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Pass the test by whom in a past life. Who was I in a past life: the best and most accurate test

In various cultures around the world, there are many beliefs about reincarnation (life after death). Strange dreams, amazing coincidences can tell about your past life, and even you yourself can remember it while in a state of hypnosis. At such sessions, some people begin to speak in a language unknown to them, call themselves by someone else's name, speak on behalf of a different gender, and tell amazing details of the life of a person who has already died.

What is known about reincarnation

Psychologists say that children most often remember their past lives. A child can describe things he has never seen before with amazing accuracy. Poor child from India talks about his noble family in a rich city, and when a poor man is brought to this family, he names facts that only this family could know about.

If for some reason you are not ready to go to a hypnosis session, you do not have dreams about a mysterious past (or these dreams are too confusing), then use the methods below to find out about the number of lives you have lived, your incarnations and much more.

Fortune telling using numerology - effective way calculate the details of your past life, from gender to date of death. You can calculate reincarnation by date of birth.

Your profession in a past life

To find out about your past incarnation, you need to sum up all the numbers of your date of birth. Let's take the date: October 15, 1998: 1+5+1+0+1+9+9+9=35. Next, find the resulting number in the list below, and you will find out who you were before you managed to be reborn:

Gender and country of residence

The table will help us determine the gender, given below. Find your symbol corresponding to the year of your birth and the last digit of this year. A person with a birth date of 10/15/1999 will have the symbol V. Below we look for our symbol in the male and female table. In this case, we need to find the month (October) and look for the sign V in both tables. The person born under this date was a woman.

Don’t be upset if you didn’t find your sign in the first table, it will definitely be found in the second.

With the help of numerology, you can also find out the place where your past life took place. Once you find your sign, pay attention to what “type symbol” it is under. We look for it in the table below, and next to it we find our birthday. To the side of the date is a place. In our example, it corresponds to the number 36. This number will tell you where you lived in a past life.

Date of death

Numerology will also answer the question about the date of your death. Skeptics believe that, knowing the date of his death, a person will engage in self-hypnosis and in every possible way “force” the prediction to come true. However, at your own peril and risk, you can independently calculate the date of your death. To do this, you need to add the date, month and year of birth (as we calculated at the very beginning) and bring it to a single digit number. For example, 10/15/1999 is 1+5+1+0+1+9+9 +9 =35, we reduce it to an unambiguous form: 3+5=8, look for this number below and read the description.

We study the history of Earth's civilizations in order to know our national past and, learning from mistakes, try not to repeat them again.

Why is it worth studying the history of the journey of your own soul? Many people, who look into this subtle other world out of curiosity, change beyond recognition. Someone discovers new skills, someone understands their own details of character and taste: they are transferred to us from the experience of past lives.

In any case, a person always strives to touch something secret and inaccessible, especially if this secret concerns knowledge about himself.

Past life: myth or reality?

In the cultures of many peoples of the world we find references to the fact that real life is not the finished path of a person. But only a link in the chain of endless rebirths of the human soul.

According to these ideas, the human soul does not die and does not go to heaven. And it inhabits the body of a newborn child, cleansed of the memories of a previous life. According to different ideas, there can be from three to infinity such returns (reincarnations).

According to Buddhists, the experience of the past life, adherence to religious dogmas and norms of human relationships is reflected in reincarnation.

In other words, a sinner and dishonest person after death can be reborn not even in the image of another person. And become some unpleasant creature (for example, a worm). Therefore, Indians try to respect all living nature. What if... your recently departed mother-in-law suddenly appears before you in the form of a snake?

In fact, sometimes many people discover that they have inexplicably acquired knowledge from areas of science previously unfamiliar to them. Most often this is explained by intuition, or called “déjà vu.” But this may be remnants of knowledge accumulated over the years of a past life.

The ability to live, being aware of your past experiences, major victories and defeats, allows you to accept yourself as you are, use this knowledge to your advantage and go through real life more successfully.

Moreover, there are many practices that allow you to remember previous reincarnations of the soul.

How to calculate who I was in a past life?

There are several ways to find out who you were in a past life. This is meditation, hypnosis, astrology. But such practices require special knowledge and the help of specialists. If you want to touch the secret of your past life on your own, at home, try to calculate your past life using ancient teaching about the numbers - .

The first such table was discovered by the researcher of Egyptian civilization Howard Carte. He opened to the world the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and with it the sacred data compiled by the ancient priests.

Their tables and lists, with the help of which one could learn about past reincarnations of the soul, are not very simple. Howard and modern researchers have greatly simplified them so that each person can do the calculations independently.

Determining gender

So, to determine who you were and what you did in a past life, you need to stock up on a pen, a piece of paper and follow the following instructions.

There is a high probability that in a past life you were a man or a woman, regardless of what gender you consider yourself to be now. In order to accurately determine this, you need to start the report with your own.

For example, you were born in September 1988. To calculate, you need to divide the year of birth by this ratio: 198-8. Next, we look for the intersection of these numbers in the table. We got U.

Write it down, or remember it.

Below are two tables - men's and women's. We begin to look for our letter in the “male” table. To do this, in the parallel of the month of birth (ours is September), we look for U.

If we don’t find it, then this letter will appear in the “female” table and will mean that in a past life you were a representative of the fair sex. Our example in a past life was a man.

Profession, occupation

Having found your letter in the table, do not lose sight of it. Look at which axes it intersects – “profession type sign” and “type symbol”. We get B III. With the help of two new numbers, we can determine what you did in your past life.

In our case, the example was a craftsman, a blacksmith, or a large factory worker.

Place of residence, purpose of new life

Each of us has at least once thought about what his purpose in this life is. Numerology can also calculate such interesting details. Continue with the next count.
In the following table on the right we find the symbol of type (III) corresponding to us. In the cell corresponding to the symbol, find your birthday.

The day is at the intersection of two new concepts - place (different for men and women) and planet.

The place number corresponds to the country in which you lived in your previous reincarnation.

And the planet will tell you for what purpose you came to this world again.

Please note that your purpose concerns not only your lifestyle and work, but also your relationships with people around you.

Try to accept new information about your previous incarnation and come to terms with the purpose of this reincarnation. Moving along the path drawn by higher powers is always easier and happier, because now you know exactly which path is open to you.

Relax, close your eyes and remember your childhood - the earlier, the better. The child reflects past lives.

It doesn't matter who you were in a past life, what matters is who you are now.


    Did you like breaking things when you were a child?

    Did you like watching ants?

    Did you like looking at plants?

    Do you think you were popular among your peers?

    When you were a child, did you have many friends?

    Did you like to draw wherever you were?

    Were you the one making decisions when playing with other children?

    Are you good at imitating others?

    Were you a good dancer when you were a child?

    Are you good at playing a musical instrument?

    Were you able to recognize stars and constellations when you were a child?

    As a child, did you believe in the existence of aliens?

    Did you sing out of tune as a child?

    As a child, did you wonder "Who am I?" ?

    To the “believe it or not, I don’t believe it” game, you preferred to build and create something (pastry cakes, poles, etc.)

    Did you like playing chess?

    Did you like to play alone rather than with other guys?

    Was it easy for you to focus on one thing?

    Were you good at getting along with strangers when you were a child?

    Have you often dreamed?

    As a child, did you like being the center of attention?

  • William Shakespeare 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 E4B925 April 23, 1564 - April 23, 1616You had an incredible imagination and ability with languages. You had yours amazing world, created by your heart and full of possibilities. In a past life, you lived during the Renaissance. Shakespeare! Shakespeare is the author of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and many other famous works that inspire many to this day. He was unusually deep and insightful. No one can surpass his abilities. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Ludwig van Beethoven 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 5FB9E7 December 16, 1770 - March 26, 1827You were unusually capable of music. As soon as the music started playing, you felt euphoric. In a past life you were the great composer and musician Ludwig van Beethoven! Beethoven showed musical talent as early as early age, and life experience gave me the opportunity to write my first symphony at the age of thirty! Although the disease made him semi-deaf, he did not give up and continued to write music. His great works include such sonatas as Lunar, Waldstein, and Appassionata. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci 0 0 2 2 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 E17E26 April 23, 1452 - May 2, 1519You had a great talent for art. But you were also a thinker and a researcher. In a past life you were the famous artist Leonardo da Vinci! While creating talented works of art such as La Gioconda and the Upper Room of Zion, Leonardo da Vinci was also a sculptor, musician, mathematician, physicist, astronomer, geologist, physiologist, architect and knew many other subjects. What a talented man! It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Isaac Newton 0 0 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 2 E17E26 January 4, 1643 - March 31, 1727You were very curious. You watched the world around you intently, wanting to know how everything worked. In a past life you were the great scientist Isaac Newton! When an apple falls from a tree, people simply eat it, and Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation. His research in mechanics, mathematics, astronomy and optics laid the foundation for science for centuries to come. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Abraham Lincoln 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 1 528FF4 February 12, 1809 - April 15, 1865You were an outstanding, charming person. If someone was treated unfairly, you always defended them. In a past life you were US President Abraham Lincoln. Honesty and kindness, deep understanding social problems made Lincoln one of the most popular presidents. He believed that everyone was equal. He made great efforts to free the slaves, who then rebelled against him, but this did not stop him, and he continued to help others. He also became the first president in American history to be assassinated. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Napoleon Bonapard 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 DC381D August 15, 1769-1821 May 5There was a strong aura around you. When you played with friends, you were the only one who always had a lot of new ideas for games. In a past life you were the great commander Napoleon! He was short in stature, born in Corsica, but had a magical charm, wherever he went people were ready to follow him, even if it meant death. Its charm played a big role in the history of Europe. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Marilyn Monroe 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 F1275B June 1, 1926 - August 5, 1962You showed a strong desire to be the center of attention. You were popular and perhaps even envied. In a past life you were the great film star Marilyn Monroe! She was naive, romantic, charming, sexy. Her unhappy childhood, relationships with celebrities, and mysterious death made her a legend in the hearts of millions of people. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Christopher Columbus 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 5FB9E7 Autumn 1451 - May 20, 1506You were brave. You liked adventure and recklessness. In a past life you were the great navigator Christopher Columbus! With the support of the King of Spain, Columbus took four ships and opened a new route from Europe to America, crossing the Atlantic Ocean. He believed that the earth was round and if he went west he would reach India, contrary to popular belief at the time. He discovered North America by accident. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Aristotle 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 D49A0E 384 - 322 BC e. You liked to think and ask a lot of questions. You were very rational and wise beyond your years, eager to explore the unknown. In a past life you were the Greek philosopher, scientist and teacher Aristotle! Aristotle was a student of Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. He went to the Lyceum school. He was an encyclopedic scholar, capable in almost every discipline. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www..png
  • Archimedes 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 D49A0E 287 - 212 BC e. When you were a child, you loved to think and showed logical thinking abilities more than other children. In a past life, you were the ancient Greek scientist and mathematician Archimedes! Archimedes made major contributions to geometry and mechanics. He came up with a formula for calculating buoyancy while taking a bubble bath. “Give me a foothold and I will change the world,” he said. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www.0.png
  • Thomas Elva Edison 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 2 0 1 2 E17E26 February 11, 1847 - October 18, 1931You were an inquisitive child, asked many questions about the world around you and sought to answer them. Almost everything in your house has been broken by you at one time or another. In a past life you were the great inventor Thomas Edison! Edison invented the light bulb, which captivated millions of people. He also patented more than 2000 inventions, such as an energy generator, a phonograph, and sound cinema. Because he discovered how to conduct electricity, the world changed. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www.1.png
  • UFO 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 2 2 0 2 7B368C Unknown This is not a joke. Seriously, you were an alien in a past life! From early childhood you felt that you were different from others. You don't even have a particularly close relationship with your parents. You were always eager to go somewhere far away, went in search of something new, dreamed of becoming a nomad. You had a special talent as a child, but it disappeared as you grew older. Despite everything, you have a mission and attachment to the Earth. It's time to show your talent. Remember who you were so you can use it now.//www.2.png

Reincarnation by date of birth, based on the Pythagorean tables.

What does the knowledge of reincarnation give us?

Suppose we find out where and when we were born in our previous incarnations. Why do we need this? What does this give us? It would seem that this knowledge is completely useless for our present life. But in reality this is not the case.

The first thing that the doctrine of reincarnation gives us is getting rid of the fear of death. Death turns for us from a scarecrow, devouring and absorbing, from eternal non-existence, into a door open for our transition to other worlds. Non-existence is canceled, and knowledge comes about the continuation of life in another form, on other levels, in other worlds.

We stop wondering why we are beaten so much in this life, why we are made to suffer so much. We have no doubt about the injustice of the Lord and the law of the Universe. We receive a powerful incentive to live with dignity.

Seneca believed that “life is not good or evil in itself, but only an arena for good and evil.” He also owns the saying: “It doesn’t matter when to die - sooner or later. Whoever lives is at the mercy of fate; He who is not afraid of death has escaped its power.”

The death of a person (if we understand it as an irreversible process of the end of any type of existence) turns a person’s life with his searches, efforts and aspirations into a meaningless path to nowhere. Life is seen completely differently by a person who has received information about the existence of higher worlds, in which the soul continues its life after the death of the body and where everything that we have achieved in our spiritual development is preserved and used. Belief in the immortality of the soul and the existence of higher worlds instantly removes many questions, freeing a person from the heavy oppression of the meaninglessness of his existence.

428. Guest, 2020-03-11 19:47:22

The idea of ​​eternal life is inherent in almost all religions; the human brain is not able to comprehend the category of non-existence, so it is not so difficult to believe that you will live forever.

Only some religious ideas are associated with the transition of the soul to another world, different from ours. Others insist that a person again makes the transition to this world in order to learn to live righteously. According to the ideas of the ancient Indians, the soul can go from a stone to incarnation in a person.

And being in a person, it goes through the castes (conventionally, from a servant to a clergyman). Only being in the highest caste (Brahman) the soul has the opportunity to stop the cycle of rebirths and comprehend the state of eternal bliss.

The desire to find out who you were in a past life is not always generated by simple curiosity. A person may ask this question because he often experiences the effect of déjà vu.

  • Antique objects or events seem familiar to him.
  • Or you have strange dreams with scenes from the past that did not happen to the person in this life.

Knowing who you were in a past life can help you find answers to questions that haunt you in your current incarnation. The events of this life are closely connected with the actions of a person in a past incarnation, which is why this knowledge is so important and useful.

How to find out the secret of your past incarnation

There are several ways to find out who you were in a past life. These are meditative practices, holotropic breathing, astrology. One of the most simple ways find out your incarnation - numerology.

To calculate, the minimum required is to know the person’s date of birth. The keepers of the secret knowledge of the East left ancient tables from which you can find out all the information about your past life by the date of your current birth.

To calculate and determine your past using numerology, prepare. Take a piece of paper and a pencil.

Let's take for example the date of birth September 29, 1992. Let's look at table No. 1. On the left we find the first three numbers - 199. On the top, the last number is 2. At the intersection we see the letter X, fix it.

Man or woman?

In the next tablet we look for the month of birth. In our example, this is September. Here all months are indicated twice. You need to find the letter that was recorded in table No. 1, in our example it is X.

  • If you find the letter in the first part of the mention of the month, then in a previous life you got the role of a man.
  • If in the second case - a woman.

When you have found your letter, look at the table header. It is indicated there character type. We have the letter X, a symbol of type IV, profession number 4. Next to the month is indicated letter of profession. September – B. We record all the data received on a piece of paper.

Place of residence

In table No. 3 on the right we look for a symbol of type (IV). Then in this block, we look for the birth number (29) and see which planet the number belongs to. For us this is the Moon. On the left we look at the same line, where the number (29) in the “men” column is the number 26 (seat number). Let's write it down.

In table No. 4 we look for the number 26 and find out the country where we lived. It turns out Austria.


In table No. 5 you can find out past profession. To do this, remember the number of the profession (we have 4) and the letter (B) and see what numerology says. Our example in a past life was a warrior, a butcher, a fisherman, a hunter, a person who performed sacrifices (one of these options).


In table No. 6, numerology will allow you to find out what this incarnation gives you. To do this, you need to remember the planet under which your date of birth was located (the Moon) and look at the meaning of your planet, taking into account the date of birth.

Having this information on numerology, you can change your life, making it more perfect. Analyze the picture of your past life, find common ground with your current incarnation - this is the key to many issues relating to your life.

Pay close attention to your purpose; this applies not only to your profession and self-realization, but also to your attitude towards others. After you shed light on the picture of your life, start analyzing the incarnations of your loved ones and relatives by their date of birth. Author: Ekaterina Volkova



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