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Presentation for a parent meeting in the middle group “politeness is brought up by politeness.” Presentation on the topic of politeness Presentation download be polite

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Politeness is brought up by politeness Parent meeting in middle group February 2015

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Etiquette is a set of rules of conduct relating to attitude towards people (dealing with others, forms of address and greetings, manners of behavior in public places). Politeness is a way of applying etiquette. It is well known that the most important thing in raising a child to be polite is a constant good example.

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Parents are a tuning fork for a child: how they sound. True education consists not so much in rules as in exercises. (J. Rousseau) that’s how he will respond.

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Greet. First of all, adults themselves must be polite. Most parents teach their kids to wave goodbye and say “bye.” But the child will also have to say hello often: to family, friends, educators and teachers. From childhood, train this useful skill in a playful way, with dolls and bears. Play out different situations. This way the child will learn to say hello faster. Play “shop”, “guests”, “hospital”, “school” with your baby. When you meet neighbors and acquaintances, say hello. And boys can be taught to shake hands when meeting. This is a special ritual for men. And dad can show his son how men greet. After all, in childhood, dad is an example for the baby. What should adults teach children?

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Say “thank you.” The baby is often given gifts and treated to sweets. Remind him that it is customary to thank and say “thank you” for a kind gesture. If the child is still small and shy of strangers, then do not reproach him for his silence, but thank him for it yourself. Play with your baby and teach him to say the magic word. Read books, show illustrative examples how to thank for kindness. Saying “please.” If a child hears this word often, then he says it himself. Use this word in your conversation at home, at the table. Ask your child politely to give you bread, a spoon, or something else; while playing, ask another child politely to give you a toy. Or when buying ice cream, do not forget the word “please” at the beginning of the phrase.

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Learn to say “sorry.” The child must understand that the word “sorry” is a step towards reconciliation and with its help you can improve relations with the one you offended. It, this word, is even a medicine for those who have been hurt. If you yourself inadvertently yelled at your child, be sure to apologize to him, in this way you will cultivate in the child the understanding that adults are sometimes wrong and admit it. If the child does not listen to you, pretend that you are offended. After a while, your child will ask for forgiveness.

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Don't interrupt. During a conversation, it is important to listen to the person to the end and let him finish his sentence before answering. This must also be observed in dialogue with children. And teach them not to interrupt their elders. If your baby wants to attract attention, teach him to do this with gestures: wave your hand or touch his arm, so that you immediately understand that he wants to say something and you can approach him when you are free. It’s not nice when adults talk, but a child constantly attracts attention to himself, asks questions or tries to distract you. Except for some very important information.

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Do not discuss others in public. Sometimes parents feel awkward because a child, for example, sees a person with dark skin or a physical disability on the street and screams, pointing at him, asking his mother why his uncle is black. Agree with your child that if he wants to ask something, you need to ask your question without attracting the attention of others. Explain that it is not customary to discuss other people’s appearance out loud: it is unpleasant for them, and for a child it is a sign of bad taste.

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Give way to the weak. to his personal example teach children to give way to the weak: elderly people in transport, in line - to a woman with infant, tell your son to give way to the girl. When entering a store, hold the door for another person. You can whisper in a child’s ear a reminder of help (helped your grandmother carry a bag of groceries to the refrigerator, cut a piece of pie. Respect the rules of another house. From childhood, children should be taught to behave in public places. Everywhere there are rules of behavior. In the theater, museum, You can’t shout or run around in a restaurant, but you can do this in the playground or in the park. In the clinic, you can’t jump on the bed when visiting.

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Close your mouth. Respecting the health of others around you and covering your mouth when you cough, yawn or chew is a courtesy and a safety measure. Friendliness and kindness towards others - " golden rule" This rule has a lot to do with empathy. This is one of the first rules you should teach your children. It will help them make friends and have a good understanding of life situations. Help others. This rule is closely related to the golden rule. Your child should be willing to help others if needed.

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Follow the rules. This last rule is basic, but mandatory. Respecting authority is also a manifestation of good manners and your child should know this. With these simple rules you can teach your child the rules of etiquette, but this does not mean that the list of rules is final; you yourself can add to it what you see fit.

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Memo for parents “How to help your child be polite” Always strive to use polite “magic” words yourself in your speech. Remember that you are a shining example to follow. Convince your relatives surrounding the child that polite words are the norm in your family. Tell your child about the power of “magic words.” Always say hello and goodbye to your child. Try to use various shapes greetings and farewells (good afternoon, good morning, all the best, see you soon, all the best, and so on). Teach your child the basic rule of politeness: say hello always and everywhere to everyone you see for the first time that day. Don’t forget: when teaching politeness, always be polite yourself!

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Rules for raising a polite person Do not insult the human dignity of your son or daughter. Do not speak rude words in front of him, much less when addressing him. Do not use physical methods of punishment. Don't make endless comments about trivial matters. Encourage children's independence. Be unanimous and consistent in your demands. Do not express disagreement in front of the child. Before you make demands on your child, make them on yourself. Show interest in the child’s life and problems - by imitating, he will very soon return this to you. Be sincere: your apparent politeness and sensitivity to others is easily recognized by a child - he learns lies and hypocrisy. Treat other people tactfully, be patient with other people's shortcomings: this will be a lesson in kindness and humanity for your child. Don’t speak disrespectfully or badly about people: the child will grow up and begin to speak about you the same way. Behavior is the moral measure of a person. Show nobility under any circumstances. Be an example for your child.

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1. Start your morning with a smile. 2. Don't think about your child with anxiety. 3. Know how to read a child. 4. Don't compare children to each other. 5. Praise often and from the heart. 6. Separate the child's behavior from his essence. 7. Experience the joy of joint activities with your child. 8. Let your child know that he is the most loved and desired. 9. Don't be indifferent to inner world and the experiences of their children. 10. Try not to show your negative emotions to your children, do not set a bad example. 11. Try not to create situations in which the child can show his negative behavior. 12. Praise your child as much as possible, even for minor successes. 13. If you want to develop certain qualities in a child, try to treat him as if he has them. Rules of communication in the family

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How to develop politeness Studying etiquette. In order to follow generally accepted norms of behavior for a polite person, you need to know these norms. By studying etiquette and trying to follow it, a person develops politeness. Reading. Not every well-read person is polite, but every polite person is well-read. The broader a person’s horizons, the more respect he has for others; and the closer he is to cultivating politeness in himself. Work on yourself. By developing the ability to listen carefully to your interlocutor without interrupting, a person develops politeness. Communication. There is nothing better for achieving politeness than thoughtful communication with a polite person.

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Basic rules of cultural behavior that should be formed in a 4-5 year old preschooler: The ability to take into account the desires and intentions of other children in the game, play together with common toys, and give in. Children need to be taught to observe the rules of cultural behavior in public places, in transport, at the table, at a party, etc. Children should be taught the habit of always telling the truth. An important task that acquires special significance at this age level is the formation of relationships with adults and peers: a polite, attentive attitude towards adults, the ability to play friendly with children, and to protect the weak and offended. It is necessary to teach children to maintain order in the room. In the play corner. Rule: “Every thing has its place.”

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It’s just that children with good manners will find it easier to adapt to kindergarten, and then at school, they will quickly learn to follow the rules accepted in the team. With such children it is easier to go on a visit, to a cafe, to public places, without thinking that they will throw a tantrum at you. With a polite child, not only will it be easier for those around him, but he will also feel better himself, because he will think about the feelings of other people and what needs to be said. This habit will come from the parents' home, where children will simply repeat what their parents do. "Do as I do." Teaching politeness - why is it needed?

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Zhdanova N.D. Educator junior group POLITENESS

What is politeness? The word “politeness” comes from the Old Slavonic “vezhe”, that is, “expert”. Being polite means knowing how to behave. Politeness is a moral quality of a person for whom respect for people is an everyday norm of behavior and a habitual way of treating others. It includes: attentiveness, showing goodwill towards everyone, willingness to provide a service to everyone who needs it, friendliness, delicacy, tact, modesty.

The history of the origin of the word "politeness" POLITENESS POLITENESS

In what cases do we use these words? Gratitude Farewell Request Apology Greeting

Magic words. What words do you think are called magic? Why? Thank you Sorry Please Forgive Hello Thank you These words make our speech more pleasant, warmer, more friendly.

Hello. I say to my friend: “Hello! “And he responded: “Great!” “There is nothing bad here, both words are suitable. To the eldest, if we meet him, First “Hello!” " we say. We wish you good health (health).

Goodbye. “Goodbye!” " - We say goodbye; That's what we're talking about, that we still have dates ahead of us, Many, many new meetings! "Goodbye" - i.e. we hope to see you again. Goodbye. Bye. See you.

There are not one or two polite words, Remember and know these miracle words! Thank you Please Why do we say “thank you”? Cancel, perhaps, the word “please”? For everything they do for us. We repeat it every minute. And we couldn’t remember, No, perhaps, without the word “please” Who was told how many times... We feel uncomfortable.

“Each of you guys has a magical power - the power of your words and actions” V. Oseeva

Before we part and everyone goes home, I would like to say goodbye, Wishing you at the same time, So that you are polite, Don’t forget the magic words, So that you speak with kind words to your friends.

Riddles Having met a bunny, the neighbor hedgehog says to him: “...” HELLO!!!

And his big-eared neighbor answers: “Hedgehog, ....” Hello!

Flounder swam to the Octopus On Monday, And on Tuesday, in parting, she said to Her: “…..” Goodbye!

A wagtail from the shore dropped a worm, and for the treat the fish gurgled to her: “...” Thank you!

The Hippopotamus and the Elephant, believe me, will not fit through the door together. The one who is more polite will now say: “Only...” after YOU!

Tsar Gundey gave Ivan five nails for his salvation, And Ivanushka said to the Tsar: “...” Thank you!

Well done! Thank you for your attention!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

This material is intended for educators on the topic "Etiquette". A visual presentation will introduce children to proverbs and help explain their meaning....

Interactive open leisure for parents on the topic: "Let's talk about kindness and politeness"1. Organizational moment. (Slide No. 1) If we frown in the morning, Kindness will help us. Come on, children, get together, And each other...

“All the rules of etiquette” - Setting the dessert table. "All the rules of etiquette." Ashtrays are also required. Military etiquette. At an informal dinner, soup is never served in traditional shallow soup bowls. The concept of etiquette. How to dress? Hands can sometimes be hidden only in coat pockets. -Strictly regulated order and forms of treatment established at the courts of monarchs;

“Rules of politeness” - Train yourself to constantly remember about others. Guys, let's be polite! Goodbye. A polite person will not cause trouble or offense to another. Magic words. Thank you. Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness. Bon appetit. Bow down, your head won't fall off. Hello. Politeness manifests itself in relationships with people.

“Etiquette of men and women” - Clothes Jewelry Headdress Gifts Flowers Business cards. Image. A man's wardrobe. Business etiquette for men and women. Appearance of a woman. Appearance is yours business card! A man's appearance. A woman's wardrobe. Etiquette in modern world. Label paraphernalia.

“Telephone etiquette” - 6. I attract your attention for communication - appeal. Rice. 3. Identification. Hello, everything is fine, thank you! I'm listening to you. Sorry, I need Viktor Semonovich Mukhin. I send you greetings at the initial moment of communication - greeting. Establishing contact with a subscriber Getting into contact.

“Etiquette for children” - Story, explanation, conversation. Ethical conversation with children. The main methods of pedagogical influence when teaching children the rules of etiquette: Music games also have a place for teaching the rules of etiquette. Boys (future men) shake hands when greeting each other. Play is one of the most effective means of developing a culture of behavior in children.

“What flowers to give” - Bouquet. 3 flowers. Lilies of the valley. “I could have guessed it myself.” In the tomb of Tutankhamun, found by archaeologists in 1922, all things were intact. 6, 15,24. Pink and white - presented to young girls or girls. Orange flowers are suitable for everyone, because... will bring joy with their bright light. Green flowers can be given to an older friend, father or grandfather.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

Development of an integrated lesson and presentation for the lesson on the topic: “Politeness is an important condition for comfortable communication.”


Rusakova O. A.


Student: Vika Oshurkova, diagnosed with cerebral palsy (first year of study).

Integrated lesson on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: “Rules of politeness.”

Lesson objectives: deepen knowledge about ethics and its importance in human life; learn to live in harmony with others; promote the development of cultural level; cultivate respect for each other; introduce the world of polite words and speech patterns; to form a spiritually and morally developed personality.

Lesson objectives: introduction to morality; development of the child’s internal culture; developing the ability to communicate and find the right way out of a situation; expansion of active vocabulary and the child’s outlook; developing a special opinion about a polite person and rules of politeness.

Equipment: Presentation, cards on the board, handouts: dictionary of qualities, texts for analyzing problem situations, cards with proverbs “ Place the pig at the table, he and his feet on the table”, “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”, cards with polite words, several dolls (choose two), audio recording " REMEMBER - pi - pi - nutrition" (N. Peskov - M. Libin), ball, an exhibition of books about politeness.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Listening to a calm, relaxing melody for 1 - 2 minutes (for concentration).

2. Statement of the problem:

Teacher's word:

Every person knows five senses that help us understand this world. These are smell, sight, hearing, taste and touch. However, there is another sixth sense, accessible to everyone, but not noticeable to everyone. Every day we come across different people: acquaintances and strangers, loved ones and strangers, peers and much older people. It's about feeling comfortable communicating with others. What helps us with this? (Ethics - norms and rules of behavior.

(Slide No. 1.)

What kind of person do you think is pleasant to communicate with, describe him verbal portrait. That is, you want to say that it is pleasant to communicate with a person who is neat, calm, polite, kind and well-mannered. Today we will talk and learn new polite words, complement the image of a person with whom it is pleasant to be friends and communicate, and also create rules of politeness.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Let's play a ball game: "I know five magic words." You need to name as many five words and phrases as possible. (comes into play). Okay, well done! (together with the teacher we perform the actions).

What are synonyms? (the teacher reminds the concept of the word “synonym”, gives examples). Now let's start playing.

Name synonyms for the words: hello, goodbye. Let's act out a scene using these words in which one boy wants to ask a passerby what time it is? How to do this correctly? Every person has a name. What is your name? How to meet? Let's role-play a dating situation.

I present several dolls from the toy collection (we choose together). Our dolls also have names, but they are mixed up. Guess what their names are?

(In front of the student I lay out several different letters necessary for the names of the dolls).

YATAK ASHIRAM(answers: Masha, Rita, Katya, Arisha, Marisha.)

Questions from the teacher to the student:

How can you call them affectionately? What will the dolls be called when they grow up? How are people's first, patronymic and last names written? Is it possible to laugh at them? How will a person feel in this case? (the student answers questions with the help of the teacher with complete answers).

Physical exercise (expressive movements)

Together we help mom.

We rinse the laundry ourselves.

Stretch and bend over!

Well done!

Guests came to our dolls Marisha and Katya (represented in the form of heroes from fairy-tale characters from children's fairy tales). Do you recognize them? Who is this?

As soon as Winnie the Pooh saw the pot of honey on the table, he immediately grabbed it and gobbled it all up;

The rabbit put all 4 paws on the table and whistled loudly;

Eeyore picked his nose and chomped;

The owl tied a napkin around her neck, wished everyone sitting at the table a bon appetit, and folded her wings so as not to disturb anyone.

What is the correct answer? ( Owl).

The doll Marisha held several competitions with the guests; it is necessary to give the animals the correct answer:

Find the extra word

Scold, find fault, scold, praise, scold( extra word Praise, because

The remaining words are close in meaning).

Vowels are lost in polite words, without them the words will not be magical

S - P - S- B -, P - F - L - J - ST - , B - D - D - B - R -, SP - K - N - J - N - H -.

About which of the guests of the dolls can we say the proverb “Put a pig at the table, and it will put its feet on the table”? (about the Rabbit). Why? And when they say “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb”? Why do you have to be polite even at the table while eating? (explanations are given by the student).

Fizminutka - musical pause.

I suggest listening to the song “Sing-pi-pi-tanie”, if you know it, you can sing along. Why do you think we listen to this particular song in our lesson?

How do you feel after listening to it?

What are the rules? politeness You know? (Slide number 2.)

Each of us in everyday life often uses polite words. Name the most common ones.

What impact do they have? polite(kind) words to people? Do they always help?

Let's consider this question at specific examples. Now I will read a text describing a certain situation. Your task is to analyze the situation and answer the questions posed. A dictionary of qualities will help you. (The teacher reads the text and together we explain this situation from the point of view of observing the rules of politeness. There are 5 situations in total, it is advisable to do the “Blow a Kiss” physical exercise between them. (texts in the appendix).

Conclusion (Slide No. 3).

Continue sentence:

Politeness is manifested not only in words, but also ... (in the tone in which they are pronounced).

Words of politeness must be pronounced with... (smile).

An important quality of politeness is... (sincerity).

Another important quality of politeness that Vitya forgot about is tact.

Teacher's word.

What is tact? (Slide No. 4). This is a sense of proportion, the ability to feel the mood of others, to respect their opinions, views, feelings.

A tactful person can be immediately noticed. He will never speak disparagingly about another person, will always listen and will not interrupt the interlocutor, and will definitely apologize if he creates inconvenience for someone.

This person will never allow himself to be jostled at the entrance to transport, sit indifferently when a child is standing next to him or old man. The basis of the behavior of a tactful person is the ability to control oneself.

Tactfulness and good manners must be constantly cultivated in oneself. For example, one of your classmates read someone else's note. What is this - a trifle? Of course not. At the very least, this is tactlessness. Do you have a habit of slamming doors when leaving a room? This also indicates an insufficient level of your culture. Why not give up your seat on public transport to an elderly person or a sick person? All these are manifestations of tactlessness.

(Slide No. 5). Once upon a time, the famous Russian writer A.P. Chekhov said: “... Good education does not consist in not spilling sauce on the tablecloth, but in not noticing if someone else does it.”

How do you understand this statement?

So, the important elements of comfortable or pleasant communication should be (cards on the board):




Do you think strong friendship is enough for this?

Let's conduct an experiment.

The teacher calls two students (Vika is helped by her younger sister Tanya), she invites one of the girls to turn their back to the other.

Are you comfortable standing with your back to someone else?

The teacher then asks the student with his back to the other to relax and fall, and promises that the other will catch him. What will happen?

Why didn't she want to fall? (afraid).

What else is needed for warm communication? (trust).

(Slide No. 6).

The French writer Jean La Bruyère said about trust that this is the first condition of friendship.

4. Lesson summary (reflection).

What did we talk about today? What did you learn that was useful for you? Let's discuss and remember the rules of politeness (the student suggests, and the teacher formulates phrases):

Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

Always be friendly, say hello when you meet, thank you for your help, and say goodbye when leaving.

Don’t make them worry about you, when you leave, tell them where you are going and what time you will be back.

Don't be capricious, don't grumble. Your whim can spoil the mood of others.

Finally, I offer you reminders about polite behavior; read and discuss their contents at home with your loved ones.

If you follow the rules of politeness and good manners, then your wishes will definitely come true.

Teacher: Thanks for the lesson. The lesson was very interesting, I think it benefited you. Good luck.

Litvinenko Victoria
Presentation “Politeness is cultivated by politeness”

Parents are an example for a child in everything. And before you demand from him polite communication, follow yourself: Do you yourself use words like "Thank you", "Please", "Sorry", "Hello, "Goodbye", "Good morning", "Good night".

In order for a child to learn this while communicating in the family, he needs positive motivation.

He must be captivated, interested and definitely praised for action: “Look how happy grandma was that you said hello to her! She is pleased that you paid attention to her and wished her health! Well done!"

It is better not to impose rules of behavior, but to develop them during play or live communication with a child.

Be sure to tell us what they mean polite words. Learn magic words with your child politeness: good afternoon, hello, goodbye, good evening, good day, hello.

Repeated repetition will form the habit of saying hello and goodbye.

Publications on the topic:

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INTRODUCTION Relevance We often hear rude, abusive speech around us. “Nothing costs us so little or is valued so dearly.

A fairy tale about politeness and polite words - teaching children to be polite and kind towards each other Once upon a time there was a Queen of Politeness: she lived well - everyone respected her, never offended her. Her court ladies-in-waiting lived next to her - polite words:.



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