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Presentation is an activity as a way of human existence. Activity is a way of existence of people. Presentation on the topic of activity is a way of existence of people.

Activity is a way of existence of people

Completed by Rizatdinova Rizida Ibragimovna, history and social studies teacher

Municipal Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 2 of Magnitogorsk

  • Activity- the process of active interaction between a subject and an object, during which the subject satisfies any of his needs and achieves a goal. An activity can be called any activity of a person to which he himself attaches some meaning. Activity characterizes the conscious side of a person’s personality.

  • Under activities understand the specifically human way of actively relating to the world - a process during which a person creatively transforms the world around us, turning oneself into an active subject, and the phenomena being mastered into an object of one’s activity.
  • Under subject Here we mean the source of activity, the actor. Since it is, as a rule, a person who exhibits activity, most often it is he who is called the subject.
  • Object call the passive side of the relationship, on which activity is carried out. The object of activity can be a natural material or object (land in agricultural activities), another person (a student as an object of learning) or the subject himself (in the case of self-education, sports training).

  • Activity- a concept indicating the ability of living beings to produce spontaneous movements and change under the influence of external or internal stimuli.
  • It is necessary to distinguish activity from activity - two completely different concepts. Activity characteristic only for humans, while activity is trait of representatives of the animal world .

  • Subjects, objects.
  • The motive of the activity, i.e. reasons that motivate a person to perform actions.
  • The purpose of the activity is to have a conscious image of the result of the activity.
  • Means - i.e. methods, methods, objects that are used to achieve the goal.
  • The process of activity is actions aimed at achieving a result.
  • The result of the activity is the result.

Features of activity

  • Features of activity:

Consciousness (goals)

Productivity (getting results)

Has a transformative nature (changes the world and oneself - habits, abilities)

Is of a social nature (relationships with other people)

These are precisely the features that distinguish human activity from animal behavior.

  • Material (material-production and social-transformational) and spiritual (cognitive, value-oriented, prognostic)
  • By subject: individual – collective By character: reproductive – creative Po legal compliance: legal - illegal compliance with moral standards: moral – immoral By relationship with social progress: progressive - reactionary Depending on the spheres of public life: economic, social, political, spiritual According peculiarities of human activity manifestation: external - internal

Forms of activity

1. Work (aimed at achieving a goal, practical usefulness, mastery, personal development, transformation)

2. Game (the process of the game is more important than its goal; the dual nature of the game: real and conditional)

3. Learning (learning new things)

4. Communication (exchange of ideas, emotions)

  • – this is a type of activity that is aimed at creating material and spiritual products to satisfy certain needs of man and society.
  • Characteristic features of labor as a type of activity:
  • Feasibility (necessity)
  • Having goals
  • Availability of knowledge and skills.
  • Utility
  • Personality development
  • Focus on results and getting them.
  • Transformation of the world, society and man himself.

  • Physical– work during which there is a load on the human body, on its musculoskeletal system.
  • Physical labor can be: manual, mechanized, assembly line, or automated.
  • Mental– associated with processing, assimilation of information, requires attention, memory, and activation of thinking processes.
  • Mixed- work that requires a combination of both physical and mental effort.

  • - this is a type of unproductive activity for which the process itself is important, not the result.
  • Characteristic features of the game as an activity:
  • Conditional situation
  • Availability of certain rules for the game
  • Using objects that replace real ones
  • Peculiar goals (formation of certain business conversation skills and others)
  • The game contributes to the development of moral qualities of the individual, the formation of certain skills and abilities.

  • - a type of activity as a result of which a person learns about the world, society, himself, and acquires the knowledge, skills and abilities that he needs for successful life.
  • Types of teaching
  • Organized (carried out in educational institutions)
  • Unorganized (by-product of the main activity)
  • Self-education (a person’s independent acquisition of knowledge and teachings, which is based on personal interest).

  • Creation- this is any human activity, as a result of which something qualitatively new appears, which did not exist before and has value for the entire society. The main criterion for creative activity is uniqueness its result.
  • The mechanism of creative activity:
  • Combining existing methods and methods of activity in another option.
  • Having imagination
  • Fantasy
  • Intuition is knowledge, foresight, the appearance of which cannot be explained.


Communication- this is a special form of interaction between people, the establishment of relationships, contacts, connections between them. An important means of communication is language, speech (verbal communication), although great place are occupied by gestures, facial expressions, posture (non-verbal communication).

  • There is no consensus in science as to whether communication is a separate form of activity or accompanies other types. But anyway, communication- this is also an activity that allows a person to become an individual, helps in mastering knowledge, skills, abilities, and facilitates any type of activity.

  • A person’s knowledge of the world is inextricably linked with his mental activity. Cognition is the result of the accumulation of knowledge about society and environment which occurs through study. Education as a tool for a person to understand the world should not be considered in a narrow sense - it can be both the educational process at school and the reception of traditions about the experience of previous generations. Human knowledge of the world occurs in two ways - rational and irrational. The rational method consists of learning through learning, work and play, the irrational method consists of methods of feelings that arise on an intuitive level.

  • Activity is an indispensable condition of human life: it created man himself, preserved him in history and predetermined the progressive development of culture. Consequently, a person does not exist outside of activity. The opposite is also true: there is no activity without a person. Only man is capable of labor, spiritual and other transformative activities.

Slide 1

Activity as a way of existence for people Topic: Human activity and its diversity Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

Slide 2

Goal: to concretize the concept of “activity” as a specifically human form of interaction with the outside world

Slide 3

Plan: Essence and structure of activity Needs and interests Variety of activities Creative activity

Slide 4

Compare the two definitions: “Activity is the form of existence of human society; manifestation of the subject’s activity, expressed in the expedient change of the surrounding world, as well as in the transformation of a person himself.” " Activity-form mental activity of the subject, which consists in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal of cognition or transformation of an object.”

Slide 5

Activity Development of society is the result of human activity Activity is a manifestation of activity. An activist is a person who has demonstrated himself in some way social activities Animal behavior What makes it different? Human behavior Instinct - adaptation Intelligent activity - transformation. Activities are consistent with the purpose

Slide 6

The essence and structure of activity The subject of the activity is the one who carries out the activity The object is what it is aimed at, it can be a person, a group of people, an organization, a government body. may be natural materials, various objects, spheres or areas of people's lives.

Slide 7

Goal Means of achievement Result Goal is a conscious image of the anticipated result towards which the activity is aimed. Means are objects of labor, tools, technologies Result is the result, the product of activity Activity consists of actions Good Bad Good Bad

Slide 8

NEEDS AND INTERESTS What do you think motivates a person to act? For what? Read the parable: “A diligent woodcutter honestly collected brushwood, he was paid well and praised for his hard work. Only one thing was hidden from him: the brushwood went to the fires of the Inquisition, where people were burned.” What is the parable about? A person must always comprehend his actions, foresee their consequences, know what will happen as a result - good or evil

Slide 9

What drives human activity? Motive is a motivating reason, a reason for some action. A need is a person’s experienced and perceived need for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality. (Biological needs, Social needs, Ideal needs) Beliefs Interests

Slide 10

What groups of needs do these statements relate to? Aristotle: “All people by nature strive for knowledge.” G. Bell: “Sleep is beautiful because it equalizes man and animal.” Yu. Nagibin: “If you define his main aspiration, he always helped someone...Helping was his calling”

Slide 11

TYPES OF ACTIVITY Practical activity is aimed at transforming real objects of nature and society Spiritual activity is aimed at changing the consciousness of people Destructive activity Creative activity

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Activity as a way of human existence
Lysova Elena Yurievna

Slide 2

Essence and structure of activity Needs and interests Variety of activities Creative activity

Slide 3

Compare the two definitions:
“Activity is the form of existence of human society; manifestation of the subject’s activity, expressed in the expedient change of the surrounding world, as well as in the transformation of a person himself.” “Activity is a form of mental activity of the subject, consisting in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal of cognition or transformation of an object.”

Slide 4

The development of society is the result of human activity
Activity is a manifestation of activity. An activist is a person who has demonstrated himself in some social activity.
Animal behavior
What makes it different?
Human behavior
Instinct is an adaptation
Intelligent activity is transformation. Activities are consistent with the purpose

Slide 5

Essence and structure of activity
The subject of the activity is the one who carries out the activity
The object is what it is aimed at
could be a person, a group of people, an organization, a government body.
may be natural materials, various objects, spheres or areas of people's lives.

Slide 6

Goal Means of achievement Result
A goal is a conscious image of an anticipated result towards which the activity is aimed.
Means are objects of labor, tools, technologies
The result is the result, the product of activity
An activity consists of actions

Slide 7

What do you think motivates a person to act? For what? Read the parable: “A diligent woodcutter honestly collected brushwood, he was paid well and praised for his hard work. Only one thing was hidden from him: the brushwood went to the fires of the Inquisition, where people were burned.” What is the parable about? A person must always comprehend his actions, foresee their consequences, know what will happen as a result - good or evil

Slide 8

What drives human activity?
Motive is a motivating reason, a reason for some action. A need is a person’s experienced and perceived need for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality. (Biological needs, Social needs, Ideal needs)
Beliefs Interests

Slide 9

Practical activity is aimed at transforming real objects of nature and society. Spiritual activity is aimed at changing people’s consciousness
Destructive activity Creative activity

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Classification of activities
Criteria for classification of Activities
Man's attitude to the world around him - Practical - Spiritual
Historical process Progressive - Regressive Creative - Destructive
Social norms Legal – Illegal Moral – Immoral
Social forms associations of people Collective Mass Individual
Ways of existence Monotonous, monotonous, formulaic Innovative, inventive, creative
Spheres of public life Economic, political, social, spiritual
Stages of formation and development of a person’s personality Play – learning – work – communication

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Creative activity
What associations do you have when you hear the word “CREATIVITY”? - this is an activity that generates something qualitatively new that has never existed before. The source of activity can be imagination and fantasy

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

2 slide

Slide description:

Lesson plan 1. Essence and structure of activity 2. Needs and interests 3. Variety of activities 4. Creative activity

3 slide

Slide description:

All living beings interact with the environment animals adapt to the environment, they use what nature has given them Man transforms existing nature, creates a “second nature” behavior is expedient but instinct reasonable transformation goal setting activity

4 slide

Slide description:

Activity is a form of existence of human society; manifestation of the subject’s activity, expressed in the expedient change of the surrounding world, as well as the transformation of a person himself. Activity is a form of mental activity of the subject, consisting in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal of cognition or the transformation of an object. What unites these two concepts? activity of the subject in the expedient transformation of the surrounding world

5 slide

Slide description:

Structure of activity subject of activity is the one who carries out the activity person group of people organization state body object of activity what the activity is aimed at natural materials various objects spheres or areas of life person

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Slide description:

goal, means, result, a conscious image of the anticipated result, towards which the activity is aimed, must correspond to reality; what helps to achieve the goal can be material (natural materials and tools) and spiritual (knowledge) what does means must correspond to the goal? this is an assessment of the achievement of the goal of the activity: has what was planned been achieved? the goal and the result may not coincide with each other

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Slide description:

An activity consists of actions. Each action also has its own psychological structure: the purpose of the action, motives, operations and mental acts, the final result Reasons for the discrepancy between the goal and the result, putting forward a obviously unattainable goal, choosing means that do not fully correspond to the goal, putting forward a obviously unattainable goal, lack of necessary skills, manifestation of dishonesty, unforeseen change in the conditions in which the activity took place

8 slide

Slide description:

What drives human activity? Read paragraph 2, page 171 What is “motive”? What can act as motives? What are needs? What large groups did the textbook authors divide the needs into? Which ones do you think are the most important? What scale of needs was developed by A. Maslow? What are social attitudes? Give examples? What are “beliefs”? What role do they play in human activity? What are interests, how are they formed, what do they depend on? What is an “ideal”? What is the difference between the concepts of “conscious activity” and “unconscious”

Slide 9

Slide description:

Motives are mental phenomena that have become incentives to perform one or another action or deed. In everyday life, the words “motive” and “stimulus” are often not distinguished, but these are different concepts. A motive is any mental phenomenon that has become an incentive to action, deed or activity. A stimulus is an objective phenomenon that acts on a person (or animal) and causes a response. In a person, a stimulus, reflected by consciousness, becomes a motive, and it can also become a stimulus that has long been perceived and stored in memory. But the most significant thing is that the motive is a reflection of the stimulus, processed by the individual. The same stimulus in different individuals can be reflected as different motives. Usually an action, deed, and especially behavior is caused not by one, but by a combination of various motives accompanying some dominant motive. Motives can be both fleeting and very persistent. A person may have unmotivated, so-called impulsive, sometimes even unconscious actions, but his activities and actions are always motivated.

10 slide

Slide description:

Main activities Game Teaching Work Communication imitation of reality, it is not the result that is important, but the process of acquiring knowledge and methods of action achieving a practical result is a type of activity in which emotions and ideas, feelings, experiences are exchanged

11 slide

Slide description:

Creativity is the highest type of human activity, which gives birth to a completely new, never before existing Mechanisms of creative activity Imagination - the creation of a new image based on past experience Fantasy - imagination, characterized by special strength, brightness and unusualness Intuition - knowledge, the conditions for obtaining which are not realized

12 slide

Antonina Sergeevna Matvienko

Slide 2


to specify the concept of “activity” as a specifically human form of interaction with the outside world

Slide 3


  • Needs and interests
  • Variety of activities
  • Creative activity
  • Slide 4

    Compare the two definitions:

    “Activity is the form of existence of human society; manifestation of the subject’s activity, expressed in the expedient change of the surrounding world, as well as in the transformation of a person himself.”

    “Activity is a form of mental activity of the subject, consisting in the motivational achievement of a consciously set goal of cognition or transformation of an object.”

    Slide 5


    • The development of society is the result of human activity
    • Activity is a manifestation of activity.
    • An activist is a person who has demonstrated himself in some social activity.

    Animal behavior

    What makes it different?

    Human behavior

    • Instinct is an adaptation
    • Intelligent activity is transformation.

    Activities are consistent with the purpose

    Slide 6

    Essence and structure of activity

    The subject of the activity is the one who carries out the activity

    An object is what it is aimed at; it can be a person, a group of people, an organization, a government body. may be natural materials, various objects, spheres or areas of people's lives.

    Slide 7

    Goal Means of achievement Result

    A goal is a conscious image of an anticipated result towards which the activity is aimed.

    Means are objects of labor, tools, technologies

    The result is the result, the product of activity

    An activity consists of actions

    • Fine
    • Badly
    • Fine
    • Badly
  • Slide 8


    What do you think motivates a person to act? For what?

    Read the parable:

    “A diligent woodcutter honestly collected brushwood, he was paid well and praised for his hard work. Only one thing was hidden from him: the brushwood went to the fires of the Inquisition, where people were burned.”

    What is the parable about?

    A person must always comprehend his actions, foresee their consequences, know what will happen as a result - good or evil

  • Slide 9

    What drives human activity?

    • Motive is a motivating reason, a reason for some action.
    • A need is a person’s experienced and perceived need for what is necessary to maintain his body and develop his personality. (Biological needs, Social needs, Ideal needs)
    • Beliefs Interests
  • Slide 10

    What groups of needs do these statements relate to?

    • Aristotle: “All people by nature strive for knowledge.”
    • G. Bell: “Sleep is beautiful because it equalizes man and animal.”
    • Yu. Nagibin: “If you define his main aspiration, he always helped someone...Helping was his calling”
  • Slide 11


    • Practical activities are aimed at transforming real objects of nature and society
    • Spiritual activity is aimed at changing people's consciousness
    • Destructive activity Creative activity


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