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Control room operator. Profession control room operator


on labor protection for

operators of control stations of the mill section

rail and beam shop

OTI 13.6–09


This labor safety instruction has been developed in accordance with the requirements of:

- “General safety rules for metallurgical and coke-chemical enterprises and production” PB 11-493-02;

- “Safety rules in the gas industry of metallurgical and coke-chemical industries” PB 11-401-01;

- “Safety rules in rolling production” PB 11-519-02;

- “Rules and devices and safe operation lifting cranes" PB 10-382-00;

- “Rules and devices and safe operation of pressure vessels;

- “Rules and devices and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines” PB 10-573-02;

Interindustry rules on labor protection when working at height POT RM 012-2000;

STP 102-200M-2005 “Tag system”;

Rules technical operation mechanical equipment of a rail and beam mill.


1.1 K independent work Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed medical examination, industrial training, having a certificate in the profession, having undergone instruction in accordance with the approved instruction program and testing of knowledge of the requirements of labor protection instructions, having qualification group for electrical safety No. 1, allowed by order of the workshop manager to work independently.

1.2 The employee is obliged to comply with internal labor regulations. The employee’s working hours (start and end times of shifts, breaks) are established by order of the workshop manager.

1.3 The operator must go to work in set time prepared for work, well rested.

1.4 During work, an employee may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors:

1.4.1 Physical:

– strips of rolled metal moving along roller tables and rolling fields entering and exiting the rolls, moving along refrigerators, receiving tables and racks;

– overhead cranes, transportable stands, rolls, under-rolls, equipment and other loads;

– rotating and moving parts of units and mechanisms;

– moving mechanized transfer carts and railway (hereinafter referred to as railway) cars;

– flying chips when cutting metal on hot cutting saws (hereinafter referred to as PGR);

– radiant and convection heat from rolled strips and heating units;

– increased dust content in the air of the working area;

– increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;

– absence or lack of natural light;

insufficient lighting work area;

– noise during the production of rolled products, when moving strips of metal along racks, when cutting metal at the PGR, as well as noise created by operating roller tables and mechanisms.

1.4.2 Chemical:

– a suspension of metal dust in the air (the main fraction is iron oxide Fe 2 O 3), combustion products, gases - irritants that penetrate the human body through the skin and mucous membranes.

1.5 The employee must not be on the territory of the plant and facilities in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication.

1.6 An employee is allowed to rest and smoke only in specially designated areas.

1.7 The employee must observe the drinking regime, namely drink only imported water from special bottles delivered to workplace, or at drinking points equipped with dispensers (devices for cooling and heating water). IN summer time plant workers are provided with carbonated mineralized water, which is also delivered to their workplaces.

1.8 Special clothing for the operator of the control posts of the mill section must comply with the established standards for the issuance of certified clothing, special footwear and specific working conditions at the workplace, according to the results of certification of workplaces for working conditions:

– a cotton suit or a suit made of mixed fabrics for protection against general industrial pollution and mechanical influences GOST 27575–87, GOST 27574–87 – 1 set per year;

– leather boots with a hard toe cap GOST 28507–90 – 1 pair per year;

– protective helmet GOST 12.4.207–90 – 1 pc. for 3 years;

– liner for helmet TO 17 RF 143.427.20-03-97 – 1 pc.;

– gloves with polymer coating GOST 12.4.010–75 – 12 pairs per year;

– combined mittens GOST 12.4.010–75 – 12 pairs per year;

– safety glasses GOST R–2007 – until worn out;

– anti-noise headphones (with mounting on a helmet) or earmuffs GOST 12.4.209–99 – until worn out;

– respirator GOST R 12.4.191–99 – until worn out.

For outdoor work in winter, additionally:

– suit made of mixed fabrics with insulating lining GOST 29335–92 – 1 pc. for 2 years;

– insulated underwear GOST 20462-87 – 2 sets per year;

– felt boots with rubber bottom GOST 18724–88 or insulated leather boots with a rigid toe cap GOST 12.4.137–84 – 1 pair for 2 years;

– insulated balaclava TU 17–08–307–90 (with single-layer or three-layer insulation) – 1 piece;

– gloves with a protective coating, frost-resistant with woolen liners GOST 12.4.010–75 – 3 pairs per year.

1.9 In the event of a situation that threatens the life and health of people or a deterioration in their health, the employee must notify the immediate supervisor of the work.

1.10 Each employee must observe the rules of personal hygiene:

– store special clothes and home clothes in different compartments of the closet in the shower room;

– timely hand over work clothes for washing;

– eat food only in specially designated places equipped for this purpose or in canteens;

– wash your hands thoroughly with detergents (soap or cleansing pastes) before eating and after visiting the toilets;

– after finishing work, take a shower (first open the tap with cold water, and then add hot water, and after finishing the shower, close the taps in the reverse order). When taking a shower and when moving around the shower room, be attentive and careful in order to avoid cases of injury.

1.11 All malfunctions, malfunctions of equipment, devices and tools noticed before or during work must be immediately reported to the shift supervisor. You can start working only after eliminating the identified faults.

1.12 When moving around the workshop, you must walk along established passages, walkways, and stairs. Do not pass or run across in front of moving carriages, transfer carts, or vehicles. Pay attention to light and sound alarms, operating cranes and mechanisms.

1.13 Persons who violate the requirements of the instructions are liable in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in the manner established at the plant.

Related information.


Control station operator is a specialist in servicing the control station for metal processing processes, monitoring and controlling the pace of work and productivity of units. Control station operator is the most common specialty in a rolling mill.

History of the profession

The history of the profession of control room operator is inextricably linked with the history of the development of the metallurgical industry and is considered quite new relative to other professions in this industry. In the process of improving technology, introducing mechanization and automation of production processes, the need for their maintenance arose. This is how operators of control systems for metal processing processes and control over the efficient operation of mechanized units appeared.

Control room operator today

Today, Metalloinvest control station operators maintain the control station, monitor the supply of metal to the rolls, conduct its reduction mode and control the rolling processes of various units. PU operators manage all technological processes of rolling production and monitor the operation of equipment, monitoring the readings of digital displays and signal lamps, and regulate the operation of production lines. The most complex functions are the translation of information (signal) into an image of a real process and making decisions about changing production conditions. Specialists regulate the operating modes and temperatures of rolling equipment. It is important to monitor compliance with safety standards, ensure the safety and uninterrupted operation of serviced mechanisms.

Knowledge and skills

The work of a control plant operator requires the employee to have good training in physics, mathematics, computer science, knowledge of machine theory, electrical engineering and electronics, mechanization and automation of production, skills in assembling and disassembling mechanisms and devices, their technical diagnostics and adjustment. The machine operator must know the assortment, steel grades, tolerances for the rolled metal, the design and causes of malfunctions in the operation of the equipment.

For successful work The rolling production operator needs not only to understand the structure and principles of mechanization and automation of production, but also to know the stages of the technological process of hot rolling of metal. The operator of the control station must understand the compression modes of different grades of steel, know the basic theory of rolling and deformation of metal, the basics of roll calibration, types and causes of defects during rolling. The control room operator must be prepared to learn new work techniques while constantly improving production processes.

Personal qualities

Managing automated metal processing processes requires the operator to be able to quickly concentrate and distribute attention, analyze and predict production processes. Particularly valuable personal qualities include observation, developed hand-eye coordination and the ability to simultaneously control various technological processes, a combination of high concentration and distribution of attention, visual thinking, the ability to foresee events, balanced assessments, endurance, and determination.


Career growth prospects depend primarily on education, responsibility, personal initiative, organizational skills, and the ability to solve complex production problems. Operators of the control station, being the basis of the technological personnel of the rolling shop, are not limited in career growth. After enrollment in personnel reserve With appropriate training and certification, appointment to the position of foreman and beyond is possible.



PROFESSIONAL retraining for the profession “hot rolling mill control station operator”

Qualification – 3rd category

Profession code – 15890

Saint Petersburg


The program is intended for professional retraining workers by profession - hot rolling mill control station operator. In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education Russian Federation from 01.01.01 No. 000 “On approval of the List of professions vocational training” training of workers in professions with complex content of skilled labor is carried out through retraining from among persons who have qualifications and experience in a related profession. In accordance with the “All-Russian Classifier of Worker Occupations, Employee Positions and Tariff Levels” (OK 016-94), the profession of hot rolling mill control station operator has a range of groups of qualification categories 3 – 7. Qualification characteristics by profession is listed in ETKS (Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers) - issue code-07.

The theoretical training program is compiled taking into account the basic general or average (full) general educational level of students and is carried out in study groups of 20 - 30 people. To conduct theoretical classes, highly qualified engineering and technical workers are recruited who have experience in technical training of personnel and have undergone advanced training courses in the basics of pedagogy and didactics.

The industrial training program is organized and conducted in accordance with the “Regulations on the organization of industrial training in the process of professional training of workers” directly at the workplace of the enterprise in training groups of no more than 15 people and has the goal of practical mastery of the knowledge acquired during theoretical training. In the course of performing various production tasks, students develop sustainable labor skills, perform labor and technological discipline and, especially, safe work practices.

Industrial training should be carried out by highly qualified workers, foremen, foremen with a penchant for pedagogical work and certain skills, instilling in the process of work love and a conscious attitude towards the chosen profession. Theoretical classes are conducted in accordance with the schedule in specially equipped classrooms. Industrial training begins only after complete completion of theoretical training. Industrial and theoretical training programs are regularly adjusted and supplemented educational material O new technological processes and equipment, advanced labor methods used in domestic and foreign production practice.

The number of hours allocated to the study of individual topics of the program, the sequence of their study, if necessary, is allowed to be changed, provided that the program is completed in full in terms of content and total number of hours.

Qualification work based on the results of industrial training is carried out in accordance with the list of trial works developed by the qualification commission in relation to the needs and characteristics of a given production.

For listeners who have passed full course training and final certification (qualification exam), a certificate of profession and assignment is issued qualification category. Upon successful completion of the program, the assigned rank may be increased by one level by decision of the qualification commission.

The qualification characteristics are compiled in accordance with the “Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers” (issue code 07), section “Rolling production” and contains a list of the main knowledge And skills, which the worker must have, the specified profession and qualifications (third category).

Qualification characteristics

Characteristics of the work. Control during the metal rolling process of a lifting table, slappers and roller tables on medium- and small-section mills. Monitoring the feeding of metal into the rolls. Ensuring the safety and uninterrupted operation of serviced mechanisms. Participation in roll transfers, adjustment and repair of the mill. Cleaning scale from under the mill during shutdowns.

Must know: fundamentals of the technological process of metal rolling on serviced mills; arrangement of stands for medium- and small-section mills; design and principle of operation of control station equipment and mechanisms; assortment, steel grades and tolerances for rolled metal; electrical plumbing.

II. syllabus

Professional retraining of workers by profession operator of a control station of a hot rolling mill - 3 categories.

Termtraining: 348 hours.

Form of study: with a break from production.

School week schedule: 8 hours a day.

40 hours a week.

Courses, subjects

Total hours


practical exercises

Forms of control

I. Theoretical training

Economic course

Fundamentals of a market economy.

Industry course

Labor protection.


Information from technical mechanics.

Special course

General information from metallurgy.

Rolling technology and operation of the main drive and auxiliary equipment stan.

Installation of auxiliary equipment and mechanisms on mills.

Basic information from the theory of rolling. Mechanization of work.

Factory Quality System Meeting Requirements international standard ISO.

II. Industrial training

Introductory lesson, instruction on safety precautions, familiarization with production.


Training in basic and auxiliary operations and work techniques performed by the operator of the hot rolling mill control station.


Training in electrical plumbing operations when repairing serviced mechanisms.


Topic Assembly drawings.

Assembly drawing and its purpose. Specification. Applying dimensions and designating fits. Sections on assembly drawings. Image and symbol of welds, riveted joints, etc.

Topic Scheme drawings.

Topic The concept of strength.

Elements that determine strength. Measuring the magnitude of force. Graphic representation strength. Addition of forces. Parallelogram of forces. Disintegration of forces. Center of gravity.

Stability of balance. Moment of power. Centrifugal and centripetal forces.

Topic Friction.

Friction, its use in technology. Types of friction. Friction coefficient.

Topic The concept of mechanisms and machines.

Topic Iron production.

Basic information about the production of cast iron. Blast furnace, its structure and principle of operation. Raw blast furnace materials. General concepts about the blast furnace smelting process.

Cast iron – foundry, pig iron; their composition, properties, scope.

Topic Foundry production.

Metals and alloys used in foundry production. Cupola furnace, its structure and principle of operation.

General concepts of molding, molding and core materials, Models. Opoki. Core boxes. Methods for producing castings. Casting molds, trays, covers, centers and other replacement equipment. Processing and quality of castings.

Topic Metal forming.

General information about metal forming.

Requirements for the quality of ingots.

Main profiles of long, sheet and other types of rolled products.

General concepts about forging and pressing.

Metal forming: rolling, forging, stamping, pressing.

1.3.2 Rolling technology and operation of the main drive and auxiliary equipment of mills

Topic Classification of rolled products, their characteristics.

Classification of source material - ingot, bloom, billet and their sizes. Preparation of the surface of ingots, blooms, blanks.

General information about heating devices and their design. Features of metal rolling technology of the main steel grades depending on their chemical composition, sizes, purpose. Familiarization with methods of mechanization of metal supply to the mill, removal of metal from the mill, transportation and storage of metal.

Finishing operations - straightening, cleaning, cutting, sorting, labeling, packaging.

Losses during rental - wastage, waste. Characteristics of the main types of marriage, measures to combat marriage. Requirements for the quality of rolled products produced by the surface company, internal defects, mechanical properties etc.

Topic Familiarization with the standards for the main products of the workshop.

Existing methods of quality control of rolled products. Control equipment. The procedure and rules for controlling the control station equipment when rolling or finishing metal. Possible malfunctions in the controlled mechanism and methods for eliminating them.

Topic Maintenance and care of electrical equipment.

Maintenance and care of electrical equipment and control station equipment. Heating of parts and components of the mechanism, its causes and elimination. Ways to reduce the idling speed of mechanisms and save energy.

Topic Operator’s work when cutting metal.

Purpose of cutting. Temperature of cutting hot metal and its dependence on the grade and grade of steel, supply of hot metal for cutting using roller conveyors. The largest cross-section of a piece allowed for cutting with scissors and a saw.

Testing scissors and saws before starting work.

Rules for cutting rolled products into cut lengths according to GOST or multiples according to technical specifications. The percentage of cutting of the piece with the head and tail parts of the ingot depending on the profile being rolled. Dependence of the percentage of useful metal yield on proper cutting. Installing stops when cutting hot metal. Types of rental defects and defects due to the fault of the control station operator. Cleaning up cut metal and scraps.

Topic Operator’s work during transportation and straightening of metal.

The influence of timely collection and transportation of metal by schleppers. Change in straightness of the rolled piece upon cooling.

Temperature of metal being straightened in presses. Checking the correctness of the edits.

1.3.3 arrangement of auxiliary equipment and mechanisms at the mills

Topic Equipment servicing stands and furnaces.

Pushers and their designs. Pulling rulers, manipulators, tilters, their main parts and kinematic diagrams. Installation of front and rear rulers on manipulators. Scissors, their types and design, interaction of parts. Safety devices. Material for knives. Metal cutting resistance at different temperatures. Inspect scissors and their parts before starting work. Setting up and installing knives. Setting up scissors, lubricating mechanisms. Saws for hot metal cutting. Types of saws and their design. Requirements for saw blades, applied saw blade tooth profiles. Roller conveyors, their classification according to the nature of the work performed and the type of drive. The design of roller tables and the material used for their manufacture. Roller design, material.

Schleppers, their use and design. Types of slapper carts. Replacement trolley parts. Tension steel ropes on rope slappers. Chain schleppers. Wear of parts and their replacement.

Correct press, design and its application. Wear of parts, their replacement during repairs.

Topic Caring for mechanisms.

Maintenance of saw mechanisms and saw blades. Lubrication of mechanisms and its importance in the duration of operation of mechanisms. Inspect saws before starting work. Wear of parts and their replacement. Strengthening the rollers on solid axles and on support insert pins.

Repair and lubrication of roller tables.

1.3.4 Basic information from the theory of rolling. Mechanization of work

Topic Basic information from the theory of rolling.

The concept of metal deformation. Factors influencing the ductility of metals. Law of constant volume during rolling. Conditions for strip capture by rolls. Capture angle. The influence of roll diameter, strip thickness, gap size between rolls and other factors on the conditions for strip capture by rolls. Metal pressure on the rolls. The concept of resistance to deformation. Specific pressure. Determination of metal pressure on rolls experimentally. Moment of power. Diagram of the drive of the work rolls from the engine. Rolling moment, idle moment and friction forces in linear rolls. Work (energy consumption) during rolling.

Topic Construction of rolling mills.

Classification of rolling mills by purpose, number of working stands and method of their arrangement, by the number and location of rolls in individual mill stands and by the direction of rotation of the rolls.

Construction of working stands of mills. Work rolls, cushions and liners, pressure devices, frames, platens, roll fittings, safety devices. Transmission and connecting devices: gear cage, main clutch, connecting spindles and couplings, their types, design and work performed. Rolling rolls. Dimensions, material, roll care. Calibrating stands.

Topic Mechanization and automation of equipment in rolling shops.

Mechanization of individual operations and the entire rolling process on modern rolling mills. The purpose of automation of rolling mills. Installation of photo relay. Scheme of automatic control of roller conveyors. Basic instruments necessary for the automation of rolling mills. The concept of program management.

1.3.5 factory quality system that meets the requirements of the international ISO standard

Topic Information about international standards ISO 9000 series.

Information about international standards ISO 9000 series. Top management quality policy. Requirements of the ISO international standard for the creation of a factory quality management system. Ensuring the functioning of the quality management system at the plant.

Topic Mechanization and automation of equipment in rolling shops.

Quality management system processes. Internal audit as a tool that measures the degree of compliance of the QMS with the requirements of the ISO standard.

II. Industrial training

2.1 Introductory session, safety briefing and familiarization with production

Topic 2.1.1 Introductory lesson, safety briefing and familiarization with production.

Safety training at the enterprise (conducted by a safety engineer).

A tour of the enterprise’s workshops for practical familiarization of students with the equipment, the range of manufactured parts and technological process manufacturing of products.

Familiarization with production process and rolling shop equipment.

Practical lesson 2.1.1 Introductory lesson, safety instructions and familiarization with production.

Familiarization with the workplace, the range of workpieces and the work of the operator of the hot rolling mill control station. Safety training in the workplace.

2.2. Training in basic and auxiliary operations and work techniques performed by the operator of the hot rolling control station

Practical familiarization with the location of mill equipment, familiarization with the characteristics of the main and auxiliary equipment of a rolling mill.

Practical study of the design of the main and auxiliary equipment of a rolling mill.

Work at the control post of a rolling mill. Brand system. Familiarization with the control station equipment.

Study of existing blockages on the mill equipment. Their purpose. Verification method.

Work on auxiliary mechanisms at the working stand (manipulators, tilters, roller conveyors, pressing devices). Checking the serviceability of equipment and equipment.

Putting the equipment into operation. Supplying metal to the mill, rolling metal and removing metal from the mill.

Metal cutting. Practical determination of the temperature of the metal supplied for cutting. Feeding metal for cutting using roller tables, controlling equipment and devices at the same time. Trimming the head and tail of the roll. Cutting rolled material into specified sizes using special devices (stops). Cleaning up metal after cutting.

Reception of shifts. Monitoring the operation of machinery before accepting a shift. Identifying deficiencies in their work. Preventive measures carried out before starting work to eliminate deficiencies.

Checking the serviceability of the electrical equipment of the control station. Control activation of mechanisms. Giving a signal to start the equipment. Putting the equipment into operation.

2.3 Training in electrical plumbing operations when repairing serviced mechanisms

Familiarization with the organization of preparation and implementation of repairs. Electrical tools.

Participation in repair work mechanical and electrical equipment of the serviced mechanism. Inspection and replacement of worn parts gearboxes, disassembly and assembly of gearboxes. Changing gears, replacing bearings. Checking the lubrication system of gearboxes and gears. Inspection and testing of schleppers. Replacement of worn pins and links in the slapper chain.

Roller table repair. Lubrication and cleaning of roller conveyor mechanisms. Replacement of rollers and rollers.

Repair of the saw feed mechanism. Checking the condition of the saw blade, water supply. Replacing the saw blade.

Repair of hot and cold metal cutting scissors. Repair of bearings, connecting rods, hinge joints and guide parallels, replacement of used knives.

2.4 Independent performance of work by the operator of the hot rolling mill control station

Perform all types of work included in the responsibilities of the operator of the hot rolling mill control station.

Development established standards time and schedule for all work.

Compliance with internal regulations and safety regulations.

All work is carried out under the guidance of an industrial training instructor.


1. Fundamentals of metallurgical production. ; . Moscow, Metallurgy 2000

2. Automatic control metallurgical processes. ; . Moscow, Metallurgy 1989

3. Basics of electrical engineering. ; Moscow, Higher School 1982

4. Rolling production. ; Moscow, Metallurgy 1987

5. Fire safety in ferrous metallurgy. ; Moscow, Metallurgy 1991

6. On the basics of labor protection in the Russian Federation. Federal law No. 000 dated 01/01/2001

7. Labor Code RF.

8. O industrial safety hazardous production facilities Federal Law No. 000 of 01/01/2001

9. Economics. ; Moscow - Rostov-on-Don, IC March 2005

10. Mechanization of work in reconstructed metallurgical shops. Kyiv, Technique 1987

12. Safety rules in PB rolling production.

13. General rules safety for metallurgical and coke-chemical enterprises and PB productions.

The program was developed by personnel training specialist ______________

This instruction has been automatically translated. Please note that automatic translation is not 100% accurate, so there may be minor translation errors in the text.


0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic check of this document carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General provisions

1.1. The position "Control station operator 3rd category" belongs to the "Workers" category.

1.2. Qualification requirements- complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational education without work experience requirements or obtaining a profession directly in production, advanced training and work experience as a 2nd category control station operator for at least 1 year.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- structure, rules of technical operation of the equipment being serviced and electrical diagrams management;
- electrical plumbing;
- placement of technological equipment.

1.4. An operator of a 3rd category control post is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The control station operator of the 3rd category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. The 3rd category control station operator supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During his absence, the operator of the 3rd category control post is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Serves the remote control at control stations of medium complexity, which affect the speed and performance of units.

2.2. Controls from the remote control roller tables and refrigerator sliders, pusher, feeder and outlet roller conveyors of a roller straightening machine in sheet, high-grade, rack-and-beam and universal conditions, sort stackers, a roller straightening machine for hot sheet straightening, winders, unwinders of the processing unit for unraveling rolls, inspection tables and sheet turners, transverse shears cutting sheets with movable stops and other mechanisms.

2.3. Performs remote control of overhead cranes.

2.4. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.5. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. The 3rd grade control station operator has the right to take action to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. The operator of the control station of the 3rd category has the right to receive all provided for by law social guarantees.

3.3. The operator of the 3rd category control post has the right to demand assistance in the execution of his duties. job responsibilities and exercise of rights.

3.4. The operator of a 3rd category control post has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. The operator of a 3rd category control post has the right to familiarize himself with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. An operator of a 3rd category control post has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A 3rd category control station operator has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. The operator of a 3rd category control post has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. An operator of a 3rd category control post has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of the position held, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The operator of the control post of the 3rd category is responsible for failure to fulfill or untimely fulfillment of the requirements of this job description obligations and (or) non-use of granted rights.

4.2. The operator of the 3rd category control post is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. The operator of the 3rd category control post is responsible for the disclosure of information about the organization (enterprise/institution) related to a trade secret.

4.4. The operator of the 3rd category control post is responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The operator of the 3rd category control post is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The operator of the control station of the 3rd category is responsible for causing material damage organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. The operator of the 3rd category control post is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.



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