreign tourists;

3.1.5. forms of organizing the work of waiters (individual, brigade-unit, brigade);

3.1.6. within the limits of a conversational minimum, a foreign language and foreign vocabulary according to the nature of their activity.

3.2. A waiter of the 5th category is obliged to conscientiously perform his job duties:

3.2.1. take orders from visitors in a timely manner;

3.2.2. advise visitors on ordering dishes, products and drinks;

3.2.3. bring prepared meals to visitors;

3.2.4. remove dishes and cutlery from the table before serving the next dish, as well as after visitors leave;

3.2.5. accept money from visitors and give change;

3.2.6. comply with the internal labor regulations of the organization;

3.2.7. comply with labor protection and occupational safety requirements;

3.2.8. treat the property of the Employer and other employees with care;

3.2.9. not to give interviews, not to hold meetings and negotiations related to the activities of the Employer, without the prior permission of the organization’s management;

3.2.10. not to disclose information that constitutes a trade secret of the organization.

3.3. The employee has the right:

3.3.1. Receive the salary established for a waiter of the 5th category in a timely manner and within the exact deadlines established by the organization;

3.3.2. Defend your rights granted to the employee by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation in case of their violation by the Employer.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A waiter of the 5th category is responsible both for improper performance of his duties and for inaction and failure to make decisions on issues within his competence in accordance with these instructions.

Head of structural unit


"____" ______________ 20__


General manager

(full name, signature)

"____" ______________ 20__

I have read the instructions

Valid Editorial from 21.08.1996

Name of document"PUBLIC CATERING. REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE PERSONNEL. GOST 30524-97/GOST R 50935-96" (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 08.21.96 N 524)
Document typeregulation, standard
Receiving authoritygosstandart of the Russian Federation
Document numberGOST 30524-97
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date21.08.1996
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published

"PUBLIC CATERING. REQUIREMENTS FOR SERVICE PERSONNEL. GOST 30524-97/GOST R 50935-96" (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 08.21.96 N 524)

4. General requirements for service personnel.

4.1. The service personnel of the enterprise include: head waiter (hall administrator), waiter, bartender, cook distributing products for distribution, bartender, cashier, cloakroom attendant, doorman, culinary store (department) salesman.

4.2. When establishing requirements for service personnel, the following assessment criteria are taken into account:

Level of professional training and qualifications, including theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice;

Leadership ability (for head waiter);

Knowledge of and adherence to professional ethics;

Knowledge of regulatory and guidance documents related to professional activities.

4.3. Service personnel of enterprises of all types and classes, regardless of their form of ownership, must undergo training in order to become familiar with the internal rules and organization of the enterprise.

4.4. The functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of service personnel must be set out in their job descriptions and approved by the head of the enterprise.

4.5. Job descriptions for service personnel are developed by the enterprise administration based on the requirements of this standard, the tariff and qualification directory of works and professions (1), taking into account the specifics of the work of each enterprise and the requirements of current legislation.

4.6. The head of an enterprise must systematically improve the knowledge, qualifications and professional skills of personnel based on their theoretical training and practical activities.

4.7. Operating personnel must ensure the safety of life and health of consumers, as well as the safety of their property when servicing at the enterprise. All personnel must be trained in safe working practices (2).

4.8. The following general requirements are imposed on service personnel of enterprises of all types and classes:

Knowledge and compliance job descriptions and internal regulations of the enterprise;

Compliance with sanitation requirements, rules of personal hygiene and workplace hygiene (5);

Knowledge of and compliance with fire safety measures, labor protection and safety regulations;

Possession of a common culture, adherence to professional ethics in the process of servicing consumers;

Knowledge of requirements regulatory documents for catering products and services;

Advanced training for all categories of workers (at least once every 5 years, except for cloakroom attendants and doormen).

4.9. The operating personnel of the enterprise must be dressed in uniform or sanitary clothing and footwear of the standard established for the enterprise, which is in good condition without visible damage or contamination.

The uniform of the doorman, cloakroom attendant, head waiter, waiter and bartender in restaurants and bars of all classes should ensure stylistic unity in the enterprise.

Employees of the enterprise in uniform must wear a service badge with the emblem of the enterprise and an indication of their position and profession.

4.10. All employees of the enterprise must be subject to periodic medical examination (3). Upon entry to work, company personnel are required to undergo medical examination and take a course on sanitary and hygienic training (5). While working at the enterprise, service personnel periodically, at least once every 2 years, must pass exams on the sanitary minimum. Each employee must have a personal medical record book, which contains the results of medical examinations, information about previous infectious diseases, and the passing of the sanitary minimum. Persons who are a source of infectious diseases (5).

4.11. Professional ethical standards staff behavior are: politeness, tact, attentiveness and precaution in relations with consumers within the limits of their job duties. Personnel must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, show goodwill and patience towards consumers, be self-possessed, and have the ability to avoid conflict situations.

4.12. Luxury and high-class restaurants and bars must employ service personnel familiar with the specifics of cooking and service in other countries.



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