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VII. Regulations for negotiations between the station's EAF, drivers (TCHM) and train compiler during shunting work

41. The rules for negotiations between the station's air traffic control board, drivers (TCHM) and the train manager during shunting work are given in Table No. 3.

Table 3

Regulations for negotiations between the station's EAF, drivers (TCHM) and train compiler during shunting work

Appendix No. 20
to the Driving Instructions
trains and shunting work
on railway transport
Russian Federation


I. General provisions

On the way of departure

Registered order

Order No.... time... (hours, minutes). I authorize train No. ... to depart from ... track along ... the main track and proceed to the station (checkpoint) .... The route is free. Chipboard ... (last name).

Returning the train to the railway station of departure by dropping off the leading locomotive

When the train is on the stretch

Registered order

Order No.... time... (hours, minutes). The section... (or... the track...) is closed to all trains. Train No. ... is allowed to be stopped until the entrance signal (or the “Station Boundary” signal sign). Chipboard ... (last name).

If the train stops without clearing the first block section

Note (permission)

I give permission to the driver of train No. ... to stop the train until the entrance signal (or the “Station Boundary” signal sign). Chipboard ... (last name).

Note. Reception of trains returning from the stage to the railway station is carried out when the entrance traffic light is open or when it is prohibited in the manner established in this Instruction. The text of the order is in accordance with paragraph 4.1 of this table.

Messages from the EAF station to the driver about the operation of the derailment control device are transmitted in accordance with the operating instructions for these devices. Messages from the train driver about the occurrence of an emergency and dangerous situation, including a forced stop of the train on the stretch, must begin with the words: “Attention, everyone!”

Who transmits

To whom it passes

When (where), in what cases does it transmit

What is transmitted (name of the transmitted text)

Form of text transmission (commands, instructions, messages) and actions of workers

Rearranging wagons from railway track to railway track

Compiled by

When the train is ready for shunting movement

DSP request for preparation of routes for shunting movements

“Duty officer, there are 10 cars from track 5 to track 12.”

To the compiler

Confirmation of acceptance of the originator's request

“It’s clear, from track 5 to track 12 there are 10 cars.” Prepares the route from the 5th track to the pull-out and opens passing shunting traffic lights (the first half-flight is pull-out).

Compiled by

After the opening of the shunting traffic light for exiting track 5

Command to move

“Driver... (last name or locomotive number), let’s go forward to the hood beyond M22, H5 white.” If the signal is not visible to the compiler (located on the tail car), he gives a command to move, and the driver reports to him the traffic light readings.

To the compiler

After convincing the traffic light to open

“I see, I’m going to the hood for M22, H5 is white.” He blows one long whistle and sets the train in motion.

Compiled by

After the train drove behind the M22 traffic light

Stop command

To the compiler

At the command of the compiler

Prepares the route from the hood to track 12, opens passing shunting traffic lights (second half-flight - settling).

Compiled by

After the M22 traffic light opens for the return movement of the train

Command to move carriages forward

“Driver ... (last name or locomotive number), let's go back to track 12 to the cars. M22 is white, I’m on the right side step.”

To the compiler

Upon receipt of the originator's command

Confirming the perception of the drafting team

“I see, I’m putting cars on track 12, M22 is white.” He blows two long whistles and the train begins to move forward in carriages.

Compiled by

After driving head-first through traffic light M22 (the first one in the direction of travel)

“Driver... (last name or locomotive number), M24 white.”

To the compiler

Confirmation of perception

“I see, the M24 is white.”

Compiled by

After passing the M24 traffic light train head-on

Message about the position of the next passing traffic light

“Driver... (last name or locomotive number), M26 white.”

To the compiler

Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Confirmation of perception

“I see, the M26 is white.”

Compiled by

When the head of the train enters the destination route


“Driver ... (last name or locomotive number), we are stopping at track 12, there is room for 20 cars.”

To the compiler

Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Confirmation of perception

“We’re stopping at track 12, there’s room for 20 cars.”

Compiled by

When reducing the distance to standing cars


“Driver ... (last name or locomotive number), space for 10 cars.”

To the compiler

Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Confirmation of perception

“There is room for 10 carriages.”

Compiled by

When approaching standing cars


“Driver ... (last name or locomotive number), space for 5 cars, quieter.”

Compiled by

Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Confirmation of perception

“There is space for 5 carriages.” Sounds two short whistles and reduces speed to 3 km/h.

Compiled by

Immediately before the cars are connected

“Driver ... (last name or locomotive number), stop.”

To the compiler

Immediately upon receipt of the originator's message

Confirmation of perception

Blows three short whistles and stops the train.

Departure of a shunting train from the railway track when the traffic light is prohibited

TCHM, compiler

When leaving the path of a shunting train when the traffic light is prohibiting


Prepares a route for leaving the track in the manner established by the TPA station or instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on railway tracks non-public, up to the first passing traffic light, then opens subsequent passing shunting signals. When the route is ready, he transmits the instruction: “The driver..., compiler..., I authorize you to leave the 5th track when the H5 is prohibited to the M28, then follow the signals. The route is ready. Chipboard ... (last name).”

Chipboard station

Upon receipt of instructions from the DSP station

“The driver... (states his last name). You are allowed to leave track 5 when H5 is prohibited to M28, then follow the signals, the route is ready.”

Compiled by

Chipboard station

After confirming that the driver has accepted the instructions,

Confirmation of perception of the instructions from the chipboard station

"Right. Compiled by ...” (or a complete repetition of the instructions from the station’s chipboard).

TCHM, compiler

After hearing the driver and compiler repeat his instructions

Confirmation of instructions

“That’s right, do it.”

Compiled by

After the station’s chipboard confirms its instructions

Command to move

“Driver... (last name or locomotive number), we drove forward under the prohibitory H5 to M28 - with the permission of the duty officer, then - according to the signals."

To the compiler

Upon receipt of the originator's command to move

Confirmation of command perception and execution

“It’s clear, I’m going to the hood under prohibitory H5 to M28 - with the permission of the duty officer, then - according to signals.” He blows one long whistle and sets the train in motion.

Movement along a route prepared not for the entire shunting half-trip (cars forward)

TCHM, compiler

Before the first traffic light along the route opens to start moving


“The driver..., compiler..., I open for you the traffic light M22 to M24, from track 10 I release the diesel locomotive. M24 blue. Chipboard ... (last name).”

Compiled by

Upon receipt of a warning from the DSP station

Confirmation of perception

“It’s clear, you open the M22 traffic light to the M24 with a blue light. From track 10 you release the diesel locomotive. Compiled by ... (last name)."

To the compiler

Warning confirmation

"Right. Chipboard ... (last name).” Opens traffic lights M22 to M24.

Compiled by

After the traffic light opens to start driving

Command to move

“Driver... (last name or locomotive number), let’s go back to the prohibitive traffic light M24, M22 is white, I’m on the step on the right.”

To the compiler

Upon receiving a command to move

Repeating a command and executing it

“It’s clear, I’m going back to the prohibiting M24, carriages forward, the M22 is white.” He blows two long whistles and sets the train moving forward, carriage by car.

Compiled by

When the lead car of the train approaches the traffic light M24

Stop command

“Driver ... (last name or locomotive number), stop.”

To the compiler

Upon receipt of a command to stop

Confirmation of command perception and execution

Blows three short whistles and stops the train.

Stopping maneuvers before receiving or departing a train

TCHM, compiler

Before the train signal opens


“The driver..., compiler..., on the 5th track stop maneuvers, on the 6th track I accept the train. Chipboard ... (last name).”

Compiled by

Immediately upon receipt of the order from the DSP station

“Driver ... (last name or locomotive number), stop.”

Compiler and TCM

After the shunting train stops

Report on the cessation of maneuvers

"Duty! On track 5, the maneuvers were stopped and we were standing still. Compiled by ... (last name)." “On track 5, maneuvers have been stopped, we are standing. Machinist... (last name).”

Note. During shunting work, negotiations over shunting radio communications can be conducted on other issues in an unregulated form.
In order to prevent collisions when shunting trains are deposited forward by wagons onto occupied railway tracks, in accordance with this Instruction in the appendix to the TPA station or the instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on non-public railway tracks, the “Regulations for negotiations on radio communications during shunting work” should The following order of maneuvers must be observed:
1. When entering a busy railway track, the manager of the maneuvers, following on the front special step (transition platform, in the vestibule, tank stairs) of the first car in the direction of travel or on foot along the intertrack (side of the railway track), is obliged to:
1) when the first wagon enters the railway track, immediately inform the driver of the shunting locomotive by radio about this, indicating the remaining distance to the wagons standing on this railway track. In the absence of such a message, the driver is obliged to call the train compiler by radio, and if there is no answer, immediately stop the train;
2) in the process of approaching the train with standing cars at time intervals, depending on the remaining distance to them and the speed of movement, inform the driver, indicating the distance in the cars, for example: “There are places for 10 cars,” and then give commands: “Quiet” and, directly before connecting the cars, “Stop!”;
3) the driver of the shunting locomotive is obliged to repeat the messages of the head of the maneuvers and adjust the settling speed of the train accordingly, and after receiving the “Quiet” command, reduce the speed to 3 km/h. In the absence of such a command, independently reduce the speed to 3 km/h and request the maneuver manager via radio communication; if there is no response, immediately stop the train.
2. The head of the maneuvers, if the driver does not confirm the perception of the message (command) at any stage of the movement, is obliged to take measures to stop the train: by radio communication through the station's chipboard; manual signals with the involvement of workers located on the railway tracks; when you are in the vestibule of a passenger car, use the stop valve; if there is a threat of collision, get off the car in the safest place, enter the visibility zone of the locomotive crew and give a stop signal.

VIII. Regulations for negotiations when performing operations to secure railway rolling stock on station railway tracks

42. The rules of negotiations when performing operations to secure railway rolling stock on station railway tracks are given in Table No. 4.

Table 4

Regulations for negotiations when performing operations to secure railway rolling stock on station railway tracks

Instruction from the station's chipboard on securing the railway rolling stock and removing the brake shoes. Confirmation of correct perception and execution

Confirmation of the executor’s perception of the order and a report on execution

TCHM report on coupling a locomotive to a train (cars)

TChM message about secured fastening and transfer of permission to uncouple the locomotive

Securing railway rolling stock and uncoupling a locomotive

“The compiler... (or another employee in accordance with the station’s TPA or instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on non-public railway tracks), on... the track, secure the train (... cars)... with brake shoes from the side.... Chipboard ... (last name)"

“It’s clear, on the... track, secure the train (... wagons)... with boots from the side.... Compiler (or other employee) ... (last name).”

"That's right, do it"

“The duty officer, on the ... track, secured the train (... cars) ... with boots from the side .... Compiler (or other employee) ... (last name).”

“It is clear that on the... track the train (... cars) is secured... with shoes on the side.... Chipboard ... (last name).”

Chipboard: “The driver of the ... (train) train (... cars) is secured with ... shoes on the ... side. Uncouple (during maneuvers the compiler is told: “I have permission to uncouple the locomotive”).” Driver: “I understand, the train (... of cars) is secured... with shoes on the side..., I’m uncoupling (during maneuvers it says: “Allow me to uncouple”).” Compiler during maneuvers: “It’s clear, I’m uncoupling the locomotive (... cars).”

Coupling the locomotive and removing the brake shoes

“The duty officer (for train work, the name of the station is indicated) on ... the track (for train work, the locomotive number is also indicated) is attached to the train (cars), the auto brakes are on. Machinist... (last name).”

Chipboard of the station: “It’s clear, on the way to ... the train (cars) were hitched, the brakes were on, the driver ... (last name).” “The compiler... (or other employee). On the ... path, remove the ... shoe(s) from the ... side. Chipboard ... (last name).”

“It’s clear, on ... the way to remove ... the shoe(s) from the side .... Compiler (or other employee) ... (last name).”

"That's right, do it"

“Duty officer, on... the way... the shoe(s) from the side... have been removed. Compiler (or other employee) ... (last name).”

“It’s clear that on... the way... the shoes(s) from the side... were removed. Chipboard ... (last name)"

Note. When securing railway rolling stock (cars) with rolling wheels on brake shoes or laying brake shoes under certain cars (in accordance with this Instruction), the words “rolling” or, respectively, “lay shoes (laid)” are added to the content of the instructions and the performer’s response ) for wagons..." (indicate the inventory or serial number of the wagon).
Detailed regulations for negotiations on issues of fastening on station railway tracks are established in the “Regulations for the implementation of operations for securing railway rolling stock on station tracks", which is a mandatory appendix to the TPA station or instructions on the procedure for servicing and organizing traffic on non-public railway tracks.

IX. An approximate list of regulations for negotiations on the preparation of routes

43. Orders on the preparation of routes for the reception and departure of trains, as well as reports on the implementation of these orders must be clear and precise. DSP stations and duty stations at switch posts must comply with the rules of negotiations in accordance with the attached indicative list.
In cases not covered by this list, station traffic control departments and switch post duty personnel must also clearly and clearly negotiate on the preparation of routes for the reception and departure of trains.
Before transmitting any order related to the preparation of the route for the arrival or departure of a train, as well as before receiving a report on the implementation of such an order, the station traffic police must make sure that all those persons who have the right to do so are listening to him or reporting to him. It is prohibited to transmit these orders or receive reports on their implementation from persons who do not have the right to do so.

44. Sample list regulations for negotiations on the preparation of routes are given in table No. 5.

Table 5

An approximate list of regulations for negotiations on the preparation of routes

Negotiation form

Chipboard station

switch posts on duty

Order from the DSP station to prepare the route

“Prepare the route for receiving train No. ... from Aleksandrov to the 3rd track.”

“3rd post. Prepare a route for receiving train No. ... from Aleksandrov to track 3.”

a) to receive a train

The order is transmitted simultaneously to all switch posts involved in preparing the route

Repeated by one of the switch post attendants at the direction of the station's chipboard. Everyone else confirms with the words: “post No. ... is correct.”

If the train is traveling with a pushing locomotive, then the station's chipboard and the switch post duty officer, repeating the order, add the words: “with a pusher.”

b) for train departure

“Prepare the departure route for train No. ..., the departure route from track 1 to Nevskaya.” The order is transmitted simultaneously to all switch posts involved in preparing the route.

“2nd post. Prepare the departure route for train No. ... from track 1 to Nevskaya.” Repeated by one of the switch post attendants at the direction of the station's chipboard. Everyone else confirms with the words: “post No. ... is correct.”

If the train departs with a pushing locomotive, then the station's chipboard and the switch post duty officer, repeating the order, add the words: “with a pusher.”

c) to pass a train

“Prepare the route for the reception and departure of train No. ... from Aleksandrov to Nevskaya along track 2.” The order is transmitted simultaneously to all switch posts involved in preparing the passage route.

“1st post. Prepare the route for the reception and departure of train No. ... from Aleksandrov to Nevskaya along the 2nd track.” Repeats one of the switch post duty officers (entry and exit) as directed by the station's chipboard. Everyone else confirms with the words: “post No. ... is correct.”

Report of duty switch posts of the DSP station: a) on the readiness of the reception route

The station's air traffic police listens to the report in the presence of the telephone at the same time on duty at all switch posts involved in preparing the route.

“3rd post. The route for train No. ... from Aleksandrov to track 3 is ready, the path is clear.” The duty officers of all switch posts involved in preparing the route report.

b) about the readiness of the departure route

The station's chipboard listens to a report about the presence at the telephone at the same time of duty officers of all switch posts involved in preparing the route.

“2nd post. The departure route of train No. ... from track 1 to Nevskaya is ready.” The duty officers of all switch posts involved in preparing the route report.

c) about the readiness of the route for the passage of the train

The station's air traffic police listens to the report in the presence of the telephone at the same time on duty at all switch posts involved in preparing the reception and departure route.

“1st post. The route for receiving train No. ... from Aleksandrov to the 2nd track is ready, the path is clear.” “2nd post. The departure route of train No. ... from track 2 to Nevskaya is ready, the path is clear.” Reports are made by the duty officers of all switch posts involved in preparing the through route.

d) about the arrival of the train

“5th post. Train No. ... from Aleksandrov arrived on the 3rd track completely. There are passages." If the train arrived with a pushing locomotive, then add the words: “with a pusher.”

e) about the departure of the train

“2nd post. Train No. ... has left completely from track 1 to Nevskaya.” If the train departed with a pushing locomotive, then the words “with a pusher” are added.

24.1 Acceptance of the locomotive.

When accepting the locomotive, the driver's assistant must make sure that the locomotive is braked and cannot move spontaneously. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the TU152 logbook, which records the observed deficiencies and malfunctions identified during the operation of the locomotive.

Inspect the crew part of the locomotive. Remove condensate from the main tanks and moisture collectors. When inspecting wheel sets, pay attention to the absence of sliders, flange undercuts, pointed knurls, cracks and chips in any part of the wheel or wheelset axle. When inspecting the spring suspension, make sure there are no cracks or kinks in the springs. Check the integrity of threaded connections. Check the condition and heat to the touch of the axle box unit. The bolts on the covers must be all tightened and secured with wire. There should be no traces of lubricant leaking from under the covers. If necessary, lubricate the axle jaws.

Check the serviceability of brake equipment, sound and light signals, lighting, the presence and quantity of sand, cooling water, lubricant, fuel. Presence of oil in the compressor, distribution gearbox, bevel gearbox. Add if necessary.

Check the condition of the diesel generator set. Before starting the diesel engine, you need to make sure that the diesel generator set is in the locomotive, and it is not disassembled, and that all equipment is in good working order and complete. That no work is being carried out by repair teams.

Check the serviceability of instrumentation and warning lamps.

Availability and serviceability of tools, fire-fighting equipment, as well as the availability of cleaning and lubricants.

Report all comments and shortcomings to the driver.

After starting the diesel engine, check the operation of the diesel generator set, pay attention to the presence of extraneous noise and increased vibration.

The locomotive crew is required to sign in the logbook about the acceptance and delivery of the locomotive technical condition locomotive TU-152, record the amount of fuel delivered and any deficiencies and malfunctions identified.

On the way.

Timely and accurately carry out the driver’s instructions for caring for the locomotive and its maintenance, securing the locomotive (train) from spontaneous departure. Ensure that the route is prepared correctly.

When following a prohibiting traffic light signal, standing next to the driver, periodically remind the driver of the signal reading, the position of the controller, the amount of air pressure in the brake line, and the permitted speed. If there is no action on the part of the driver, take measures to stop the train yourself.

Remind the driver of the set speeds and available speed limit warnings. Testing of auto brakes at designated locations.

In the event of a sudden loss of the driver's ability to control the locomotive, stop the train, secure it in the established manner, transmit by radio, or other possible ways about the incident to the duty officer at the nearest station, the train dispatcher.

Ensure traffic safety based on strict compliance with the requirements of PTE, ISI, IDP and other instructions and instructions.

Follow the established rules of negotiations.

Delivery of the locomotive.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to turn off the diesel engine and brake the locomotive with pneumatic and hand brakes. Turn off the oil tank tap, close the blinds, and turn off the battery switch. Measure the amount of fuel and record the result in the TU-152 log. Inspect the condition of the diesel locomotive: diesel, mechanical transmissions, crew part. All noticed shortcomings in the operation of the locomotive should also be recorded in the log. Clean the diesel room, diesel and cabins from oil and dirt. Close hatches, windows, doors.

Assistant drivers are required to:

1.1.1. Know and accurately comply with the requirements of the rules, instructions, orders and other regulations specified in clause 1.2. of this Instruction.

1.1.2. Show up for work on time determined by the work schedule or when called by the duty officer of the company owner of the machine.

1.1.3. If you are unable to show up for work, deadline Immediately report this to the person on duty at the enterprise.

1.1.4. Go through the pre-trip procedure established by the Ministry of Railways medical examination and traffic safety and safety training. At stations where a medical examination of locomotive crews is organized, the machine driver and his assistant are required to undergo a pre-trip medical examination in the manner established for workers of locomotive crews, with a stamp placed on the route sheet signed medical worker indicating the date and time of the inspection. Before departure from stations where there is no medical examination, as well as in case of departure to eliminate damage to structures and devices, control over the performance of the driver and his assistant is entrusted to the station duty officer, with a stamp and signature on the route sheet.

1.1.5. At work, carry with you:

Driver - a certificate for the right to drive a machine or an identity card with a mark on the delivery of the certificate for the right to drive a machine to the HR department, a route sheet and a driver’s form, a warning card, an RBU-9 form of identification, a semi-annual (annual) control report technical inspection, log of the technical condition of the machine, form TU-152, log of work and periodic technical inspections, train schedules, extracts from TPA stations, established train speeds on the serviced section;

Assistant driver - certificate of an assistant driver, warning card, statement about the established speeds of trains on the serviced area.

1.1.6. Follow the operational orders of the person on duty at the enterprise - the owner of the machine, and the driver-instructors serving this area.

1.1.7. Before leaving, the driver must make sure that the machine and trailer units are in good working order, paying special attention to the operation of the brakes, the condition of the engine, chassis, spring suspension, braking equipment, the correct coupling with cars or trailers, the correct loading and securing of cargo and working parts in the transport position , ensuring the size of the rolling stock and cargo, check the presence of a train signal, as well as signaling accessories, spare parts and tools, a first aid kit with a set of medicines and dressings for first aid medical care, serviceability of radio communication.

1.1.8. Cars sent for the haul are treated like a train and are sent to station duty officers with the permission of the train dispatcher. When sending them from initial stations, the station duty officer checks that the driver has:

Certificates for the right to drive;

Machine form TU-57;

Certificates form RBU-9;

Certificate of semi-annual (annual) control and technical inspection, including the trailer in case of travel with a trailer load;

A quarterly technical inspection report with a stamp certificate for the right to use automatic locomotive signaling devices of a continuous type and monitoring the vigilance of the driver, a completed route sheet issued by the company where the vehicle is registered;

Permits for the right to travel on the railway network.

The serviceability of radio communications must be checked through direct conversations between the driver and the duty officer at the departure station and confirmed in the route sheet with the stamp and signature of the station duty officer. In the event of a malfunction or absence of communication means, the driver, in the event of a forced stop on the stretch, communicates with the station duty officer or train dispatcher in the manner established by the PTE.

1.1.9. When accepting and handing over the car, as well as at stops along the route, carry out maintenance of the car, strictly observing the established requirements. regulatory documents and local acts on this issue.

1.1.10. Do not allow the operation of a machine with expired check periods for the shunt device, train radio communications, automatic continuous-type locomotive signaling and other safety devices (if any), as well as the use of the machine if at least one of these devices is faulty.

1.2. When driving a machine and performing shunting work, the machine driver and assistant driver are obliged to:

1.2.1. Comply with the regulations established on the railway for negotiations between the driver and the assistant driver, between the machine crew and the train dispatcher or duty officers at mutual performance monitoring stations and other forms of vigilance testing.

1.2.2. Observe rational regimes driving cars, ensuring compliance with schedule and traffic safety requirements. Do not drive vehicles with an excess trailer load or overload the components and assemblies of the vehicle.

1.2.3. Carry out orders, operational instructions of dispatchers, station attendants and others officials, responsible for organizing train traffic and performing maneuvers on the serviced area and stations.

1.2.4. Monitor the operation of safety and radio communication devices, components and assemblies of the machine in the prescribed manner, check their condition, including fire safety. Pay special attention to checking the condition of the parts of the undercarriage and the axle unit of the wheel pairs, and securing the working parts of the machine in the transport position when parked at intermediate stations.

1.2.5. If a machine malfunction is detected, take all necessary measures to eliminate it as quickly as possible, and if it is impossible to eliminate it within the established time standard, to release the section, preventing disruption of the train schedule.

1.2.6. Do not allow unauthorized persons to interfere with the operation of devices and security systems installed on the machine.

1.2.7. Do not leave the control cabin when following a prohibitory traffic light, being especially vigilant.

1.2.8. Use fuel and energy resources, lubricants and other materials economically, maintain equipment, tools and personal protective equipment in good condition.

1.3. At the end of the shift, the driver and assistant driver are required to:

1.3.1. Clean the car from dust and dirt, drain the condensate from the moisture-oil separators, and turn off the engine. When leaving the vehicle, apply the hand brake, lock the cab, and place brake shoes on both sides. The driver is not allowed to leave the cab of the car without the consent of the station duty officer. Parking of cars on station tracks and dead ends must be agreed upon with the station duty officer.

1.3.2. Submit, in the prescribed manner, the driver’s completed route sheet, the driver’s form, warning forms about speed limits, the machine control keys and the driver’s cab keys to the person on duty at the enterprise that owns the machine.

1.3.3. All identified deficiencies that threaten traffic safety should be recorded in the logbook and reported to the person on duty at the enterprise.

1.3.4. If there are cases of defects in train and shunting work, failures of components and assemblies of the machine, violations of the traffic schedule, provide the head of the enterprise that owns the machine with a written report reflecting the circumstances and causes of the incident

1.4. The machine driver must:

1.4.1. Ensure traffic safety in accordance with the requirements of the PTE, other rules, instructions, orders, instructions and other regulations of the Ministry of Railways.

1.4.2. Manage the work of the persons included in the machine crew, control their actions, ensuring that work is completed without disrupting the train schedule and shunting work plan.

1.4 3. Carry out the established technologies for driving vehicles and performing shunting work.

1.4.4. Ensure the accuracy of the data entered into the driver’s itinerary and other accounting documents.

1.4.5. The senior driver is additionally responsible for training the crews assigned to the vehicle in advanced methods of driving vehicles, performing shunting work and maintaining vehicles, and monitoring the quality of their job duties.

1.5. The assistant machine driver is obliged to:

1.5.1. Ensure traffic safety in accordance with the requirements of the PTE, other rules, instructions, orders, instructions and other regulations of the Ministry of Railways.

1.5.2. Timely and accurately carry out the driver’s instructions for the care and maintenance of the machine, components and assemblies of the machine, securing it from spontaneous departure, and also monitor the passage of oncoming trains.

1.5.3. When following a prohibitory traffic light, inform the driver of the signal reading and the amount of pressure in the brake line. If there is no action on the part of the driver to stop the machine, take measures to prevent the passage of the prohibiting signal.

1.5.4. If the driver suddenly loses the ability to control the machine, stop the machine, secure it in the prescribed manner to prevent spontaneous departure, and transmit a message about this via radio to the drivers of the nearest trains, the train dispatcher or the station duty officer. The procedure for further actions in such cases is determined by the train dispatcher based on specific conditions.

When traveling, locomotive crew workers (driver and assistant) always take large bags with them. Since you have to be away from home for some time (sometimes more than 2 days), the bag should contain everything you need for comfortable work and the driver’s life in general. This is especially true for freight traffic, because it is like Russian roulette: you never know what will happen on the trip, and when you will return, and whether you will return at all.

This is something like what the average bag of a driver or assistant driver looks like (the bag, like its contents, are similar and vary depending more on the person’s personal preferences than on the position).

Let's see what this bag contains.

The contents of the bag are in a “gutted” state :)

At first glance, there are a lot of all sorts of things here, in some places it is not at all clear what they are, and in others the purpose of things is not clear, so we will then consider everything in detail.
I will say that it is not at all necessary to have all these things. Some of the things can only be found in my bag :) However, the main necessary “set” is still there.

When I just started working, I was going on my first backup trip (internship), I didn’t have the slightest idea what to take with me. Now, if I had come across such a post then, everything would have been simpler :) But that first time, out of ignorance, I had to limit myself to a flashlight, sausage sandwiches, half a liter of vodka water (which ran out in the first hour of the trip, ololo), a pen, a notepad , speed notes and gloves.

So, again the content, but with explanations. We will consider each item and its purpose in detail.

Let's start in order:
1. Thermos with tea. Almost every locomotive driver has this attribute:) Almost every locomotive driver has it. What's a trip without tea?
In ancient times, tea was brewed directly on the locomotive using a boiler. Now, with the advent of lightweight and compact thermoses, this tradition is becoming a thing of the past, but some representatives of the “old school” still carry a boiler :)

2. Flashlight. An extremely necessary item, since you often have to work at night. The flashlight is needed to inspect the locomotive, to wake up the assistant and generally illuminate the environment.

I recently bought myself a flashlight with an OCA 1101 Police stun gun (in fact, I don’t really need a stun gun, it’s just a cool flashlight and battery-powered), so now it’s also a self-defense weapon, lol.

3. Deodorant. It will be useful for those who don’t want to turn into a smelly, sweaty outcast by the end of the trip.

4. Robe. A jacket that you don't mind getting dirty. There are times when you have to go into dirty places. In order not to ruin your uniform, it is better to wear a robe.

5. Signal vest. A mandatory item of clothing when on the tracks. While in the train traffic area, any Russian Railways employee is required to wear such a vest.

6. Seeds. Needed to stay awake. There are times when you just don’t get enough sleep before work, and since the trip lasts a long time, it’s important not to fall asleep in the locomotive! The process of eating seeds helps relieve slight drowsiness. Also a good alternative to smoking, for example.

7. Spoon/knife/fork, or something similar. In this case, it is a compact “folder”. It is necessary not only for eating, it may also be needed for other operations: cutting something off or piercing something, for example.

8. Toothpaste and brush. Brushing your teeth after a break in the turnaround depot is a great way to maintain hygiene.

9. Electrical tape. It is used both for its intended purpose and, for example, to tape something, glue it, or even cover up a light bulb that is too bright, which hits your eyes hard at night, so that it shines more dimly.

10. Water. A vital resource on a locomotive. During hot periods, several bottles may be used.

11. Loaf of bread. They eat it, oddly enough, yes.

12. Slippers. To prevent our feet from getting locked in the cabin, we change into slippers. It's more convenient and comfortable. Stored in a separate bag so as not to stain the rest of the bag's contents.

13. Regime maps of service areas. On the map, the route profile (ascents/descents), mileage, location of traffic lights, and other useful information, which may come in handy on the road.
The map looks something like this:

14. Sanitary napkins. They are used for wiping hands, since there is nowhere to wash your hands on the locomotive, and you don’t really want to waste water on it. You can also wipe control panels with napkins for beauty.

15. Technical form. A book in which various (of little use in my opinion) information is recorded. Be sure to carry this form according to the instructions. He also carries with him a service form, a second similar book, but it is handed over to the depot after the trip and is stored there.

16. Instructions, orders, and other documents, which may be urgently needed on a trip.

17.Another instruction, only in book form. He also takes it with him “just in case.”

18. Spare socks. After relaxing at the turnaround point, it's always nice to put on fresh socks. Again, hygiene.

19. Notepad for small notes. Usually the readings of the electric locomotive's electricity meters are recorded there, which must be written off at the beginning and end of the trip. Also used to record various operational information. Usually the notebook is not in the bag, but always lies in the breast pocket.

20. Rag. Something may need to be wiped down during the trip. A rag is used for this.

21. Tea bags. For brewing tea in a thermos. Convenient compact bags, or pyramids.

22. Gloves. It is also a very necessary item to protect your hands from dirt and other things that you come into contact with during work.

23. Toilet paper. Well, everything is clear here.

24. Pliers. A useful thing for twisting/pinching/biting something, and in general.

25. Comb

26. Magnet. It is convenient for them to attach various pieces of paper with important information, for example, warnings (indicating speed limit locations) to the metal locomotive consoles.

27. Screwdriver. Again, a useful tool when you need to unscrew/tighten/pry something apart :)

28. Notebook. Various important notes on the trip are kept in the notebook: departure time, travel time of certain points, operational information, orders, comments, and other useful things. Also included in this notebook are extracts of speeds at the sections.

29. Handle. Sometimes two: one in the cockpit, the second in the breast pocket, for quick notes in a notebook. Well, or as a backup if the main one stops writing :)

30. Phone charger. Nowadays, it’s impossible to live without a phone while traveling. It will be very unpleasant if it suddenly runs out of power during some emergency situation when communication is very necessary. The phone is recharged directly in the cabin of the electric locomotive, or at a rest point.
Unfortunately, many new powerful smartphones discharge very quickly. I have an iPhone 4S - its charge may not be enough before arriving at the rest point, and in the cabin there is an outlet only in the new 3ES5K electric locomotives, which are not found every trip. For this reason I also take an extra battery with me:

With it, the phone charge will be enough even for the longest journey!

31. Netbook charger.

32. Folder with various useful papers: station diagrams, electrical and pneumatic diagrams of electric locomotives. It is also necessary for quickly solving problems that arise.

33. Netbook. It is not found in every bag :) But in my opinion, it is quite necessary to brighten up time during long stops on a trip. It is usually used for watching movies, but you can also connect the Internet to it from your phone, or even play primitive games. It is also convenient to store all sorts of instructions on it so as not to carry tons of extra paper with you. Of course, it would be possible to take something more modern instead, for example an iPad, but the iPad has a drawback: a very limited amount of memory even compared to this cheap netbook (64 GB versus 320). You can, of course, record new films before each trip, but you’re too lazy to do it, hehe :)
Some people take with them more outdated devices, such as DVD players.
Some desperate drivers play Angrybirds and watch movies while driving. I am against this, as it greatly distracts from controlling and monitoring the road. Listening to music is all right, but watching movies...
In general, if you have a powerful modern smartphone, the need for a netbook is no longer so urgent.

The basis of this post was written about a year ago. Now I no longer carry a netbook, instead I take an e-book and read in the rest house if I don’t feel like sleeping.

34. Flash drive. You can never predict where and when you might need it.

35. Certificates, warning coupons, electrical safety certificates, and other necessary documents. You must have them with you.

36. Shoe sponge. During the trip, shoes get dirty, covered with dust and other unpleasant things. To avoid looking like some kind of homeless person, it is better to wipe your shoes.

37. Headphones. I usually listen to music right in the cab on the way to and from work. But you can listen to it while riding as a passenger to brighten up the time.

38. Speedometer recorder tape. Refueled into this hellish device:

The photo also shows the possible use of a magnet and electrical tape (although instead of electrical tape there is a piece of the above tape with adhesive tape - it covers bright alarm lamps)

39. Sunglasses in a case. Often you have to drive during sunset or sunrise, when the sun is very blinding to your eyes. To make it more convenient to observe the road and signals, it is better to wear glasses (in fact, just for the sake of foppishness)

40. Stew. It is a convenient, compact and non-perishable food product. Ideal for long trips in all temperature ranges. Eaten with bread 11.

Now, as part of my program “No to the fat driver!” stew and loaf are not used. Instead, small snacks of cookies and tea.

41. Panicle. If something needs to be cleaned/swept, I stuff it and don’t sweep anything, oink-oink, for example, seed debris 6. :) Everything is swept into scoop 42.

I also take a spare spotlight with me, because if the spotlight on the locomotive burns out at night, I will have to drive blindly.
Here is this lamp, it is quite large compared to household light bulbs :) for comparison, a matchbox.
Sometimes the lamp breaks right in the bag, and that's sad :(

This is all I carry in my travel bag. It weighs a lot and is hard to carry, but when traveling with all this it is convenient and comfortable. The contents of the bags of the other drivers and their assistants, of course, differ to one degree or another. But in general, the main set of items is something like this.

Acceptance of the locomotive.

When accepting the locomotive, the driver's assistant must make sure that the locomotive is braked and cannot move spontaneously. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the TU152 logbook, which records the observed deficiencies and malfunctions identified during the operation of the locomotive.

Inspect the crew part of the locomotive. Remove condensate from the main tanks and moisture collectors. When inspecting wheel sets, pay attention to the absence of sliders, flange undercuts, pointed knurls, cracks and chips in any part of the wheel or wheelset axle. When inspecting the spring suspension, make sure there are no cracks or kinks in the springs. Check the integrity of threaded connections. Check the condition and heat to the touch of the axle box unit. The bolts on the covers must be all tightened and secured with wire. There should be no traces of lubricant leaking from under the covers. If necessary, lubricate the axle jaws.

Check the serviceability of brake equipment, sound and light signals, lighting, the presence and quantity of sand, cooling water, lubricant, fuel. Presence of oil in the compressor, distribution gearbox, bevel gearbox. Add if necessary.

Check the condition of the diesel generator set. Before starting the diesel engine, you need to make sure that the diesel generator set is in the locomotive, and it is not disassembled, and that all equipment is in good working order and complete. That no work is being carried out by repair teams.

Check the serviceability of instrumentation and warning lamps.

Availability and serviceability of tools, fire-fighting equipment, as well as the availability of cleaning and lubricants.

Report all comments and shortcomings to the driver.

After starting the diesel engine, check the operation of the diesel generator set, pay attention to the presence of extraneous noise and increased vibration.

On acceptance and delivery of the locomotive, the locomotive crew is obliged to sign in the technical condition log of the TU-152 locomotive, record the amount of fuel delivered and any deficiencies and malfunctions identified.

On the way.

Timely and accurately carry out the driver’s instructions regarding the care and maintenance of the locomotive, securing the locomotive (train) from spontaneous departure. Ensure that the route is prepared correctly.

When following a prohibiting traffic light signal, standing next to the driver, periodically remind the driver of the signal reading, the position of the controller, the amount of air pressure in the brake line, and the permitted speed. If there is no action on the part of the driver, take measures to stop the train yourself.

Remind the driver of the set speeds and available speed limit warnings. Testing of auto brakes at designated locations.

In the event of a sudden loss of the driver's ability to control the locomotive, stop the train, secure it in the established order, transmit by radio or other possible means about the incident to the person on duty at the nearest station, the train dispatcher.

Ensure traffic safety based on strict compliance with the requirements of PTE, ISI, IDP and other instructions and instructions.

Follow the established rules of negotiations.

Delivery of the locomotive.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to turn off the diesel engine and brake the locomotive with pneumatic and hand brakes. Turn off the oil tank tap, close the blinds, and turn off the battery switch. Measure the amount of fuel and record the result in the TU-152 log. Inspect the condition of the diesel locomotive: diesel, mechanical transmissions, crew part. All noticed shortcomings in the operation of the locomotive should also be recorded in the log. Clean the diesel room, diesel and cabins from oil and dirt. Close hatches, windows, doors.

Rules of negotiations.

When following the area railway or shunting work, the assistant driver is obliged to report first, and the driver, after making sure the information is correct, repeats.

Assistant Driver Brigade actions
A minute of readiness before leaving the station.
The output signal from the second (from the first) track is green, the departure route is prepared correctly, the speed along the arrows is 5, at the station - 10, along the stretch -20 km/h, the VU45 certificate has been received. Safety devices and radio included. The chipboard gives a departure signal. I understand that the exit from the second (from the first) route is green, the departure route is prepared correctly, the speed along the arrows is 5, at the station - 10, along the stretch - 20 km/h. The brakes have been tested, the VU45 certificate has been received, the brake line is charged. The chipboard gives a departure signal. The driver gives a departure signal, turns on two buffer lights and a spotlight. Inspects the train through the window; if there are comments or stop signals are given, stop the train! An assistant looks out the window for signals from conductors and chipboards. If there are comments or stop signals are given, give the command to the driver “Stop!”
On the way to the station. Young, Ozernaya.
The first kilometer, the seventh picket (The second kilometer, the fourth picket) is the place where the brakes are tested. I understand, the first kilometer, the seventh picket (The second kilometer, the fourth picket) is the place for testing the brakes. The driver tests the brakes and counts braking distance, and after releasing the brakes it reports the braking distance.
Braking distance *** meters. Got it, the braking distance is *** meters.
The warning light is green, yellow or off. Report what you can see. I see the warning light is green, yellow or off. Make sure the signal you see is correct and then report.
signal sign - whistle. I see a signal sign - a whistle. The driver gives a warning signal.
There are no comments on the composition on the left side. If so, please report any comments. Got it, there are no comments on the left side. If so, repeats any comments. An assistant or driver inspects the train in the curve and reports. After the report, if there are any comments, the driver stops the train and takes measures to eliminate the comments personally, or sends an assistant.
Got it, there are no comments on the right side. If so, repeats any comments. There are no comments on the right side. If so, any comments?
The input signal is yellow (two yellow), the speed at the station is 10, at the arrows is 5 km/h. Testing the brakes in front of a dead-end station. I see the input signal is yellow (two yellow). I understand that the speed at the station is 10, and at the arrows it is 5 km/h. Testing the brakes in front of a dead-end station The assistant reports only after seeing the signal. The driver also reports after he sees the signal. Watch the signal. May turn red. Test the brakes using crane 394 (395).
If the input signal is red
The input signal is red, the locomotive is in traction (on the freewheel), the pressure in the brake line is normal. The approach speed beyond 200 meters is no more than 5 km/h. I see the input signal is red, the locomotive is in traction (on the freewheel), the pressure in the brake line is normal. The approach speed beyond 200 meters is no more than 5 km/h. The driver follows the signal with special vigilance and periodically gives a stop signal. The assistant driver periodically reminds you of the signal and speed readings. Stop at the prohibiting signal and wait for permission from the chipboard to proceed with the signal.
The reception route for the first path is prepared correctly, the path is clear. Speed ​​according to the arrows – 5, at the station – 10 km/h. I see that the reception route for the first path has been prepared correctly, the path is clear. Speed ​​according to the arrows – 5, at the station – 10 km/h. They arrive at the station, monitor the correct preparation of the route, the speed of movement, and the signals of the switchman. The train is inspected in the curve and the result is reported.
Got it, uncouple the locomotive, secure the train with a brake shoe Unhitch the locomotive and secure the train with a brake shoe. The driver makes an emergency brake and turns off the spotlight. The locomotive is being uncoupled
The locomotive is uncoupled from the train, the train is secured with a brake shoe. Let's move on to shunting work. I understand, the locomotive is uncoupled from the train, the train is secured with a brake shoe. Let's move on to shunting work The driver moves the crane 394 to the train position, charges brake line air. He pulls the tape through the speedometer and tests the brakes with tap 394 (395). Disables the left buffer light.
Shunting work
The driver and assistant look through the windows to see if there are any obstacles to traffic or stop signals. The locomotive is set in motion.
Checking the auxiliary brake. Got it, check the auxiliary brake. The auxiliary brake is tested using crane 254 (4VK) from a speed of 5 km/h to a complete stop. After checking - a report. Continues moving.
Got it, the brakes are fine. The brakes are fine.
The switchman gives a stop signal. I understand, the switchman is giving a stop signal. The driver stops the locomotive, gives a stop signal, performs emergency braking, brakes the locomotive, and closes the disconnect valves. Turns off the spotlight and buffer light. Turns on the left buffer light. He takes the reverse handle and leaves the cabin. The assistant remains in the cabin and checks that the valves are closed. When the driver moves into the front cabin, the assistant goes to the driver.
The driver opens the disconnect valves, moves valve 394 (395) to the train position, charges the brake line with air, turns on the right buffer lamp and spotlight. Tests brakes with crane 394 and 254 (4ВК) on site.
The switchman gives the signal “forward”, the route is prepared correctly, the speed at the station is 10, at the arrows – 5 km/h. I understand, the switchman gives the signal “forward”, the route is prepared correctly, the speed at the station is 10, at the switches – 5 km/h. The driver and assistant look through the windows to see if there are any obstacles to traffic or stop signals. A signal is given. The locomotive is set in motion
Checking the auxiliary brake Got it, checking the auxiliary brake. The auxiliary brake is tested using crane 254 (4ВК). After checking - a report. Continues moving.
Stop 5 - 10 meters from the train. The trailer speed is no more than 3 km/h. I understand, the stop is 5 - 10 meters from the train. Trailer speed no more than 3 km/h Stop 5 - 10 meters from the train. The speed gauge tape is stretched, then drive up at a speed that ensures smooth coupling of the locomotive with the car.

26. Report form for the planning meeting.

Trains arrived and departed on schedule (they were late, arrived ahead of schedule), the diesel locomotive was in good working order (faulty, what kind of faults), there were no comments from the instructor or on safety precautions (there are some), rating 5 (or others).


  1. P. V. Yakobson History of the diesel locomotive in the USSR. Moscow 1960.
  2. V. A. Gribkov, P. F. Grigoriev, V. I. Sarin, G. A. Slivin. Narrow gauge diesel locomotive TU2. State Transport Railway Publishing House 1958.
  3. V. A. Drobinsky. I want to drive trains. M. Transport. 1999.
  4. V. V. Krylov, V. I. Krylov, V. N. Efremov, P. T. Demushkin. Braking equipment for rolling stock. M. Transport. 1989.
  5. Rules technical operation railways of the Russian Federation. Techinform. Moscow 2008.
  6. Instructions for train movement and shunting work on the railways of the Russian Federation. Techinform. Moscow 2008.
  7. Instructions for signaling on the railways of the Russian Federation. Techinform. Moscow 2008.
  8. Operating instructions for brakes TsT-TsV-TsL-VNIIZhT/277. Moscow 2007.

Worked on the manual:

A. A. Nikonov, instructor of the Malaya Oktyabrskaya Railway,

S.K. Kharebov, Art. teacher at St. Petersburg Institute railway transport,

M.V. Matveev, head of the Malaya Oktyabrskaya Railway.



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