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Registration of signs

Registration of signs.
Registration of signs (information structures), as well as advertising structures itself, is a very important process when placing outdoor advertising. Without including this work in the general list of works when ordering street advertising, there is a very big risk, having invented and produced an original and memorable advertising design, instead of increasing sales and the total number of clients, you will receive an order for dismantling and a fine, which can reach 500 rubles. for the city of Moscow, and other cities are actively catching up to this amount.

The Recon company provides services for registration of street advertising structures and signs both in Moscow and throughout the Russian Federation. If you are considering a project to brand your network, then the concentration of all information, both on manufacturing and installation, and on registration in the hands of a single contractor coordinating these actions, can seriously help you in the implementation of the project.

In this article we will not be able to dwell on all the nuances of registration in various cities of Russia, and there is no particular point in this. We will note only the main, general stages for registering information signs throughout Russia, we will separately pay attention to Moscow, and we will also draw your attention to the fundamental difference between an advertising structure and an information one.

Difference between information design and advertising design.

Oddly enough, there is no single definition of information design at the federal level. The Federal Law “On Advertising” regulates the distribution and placement of all advertising products in the country is valid only for advertising structures, despite the fact that information structures or signs are not mentioned in it at all. The decision whether to classify information structures as a separate type of structure, or to consider them a subtype of advertising structures, is made directly by the administrations of cities and constituent entities of the Federation. In Moscow, at the level of a Government decree, this determination was made only in 2013, but in many large and especially small cities, the signs that a sign belongs to the information type are determined during the consideration of a specific application by the Head of Administration, Advertising Committees, Chief Architects, etc. authorized organizations together with responsible persons. Of course, directly related to the subjective factor of determining the features of an information structure, there are also two main, so-called commonly used features of an information structure:

  • The information design should convey to the consumer information not about competitive advantage of this or that product/service, not about its qualities or price, but only information about the direct place of sale/service: the type of goods/services offered, name, possibly logo.
  • The information structure must be placed on the facade of the building within the occupied premises, or, if this is not possible ( shopping mall, for example) as close as possible to this room.

Thus, if you want to be sure that your design will be informational always and everywhere, do not plan to place any brands on it, except yours or your franchisor’s, no additional information such as websites, telephone numbers, etc., try to use either commonly used names for names (restaurant, cafe, bakery, etc.) or, in the case of using an original name (including transcriptions of foreign words), be sure to reveal their essence.

Basic documents required for approval of information signage.

In the process of approving almost any sign (if this approval is required), at the very beginning you need to collect documents confirming the applicant’s direct presence at the place of approval. Those. lease agreement, sublease (if any), certificate of ownership of the premises, all with floor plans indicating the unambiguous location and area of ​​​​the premises occupied by the applicant. If you use a trademark, then this must be registered trademark, in some cases, a trademark can be registered as a decorative element, but this is decided in relation to each object. If you are a member of a franchise, then there must be a license and sublicense agreement for the use of a trademark, and the scope of the possibility of using this mark must necessarily include its use on a sign.

All other documents: design and electrical supply projects, examinations for safety and compliance of structures, certificates for the materials used and fire safety tests, are very different both for different cities of the country and for different types of structures. As an example, we can point out that the cost of developing a project for registering the same design in different cities can differ significantly. In one case, a drawing of the load-bearing components and an indication of the power consumption are sufficient; in the other, strength calculations and details of each component confirmed by experts are required. Make a detailed list necessary documents and specialists should help assemble or develop them. The managers of our company will be able to advise you on the required positions and offer the services of the design department to develop optimal and safe design solutions.

Features of coordination of information and advertising structures in Moscow.

Main feature The Moscow procedure for approving information structures is that they do not need to be coordinated. The main feature of coordinating advertising structures is that if you do not advertising agency with hundreds or thousands of similar structures, it is impossible to coordinate them.

In Moscow, in 2014, the development of design concepts for all central and main streets, avenues, highways, etc. began. The concepts have already highlighted the places where you need to insert your future sign. If you place your information structure in the specified place, then you do not need to submit any documents anywhere at all. You install the sign and work calmly. If the concept does not correspond to the actual facade of the building (this, unfortunately, also happens quite often) or your bank’s office cannot function without a currency exchange board, and there is no space for it on the concept, then problems begin. You need to write a lot to various departments in Moscow, prove, object, ask, etc., etc. This work is quite complex and there is no guarantee of quick success, cases can be considered for months, but with competent argumentation and a willingness to compromise, this work can be solved.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the streets and alleys that are not included in the general concept. There is for them general rules placements established by the Moscow Government in Resolution No. 902 and then interpreted by additions to this resolution. Applying these theoretical rules to real facades, at first glance, is quite difficult, but with some practice and skills this problem can be solved very quickly. If the owner is unsure of the correct interpretation of these rules in relation to a particular façade, it is possible to send a request to check their compliance. If the response received contains the wording “Does not violate...” It’s better to save this letter, because... not only you, but also the technical inspectors supervising compliance with these rules may have doubts and are unlikely to interpret them in your favor.

(tel. and e-mail for communication are required)

Registration and approval of outdoor advertising according to new rules

Resolution of the Moscow Government of December 25, 2013 N 902-PP happened.
(its text is a link to the resolution of the Moscow Government)


1. Now the responsibility for what A SIGN FALLS ON A PASSER-BY'S HEAD IN MOSCOW transferred from the city to the owner and/or manufacturer of the sign.
This is the result of the fact that government agencies now check the sign for compliance with the Rules and Requirements after installation, and not before. In additionsigns are not registered.

Previously, the quality of production and installation of outdoor advertising was controlled at specified intervals by special authorized organizations -now it's a matter of conscience and common sense owner and (or) sign manufacturer! We repeat - except for special cases of signs in territories included in ARCHITECTURAL AND ARTISTIC CONCEPT, the list of which was published in 4 stages.

Please note- the text specifically states “AND/OR” because it is not known exactly who the Law will reach at the hour of “X” (the sign falls) in the conditions of massive fly-by-night companies.
To the Sign Customer or to the Sign Manufacturer.
Maybe - no one.

2. So, PERMIT PROCEDURE in outdoor advertising in Moscow ALLEGEDLY cancelled.
More precisely - minimized.
But in reality this is not the case - the permits remain in all their glory, but now - With minimal liability allowing.

As it was - so it remains -

For everyone, up to one information installation!

Questions that are usually asked:approval of a design project for an information structure according to the new rules, approval of a design project for a sign, free approval of a design project for outdoor advertising, approval of a sign layout in the Moskomarkhitektura, how to correctly make a design project for a sign in accordance with the new rules of outdoor advertising, where to approve a sign design according to new rules, do you need permission for a sign, is there permission for signs according to the new rules, is it possible to hang a sign without permission, new rules for approving signs in Moscow, why coordinate a design project for a sign, order a design project for a sign in Moscow according to the new rules outdoor advertising, get an architectural and artistic concept for a street, a list of streets for which architectural and artistic concepts have been developed, my house is located on a street for which an architectural and artistic concept has been developed - what to do, do I need to register a sign now, you can hang a sign without registration, how to hang a sign without registration, PRICE OF A SIGN PROJECT FOR APPROVAL IN MOSCOW, MINIMUM PRICE, LOWEST PRICE OF A SIGN PROJECT FOR APPROVAL IN MOSCOW, approval of signs in the Moscow region.

Previously, until 2014, approval of outdoor advertising in Moscow was carried out like this...

Promotion this week!
Discount from 04.07 to 11.07
for a number of services 50%

Our services

Ad registration

Sign registration.

Sign registration- this is obtaining official permission to place information about your company on the facade of a building, in a store window, on the roof of a house. In order to correct the situation on the streets of Moscow, streamline advertising structures, and make the city more beautiful and comfortable, a special law on advertising has been developed. It determines the types and types of signs, their overall dimensions and placement locations. If your advertising complies with Moscow Government Decree No. 902, then you do not need to register advertising signs.

Decree 902

Necessary documents for registering a sign.

Design project for outdoor advertising in accordance with the requirements of GlavAPU Moskomarkhitektura.
Positive conclusion from GlavAPU Moskomarkhitektura.
Technical documentation for registration and approval of outdoor advertising.
Expert opinions on technical documentation.
Expert opinion on the installed advertising structure.

What to consider when making and registering a sign.

The sign must be placed within the premises occupied by the enterprise or above the entrance to it.
- The roof installation must be made in the form of separate letters. A mandatory requirement is the consent of all, without exception, owners of premises located in such buildings.
- Roof installations on the roofs of buildings of three floors and above should also consist of separate light letters. The building must be owned by the organization installing such a sign, or it is required written consent owner.

Expiration date for signage permits.

Permission to install a company sign is issued for 5 years.
An information sign, if it consists of several elements, can be issued in one package of documents.
All signs in the city of Moscow must be illuminated from the inside at night, that is, have internal lighting
If your organization does not have access to the street (basement, semi-basement or exit in the yard), then you can:
- install a sign on the building, made as a light structure with an area of ​​no more than 2 square meters. m;
- install a sign with information about the services provided, but no further than 5 meters from the entrance and only for the duration of work, and upon completion of work, it must be removed.

Rules applicable to LETTERINGS on Signs.

The minimum size of the inscription is 15 centimeters.
Permitted inscriptions on signs for trade organizations in the food sector: department store, supermarket, grocery store, groceries (grocery store), specialty store, fish store, a shop of oriental sweets.
For retail enterprises engaged in non-food trade: department store, trade house ( trading house), shopping center, specialty store, consignment store.
When indicating the activity profile, it is possible to indicate the specialization of the outlet: Bread, Meat, Fish, Milk, clothing, Shoes, Vegetables, Fruits, Confectionery, Bakery, Furs, Leather, Shoes, Wine, Draft beer store.
The store's specialization can be designated as follows: Children's clothing, Men's shoes, Products for pregnant women, Veterinary Pharmacy.
For catering organizations you can use: cafe, bar, restaurant, club, coffee shop, snack bar, tea house, etc. It is also fashionable to indicate the specialization profile of the catering enterprise: Shish kebab, Pancake, Pirozhkova, Summer cafe, Children's cafe and so on.
Organizations serving the population may indicate on their signs the following typical content, revealing their profile of activity: Art Salon, Fashion Salon, Fashion House, Medical Salon, Aesthetic Cosmetology Salon, Shoe Repair, Car Rental, Photo Studio, Dry Cleaning, Pawn Shop, Jewelry Repair products, Legal services, School of Foreign Languages.

Russian and Foreign Language used on signs.

All inscriptions on signs must be made in Russian, while it is possible to install decorative elements, or use various verbal or graphic images or combinations thereof (in Russian or in Russian transliteration), registered as trademarks or service marks, but subject to the condition of having a legal, registered in accordance with the procedure established by law, right to use such a trademark or service mark in advertising or on signs.

The use of inscriptions in a foreign language on a sign is also permissible, but subject to the following conditions.

It is necessary to have a registered trademark written in foreign language, on the territory Russian Federation;
- The organization has an exclusive right to use the indicated trademark;
- Such inscriptions should not dominate the inscription indicating the activity profile;
- The height of the letters when using a trademark in a foreign language must be two times less than the letters of the inscription indicating the profile of the organization;
- You cannot put foreign words in Russian transliteration on signs, unless this is a designation of a registered trademark for which the organization has exclusive right use;
- You cannot use abbreviations and acronyms when indicating your activity profile.


Collect required kit documents for registering a sign. To do this, prepare the following document - Extract from the state unified register of enterprises (legal entities). It must be certified by the seal of the company; - A copy of the certificate of entry legal entity to State unified register. This document must also be certified by the company seal; - A copy newsletter on the decision to register with the Unified State Register of Industrial Organizations, certified by the seal of the company; - A copy of the certificate from the tax authorities on the registration of the enterprise and its assignment of a TIN, certified by the seal of the company; - A notarized copy of the document confirming the ownership of the premises, structure, building or other object; - A notarized copy of the lease agreement concluded with the owner or with another person who owns certain rights for property; - Conclusion on the technical examination carried out; - A notarized copy of a certificate from the office that conducts a technical inventory of the balance holder of the premises (building) for the current year. This certificate is valid for one calendar year; - A copy of the technical project indicating the structure of electricity.

Please note that when using any trademarks on a sign, you must provide a certificate of registration of the trademark used, as well as a permit confirming its use. Please attach this document in addition to the above package of documents.


Add a copy of the information letter stating that the organization is a member of the USRPO, certified by the company’s seal.
Prepare a copy of the certificate from the tax office stating that you are registered and have a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), certified by the company seal.

Certify with a notary a copy of the certificate that you have ownership of the building, a copy of the lease agreement with the owner or with the person who has the rights to the property, a copy of the certificate from the BTI in form 1A about the balance holder of the premises in the current year. This certificate is valid for a calendar year. Add legend and floor plan.

Conduct technical due diligence. Take the conclusion.
Make a copy of the technical design of the SNRI. Make sure that all electrical wiring diagrams are indicated in the project.
If the company uses a trademark, then attach a certificate of registration of your trademark, as well as permission to use.

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