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Prospects for the development of business tourism. Problems and prospects for the development of business tourism

Business tourism and organization of outbound corporate events are fairly new, but already popular destinations in the travel business. Business, in general, based on travel and tourist trips. In Russia, this business is not even 35 years old. The volumes of this market share are steadily growing, and the crisis that has covered other areas of the tourist business has not become a hindrance. So, it's time to make money!

Business tourism (corporate tourism, business trips, business trips)- an area of ​​the tourism industry that provides support, management and organization business trips and business trips for employees of various companies. According to experts, the volume of business trips in Russia has an annual increase of about 6%. And this is against the backdrop of stagnation or a decline in the majority traditional directions travel business.

Suffice it to recall how many major tour operators have closed or gone bankrupt (with subsequent reorganization) over the past few years. Some of them were among the five largest in Russia. All of them worked on "traditional rest". Massively drove Russian tourists to Egypt, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Goa, Thailand and other popular countries, whose names evoke warm memories among compatriots who have been there. And it would seem that the countries did not share anywhere and, also, earn on tourists from all over the world. And tour operators, unlike resorts, no longer operate. The decrease in the volume of vacationers who choose external destinations affected communication - the crisis, the low floating rate of the national currency, and general economic sanctions imposed on Russia.

And here, business tourism, the niche is not new, but quite fresh, shows a stable increase - both in terms of volume and destinations. There are several objective reasons for this.

Firstly, in addition to the obvious - business trips - in this direction, you can add the organization of corporate events and meetings of various levels.

Secondly, in Russia, as in the rest of the civilized world, the so-called bleisure-travel. These are hybrid business trips, where, in addition to the main purpose of a business visit, entertainment and educational activities related to the place of stay are added.

Bleisure travel- a term made up of two English words: business - “business”, leisure - “leisure”. In layman's terms, a person traveling on a business trip allocates or adds a few free days to the trip to see the sights of the city or country where he is on company business.

The latter is very characteristic of millennials, people born after 1981. A generation seeking to expand its horizons of knowledge about the entire world around. They love to travel and learn new things. And here's the opportunity - work with business trips! Many global companies are reviewing their travel policies in connection with the popularization of bleisure travel. And now, for example, by adding a few paid extra days to a business trip, they “reward” for Good work. Although, frankly, the site (as a bright representative of millennials) already sees a reward for work during the business trip itself. Anyone who got on a tour, that is, a business trip, will not be sent.

The most popular days of business trips, which are given for business trips, fall out, as you might guess, at the end working week- Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Because the week ends with the weekend. They are dedicated to travel tourism. Two days, in most cities, is completely enough to get acquainted with the key sights.

Moscow- capital Russian Federation- leader in business tourism. Demand for bleisure travel in non-rubber countries has grown by 17% over the past year. Following, in the TOP business trips, are the cities: St. Petersburg, Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod.

Among foreign destinations, the following popular cities can be distinguished: Almaty(Kazakhstan), Madrid(Spain), Paris(France), Shanghai(China) and Vein(Austria).

Target audience of business travel business

Representatives of various professions go on business trips and business trips, due to their specificity and orientation.

According to research by the Aeroclub business travel agency, most often bleisure trips in Russia are used by representatives of companies operating in the energy, mining and manufacturing industries. They are followed by employees of pharmaceutical companies and organizations dealing with a wide range of goods ( FMCG companies). And among the representatives, the number of trips - business tourism - has more than doubled, and this is only in the last year!

As a rule, the goals pursued by business trips also differ: meetings, events, business contacts, training, and the like.

Concept of business operation on business tourism

In this niche, it is conditionally possible to distinguish three main occupied groups: customers, intermediaries and service providers.

Customers These are clients of travel agencies. Intermediaries— agencies organizing business trips and corporate events. Service providers- companies providing various services in this area. These can be carriers and transfers, restaurants, hotels and all others whose services can be useful during a business trip.

The basic scheme of doing business in this direction is intermediary - the conclusion of corporate contracts with suppliers, with the subsequent provision of their services to customers. In this scheme, the remuneration for the company organizing business tourism is a percentage of the transaction or a service fee. That is, organizations that earn in this niche simplify the work of the personnel department of the enterprise, taking on the organization of business trips with full documentary support. And this is beneficial, especially for those companies where more than a dozen long-distance and international trips of specialists of various levels are planned per year.

At its core, the principle of operation of this business on business trips is similar to the work of all kinds of travel aggregators through which you can “buy” all services. Fast, simple and in one place. The prominent representatives of Travel aggregators are Booking, Ozon.Travel and others. But, despite such large players, there is a huge income field for beginners and small intermediaries on the market.

This is due to the fact that there is still a low level of automation and interaction in Russia. So, for example, most hotels in cities with a population of up to 500 thousand people not only do not use these aggregators, but are not represented on the Internet either. In addition, business tourism has its own specifics, which are very different from travel tourism. Here, for example, transport proximity to the business trip point is important: the hotel where the specialist will live should be located near the enterprise or convenient routes public transport. The convenience of a hotel room can be neglected, since the traveler will only spend the night in it. And in a tourist trip, comfort, the view from the window and proximity to sights or the sea are more important.

Corporate events as a business

In addition to business trips, this niche includes organized trips for a large number of employees, the so-called corporate events.

Corporate events in advanced countries are a separate business industry, despite the fact that they themselves are a component of business tourism. In terms of areas, the organization of corporate events is divided into:

  • meetings- corporate meetings, presentations, negotiations, etc.,
  • incentives- incentive or motivational tours and programs,
  • conferences- conferences, congresses, congresses, forums, etc.,
  • exhibitions- exhibitions, corporate events.

According to research, in Russia, 56.4% of all companies in Russia turn to the services of agencies for organizing corporate events, of which slightly less than half turn to only one agency, about 20% turn to two, and a third turn to three or more at once. service providers. In order to select a more profitable contract.

  • Novikova Irina Nikolaevna, master, senior lecturer
  • Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow

The article is devoted to the actual topic of our time - the development of the tourism service sector. The development of tourism technologies is the leading trend in the dynamics of the world economy, due to the social restructuring of modern society. In the Russian Federation, the economic task of state policy in the field of tourism services- turn tourism into a competitive, innovative, sustainable and highly profitable sector of the national business. The article considers the main methods of risk management in the tourism business.

Prospects for the development of the tourism business are impossible without risk reduction. Yes, travel agencies cannot significantly influence external environment, for example, on the standard of living or on the political situation. But they can adapt to this environment.

To mitigate economic risks, you can use Special offers for a group of clients with lower solvency. For those who want to visit Europe, it can be a tour of the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. Options such as Greece and Montenegro are also possible. Tours to South Africa and Tunisia also remain quite affordable, which can be selected on the most favorable terms. For those wishing to visit Asia, trips to Shanghai (China) or Taiwan are quite inexpensive.

Hedging is used to mitigate currency risks. To mitigate political risks, it is important to keep abreast of the latest news, to study the state of affairs in the countries where vouchers are sold, in order to, if possible, refuse too risky options. It is also necessary to be aware of the latest regulatory legal acts, legislation, both in Russia and in the countries where the company sends tourists.

To minimize the risk of canceling the order, the method of time limits for canceling the tour is used with the establishment of appropriate penalties. .

strategic goal The development of the tourism industry in Russia can be called the creation of a tourism product that is competitive on the world market, capable of satisfying the tourism needs of the country's population as much as possible, ensuring, on this basis, the integrated development of territories and their socio-economic interests while maintaining ecological balance and historical and cultural state environment. .

Very important for the development of tourism in Russia and the successful operation of travel agencies such as Pay-Fly LLC is the creation of package tours within the country. Tourists like to travel in an organized way: in groups, with arrival and accommodation, an excursion program. Such trips are much more economical for tourists. Therefore, it is important to create tours to Elbrus, the Valley of Geysers, Kizhi Island, Lake Baikal, the city of Suzdal, etc. . Beach tourism should also be established. After all, if a client comes to a travel agency and asks where he can relax on the beach, he is offered to go abroad, while in Russia there are places like Sochi and Crimea, but the tourist routes there have not yet been sufficiently developed.

It should be noted that the World Tourism Organization predicts an increase in the market share in inbound tourism in Russia from 1.9% to 2.9% by 2020. The number of international trips is predicted at 47.1 million. But for such growth, it is necessary to create conditions for the development of tourism in Russia as a highly profitable sector of the economy, which will contribute to the successful reform of the entire economic system Russia.

The gradual increase in the number of employees, the provision of a higher income per family member, the increase in the duration of paid leave and the flexibility of working hours will gradually expand the segments tourism market(such as leisure and holiday travel, visits to theme parks and cultural events, business trips, short trips and weekend itineraries, etc.). .

One of critical factors that influences the development of both domestic and international tourism is the well-being of the population. The annual increase in the incomes of Russian citizens will lead to more intensive tourism activities and, in particular, to an increase in the number of consumers with high incomes. In the future, the population of Russia will be characterized as having an improved quality of life. Leisure, travel, art, culture will become the main elements that will fill a person's free time. .

The tourism infrastructure in Russia needs to be improved. It is necessary to implement the current legislative norms in terms of creating conditions in places of active recreation and tourism for unimpeded access to communication facilities, as well as for insuring the risks associated with the passage by tourists and sightseers of high-risk routes.

Nevertheless, Russia has a developed transport network, has significant natural and recreational, historical and cultural resources, and is inhabited by hardworking and hospitable people. It is possible to ensure the proper return from this powerful potential, to use it in the interests of active recreation and health improvement, only under the condition of a clear organization of tourism activities, strengthening the existing and creating a new material and technical base, attracting experienced and qualified personnel. .

Thus, the development of tourism implies the need for active state support, the creation of appropriate infrastructure, the growth of the standard of living of the population. In Russia, an effective direction for the development of tourism is domestic tourism using package tours, where the client can receive all the necessary services on a tour. .

Thus, the risk in tourism is the probability of losses or losses incurred by the client of the travel agency or the travel agency itself due to external and internal reasons. Risks in tourism according to the nature of origin can be divided into economic, financial, social, political, environmental, legal, intra-company.

Risk management consists mainly in identifying risks, analyzing and evaluating them, and, most importantly, making certain management decisions based on the analysis that will reduce or even nullify some tourism risks. The main methods of risk management in tourism are the establishment of time limits tour cancellations and insurance.

The Moscow company “Pay-Fly”, chosen as an example, contributes to Russia's GDP by selling vouchers as a travel agent. Nevertheless, it is impossible not to recognize the fact that tourism abroad is becoming less and less in demand. This is confirmed by the data on the results of the company's activities for 2014, when there was a sharp decrease in the number of tickets sold by 50.78% and a drop in the cost of tickets sold from 173.25 to 93.59 million rubles.

As can be seen from the example of Pay-Fly LLC, travel agents are very exposed to external risks, especially political, legal, economic and environmental ones. At the same time, we should not forget about internal risks, where the risk of canceling orders and bankruptcy is quite high. All these statements are especially vividly confirmed by the latest events related to the closure of Turkey and Egypt for Russian citizens.

The development of tourism implies the need for active state support, the creation of appropriate infrastructure, and an increase in the standard of living of the population. In Russia, an effective direction for the development of tourism is domestic tourism using package tours, where the client can receive all the necessary services on a tour.


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Elizarov Alexey REU them. G.V. Plekhanov
Regional Economics and Management: electronic scientific journal, No. 3, 2013

The importance of international tourism for the development of the economy, culture and social sphere hard to overestimate. About 30 industries are directly or indirectly connected with it, it accounts for 8% of world exports, more than 31% of the world market for services, 100 million jobs (each of ten jobs in the world). Approximately 35 million people go abroad annually. Tourism revenues exceed one trillion dollars a year. The world income from tourism for 2011 is 1.3 trillion. dollars It should be noted that since 1998, having come out on top in the world export of services, tourism firmly holds it.

In 2010, the flow of tourists traveling abroad amounted to 940 million people. The global tourism market in 2011 reached $40 trillion (2.5% of global GDP). The stalled economic recovery and the emergence of new financial and budgetary problems have brought growing instability to the tourism market. However, the trends of recent months reassure us that international tourism continued, albeit at a slower pace, to grow in 2012, creating the export opportunities and jobs needed by many countries around the world.

Business travel accounts for one-third of the growth in global trade in recent decades, improving global corporate productivity tenfold and creating millions of jobs worldwide. In line with this, a special study by Oxford University economists on behalf of the WTTC (initiated in May 2011) found that:

  • The growth in business travel since 2000 has contributed to the creation of more than 40 million jobs, accounting for 20% of global employment growth.
  • If business travel is reduced by 25% for two consecutive years, global GDP will be 5% lower, resulting in 30 million fewer jobs, an average loss of 1% of global employment.
  • Business travel improves corporate productivity with a 10:1 return on investment.
  • Business tourism is an integral part of international trade and it is estimated that one third of world trade in recent decades has been driven by international business travel.

According to WTO experts, the share of business tourism in the world is 20%. Business tourism is one of the most cost-effective types of tourism in the world. Thus, about 50% of airline revenues, approximately 60% of hotel revenues, and more than 70% of car rental companies' revenues are generated by serving this particular category of tourists. Another feature of this sector is the growing demand for combined programs that combine 3-4 days of work and 1-3 days of incentive rest. Business travelers are effective clients for hotels and travel agencies. 55-60% of hotel rooms worldwide are booked by businessmen and company managers. Daily expenses of delegates of various business meetings, congresses, symposiums, etc. exceed $345, and an average tourist spends $100-200 per day on average.

In 2010, almost half of international tourists (51% or 480 million arrivals) traveled for leisure, recreation and celebration. Approximately 15% of international tourists traveled for business and professional purposes. 27% of trips were for purposes such as visiting friends and relatives (VFR), religious reasons and pilgrimage, health, medical treatment, etc. The purpose of the visit by the remaining 7% was not indicated.

The analysis shows that over the past few years, the demand for services in the corporate and incentive tours industry has been growing all over the world. Company leaders widely use different types of training, encouragement and stimulation of their employees or partners. With the crisis, the situation has changed somewhat. On the one hand, companies began to use their budgets more economically, but, on the other hand, it became clear that large firms would not refuse business trips abroad. At present, the need for business tourism has increased significantly, because. companies need business meetings to conclude agreements, conferences and congresses to exchange views on the state of affairs in the market, search for new opportunities.

In 2009, research company Oxford Economics for the first time established the relationship between business tourism and business growth: every US dollar invested in business travel creates an additional value of 3.8 US dollars (thus showing the business travel tourism multiplier). Almost 40% of companies confirmed that the reduction in business travel had a negative impact on their results of operations: 11% decreased sales volumes, 12% decreased the effectiveness of intra-company communications, 10% - the number of internal effective business initiatives, 8% was the loss of customer loyalty. The above studies indicate the prospects for the development of the business tourism market as a necessary component of business success.

Table 1 shows the correlation and causal statistics of business travel and international trade for a sample of advanced and emerging economies:

  • The level of mutual influence is extremely high, which causes an increase in business travel and international trade. A high degree of probability is revealed that trade leads to an increase in business travel.
  • Approximately one third of the growth in international trade over the past decades can be attributed to business travel.
  • One extra dollar invested in international business travel generates an average of $17 in trade.
  • A 10% increase in international business travel would lead to an average 3% increase in world trade.
  • Modeling shows that causality works both ways, but trade has a more direct impact on tourism business activity. In addition to this, the data show that there is a gap in the impact of business travel on trade of about three years to reach the full effect. The inverse relationship has shorter delays.

Table 1. Trade & Business Travel by country


Inbound business travel vs imports

Outbound business travel vs exports

Causality (% confidence)

Causality (% confidence)

Travel causes

trade causes

Travel causes

trade causes

Business travel is a component of international trade in services, so statistics are reduced to trade in goods to eliminate the direct link and focus on causation. It should also be noted that a strong correlation does not necessarily mean true causation.

About 100 million business trips take place in the world every year. Europe is the world leader in terms of the number of business visits. The most common trips to conferences, congresses, exhibitions. Analysis of statistical data shows that in Europe the leading countries of business tourism are Germany, Spain, France and Italy, in Asia - Thailand, Turkey, Singapore, Indonesia and China, as well as the USA and Canada. Among European countries, the UK, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and Belgium are also actively accepting business tourists. Every tenth arrival to Belgium and France is carried out for business purposes, to the UK - every third. In Russia, one of the leading centers for the development of business tourism is Moscow.

Germany forms the largest outbound flow of business tourists in Europe: more than 5 million business trips, of which 3% - abroad, 21% - abroad and within the country, 76% - only in Germany. The average duration of a business trip to countries located on another continent is 12 - 13 days, within the region - 5 - 6 days, in Germany - 3-4 days. Germany is visited by thousands of business people every month: manufacturers and sellers of textiles, carpets, building materials, furniture, cosmetics, confectionery, hospital equipment, etc. They attend specialized events in Cologne, Frankfurt am Main, Munich, Stuttgart, Dresden and other German cities (most of them in January), get acquainted with world achievements in these industries, acquire new products, establish business contacts.

Second after Germany, you can call Spain. The tourist season in Spain starts in May and ends in October, so business trips take place mainly from October to April.

In the UK, the business travel market is growing steadily at a rapid pace. So, in 2002, its volume amounted to 3.5 billion pounds, which is equivalent to 33% of all expenses of foreign visitors to the UK. In 2005, 6.8 million business tourists were already registered. On average, they each stayed in the UK for 4 days and spent £528.

It should be noted that the powerful business centers of Europe are France and Italy. In the French cities of Paris, Lyon, Cannes, Toulouse, in the Italian Milan, Verona, Naples, specialized exhibitions and congresses on construction and medical equipment, various conferences and forums in the electronics industry, as well as the world's largest exhibitions of fashionable and branded clothing, textiles, exclusive goods, food. Annually, more than 200 business events are held here, 22 congress centers equipped for variety of business meetings.

Approximately 65 thousand travelers come to the Malta archipelago to participate in corporate meetings, seminars and conferences. Malta receives more than 1.2 million visitors annually. According to the Malta Tourism Association (MAT), the number of foreign participants in corporate meetings exceeds the number of delegates held in Malta for congresses and conferences. This Mediterranean country fully meets the European standards of the hospitality industry with its characteristic high level of service, which is why it is popular with businessmen from Germany, Great Britain, France, and Italy. Regarding Russia and some CIS countries, Malta has a simplified visa regime. After the stabilization of the national economies, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe occupy a certain share in the business tourism market, which, according to WTO forecasts, will grow.

Significant flows of business people are sent to the US, Canada and Mexico, which are leaders in almost all segments of the tourism market in the Western Hemisphere. Every eighth trip to the Americas is for business purposes. In Latin America, with the development of the economy, the expansion and strengthening of business ties, many countries have strengthened their positions in the business tourism market, especially Paraguay, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.

Southeast Asia is also seeing an increase in business travel, with one in five trips being business trips, with a third of them going to Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan.

In Africa, the Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe have recently experienced strong growth in business tourism. In terms of arrivals, Egypt, South Africa and Morocco were in the lead. In the Middle East, the main flows of people went to oil-producing countries (for example, Saudi Arabia etc.), as well as Israel and Jordan.

However, in Africa and the Middle East, business tourism develops unevenly, which depends mainly on the political situation in the region. In the past few years, the political situation in the Middle East has been aggravated, which leads to a decline in all types of tourism, including business. Therefore, there are certain difficulties in predicting the prospects for its development in these regions. The largest share in business tourism is business trips, but no less important segment is incentive tours. At present, in the UK, incentive tours account for 40% of the total costs of enterprises to stimulate employees, and in France and Germany, almost 50%. The duration of such trips is 3-7 days, the average cost by European standards is 1000 US dollars.

According to Luxury Travel magazine, in Europe the number of business trips with family has increased by 30% in the last 5 years. As a rule, a group of colleagues travels to congresses and exhibitions (on average from 5 to 8 people), and excursion, social and cultural programs are based on the schedule of business events and free time, as well as on the wishes of customers. Approximately 1 in 5 international business travelers (or 1% of the total number of international tourists) travel to attend congresses and conferences. The overwhelming form of travel in the event tourism market is group tourism (more than 10 tourists), which accounts for over 60% of all trips. About 30% of incentive trips are carried out in small groups - 2-5 people. And 10% falls on individual "award" trips, in which the recipient travels with his family or friends. In our opinion, this structure will not fundamentally change in the coming years. As before, individual business trips for the purpose of negotiations, concluding contracts, etc. will prevail. At the same time, incentive tourism, as well as exhibition tourism, will develop rapidly.

In our opinion, this structure will not fundamentally change in the coming years. As before, individual business trips for the purpose of negotiations, concluding contracts, etc. will prevail. At the same time, incentive tourism, as well as exhibition tourism, will develop rapidly.

In general, incentive tourism and congress and exhibition tourism are developing most dynamically in the structure of business tourism.

In incentive tourism, about 80% of trips are to Europe, 10% to the USA, 6% to the countries of Southeast Asia, 4% to other regions. The rating of incentive tourism destinations in Europe is headed by France (Paris, Strasbourg), Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Cyprus, the USA (New York, Florida, West Coast), as well as the Caribbean islands. Mexico, Great Britain, Asia and the Pacific are considered the best destinations for incentive tours from the USA.

According to the European Association of Incentive Tourism SITE, among the main supplier countries for a long time the USA (about 60%), Great Britain (20%), Germany (11%) are in the lead. Recently, the number of incentive visitors from Japan has increased. The popularity of incentive tours in the United States is evidenced by the outpacing growth in the costs of American companies for incentive tourism compared to the costs of material incentives for employees. In the UK, they account for 2/5 of the total amount of expenses of firms for the remuneration of their employees, in France and Germany - almost half. The cost of incentive tours varies from 500 to 1500 US dollars per person and above, and the duration is from three to seven days.

According to statistical data, the situation in terms of rating by 2011 in relation to countries has not changed. It should also be noted that in almost all countries there was an almost twofold increase in the number of events, which did not take place in cities. In some cities there have been changes in positions. So Hong Kong moved from 5th to 22nd place, Singapore from 2nd to 5th. The second place went to Paris, which had not previously been in the top five. Russia is in 40th place out of 97 in the ranking, Moscow is 78th, St. Petersburg is 82nd. In the European ranking, the Russian Federation is 22nd, Moscow is 40th, St. Petersburg is 44th.

The study allows us to conclude that there is an upward trend in the share of business tourism in the structure of income from international tourism. It does this direction attractive for the development of various forms of primary and secondary business in the global tourism services market. On the other hand, the concept of innovative development of the world economy based on globalization, integration and cooperation creates favorable conditions for Russia's participation in the international tourism movement, the development of new tourist destinations, the domestic tourism market, which will eventually stimulate the growth of macroeconomic indicators of the country's development. A corresponding increase in the number of tourists will significantly increase the percentage of export revenues to the state budget of our country. For example, in the budgets of Spain and Austria, tourism revenues in total export earnings account for 60 and 40 percent, respectively.

Today, Russia ranks sixth in the world in the field of MICE, according to the results of a study by Euromonitor International for the international travel exhibition World Travel Market in London. Thus, in 2011, according to Euromonitor, about 2 million guests from abroad visited various business events that were held in Russia. China is the world's number one MICE host country, hosting about 7.9 million guests in 2011. In second place is France (about 5 million), in third - Italy (about 3.5 million). Germany, Spain, Turkey, Malaysia, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom also entered the Top 10 countries for the business tourism sector.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that at the present stage of development of business tourism, the formation of a complex of tourist services is most in demand in the field of incentive tourism. Incentive tourism is completely based on unique complexes of tourist services proposed and modified by the tour operator in accordance with the requirements of customers.

The prerequisites for the sustainable development of international tourism is also the understanding that tourism today is more than just travel; it has become an urgent need of mankind, since it is able to solve one of the global needs of our time - the problem of effective time management, opening up opportunities to simultaneously and effectively implement two functions - social (health, spiritual and humanitarian) and professional and business (concluding agreements, holding meetings , solving the strategic tasks of the company, etc.). Actually, this explains the growth in the share of business tourism in the total volume of tourism services provided (according to the World tourism organization almost doubled in the last five years). Therefore, the issues of studying the features of the development of business tourism as one of the most promising areas of international tourism is relevant and timely, in demand at the national level.


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  13. Kazantseva V. The Russian business tourism market is the sixth in the world. – M.: RIA. Tourism. – 2012. - 24 Aug.

The segment of the business tourism market is of great importance. Sixty percent of the world's tourism turnover is accounted for by business tourism. From 55% to 60% of places in hotels around the world are filled just due to business trips. This dynamic market generates 720 million business trips and nearly $819 billion in financial turnover each year. In the structure of world business tourism, individual business trips prevail (70.8%). Approximately in equal shares - trips to conferences and seminars (12.6%) and visits to exhibitions (10.9%). Congress tours and incentive tourism account for approximately 3% each. In the global tourist flow, the share of business tourists is approximately 20-25%. There is a growing interest in forums, conferences, symposiums, meetings, seminars, as well as exhibitions and fairs in the world.

Despite the continued growth in popularity of the Asia-Pacific destination, the bulk of the congress tourism market falls on Europe (80%), where the best professional staff are concentrated, there is a rich tradition of holding these events. If in the 30s. 20th century 200 international conferences were held annually, in 2010 the number of congresses exceeded 9 thousand per year. Most of them (about 80%) are in the countries of Western Europe and North America. The first three positions in terms of the number of international symposiums and meetings are firmly held by the USA, France and Great Britain. Germany, ranked 4th, is known for its exhibitions and fairs. Their popularity is explained by favorable conditions in many industries of this country, increased demand for investment goods and developed infrastructure. So, every year in Düsseldorf, which is considered one of the centers of world fashion, clothing fair exhibitions are held. Couturiers come here from different countries. In addition, the Berlin International Film Festival is held annually in Berlin - the largest event in Germany and one of the most important in Europe, which is attended by thousands of famous film artists from different countries.

The largest centers of congress and exhibition activities in Europe and America are: Amsterdam, Barcelona, ​​Brussels, Washington, Vienna, Geneva, Copenhagen, London, Madrid, as well as Paris and Strasbourg. In addition, government and business officials annually gather in Davos (Switzerland), where forums on topical issues development of the world economy. These cities have an appropriate material and technical base and have wide opportunities for the organization of leisure of foreign guests.

Congresses and conferences are held in congress centers, hotels, theaters and concert halls, universities and other educational institutions. In the 1980s, when there was a tendency for congress and exhibition activities to converge, the American model of the convention center arose and spread. It is a specially erected buildings, consisting of large halls that can be used for exhibitions and at the same time for receiving conference participants.

In recent years, international events have increasingly taken place in buildings of historical significance, such as castles and non-traditional buildings. Events held on board ships are popular. Often symposiums and conferences are held in warm weather on the shores of seas and lakes. Participants of such events can not only work, but also relax on the beach, swim and sunbathe in their free time. In addition to organizing and holding conferences and seminars, congress tourism includes the reception of delegations, working groups, professional and other visitors, as well as the provision of a wide range of additional services for meals, accommodation, and the organization of a cultural program. In this vein, it is necessary to approach the selection of accommodation facilities for organizing congresses and conferences. The first and main requirement imposed by the organizers on the hotel is the capacity of the number of rooms, that is, the capacity is sufficient for all the representatives gathered for the congress to live in one hotel. This seemingly simple condition becomes an insurmountable obstacle for many hotels. Sometimes a group of congress participants can be a thousand or more people. Considering other bookings, as well as the fact that business guests prefer single occupancy, it can be said that the list of hotels that meet the requirements is becoming extremely small.

The international tourist exchange in Milan is known far beyond the borders of Italy. In terms of the number of exhibitors, it competes with the Madrid and London Stock Exchanges, and in terms of stand space it is second only to the Berlin Fair. Representatives of the tourism business from all over the world come to the Milan Stock Exchange.

The Moscow International Exhibition "Travel and Tourism" (MITT) has recently entered the top five largest tourist fairs.

The congress tourism demand sector is divided as follows: in 55% of cases, congresses are initiated by companies and enterprises, in 45% of cases - by associations, federations and public organizations. By sectors of the economy and industry, the main customers are the pharmaceutical and automotive industries, financial, insurance, and computer structures. The average duration of congresses is 2 days, which, taking into account the road and the cultural program, increases the stay of tourists in the country or city up to 4-5 days. Statistics show that in recent years the organizers of congress tourism are faced with a decrease in the number of participants, while at the same time increasing the average length of stay.

The exhibition movement is gaining momentum all over the world. The number of exhibitions and fairs is increasing, their geography and circle of participants are expanding, and the focus is becoming more diverse. Currently, specialized exhibitions of the hotel and restaurant industry, sports, ecological, educational, health-improving and congress tourism, fairs of tourist and sports equipment, etc. are being held. In a short time, this segment of the tourist market has become one of the largest and most stable.

The number of trips of Russian tourists abroad in 2016 amounted to 31.7 million, which is 7.9% lower than in the previous year, but the rate of decline in tourist flow has slowed down. This is stated in the message of Rosstat.

Table 2.

Turkey and Egypt lost the most Russian tourists in 2016. Turkey in 2015 ranked second, hosting 3.46 million Russians. In 2016, she was in 11th place, the number of Russians who arrived decreased by almost 77%. According to the results of the first half of the year, the country occupied only 22nd place with a result of 168,000 tourists (then the decrease was 88%), that is, in the second half of the year, when the direction was opened for charters at the end of August, almost 630,000 Russians came to Turkey. The flow of tourists to Poland, Germany, Finland, and Lithuania also decreased.

The largest increase in the number of tourists went to Cyprus (+47.8%), China (+30.5%), Bulgaria (+29.5%), Thailand (+28.4%), Greece (+23.3%) . In Spain and Georgia, the increase was almost 14%, in Abkhazia - 11%, Italy - 7%

The business travel industry generates at least four times as much money for major cities as does any other mass events. As already noted, in 2010 the size of the "business tourism" market in Russia amounted to 13 billion dollars. But this figure is very approximate due to the lack of data on specific components of the business tourism industry in Russia.

It is rather difficult to accurately estimate the percentage of business and non-business trips of our fellow citizens, since statistics do not actually track business trips of Russians within the country, and the vast majority of domestic business travelers travel abroad on ordinary tourist visas. Nevertheless, it can be argued that every year business tourism covers more and more residents of Russia.

Chapter Conclusions

Business tourism is today one of the most profitable and dynamically developing sectors of the world economy, and business travel is an integral part of the booming tourism industry. This industry has been intensively developing in the global tourism space over the past three decades, and the income from it is high. specific gravity in the structure of income from international tourism; in a number of countries they play a prominent or even in some cases a leading role in the state budget.

In recent years, the business tourism market has been rapidly developing both abroad and in Russia. Business tourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors of the world economy, playing a significant role in the development of many countries. Business life proceeds successfully only where there are appropriate conditions for this. One of the trends in business tourism is the formation of specializations of travel companies in various types of tourism, and, in particular, the emergence of firms engaged in business trips and holding exhibitions, seminars and conferences abroad, as well as firms that specialize in incentive programs. As for Russia, business tourism is just beginning to develop here. If we talk about outbound business tourism, there is an increase in the number of business trips, active participation in international exhibitions and a clear awareness of the usefulness and necessity of incentive programs. However, the infrastructure necessary for the successful development of this industry is not yet very well developed; business tourism places high demands on the professionalism of its employees.

In general, business tourism is one of the promising and rapidly developing areas of the modern world economy. High rates of development are determined, first of all, by the globalization of the world economy and the “blurring of borders”. Entrepreneurs are increasingly looking for and finding business partners abroad. But, going on a "journey", they want not just to visit an exhibition, seminar, conference - they go for new opportunities for their business.

In Russia, “business tourism” means the same thing as all over the world, namely: business trips, meetings with partners, participation or visits to exhibitions, training, participation in congresses, seminars and conferences. Russian and foreign companies understand this term in the same way, especially since recently the integration of operators specializing in such programs has been increasing.

The business tourism market in Russia is just beginning to develop - 80% of events are related to the organization of business trips (issuance of visas, tickets, hotels) and only 20% to MICE events.

According to WTO statistics, the volume of sales of business tourism services in Russia is distributed as follows: individual business tours account for 45% of sales of business tours, participation in exhibitions - 40%, participation in conferences - 10%, intensive tours - 5%. (Fig. 3) .

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Business tourism has grown significantly and steadily over the past years. It is no coincidence that progressive countries pay close attention to it. For the Russian economy, this type of tourism is fundamentally important, so its share will steadily increase.

According to foreign experts, by 2020 the number of international business trips will increase three times - from 564 million to 1.6 billion per year. At the same time, the turnover of this sector will increase 5 times - from 400 billion US dollars to 2.0 trillion.

As for the profitability of business tourism, according to a report released by ABARUS Market Research, one business tourist on average spends three times more than an ordinary tourist heading for a beach holiday, and 11 times more than active tourists traveling the world with backpacks. The average non-business foreign tourist spends in our country on a hotel, restaurants, souvenirs, museums, etc. about $150 a day. European or American who came to the conference - about 350-500 dollars a day. It is receipts from foreign guests that now account for two-thirds of the Russian business tourism market.

Domestic business tourism has great potential. According to some estimates, the number of people traveling in Russia for business purposes is up to half of all travelers. We can also conclude that individual business trips are still less developed here than abroad, which is probably due to the high cost of the tour. In addition, in Russia, a package of services is formed according to the client's order strictly individually; certain components may be absent in them, for example, accommodation, which can be provided by a foreign partner.

According to experts, the organization of business trips is in demand in connection with the current activities of any company. While MICE events are held by companies once a year, this is mainly due to the desire to organize a team building, rebrand the company, or introduce New Product To the market.

Another problem is that few Russian companies can afford expensive corporate travel. Basically, one-time business trips are organized to the countries where the main partners of the company work.

The business travel industry generates at least four times as much money for major cities as does any other mass events. According to expert estimates - $ 1.5 billion is the annual volume of the "business tourism" market in Russia. But this figure is very approximate due to the lack of data on specific components of the business tourism industry in Russia.

It is rather difficult to accurately estimate the percentage of business and non-business trips of our fellow citizens, since statistics do not actually track business trips of Russians within the country, and the vast majority of domestic business travelers travel abroad on ordinary tourist visas. Nevertheless, it can be argued that every year business tourism covers more and more residents of Russia.

In our country, according to experts, the picture is somewhat different. The popularity of trips to exhibitions is very high, and, for example, the share of "pure" incentives is almost zero. At the same time, if in the world tour-flow the share of business-tourists is 25-30%, then in Russia it is less than 20%. At the same time, a completely different distribution is demonstrated by Moscow and St. Petersburg, where the share of businessmen in the entry flow approaches 60%.

Business tourism in Russia has a well-defined regional specificity. The main share of business trips and events falls on the two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg - and some major industrial and economic centers of the Urals, Siberia and central Russia. This is due to the absence in the rest of Russia of the minimum necessary infrastructure for organizing business events and low business activity in many regions of Russia.

In recent years, certain steps have been taken in creating the infrastructure for inbound business tourism in our country - numerous business hotels and business centers are being built in Moscow and regional centers, congress bureaus and exhibition organizations, the calendar of congresses, forums and other business events is expanding. This trend is easily explained - in recent years, business tourism has become one of the most highly profitable sectors of the global tourism industry.

The situation in the regions is much worse. The tourist infrastructure of Central Russia has practically fallen into disrepair. The Far East, the Urals, Transcaucasia survive only due to inbound tourism, attracted by the so-called "Russian exotic". Price transport services also cannot compete. In the field of telecommunications and communications, the regions are far from in the best position: you may encounter such problems as the lack of a suitable hall for the event, the availability of computers, the organization of the Internet and mobile communications.

Consequently, the main problem in the sphere of Russian business tourism is the underdevelopment of the market for specialized business services. Outside the two capitals, there are practically no opportunities for organizing full-fledged business tours, there are few business hotels, and there is no proper infrastructure.

Another Russian problem is airports, most of which are not adapted to receive business delegations and quickly pass through control upon departure.

Thus, even the capitals have not yet reached the level of business service that would allow for the proper reception of foreign to corporative clients. Thus, Fortune magazine placed Moscow and St. Petersburg only at the end of the third ten among 35 business cities in Europe, although in both our capitals, in comparison with other Russian cities, business tourism is developing very well and brings significant income. For example, the share of business tourists in the total volume of arrivals in St. Petersburg (67.5%) is much higher than the number of those who visit the city for other purposes (treatment - 1.7%, recreation - 20.3%, other - 11.5 %). In Moscow, the share of business tourists in the total volume of visitors is 20%, but these 20% account for 60% of all expenses of guests of the capital. Of the centers of business tourism in Russia, except for Moscow and St. Petersburg, one can note Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Vladivostok, but in general they are rather an exception on the almost white map of Russian business tourism.

According to the results of 2006, ICCA (International Congress and Convention Association - International Association of Congresses and Congresses) put Russia in 42nd place in terms of the number of congresses. Among the cities of the world, Moscow got 63rd place, and St. Petersburg - 100th.

As for the main directions of business tourism in Russia, this is primarily Europe and America, although recently the attention of domestic businessmen has been increasingly attracted to the Asia-Pacific region, where many states are experiencing an economic upsurge and consider Russia as a very interesting market.

According to the results of statistics for 9 months of 2008, the number of Russians who went abroad amounted to 1493313 people. This is evidenced by the data Federal Service state statistics(Rosstat). Compared to 2007, this figure has decreased by 6%. This allows us to say that the decline in the rate of departure of Russian tourists to foreign countries is directly related to the rapidly growing popularity of recreation in Russia. Also, there is no risk of visa refusals, no language barrier, no currency conversion, and in general there was an interest in one's own country.

This trend is not accidental, as the investment attractiveness of our country is growing, its activity in the development of the MICE industry (business forums, conferences, incentives and events).

The most visited, according to Rosstat, were China, Finland, Germany and Turkey. The first place was occupied by China, pushing Finland, the invariable leader in recent years, to the second place. China in the first nine months of 2008 was visited by 403,264 thousand Russian tourists, although in the same period last year there were just over 350,568 thousand, that is, an increase of more than 15%. Finland during this time was visited by 187,698 thousand (last year - 211,833 thousand). Germany, which is currently in third place, has almost 750,000 (last year it was 119,606,000). In fourth place is Turkey, which was visited by 51,884 thousand Russians. Then comes France, where 38,547 thousand Russians visited in the first nine months of 2008, which is 9% less than in the same period last year (see Annex 2) .


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The main problems of outbound tourism that hinder its development are:

  • the overall high cost of travel;
  • the complexity of visa processing;
  • · lack of cheap charter flights for group trips for 3-5 days.

During nine months of 2008, 3,110,844 foreign citizens came to Russia. It should be noted that in comparison with the statistics of 2007 for 9 months this figure increased by 32%.

The largest flow of foreign tourists who entered Russia for business purposes out of the total flow for business purposes: Finland (13%), China (5%), Germany (4%), Turkey (3%), UK (2%), USA ( 2%), France (1%) (see Annex 1) .

Rice. 6 Entry of foreign citizens into the Russian Federation

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If we talk about inbound tourism, then its development is hindered by:

  • high prices for office space, hotels, transport. The price-quality ratio leaves much to be desired;
  • · quality of services (availability of constant access to the Internet, well-equipped business centers);
  • queues for passage through passport control at airports;
  • traffic jams;
  • the image of Russia as a whole. The country is still considered criminal;
  • · the lack of brochures on the business infrastructure of the city, the MICE industry at world tourism exhibitions;
  • lack of statistics.

Recently in Russia there has been an interest in all subspecies of business tourism. For example, if earlier the attention of Russian business was riveted only to large-scale widely advertised international industry exhibitions, today it is directed to forums with very narrow topics.

Interest in visiting Russian domestic exhibitions is slowly growing, and the number of congresses in the country is also increasing. They gather a lot of specialists from abroad and Russia. At the same time, there are branches and representative offices of hundreds of foreign trading companies, airlines, banks, communication companies in the country, to which new employees or partners come from other cities.

The Russian congress tourism market today is a developing, unsaturated market, where competition is still not strong enough due to the small number of its participants - companies offering services for organizing meetings and conferences of international level. For companies, this is a promising line of business. Another factor in the growing demand for these services is that the Russian economy is on the path of sustainable development, which in turn initiates the business activity of various business sectors and public organizations within the country, and also attracts the attention of foreign corporations and companies to Russian markets and its participants in terms of partnership and investment.

It should be noted that congress tourism is a rather difficult type of business, and Russian companies it is necessary to accumulate experience in advanced technologies for organizing high-level events and expand the range of high-quality services corresponding to international standards to provide the entire cycle of servicing the event - from pre-conference preparation to post-event service - and fully meet the needs of a demanding and experienced client audience, which, of course, are the initiators of conferences, including foreign ones. Only if these conditions are met, companies will be able to function effectively and compete in this market.

Business trips are increasingly becoming an incentive measure for employees, that is, not solving some business problems, but rewarding employees with travel is at the forefront. Well, one more motive - purely image. By sending an unnecessarily employee to another city or country, large suppliers try to impress future dealers.

If in the West this subspecies of business tourism is developing dynamically, without jumps, then in Russia we can talk about a sharp surge of interest in it in the last two years. An increasing number of companies choose to travel to their native nature or abroad for outdoor activities combined with work or study. The main customers of incentive programs are domestic companies: banks, construction, computer, food and pharmaceutical holdings, trading houses, and not representative offices foreign companies like it was in the early 90s. The excursion and entertainment part of incentive tours is becoming more and more saturated, and the geography is becoming more and more extensive. In the proposals you can find anything: from banal excursion programs and recreation in boarding houses near Moscow to a jeep - safari on Russian off-road, photo hunting for lions in the jungle. By the way, the budgets of incentive tours in Russia are quite impressive: they range from 600 to 8000 euros per person.

According to experts' forecasts, soon in Russia, as well as in the West, short-term incentive trips will begin to prevail, moreover, with an ecological bias. That is, businessmen will give preference to new directions where they can combine two types of tourism in one: adventure with business.

Business tourism has long been recognized by the entire civilized world as a promising and profitable business. In all developed countries for many years there have been associations of business tourism, specialized publications, training centers, exhibitions of this business area are held. In Russia, business tourism as a business exists relatively recently - we are talking only about the last decade, when, after the collapse of the USSR, Intourist and Sputnik lost their monopoly on organizing trips abroad and were replaced by commercial structures. Accordingly, only in recent years, organizations have appeared in the country that promote the development of business tourism. So, only in January 2000, the Business Tourism Association was established. The very idea of ​​creating such an association arose in the mid-1990s, and many entrepreneurs actively supported it, but the 1998 default pushed this task into the background. However, with the revival of the Russian economy, the number of business trips grew, which ultimately led to the creation of this organization. Its main goal is the development of business tourism in Russia, and, first of all, the creation of a modern infrastructure for the industry. It is she who will eventually increase the volume and quality of services in the business tourism market. In addition, the tasks of the Business Tourism Association include protection of the interests of the members of the association, their consulting, marketing and legal support, assistance in attracting investments, analysis of the business tourism market, its legislative and practical framework. The circle of members of the association - there are about 40 of them - is diverse: travel agencies, hotels, cruise, insurance, air and railway companies, legal, consulting and security firms, congress centers, resorts, banks, educational establishments, MASS MEDIA. And most importantly: large corporations are consumers of the industry's services, i.e. everyone who, one way or another, is involved in the field of business tourism.

In addition, in order to promote the development of business domestic and outbound tourism, as well as to expand the market for services in the field of receiving foreign business people in the Russian Federation within the framework of Russian Union Tourism Industry (PCT) On April 24, 2002, the Committee for Business Tourism (RATADELTUR) was also established. Among the many tasks that it sets for itself, one should especially note the dissemination of information about the most important events in the field of international and Russian tourism and assistance in establishing links between Russian business tourism enterprises and their foreign partners.

There are also international associations that unite companies and organizations involved in business tourism. For example, the International Association of Congress Industry Enterprises (ICCA) headquartered in Amsterdam, which includes about 700 organizations from 76 countries, including five Russian representatives - two from Moscow and three from St. Petersburg.

However, despite the help of states and various associations, the business tourism market is still in its infancy. It is very dependent on the state of the economy and business activity, especially in Russia. Marketing forecasts show that in our country, subject to political and economic stability, by 2007 we can expect an increase in exports of business tourism services to 12.5 billion dollars. So far, participants in the business tourism market in Russia - both travel agencies and their clients - are concentrated mainly in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In any case, business tourism in Russia can be a very profitable direction, but this is only in the very distant future. Business tourism in Russia directly depends on the development of domestic tourism in general, that is, the state itself should be interested in the development of domestic tourism.

However, the hope that someday business tourism in Russia will not become an exotic investment of money, but a necessary element of business still remains. It's no secret to anyone that in connection with the release of Russian business to higher market positions Increasingly, there is a need to optimize and intensify business, scientific and cultural ties. In this context, business tourism, as one of the leading and most dynamically developing sectors of the Russian economy, is designed to expand the scope of business contacts, develop Russia's economic potential and integrate it into the world community.

Conclusion: Business tourism is one of the most promising areas of modern tourism. It includes business trips, meetings with partners, participation or visits to exhibitions, training, participation in congresses, seminars and conferences.

In the modern structure of international business tourism, individual business trips prevail (70% of all business trips). The share of trips to congresses and conferences is more than 13%, to exhibitions and fairs - more than 11%. Approximately 3% of trips are for incentive tours.

The specifics of business tourism is manifested in the relationship between tourists and organizers, i.e. in the algorithm for creating a business tourism product. This is a quadrilateral, in the corners of which are: "companies - customers" (they send their employees on business trips), "companies - suppliers separate species services" (airlines, hotels, car rental agencies, insurance companies, etc.), "companies - suppliers of a full range of services (tour operators) in the field of business travel" and organizations and firms in the MICE industry.

The main feature of sales of tours in the segment of business tourism is an individual approach to the organization of each trip. There can be no templates here, in each case the tour is formed taking into account many factors: the purpose of the trip, the professional orientation of the client, the composition of the participants.

The business tourism market in Russia is just beginning to develop. The main share of business trips and events falls on the two capitals - Moscow and St. Petersburg, this is due to the absence in the rest of Russia of the minimum required infrastructure for organizing these events and low business activity.

tourism business exhibition



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