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Sell ​​at maximum levels. Activities to increase sales
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Popular wisdom says that there is never a lot of money. It's good when there are enough of them, but everyone is interested in the answer to the always topical question: how to make it so that there are even more of them? There are various algorithms for increasing the volume of implementation, and quite simple ones, which even a beginner in this business can perform. Let's take a closer look at the sequence of actions, methods and tools that affect the increase in sales.

In this article, you will learn:

  1. How to increase sales through repeat purchases
  2. How to launch promotions to increase online sales
  3. What marketing moves to increase sales have helped brands

First, you need to add specifics to the understanding of this category. Sales volume is a combination of certain stages, therefore, an increase in sales in a store is associated with full-fledged work on each of them. As a result, the positive dynamics of indicators at each of the stages leads to the fact that there is an increase in sales volumes.

There is a visual formula:

Sales volume = number of leads * conversion (average bill * repeat sales)

But you need to understand each of the categories presented in order to catch the pattern:

Inbound stream, or potential customers

people interested in the company's products or services that have been recruited by managers. The foreign equivalent of the term "potential customer" is a lead (literal translation of the English verb "lead" - to lead).

The lead performs the following operations: comes to the store, leaves a request or makes an order via the Internet, clicks on an advertising link on the Web, orders consultation / measurement services, etc., calls. That is, a lead is a person who actively contacts for the purpose of making a purchase, and advertising (both outdoor and any other of its types), the Internet, etc. can involve him in this process.

To summarize the above, we are talking about traffic. Inbound traffic generates outbound, but not all 100% of potential customers will eventually go to the category of buyers. This assumption becomes the reason for the appearance in the formula of such components as:

  1. Conversion- part of the representatives of potential customers who made a purchase.
  2. Average check- the average amount spent by the average client of the firm. This indicator is individual for each case under consideration, but for any company the most accurate knowledge of this figure will contribute to the growth of sales.
  3. Repeat sales- the designated time period for calculating the volume of sales. Knowing the number of repeat sales in this gap is crucial.

In practice, it has been proven that an increase in conversion, average check and repeat sales by 15% leads to a twofold increase in sales volume.

Experts advise to start increasing sales through a key parameter - establishing interaction with the client. And here the primary task should be the very fact of attracting potential buyers. There are quite a few methods of attracting customers, ranging from a well-built advertising campaign to drawing up a USP (unique selling proposition).

As a rule, you already have a certain number of consumers, and at this level it is important to monitor the conversion: how many potential customers actually become buyers.

Conversion rates depend on various factors:

  • Sales skills and motivation of your staff... Managers must be professionals in their field. It is not only about the ability to sell, but also about the desire or incentive to do so. The task of any company is to form a stable team of managers who are ready for training, motivated and therefore effective. Increasing sales for employees should be the main goal.
  • Formation of a client base and subsequent work with it... A company should get serious about building a complete customer base. This can be done, for example, using a questionnaire, for filling out which you will be given discount cards, loyalty cards, and you will be encouraged to register on the site with a useful application, a seminar or access to download a book.
  • First contact with customers... Today, many companies are letting this critical stage go by itself, while it needs to be given no less attention than the rest of the points. An employee who has not only the skills of business etiquette, but also at least minimal knowledge in the field of public speaking, should answer the client's phone calls.

Plus, in the situation of the first contact, the potential client, ideally, should become not just a buyer, but a regular consumer. You must offer these conditions and be able to communicate them so that the person does not get off the hook.

Here's an example of increasing sales in a laundry. On the opening day, customers were offered to wash their clothes for only $ 1.99. After the service rendered, customers were presented with coupons with a 50% discount for the next wash. Of course, people returned to this laundry a second time. At this stage, they were offered to take part in the action "Two washes for the price of one." When they came for the third time, they received 15% discount loyalty cards.

  • Speed ​​of response and reaction... The less time lasts the moment between the appearance of the desire to buy and the acquisition, the more chances the customer will make both the first purchase and subsequent ones. The task of any company is to minimize problem areas on the way to making a deal. Ideally, the entire process should be carried out in a matter of seconds so that the client does not have time to change his mind.

Sales plan

detailed guidance aimed at increasing sales revenue, number of contracts awarded, market share, etc. This plan is productive for all companies, regardless of their field of activity, as it is universal.

The preparation of a sales plan should be preceded by a sales audit, which includes:

  • The total number of clients.
  • Sales volume for the period.
  • Average check and number of purchases per customer.
  • Customer bounce rate.
  • ROI for each sales channel.

These statistics make it possible to prepare a preliminary decision on the growth of sales.

A typical action plan to increase sales includes levels such as:

Sales to new customers

This point is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This is not only about the transition of potential customers to the permanent category, but also about such an important parameter as the sales cycle.

The sales cycle is industry-specific and can be short or long. Real implementation tools are determined by the duration of transactions. If a company is characterized by a short sales cycle, then such techniques as discounts, promotions, customer cards and special offers are relevant for it.

It is optimal to build a long cycle according to the two-step implementation method, which is actively used in the B2B sector. First, you receive customer contacts (an alternative option is an invitation for a test drive or a trial purchase), and only then you sell the main product.

You can also provide an opportunity to test the product, after which the sale will follow. This method is suitable for both car dealerships and beauty companies.

There are also upsell, crossell and downsell schemes, the purpose of which is to increase sales through new customers:

  1. Upsell- additional sale of related options, for example, offering insurance when buying a laptop.
  2. Crossell- cross-selling. The average bill increases due to the offer to buy goods from another category. The client came for a USB flash drive and bought a hard drive.
  3. Downsell- sale of goods at a price lower than the initial offer. You make more money on a less expensive product. The client, on the advice of a sales manager, purchased plastic chairs, not wood, but the profit is higher because their purchase price is lower.

Evgeny Kotov, a business coach of the Practicum Group company, talks about how to increase sales.

Sales to existing customers

Attracting a new buyer is seven times more expensive than selling a product to an existing one. The following tools will work here:

  • "Closed" sales. You can send information about a closed sale to the entire customer base, but only a certain part of regular customers will be able to take advantage of the discount.

  • Pre order. A competent approach assumes that the company knows in advance what its customers need, thanks to which a list of pre-orders is drawn up and prepayment is made.

  • Lotteries, contests and sweepstakes build trust in the company and contribute to its growth. Those customers who have not become winners can be offered a bonus one-time purchase discount or a certificate for a fixed amount.

  • Club cards - these are not really bonus cards, because their functionality is expanding due to the possibility of using the free services of the company and its partners.

Resuscitation of "sleeping" clients

Sleeping clients are people who have not purchased anything from your company for a long time. They are not always ready to close the next deal, and your task is to re-establish contact. This can be done as follows:

  • Call or letter by e-mail, to find out the reasons why the customer stopped making purchases from your company.
  • Special offer makes it possible to return the consumer to the number of active buyers.
  • Exclusive- the option when you present to a "sleeping" client new product, which is not yet in stores, and it will become its first owner.

What must be in the plan to increase sales:

  1. Specific deadlines for each stage. The tentative period for informing "sleeping" customers is usually 14 days, while onboarding new customers can last for the entire implementation period.
  2. You must have a team to put the plan into action. It can be comprised of employees from your company or outsourced employees.
  3. It is necessary to appoint a person responsible for the development and implementation of the plan to increase sales.

What are the ways to increase sales and average check in an online store?

An increase in the average check in an online store can occur due to the introduction of technologies upsell and cross-sell... To successfully implement these technologies into work, you should collect data on existing and potential customers, as well as on the goods they have purchased. This information will become the basis for further proposals to them.

Measures to increase sales can also be based on ideas about the quality and properties of products, manufacturer's or supplier's data, compared with competing companies. Thanks to the collected information, you can build simple cross-sell chains, for example, a product - an accessory. You can offer a cover to the phone, to a leather bag - a means to remove dirt, to a ring - a bracelet, to a T-shirt - shorts or moccasins.

To create a more complex chain, you need to analyze the composition of orders, in particular, what goods were purchased and what related purchases were made. At the same time, it is not always possible to determine the logic that the client was guided by when purchasing absolutely unconnected products. Nevertheless, the pattern can be established by analyzing all the information.

For example, for an awning for trips to nature, a sleeping bag and a mobile table, a brazier, a lighter fluid or a mosquito repellent can become accompanying purchases. Things are not directly related, but their commonality is obvious - this is a standard set for a vacation outside the city.

To apply the knowledge gained on methods of increasing sales in practice, you can make a pop-up window on the website of an online store, which is usually easy to see by the phrase "They also buy with this product."

You can also analyze information about the tabs viewed by the client. At the same time, it is important that he was registered on the site, then it becomes possible to include him in the mailing list with promotions on the goods he is interested in. Materials for such mailing can be extracted from the client's questionnaire, filled out during registration, in order to make offers of a particular product based on the data.

And you shouldn't ask a client a lot of questions, as no one likes to fill out long and boring questionnaires. For example, in the questionnaire of a children's store, you can specify the gender and age of a child, a pet store - the breed and age of the animal, a clothing store - the size and favorite style, a sporting goods store - a kind of sport.

Submit your application

After you have made a newsletter, you should compile statistics on it. For example, customers who have viewed an email can be sent a detailed offer. If the consumer is not even curious about what is in the letter, then you should not include his address in the next newsletter.

You should also pay attention to the actions of the customer: if you see that some products have been added to the cart, but there was no purchase, you can remind the buyer in an email that the cart contains the selected products.

Other suggestions to increase sales:

  • Set a purchase limit, upon reaching which the client will receive a discount or free shipping.
  • Offer more items. This is especially true for products with different packaging and in different volumes. Information about the options for the volume of goods should be in front of the eyes of the buyer, on the same tab or in the form of a pop-up message. This technique allows you to appreciate the advantage of buying 500 ml of perfume compared to 100 ml.
  • Offer a coupon for your next purchase. The coupon must be provided when the payment has already passed or the goods have already been delivered. It is important that the coupon is valid for as long as the customer needs to evaluate the quality of the purchase and understand that he is ready to make another, or maybe several.
  • Offer a more profitable product. The method works well when the consumer receives an offer to purchase a similar product in the same price range. The chip of the scheme is in offering a more marginal product, because it affects the increase in sales profit.
  • Make sure your offer is compelling. Recommend what you have to offer. The recommendation form works more efficiently, and you are guaranteed an increase in retail sales.

What not to do in pursuit of sales growth:

  • Don't shove in trash. Offer a product that has been in stock for a long time, provided that it is not defective and can benefit the buyer.
  • Don't offer too much... Limit yourself to a few options for the advertised products (maximum five), otherwise the client will fall into a stupor and hesitate to purchase.
  • Don't forget about profit... The assertion that the more stocks, the more sales, is fundamentally wrong. Any discount is needed in order to sell the maximum volume of goods.
  • Don't break Rule 25... The cost of related options and additional products should not exceed the cost of the main order by more than 25%. This is important because of the amount of money the buyer is willing to spend now / in a given period. You should not increase the purchase amount by 1,500 rubles if the main order is already 1,500 rubles.
  • Don't be afraid to downsell... This is relevant for those users who have familiarized themselves with the catalog in some detail, but did not make a purchase. In this case, it is worth demonstrating a slightly less expensive similar product, describing its positive qualities. If you find at least a few advantages of this product, then the customer is likely to purchase it.

How is it possible to increase sales through repeat purchases

  • Anticipate the intent of returning customers

Based on the actions of the returning client, you can create a personal (targeting) offer to increase sales in trade. You can take into account any customer activity available to you: browsing history, visited pages, social networks, where did he find out about your store, which link he clicked to go to you, etc. If you correctly take into account all possible parameters, then you are guaranteed an increase in sales.

And keep in mind that if a user surfs pages with offers for a certain product, then he probably needs something specific. If the client only watches sale offers, then he is guided not by the need for something specific, but by the good value.

  • Make your product return customers

A company that has a clear customer return strategy will always win. When a shoe store puts out new items on a certain day every month, a consumer interested in buying or just curious will sometimes visit the site in one way or another so as not to miss the catalog update.

The client can return for any addition to the already purchased product. It is effective if its price is a certain percentage of the cost of the previous purchase. But consumers will be more attracted if the add-on is free.

  • Engage visitors in dialogue

Dialogue is an opportunity for collecting data, carried out in any form (poll, voting, chat, etc.). A productive way to increase sales is a pop-up offering help for customers who for some reason have stopped being active or are browsing the site without any clearly defined sequence.

Perhaps they just don't fully understand what they are looking for or how to find what they are looking for. That is why you should not forget that contacts of the customer service should be placed where they cannot be overlooked (this applies to both the full and mobile versions of the site).

  • Offer clients negotiated prices or price comparisons

The client is always comparing. Especially when it comes to fashionable goods, products that are in trend. A customer-centric advantage of your site can be a handy price comparison feature. A comparison offer will increase the conversion rate, give the client an answer to the question of where you can buy the product at the most optimal cost.

An effective method here is a minimum price guarantee for up to 30 days from the date of purchase. When a client is in such conditions, he thinks that he has found the perfect offer, so he is more likely to contact your company again.

Additional bonuses and services will also help increase sales and ensure that the buyer comes back. This can be a large selection of products, prompt home delivery, a detailed review and honest reviews, targeted offers, and more.

Companies often implement the negotiated pricing method. A prime example is Greentoe, an electronics retailer. The company allows the customer to evaluate the product himself and assign a price based on the market average. It seems to the consumer that he is making a profitable purchase. Or a firm offers a product at a bargain price if it will be purchased in a large batch, thus provoking an increase in wholesale sales.

  • Create a third-party app store

For select areas of the trade, ways to increase sales such as the app store are relevant. It is associated with the seller's platform, which opens the API to third-party developers, and each sold application brings both a set percentage of profits and returning customers (they come back to purchase the application, update the functionality of the original purchase, etc.).

A good example is Apple, Android. Google Glass is striving for the same. Similar options are being implemented by online game manufacturers. The challenge with this method is that it can be difficult to carve out the time and resources to create an easy-to-use and convenient API, and then organize effective support from the developers.

Mikhail Dashkiev, co-founder of Business Youth, talks about the art of sales and working conversation scenarios

What promotions can be launched to increase online sales

If your goal is to increase sales, don't neglect the old method like stocks. The most productive are:

Any promotion must be carried out with a purpose. The focus may be as follows:

  • Reminder of yourself to existing customers.
  • Making a profit from the stock itself.
  • Brand promotion.
  • Increased customer loyalty.
  • Attracting new consumers.

What marketing moves to increase sales helped brands to become leaders

Every well-known brand took its first steps just like all companies. Let's say Ikea, Pepsi or Coca-Cola initially positioned themselves as a family business. However, the right advertising moves have led to the fact that they are now the first on the market. What exactly did firms do to drive sales growth and get where they are today?

1) In our country about Pepsi learned in 1959 from Nikita Khrushchev at the American National Exhibition in Moscow. Former US President (Richard Nixon) treated the politician to a popular drink in the United States. A photograph of Khrushchev with a Pepsi glass immediately spread in the newspapers.

2) For a long time Tefal called her competitive advantage the fact that you do not need to use vegetable oil for the Teflon coating of the frying pan. In the course of customer analysis, it became clear that a completely different point is appealing to consumers: the Teflon coating is easy to wash because nothing burns. This served as the basis for making changes to the advertising campaign, increasing the effect of it. Takeaway: you always need to listen to customer requests.

3) Increase in sales Alka-Zeltzer in the 1960s, it happened due to a change in advertising: if before that one tablet was thrown into a glass of water, now they began to throw two at a time. After the release of this video, twice the amount of goods was sold. This breakthrough was made possible by the idea of ​​Tinker & Partners.

4) Company Snickers came to our market in 1992. Then she positioned chocolate bars as a snack that can replace meals. But the mentality of our compatriots did not perceive chocolate as an equivalent analogue of borscht, they bought a bar to eat with tea. The company took this into account and reoriented itself to teenagers, as they preferred chocolate to soup.

5) For Timberland The 80s were difficult: inexpensive but high-quality shoes were sold rather slowly. Then the firm decided to carry out an increase in prices in comparison with the prices of competitors. This attracted new buyers, since the axiom worked: a person wants to buy something that is expensive, and the product becomes more desirable.

6) London, 19th century. Gin, brandy, and rum were drunk everywhere. The whiskey was not quoted anywhere, and it was practically not purchased. Thomas Dewar, one of the founders of the brand Dewar's, acted non-trivially: he hired dummy buyers, whose task was to ask for Dewar's whiskey in drinking establishments.

When a client found out that there was no whiskey in the pub, he got upset and disappeared. Thomas Dewar waited a while, and then went to the same establishment with an offer for a contract for the supply of whiskey. Having visited 26 countries in two years, he thus acquired 32 agencies and several export companies, increasing turnover by 10 times.

7) The problem of parents with a sweet tooth is that their clothes need to be washed all the time, because children wipe their sticky hands on them. The solution was proposed by Enrique Bernat, who invented a lollipop in 1958. Unique candy Chupa chups with fruit flavors were loved all over the world, which provoked an increase in sales in the company.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the link between marketing and sales growth is quite transparent. And creating an idea to attract consumers in any of the areas is not so difficult. The main thing is to take into account customer requests and add a little creativity.

To increase conversion, you need to have an idea of ​​the buyer's mindset, and for this you need to turn to the field of neuromarketing. Knowing in this area will help you convince customers to do what you need to do without spending huge amounts of advertising budget.

We will give examples of methods of offering sales services and characterize certain behavioral patterns of consumers.

Apply the magical power of persuasion

An example from behavioral psychology: If you tell randomly selected volunteers that they are “politically active voters,” these people, having received a subconscious mindset, increased their voting activity by 15%. However, in fact, it was only persuasion that triggered the change in behavior. Consider this in your ad campaigns: make customers believe that they are the limited the target audience of your item.

Create promotions for every type of customer

Neuromarketing specialists have identified three types of buyers:

  1. Economical.
  2. Spenders.
  3. Moderate type of spender.

Possible methods of influencing thrifty buyers:

  • Change in the offer price. You don't edit the final price, you just divide it into parts that are easier to perceive ($ 100 / month or $ 1,200 / year).
  • AOL Internet Company replaced the payment for Internet services per hour with payment per month... The reverse of the first method is the scheme: clients do not need to track their expenses every day.
  • Rest on the system " All inclusive”(All including) increases the sense of security. The buyer perceives it this way: he has already deposited all the money, so he will not have to suddenly pay for something while on vacation.
  • Netflix applies monthly payment system for unlimited video viewing, and does not sell access to each specific movie.

Learn to admit your mistakes

Increasing sales in business due to mistakes is real. If you have used online offers, then, most likely, you received emails with apologies from the company for the mistakes made. This is a way to demonstrate concern for clients, as well as a desire to improve your work so that this does not happen again. Thus, the company makes it clear that these mistakes are not ignored, and from now on everything will be done to avoid them.

Offer visitors instructions

Dr. Howard Leventhal, conducting research, concluded that a person usually does not take into account relevant information when it does not give clear recommendations for action. Buyers believe that potential problems will probably not affect them, so they should not bother with them. However, if a statement ends the information, it will have a good effect.

For example, the number of people vaccinated against influenza increased by 25% thanks to recommendations to avoid infection. According to this principle, there is an increase in clients in the insurance sector. The thank you page accomplishes the same goals by guiding the user in the direction of movement and action.

Guarantee delivery time

Every online buyer has a fear that delivery will not be completed on time (especially before the holidays), and this is an important factor affecting the conversion. Build a good relationship with the consumer, let him trust you. An example of successful wording:

  • The online store "Amazon" guarantees delivery of the order on time.
  • Domino's Pizzeria guarantees pizza delivery in no more than 20 minutes.

Keeping delivery promises = increased sales for the company.

Find yourself a competitor

If you come up with an opponent yourself, then the benefits of your proposal will be more obvious. The clash of companies in the form of a game increases loyalty. Everyone remembers the advertising battle of Coca-Cola vs. Pepsi, where the advantage of the second is the lack of secrecy about the composition of the drink, and this fact increases people's confidence in the company.

Connect to the magnification phone

Increasing phone sales is a specific area. You should not call potential customers from different numbers (this is a sign of unscrupulous companies), you should not impose on the buyer, as this will only scare him away from your product.

Contact only those who are interested in your product. You should know everything about both the product and the consumer you are calling: his place of work, field of activity, interests and hobbies, as well as problems and requests. You need to be able to show that the product you offer can save him from any problem.

Gather like-minded people

Inform potential buyers about the company's goals, such as fundraising for charity. Thus, you will attract like-minded people. This can be clearly demonstrated by the TOMS Shoes charity event. Its essence was that when the buyer purchased one pair of shoes, the second was passed on to children in need. This led to an increase in retail sales.

Provide evidence of good company reputation

According to marketing research, people buy better if they do not doubt the positive image of the company. An official document (for example, a certificate of quality), data from any research is a good way to assure the consumer that “3000 customers cannot be mistaken about ...”.

Surprise your customers!

Surprises create a level of loyalty to a company and a brand. The online shoe store Zappos often uses this method in practice. He convinces that the order will be delivered within five days, but the shoes are delivered in two days. It also happens that the company guarantees the possibility of a return, for example, within a year. These promotions generate a positive reaction from customers: they leave reviews that attract new customers.

Real means of increasing sales in an online store

  1. contextual advertising in Yandex and Google.

This is the most effective method of attracting customers if it is properly configured. Potential buyers come to the site based on targeted requests from advertisements. On the negative side, the cost per click is quite high.

  1. SEO optimization.

This is an important criterion for attracting buyers. The effectiveness of unique texts is higher, since it allows the site, after indexing, to get high positions in search engines. Organic traffic is free and essential. But there is a minus - the results will be visible in a couple of months.

  1. Placement of goods in Yandex.Market.

Submit your store's catalog data to the most common service for comparing product features and prices. This will give a chance to receive additional orders. Low cost and positive reviews increase their number, respectively, there is an increase in sales.

  1. Social buttons.

The ability to tell your friends about the products of an online store on their social media pages really increases the number of potential customers.

  1. Instant callback service (for example, CallBackHunter, Perezvoni, F1call).

The visitor of the site receives an offer for a free call from the store in the near future. This is convenient because by phone the user can ask questions about conditions / characteristics he does not understand and make a purchase faster.

  1. Retargeting technology (for example, Yandex, Google, VKontakte).

  1. Email and SMS-mailing to clients (for example, Unisender, SendPulse, Atomic Mail).

A productive function of reminding customers about the existence of an online store to motivate them to buy something again and increase loyalty. The mailing list may contain information about exclusive offers, discounts, special promotions, recommendation products, as well as congratulations on any holiday.

  1. Accept online payment (for example, Yandex.Checkout, Robokassa, Wallet One).

An online payment option (by card or electronic money) is needed by any business that has a website and wants to achieve sales growth. This appeals to customers as it saves them time and effort.

  1. Sale of goods on credit (for example, KupiVkredit, Kuppi.ru).

Another option for paying for a purchase on the site, when the client cannot deposit money at the moment. Loan processing will take no more than 20 minutes, and this also creates conditions that are comfortable for the purchase, due to which there is an increase in sales.

  1. Advertising labels.

Labeling a product with tags such as "Promotion", "New", "Hit", "Sale", "Product of the Day", "Product of the Month" or "Product of the Week" will attract more buyers and increase the percentage of additional sales.

  1. Countdown timer for stocks.

The presence of a timer makes it clear to the client that he does not have much time to think, he needs to take it right now.

  1. One-click order.

A one-click purchase often attracts customers who are too lazy or not very comfortable to enter data into the order fields. Having pressed the button, the person waits for the manager's call, and already in the conversation clarifies the details. This feature helps to reduce the number of "abandoned carts" and increase sales.

  1. Selling triggers.

These are blocks on the home page that attract customers and motivate them to make a purchase. There you can post information about free shipping of the order or the warranty period of the product.

  1. Search, sorting and filters on the product catalog.

In order for the buyer to place an order faster, he must be able to find the desired product among the entire assortment. You can make this task easier by applying the search string, filters and sorting by different parameters.

  1. Domain mail (for example, Mail for Business from Mail.Ru).

It is better to send all letters to customers from mail that is tied to your domain. For example, [email protected] or [email protected]... The buyer will trust such a store more, which will have a good effect on the dynamics of sales.

What is the coolest sales growth strategy?

Strategy # 1. Using many different ways to attract and retain customers

The strength of a business depends on many factors, including the number of customer acquisition channels that you actually use in your work. The fewer such channels you have implemented in your business, the less firmly your business is on the market.

Basically, customer acquisition channels can be summarized into two categories: online and offline. When it comes to offline business, offline channels are more convenient options. If you have an online business, online channels are desirable, but a combination of tools from both categories will bring greater productivity and increased sales.

The scheme of Internet attraction is something like this: there is a huge amount of resources for regular advertising or information about the product you offer. Such sites, first of all, include:

Alternatively, you can negotiate with those sites that coincide with you in terms of topic or target audience. For a businessman offering training, these are training sites, forums, blogs and groups. All these resources need competent content, which you can do in exchange for a percentage of the audience - people who want to make a purchase from you.

Offline locations for attraction are determined by the location of the target audience. What does it mean? Cafes and cinemas can enter into an agreement by posting information about each other on their own, that is, a person sitting in a cinema sees an advertisement about what dishes are offered by a cafe next door, and cafe visitors see posters with films walking in a cinema across the street.

For a businessman selling trainings, offline advertising spaces are the points where representatives of your target audience meet / visit. For example, when offering vocal lessons, leave information about your services at concerts, in karaoke clubs, etc.

A vivid example of increasing sales is the WallMart retail chain in the United States, which has about 370 customer acquisition channels in its arsenal. Thanks to this, there is a continuous expansion of the network.

Strategy # 2. Quality improvement after painstaking analysis

Sales KPIs are critical information in every business that needs to be monitored regularly and carefully.

Let's say that five days a week you make “cold” calls: 15 times in a row, the manager picks up the phone and dials 15 strangers to set the time and place for a meeting to conclude a deal. Seven out of 15 people answer the call, but only one agrees to meet. It turns out that one day is equal to one meeting, and by Friday you should have five meetings with customers interested in the proposal.

The next step: an invitation to a repeat meeting, to which three out of five agree. Only one of these three makes a purchase. The information for your company is as follows: in seven days, the manager makes 75 cold calls, organizes eight meetings and conducts one transaction that increases sales in total.

Knowing these indicators, you understand what needs to be done in order to make more transactions. What are the alternatives:

  • Increase the number of cold calls to increase the number of meetings (including repeat) and sales.
  • Improve your cold calling experience.
  • Send knowledgeable and knowledgeable people to negotiations to increase the percentage of concluded deals and, as a result, profits.

Knowing these metrics creates a clear picture of how your business is performing.

Strategy # 3. Using the right marketing model.

Evaluate your existing marketing model and its results. It often happens that after the analysis has been carried out, an idea comes to the need for additional steps to increase sales.

An illustrative example is Dan Kennedy's student Bill Glazer, who effectively implements chips. information business in their company, which helped to increase profits several times.

Glazer inherited several menswear stores, but the chain was dying. Large companies that could sell similar things, but at a much lower price, began to squeeze Bill's firm out of the market. Buyers moved on to competitors, business began to burn out - a fairly standard situation.

Bill decided that he needed to get data on everyone who looked into his store. Once he got a potential customer's contact information, he entered it into his sales growth schedule and marketing plan, and then sent each of them great letters. People agreed to receive mailings from his company, and Glazer, in turn, sent them special offers, held discount days, etc.

Direct marketing in his company worked quite effectively, which was the reason that the business became stable, gained stability and an excellent reputation in the market. And all this thanks to a competent marketing plan.

Whichever method or strategy to increase sales you choose, you will not succeed if the online store or company website is ineffective. To find out if this is so, a professional audit will help.

Hello, dear readers of the Anatomy of Business project! Webmaster Alexander with you. What is the monthly turnover of your company? It doesn't matter if it's 1 million or 30 thousand a month - in any case, you will be interested in increasing sales.

What are the ways to increase sales now?

There are two main ways to increase the company's profits:

  1. increasing the number of customers (lead generation);
  2. an increase in the average check, that is, either an increase in the cost of services, or the development of a system of additional sales.

Let's now analyze each of them in more detail.

How to increase the number of clients?

All currently existing ways to increase the number of customers can be divided into two large subcategories:

  • an increase in the number of clients at the expense of manpower (an increase in the number of managers);
  • increase in the number of clients due to the introduction of new marketing technologies and advertising.

As for the increase in the number of managers, everything is clear: the more managers we hire, the more they make cold calls and the more sales our company will have. Let's talk about methods from the second category.

What technologies to use to increase profits?

We use the following powerful tools for ourselves and our clients:

  • Landing Page;
  • SEO optimization.

Let's talk about each of them in more detail.

SMM - promoting your product on social networks

SMM Is an abbreviation for English. SocialMediaMarketing means promoting a product through social media. With the right combination of social media and marketing sites, you can get good results. In the article I told how my student managed to get orders for 200,000 rubles. in the first 10 days after the launch of her project.

Skillful project management based on social networks allows you to make sales with a large average bill. In my experience, there are projects with an average check of 100,000 rubles. At the same time, you need to clearly understand what kind of product you want to sell, and based on this, build your positioning in social networks.

If you are just starting to look closely at social networks, I recommend reading these two articles: and.

LandingPage - selling your product through one-page sites

Literally translated from English, this phrase means "landing page". This is what one-page sites are called. I have already talked about their potential in the article. In general, I can safely say that a competent launch of an advertising campaign in Yandex-Direct works wonders and brings in impressive profits. I will show this with a "live" example.

Take a company that makes built-in wardrobes. The average check she has is 45,000 rubles, of which 22,500 rubles. - net profit. The conversion of incoming calls to orders is 50%.

Promotion stages

1) We create a landing page with a conversion of calls to orders of at least 5%.

Thus, for $ 250-400, we get about 100 clicks. 5 of them are converted into orders. With a conversion of 50%, we get 2.5 orders for $ 250-400. Considering that the profit from these orders will be 22,500 × 2.5 = 56,250 rubles, this direction can be considered very promising for business development.

The main problem at this stage is that it is almost impossible to create a landing page and set up Yandex-Direct on your own, and the cost of such services is quite high: an average of 100,000 rubles. for customization. You can, of course, find cheaper options, but you need to understand that professionals with smaller budgets simply do not work and you run the risk of running into scammers. Nevertheless, this technology has one big "plus": traffic from Yandex-Direct is quite stable, and by setting everything up once, you will receive an unceasing stream of customers for several years!

SEO - increase in sales through SEO optimization.

Many people believe that after they create a site and fill out a couple of pages on it, customers will pour in an endless stream of them. Far from it! In internet entrepreneurship, a webmaster (website builder) and an SEO specialist (promotion specialist) are two completely different specialties. It often happens that the customer first goes not to the SEO specialist, but to the webmaster, which is fundamentally wrong! The fact is that the features of website promotion are significantly different from the webmaster's ideas about site building. And the work of a professional SEO-schnick is much more expensive. For example, if the design and layout of the site together cost 100,000 rubles, then SEO-optimization of the site may require from 200,000 to 1,000,000 rubles; it all depends on the complexity of the promoted queries.

You can carry out SEO optimization yourself (how to do it, it is described in a series of articles) or contact the professionals.

Why do you need to do SEO-optimization of a resource?

The main reason is that competent website optimization allows you to generate the most stable traffic. If the site is well optimized, it will provide customers for years. At the same time, large optimization costs are required only at the initial stage. As a rule, in the first year the resource is gaining popularity and in the future it is only required to maintain the project at the proper level.

Now imagine that your site is visited by 1000, 2000, or perhaps even 3000 target customers. What turnover will your company receive with a conversion of at least 3-4%? The answer to this question just explains why companies add such serious funds to the development of their sites. Perhaps you will start thinking about attracting new customers through the site.

If you have any questions, you can ask me in the section or write me a message "In contact with".

With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that by introducing these three components into your business, you will significantly increase the profit of your company.

As a nice addition, I have prepared for you 10 of the most effective psychological techniques that can be successfully used in online marketing and sales. I want to immediately draw your attention to the fact that using these chips I managed to increase the sales of one of my clients several times. Namely, from zero to 53,000 baht per day. (The work was carried out in Tailada). For more details, see this video:

How to increase sales: 10 psychological secrets

1. Overcoming "Barrier of entry"

Very often people feel some doubts, they do not know for sure whether this product or service will suit them, whether it is necessary to pay money for it. And if it doesn't work, what to do? There are many doubts and even more questions that feed these doubts.
Therefore, a lot of companies offer their customers to use a product or service for free, but only for a limited period. If we talk about the IT sphere, then there are various demo and light versions that have reduced functionality, but can show what the program is capable of.
By giving a person the opportunity to use a product or service for free, you dispel their doubts and increase the chances of buying the full version. As a rule, using the program for a month, a person realizes that without it it will not be so convenient, not so comfortable, so he decides to buy.
Also, the submission of your proposal plays a huge role here. Create a tasty phrase, a lure that will be hard to refuse. Something like this: “The first 30 days of using the program are absolutely free. Feel all the privileges of our service and, in the future, you will ask yourself why you haven’t used it before ”. Of course, this is a quick hand text and you should create something more catchy, one that will make a potential buyer take advantage of your free offer.

2. Strength beliefs

Scientists regularly conduct various studies that are based on the influence of beliefs on people's behavior and decisions. Not so long ago, there was an experiment in which people were told that according to all tests and studies, they belonged to the number of "politically active voters." And, oddly enough, more than 20% of those who received such an attitude increased their activity during the elections.
I would like to note that the volunteers for the study were selected completely at random, but their decisions and actions were influenced by this attitude, the fact that they are included in the group of “active voters”.
This psychological factor can be used in sales as well. You need to convince your customers that they are unique, that the product you are offering is intended solely for a limited number of consumers, and it is "he", your customer, who is among the lucky ones.

3. Understand the types of buyers

Neuroeconomists distinguish three main types of buyers:
- Economical;
- Spenders;
- Moderate spenders.

With spenders and moderate spenders, everything is clear, they already like to buy, not always paying attention to the need for this product and its price. But in order to make the "thrifty" people fork out, and there are just over a quarter of all buyers, there are several methods of influence.

Price change. Basically, the price remains the same, but is taken apart into parts that are already easier to perceive. This is how home appliances supermarkets do now in Ukraine. If a plasma TV costs 12,000 hryvnia (48 thousand rubles), then they propose to split the payment into 24 equal parts and pay a small amount every month. The truth is more attractive than shelling out a lot of money at once. This method works very effectively.

Everything at once. Here you need to offer the client to pay a little more, but get the maximum comfort and a package of services. This is what the tour operators do when they offer All Inclusive tours. A person feels that this type of recreation will be more comfortable, safe and convenient, therefore, he may overpay for the services provided.

And the third method is very often used by paid online cinemas abroad. You can choose to pay for each movie, or you can subscribe to a monthly subscription, which will give you the opportunity to save money. As a rule, people register for a month and it is not a fact that this subscription pays off.
Of course, there are still many methods, but the essence is the same for all - to influence the perception of prices.

4. Become stronger, called upon by its limitations

Often large companies they are afraid to admit their problems and shortcomings, which causes a storm of negativity and a flurry of emotions from users. Well, there is one more side of the coin. Companies do not notice their shortcomings until the "thunder breaks out", and when it does, it may be too late.
Therefore, learn not only to recognize the flaws, but to use them for your own commercial purposes. Have you ever received replies to comments about the work of a particular service by e-mail? If yes, then be sure that such a company works in the right way, cares not only about its services and clients, but also about its reputation.
Also a very interesting move was chosen by a large printing company in Ukraine. On the main page of their site it is written that they are the number 2 company in Ukraine, and this fact haunts them. Therefore, they work 24 hours a day, seven days a week, have the most low prices and optimal quality. And all for the sake of buyers appreciating them and being able to name the best company in the country.

5. Tell us how act farther

The scientist has repeatedly emphasized that a person perceives even the most relevant information worse, if it is not followed by a clear instruction for action. This effect can be seen very clearly in sales. If you do not tell the client why this or that product is for him, then he is unlikely to buy it.
And if, when choosing a blender, you show what wonderful cocktails he can do, that he will pamper himself and his family with fresh smoothies and delicious cream soups every day, then the desire to buy this blender will increase significantly.

6. No one doesn't like to wait

A very important factor in online shopping is the delivery time of the goods. Therefore, you must clearly outline when and at what time the customer will be able to receive the product of his choice. This is very important on the eve of the big holidays, when a delay of at least one day means that you will not receive money for the goods.
The largest online store of household appliances in Ukraine, when ordering a product, necessarily calls back to the buyer, specifies the day of delivery, address and even time. The courier arrives within an hour from the appointed time. Clarity and responsibility are what can set you apart from many competitors.

7. Find a competitor

Try to create a competitor for yourself, even if it is virtual. Your proposals, against the background of your rival, should look more attractive and impressive. This will let the buyer know that you care about pricing policy, always try to make more profitable and relevant offers, always go one step ahead.
In the world big brands there are a lot of such confrontations - it is Apple and Samsung, which are fighting in the smartphone market. And what about the well-known pair of Pepsi and Coca Cola. Their "battles" can be watched forever. These posters, videos, billboards with tricks from each other attract the attention of millions of buyers around the world. Surprisingly, in such a war, both win, because the attention is riveted in both brands.

8. Engage like-minded people

Very often companies use this kind of psychological move. They declare that when buying a product, some of the money will go to charity. According to surveys conducted in the United States, more than 60% of shoppers were encouraged to make a purchase in this store precisely by the fact that the proceeds from sales will go to those in need.
Such charity events are often carried out by McDonald's, but the most striking and effective was the one from TOMS Shoes. The idea of ​​the action was that when buying any pair of shoes, the other pair will go to the children. As a result, the company sold millions of pairs of shoes around the world, and a million more went to the kids.
Such promotions are also highlighted in the media, which will be an additional good advertisement for your business.

9. Proof

You must have reviews on this or that product on your site. Research shows that shoppers are more likely to make choices when they see hard facts. If 500 people bought a given product, left a bunch of comments and gave good ratings, then the likelihood of a purchase will be much higher than that of a cheaper product with the same characteristics, but without reviews.
Motivate users to leave their reviews, and over time this will significantly increase sales and improve conversion.

10. Surprise their clients

Don't be a standard and formulaic business. Try to constantly surprise and delight your customers. A striking example is home appliance stores, which add a small bonus to a standard order in the form of some small equipment: speakers, headphones, a mouse for a computer, etc. The user does not expect this, and such a gift will be very pleasant. Believe me, he will tell dozens of friends about it, leave a flattering comment, and will order from you more than once.


Hello! In this article, we'll show you ways to increase retail sales.

Today you will learn:

  • What features are typical for retail;
  • What are the ways to increase sales in a retail store;
  • : step-by-step instruction.

Retail trade features

Retail sales - sale of goods piece by piece to the end consumer for his personal use. This short definition characterizes retail in the best possible way.

Retailers sell goods to the most ordinary consumers, individuals who use it for their own needs. To understand what product the market needs end consumers at this point, you need to hold a complete one.

However, it should be noted that retail covers almost all areas of business: from consulting services and the food industry to mechanical engineering and construction.

Retail trade requires less investment compared to wholesale. This makes entry into the market available to almost everyone. However, not everyone should throw themselves at retail because of its affordability.

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of this type of trade in order to understand whether it is right for your enterprise:

  1. If you manufacture or purchase goods in large quantities, and you do not have a few hundred square meters or a developed distribution system in several geographic regions, then retail is not for you. The end-consumer market will not be able to accommodate a very large volume of products. There are exceptions: for example, branded products. They are bought up on the very first day they enter the market. Remember the line in Red Square for brand new Apple smartphones. However, this is the exception, not the rule. If your product is not yet very popular, then your offer must match the demand.
  2. If you are not ready to spend your money on, then retail is not for you. An important role in retail market emotions play, they influence the decision to purchase. Bright advertising campaign,. In addition, retail is distinguished by a large number of consumers who buy goods in small batches. This means that in order to ensure sufficient sales, the company needs to notify a large number of consumers about the product. This can be done using marketing communications... We will definitely talk about them later.
  3. If you are not sure about the "firmness" of your final price, then retail is not for you. The demand in the end-user market is quite elastic. There are exceptions - these are basic necessities such as bread, matches or salt.
  4. There is a need for constant marketing research. Otherwise, you will miss the moment when the sales volume of your company began to decline and you will not have time to eliminate the negative factors in time, which we will now talk about.

Why sales are declining

There are many factors that can have a negative impact on sales. Moreover, sometimes these may be circumstances that we cannot influence in any way. These include economic, political, technological, socio-cultural, legal and environmental factors of the external environment.

To determine the strength of the influence of these factors on your business, you need to conduct a PESTEL analysis. In the event that the power of influence of these parameters on the market is too great, then it is better not to take risks and refuse to exit. This will save you from financial losses.

But there are negative factors that the company itself is to blame for. We can influence these parameters, so it will be useful to consider each of them in more detail.

Poor location of the outlet.

This is the most common mistake aspiring entrepreneurs make. Before or stall, do a little research. Find out in what places yours is, in what cases your product is purchased. If you answer these two questions, you can save a lot of marketing costs.

Example. We want an economy format. Our target audience is female students and working women between the ages of 18 and 35. It is not advisable to open a salon near the university, since we will only cover female students. It is also unprofitable to choose a sleeping area for opening, since we will cover only one geographic region. But opening a retail outlet near a shopping center near the university and not far from the sleeping area would be a good solution. It will be visited by both of your segments.


We opened and decorated the showcase. But clients don't come to us. What is the reason? Walk up to your outlet and take a look at it through the eyes of a consumer. Maybe it looks unattractive or does not represent your product, and consumers simply do not understand why they should go to you.

When registering a point of sale, be guided by the following rules:

  • The showcase should reflect your product, be associated with it;
  • Give examples of prices. This attracts consumers, especially if the prices are low. But don't be fooled, they must be true;
  • Duplicate information about your promotions on the storefront;
  • Use the latest themes for your design.


There can be many options here, let's take a look at each:

  • Insufficient assortment width... Your clients don't come back to you after the first visit. This is one of the signs of this problem. Compare your assortment with the assortment of your closest competitors, ask consumers what your outlet lacks. This will allow you to eliminate the problem and attract visitors;
  • Too wide range... In this case, the consumer simply cannot choose one product and leaves without buying. One of the marketing agencies did some interesting research. At first, the client was asked to choose one of three jars of jam of different tastes. The consumer made his choice. The same customer was then asked to choose from 24 different jars of jam. In the second case, the consumer either chose the taste that he chose for the first time, or left without buying. The researchers concluded that an assortment containing more than eight items negatively affects sales;
  • The assortment does not match the location of the outlet... For example, our nail salon is located next to the wedding salon. A good solution to increase sales would be to include a wedding manicure in the assortment.

Poor quality of service.

The modern consumer is very demanding. He wants to enjoy the shopping process. The boorish behavior of the staff will not save even the highest quality product. , conduct trainings,. A good retail salesperson - 90% success.

Ways to Increase Retail Store Sales

In fact, there are only two ways to increase sales - increasing the consumption of products by existing consumers or.

Attraction of new clients

This method can be implemented by enticing customers from competitors or by entering new segments.

In either case, you will have to turn to marketing gimmicks. The tools for implementing each of these methods are shown in the table. Some methods are universal.

Luring customers from competitors

Entering new segments

Accompany your potential client on the way to the store. This method is especially effective if you are in a shopping center. In this case, a consumer going to your competitor will be interested in your product, because he needs a product, not a specific company. But beware, excessive advertising can scare customers away and cause irritation.

Use discounts, bonuses and gifts. Passing by your outlet, the consumer will see a tempting offer. Even if he first passes by, then, not seeing the benefits of his "favorite", most likely, he will return to you. But this technique will only lead to a short-term increase in sales.

Show that your product is better. This can only be done by improving product quality and improving service.

Cross-events. Agree on joint promotion with any company. This can be an event (for example, a product tasting in a supermarket), a gift for a purchase from a partner (remember the joint action of the Perekrestok supermarket and the Sunlight jewelry salon). The main thing is that your target audience and your partner's target audience match

Increase in sales volume at the expense of existing consumers

It also has two options for implementation: increasing consumption and increasing sales conversion.

Increase in sales conversion.

Sales conversion - the ratio of the number of store visitors to the number of buyers.

From the definition, we can conclude that the conversion is mainly influenced by the parameters of the outlet itself. Therefore, we will work with them.

  • We improve the quality of service... A good salesperson can sell any product. The bad one will not sell and the best one. There is such a thing as intra-company marketing, which is determined by the attitude of the company to its personnel. The better the working conditions, the more sales you get. Also, don't forget about learning and motivation;
  • Merchandising... has a direct impact on the sales of your products. There is an arm's length rule in marketing. According to this rule, the client in 80% of cases takes the goods to which he can reach without much effort. If your product is above or below this zone, then sales will be low;
  • Promotions, sales, bonuses... This method will allow you to increase conversion, but only for the duration of promotional events.

Increased consumption.

In this case, all our actions will be aimed at increasing the average check.

This can be done in the following ways:

  • Price increase... By increasing the price of products, you will increase the average purchase amount, but you can reduce the conversion. Thus, you will not get an increase in sales. To prevent this from happening, remember a simple rule: any price change must be justified. The client should understand that you raised the price for a reason, but because your packaging has changed to a more convenient one (in fact, the price and packaging may not be related).
  • Additional services or goods... After your consumer has chosen the main product, offer to supplement it with a service or other product. For example, you sold a necklace, offer the buyer a gift wrap. This add-on will not be a significant waste for the customer, but it will bring you a good amount of additional cash value in total.
  • Loyalty program... A loyal customer card will not increase the average check, but it will lead to an increase in the number of purchases by a consumer in your store. There are several types of discount cards: bonus, accumulative, privileged. Each of them has its own tasks, but unites them common goal- increase in sales.

How does the loyalty program work? For example, we own a grocery store and we have a loyalty card, which is provided free of charge for purchases of 1000 rubles or more. There is another grocery store opposite us, but it does not have its own loyalty program. Customers who have a card from our store will come to us to receive a discount, bonuses or gifts (depending on the type of card). Thus, we "tie" consumers with a card, forcing them to buy only from us, increasing sales.

Step-by-step instructions for increasing sales

Each business is unique, but there is a specific sequence of steps that will increase sales to both a furniture store and a consulting company.

Step 1 . We determine the specifics of our outlet.

There are many different forms of retail stores.

They can differ in the following parameters:

  • Service form: self-service, e-commerce, trade by catalogs, through vending machines and self-service kiosks, traditional service, by pre-order;
  • By the form of organization: single point of sale, chain, small retail trade, mobile trade;
  • By types of goods: food and non-food.

The shape of the store determines the range of problems that can affect the decline in sales. For example, in a retail clothing store, the main reason for the decline in sales may be low qualifications of contact personnel, but this is unlikely to be the reason.

Step 2. Looking for weaknesses.

The main weaknesses of retail stores are:

  • Small volumes of a one-time purchase by one client;
  • The price is too high. Large margins are good. But don't go too far or you will lose customers;
  • Too wide target audience. You want to sell everything to everyone, but this is very difficult to do. Much more effective solution will focus on one segment.

Separately, I would like to highlight the problems of online trading:

  • Inconvenient location of active buttons... These include the button "buy", "pay", "place an order" and others. If the client has to look for such a button for a long time, he will simply leave without buying;
  • The site is not adapted for mobile devices... According to statistics, about 40% of sales are made from mobile devices, therefore, displaying the site from a phone should be as convenient, understandable and informative as from a computer;
  • Too complex and long forms of checkout and registration... The client does not have enough nerve cells to fill out your questionnaire and place an order. Don't try his patience;
  • Insufficient product information, poor photo quality... The consumer needs to know what he is buying.

Step 3. Choosing methods for solving the problem.

Scroll above and see which method and tool for increasing sales can increase sales in your store.

For example, if your customers are making purchases for small amounts, then you should use the method of increasing consumption. Offer additional products at the checkout, enter the accumulative bonus card.

Most entrepreneurs who started their business from scratch, and experienced businessmen are concerned about the issue, how to increase sales in the store?

This article will discuss 9 effective ways that can increase your profits.

A big plus: they will not require additional substantial investment in implementation.

How to increase sales in the store: identifying the main factors

Before moving on to the main topic of how to increase sales, you need to determine why their level depends:

    A huge role in the sale is played by the arrangement of products on shelves, shelves or hangers.

    There is even a special "science" - merchandising.

    It is also important how the product looks.

    For example, it will be difficult to persuade a client to buy this meat if it looks like it has been on display for a week.

    Products should be intact, clean and presentable.

  1. Also, of course, the level of sales depends on the ratio of price and quality.

Now let's move on to exploring the basic tricks that will help increase sales.

9 actionable ways to increase store sales

Rule # 1. The more expensive the better

For every visitor in the store, the sales assistant must closely monitor.

And not because the buyer can take something for himself and not pay for it at the checkout, but in order to offer the product more expensive on time and thereby increase the number of sales.

Sounds absurd?

For example, a sales assistant noticed that a visitor is already ready to purchase a hat.

At this moment he comes up, and without any obsession and tremors in his voice offers a similar product, only 15-20% more expensive.

Of course, not just like that.

In doing so, he refers to the fact that his proposed hat:

  • several orders of magnitude better than the previous hat;
  • produced by a well-known company;
  • this brand will be popular in the next season;
  • be in the status of exclusive accessories, etc.

No fashionista can resist such a list of merits.

In addition, psychology is at work here: most people cannot pronounce the phrases "this is expensive for me", "I want something cheaper."

This move allows you to increase the number of products sold, despite the fact that "misfires" in this scheme, of course, do occur quite often.

But even if 30-45% of all visitors fall for such a trick, then this method will increase conversion by 22%!

Rule # 2. The more, the better.

For a consumer to buy more than one product, he needs a good reason.

Let's go back, again, for example with a hat.

Only in this case, the seller should increase sales by offering to additionally buy another position at the outlet, and not a similar product.

For example, buy matching gloves or an elegant scarf for a new hat.

In no case should an employee be forced to try on the offered product and be intrusive!

This will have the opposite effect.

The customer can even continue to bypass the store by the tenth road to avoid this "pesky character".

The seller must demonstrate the second item by describing its merits.

It is important to explain to the person why he should leave with two purchases at all.

For example, noticing that the proposed scarf is in harmony with the chosen hat, while creating a full-fledged fashionable look.

This is a good trick to boost in-store sales.

Rule # 3: How to Drive In-Store Sales with a Companion Offer?

This rule is in a sense "consonant" with the previous one.

Every clothing store contains items that can further increase sales, but are usually not offered to customers when choosing a basic item.

This is the so-called small things, which are usually displayed in the checkout area or on small counters in the sales area.

Such related products can be:

  • scarves;
  • hairpins;
  • umbrellas;
  • bijouterie;
  • various cases, wallets.

How it works?

For example, a man buys jeans.

At the checkout, he is offered to purchase an additional pair of men's socks.

They argue that then the purchase amount will reach the required minimum in order to open a discount card.

Few of the buyers will refuse: socks will always come in handy, and participation in the accumulation system is an opportunity to save on purchases in the future.

It seems to the consumer that this is a profitable investment, and he agrees.

Even if the entrepreneur's benefit from one such sale is small, if you sum up the results of the month, then the increase in sales using this method becomes obvious.

Therefore, store owners should not refuse to use such zones, and also need to motivate sellers and cashiers to mention the existence of such goods to buyers.

Rule # 4: Don't Forget Customers

Use methods that will allow you to find out the contact number of the buyer at the time of sale of any product.

The easiest way is to ask to fill out a short questionnaire, for which the client can receive a discount card.

In this way, you can create a database of store visitors.

How will this help to increase sales at the point of sale?

The collected contact numbers of consumers are used for calling.

Here's how consultants might argue for calling a buyer:

  1. Informing about new deliveries to the store.
  2. Messages about profitable offers.
    For example, “buy one razor as a gift for a man on February 14, get the second as a gift” or “we will wrap it in beautiful gift paper for free”.
  3. To find out why the client has not visited the store for a long time, and whether he has any wishes regarding the service or product.

The ability to work correctly with such a tool is a real art.

It is worth doing this only for those employees who have good diction and know how to work with objections.

They also provide a good response rate, and will also increase in-store sales.

The effectiveness of this method is confirmed by statistics:

Rule # 5. Enter a discount card

To increase in-store sales in this way, it is necessary to become familiar with two sides of the coin of this process.

The positive side of the coin

How to increase store sales?

Basically, an increase in the number of consumers. A discount card allows you to "get" them.

Buyers will always be attracted by the opportunity to save money.

For example, a girl wants to buy herself a purse. This model is located in two adjacent stores. Only in one does she have a discount card, and in the other she does not. Of course, she will go to buy goods where there is at least a small saving waiting for her. Reasonable, isn't it?

With the help of discounts, we can increase sales by attracting more customers, rather than increasing prices.

Negative side

When issuing such cards regular customers, the store loses the lion's share of profits.

Whatever one may say, but the amount "underpaid" by the buyer is the lost profit of the outlet.

Therefore, the expediency of using cards must be calculated in each specific case separately.

Each owner will decide for himself whether to use this method of attracting visitors.

But its effectiveness cannot be denied. Moreover, the efficiency is gradually increasing.

Pay attention to the comparative statistics of whether the presence of a discount card affects traffic:

Rule number 6. Bonus program to increase sales

This is another move aimed at boosting store sales.

Calculate the average enterprise and add about 25-35% to it.

This amount will be the control minimum for the bonus program.

For example, the average check in a store was about 2,000 rubles. Then, to receive bonuses, the buyer will need to cross the threshold of 2,500 rubles (2,000 + 25% = 2,500).

Come up with some gifts as a reward.

It can be either the products of the store or any products of partner companies.

This method can be used to increase sales in the store.

In addition, teach your employees to say the following words: “You made a purchase for 2,320 rubles.

If you purchase goods for another 180 rubles, we will give you one of the gifts to choose from:

  • a plush toy;
  • Lantern;
  • trinket;
  • pen;
  • fridge magnet".

It can be anything! The main thing is to interest the buyer and make him pay even more.

Also, instead of gifts, according to the terms of the bonus program, you can accrue points that customers can spend on purchases in the future.

It kills two birds with one stone: it attracts people and makes them become regular customers.

The scheme is as follows:

Rule # 7. How to increase store sales with promotions?

This list is 10 better ways how to boost in-store sales would be incomplete when you consider promotions.

Promotions will always exist, because this is the easiest way to increase the volume of goods sold.

They allow you to motivate a person and incline them to spend more than they originally planned.

The most effective scheme that will help increase sales is 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 (buy three items and get the fourth as a gift).

This method not only allows you to increase sales in the store, but also helps when changing products to a new collection or moving to a different season.

The store sells several things at once that could lie without being sold, instead of writing them off and sending them to stock centers.

In addition, this method will help to increase the number of customers in the store.

It was noted that information about such actions is being disseminated with the help of word of mouth.

Rule number 8. "Book of complaints and suggestions"

According to the law, every business must have such a book and issue it at the first request of the client.

But often the owners completely ignore their presence: the document is sent "to the table", and issued only with urgent requests ("otherwise they never know what nasty things they write to us").

Meanwhile, this may be one of the reasons why it is not possible to increase sales in the store.

Are you surprised?

The fact is that according to complaints and suggestions, self-respecting boutiques or retail outlets determine what exactly is lacking for customers!

Of course, you shouldn't offer every visitor to leave a record there.

Instead, you can enter short polls.

They can be carried out by cashiers when selling goods, and can also be placed in trading floor box for requests and wishes.

Buyers can be asked how they feel about:

  • the level of prices in the store,
  • variety of assortment,
  • service personnel,
  • atmosphere in the store (playing music, decor, product location).

In addition, you can unobtrusively ask to leave a comment about the work of the outlet on the site.

This will not only provide feedback, but will also attract new people to visit you.

Answer sheets should be USED to improve the operation of the point of sale, and not to be sent to a distant box.

Then you can increase sales by fixing potential problems.

The video provides practical tips for increasing sales from an experienced entrepreneur:

Rule number 9. Communication with the client

To increase sales in a store, you need to think about more than just selling “here and now”.

Work for the future.

For example, a person bought an expensive tablet, phone, laptop in your store.

And suddenly, after a day or two, the store representatives call the buyer and ask:

  1. Is the consumer satisfied with the purchase?
  2. How quickly did you manage to set up an expensive purchase?
  3. Do you need help in mastering the technique?
  4. Do you have any suggestions to improve the store?

Agree, this gesture is very pleasant.

Everyone will appreciate this kind of care.

In addition, you will definitely want to tell your friends and acquaintances about this step of the store.

Word of mouth is an effective method of free advertising.

The methods listed above will help you decide how to increase store sales.

But we must not forget about the main thing behind the "tinsel": the key to the success of an outlet is customer care, high-quality goods and highly qualified sales consultants.

If everything is in order with this "base", the methods described in the article will help to increase sales in the store in a short time.

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We will tell you about the possible reasons for the drop in sales in a retail or wholesale store, how to solve the problem and how to increase the number of sales step by step.

When the financial results of a business fall, measures must be taken promptly. How to increase sales? is the cornerstone of business.

There are several effective ways to increase sales and improve your store's profitability. A qualitative analysis of activities will help identify effective tools to stabilize the situation.

1. Features of wholesale and retail trade - the psychology of sales

Retail sales - piece-by-piece sale of goods to the end consumer.

  • furniture salons;
  • women's clothing stores;
  • pharmacies;
  • markets;
  • fairs of craftsmen, etc.

Wholesale trade is aimed at corporate buyers who purchase products in large quantities. Most often, these are intermediaries who are engaged in resale. In some cases, large quantities are needed for the personal purposes of the enterprise.


The factory produces upholstered furniture - sofas, armchairs and ottomans. For an uninterrupted supply of upholstery material, the company concludes a supply contract with a wholesale manufacturer.

When drawing up a plan to increase profitability, the director wholesale enterprise does not focus on the end consumer.

Attention is paid to:

  1. Finding new counterparties is achieved through presentations, a recommendation channel, cold phone calls, personal sales, studying the psychology of buyers, etc.
  2. Development of relations with current partners - optimization of logistics, provision of discounts, development of feedback, etc.
  3. Improving customer focus and developing professional skills of sellers - conducting trainings, mentoring, motivation, etc.

For the head of a retail outlet, the main goal is to interest and induce a visitor to make a purchase of a representative office or online store of the company. To increase sales, it will be necessary to analyze the current situation, identify weaknesses, development and implementation of measures to improve the situation.

2. Why retail sales are falling - possible reasons

It is difficult to take into account and predict economic, political, social and other factors affecting sales volumes. Even if they are obvious, it is often almost impossible to influence them.

But there are likely reasons for the decline in retail sales that need to be identified and addressed first.

Poor location of the outlet

Even when choosing a commercial space for purchase or lease, you need to compare the location of the facility and the specifics of the company's activities.


The entrepreneur decides to open a clothing store near a popular business center with a view to a large flow of customers. This idea is unsuccessful - visitors come for work, and not to renew their wardrobe. It is better to move the outlet to a residential area, and open a clerical shop near the business center.

It is necessary to take into account the presence of competitors and their conditions, transport accessibility, convenience of access, the population of the area and the daily number of people passing by. If the store is located in the courtyard of a house with a barrier, then only buyers living nearby will visit it.

Poor showcase design

If the customer does not like the look of the store, he will not be included in it.

Showcase that will encourage the buyer to visit the outlet:

  • informative - the consumer understands what the store is selling;
  • attractive in appearance - the design is bright and noticeable, but not flashy;
  • talks about current promotions - the data is necessarily up-to-date and truthful;
  • denotes a price category - an example of a product with an indication of its cost looks good.

If you want to know an objective opinion about the design of the store, ask the buyers themselves to evaluate this criterion through a survey or a checklist.

Small assortment

If the competitor has a wider choice, then the buyer will go to him. Comparing the assortment of a similar outlet with your own will allow you to understand what is missing.

Another way to expand your product offer is to take into account the interests of a larger number of visitors. In a shoe store, each model is good to have in unpopular sizes, and when selling food, products for diabetics should be added to the assortment.

Poor quality of service

If the sellers are careless with the customer, they will not want to go back to the store. Service should be polite, but not intrusive.

Trainings and seminars will teach staff the basics of high-quality sales, while mystery shopping and user feedback will help control the fulfillment of service requirements.

3.7 Simple Tools to Increase Retail Sales

When a manager sees that profitability is falling, he needs effective measures to stabilize the situation.

When developing measures to increase profitability, be sure to take into account the specifics of the company. But there are a number of universal methods that will increase the profit from the sale of products.

Method 1. Competent merchandising

A clear and visual placement of goods in a store is a simple and effective way to increase sales by tens of percent at once. But the products should be laid out not only convenient for the visitor, but also beneficial for the seller.

To place the most profitable goods at the level of the consumer's eyes, and to place promotional products in the checkout area - these are the main recommendations of specialists on the effective layout of the assortment.

Pay special attention to the appearance of the product. The packaging should be neat and intact, and the thing should make you want to take a closer look.

Method 2. Companion proposal

This technique is used by McDonald's - each order is invited to try a pie or something else. There are products accompanying the purchase in every store.


In the furniture showroom, the buyer buys a sofa; elite fabric is used for the upholstery. The consultant suggests taking a cleaning agent that will effectively remove the most common types of dirt.

Some of the customers will agree to an additional purchase, some will refuse it. But if you offer it to every customer, then the average check will increase.

Method 3. Loyalty program

Discount card discounts and bonus points for purchases are powerful tools to increase sales. If the client chooses between two similar outlets, he will prefer the one in which he has privileges.

Use the method with care. It happens that the return on a loyalty program does not cover the costs of using it. This happens if regular customers were given discount cards, but new customers did not appear. In this case, the bonus system is subject to revision or cancellation.

Method 4. Promotions and sales

The goal is to motivate the client to buy more than he originally planned. The tool is especially popular for increasing sales during a crisis or when you need to get rid of an old assortment.

There are several options for promotions:

OfferExample of conditionsPossible features
Promotion "2 + 1"When buying 2 items, 1 more will be freeThe gift is given the product with the lowest value by check
Discount for one category or anotherRed clothes 2 days 10% cheaperExcept outerwear
Full sale20% discount on the entire assortmentException - items from the new collection
Promotion "Bring a friend"5% discount on a recommendation from an existing clientMaximum 1,000 rubles
10% discount on birthdayProvided 3 days before and 1 day after the eventDoes not apply to alcohol and confectionery

Method 5. Social networks

Representing your store on Instagram, Facebook and VK will significantly increase the number of users. They will learn from publics and groups about the range, promotions and discounts. To do this, the manager needs to fill the accounts with interesting content and relevant information.

An effective way to increase the return from a website or group on social networks is to announce a repost contest with a real prize.

The conditions are roughly as follows:

  1. The user shares the record with friends.
  2. The message is not deleted for a month.
  3. The winner is selected at random.

It is better to offer a sold product or a rendered service as a prize - the advantages and features of the offer indicated in the repost text will be read by a large number of users.

Method 6. Feedback

Selective calls to customers, questionnaires, surveys in groups on social networks - these tools will reveal what customers are missing. It is better to ask closed questions about the assortment, quality of service, accessibility and design of the store, and any other aspects, but detailed answers should also be provided.

The competent use of the information received will not only increase sales, but also improve the service.

Method 7. Marketing promotions

Distribution of flyers, contests and sweepstakes, gifts for a purchase, an offer to try products for free - these and other events will increase customer interest and business profitability.

When conducting marketing research, it is important to control their effectiveness. If the costs don't pay off, your customer acquisition policy is worth rethinking.

4. How to increase sales - step by step instructions

To determine which tools to use first, follow three simple steps.

Step 1. Determine the specifics of trading

The problematic of each store is unique.

The specifics of the activity depends on:

  • product categories - food or non-food products;
  • enterprise forms - a network, a single point of sale, mobile trade, etc .;
  • type of service - an online store, distribution through catalogs, posting ads on Avito, a self-service point, vending machines, etc.

To understand the reasons for the decline in profits, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of a particular outlet.

Step 2. Looking for weaknesses

Determine which method is more effective and will increase sales, it will turn out after analyzing the reasons for their decline.


A customer enters a clothing store and leaves immediately. There may be several reasons - an obsessive greeting, disinterest on the part of the staff, unsuccessful display of goods, etc. The buyer will leave the online store more likely because of an incomprehensible menu or a repulsive interface.

Find out the reasons for customer dissatisfaction through surveys and questionnaires.

Step 3. Choosing a method for solving the problem and implementing it

After getting the answers to the first two questions, it will be clear how to increase sales.



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