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Organizational documents. Regulations are normative acts that have a consolidated codification nature and determine the order of education, competence, and organization of work

administration of Novonikolayevsky

Education Department

Narodnaya st., 77, r. p. Novonikolayevsky, 403901

tel.(2, 6-12-96, fax.(2, E-mail: *****@***ru

"22"No. _959_____

To No. _______ from ________________

In accordance with Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” an educational institution is granted autonomy, which includes the right to independently determine the regulatory legal basis for its activities. This is the competence of the educational institution. Educational authorities are responsible for recommendations and control. During the examination of local acts, the following problems emerged in the development of the legal framework for the activities of an educational institution:

1. Determination of the necessary list of local acts of the educational institution in accordance with the Charter;

2. Development of local acts of an educational institution as a legal document in accordance with the established form;

3. Determination of the tasks and functions of state-public forms of self-government of an educational institution;

4. Compliance of the developed regulatory legal framework regulating the activities of an educational institution with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

P.1.7. "b" art. 13 “Charter of an educational institution” of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” shows that the Charter of an educational institution must indicate: the structure, the procedure for forming the governing bodies of the educational institution, their competence and the procedure for organizing activities. Therefore it is necessary to determine:

– what governing bodies operate in this educational institution;

– what are their functional management connections;

– whether they act in accordance with the approved regulations (local act).

Problems arise for managers educational institutions with the registration and execution of local acts, with the definition of responsibility for failure to comply with the local act, with the procedure for making changes and additions, with familiarization of the institution’s employees with the local act, with the personnel who are subject to the local act.

Technology for drafting provisions

Regulations are an organizational and legal document regulating the activities of departments, institutions and their structural divisions.

Typically, provisions consist of the following sections:

1.General provisions.

2. Relationships with other self-government bodies.

3.Main tasks.

4. Functions (responsibilities).


7. Organization of management.

8.Clerical work.

Section "General Provisions" includes:

– determination of the status of the self-government body in the management system;

- instructions about who it is headed and to whom it reports;

– degree of independence;

The basis for drawing up job descriptions for employees of educational institutions should be the Charter and Regulations on the type and type of educational institution available qualification characteristics and qualification requirements for the position. Current legislation does not impose strict requirements on the structure and content of job descriptions. However, taking into account the existing recommendations, it seems advisable to include the following sections in the job descriptions:

1.Section “General provisions” The exact name of the employee’s position is determined. This is necessary to determine the role of the position in the specific conditions of the educational institution, the level of remuneration of the employee filling the position, bonus conditions, as well as the right decision social security issues. The employee's job title must reflect the nature of the work he performs and strictly comply with the current nomenclature of positions.

Next, the employee’s subordination is determined. In accordance with management principles, an employee should have only one immediate supervisor. The presence of two or more managers leads to a decrease in the responsibility of both the subordinate and the managers themselves.

In addition, it is determined official, which appoints an employee to a position and releases him from it.

Indicates whether the employee has subordinates.

This paragraph is linked to the “Responsibility” section, which, in the case of subordinates, stipulates responsibility not only for the employee’s own actions, but also for the actions of subordinates.

Contains instructions on the procedure for replacing an employee in the event of his temporary absence (vacation, long business trip, illness, etc.). This point is especially important in job descriptions for managers. If there are no clear instructions about the officials who perform the duties of managers during their absence, this will disorganize the work of the institution.

In addition to the above, it contains a list of documents (legislative acts Russian Federation, charter of the educational institution, instructions, recommendations, etc.) that guide the employee in his activities.

Section "Main tasks and functions" The job description reveals the main tasks of the employee arising from the tasks and functions of this educational institution. In this case, the content of a specific task or function, the implementation of which is assigned to the employee, is most accurately determined. It should be noted that all functions of an educational institution, without exception, are distributed among employees, including managers.

Chapter " Job responsibilities» reveals the specific responsibilities of the employee, the fulfillment of which ensures the solution of the tasks assigned to him. If we consider the development of job descriptions for a developing school, then the nature of the work not only of the administration, but also of the teaching staff will be of a research nature. Therefore, for almost all teaching positions, an employee will be required to:

analyze relevant part of the educational (teaching and educational) process;

predict activities in one’s own area of ​​the educational (teaching and educational) process;

plan and organize work;

coordinate the activities of persons in the relevant area of ​​the educational (teaching and educational) process;

control employees who are directly subordinate;

adjust own activities and the activities of that section of the educational (teaching and educational) process for which he is responsible;

develop plans, programs and other documents;

consult participants in the educational (teaching and educational) process falling within its competence;

evaluate and carry out examination activities in their area of ​​the educational (teaching and educational) process;

provide performing its functions.

Section "Rights". It provides a list of rights. Provided to the employee for the successful performance of the duties assigned to him. When drawing up this section, it is necessary to take into account the fixation of specific rights in the employee’s area of ​​activity, taking into account the specifics of his work.

A clear definition of rights helps resolve controversial issues in relationships between employees in an educational institution. If necessary, an employee can assert his rights on the basis of a legal document, such as a job description.

Providing rights to an employee facilitates the full performance of the duties assigned to him. That is why the next section of the job description - “Responsibility” - provides for equal responsibility both for failure to fulfill duties and for failure to use the rights granted to the employee.

Section "Responsibility". In this section, it would be possible to list all the duties and rights, indicating in the title part personal responsibility for their non-fulfillment or non-fulfillment. However, this would unjustifiably increase the volume of each instruction, therefore it is recommended to define responsibility in one phrase: “the employee bears disciplinary liability for poor quality and failure to fulfill duties in a timely manner and not to use the rights provided for in the job description.”

Section "Connections by position". The section specifies when, in what form and in relation to which positions reporting and control is carried out.

An examination of local acts of educational institutions showed that:

– most local acts conflict with current legislation;

– many local acts duplicate legislative norms;

– the requirements for the structure and content of the local act are not met;

– the normative nature of the local act is not fully ensured;

– the registration of the local act is not completed correctly, and therefore the details are not completed;

– there is no control over the implementation of the local act;

– the procedure for making changes and additions is not provided;

– it is not possible to track whether employees are familiar with the local act and who is covered by the local act;


– annual calendar training schedule (in agreement with the Regional Educational Institution);

– Regulations on the classroom;

– Regulations on the school museum.

The signature stamp Minutes dated _______ No. _______ adopted by the pedagogical council can be affixed in the left corner of the title page or at the end of the document.

All local regulations approved by the self-government body must be put into effect by order of the head.

The procedure for drawing up local regulations

1. The local regulatory act must be signed by the developer indicating his position and last name.

2. The document approval stamp is located in the upper right corner on the title page. The abbreviated name of the institution is acceptable if the full name of the institution is available on the form or on the corner stamp.

3. The stamps for putting into effect, taking into account opinions, approval, etc. are located in the upper left corner on the title page.

4. Approval can be of two types: direct approval (option 1), and through an order (option 2).

5.The words APPROVED and APPROVED are written in capital letters without quotation marks. Next, depending on the type of approval, the position of the person approving the document, his signature, the transcript of the signature (initials and surname) and the date are indicated.


Direct statement

name of organization


title of the manager's position



full name

"___" _______ 200__g.

through an order


name of organization




By order of the Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No.

dated 01/01/2001 No.

2. Documents that require taking into account the opinion of the trade union committee. Approved as follows:

Direct statement:


name of organization


taking into account the opinion of the director of the municipal educational institution

trade union committee of secondary school No.___________

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. ________ _______ (transcript)

protocol dated _____ No._____ 00.00.0000.g or

Chairman of the trade union committee "___"____________year


If the document was approved by order of the director, then the stamp “Approved taking into account opinion” is affixed at the end of the order, and it is recommended to indicate in the appendix:



by order of the Ministry of Education

Secondary school No. __________

from _____ No. _________

taking into account the opinion

trade union committee

protocol dated ______№__

3. In documents where they are required to be put into effect by order of the head of the municipal educational institution, the stamp “Enacted into effect” is placed in the left corner


name of organization

Put into effect APPROVED

by order of the director at the Council of the Municipal Educational Institution

Municipal educational institution secondary school No._______ secondary school No.__________

dated________ No._______ protocol dated_______ No.__

Director of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No.____


Chief Specialist of the Education Department


2.g. Library Children's School, 2008

3. Informational – teaching materials, VGIPKIPRO, Department of Educational Management

Foundation organizational activities of any institution are organizational and legal documents. They regulate the status of the organization, its structure, staffing levels, officials, and also determine the rights, duties, responsibilities and procedures for interaction of its separate structural divisions and officials.

In this article we will dwell in detail on such an organizational and legal document as a regulation.

Our information

Organizational and legal documents include:

  • charter;
  • articles of association;
  • regulations on the organization;
  • provisions on structural, separate divisions, about the collegial (advisory) body of the organization, etc.;
  • regulations;
  • staffing schedule;
  • instructions;
  • job description;
  • internal labor regulations, etc.

All organizational and legal documents are subject to approval either by a higher organization, or by a manager or collegial body (if there is one) - a board of directors, a meeting of shareholders, etc. All standards contained in these documents are binding.

Types of provisions

Our dictionary

Position- this is an organizational and legal document that regulates the order of formation, rights, duties, responsibilities and organization of work of a structural unit (official, advisory or collegial body), as well as its interaction with other units and officials.

IN commercial organization Several types of provisions may apply:

  • Regulations on the organization;
  • provisions on structural divisions, for example, Regulations on Accounting or Regulations on the Human Resources Department;
  • provisions defining the activities of a commission or group, for example, the Regulations on the Expert Archival Commission;
  • provisions regulating the work of officials, for example the Regulations on the General Director;
  • provisions governing organizational relations on a specific issue, for example, the Regulations on the certification of employees or the regulations on working with statements and claims of individuals.

The practical benefit of the provisions is that they spell out as specifically as possible who should do what, what tasks to perform and what to be responsible for. In turn, this greatly facilitates monitoring the implementation of the manager’s instructions. When two departments of an organization “shift” the implementation of a task to each other, delaying its solution, and cannot agree among themselves who will do what, the regulations on departments will help to figure it out. Therefore, forward-thinking managers usually have a personal interest in having their department's regulations prepared and in as much detail as possible.

The simplest example: a department wants to archive undocumented documents - in binders or in bulk. The documents are not sorted and it is unknown which cases they relate to. The head of the department insists that the secretary must sort out these documents and organize them into files. The secretary, having opened the Regulations on the Archive, draws the boss’s attention to the fact that the archive accepts documents formed into files in accordance with the nomenclature of files. This is an internal corporate law, and you have to take it into account.

Please note

Documents such as the Regulations on Certification, Regulations on Handling Claims, etc., are essentially step by step guides to action: they describe in detail each stage of solving a particular problem.

Regulations on the structural unit

Provisions on structural divisions are perhaps the most common and popular type of provisions. Since the requirements for regulations on structural units and the rules for their development are not established by law, each organization independently decides which issues of the activities of a particular unit should be regulated in these local regulations. The main sections of the standard Regulations on the division are presented in the table.

Main sections of the Regulations on the division and their contents

Position section

General provisions

  • full name of the structural unit (hereinafter referred to as the joint venture);
  • name, number, date of the legal act on the basis of which the joint venture was created;
  • regulatory documents that the joint venture follows in its activities;
  • who heads the joint venture;
  • to whom does the joint venture report?
  • the procedure for appointing and dismissing the head of the joint venture;
  • presence of a seal

Main tasks

Problems for which the joint venture was created and operates

Specific types of work performed by the joint venture as part of solving its main tasks

Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and responsibilities of the director and employees of the joint venture when performing their functions


Types of liability that the head and employees of a joint venture may bear in case of failure to fulfill their duties (disciplinary, administrative, and in some cases criminal)


The procedure for interaction of the joint venture with other divisions of the organization: in what form it is carried out, what documents are created, etc.

Position details

When preparing the regulations, the following document details are drawn up:

  • name of the organization;
  • Name type of document;
  • title to the text;
  • document date;
  • document registration number;
  • place of preparation or publication of the document;
  • document approval stamp;
  • document text;
  • visa document approval.

Let's take a closer look at the design features of these details in the regulations.

  • Name of the organization. The name of the author organization is indicated according to constituent documents. If these documents, along with the full name, also contain an abbreviated name, then it is also indicated (Example 1). Names in the languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or in foreign languages ​​are indicated below the name in Russian or to the right of it on the same level.

The authors of the regulation may be two or more organizations (for example, if a Regulation on Relationships is created). In this case, the names of organizations are located at the same level (if we are talking about companies that are not subordinate to each other), as in Example 2, and at different levels (if one institution is subordinate to another).

  • Name of the document type. This attribute is printed in capital letters: POSITION, no dot is placed after it.
  • Title to the text. Typed on a new line and answers the questions: about what (about whom)?(see options for location of props in Examples 1 and 2).
  • Document date. The date of the document is the date of its approval. It is entered in the appropriate field by the approving official. If the provision is signed by two or more organizations, then its date will be the date of the last approval (see Example 2).
  • Place where the document was compiled or published. This detail is issued if the place of publication of the regulation cannot be determined by the name of the organization. So, for example, for JSC Tomsk utility systems» there is no need to fill it out, unlike OJSC Srednevolzhskaya construction company" If in the first case it is clear where the enterprise is located, then by the second name it is impossible to determine the exact location of the organization.

On the other hand, if a document is issued by a branch of Tomsk Communal Systems CJSC, located in the district center of the Tomsk region, then this district center will be indicated as the place of preparation of the document (see Example 1).

  • Document approval stamp. Typically, the provisions are approved by the head of the organization. But within the framework of their competence and if they have the appropriate authority, another official can do this. For example, the Administrative Director can also approve the Regulations on records management based on citizens’ appeals. The approval stamp in the regulation consists of the word APPROVED, the title of the position of the person approving the document, his signature, initials, surname and date of approval (see Example 1).

In addition, the position can be approved by an administrative document - usually an order on the main activity. In this case, the approval stamp consists of the word APPROVED, the name of the approving document (in the instrumental case), its date and number (see Example 2).

Example 1

Top of a regulation issued by a branch of the organization

Example 2

Top of a position approved by two organizations


about the relationships between organizations

05/26/2014 No. 6/24-Gender

  • Document text. For convenience, the text of the regulation is divided into sections, each of which is assigned a serial number. All provisions of the section are also numbered. This is done so that one can easily refer to one or another norm of the situation (see Example 5).
  • Visa document approval. The regulation is subject to mandatory agreement with all interested officials. It is convenient to prepare an approval sheet for the provision, which will be an integral part of the document. The visa consists of the word AGREED, the position of the person with whom the document was agreed, a personal signature, its transcript and the date of approval.

If approval is carried out by document, then the approval stamp includes the word AGREED, the name of the document, its date and number. The completed approval sheet is signed and dated (see both options in Example 3).

Example 3

Approval sheet for the position

to the Regulations on the preparation and transfer of documents to the archive

06/19/2014 No. 5-P/2014

Minutes of the meeting of the expert commission
LLC "Pristan"
dated June 16, 2014 No. 3

Administrative Director
Vasiliev N.K. Vasiliev

Boss legal department
Lapshina T.A. Lapshina

The regulations have been developed. What's next?

All interested employees of the enterprise must be familiarized with the approved regulations: if this is a regulation about a department, then all employees of the department; if the provision is about working with claims - everyone who works with claims, etc. Every new employee organization on his first working day must study all the provisions and instructions under which he will have to work.

The familiarization visa is issued in a similar way to the approval visa, but is done with his own hand: the employee writes “Familiarized” or in more detail “I have read the Regulations on Bonuses”, indicates his position, signs, deciphers the signature and indicates the date of familiarization.

By the way

The question of where to write information about familiarization with the document is solved in different ways. You can draw up a sheet of familiarization with the document, which is filed with the position. When one sheet is completed, you need to file another, etc.
Visas to familiarize yourself with the provisions relating to labor relations with staff can fit directly into employment contract with the employee even before signing it.

The provision is an unlimited document and is valid from the moment of its approval until cancellation or replacement with a new one. Periodically (every few years) the provision must be reviewed and, if necessary, relevant changes must be made to it. Cancellation of the provision, its replacement or amendments to it are made by order for the main activity (Example 4).

Example 4

Order to cancel the current provision and approve a new one

Limited Liability Company "Gibraltar"
(Gibraltar LLC)


27.06.2014 № 33


Due to a change in the staffing structure of Gibraltar LLC


  1. Cancel the current Regulations on the advertising department of Gibraltar LLC from 07/01/2014.
  2. Approve and put into effect the Regulations on the marketing management of Gibraltar LLC from 07/01/2014 (Appendix 1).
  3. Head of the HR Department Ivanova R.A. familiarize employees with this order against signature by 06/30/2014.
  4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

General manager Vladimirov P.A. Vladimirov

In accordance with Art. 50 of the List of standard administrative archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the storage period, approved by order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558, the canceled provision is stored in the archive of the organization permanently.

Regulations on the Secretariat

In conclusion, we give an example of the Regulations on the Secretariat non-governmental organization(Example 5).

Example 5

Regulations on the Secretariat

Limited Liability Company "Perekrestok"
(Perekrestok LLC)

about the secretariat

07/14/2014 No. 7/25-Gender



1.1. The Secretariat is a structural unit of the Limited Liability Company "Perekrestok" (hereinafter - the Organization).

1.2. The creation, reorganization and liquidation of the secretariat are carried out by decision general director Organizations are formalized by order for their main activities.

1.3. The secretariat is managed by the head of the secretariat.

1.4. The head of the secretariat reports directly to the General Director of the Organization, is appointed and dismissed by his order.

1.5. In its activities, the secretariat is guided by:

1.5.1. Legislation in the field of information and documentation.

1.5.2. Regulatory acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, Gosstandart of Russia and Rosarkhiv on issues of documentation support for management and archival storage of documents.

1.5.3. Charter of the Organization.

1.5.4. By orders and instructions of the General Director of the Organization.

1.5.5. Instructions for the organization's office work.

1.5.6. Other regulations and methodological documents on the organization of documentation, organizational and information and reference support for management.

1.5.7. By these Regulations.


2.1. The secretariat includes:

2.1.1. Assistant to the General Director.

2.1.2. Secretary of the Deputy General Director.

2.1.3. Secretary to the Chief Engineer.

2.1.4. Office manager.

2.1.5. Courier.

2.2. The responsibilities of secretariat employees are established by job descriptions.


3.1. The main tasks of the secretariat are:

3.1.1. Documentation support the work of the Organization's management: the General Director, his deputy, the chief engineer (hereinafter referred to as the Management), as well as the collegial body of the Organization - the Meeting of Founders.

3.1.2. Organizational support for the work of the Organization's Management.

3.1.3. Reference and information support for the work of the Organization's Management.


4.1. The Secretariat performs the following functions:

4.1.1. Processes incoming, outgoing and internal documents of the Organization.

4.1.2. Receives, transmits and records fax messages, telephone messages, telegrams, electronic messages received by the Organization’s Management and sent on its behalf.

4.1.3. Accepts, reviews and submits for consideration documents received by the Organization's Management.

4.1.4. Monitors the correctness of execution of documents submitted for signature to the Organization's management.

4.1.5. Prepares, on behalf of the Organization’s Management, drafts of individual orders, instructions, official letters, certificates and other documents, coordinates them with the heads of structural divisions and other officials and specialists.

4.1.6. Edits documents on behalf of Management.

4.1.7. Provides printing, scanning and prompt reproduction of documents used in the activities of the Organization's Management.

4.1.8. Ensures accounting and timely registration of documents and their safety.

4.1.9. Organizes rational document flow and control of document movement in the Organization.

4.1.10. Monitors the correctness of paperwork and provides methodological and organizational assistance to the Organization's employees in the preparation of documents.

4.1.11. Ensures the formation of secretariat files in accordance with the approved nomenclature of files, their storage, timely transfer of files to archival storage and allocation for destruction of files and documents with expired storage periods.

4.1.12. Organizes the planning of the working day of the Organization's Management.

4.1.13. Provides telephone service to the Management and employees of the Organization.

4.1.14. Draws up draft work plans for the Meeting of Founders of the Organization.

4.1.15. Prepares materials for meetings of the Meeting of the Founders of the Organization, ensures their timely distribution to interested organizations and individuals.

4.1.16. Provides timely information about meetings of the Meeting of Founders of the Organization.

4.1.17. Prepares and organizes operational meetings and meetings with the Organization’s Management.

4.1.18. Carries out logistical support for meetings and conferences held by the Organization’s Management.

4.1.20. Monitors the implementation of decisions of the Meeting of Founders of the Organization.

4.1.21. Organizes the reception of visitors by the Management and employees of the Organization.


5.1. The head of the secretariat has the right:

5.1.1. Participate in the prescribed manner in the hiring and dismissal of secretariat employees.

5.1.2. In agreement with the Management of the Organization, carry out the selection, placement and relocation of secretariat employees.

5.1.3. Distribute work among secretariat employees.

5.1.4. Represent secretariat employees for promotion, as well as make proposals to bring them to disciplinary liability.

5.1.5. Make proposals to change the structure and staff of the secretariat.

5.1.6. Make proposals to the Management of the Organization to improve the work of the secretariat.

5.1.7. Conduct correspondence regarding the activities of the secretariat.

5.2. Secretariat employees have the right:

5.2.1. Receive, in the prescribed manner, information necessary for work from other structural divisions of the Organization.

5.2.2. Require heads of structural divisions and employees of the Organization to timely submit documents and information to the Management of the Organization.

5.2.3. On behalf of the Organization's Management, involve employees of other structural divisions to prepare draft orders, instructions and other documents.

5.2.4. Return draft documents drawn up by them in violation of current norms and rules for revision to the Organization’s employees.

5.2.5. Make proposals to improve the work of the secretariat.


6.1. The Secretariat presents to the Management of the Organization:

6.1.1. Received correspondence for consideration.

6.1.2. Draft documents for consideration and signing.

6.1.3. Internal memos, proposals, certificates, information and other materials from structural divisions and officials of the Organization for consideration.

6.2. The Secretariat receives from the Organization's Management:

6.2.1. Documents received from other organizations with the resolution of the Management.

6.2.2. Proposals, memos, certificates from structural divisions of the Organization with the resolution of the Management.

6.2.3. Signed orders, instructions, protocols, letters and other documents.

6.2.4. Approved regulatory documents.

6.2.5. Approved work plans for structural units and the collegial body of the Organization.

6.3. The Secretariat sends to the structural divisions of the Organization:

6.3.1. Copies of orders (extracts from orders) for execution.

6.3.2. Copies of minutes (extracts from minutes) of meetings of the Meeting of the Founders of the Organization for execution.

6.4. The Secretariat receives from the structural divisions of the Organization:

6.4.1. Projects of official letters.

6.4.2. Draft orders and instructions.

6.4.3. Information and reference materials.

6.5. The Secretariat sends to other organizations business letters, information materials.

6.6. The Secretariat receives business letters and information materials from other organizations.


7.1. Secretariat employees are responsible for:

7.1.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of the functions assigned to them by job descriptions;

7.1.2. Failure to comply with or violation of the requirements and norms of current legislation during the preparation and execution of documents;

7.1.3. Reliability of reporting data, information and other materials prepared in the secretariat and presented to the Management of the Organization and/or the management of the structural divisions of the Organization;

7.1.4. Loss and damage to files and documents;

7.1.5. Failure to comply with storage conditions for files and documents;

7.1.6. Loss and damage to seals and stamps.

7.2. The head of the secretariat is responsible for:

7.2.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of the functions and duties assigned to him;

7.2.2. Rational placement of secretariat workers and organization of their work;

7.2.3. Organization of advanced business training for secretariat employees;

7.2.4. State labor discipline in the secretariat;

7.2.5. Compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection and safety regulations by secretariat employees.


Provisions - normative acts that have a consolidated codification nature and determine the order of education, competence, and organization of work. For example: “General Regulations on Ministries”, “Regulations on the State Automobile Inspectorate”. Regulations may regulate the activities of individual officials. In management practice, provisions are created that regulate the totality of organizational and labor relations on specific issues. For example: “Regulations on accounting and reporting in the Russian Federation”, “Regulations on documents and document flow in accounting”.*

* Kuznetsova T.V. Office work (Documentation support for management). - M.: JSC “Business School” “Intel-synthesis”, 1999, p. 108.

The most common type of regulation is a document intended for legal regulation of the activities of an organization or its structural unit. The regulations on the organization determine its status, the procedure for its creation, place in the management system, internal structure, functions, competence, responsibilities, procedure for reorganization and liquidation. In the practice of administering organizations with internal organizational structure, the regulation is the main document intended to consolidate and delineate the functions of each structural unit.

The structure of the text of the regulation and its form are unified in USORD*. The regulations are drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead, i.e. this document must contain the name of the organization, structural unit, type of document, as well as the date and stamp of approval. The text of the regulation includes the following sections:

* Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Unified forms, instructional and methodological materials for their use. - M., 1982, pp. 12, 21.

General provisions.

Goals and objectives.


Rights and responsibilities.


Relationships (service connections).

The section “General Provisions” indicates the exact name of the structural unit, the degree of its independence, subordination - the management body (or official) at whose disposal the structural unit is located. A list of the main legal, policy, regulatory and instructional materials that guide this structural unit in its activities is provided.

In the section “Goals and Objectives” the main goal of the activity of the structural unit and its main tasks are formulated in a generalized form.

The “Functions” section is the main section of the regulation; it should include a comprehensive description of the activities of the structural unit, a detailed list of all functions that should ensure the solution of the main tasks.

The “Rights and Responsibilities” section lists the rights that are vested in the unit to implement the tasks assigned to it. When setting out rights, their compliance with current legislation, regulatory documents of the Government, higher management bodies and documents regulating the activities of this organization is emphasized.

The “Management” section contains the name of the position of the head of the department, requirements for the level of education and experience practical work. The job responsibilities of a manager are not regulated by a separate document (job description), therefore, in this section, the responsibilities of a manager are highlighted separately, including, as a rule, the function of coordinating the activities of a structural unit, planning its work, monitoring the work of employees, improving the organizational structure, participating in development of normative and methodological support, etc. To differentiate the rights of the unit and its head, the personal rights of the head are established in the section. Among them, they usually have the right to establish the range of responsibilities of their deputies and approve certain ones. documents, issue orders on a certain range of issues, appoint and dismiss department employees from their positions (or submit documents for these procedures), apply incentive and penalty measures, etc. The “Management” section lists the main positions for which the manager is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks of the service (structural unit), for the state of documentation, its compliance with the requirements of legal and regulatory documents, the reliability of information, its leakage, the organization of the service, work with personnel, as well as for failure to fulfill the tasks assigned to the manager by these Regulations.

In the section “Relationships with other divisions”, relationships with other divisions arising as a result of production, economic, and management activities are determined, document connections are recorded - names of documents, frequency of their submission, deadlines, mutual obligations are established, the composition of documents developed by the structural division together with other structural divisions.

The regulations are signed by officials who are their direct developers (for example, heads of structural divisions, deputy chief executives, etc.), the regulations are endorsed by the legal service (legal consultant), and approved by the head. The provision acquires legal force from the moment of approval.

See also:

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Municipal government agency

"Education Department of Ust-Maysky ulus (district)"

How to write a position

about organizing and holding a school event

Compiled by:

Methodist Levina L.N.,

Methodist-instructor Illarionova O.I.

Ust-May 2016

Methodological recommendations for drawing up Regulations on holding a school event are addressed to beginning teachers and methodologists.This methodological product presents a model for writing the Regulations.

I. "General provisions"

This paragraph describes the conceptual idea of ​​the event. In addition, this paragraph reveals the procedure for constructing this provision. The organizers of the event may also be listed here (or they may be highlighted as a separate item).

II. "Goals and Objectives"

A goal is a future result. It is very important that the goal is formulated in the form of a realistically achievable pedagogical result.

Objectives are steps towards achieving a goal. It is a visible and measurable piece of work that has an end result and serves to achieve a common goal.

You can formulate tasks using the following verbs: introduce, train, promote, form, provide, develop, introduce, support, educate, expand, deepen, etc.

Also, when setting tasks, you can use nouns: acquaintance, training, development, education, inclusion, etc. It is only necessary to observe the following condition: if the formulation of the task begins with a verb, then all tasks are formulated with verbs, if with nouns, then with nouns.

III. "Participants of the event"

Anyone can take part. If your event is for a specific age group, do not forget to reflect this in your position. Sometimes only those students who receive an official invitation from the organizers to the event take part.

In the same paragraph, you can immediately stipulate the financial component of participation in the event: with or without an registration fee.

IV . "Time and Place".

This paragraph indicates where the event is taking place and when. Stage areas are indicated. The date of the event must be chosen carefully: it is necessary to try to avoid overlaps, since many students participate in events of different types. There are events where the organizers traditionally maintain the holding period; it remains unchanged for many years. The participants know this and plan their preparations.

V. “Program or content of the event.”

This paragraph specifies how many stages or rounds of the event there will be and which ones (For example, absentee qualifying, intramural qualifying, final). Dates of stages/rounds of the event. Date, place, time of the qualifying rounds and finals (opening, closing, awarding of participants) of the event. List of related events, place and time (round tables, master classes, cultural program, etc.).

V I . "Criteria".

This item can be either an independent structural element of the provision or connected with the item “Program or content of the event.” This point is usually developed by the jury members.

VI. "Organizers » or"Management". Generalmanagement of the event is entrusted tousually to the organizing committee.

The organizing committee is the initiative group that organizes and conducts the event. The organizing committee may include heads of institutions, methodologists, teachers, sponsors, philanthropists - that is, all those involved in preparing and holding the festival. It is possible to create two organizing committees - a large one (consisting of adults) and a small one (consisting of students) or a main one (consisting of people taking only organizational actions).

The size of the organizing committee depends on the scale of the event. Each member of the organizing committee has his own area of ​​activity and his own responsibilities, both during the organizational period and during the event. The Organizing Committee resolves all issues regarding the organization and conduct of the event, in particular:

financial support and establishing relationships with sponsors;


establishing contacts with various institutions, public organizations, creative teams;

creation of symbols and attributes of the event;

preparing scripts and selecting presenters, organizing rehearsals;

artistic, musical and lighting design;

VII . “Financing of the competition »

ExpensesOrganizers and sponsors are responsible for holding the competition in accordance withestimateexpenses. Also, part of the costs in the form of a registration or organizational fee can be assigned to the participants of the event.

Administrative and organizational documents are intended to provide solutions to a wide range of problems of people management and economic objects both the global (interstate and state) level, and the local level - by enterprises, organizations, production teams, etc.

Administrative and organizational documents include: regulations, plans, charters, rules, reports, contracts, agreements, instructions, etc.


Regulations - a normative act that has a consolidated nature and defines the structure, functions, competence of a body or system of bodies (Regulations on the department of the chief designer, Regulations on the gymnasium), or the procedure for their actions in certain cases (Regulations on the procedure for convening and holding a general meeting of shareholders of a closed joint stock company), or regulating the totality of organizational, property, labor relations on a specific issue (Regulations on the procedure for concluding and executing contracts, Regulations on the procedure for accreditation of journalists).

Rules are a normative act that regulates the organization and procedure of activities in any specific area of ​​​​relations. In particular, the rules establish the organization and procedure for the activities of a state or other body, enterprise, institution (for example, the Internal Labor Regulations of an enterprise). The rules establish norms and requirements that must be followed.

Instructions (from Latin instructio - device, instruction):

1. A management act containing norms and rules governing the procedure and conditions for carrying out any activity, as well as norms defining the procedure and conditions for the implementation of regulations issued by this or a higher body (for example, Instructions on the procedure for sanatorium and resort provision in federal bodies government communications and information).

2. A normative act that defines the procedure and methods for carrying out any activity (for example, the job description of a warehouse manager).

The text of the draft regulations (rules, instructions) is printed on a common form.
General structure of the document:

1. Name of the body, organization, institution that issued this document.
2. Approval stamp.
3. Heading.
4. Ascertaining part.
5. Main text.
6. Signature of the person who prepared the draft document, date.

Paragraphs 2 - 5 are mandatory. In a number of documents, the name of the organization is included in paragraph 2 and is not duplicated in paragraph 1.
Clause 6 is usually used if the document is prepared and signed by the head of the department and approved by a higher organization.

The basic rules for drawing up the approval stamp, title and signature are discussed in the section “Requirements for the preparation of document details”. Here we will focus only on the design features inherent in the documents in question.

The title to the text of the regulation (rules, instructions) answers the question “about what?”, for example: Regulations on the procedure for concluding and executing contracts; Staff Regulations; Instructions on the procedure for preparing draft orders.

Heading for instructions containing job requirements and the order of work (job description), answers the question “who?, whose?”, for example: Job description of the chief specialist; Job description for warehouse manager.

The ascertaining part of the regulation (rules, instructions) indicates the grounds for development, the main purpose of the normative act and the scope of its distribution, responsibility for violation of established rules and technologies, etc.

The stating part is drawn up either as a separate paragraph before the main text of the document, or as the “General Provisions” section of the document (see examples).

The main text of the regulation (rules, instructions) has the following language features:

  • the use of special terms, denominative prepositions, words belonging to clerical speech;
  • predominant use of passive constructions;
  • cliched presentation of the text;
  • the use of rubrics necessary when listing the provisions of the charter, points of the plan and report, obligations and rights of the agreement and contract. The text of the document can be divided into chapters, paragraphs and subparagraphs. Chapters must have titles. Chapters are numbered with Roman numerals. The numbering of paragraphs and subparagraphs is in Arabic numerals;
  • presentation in condensed form in the third person singular or plural. Typical verbs used in the text: “must”, “should”, “necessary”, “prohibited”, “not allowed”, “establishes”, “developed”, “recognised”, “imposed”, etc.

Rules for drafting provisions

The regulation implies a normative act that allows you to determine the formation procedure, internal structure, rights, competence, responsibilities, as well as the main functions of the company, its individual services, commissions (collegial bodies).

  • standard (created by governing bodies (industry/state) for companies, manufacturing and other enterprises, commissions that are engaged in the same type of activity (in particular, for the economic service, accounting department)).
  • individual (created for a specific company, taking into account the specifics of its functioning).
    Separately, one can also highlight the provisions on the conduct of certain events (the provision of the Healthcare Center “MKDC” on taking part in the review-competition for the title of “Best Health Worker”).

Regulations on the organization

Based on the presented document, all functions operate state companies budget type. In particular, it establishes the status of the enterprise, the procedure for its formation, structure, core competence, responsibilities, place occupied in the management system, and the scheme for carrying out the reorganization procedure.

The structure of the document under consideration often includes a part where issues related to control, activity verification, and audit of the enterprise are spelled out.

When a company draws up a regulation, it is mandatory to indicate the full name of the parent company, the name of the enterprise itself, the type of documentation, registration number, date, approval stamp.

If the administrative practice of an enterprise implies the presence of a branched structure, a slightly different type of provision applies. In this kind of situation, its main purpose is to determine/delimit the competence and functions of individual services.
Regulations on structural divisions (services)

The submitted documents serve for:

  • explaining to the employees of the enterprise their rights, responsibilities, competence;
  • assessing the performance of personnel, making future decisions on sending them for training, as well as on their relocation, promotion or punishment;
  • determining the actions to be carried out by personnel;
  • control of the current activities of the enterprise;
  • selection of candidates for a higher position;
  • protection of employees of the company, employer, enterprise;
  • ensuring positive corporate culture.
    As for the structure of the text of the regulation and its form, they are unified (regulated by the USORD).

Let us remind you that the presented regulatory act is drawn up on the company’s corporate bank and contains the following information:

Name of the type of documentation;

Regulations on structural divisions are signed by the person who is their developer. Then the paper is endorsed by a legal adviser and approved by the company's management. The document becomes valid from the date indicated on the stamp (certified by the seal of the enterprise). As a rule, it contains a number of sections, namely:

"General provisions"
Here the degree of subordination, the level of independence and service, and the governing body to which it reports are prescribed. Here are the documents that should guide the department in the course of its work.

"Goals and Objectives"
The presented section formulates the goal, a list of tasks of the service in question.

Here the work of the service is comprehensively characterized, a detailed list of functions is provided that ensure the resolution of emerging issues and the solution of all assigned tasks.

"Rights, responsibilities"
This section includes a list of rights vested in the unit (their compliance is emphasized modern laws, regulatory, legal documentation developed by the government, governing bodies, papers that regulate the activities of the enterprise).

The presented section specifies the name of the position of the head of the service, the requirements for his level of education, and continuous work experience in the field in question. At the same time, his duties, competence, and rights are also defined here. In particular, the manager must coordinate the work of staff, plan the activities of the service, exercise control over the work of employees, and take part in the creation of methodological and other materials. At the same time, he establishes the degree of responsibility of deputies, approves certain papers, issues orders for appointment/dismissal from office, etc.

“Relationships with other services”
The presented section describes the relationships that arise between individual departments in the course of management, economic activity, mutual rights, obligations of the parties, frequency of data exchange.
General rules writing provisions:

1) Text of the provisions must be written in third person (singular or plural). Moreover, it should include words like “should”, “must”, “required”, “necessary”, “not allowed”, “prohibited”.

2) The title of the provision should answer the question “about what?”

3) Sections of the document must be numbered (using Roman or Arabic numerals). Points can be divided into sub-points, which, as a rule, have alphabetic/numeric numbering.

Provisions. Rules for their compilation and execution

The most diverse and least regulated group of organizational and legal documents are provisions, instructions, regulations, and rules. These documents can be developed for any area of ​​the organization’s activities (internal regulations, regulations on remuneration, regulations on the protection of personal data of employees, instructions for office work).

Position- This:

1) a legal act establishing the basic rules for the activities of organizations, their structural divisions, as well as lower (subordinate) institutions, organizations and enterprises;

2) a set of rules governing a certain area of ​​activity (cultural, political, economic, etc.).

A separate group should include provisions regulating the totality of organizational, labor and other relations on a specific issue, for example: “Standard regulations on the management of proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in government bodies, enterprises, and institutions”; "Regulations on the conduct accounting And financial statements in the Russian Federation"; “Regulations on documents and document flow in accounting”; as well as provisions on holding competitions, shows, festivals and other events.

There are standard and individual provisions. Standard provisions are developed by a higher organization for similar subordinate structures, and individual provisions are developed for specific organization, body, structural unit, etc.

— a normative act, the main purpose of which is to regulate the areas of activity of this unit.

The document is drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead and includes the following details:

· name of the document type,

· registration number of the document,

· title to the text,

The regulations on the structural unit, as a rule, consist of the following sections:

1) "General provisions" — the full and abbreviated (if any) name of the structural unit is given, its place (status) in the organizational structure of the organization is characterized, the degree of its economic and economic independence is determined. It also provides information about the subordination of this unit to the management of the enterprise, specifically indicating the position of the person directly managing the unit, the procedure for appointing and releasing him from his position.

A separate paragraph provides a list of the main regulatory, legal, directive and instructional documents that guide the department in its work. If the division contains any internal divisions (for example, the department is divided into several sectors), the section includes the item “Internal structure”. It contains a list of internal divisions, their full and abbreviated names, the title of the position of the head of each internal division, indicating who they directly report to.

The final paragraph of the “General Provisions” section contains information about the presence of a seal in the department, its description, purpose and storage conditions.

2) “Goals and objectives of the unit” — the main goals and objectives of the unit, its main purpose are formulated, justifying the existence of the unit in the structure of the enterprise. Goals must be long-term, realistic and closely linked both to each other and to the goals of the enterprise (organization) as a whole.

3) "Functions" — contains a complete list of the functions of the unit, indicating which of them are performed by the unit as a whole, and which ones are performed jointly with other units. In this case, the form of participation is specified.

If there are departments in the division, subsections corresponding to their names are introduced into the text of the section, in which a description of the functions for each division is similarly given.

4) "Rights and Responsibilities" — contains a list of powers that are exercised by this unit; characterizes specific rights that similar structures usually do not have. The right of a unit in relation to other structural units is understood as the legalized ability to demand (offer, use, prohibit) the performance of any actions or the provision of any information. The rights of a unit are usually established to the extent necessary for the effective implementation of its functions.

5) "Responsibility" — establishes the types of disciplinary, administrative (if necessary, criminal) liability that the head of a unit may bear in the event of failure of the unit to fulfill its duties. The section precisely formulates the economic responsibility of the unit within the framework of internal economic calculations.

6) “Relationships with other structural divisions” — contains characteristics of various kinds of relationships with other structural divisions within the enterprise (organization) and outside it. It also regulates the department’s documentation flows, indicates the list of main documents created by it and documents developed jointly with other departments, as well as the frequency and deadlines for submitting documents.

The regulations on the structural unit are signed by its head and approved, as a rule, by the first person of the enterprise (organization).

Regulations on collegial and advisory bodies- an organizational and legal document that has a normative nature and determines the composition, formation procedure, competence, work procedure, rights and responsibilities of collegial and advisory bodies. Collegial (advisory) bodies can be both governing (board of directors, board) and specialized (academic council, pedagogical council, scientific and technical council, etc.) (8).

The regulations on a collegial or advisory body determine:

· status of a collegial or advisory body;

· work planning procedure;

· the procedure for preparing materials for consideration at the meeting;

· Submission of materials for consideration;

· the procedure for considering materials and making decisions at the meeting;

· keeping minutes of the meeting;

· the procedure for communicating decisions to executors;

· logistical support for meetings.

A number of commercial organizations are developing Personnel Regulations. This is a document in which:

· issues of professional and social development labor collective;

· the basic principles of labor relations between the administration and staff are established;

· methods of organizing work are determined;

· the personnel concept of the enterprise is revealed - recruitment systems and principles, personnel planning, labor stimulation, social policy enterprises;

· the mutual responsibility of the administration and staff is formulated.

The personnel regulations are a document borrowed from foreign practice office work - began to be actively used to regulate social and labor relations during the period of formation of the institution of private property in modern Russia and the emergence of the first commercial organizations.

Various specialized specialists should take part in the development of personnel regulations - the department of organization and remuneration, the personnel department, the legal department and other divisions of the organization. The group is headed, as a rule, by the development director or deputy head of the organization for personnel management.

IN Labor Code The Russian Federation does not provide guidance on this document. Therefore, the personnel regulations do NOT apply to persons performing work (providing services) on the basis of civil law relations.

The personnel regulations define the principles of relations between staff and administration, the main of which are:

· compliance with laws;

· authority of representatives of the parties;

· voluntary acceptance of obligations;

· prevention of forced or compulsory labor and discrimination in the world of work;

· reality of ensuring accepted obligations.

When developing personnel regulations, it is necessary to take into account these, as well as other principles of relations between personnel and administration, for non-compliance with which social, but not legal, liability is possible.

Very often, company owners demand that the provision include an obligation for staff not to criticize the company’s policies when communicating with customers and competitors, as well as a ban on reporting temporary difficulties of the company to anyone outside the company, or on committing actions that undermine the company’s reputation.

There are no uniform forms and layouts of personnel regulations. Each organization develops them independently.

One possible text structure layout is as follows:

1. General provisions.

2. Basic principles of labor organization in the company and the relationship between the company’s management and personnel.

3. The procedure for registering labor relations.

4. Basic rights and responsibilities of personnel.

5. Basic rights and obligations of the company’s management.

6. Working hours and rest time.

8. Social package.

9. Staff development.

10. Guarantees of employment of personnel.

11. Disciplinary measures (incentives and penalties).

12. Final provisions.

The Personnel Regulations are drawn up on the organization’s general letterhead, indicating the type of document, signed by the head of the personnel management service, and agreed upon general meeting personnel. The document is approved by the Board of Directors.

If the organization has a personnel regulation, then the hired employees are introduced to it on receipt even BEFORE signing the employment contract.

Regulations on temporary bodies (meetings, commissions, councils) are created for the period of operation of such a body. The structure of the text is not normatively fixed. Approved by the body whose competence includes the creation of a temporary body.

Regulations on material and moral incentives - local document, so the pension and social insurance when disputes arise regarding certain payments, this document is often not taken into account as an analogue of the bonus provision.

The purpose of the provision on material and moral incentives is to interest employees in greater labor productivity, in improving the quality of the tasks assigned to them, in timely and conscientious execution labor responsibilities, increasing the level of responsibility for the assigned area of ​​work.

The provision on material and moral incentives should define:

1. Principles of encouragement.

2. Main indicators of the application of incentive measures.

3. Forms and measures (types) of encouragement.

4. The procedure for nominating employees for promotion.

5. The competence of the organization’s management to apply one or another incentive measure.

6. Grounds for the use of incentive measures (order of the head of the organization, order of another official, etc.).

7. The procedure for holding incentive events (ceremonial atmosphere, meeting of the workforce, etc.).

8. Other information.

As a rule, the regulation on material and moral incentives is developed by the organization and remuneration department together with the legal department and the personnel department. Compilation can also be entrusted to individual specialists - a labor organization engineer, a personnel engineer, a legal adviser, a labor economist, etc.

Signs position: deputy head of the organization for personnel management, endorsed by the head of the legal department or other official responsible for legal work.

Validation by the chief accountant of the organization may also be provided (especially if the regulations provide for a significant number of forms of material incentives). The position is approved by the head of the organization.

Regulations on certification— a document that regulates the certification of employees of an enterprise: its goals, principles and methods, organization of work certification commissions, contains forms of characteristics (reviews), certification cards, certification sheets.

Regulations as an organizational and legal document

The foundation of the organizational activities of any institution are organizational and legal documents. They regulate the status of the organization, its structure, staffing levels, officials, and also determine the rights, duties, responsibilities and procedures for interaction of its separate structural divisions and officials.

In this article we will dwell in detail on such an organizational and legal document as a regulation.

Our information

Organizational and legal documents include:

  • charter;
  • articles of association;
  • regulations on the organization;
  • provisions on structural, separate divisions, on the collegial (advisory) body of the organization, etc.;
  • regulations;
  • staffing schedule;
  • instructions;
  • job description;
  • internal labor regulations, etc.

All organizational and legal documents are subject to approval either by a higher organization, or by a manager or collegial body (if there is one) - a board of directors, a meeting of shareholders, etc. All standards contained in these documents are binding.

Types of provisions

Several types of provisions may apply in a commercial organization:

  • Regulations on the organization;
  • regulations on structural divisions, for example Regulations on accounting or Regulations on the personnel department;
  • provisions defining the activities of a commission or group, for example, the Regulations on the Expert Archival Commission;
  • provisions regulating the work of officials, for example the Regulations on the General Director;
  • provisions governing organizational relations on a specific issue, for example, the Regulations on the certification of employees or the regulations on working with statements and claims of individuals.

The practical benefit of the provisions is that they spell out as specifically as possible who should do what, what tasks to perform and what to be responsible for. In turn, this greatly facilitates monitoring the implementation of the manager’s instructions. When two departments of an organization “shift” the implementation of a task to each other, delaying its solution, and cannot agree among themselves who will do what, the regulations on departments will help to figure it out. Therefore, forward-thinking managers usually have a personal interest in having their department's regulations prepared and in as much detail as possible.

The simplest example: a department wants to archive undocumented documents - in binders or in bulk. The documents are not sorted and it is unknown which cases they relate to. The head of the department insists that the secretary must sort out these documents and organize them into files. The secretary, having opened the Regulations on the Archive, draws the boss’s attention to the fact that the archive accepts documents formed into files in accordance with the nomenclature of files. This is an internal corporate law, and you have to take it into account.

Regulations on the structural unit

Provisions on structural divisions are perhaps the most common and popular type of provisions. Since the requirements for regulations on structural units and the rules for their development are not established by law, each organization independently decides which issues of the activities of a particular unit should be regulated in these local regulations. The main sections of the standard Regulations on the division are presented in the table.

Main sections of the Regulations on the division and their contents

Position section

  • full name of the structural unit (hereinafter referred to as the joint venture);
  • name, number, date of the legal act on the basis of which the joint venture was created;
  • regulatory documents that the joint venture follows in its activities;
  • who heads the joint venture;
  • to whom does the joint venture report?
  • the procedure for appointing and dismissing the head of the joint venture;
  • presence of a seal

Problems for which the joint venture was created and operates

Specific types of work performed by the joint venture as part of solving its main tasks

Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and responsibilities of the director and employees of the joint venture when performing their functions

Types of liability that the head and employees of a joint venture may bear in case of failure to fulfill their duties (disciplinary, administrative, and in some cases criminal)

The procedure for interaction of the joint venture with other divisions of the organization: in what form it is carried out, what documents are created, etc.

Position details

When preparing the regulations, the following document details are drawn up:

  • name of the organization;
  • name of the document type;
  • title to the text;
  • document date;
  • place of preparation or publication of the document;
  • document approval stamp;
  • document text;
  • visa document approval.

Let's take a closer look at the design features of these details in the regulations.

  • Name of the organization. The name of the author organization is indicated according to the constituent documents. If these documents, along with the full name, also contain an abbreviated name, then it is also indicated (Example 1). Names in the languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or in foreign languages ​​are indicated below the name in Russian or to the right of it on the same level.

The authors of the regulation may be two or more organizations (for example, if a Regulation on Relationships is created). In this case, the names of organizations are located at the same level (if we are talking about companies that are not subordinate to each other), as in Example 2, and at different levels (if one institution is subordinate to another).

  • Name of the document type. This attribute is printed in capital letters: POSITION, no dot is placed after it.
  • Title to the text. Typed on a new line and answers the questions: about what (about whom)?(see options for location of props in Examples 1 and 2).
  • Document date. The date of the document is the date of its approval. It is entered in the appropriate field by the approving official. If the provision is signed by two or more organizations, then its date will be the date of the last approval (see Example 2).
  • Document registration number. Even if this provision is the first and only of its kind, it still needs to be assigned a number: state standard requires numbering of absolutely every document created in the organization. A position created by two organizations receives two numbers, which are written separated by a fraction (see Example 2).
  • Place where the document was compiled or published. This detail is issued if the place of publication of the regulation cannot be determined by the name of the organization. So, for example, for Tomsk Utility Systems CJSC it is not required to fill it out, unlike Srednevolzhskaya Construction Company OJSC. If in the first case it is clear where the enterprise is located, then by the second name it is impossible to determine the exact location of the organization.

On the other hand, if a document is issued by a branch of Tomsk Communal Systems CJSC, located in the district center of the Tomsk region, then this district center will be indicated as the place of preparation of the document (see Example 1).

  • Document approval stamp. Typically, the provisions are approved by the head of the organization. But within the framework of their competence and if they have the appropriate authority, another official can do this. For example, the Administrative Director can also approve the Regulations on records management based on citizens’ appeals. The approval stamp in the regulation consists of the word APPROVED, the title of the position of the person approving the document, his signature, initials, surname and date of approval (see Example 1).

In addition, the provision can be approved by an administrative document - usually an order on the main activity. In this case, the approval stamp consists of the word APPROVED, the name of the approving document (in the instrumental case), its date and number (see Example 2).

Example 1

Top of a regulation issued by a branch of the organization

Preparation of regulations on the structural unit

Enterprises, institutions and organizations (hereinafter referred to as the organization) of all forms of ownership in their activities, along with acts of state power, are guided by regulations, charters, instructions and rules. It is these organizational documents that secure specific functions, rights and responsibilities of management bodies for a long time.

The provisions may be typical And individual. Standard provisions, as a rule, are developed by top-level organizations for their subordinate structures. Individual provisions created directly in organizations based on standard ones.

Each organization must have regulations on all its structural units (departments, directorates, divisions, divisions, sectors, services, groups, etc.).

According to your status regulations on the structural unit(hereinafter referred to as the regulation) is an internal regulatory document on the basis of which the daily activities of this unit are organized, the results of work are assessed, job descriptions are drawn up, tasks, functions, rights and responsibilities are determined, and most importantly, the responsibilities of employees.

The draft regulations are usually developed by the head of a structural unit based on standard provision about the relevant service.

The developer of the draft regulations, on behalf of the manager, can also be a working group of specialists in the relevant area of ​​activity of the organization, an employee of a department or a specialist in the field labor law and management.

The prepared draft regulation must be agreed upon with legal service organization, if necessary - with the personnel service, as well as with the heads of other structural units or officials with whom the unit interacts. The finalized and agreed upon with all interested services regulation is signed by the head of the structural unit (members of the working group), agreed with the deputy head of the organization of the relevant area of ​​activity (if any) and approved by a senior manager in the manner established for approval regulatory documents(signed and dated on the approval stamp).

Requirements regarding registration

The regulation must be drawn up on the general or special letterhead of the organization or on blank sheets of A4 paper. It is advisable to issue it on the letterhead of the structural unit (if such forms are available in the organization).

If the position is printed on blank sheets of paper, the following details should be included:

  • name of the highest level organization (if any);
  • name of the organization;
  • name of the structural unit;
  • approval stamp;
  • name of the position;
  • place of publication or creation;
  • document registration number;
  • title to the text of the provision;
  • text;
  • signature;
  • approval stamp;
  • visas.

The text of the regulation can be divided into sections, subsections, paragraphs, subparagraphs. Each part of the text must have its own number. Numbered with Arabic numerals. The number of each component of the text must contain all the numbers of the corresponding components higher degrees of division.

Structure of the regulations on the division of the institution

The HR Service Regulations may have the following sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Tasks.
  3. Functions.
  4. Rights and responsibilities.
  5. Personnel management.
  6. HR staff.
  7. Final provisions.

In the first section "General provisions" The full name of the structural unit must be indicated; his status, place in the organizational structure of the organization, subordination; procedure for creation, reorganization and liquidation; structure; the position of the head of the unit and the procedure for replacing him in his absence; procedure for enrollment and dismissal of department employees; the procedure for making changes and additions to the regulations; a list of basic legislative and regulatory documents, instructions, standards, regulations that should guide the department in the process of work.

A separate sub-clause may include issues of the structure of the personnel service, which may include the following divisions: management personnel and formation personnel reserve; training and advanced training of personnel; HR department; Social Security Department; life safety department. The personnel service may include: a document registration group; division for recording documents and monitoring their implementation; documentation automation department; group for reviewing letters (complaints); pass office. IN staffing table A full-fledged personnel service may also include the positions of a sociologist, psychologist, and medical worker.

Factors that determine the organizational structure of the personnel service may be:

  • the scale of the organization and how to achieve its goals;
  • volume and range of products;
  • type of activity, type of organization (factory, transport company, school or bank) and specific tasks;
  • form of ownership (state or private organization);
  • financial condition;
  • stages of development of the organization;
  • total number of employees and number of structural divisions;
  • territorial location of departments and volumes of their work, number of decision-making levels and management standards;
  • the adopted system of documenting and organizing the movement of documents;
  • level of mechanization and automation of documentation processes;
  • traditions and stereotypes.

In the second section "Tasks" the formulation of the main directions of activity and the content of the tasks that the units must perform in the process of work are given. Thus, the tasks of the personnel service can be the following:

  • forecasting needs, searching and selecting personnel;
  • effective use of personnel, promoting the development and improvement of personnel qualifications;
  • development of a system of work motivation and incentives, facilitating its introduction;
  • monitoring the performance of personnel by introducing systems for assessing their performance;
  • direction, coordination, methodological guidance and control over implementation personnel work in subordinate bodies;
  • carrying out analytical and methodological work on issues of personnel activities, personnel management;
  • documentation of labor relations;
  • ensuring the creation favorable conditions work.

In the third section "Functions" the activities of the unit and the degree of its independence in making management decisions in the main areas of the organization’s functioning are comprehensively revealed. Thus, the personnel service can perform the following functions:

  • regarding forecasting needs, search and selection of personnel:
    • determine current and future personnel needs;
    • carry out organizational and methodological management of the formation of a personnel reserve, organize work with the personnel reserve, analyze and generalize the practice of forming a personnel reserve in structural divisions, make proposals for its improvement;
    • study, together with other structural divisions, the personal, professional, and business qualities of persons applying for positions;
    • provide organizational support for competitive selection;
  • regarding monitoring of staff performance civil service:
    • carry out measures to ensure and monitor the state of compliance with labor discipline;
    • help eliminate conflicts of interest;
    • carry out organizational support and take part in the annual assessment of employees’ performance of the tasks and responsibilities assigned to them, facilitate the use of its results in career planning;
  • regarding the development of a system of work motivation and incentives, promoting its introduction:
    • develop and coordinate draft legal acts regulating issues of social and labor relations and remuneration of workers;
    • take part in the development and determination of the personnel remuneration system;
    • together with other structural divisions, develop a system of material and non-material incentives for employees;
    • advise heads of structural divisions, inform employees about the principles and approaches to stimulating work;
    • consider proposals and prepare documents on encouragement, rewarding and conferring honorary titles on employees;
  • regarding direction, coordination, methodological guidance and control over the implementation of personnel work in subordinate departments
    • provide methodological and information support for the work of personnel services of subordinate units;
    • summarize and analyze the practice of working with civil service personnel in subordinate departments, develop recommendations for its improvement;
    • organize training for personnel services employees of subordinate departments;
    • exercise control over the state of personnel management, personnel work in subordinate departments, and conduct inspections on these issues.

Fourth section "Rights and Responsibilities" must contain a list of rights granted to the structural unit that are necessary for its employees to perform certain tasks: check and control, receive, take, contribute, explain, represent interests, etc. This section must define the responsibilities of the structural unit.

In the fifth section "Management of a structural unit" the official in charge of the division is determined, and the main positions are listed for which the employees of the organizational division are collectively responsible for the untimely and independent fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the division, non-compliance with requirements or non-use of granted rights, unreliability of data in the management documentation of the organization.

The responsibility of a division of an organization is determined by the responsibility of its manager and employees, depending on job functions. In practice, the relationships between departments, such as personnel departments, and other structures of the organization are rarely formally established. Many organizations have established these connections. Formal consolidation of the relationships between structural units is a means of preventing conflict situations in them.

Sixth section "Staff of the structural unit" must contain information on the procedure for appointment to positions and dismissal from positions; subordination; educational and qualification requirement to management and employees; rights and responsibilities; responsibility.

For example, the requirements for the head of the personnel service of an executive authority are supposed to indicate that:

  • a person with full higher education relevant professional direction according to the educational and qualification level of a specialist, master and at least five years of experience in personnel work;

The duties of the head of the personnel service of the executive authority should indicate that he:

  • organizes the work of the personnel service and directs it to perform certain tasks and functions;
  • makes proposals to the head of the executive body regarding the appointment and dismissal of personnel service employees, their promotion and disciplinary action;
  • distributes responsibilities among HR employees and monitors their implementation;
  • coordinates and controls the activities of personnel services of subordinate bodies;
  • coordinates the appointment of heads of personnel services of subordinate bodies to positions, initiates their promotion or disciplinary action.

In the last section "Final Provisions" the features of interaction of this unit with other structural units, as well as the features of ensuring its activities should be indicated: the size of the premises, the provision of telephone communications, office equipment, appropriately equipped places for storing documents, as well as legislative and other regulations, reference materials on issues within the competence divisions.

The date of approval of the provision is usually the date it comes into force. If the head of the organization approves the regulation on the personnel service at the end of the calendar month (year), and plans to enter into force from the beginning of the new calendar month (year), it is advisable to place under the approval stamp the corresponding mark on the time the document came into effect.

After approval, one copy of the regulation must be kept by the head of the unit, the second - in the personnel service of the organization.

When reorganizing or changing the structure of an organization or redistributing functions between structural divisions, additions (changes) to the regulations can only be made by order of the head of the organization. When subordination, the name of an organization or its subdivision changes, new regulations on its structural divisions are developed.

The regulations on the structural divisions of organizations whose documents are received in the state archives are stored permanently, and those whose documents are not received in the state archives - until the liquidation of the organization.

The efficiency of personnel services and limiting the growth of their quantitative composition depend on two factors: the transfer of personnel work to a modern information and technical base and the development of management infrastructure that facilitates the implementation of the most complex personnel work.



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