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R-Keeper is a hardware and software complex for automating a restaurant, bar, cafe. R-Keeper - what is it? R-Keeper program

R_Keeper™ - solution for restaurant business, for entertainment complexes, clubs, water parks. The system consists of a set of software modules, the composition of which depends on the specific configuration of the system: “Manager” (a mandatory component of the system), “Restaurant Cash Desk”, “Bar Station”, “Waiter Station”. The station can be operated integrated (when there is communication between stations) and autonomously.

Main functions of the R_Keeper™ system:

  • Personnel identification using magnetic cards;
  • Automated process of entering and saving an order;
  • Addition to a previously entered order;
  • Transmitting special notices to the kitchen or base (for example, “make later,” “with ice,” and so on);
  • Transferring an order to another waiter or, for example, guests sat at the bar and then moved to the hall;
  • Speed ​​of work of both bartenders and waiters and ease of serving guests.
  • Selecting the type of payment (cash, credit cards, bank transfer);
  • Providing discounts/markups (for persons entitled to perform this function);
  • Printing orders on remote printing devices (kitchen, bar, etc.);
  • Printing preliminary invoices for guests;
  • Account division, consolidation;
  • Printing a fiscal receipt (regardless of the type of cash register);
  • Making final and current turnover reports (general, for waiters, cashiers, stations);
  • Making final and current reports on the sale of dishes (general or divided by category);
  • Making special reports (report on discounts provided, balance, hourly turnover, etc.);
  • Closing of the working day;
  • X- report, deposit/withdrawal of money, periodic fiscal reports;
  • Transferring food orders from one table to another;
  • Generating reports on sales amounts based on personnel and other criteria;
  • Control of the movement of goods;
  • Monitoring the situation in the restaurant hall;
  • Speed ​​of work of bartenders and waiters and ease of serving guests;
  • Maximum protection against arbitrariness of personnel.

Module “MANAGER”

The dispatcher software module allows you to provide system users with passwords and rights, with which users can perform the operations they need.

Module “EDITOR”

This module allows you to perform the following operations:

  • System configuration (depends on the type of restaurant and individual type of work);
  • Menu introduction and editing;
  • Introduction of modifiers. They can be transmitted to the bar or kitchen via remote printers (for example, with ice);
  • Placement of hot keys at cashier, bartender and waiter stations;
  • Introduction of a list of service personnel (with job title and individual code);
  • Entering and editing a list of calculations;
  • Entering and editing a list of food refusals;
  • Introduction of discounts and surcharges in the restaurant (for the entire amount of the check or for the category of dishes).

Module “REPORTS”

  • List of receipts, including those thrown away (the ability to revise the list of dishes that were rejected);
  • Report on the turnover of a restaurant for any period of time, broken down by cashiers, waiters, and cash registers;
  • Report on the sale of dishes, sales of dishes by category, sales by modifiers;
  • Statistical reports (cash protocol, turnover by day of the week, turnover for each hour of the restaurant, unpaid amounts, checks and dishes, and so on);
  • Personal reports (sales of waiters' dishes, personal calculations, personal refusals and emissions);
  • You can quickly see the sales of any dish for the selected period or how many dishes each waiter sold;
  • Some reports are presented in the form of charts and graphs, which are more informative;
  • A wide range of reports allows the manager to effectively organize the work of the restaurant and manage staff.

Additional R-Keeper modules:


Allows you to accumulate data about regular restaurant guests, provide them with discounts, organize promotions, etc.


Allows you to monitor the operation of the restaurant in real time, monitor the sale of dishes, turnover, number of guests, food discards, etc.


Allows the user to create reports on selected data.

Advantages of the R-Keeper system:

  • The time spent by maintenance personnel is reduced due to the simple and fast operation of the system.
  • Transfer of orders to remote kitchen and bar printers occurs automatically, saving the order. The service staff does not need to go to the kitchen or bar even in cases where the guest orders a non-standard cocktail, dish or asks for some dishes to be brought later, etc.
  • Data on purchases and sales, costs are easily exported to any accounting program.
  • The system accumulates and stores all necessary data about employees. Therefore, financiers can use this data, for example, to calculate wages in accordance with the waiters' turnover.
  • The system provides for and easily solves all unexpected situations that arise when working in a restaurant (for example, a waiter fell ill while working, guests moved from the bar to the restaurant hall, a guest did not have enough money to pay, refusal of a cooked or unprepared dish).
  • The menu is replaced in the manager's computer and transmitted to the computer cash registers in real time. There is no need to import or export data - you just need to enter the name of the new dish and the price and it will immediately be visible at the checkout.
  • The system is supported by a “Touchscreen” monitor – work with orders by pressing a finger on the screen.
  • The system supports hand-held computers with “R-KEEPER” software adapted for them. This means that waiters can take orders directly from guests' tables. This computer fits easily in the palm of your hand.
  • The system can be connected to scales - after introducing a dish, the system immediately shows its weight and price.
  • Reliable system – there are no random software failures.
  • Convenient and easy to understand user environment.
  • Speed ​​of operation in the busiest restaurants and clubs - several cash desks at one facility can be served by one computer of a simple configuration without any confusion. This is an objective client-server system. To ensure high speed implementation, the R-KEEPER TRANSACTION SERVER was specially created.
  • Division of cash registers into groups of cash registers - each floor can be assigned a different menu option. Also, the menu can change automatically at certain periods of time or days.
  • Formation of a future menu without replacing the existing menu.
  • The internal credit/debit system of the enterprise (groups of enterprises) is supported.
  • There is a possibility of meals for workers.
  • The ability to print various statistical reports in real time from any cash register: reports on dishes paid for, discounts provided, turnover of waiters and bartenders, turnover of each cash register, turnover of each floor, employee payments.
  • Tree structure menu – easy and simple work when creating and replacing menus.
  • Fast and reliable control over food residues.
  • Control over service personnel– internationally recognized statistical and direct control methods are used.
  • Providing discounts at different periods and in different categories - performed automatically or manually.
  • Operating personnel very quickly learn how to operate the system and are maximally protected from making mistakes.
  • The system supports payments in various currencies, i.e. the system is prepared for the introduction of the euro or other currency.
  • Slip printing is supported, where the restaurant uses pre-printed forms to print the invoice to the guest. You can also enter information about future events, promotions, etc. into this account.

A software package that few people understand: truth and fiction

Today, more than 24,000 users from Russia and countries near and far abroad work with the restaurant automation system R-Keeper v6 and v7. Its interface and functionality are well known to many of those who work in the restaurant business at all levels - waiters, cashiers, accountants, managers and executives. In fact, R-Keeper has already become the standard for Russian catering establishments, and newly opened establishments do not experiment with new systems in order to take advantage of the experience accumulated by other restaurateurs and not retrain staff.

Alive as life

But restaurant and cafe managers choose R-Keeper not only out of habit and for reasons of “I want it like theirs.” Since the early 90s, when the first versions of the program were created and implemented, UCS, the system developer, has been listening to the direct users of RKeeper in everything. The program is supplemented with functions and modified as required by business owners. The Rosinter corporation played a very important role in the “discovery” of the system, using it to automate restaurants more than 10 years ago. As a result, R-Keeper grew along with its users, who stepped on all the right rake Russian business and legislation, and is now “tailored” to the needs Russian enterprise public catering of various formats - from a corporate canteen and a small cafe to a multi-hall restaurant and fast food.

And now any R-Keeper user only needs to formulate a clear requirement and set a task for the developers in order to get some desired new feature- fast and free. But to find such a task, you need to try hard, since the current functionality of the system is more than enough for comprehensive restaurant accounting.

What is it

When it comes to automation of an establishment, it is more correct to talk not about a program, but about a system or hardware and software complex. It is easier and more profitable for establishment owners to buy not software, but a set of software and equipment assembled taking into account their needs - computer hardware and special trading equipment. They are installed and adjusted in one step, so that the enterprise is automated on a turnkey basis. After implementation, it can be opened and operated at full capacity.

Consultations on the selection of the necessary software and equipment are carried out by our specialists at the beginning of the project. A certain configuration is drawn up, and then we supply everything necessary and subsequently service and repair the equipment.

Self-assembled tablecloth

One of the most attractive features of R-Keeper for a restaurant or cafe owner is the ease of implementation and modification. As automation engineers, we can say that we don’t like projects that require lightning-fast deployment of a system the night before the opening of a restaurant or bar. But they happen, and it is possible to implement them.

In a few hours we are able to install, assemble and adjust the system, so that tomorrow the cash stations will be working, and accounting will proceed as usual. But such emergency cases are rare, but contacting us 3-4 days before the opening is almost the rule. Unlike other systems also used on the market, R-Keeper does not require many days of debugging, configuration and testing. The restaurant will work, and the system will be perfected when you already receive money.

The system can also be quickly and easily modified and supplemented with new equipment and software functions when you need to open a summer area or organize the accounting of bottled drinks. The terminal is successfully used to automate such points

And if you plan everything a little in advance, a couple of months in advance, and don’t forget about automation for painting chairs and selecting floor lamps, then you can not only have time to buy the R-Keeper system, do everything “from start to finish” for the opening, but also train staff .

One in four persons

The software part of the R-Keeper system through the eyes of users is several separate programs designed for the main characters typical enterprise catering The “Waiter”, “Bartender”, “Cashier” and “Manager” modules are designed for certain powers and require the performance of regulated operations: placing an order, entering a menu, depositing money into the cash register, viewing reports, etc. Registration and “identification” of an employee occurs in system using personal magnetic cards. Every action requires authorization.


The “Waiter” module is installed on the waiter terminal (or a PDA that replaces a paper notepad). It allows you to create an order and send it to the kitchen, print a preliminary invoice for the client, cancel dishes and drinks (if the manager gives him the authority to do this), make an additional order, etc. The sequence of actions of the waiter is built into the system in such a way as to prevent fraud with the bill, tables and refusals of dishes. The waiter has the right to open a table only in his own name, which eliminates the possibility of accidental errors.


The cashier checks in bartenders and waiters at the start of the day and pays their bills. He receives money from the waiter, which the client hands him, and punches the fiscal receipt. The cashier selects a payment method for the order (cash, credit cards or other payment) or combines several types in one payment at once. Until the check is cleared, the order will “hang” in the system, and the working day cannot be closed. At the time of completion of the operation, the amount of products that was spent on preparing dishes according to the costing cards is automatically written off from the warehouses.


The bartender serving people at the counter combines the functions of a waiter and a cashier. He operates the order terminal and cash drawer and has the right to close the account. The bartender differs from the cashier in that he can only work with his own accounts - their complete table is not available to the bartender.


Depending on the level of authority, there may be several managers: hall manager, office manager and administrator. They use the same module, but have access to a different number of functions. The administrator has the widest opportunities, whose role is usually performed by the owner or manager of the restaurant. He controls the entire operation of the restaurant, can change any parameters of the system and transfer part of his responsibility to “junior” managers.

Their responsibilities include filling out and changing all working dictionaries of the restaurant (menu, staff list, etc.), fulfilling refusals, closing the cash register day and taking reports.

A detailed description of the capabilities of the R-Keeper system manager is contained in the 500-page “Manager's Guide,” a textbook that explains in detail, clearly and clearly how to work with the complex in order to make the most of its functionality.

Beware, thieves!

No matter how useful an automation system is for streamlining accounting and speeding up service in a restaurant, its main task is to combat theft and abuse of staff. This is the main problem of business owners. In principle, it is impossible to reduce it to zero - do not believe such promises - but it is within its power to turn 40-50 percent of the loss into ten. Employee work patterns are set so strictly that to deceive you will have to enter into complex agreements and make a lot of manipulations and calculations. At the same time, many suspicious connections can be easily tracked in the reports provided by the system - for example, the manager can see that one of the hall managers and waiters often rejects a couple. The combination of these measures: a clearly defined sequence of actions and a reporting system will protect the owner’s income from more attacks.

There will be a government

The reports that the system provides are sufficient and even (as practice shows) redundant for typical restaurants and cafes. They provide information to managers, accountants and management at different levels of access. With their help, you can draw conclusions about revenue (total and by day, hour, table, waiter, dish and category of dish) and sales; see how bonuses and discounts are used, check refusals and make sure that nothing suspicious happened during the day. Advanced managers can take advantage of OLAP reports, and accountants can enjoy the opportunity to upload data to 1C.

Having learned to manage this information, you can manage the institution with brilliance. However, the reports themselves, in all their diversity, do not eliminate the need to think and draw conclusions. Their task is to collect data for you and display it in an easy-to-view form, and some managers expect actions from reports that the creators of artificial intelligence have been struggling with for decades. So that, for example, after the close of the working day, you receive a message from the system: “Well, everything is going well. If you replace pike perch with sea bass, fire waiter Ivanov and increase manager Petrov’s salary by $105.8, everything will be even better.” Unfortunately, the program cannot do this yet. If you need to receive data in this form, you will have to hire a live analyst who will “digest” the numbers and facts produced by the system.

Jokes aside, any required report format that is missing in R-Keeper can be created at your request at a low cost. It is enough to inform the developers about it and clearly describe the task.

Finger on the pulse

In addition to reports that provide information about the business of the restaurant after the day closes, R-Keeper can monitor the operation of the enterprise in real time. To do this, a small Monitor application is connected to the main system. With its help, on the manager’s computer you can receive information about the lists of orders and receipts at the current moment (with the ability to view any item) and the balance of paid and unclosed sets. It is especially pleasant to use this application from home (remote access via the Internet - good decision for the owner monitoring the work from another city, country, or at least a country cottage). You press the information update button - another check is closed, the revenue has increased, you press it again - again an increase in the total amount. Fine.

Reliability and Co.

And finally, R-Keeper is known in the market for its reliability. A fancy system with a bunch of functions is of little use if its stability is in question. The restaurant business does not tolerate downtime, so the system must be as resistant to failures as possible - not freeze, not crash, and not lose data. R-Keeper implements several levels of protection, which guarantees the safety of valuable information. The program is tolerant of user errors, who will not be able to cause serious harm to it through random actions. The degree of satisfaction with the operation of the system largely depends on reliability and guarantees of uninterrupted operation.

A few words about myself

It also depends on how quickly and efficiently the automation company that implemented your system answers questions and responds to work-related challenges. In this sense, we have something to attract customers - a 24-hour service department that promptly resolves all issues regarding the operation of the system. Priority in service is given to clients who have entered into a subscription service agreement with us. We resolve any of their problems within 4 hours.

Alexey Khoroshev Higher mind (1262891) 5 years ago

R-Keeper™ is a modern, fully functional computer system for organizing high-tech cash services for service enterprises various shapes(classic restaurant, cafe, fast food, entertainment center etc.).
It is a powerful tool for comprehensive floor control, warehouse control and time tracking, an excellent assistant for financial management. It allows you to solve many problems that arise every day when working in a bar, bistro, cafe and restaurant.
The system is suitable for small and large restaurants and allows you to effectively manage corporate restaurants.
R-Keeper™ is easy to learn and requires minimal training, included detailed guides. DataCrat specialists provide support in mastering the system.
The most tangible results are achieved in the following areas:
Maximum speed and ease of operation...

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Currently, there are several ways to automate restaurants, bars, cafes and other establishments of this type. We will talk about one of them in this article. R-Keeper - what it is and how it works, as well as what functions it performs this system, you can find out from this article. Let us immediately note that this method automation is in incredibly high demand, as it allows you to save quite a lot of money, and also effort.

R-Keeper program: general provisions

To be more precise, the main purpose of the system is to automate public catering establishments as much as possible, that is, hotels, cafes, restaurants, and so on. Although, as practice shows, similar software is used for other purposes. R-Keeper is suitable for both single and chain establishments. The system has many tools at its disposal that allow you to manage not only the establishment, but also the warehouse, as well as production. But besides this, inside...

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Documentation Typical errors of the R-keeper program Manager's manual Cashier's manual Manual system administrator Cash register and basic reports

What a typical R-Keeper instruction looks like:

Instructions from the manufacturer of the MStar-TK fiscal registrar:
This instruction is intended for setting up the operation of MStar-TK fiscal registrars with the R-Keeper v.6 management and accounting automation system.
It is assumed that the R-Keeper v.6 program is already installed and configured at the workplace. To configure MStar-TK, the “PD Driver Test” software on a Win32 compatible platform will be used.
Setting up a fiscal printer
The fiscal registrar should be configured using the “FR Driver Test” software on a Win32-compatible platform, namely:
Setting the operating speed - item 11 “Other”, “Communication” tab
Setting up receipt printing upon closing - point 7 “Cash register parameters”, tab “Tables”, table 1 “Cash desk type and mode”, field...

0 0

The R-Keeper™ software package is a professional automation system for public catering establishments: restaurants, cafes, bars and other establishments, both single and networked.

With R-Keeper™, the restaurateur has access to all the necessary tools for managing a restaurant, warehouse and production, as well as innovative technological solutions for organizing the efficient work of restaurant staff and managing guest loyalty: mobile waiter terminals based on Apple iPod Touch, a virtual guest card, an electronic menu on a tablet iPad, cash stations with an additional screen for the guest, intelligent system event video monitoring of the cash register area, automatic table reservation system, CRM system, remote monitoring system for restaurant operations, delivery service automation system, warehouse automation system and others.

Full automation of a catering enterprise is provided by two software levels: cash and managerial. Cash (operational)...

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Each of you, restaurateurs, is trying to optimize the processes in your restaurant to the best of your ability. So it is, but each mechanism works differently with different results. Let me try, using the example of R-keeper from UCS, how to manage a restaurant or cafe more efficiently.

What are the main points I would like to draw your attention to?

Initial data:

Cafe or restaurant with 100 seats.
In this case, it doesn’t matter what kind of audience the establishment is aimed at and what kind of audience you have pricing policy, if you have opened an establishment, it means there is an idea and the profitability has been initially calculated Permission to open - received Alcohol license - also Staff - not the whole Budget - as always, not rubber Rent - already dripping Nerves - running out

Honestly, the worst is behind us, all that remains is to pay tribute to your professionalism and determination!

You have opened an establishment and are almost ready to start making your first profit and recouping your investment. Left...

0 0

This manual is intended for cashiers using the R Keeper V6 application package.
The manual contains all the information necessary for the cashier’s work and consists of the following chapters:

Restaurant menu presentation
This chapter covers menu organization in the R Keeper V6 system, as well as the main characteristics of dishes and modifiers. The cashier should read this chapter to better understand how the cash register system works.

Preliminary operations
This chapter explains the procedure for turning on the cash register and registering in the system, and also discusses possible problems when performing these actions and methods for eliminating them.

Working with a list of orders
This chapter describes in detail the actions of a cashier when working with a list of orders. The procedure for registering waiters and bartenders working on shifts, and all operations when working with accounts, is considered.

Working with the account
in this chapter...

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Instructions for R-Keeper

R-Keeper Manager's Guide. Download the R-Keeper manager manual. Contents of the manual: 1. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM.

Today, more than 24,000 users from Russia and countries near and far work with the restaurant automation system R-Keeper v6 and v7.

Download the R-Keeper manager manual Contents of the manual: 1. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM................................................... ................................... 5 1.1. Composition of the complex................................................... ...................... 5 1.2. Functionality systems........................................ 6 1.3. Main characteristics of the equipment used.........7 2. BASIC CONCEPTS.................................... ........................................... 10 2.1. Menu structure................................................... ........................ 10 2.2. Modifiers........................................................ ........................ 12 2.3. Hot...

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Material from PL Engineering

Not yet using R-Keeper™ in a restaurant or cafe? . . . Then we are coming to you!!

Contact the manager

Our company has been implementing restaurant automation systems based on the R-Keeper™ software package for several years in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

What does the introduction of the R-Keeper™ system provide for a restaurateur?

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restaurant hotel fast food billiards

Fitness club spa salon

About the program

R-Keeper - trademark, under which software and hardware and software systems are sold, primarily intended for complex automation of restaurants.

Developed by UCS since 1992. At the moment (2014) the current version is R-Keeper v7. The previous version of the system, R-Keeper v6, is still widely used. According to the developer, as of October 1, 2013, R-Keeper has already been installed in 30,000 restaurants in 36 countries.

In the restaurant business, this name has become a household name; many workers call any restaurant automation program p-keepers. Work in this system is taught in various educational institutions....

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Every restaurant owner sooner or later begins to think about how to take his business to a higher level. For this purpose, some add new dishes to the menu, change the interior or profile of the establishment, while others decide to use technical or software tools.

To significantly improve the performance of the enterprise catering, domestic and foreign developers create various computer programs the corresponding profile. For example, it is quite popular.

One of such developments, created by Russian programmers from the UCS company, is the R-Keeper system, which allows you to easily manage all processes in an enterprise, process orders and receive reports online.

History of the program's creation

The first version of the program appeared in 1992. R-Keeper software is constantly updated and improved by its creators, thanks to which it is very popular among restaurant and cafe owners both in Russia and around the world. The number of companies using R-Keeper in their establishments includes: Burger King, Subway, Shokoladnitsa and others.

System from UCS company- it's reliable software solution, which allows you to fully automate an enterprise, significantly increase sales volumes, reduce costs, keep track of orders, generate reports, control production, warehouses and employee activities, and develop a system of discount cards for visitors.

The R-keeper software product is perfect for managing both a small cafe and a large restaurant chain.

The customer can purchase only those modules that are needed specifically for his establishment.

Benefits of R-keeper

R-keeper differs from analogue programs in that it allows:

  • fully automate the work of cashiers and bartenders;
  • automatically schedule working hours employees (Time Keeper module);
  • create an electronic menu on iPad;
  • automate delivery;
  • control beer bottling;
  • maintain warehouse records (Store House module);
  • install intelligent video surveillance at cash registers;
  • control bowling and billiards (Pool Jet module);
  • create a visualization system for orders and reservations for hostesses;
  • automate fast food establishments, including the drive thru system;
  • manage delivery (Delivery module);
  • create mobile terminals for placing orders at tables;
  • manage the entire restaurant chain from one office;
  • prevent possible fraud on the part of employees;
  • hierarchically structure the menu and divide dishes into categories;
  • authorize access to the system;
  • use modifiers;
  • work with magnetic cards Hard Copy and Card Pay System;
  • use hot keys when working;
  • issue fiscal and provisional checks to clients;
  • automatically transfer the order to the appropriate production department;
  • accept currencies from different countries and credit cards for payment.
The system will function perfectly together with other programs, such as 1C: Accounting or Restorun.

Installing the program

The program modules are designed for platforms with 32-bit systems. The operating system of the computer can be either Windows or Linux. The program and system drivers are updated automatically. All user data is securely encrypted and sent to the SQL server, all information is stored in the cloud.

The program provides functions for automatic and delayed synchronization of directories, as well as automatic resumption of connection breaks. R-keeper supports TCP/IP network protocols.

The system involves the installation of special kitchen monitors, devices for calling waiters and printing receipts.

It is impossible to find the program on the Internet; R-keeper can only be purchased from official dealers, a list of which is published on the UCS website.

Price and user service

Installation of software, cash register modules and terminals takes 3-4 days. The kit includes a training video course, as well as a free demo version of the program. Pay Customers can purchase licenses and services in installments over one to two months. Sellers provide technical customer support 24 hours a day, the first month of service is free.

The cost of the software depends on the configuration. A “seasonal” kit, designed specifically for monitoring, maintaining financial and warehouse records on-line in small establishments, costs about 77,000 rubles.

Cafe package for 200 seats, including one waiter station and one workplace for a manager/accountant, will cost the entrepreneur approximately 128,000 rubles.

The price of a modular package for large restaurants with 4-5 halls, including two waiter stations and one workplace for an accountant, is 180,000 rubles.

Feedback from catering workers

Entrepreneurs whose establishments have already installed the R-keeper system say:


“At first, when my cafe just opened, we carried out all the calculations in Excel. This took too much time, and I began to think about how I could speed up and simplify both my work and the work of my employees. I used both Samobranka and Tavern, and then I found out about R-keeper and settled on it. The program has a very user-friendly interface, many special functions, convenient little things, thanks to which we significantly save time.”

“They installed the program for me very quickly. If any questions arise, you can get help from the technical support service at any time. My accountants, waiters and bartenders really liked R-keeper! The system works without failures or glitches. I myself find it very convenient to work with readers and a printer. I recommend it to everyone!”

“I can only praise the R-keeper program. The software takes into account all user requirements, when this makes it very easy to use. My employees were able to master the system in just an hour! The technical support service employs competent specialists who are always ready to help. The program was installed very quickly and has been working flawlessly for a year now. The system is reliable, proven, I recommend it to all restaurateurs.”Previous entry iiko program – a comprehensive solution to catering problems

    R-Keeper is the most popular restaurant automation program, with a wide range of capabilities. Thousands of restaurateurs use it different countries. Even the 2014 Olympics in Sochi were served by restaurateurs using this program. In St. Petersburg, the R-Keeper program can be purchased not from dealers, but from a branch of the developers - the company USiS SPb, which is located on Moskovsky Prospekt.

    I have been working with this program for 4 years, I am satisfied with everything. It is simple and easy to use and at the same time contains many useful functions. There are no problems in reporting either; you can find any information you need quickly and easily. Modifiers that can be divided into groups and use your own individual group of modifiers for any dish greatly simplify the work of waiters.

Are you the owner of a restaurant, bar or cafe? Do you want to install R-Keeper in Moscow or any other city in Russia?

We will help you buy an R-Keeper license from partners and provide all the necessary POS equipment for implementation, we will set up the system, conduct staff training, and provide technical support 24/7.

Restaurant subscription service possiblein Moscow and Moscow region.

What is R-Keeper and what is it eaten with?

The R-Keeper automation system has existed on the HoReCa market since 1992. Its developer is the company

UCS, R-Keeper is a registered trademark. Over 22 years, more than 30,000 catering establishments have been equipped with this automation program.

The software product has won the hearts of restaurateurs so much that today almost any restaurant automation system (for example, iiko or PCT Restaurateur) is habitually called “rkeeper.” And restaurateurs from the Caucasus, as one, call her “archkeeper” :)

Here are just a few companies that use this automation system in their establishments: Shokoladnitsa, KFC, Arkady Novikov group, Burger King, Rosinter restaurants, Subway, Cinnabon and many others.

Key features of the program:

  • Running the program under DOS does not require powerful and expensive equipment (the cash register client in version 7 can run on Windows and Linux);
  • The StoreHouse accounting module provides complete control over the warehouse;
  • Rapid staff training after system implementation. No special courses are required, a few lessons are enough;
  • Download r -keeper via Torrent from the Internet and you won’t be able to use the program for free, the license key is not cheap;
  • The automation program has a modular principle; you pay only for the necessary functionality. Nothing extra;
  • Installation R-keeper 7.0 is technically simple and takes little time.

Main features of the R-Kiper automation system:

  • Can be used in cafes, restaurants and fast foods: the work of the cashier, bartender, waiters, managers and kitchen is automated;
  • All POS equipment is directly connected to the system: stationary and mobileterminals, printers, cash register (cash register);
  • In 2016, integration of R-Keeper with EGAIS is possible;
  • Support for mobile terminals for waiters via Wi-Fi;
  • Integration with intelligentCCTV in the cash register area;
  • Support for electronic menu system based iPad;
  • Visualization of incoming orders in the kitchen;
  • A special system for controlling the pouring of beer directly on the tables in the hall;
  • Automation of the delivery service;
  • Automated system accounting in the StoreHouse module and warehouse reports for the manager;
  • Convenient planning and recording of employee working hours;
  • Bonus deposit loyalty system for your customers;
  • Possibility of working with a chain of restaurants from one office.
  • Integration with 1C Accounting.

How much does it cost to implement an automation and accounting system?

You can determine the cost of R-Keeper by the number of automated jobs. You need to buy one license for each workplace! These include: waiter stations, cash stations, computers of accountants and managers.

You will find prices for ready-made solutions below ( software purchased by you from an official dealer):


PRICE, rub

for Cafe, Bar, Mini-bakery, Hookah bar, Cooking, Shop
1 cash desk

56 200

1 cash desk

137 000

with waiter service
1 cash register + 1 waiter station + extended software functionality

237 400

1 cash desk

198 400

no waiter service
2 cash registers + extended software functionality

293 800

1 cash desk

137 000

2 workstations + extended software functionality

We will help you install R-Keeper in restaurants in Moscow and other cities of the Russian Federation!

Our company has been successfully providing restaurant automation services in Moscow and the Moscow region for more than 6 years.

We will help you buy R-Keeper from our partners, perform a turnkey installation, provide and configure POS equipment (including an online cash register for Federal Law-54). Next, we will connect the restaurant to EGAIS, Mercury , we will configure R-Keeper, and train staff to use the automation system (working with the menu, warehouse, etc.).

For restaurateurs from other regions of Russia: If you have access to the Internet in your catering establishment, we can carry out automation remotely - using programs for remote computer control (Team Viewer, Remote Administrator, etc.).

With our help, you purchase a software license from partners, and the necessary POS equipment will be sent to you via transport companies. Then, under our guidance, you connect it over the phone, and we carry out remote configuration via the Internet.

Working with us, you get:

  • Licensed software (purchased from our partners - official dealer);
  • Quick installation (3-4 days and you’re done!);
  • Certified POS equipment (terminals, cash modules);
  • Training course on working with the system;
  • Interest-free installment payment for license and services for 1-2 months;
  • 1 month of R-Keeper service - FOR FREE!
  • 24/7 technical support.


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