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Peculiarities of behavior of consumer organizations. Classification of end consumers Main categories of buyers: end consumers and organizations

Factors influencing the behavior of end consumers

Cultural factors:

  • culture
  • social status

Social factors:

  • reference groups
  • marital status
  • roles and statuses

Personal factors:

  • age and stages of the family life cycle
  • occupation
  • economic situation
  • lifestyle
  • personality type and self-image

Psychological factors:

  • motivation
  • perception
  • assimilation
  • belief and attitude

Main characteristics and differences of industrial markets

1. In the industrial market there are companies and organizations that are not only sellers or only buyers.

2. Due to the constant functional dependence in goods, spare parts, other material resources and service, industrial market players are in complex interdependence on each other, which significantly narrows the possibilities for choosing and changing suppliers.

3. Due to the much smaller number of buyers in the industrial market compared to the consumer market (there are always fewer wholesale buyers than retail buyers), selling companies consider each specific buyer separately, especially if it is large.

4. Industrial sellers and buyers have high professional skills in the products they are selling or buying, as well as commercial skills.

5. In industrial markets, competitors are not only producers of the same type of goods, as in consumer markets, but all industrial figures operating in a given market - sellers, buyers, banks, the state, etc.

6. Industrial markets are very unstable, especially the PPTN markets.

Market industrial goods differs from the end-consumer market in the following ways:

  • there are fewer buyers on it
  • they are larger
  • more concentrated geographically
  • their demand is determined by the demand of end consumers
  • their demand is usually price inelastic
  • demand can change dramatically
  • buyers are professionals

Key Factors Influencing Manufacturing Buyers

Factors environment:

  • primary demand level
  • economic prospects
  • loan cost
  • conditions of logistics
  • rate of scientific and technological progress
  • political situation
  • government regulation
  • competitors' activities

Factors specific to organizations:

  • organization goals
  • political attitudes
  • working methods
  • organizational structure

Factors interpersonal relationships:

  • powers
  • status
  • ability to persuade

Individual characteristics of representatives:

  • age
  • income level
  • education
  • official position
  • personality type
  • willingness to take risks
Marketing: lecture notes Loginova Elena Yurievna

9. Classification of consumers

9. Classification of consumers

One of the main goals of marketing is to carry out a competent strategy for promoting a product on the market, where it is very important to identify the most significant, large target groups of consumers that differ from each other, but have common intra-group interests (needs, demands).

Five types of consumers are defined:

1. Individual – these are consumers who purchase goods only for their personal needs. For example, single people or citizens living independently.

Personal items include clothing, shoes, personal items (except for purchases as gifts). First of all, these consumers are interested in the consumer qualities of the product: usefulness, price, appearance, packaging, service, guarantees. However, at the moment the market of individual consumers in Russia is relatively narrow.

2. Families or households are a group of purchasers of food and non-food products, excluding personal items. Decisions are made jointly by the spouses or the head of the family.

3. Intermediaries are a type of consumer who purchases goods for subsequent resale. Intermediaries are not interested in the consumer qualities of a product, they are concerned with exchange characteristics - price, demand, profitability, speed of circulation, shelf life, etc. Intermediaries are more professional buyers, unlike families and individual consumers. The demand they present can be both quite broad and quite narrow.

4. Suppliers or representatives of companies, i.e. buyers of goods industrial use. They buy goods for their further use in production, so everything is taken into account: price, quantity, speed of delivery, transportation costs, completeness of the assortment, the company’s reputation in the market, level of service and much more.

5. Officials or government workers. The peculiarity is that when purchasing a particular product, an official does not manage his own money, but government money, and, therefore, this procedure is bureaucratic and formalized. Important criteria when choosing a supplier or manufacturer are reliability, loyalty, honesty, personal connections, etc.

International market also identifies such types of consumers as foreign legal entities and individuals.

There is also traditional classification consumers according to the following criteria.

1. Gender: there are products with a clear gender identity - bras, dresses, electric shavers, smoking pipes, shaving foam, etc. There are male and female models: cigarettes, deodorants, trousers, shirts, etc.

2. Age.

4. Education.

5. Social and professional criterion.

6. Quick response to new information or the appearance of a new product on the market. It is customary to divide consumers into the following groups:

1) “innovators” – consumers who dared to try a new product;

2) “adepts” - followers who make the product fashionable and famous;

3) “progressives” - consumers who ensure mass sales at the stage of product growth;

4) “skeptics” – they connect to demand at the saturation stage;

5) “conservatives” - they show demand when the product becomes “traditional”.

7. Personality type: there are four main ones psychological type– sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic. The practical application of this classification in marketing is quite difficult, since it is difficult to determine a personality type using 10–12 test questions.

8. Lifestyle: analysis of values, relationships, rhythm of life, personal behavior.

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From the book Marketing: Lecture Notes author Loginova Elena Yurievna

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Region A Region C Sector 1

Sector 1 Sector 1

Region B Region D Sector 2

Sector 2 Sector 2

Region B Region E Sector 3

Sector 3 Sector 3

This structure makes it possible to achieve success in implementing a comprehensive and differentiated market policy, to ensure the close dependence of the development processes of new products on the requirements of end consumers of specific markets, and to coordinate the entire market strategy of the enterprise. The regional structure gives advantages to enterprises that carry out extensive sales and production activities abroad.

However, it places special demands on the nature of the goods produced by the company. Products must be homogeneous and satisfy the homogeneous requirements of consumers of various segments in the region (watches, cars, agricultural machinery, universal machines, etc.) or be complementary or interchangeable. Products should not be subject to sudden changes in market conditions and seasonality or be significantly innovative. Most often, these are goods that are in stable demand among large groups of the population and are sold through a wide network of intermediaries covering the entire region with their activities.

The regional structure of building marketing services also has disadvantages:

· decentralization and duplication of a number of marketing management functions;

Difficulty in coordinating products and functions,

dismemberment of product policy by market regions;

· insufficient efficiency for knowledge-intensive products that are largely subject to innovation, as well as for companies with a wide, multi-product range.

Marketing services by consumer group

In modern conditions of a differentiated market, the organizational structure according to consumer groups is of particular importance, which is a kind of marketing management departments for market segments. It makes it possible to focus all the company’s activities on end consumers and, on this basis, implement for each group of them an individual, specialized, comprehensive market policy throughout the entire reproduction process.

This structure is most consistent with the requirements and principles of the marketing concept, since it is aimed at individual service and meeting the requirements for a product by a specific group of consumers. It allows you to implement a comprehensive marketing strategy in each market segment across the entire set of marketing functions, obtain reliable and complete information on the market niche, and provides the opportunity to select the most effective sales channels and methods of stimulating it for each segment. The organizational structure by consumer groups ensures long-term relationships with consumer partners in supply operations and ultimately stabilization of profits.



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