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The procedure for granting leave to the police department. Leave for personal reasons in the police

2) additional vacations;

3) vacation leave;

4) leave for personal reasons;

5) leave upon completion educational organization higher education federal executive body in the field of internal affairs;

(edited) Federal Law dated July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ)

6) other types of vacations if their payment is provided for by law Russian Federation.

2. Basic and additional leaves to an employee of internal affairs bodies are granted annually starting from the year of entry into service in the internal affairs bodies.

3. The duration of leave granted to an employee of internal affairs bodies in the year of joining the service in internal affairs bodies is determined by multiplying one-twelfth of the main and additional leaves established for the employee in accordance with this chapter by the number of full months that have passed from the start of service in the bodies internal affairs until the end of the current calendar year. Vacation lasting less than 10 calendar days is added to the main vacation for the next calendar year.

4. Basic leave for the second and subsequent years of service in internal affairs bodies is granted to an employee of internal affairs bodies at any time during the year in accordance with the schedule approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs or an authorized head. In this case, additional leaves are summed up and can be provided simultaneously with the main leave or separately from it at the request of the employee. In this case, the total duration of continuous vacation should not exceed 60 calendar days (excluding travel time to and from the vacation location). The duration of continuous leave established by this part does not apply to an employee serving in the Far North, equivalent areas or other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones.

4.1. The duration of leave granted to an employee of internal affairs bodies in the year of the end of parental leave until he reaches the age of three years is determined by multiplying one-twelfth of the main and additional leaves established for the employee in accordance with this chapter by the number of full months that have passed from the end maternity leave until the end of the current calendar year. Vacation lasting less than 10 calendar days is added to the main vacation for the next calendar year.

5. Basic leave, leave for personal reasons, leave upon graduation from an educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs and leave granted to an employee of internal affairs bodies in the year of joining the service in internal affairs bodies for a duration of 10 calendar days or more are increased. for the number of calendar days required to travel to the vacation destination and back, taking into account the type of transport, but not less than one day one way. An employee who is given the days necessary to travel to and from the place of vacation, at the end of the vacation, submits documents confirming the time spent on travel. The list of documents confirming the time spent traveling to the place of vacation and back, and the procedure for their submission, are established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

(see text in the previous edition)

6. In exceptional cases, when the absence of an employee of the internal affairs bodies in the service of the internal affairs bodies entails the impossibility of proper implementation by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, its territorial body, division of the functions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the period for granting leave determined by the schedule may, by agreement with the employee, be transferred by order of the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs or an authorized manager.

7. Part of the main vacation of an employee of internal affairs bodies, exceeding 30 calendar days, may, at his request, be replaced by monetary compensation in the manner established by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs. An employee serving in the Far North, equivalent areas or other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, as well as harmful conditions, replacing part of the vacation with monetary compensation, as a rule, is not allowed, except in the case of his dismissal from service in the internal affairs bodies.

8. A female employee of internal affairs bodies who is a mother (adoptive parent) is granted leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of three years in the manner established by labor legislation. The specified leave can be granted to an employee who is a father (adoptive parent), guardian, grandmother, grandfather and actually caring for a child, only in the absence of maternal care for objective reasons (death of the mother, deprivation of her parental rights, long stay in medical organization and other reasons) for the period of absence of maternal care. Such an employee, to the extent not inconsistent with this Federal Law, is subject to social guarantees, installed labor legislation.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. An employee of internal affairs bodies holding a position teaching worker educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, basic leave and additional leave for length of service in internal affairs bodies are granted, as a rule, during the vacation period of cadets and students, with the exception of the case where such an employee is provided with a voucher for treatment at another time .

Social guarantees in the form of paid holidays are provided to all working citizens.

Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also have the right to count on receiving this type of rest. Due to the complexity of the profession, vacations for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have longer periods and consist of several segments, which are both mandatory and provided exclusively upon request.

Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs is regulated by Federal Law No. 342-FZ, issued on November 30, 2011. This document regulates all major issues of labor relations between employees and the employer, but does not cancel the actions Labor Code RF. Answers to questions that are not covered in Federal Law No. 342 should be sought in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. As for vacations, they are issued on the basis of:

  1. Article 56 of Federal Law No. 342.
  2. Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Police officers have the right to take an annual break from duty, receiving payments during the leave provided and retaining their position. The expanded range of vacation periods and their longer duration are associated with the difficulties that accompany work in the authorities. For the most part, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the same guarantees as other working persons, but in some aspects they are endowed with more extensive rights.

Types of vacations

Vacation of a police officer does not always imply the obligation to pay compensation for his days. In some cases, to obtain it you will need not only justification, but also evidence of their existence. And, of course, not a single segment can be taken without the consent of the immediate superior and the approval of senior management.

When and how many days of rest you can take depends directly on the type of rest and the length of service of the police officer. Vacations are divided into:

  1. Basic paid, provided annually.
  2. Additional paid, which increases with length of service.
  3. Educational cards issued after graduation from a specialized institution.
  4. Vacation before retirement.
  5. Unpaid due to personal circumstances.
  6. Maternity leave – for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as for caring for a child up to three years of age.
  7. Presidential.

Each type has its own design rules and maximum duration.


Basic leave is a period that a police officer can count on annually in any case, regardless of other nuances. Its duration is determined by law at 30 days. The indicated figure is only a conditional calendar figure; it does not include Sundays and holidays. The duration of the main vacation does not include travel time to the vacation spot and back, which is also taken into account and paid separately.

30 days of annual rest applies only to those who serve in central Russia. And if the region is classified as the Far North or equated to it, then the period of the main vacation increases by 15 days and 10 days, respectively.

Additional for length of service

MIA leave tends to increase as the employee accumulates years of service. The longer a police officer has years of service, the longer his paid vacation period. According to the norms of Federal Law No. 342, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must additionally be provided with:

  1. 5 days, starting from ten years of service and up to fifteen.
  2. 10 days for those who have accumulated more than 15 years of continuous experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. 15 days with 20 years of service and a period exceeding this threshold.

Days of additional rest are added to the main period, and if there are more than ten, they can be taken separately from it. The length of service is preserved during transfers within organs, but is interrupted upon dismissal.

For personal reasons

Police officers also have the right to take days off at their own expense due to family or personal circumstances. They are issued without fail at the birth of a child, wedding or death of a close relative, and may also be approved for other reasons.

To book days at your own expense, you must comply with the following conditions:

  1. The one-time duration should not exceed 10 days.
  2. Requires coordination and approval from the leading person of the federal relevant body or authorized to perform his duties locally.
  3. There must be reasons for issuing days off from duty. Documentary evidence of their availability is required.
  4. The number of times a year such unplanned time off is not established by law.

The provision of unpaid sections is made after submitting a report and having documents confirming the facts stated in it.

Before leaving

Earning the right to leave before dismissal is not so easy; for this, the length of service must be at least 20 years. The duration of this period is equal to the standard annual rest time and its peculiarity is the fact that in most cases it is not compensated as usual. Take this type vacations you can:

  1. In the last three years that precede the time of achievement deadline services. Please note that you can apply for it once in all years.
  2. In the year of termination of cooperation due to poor health.
  3. In the last year of service, if the dismissal is due to a reduction in position.

Leave is also issued to those who serve beyond the maximum age, but on the condition that they have not previously taken it out.

It can be added to other vacation periods or selected individually, but it must be taken into account that having written a report for vacation with subsequent dismissal, it can no longer be canceled, as is the case with a regular vacation.

Other holidays

The previously mentioned vacation periods are the most common, but along with them there are other types of vacation that are provided to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when the need arises.

First of all, it should be said about the leaves that are given to women during maternity leave. This period is divided into two main milestones:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth.
  2. Child care up to three years old.

The second part of the maternity period can be registered for both mother and father.

There are other reasons why holiday periods may be granted. For example, for training and education. Presidential leave, which is given for the rehabilitation of lost health and in connection with retirement.

Procedure for provision

Leave for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is granted in accordance with the standard procedure for the Russian Federation. At the end of the year, each department draws up its own priority schedule for the next year. It must be adhered to whenever possible, although the law does not prohibit changes to it during the year.

The transfer is most often the initiative of the hired person; in this case, he is obliged to submit a report in which he expresses a request for leave at a different time. But even without rescheduling the rest, the procedure begins with a report. Management does not always have a positive attitude towards such transfers and may refuse to implement it if it considers the reason insufficient.

It doesn’t matter whether the vacation is issued according to a report or according to a schedule, the main thing is that before it is issued and the salary is calculated, an order must be issued. He gives the go-ahead for the preparation of documentation and the calculation of vacation compensation.

Employee report

A report is actually also a statement, so when writing it, the same rules apply as for civilians. The report should include the following information:

  1. The name of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in which the vacationer serves.
  2. Full name of the boss in the name of whom the document is being submitted.
  3. Information about the applicant himself.
  4. Request for leave.
  5. The start and end date of the holiday, including travel, if applicable.
  6. Rest place.
  7. The type of transport the policeman will use to get to the resting place.

The report is signed by the vacationer personally and, after stamping the date, is submitted to the personnel department. The personnel officer must note on the form whether the vacation is taken on schedule or outside of it.

Manager's order

A positive decision to grant a vacation period is expressed in an order from the manager. It is published in a standard manner and contains the following information:

  1. Who is given leave - full name, position, title.
  2. Date the vacation starts and ends, including travel time there and back.
  3. Total duration of absence.

The order, among other things, provides instructions on compensation for travel expenses. The document is signed by the manager and sent to the vacationer for review.

Orders are issued not only due to the provision of vacation periods, but also when recalling from vacation, transferring or dividing periods.

Calculation and payment of vacation

When calculating vacation, mandatory nuances should be taken into account. The most important thing is its duration; by law it should not exceed 60 days a year. For example, when we are talking about an employee who has served for more than 20 years, he has the right to take:

  1. 30 main days.
  2. 16 additional.
  3. And no more than 10 on weekends and holidays.

The result is 55 days, to which travel days can also be added.

The calculation of vacation time is made taking into account the monetary allowance that is accrued to the vacationer during the period of service. As for the payment of accrued amounts, they are made in advance, before the start of the vacation, but no later than the last working day.

You might be interested

For me, as an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, for many years of work experience and the performance of a fairly wide range of official, often dangerous powers, the law has established special guarantees, different compensation plans and preferential offers.

One of the most common guarantees is the provision of vacations on particularly comfortable and favorable terms. In the article I will describe what categories of rest are available to employees in our field, what is the peculiarity of vacation benefits, and how to draw up a report for the next days of rest. Each part of the question will be considered in as much detail as possible.

All employees of an official department, without exception, are provided with two types of vacation, based on a well-written report - main and additional vacations. The main category includes annual paid vacation. Additional ones include:

  • Going on leave for family and personal reasons, a wedding, for example;
  • Yearly service;
  • For a study session at a university;
  • Creative vacation;
  • Official maternity leave and subsequent child care;
  • Rest for participants in combat operations;
  • Retirement.

The duration of vacations in the additional category can be different - unplanned, if family circumstances require it, and planned according to the terms, for example, fully paid educational leave.

As for the duration of rest, it is determined by the manager structural department, in which the employee works, as well as personal circumstances and the prevailing life situation. The legislation sets its own time limits for vacations - no more than 10 days, taking into account standard days off.

Maternity leave

One of the most common vacation options classified as family reasons is the birth of a baby. In this case, the father is given up to 10 legal days of rest, but the more precise time is determined by the management.

If a female employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs goes on maternity leave, she is given rest until the baby turns three years old. The employee is entitled to financial support until the child is one and a half years old. This rule is provided for by modern legislation.

The temporary period of the main vacation is 30 days. The period provided does not include holidays and Sundays, but Saturdays are included in the number of days. In the generally accepted vacation system for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the period of required rest is distributed according to a special schedule. It is compiled a year in advance.

Departure is made later than the 10th day of the month that was planned according to the established schedule. It is important to have time to use the non-use of the main legal vacation time in the current reporting year in the first quarter of the next reporting year. This right is valid until March.

The main leave is fully paid for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Duration of additional leave

After 10 years of continuous service in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a person acquires the legal right to use additional days for vacation. This is a kind of reward for length of service, and its duration in days is calculated in direct proportion to the years worked:

  1. 10 years – 5.
  2. 15 full years – 10.
  3. 20 years worked – 15.

In the process of granting this form of leave, both days off are taken into account without fail. According to generally accepted rules, an additional plan vacation is given simultaneously with the main one only if we are talking about a 5-day vacation period. Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who have the official right to additional 10 and 15 days, can take them separately from the main leave.

Presidential leave

This form of rest is provided to restore physiological reserves after completing tasks related to the protection of the general state system of the Russian Federation. The total duration of such a vacation is exactly 30 days. The official basis for receiving this form of leave is a medical report received at the clinic.

This form of monetary reward is provided only for the time that comes after the required 30 days. Despite the existing rule, in practice such a replacement is not used. In relation to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs working in the northern regions, as well as to those who serve in conditions harmful to general health, monetary compensation will not be established.

A special advantage of this form of leave is the possibility of receiving compensation for travel to specialized sanatoriums of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In relation to people working in the northern regions, the law provides for payment of travel to other more comfortable vacation spots.

Documents for required leave

Leave to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs organization is granted on the basis of such important documents as:

  1. A report written personally by a law enforcement officer. It is drawn up in a special form.
  2. A vacation schedule drawn up and officially approved by the governing body.
  3. Official order from the manager.

Vacation or receipt of appropriate compensation is possible only after a confirmed official report. This factor confirmed by a special order.

Rules for drawing up a vacation report

Writing a report is quite simple. At the very top of the document there is a standard header, where the name of the department and the full name of the manager are noted. The text of the report itself is written in the central part. The reason for going on regular leave, its category and other information are written down here.

Transfer and subsequent extension of vacation time

According to the current law for the Russian Federation, an employee in certain life situations can postpone the vacation or, if necessary, extend it. This option will be most useful in the following common life situations:

  • Sudden onset of illness and temporary disability;
  • Receipt of a certain service task;
  • Other situations provided for by current legislation;
  • Personal family circumstances.
The maximum time for transferring vacation in such a situation cannot exceed the required 10 days.

Extension of leave is carried out only on the basis of a special order received from the boss and if there is a sufficiently significant reason. There are some important points regarding the onset of temporary disability. Vacation with this factor can be postponed without problems to the desired time period. Regarding sick leave, That this document, issued on the basis of the child’s incapacity for work, is not extended.

Review from vacation

A special feature of the vacation for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is that their superiors can recall them from vacation. The call can occur if one of two important conditions is met:

  1. Consent of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. The manager himself gave direct consent to the call and signed an official order for this.

According to Article No. 64 of the Federal Law, a call is made only if, due to the absence of an employee, the organization cannot fulfill its direct duties.

At the same time, there are certain situations in which the official recall of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is allowed, without obtaining his prior consent. Federal law defines all situations that fall under the definition of a martial law emergency.

If, after an employee is recalled, he has unused vacation time, it is applied at any period convenient for the employee. When the total duration of such time is 10 days or more, it is possible to increase its duration by the time that needs to be spent on the road to the place of the planned vacation. In such a situation, the employee will only be paid the cost of travel.

Vacation calculation rules

There are a fairly large number of features that relate to the calculation of frequency and vacation time for government employees. They must be taken into account in order to avoid possible mistakes. First of all, it is important to pay attention to the features of calculating annual leave. Here are the most basic of them:

  1. The main one is exactly 30 days.
  2. For official length of service, 15 days are required.
  3. Weekends – no more than 10 days.

So, the total duration of rest time for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in such a case cannot exceed 55 days per year. As an addition, the time period of rest may include the time required to travel to the place of rest.

Leave for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is paid until the date of release. Usually the transfer of funds is carried out on the last working day, no later.

Summing up

The vacation of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is associated with numerous important nuances. Most of them relate to the calculation of rest time, its payment and registration. They must be taken into account in order to avoid certain complex and controversial situations.

Due to the fact that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are subject to a wide range of powers that involve risks to health and life, the state guarantees employees an expanded range of benefits and compensation. The guarantees also apply to holidays. Let's find out whether the Ministry of Internal Affairs is entitled to compensation for vacation.

Family leave for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to submit a report before going on basic and additional official leave. Basic annual leave is provided according to the schedule and is paid from the department’s budget. Additional vacations are of the following types:

  • for family reasons;
  • for length of service;
  • upon retirement;
  • provided to combat participants;
  • newborn care;
  • during pregnancy;
  • to complete the session;
  • creative;
  • without saving.

If an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs wishes to go on leave for family reasons, he must explain the reasons for going on vacation to his superiors so that management can determine the duration of the vacation. In any case, current legislation prohibits approval of the duration of such leave for more than 10 days, including weekends.

Leave for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the birth of a child

A type of additional leave granted for family reasons is leave for the birth of a child in a police family. If the father of a newborn is in the police, the authorities will release him for a maximum of 10 days.

If the child’s mother is a police officer, she will have to go on maternity leave from birth until the child is one and a half years old, and then until the child reaches three years of age - as is the case with any other employees of budgetary and commercial enterprises.

Until the child turns 1.5 years old, his mother will receive benefits on a general basis, provided to provide the child with everything necessary during the vacation period.

Duration of the main annual leave of a police officer

Unlike enterprise employees, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs rest not 28, but 30 calendar days, excluding weekends and holidays. Each day of rest will be fully paid for by the department.

The time for each police officer to go on vacation is approved by his superiors and is reflected in the vacation schedule drawn up for the year in advance. An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must go on vacation no later than 10 days after the planned date. If some part of the vacation was not used, it is transferred to the future, but you need to have time to rest in the 1st quarter of the new year (until March inclusive).

Long service leave for police officers

When the period of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs reaches 10 years, the police officer acquires the right to receive additional leave for length of service. Its duration will depend on the service life:

  • for 10 years of service, 5 calendar days of vacation are due;
  • for 15 years – 10 days of rest;
  • for 20 years – 15 days.

Additional leave will be added to the annual one, and days off will be taken into account when calculating the duration of additional rest. But if a police officer has earned the opportunity to rest an additional 10-15 days, he has the right to use the rest time separately from the main vacation.

Presidential leave for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Like all other employees of law enforcement agencies, police officers are given a so-called presidential rest period of 30 days, intended to recuperate after completing tasks to protect the Russian state system. To go on such leave, you must obtain a doctor’s report on the need to improve your health.

Compensation for vacation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in case of unused vacation

You can receive compensation for vacation that you could not use only for days in excess of the mandatory 30 days of rest. If a police officer works in the Far North, additional days of vacation cannot be replaced with compensation. In addition to compensation for vacation days directly, the police officer is reimbursed for the cost of travel to the department’s sanatorium-resort institutions. In the case of workers in the northern regions, travel to any holiday destination is reimbursed.

In practice, compensation for leave that was not used during the period of service is paid only upon dismissal from the internal affairs bodies. If vacations from previous years, basic or additional, were not used, they are also subject to compensation.

Difficulties arise in the payment of compensation for the unused part of the vacation in the year when the dismissal of a police officer is formalized. The fact is that upon dismissal, only those employees who were dismissed can receive compensation for unused annual paid leave:

  • due to retirement due to long service;
  • upon reaching the maximum possible age for service in the police department;
  • due to deteriorating health;
  • to reduce the position the employee held;
  • due to the end of the police officer’s tenure at the disposal of the territorial executive body of the police department, division or federal body;
  • due to the detection of a disease;
  • due to violation of the terms of the employment contract by an authorized manager;
  • due to the lack of possibility of transfer or due to the police officer’s refusal to transfer to another position in the police department;
  • due to refusal to transfer to another position, the need for which is caused by close relationship or affinity with the authorities.

If a police officer is fired for other reasons, he will be paid compensation for unused vacation in proportion to the length of service in the year of leaving work.

A police officer has the right to claim compensation for unused additional rest that should have taken place in the year of dismissal, calculated in proportion to the length of service in the year of dismissal, if the rest was due:

  • for working under irregular working hours;
  • for work under special conditions;
  • for execution official duties in harmful and dangerous conditions;
  • for length of service in the police department.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common mistakes

Error: An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs working in the Far North region demands that his additional leave be replaced with monetary compensation.

I have a question about providing additional paid leave for civilian personnel for continuous work experience in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system. According to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 28, 2007 No. 1236, from January 1, 2008, employees are provided with leave data according to their existing length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but for what period they are provided is not specified. Or take the working year of the main vacation as the working year, since the order states that the main and additional vacations are summed up. Or, in the personal statement, indicate the working period starting from the length of service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Most workers have a working period for annual leave in our organization does not coincide with the existing right to length of service, since people have accumulated work experience in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in other organizations.

Consultations: 452

The full order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 28, 2007 No. 1236 looks like this:

"For the purpose of social protection of employees of internal affairs bodies, organizations, divisions, institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and civilian personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the basis of part two of Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation<*>I order:

1. To provide, from January 1, 2008, employees of internal affairs bodies, organizations, divisions, institutions of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system and civilian personnel of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs with annual additional paid leave for length of continuous work in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs system:

From 5 to 10 years - 3 calendar days;

From 10 to 15 years - 5 calendar days;

From 15 to 20 years - 10 calendar days;

Over 20 years - 15 calendar days.

2. Establish that:

2.1. Annual main and additional paid leave are summed up. By agreement between the employee and the employer, annual paid leave can be divided into parts. Moreover, at least one part of this leave must be at least 14 calendar days.

2.2. The length of continuous work for providing employees with annual additional paid leave includes length of service, which gives the right to receive a percentage increase for continuous work in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as length of service, which gives the right to receive a monthly bonus for length of service to employees of certain departments of internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, payment for which is made in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2008 N 583 “On the introduction of new systems of remuneration for employees of federal budgetary, autonomous and state institutions and federal state bodies, as well as civilian personnel of military units, institutions and departments federal bodies executive power, in which the law provides for military and equivalent service, the remuneration of which is currently carried out on the basis of the Unified tariff schedule for remuneration of employees of federal government institutions."

According to Art. 118 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (“Annual additional paid leave for the special nature of work”) separate categories employees whose work is related to the specifics of their work are provided with additional annual paid leave. The list of categories of employees who are entitled to annual additional paid leave for the special nature of their work, as well as the minimum duration of this leave and the conditions for its provision are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.



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