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Development of transit advertising using the example of a company. Transit advertising: description, features, effectiveness, expert advice

The modern Moscow market is overloaded with advertising. Moscow is the leader in the number of advertising spaces. The demand for outdoor advertising in the city is very high, and the possibilities of the streets are not limitless and can no longer satisfy the advertising needs of businesses.

Excessive concentration of billboards leads to negative results. First, advertisers suffer due to a decrease in the effectiveness of their product. Secondly, the loss is borne by the city, which is deprived of the attractiveness and charm of the old Moscow buildings; moreover, the excessive concentration of advertising structures disrupts the convenience and comfort of people’s living.

They begin to look for new creative ways of promotion, while trying to solve the problems that advertisers previously had to face.

Thus, the key problem of the main means of advertising (such as the media) is blurriness target audience and transmitting an advertising message to those who, for a variety of reasons, will never become consumers of this product or service. Another problem will always be the advertising contact time, which is most often limited.

Recently, the direction of transit advertising has been developing. However, only well-known and traditional means, such as buses, trolleybuses, minibuses, trams, etc., are widely used.

In 1999, the manufacturer of instant food products, Rollton, conducted an advertising campaign on regional transport in 19 regions, using from 2 to 5 cars in each. Sales volume increased 7 times. In 2000, the number of regions was increased to 38. Sales volume increased another 4 times. Such results inspired the manufacturing company: after the advertising campaign, the Rollton company increased its production capacity by organizing another line for the production of instant food products. And since 2002, it has been promoting its products in 45 regional cities.

Perhaps we can safely call this example evidence of the effectiveness of transit advertising, which is also regional, which is characterized by increased interest and high demand from advertisers.

The transit advertising market of this kind has been developing intensively in Moscow since 1997, and in the regions it began to emerge a little later. However, it has certain features and a specific target audience, which does not allow advertising some goods and services that could be presented using outdoor advertising. What should I do?

The advantage of such advertising is that it can unfold throughout Russia: start in the capital and go “to the very outskirts”, start simultaneously in all regional cities, i.e. “strike simultaneously on all fronts”, or it can move from West to East - it all depends on the goals and objectives set.

Today, the most attractive regional centers for advertisers are St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, as well as Samara, Saratov, Rostov-on-Don, Perm, Ufa, Volgograd, Murmansk, etc.

Opportunities for development within specific regions provide new types of transit advertising: two or more points are connected by air or by rail. In addition, railway stations and airports are of great importance today for advertisers, not only from the point of view of transit territory, but also from the point of view of locality.

Western agencies have long been very active in creating advertising for placement on airplanes. And this practice is natural. The effectiveness of this type of advertising is determined by three factors: the selectivity of the audience, the duration of contact and the uniqueness of the advertising medium. Duration and intensity of exposure to advertising placed on boards aircraft, exceeds similar indicators of other advertising media; its contact with the audience continues throughout the flight.

The world's largest airlines such as Swiss, British Airways, Lufthansa, Quantas with great success provide their aircraft for on-board advertising.

Today, finally, Russian airlines are demonstrating their readiness to cooperate with advertisers.

  • On an airplane, a passenger sits almost motionless for several hours of the flight; he cannot go out for a walk or breathe. fresh air. Willy-nilly, he begins to study the environment offered to him: he will pay attention to the headrests, and be sure to leaf through all the booklets and magazines inserted into the pockets of the chairs.
  • The target audience is mostly wealthy, active and mobile people aged 20–45 years, mainly tourists and businessmen. This audience has high purchasing power.
  • It is possible to ensure repeated passenger contact with advertising, taking into account the possibility of repeated flights or round-trip flights.
  • Nowadays, most people are very busy, few can afford to just read a magazine without work necessity. On the plane, all conditions have been created for the passenger to study the printed, souvenir and advertising products offered to him.
  • This is targeted advertising, which allows it to influence a specific target audience for a long time - several hours, as opposed to the seconds that the viewer spends viewing other types of advertising.

At airports, due to the specific factors of a confined space, the duration of exposure to advertising on the consumer is much longer. The density of visual information and advertising flow at the airport is noticeably lower than in traditional conditions (on the street, in a store, in the subway, etc.), and the advertising message attracts much more attention. It is estimated that a person passing by in a car pays no more than two seconds of attention to one billboard. At the airport this figure is at least 15 seconds. Research also shows that on average, 8 out of 10 air passengers spend about two hours at the airport.

The 24/7/365 rule applies at any airport. This means that advertising will be available to consumers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year - without lunch breaks, regardless of time of day, season or weather conditions.

Practice shows that the following advertising is the most effective on airplanes and airports:

  • Promotion of tourist routes, hotels, excursion bureaus, banks, plastic cards, car rental stores, food and service enterprises, as well as holidays, business conferences - all those goods and services that passengers going on a business trip or vacation need.
  • Promotion of any consumer goods and services of medium and high price categories, such as food, drinks, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, cars, etc., is also effective, since all passengers sooner or later descend to earth and become consumers.
  • Promotion of “b2b” services and technologies, such as banking, consulting, financial, legal, insurance, information, transport, manufacturing, as well as high technologies, etc., is effective - since air travel is often carried out by businessmen.

A special category of goods for promotion in aircraft cabins and airport buildings arose as a result of recent changes in legislation, including amendments to the Law “On Advertising”. Prohibitions and restrictions also affected the alcohol and tobacco industries and their products:

  • The beer industry is prohibited from sponsoring sporting events; in addition, television advertisements for beer cannot be broadcast before 10 p.m. and cannot use images of people or animals.
  • Prohibition on the use of umbrella brands. Russian legislation prohibits advertising of strong alcohol on TV, as well as in outdoor advertising since 1996. But alcohol producers have still found ways to circumvent the law: strong alcohol was advertised under the guise of low-alcohol cocktails, drinking water, sweets, books, music discs, etc. Now, if an advertisement for something with a “vodka” name appears on air or on street advertising structures, the TV channel or outdoor advertising market operator will automatically receive an order to remove it. In return, producers of strong alcohol received the right to advertise their products in print media. Alcohol producers finally have a legal promotion channel.
  • From January 1, 2007, outdoor tobacco advertising, the main promotion channel for cigarette manufacturers, is prohibited. Now tobacco advertising can only be found in the printed press (except for the first and last page) and at points of sale. New law provides for a ban on tobacco advertising on radio, limits promotions to points of sale, tightens restrictions on tobacco advertising near children's, cultural and medical institutions and obliges cigarette manufacturers to double (from 5% to 10%) the share of advertising messages devoted to warnings about the dangers of smoking.

For the promotion of alcohol and tobacco products, air advertising means such as placement in in-flight magazines, indoor advertising at airports, as well as BTL events are the best suited.

Thus, Siberia Airlines launched an advertising project in the spring of 2005, approving the decision to place advertising in aircraft cabins.

The first company to take advantage of the opportunity was VimpelCom, an innovator in the use of new media. She actively develops non-traditional media projects, and advertising on airplanes occupies a special place among them.

VimpelCom's net profit according to US GAAP in 2005 increased by 75.6% compared to 2004 and amounted to $615 million 131 thousand, RBC reports. VimpelCom's operating revenue at the end of last year increased by 52% compared to 2004 and reached $3 billion 211 million 118 thousand (according to Сnews, //news.upmark.ru/id-16745/cat-news/news .html).

A great help in increasing the share of net profit was the placement of advertising on board aircraft, so in 2006 VimpelCom and Sibir decided to resume the advertising project.

In August, the mobile operator placed more than 7,000 stickers on 38 aircraft. According to the airline's press secretary Ilya Novokhatsky, advertising on airplanes is effective, since about 2 million passengers were able to see advertising surfaces in four months.

The highlight of the campaign was that passengers saw an advertising message placed on the backs of the seats in front, not during the entire flight, but only after reclining the table for lunch or work. Thus, passengers were given a sufficient amount of time to familiarize themselves with the contents of the advertising sticker, and at the same time, the advertising did not become intrusive, according to the press release.

Press secretary of the Novosibirsk branch of VimpelCom, Yulia Shcherbaneva, considers this a successful way to advertise roaming. Now VimpelCom is considering the possibility of placing advertising on aircraft fuselages.

In world practice, the most interesting projects on fuselages were advertising campaigns for Guinness beer on Iran Air planes, advertising the musical “The Phantom of the Opera” on Swiss Kross Airlines airliners and advertising Bvlgary watches on Alitalia airliners.

Alitalia representatives claim that both the customer and the airline were very satisfied with the contract. “Alitalia entered into an agreement with Bvlgary in 1998,” says the airline’s press secretary, Patricia Vasta. “For the advertising campaign of the new Bvlgari Aluminum watches, a silver-colored airliner was given over, which flew for a whole year on different routes with the image of the watch and the slogan “Bvlgari.” Aluminum flies with Alitalia.” It was very beautiful - the clock seemed to encircle the liner,” Vasta recalls. However, she did not specify how much it cost Bvlgari...

Other Russian airlines are just starting to try their hand at the advertising business. Apart from napkins, Aeroflot does not yet have any other advertising media. “The project is just being developed, it is being calculated which areas can be used as carriers,” says Lev Koshlyakov, director of Aeroflot’s media relations department. The media are mainly magazines that are offered in salons.

      In the summer of 2006, the Onyx Advertising Group entered into a partnership agreement with Krasnoyarsk Airlines to attract advertisers and place their advertising and information materials inside AirUnion alliance aircraft.

Advertising media on board aircraft include seat headrests, stickers on food carts and hand luggage panels, airline ticket envelopes, boarding passes, printed and souvenir products placed in passenger seat pockets.

In August 2006, advertising was successfully placed construction company"Omega" on the headrests of AirUnion aircraft.

Among all types of advertising on board an aircraft, in-flight magazines deserve special mention. Russian passengers like to take something with them from the plane. The most popular items are safety instructions. The next most common takeaways are in-flight magazines. Not inferior in colorful design and content to regular ones glossy magazine, they are distributed on board aircraft free of charge. And for gloss at a kiosk you will have to pay at least 100 rubles.

This “free cheese,” as airlines believe, should “drag” passengers into their “mousetrap.” Carriers are counting on increased customer loyalty by distributing in-flight magazines.

According to the latest measurements by TNS Gallup Media for September 2005 - February 2006, the audience of one issue of Aeroflot World was 30 thousand people, or 0.3% of Muscovites aged 16 years and older. The audience for six months (the number of people who read or viewed the publication at least once in 6 months) is 106 thousand people, or 1.2% of Muscovites of the same age.

The once largest American airline, Pan American, was the first to come up with this method of entertaining its customers. Americans began distributing their in-flight magazine on board aircraft in the 1960s.

Then other airlines picked up Pan American's brilliant idea, and today there is not a single major air carrier without its own in-flight magazine. Moreover, the magazine structure and format invented by Pan American is now called the “classic layout” by in-flight magazine publishers. The magazine consists of news about the airline and articles in lifestyle format.

The amount of advertising in such magazines is not inferior to glossy publications. Since planes are flown mainly by people with average and above-average incomes, companies that produce luxury products or services are also attracted as advertisers.

In fact, advertising on the pages of in-flight magazines itself is not a cheap pleasure. For example, a page of advertising in Inflight Review costs $7.5 thousand, and placement in Aeroflot will cost $8.8 thousand. Of course, in-flight magazines are still a long way from glossy magazines. For example, in Cosmopolitan magazine (Independent Media), a page costs $28 thousand.

But this does not bother the advertiser; “their customers” are flying on the planes. “We advertise the premium Russian Diamond brand in many in-flight magazines. Our target audience flies on planes, because a person who buys a plane ticket can afford to buy expensive vodka,” says Viktor Samoilov, general director of the Kristall-Gross company (production and distribution of vodka).

The expensive placement that advertisers talk about has a plus for them. According to Ivanov, advertising in in-flight magazines also increases loyalty to little-known brands. “I know of cases when, based on advertisements from Inflight Review, people glazed windows in their houses and ordered the installation of a boiler room. The passenger understands that it costs a lot to advertise there. This means that a company that decides to make itself known through a logbook is not a fly-by-night company and can be trusted,” says Ivanov.

True, manufacturers of products and services in the middle price segment cannot always afford advertising in such a publication, although their target audience also loves airplanes. However, there is a way out for them too.

Thus, food companies - manufacturers of low-cost products - often first enter airplanes as suppliers and only then become advertisers in airline magazines.

For example, the May company, according to the director of external relations Pavel Isaeva, willingly advertises his product, because the “May Tea” brand is present on the boards of many airlines’ aircraft.

To understand approximately how many people will see an advertisement placed in an in-flight magazine, you need to operate with figures reflecting the number of flights and passengers of the airline. In addition, you need to take into account that passenger traffic varies depending on the season. Peaks occur during the warm season and New Year holidays.

Advertising on such flights is easy to plan; a year in advance you know exactly how many flights the airline will make and where. This fact allows you to conduct successful advertising campaigns and implement any, even the most daring projects.

However, there is another equally effective method of promoting goods and services to the market - charter flights.

A charter flight is an additional flight to existing regular flights: when the airline’s regular program cannot cope with the number of people wishing to fly (for example, to overloaded destinations in the summer - during the holiday season, or in winter - during the Christmas holidays), the number of flights is replenished with charter flights.

On such flights there is also a division by class, and the service is almost worse than on regular ones. For example, the price of a charter flight to Geneva (Switzerland) in the winter season reaches $500 (economy class); it is unlikely that “second-class” passengers flying on this plane cannot afford to buy good watches, cars or clothes from elite fashion houses.

Charter programs account for up to 50% of the total volume of air traffic, which is approximately 45–50 million people. per year. Such passenger traffic definitely shows and proves the effectiveness of advertising.

On charter flights, advertisers are given every opportunity to place advertisements on headrests, distribute printed advertising and information materials, including in-flight magazines, as well as conduct marketing campaigns.

Today, we should especially highlight Atalant-Soyuz Airlines, which was founded in 1993 and currently positions itself as a universal airline (cargo and passenger transportation).

In the period from January to May 2006, Atlant-Soyuz Airlines took sixth place in terms of the volume of passengers carried among Russian airlines.

Today 90% passenger transportation- These are charter flights, which are very popular with wholesale buyers (tour operators).

“In fact, we operate in regular charter mode,” explained Georgy Bautin, head of the PR and advertising department of Atlant-Soyuz airline. “Our schedule and level of compliance with it is such that the frequency of our charter flights often exceeds the frequency of flights of other airlines.”

RusLine Airlines also stands out among airlines engaged in charter transportation. It specializes in business transportation and uses business class aircraft.

Over the past years, the airline has increased its fleet, expanded the list of services provided and significantly improved its performance in all areas. types of activities, becoming a kind of “model of quality” in the business aviation market.

Charter flights are operated by Aeroflot Airlines, Sibir Airlines, Yamal Airlines, Yakutia Airlines, as well as KrasAir Airlines, Samara Airlines, Omskavia Airlines and others.

A highly specialized audience of charter flights (for example, tourists, visitors to business conferences and business forums, etc.) allows for a more effective influence on potential consumers.

  • light boxes (lightboxes) in airport premises;
  • distribution of booklets at check-in counters and airline representative offices;
  • distributing booklets and conducting promotions in airline business lounges;
  • video advertising on LCD and plasma TVs in departure and arrival lounges;
  • advertising on boarding bridges.

Airports today are the most important transport hubs with huge passenger traffic. And this applies not only to Moscow, but also to regional airports.

Among Moscow airports, Sheremetyevo should be highlighted, which accounts for more than 50% of traffic at the Moscow air hub. The airport is the owner of the most expensive and prestigious advertising spaces in Moscow. Recently, significant investments have been made to improve and develop the Sheremetyevo infrastructure.

Demand for advertising in territorial boundaries of this airport is high, even though the cost of such advertising is equivalent to placement in the most prestigious places in the city center. Advertisers are in any case interested in placing this type of advertising because it is effective.

Thus, the VimpelCom company, in addition to placement on airplanes, used large areas of firewalls, billboards and lightboxes in the areas of Moscow and regional airports for Beeline advertising.

Non-standard BTL promotions are in high demand at airports. Nowadays the advertiser is very sophisticated, he is not satisfied with simple sampling of printed products or product samples, he demands to “depict the story in faces.” From this series, three-dimensional enlarged models of a Motorola phone, a Sony Ericsson flip phone, and a Kia Motors car on an inclined podium.

The first advertiser to decide on non-standard placement in Sheremetyevo was Panasonic. To advertise the batteries, eight support columns in the customs zone were wrapped in a light box made of a flexible acrylic profile, and fluorescent lamps with electronic ballast were installed inside for illumination. The saturation of the niche of large-format media at the airport gave rise to the expansion of non-standard original forms.

Such promotions attract the attention of passengers and retain it for a long period; accordingly, brand awareness increases.

Airports are very attractive to manufacturers of product categories that are limited in advertising activities legislation. These are alcohol and tobacco products.

Thus, at the Domodedovo airport at the end of 2006, a non-standard design was placed advertising the Kent cigarette brand. By using the “cut” image strategy, a multi-layered effect was achieved. A certain order of flags spatially divided the advertising field into several planes.

Such a non-standard approach to placement advertising information ensured increased attention from the audience and a high degree of memorability of the advertised product. The structure was located in an area where the average daily passenger traffic reaches 31 thousand people.

Regional airports are attractive because they allow them to reach a wider audience, and they are much more economical for advertisers, since advertising space is much cheaper than in Moscow. But this type carriers in the regions provides a high level of impact, because the degree of contact with the audience is maximum: the attention of passengers is held for a long time by new types of advertising that are unusual for them.

Each regional airport has its own characteristics. Today, the attention of advertisers is attracted by the Nizhny Novgorod airport, which is traditionally used as a reserve airport in Moscow in case of emergency situations.

Weather conditions, especially in the period from October to March, contribute to the fact that Nizhny Airport receives a large number of Moscow flights. Passenger traffic increases dramatically, and the potential for advertising placed at the airport increases dramatically. In this case, the fundamental factor is the confined space and the need for information. Moreover, the potential for both indoor advertising and advertising in various booklets is increasing.

The airport provides advertisers with great opportunities to inform consumers as its infrastructure is gradually improved. For emergency landings of Moscow planes, the alternate airport receives a certain percentage of the cost of landing services. This money is invested in reconstruction and infrastructure development.

The effectiveness of such advertising campaigns was so obvious that the example of cellular operators was picked up by banking structures, insurance and financial companies, organizations providing postal transfer services and other companies.

      Information: Nizhny Novgorod is one of the three largest regions, with many large enterprises of a wide variety of profiles - it ranks seventh in Russia in terms of industrial production volumes.

The indisputable advantage of regional airports for advertisers is the ability to use non-standard methods of promotion, which allow them to focus on a highly specialized audience with a specific geography (for example, residents of the Volga Federal District, etc.).

The airport is always open, regardless of the time of day, season or weather conditions. The procedure for processing documents is such that most air passengers spend more than 1 hour at airports, which is why advertising on their territory is quite effective.

For the targeted transmission of information to a specific audience, airports and airplanes represent an exceptional opportunity: precisely because this type of transport is used by people with a certain level of income (average and above), the most interesting for advertisers. According to TNS Gallup Media, half of air passengers are wealthy people, i.e. can buy expensive things or are not limited in funds (Table 1, source: TNS Gallup Media, M"Index 2005/1).

Table 1. Air transport users for domestic and international travel
Floormen 52.7 121 51.5 114
women 47.3 84 48.5 88
Age 16–24 16.3 111 20.2 119
25–34 19.9 129 23.2 131
35–44 29 141 29.1 141
45–54 14.9 82 13.1 74
55–64 10.8 80 9.7 77
65+ 9 51 4.7 33
Social statusmanagers 33.8 249 25.4 302
specialists 26.2 154 27.4 209
employees 9.9 77 12.1 99
workers 7.7 41 8.5 36
students, students 8.4 130 10.8 121
pensioners 5.3 26 6 27
unemployed 1.8 47 3.3 68
housewives, young mothers 4.2 75 5.5 88
no answer 2.6 237 1.1 260
Family financial situationnot enough money for food * * 0.6 13
enough for food, but not for clothes 5.1 30 4.7 20
enough for food and clothes, but not for expensive things 37.4 72 44.3 86
can buy expensive things, but not everything they want 51.3 194 44.3 249
full prosperity, unlimited funds 4.6 275 3.8 356
no answer * * 2.4 121
Share of costs for food and utilitiesup to 25% of family income 30.6 226 22.2 325
25–50% of family income 36.2 120 34 120
50–75% of family income 19.9 77 27.7 84
more than 75% of family income 6.4 27 8.9 34
no answer 6.9 109 7.1 123
IncomeA 8.7 28 7.1 27
B 25.8 69 29.7 62
C 35.4 239 40.3 277

Airline industry prospects

Last year, the total passenger traffic in Russia was about 30 million people. While Japanese airlines ANA (All Nippon Airways) and JAL Group (Japan Airlines), 70% of whose flights are domestic, carried 40 and 58 million people, respectively, in the same year.

The passenger traffic of the world's leading airline, American Airlines, exceeds 90 million people.

In total, despite the global crisis in the airline industry after and September 2001, American airlines transport more than 0.5 billion people.

Considering the size of our territories and the fact that the domestic economy is developing, we can safely predict an increase in air transportation several times.

Railway transport in Russia occupies one of the leading places in passenger transportation. Thus, 70–80 thousand people pass through the Kursky and Kazansky stations every day, and at least 50 thousand people pass through Paveletsky and Yaroslavsky.

In summer and early autumn, the average daily passenger flow through Moscow stations is about 600 thousand people. At the same time, an increase in passenger traffic is recorded annually, as evidenced by the increase in the number of cars in the trains and the introduction of additional trains into constant circulation. Therefore, it is difficult to doubt the effectiveness of placing outdoor advertising at railway stations in terms of the “price/number of contacts” ratio.

Finding yourself in a dense stream of people, a person subconsciously strives for information and looks for signs and displays with his eyes. In this case, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the advertising. In addition, while waiting for a train, a person, as a rule, is forced to occupy himself with something and naturally directs his gaze to those around him. external sources impressions. This is why advertising at train stations has enormous potential.

On the territory of the stations, almost all places of mass gathering of people are used: platforms, ticket offices, waiting rooms, entrances and passages to the metro, as well as to station buildings. Platform signs, canopies over platforms, etc. are usually used for advertising. The most common types of advertising media at train stations are city lights, billboards and billboards; in addition, you can find a lot of printed advertising at train stations.

Some passengers, for the sake of convenience and saving time, transfer from electric trains to other types of intracity transport before reaching the final station, so advertising on railway platforms adjacent to metro stations is also quite effective for the advertiser. In terms of business, they occupy second place after train stations, and the passenger turnover of such stations reaches 160 thousand people. per day.

Trains depart and arrive day and night, which is why advertising at railway stations works continuously. It provides wide audience coverage around the clock at low costs in terms of the number of contacts, as well as a high degree of impact on the target audience.

Table 2. Statistical data on passenger flows at railway station complexes in Moscow

Suburban service (persons per month)

Long-distance communication (persons per month)

Total passenger traffic (people per month)

Kazansky 1 543 984 1 180 192 2 724 176
Belorussian 1 062 256 369 512 1 431 768
Kyiv 1 547 520 529 048 2 076 568
Kursk 2 200 016 825 568 3 025 584
Yaroslavsky 4 461 912 710 008 5 171 920
Savelovsky 959 504 * 959 504
Paveletsky 949 104 520 416 1 469 520
Leningradsky 1 524 432 684 520 2 208 952
Rizhsky 266 240 51 064 317 304
TOTAL 14 514 968 4 870 328 19 385 296

The largest station not only in Russia, but also in Eastern Europe, Kazansky, serves almost 100 thousand people daily.

The target audience of Moscow railway stations can be roughly divided into the following groups. The largest number are residents of the Moscow region who work or study in the capital. They are the ones who use commuter trains. The second is residents of nearby regions who come on business trips. The third group is people traveling to places of mass recreation on long-distance trains.

In addition to the geographical principle, each group can be roughly divided by the level of income of citizens. The main criterion here is the type of carriage and the level of comfort of the train that the passenger chooses.

A large, clearly structured audience allows you to target advertising to a specific target group, thereby increasing its effectiveness.

Currently, advertising at train stations in regions that are gradually being rebuilt and transformed has begun to actively develop. For a very long time, the stations here were in a state of disrepair, however, at the moment the situation is changing for the better.

Train stations are acquiring a modern appearance, so advertisers go to the regions, realizing the prospects of promotion on their sites. It is regional advertising that allows you to reach most of the target audience in one space of the station and, at the same time, save money. Advertising at train stations, and especially in the regions, is much cheaper than conventional types of outdoor advertising, including on airplanes, etc.), but at the same time guarantees a high level of return in the form of new consumers and high profits.

Of particular note are the railway stations of St. Petersburg - the “Northern Capital of Russia”.

Thus, the passenger flow of St. Petersburg stations is almost not inferior to the passenger flow of Moscow ones (Table 3,

And outside of vehicles) has begun to actively develop over the past few years. Initially it was compared to outdoor, but in the process of launching advertising projects it became clear that this separate species advertising, which has its own characteristics.

Concept and features of advertising in transport

The fundamental difference between transit and outdoor advertising is the position of the layout. In the first case, the carrier of the advertising message is in motion, in the second case it is static.

This difference greatly affects the perception of advertising information, creating problems in cases where the consumer needs to read small text on the layout. Moving transport does not always allow one to understand the essence of the message.

  • brightness and visibility;
  • affordability;
  • short-term but repeated exposure;
  • efficiency over a long period of placement;
  • brevity of the message;
  • creates street visual “noise” in large quantities;
  • limited time for the message carrier on the route (scheduled maintenance, breakdowns, breaks, etc.).

The proliferation of outdoor advertising has led to local laws banning street billboards in some areas. First of all, this applies to the historical centers of large cities, which contain the most desirable target audience for advertisers. City improvement programs create problems for businesses in attracting customers. The current situation gave impetus to the development of alternative promotion channels, primarily advertising in transport.

When launching advertising on transport, experts advise taking into account the fact that at the initial stage the advertiser incurs costs not only for renting the surface vehicle, but also for applying advertising material. For this reason, the standard period for placement on transport is 6 months. You can negotiate with a transit advertising agency for a shorter period, but the cost of attracting a client in this case increases greatly, reducing the effectiveness of promotion.

Seasonality of transport

The next difference between advertising in transport, especially outdoor placement, is the seasonality of use. When launching transit advertising, it is necessary to take into account the nuances of weather conditions in the region so that the vehicle is not covered with a layer of dirt. Advertising sellers promise to constantly monitor appearance transport, carry out regular cleaning of contaminants. Most agencies faithfully fulfill their promises, but during the season of constant rains and prolonged snowfall, all efforts do not give the desired result.

Types of advertising in transport

  • inside vehicles;
  • outside of vehicles;
  • sound;
  • light screens;
  • printing products in transport;
  • at transport facilities (stops, stations, train stations).

Inside vehicle interiors, it is customary to place stickers of various formats in passenger entry/exit areas, opposite seats, on specially designated stands.

Outdoor transport advertising has the format of painting or a special film that is applied to the surface of the vehicle. The pasting is applied to the entire surface of the vehicle (vehicle), to the middle part or selected fragments. The location of the layout depends on the characteristics of the vehicle model.

Advertising on airplanes

A relatively new type of transit advertising is the placement of advertising messages on airplanes and airports. This type is the most targeted, allowing you to select the target audience. The undoubted advantage is the duration of the impact, since the flight lasts for hours, and the objects for attention are very limited. Advertising message carriers include seat headrests, stickers, ticket envelopes, boarding passes, and printed products.

Airplane passengers are offered printed materials to study during the flight and placed in their seat pockets. Passengers examine these materials during the flight and take them with them because of the beauty of the gloss, thereby increasing efficiency. advertising promotion.

The uniqueness of the target audience attracts the attention of many advertisers, since the majority of airplane passengers are part of the active financially secure population. It is this segment that has high purchasing power and is of greatest interest to advertisers.

Advertising at airports

Airport placements are also characterized by prolonged contact with the advertising message. Travelers spend a lot of time waiting for their flight and pay much more attention to their surroundings due to the confined space. Distinctive feature advertising of this type is its continuity.

Airplane flights are distributed evenly by time of day, which ensures constant updating of the target audience 365 days a year around the clock. Main areas for placement: plasma panels, light boxes, booklets and magazines, telescopic bridges. Sometimes more creative projects are launched using the architecture of the airport itself. An example is decorating columns with light batteries.

The most effective areas for promotion on airplanes and airports are those that are of interest to travelers and businessmen. Such areas include travel services, hotels and excursions, banking services, business support and conferences. In addition, the promotion of premium consumer goods is quite effective. Examples of this segment include advertising of pharmaceuticals, food products, cosmetics, cars, etc.

Cost of services

The cost of placement is determined by such factors as the area of ​​the layout, its location, the number of vehicles, design, and period of placement.

In addition, the cost depends on the region and local features. In Moscow, in-salon accommodation can be ordered at a cost of about 350 rubles. for A3 format, external branding of 10 m2 will cost 12,000 rubles, and renting space for this message will cost 27,000 rubles. per month.

Transit advertising in Minsk will cost a completely different price. Average prices: external branding for 3 m2 starts from 1200 rubles, and monthly rental - 2100 rubles. Placement inside an A4 format vehicle can be found for 450 rubles. in 150 vehicles for a period of 2 weeks.

The cost of placement on airplanes and airports is quite high, but the uniqueness of the exposure audience pays for the advertiser’s expenses.

Impact effectiveness

Based on the advantages, disadvantages and features of transit advertising, a list of recommended areas for promotion using this channel is identified:

  1. Large manufacturers and brands.
  2. Repair and construction organizations.
  3. Automotive stores and building materials.
  4. Agencies in the fields of tourism and real estate.
  5. Fitness clubs.
  6. Establishments for recreation and entertainment.

Generating demand for accommodation

Attracting clients is carried out by direct announcement of the possibility of placement, referral commercial offers key advertisers in the region, cold calls to the database of existing companies. The last promotion channel is much more difficult than the others.

The transit advertising cold call script should be brief, but must include key benefits promotion channel. Advertisers are interested in attracting customers, and a new offer, if presented correctly, will be interesting to them. The final result of such attraction will largely depend on the competence and motivational base of the telemarketing specialist, therefore, when using such a promotion channel, saving on these points is unacceptable.

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State educational institution of higher professional education



discipline: Mass communications and media planning

Topic: Features and principles of placing transit advertising


group student

Noskova Ekaterina Alexandrovna


Syaglova Yu.V.

Moscow 2011


The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that over the past ten years the number of cars on the roads has increased by 20%. According to monitoring services, this figure is expected to increase by another 40% in the next ten years. Up to 90% of the population uses various types of transport in any city. In large cities, the number of visitors is added to them. As the population increases in cities, the amount of transport used also increases. This means that transit advertising is becoming increasingly in demand in the advertising market.

With the development of new image overlay technologies in the production of advertising on transport, the quality of transit advertising has improved significantly. This means that advertising on transport has become more understandable and readable for the consumer.

The purpose of this work is to characterize the features of transit advertising, as well as determine its effectiveness at the moment.

Consider the structure and essence of transit advertising on the global and Russian markets;

Consider the prospects for the development of transit advertising;

Analyze the main indicators for assessing the effectiveness of transit advertising.

Structure and essence of the transit advertising market.

1.1 Concept and types of transit advertising

In specialized literature, there are three terms associated with advertising in transport:

Transit advertising- placement on or in public, personal or other form of moving objects of advertising information. Transit advertising includes a narrower concept of “advertising on transport”.

Depending on the shape Transit advertising actually includes:

Stickers: The standard size of stickers placed in the interior of a public vehicle above the window frames is 27.5 cm by 70 cm. There are four additional formats (27.5x52.5; 27.5x105; 27.5x140; 27.5x210).

Outdoor Posters: usually placed on the side panels of the bus (sizes 30x144, 30x88, 21x44), in the space between the rear lights (sizes 21x72), between the headlights (17x21, 21x44).

Depending on the transport used:

Outdoor advertising on minibus taxis– a very mobile and popular way to talk about your services or products. Such advertising is designed for a wide audience: motorists, passengers, pedestrians. From an economic point of view, outdoor advertising on minibuses does not require large financial expenditures. An interesting psychological move: a potential consumer who saw an advertisement on minibuses remembers information about such services and products, because on a subconscious level, he determines them to be accessible to himself.

The auto banner is a 6x3 meter billboard mounted on the chassis of a very elongated gazelle car. However, the entry into force of the new advertising law has made some adjustments in the distribution of mobile advertising on billboards. According to the current legislation, a gazelle with advertising does not have the right to be in motion, because the law prohibits "to use the vehicle primarily or exclusively as a mobile advertising installation" . In this regard, mobile billboards move from point to point covered or simply without advertising.

Railway advertising

Advertising on railway very versatile and quite effective. Railway advertising is aimed at passengers of electric trains and long-distance trains, which determines the formats of advertising media. All advertising on the railway is represented by the following advertising media:

3) Layout on long-distance trains (LDT)

Municipal transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams)

Outdoor advertising on buses, trolleybuses, trams

Decoration is the act of gluing the sides of a vehicle together with a complete repainting of the vehicle in the desired color.


Stickers in public transport are placed near the exit doors at eye level, thereby falling within the field of view of every passenger.

Advertising on handrails

This type of advertising replaced suspended advertising handrails, which were dismantled on the basis of an order from MOSGORTRANS due to the increasing incidence of injuries to passengers due to the breakage of fastenings of suspended handrails. A new type of advertising media on handrails in transport has a more modern design and is mounted on the main handrail post at eye level of passengers.

Advertising on corporate cars can be made in the same style. For example, advertising on gazelles with the logo and symbols of the company, advertising on trucks with corporate symbols all over the board, or advertising on passenger cars using appliqué and self-adhesive stickers create the image of the company, being at the same time an advertisement for the goods and services that the company deals with. Another advantage of advertising on corporate cars is that you do not need to rent space for advertising, since the advertising vehicles are the company's own cars. It also follows that advertising on corporate cars can be used as much as desired, that is, it is not limited by the timing of placement.

1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of transit advertising

Advantages of transit advertising

High level of consumer attention

High frequency

Wide coverage


Availability to consumers 16 or 18 hours a day

The growth in the number of newspapers and magazines, television and radio channels has led to the fragmentation of target audiences into segments based on interests, age, gender, etc. Forced to advertise on an ever-increasing number of channels and publications, the advertiser was faced with the problem of rising advertising costs and difficulty in choosing advertising media to ensure the necessary coverage of the target audience. Against the background of these difficulties, the first significant advantage of transport advertising emerged - it is almost impossible to avoid contact with it. With a sufficiently developed urban transport infrastructure, any person, regardless of interests, age or other characteristics, when going out every day, sees transport advertising and experiences its effect.

Repetition without being boring (unlike television advertising) is another advantage of transport advertising. Very often in television and radio advertising, the advertising image replaces the product itself, the advertising offer, the name or coordinates of the company. In contrast, transport advertising ensures that the advertising message is clear, specific and concise.

According to the results of surveys conducted in the Moscow metro, where passengers have nothing to be distracted by, since there is nothing interesting outside the windows, about 55% of passengers remembered the content of advertising placed in cars for a significant period of time.

We can say that advertisers are mostly unanimous: advertising on transport is worth the investment. At the same time, in addition to the benefits for advertisers, advertising helps maintain the car park at the proper level and make the city brighter.

Flexibility is another advantage of transit advertising. It allows the use of different formats and color effects at a relatively low cost, and the execution of advertising can meet the needs and desires of specific groups of passengers. In the summer, advertising of soft drinks is natural. Food advertising is also very effective because on the way home from work people are wondering what they can cook for dinner. While outdoor advertising has come under attack from advocates environment, no one has ever had any objections to transit advertising. Environmental concerns have prompted an increasing proportion of the population to use public transport instead of private transport.

The main disadvantage of transit advertising, particularly bus decals, is its inability to reach certain market sectors, such as people living in the suburbs and using their own cars, rural populations, and businessmen and professionals with little use of public transport.

Other disadvantages include the following: transit advertising does not have the status of a prestigious means of advertising.

Crowds of passengers during rush hour make advertising difficult to read; transit advertising eliminates selectivity, which may not meet the needs of some advertisers; stickers on buses are so similar that they are often confused with each other; environment in public transport may not contribute to the prestige of the advertised product. The trend of shopping centers in the suburbs means that fewer people are traveling to the city center to shop; Although the text on stickers can be longer than on billboards, it still has fairly strict limitations.

Constant movement: people have only a few seconds to absorb information (applies only to advertising on boards).

Susceptible to atmospheric factors and acts of vandalism.

Not always appropriate and not always available.

The term transit advertising includes outdoor, indoor, and transport advertising. This refers to both various signs, billboards, structures that people themselves move past, as well as advertising on the sides of various vehicles that move past people (on trams, trolleybuses, buses, trains, etc.).

Transit advertising in Russia

The formation of the modern transit advertising market in Russia began along with the economic reforms of the 90s of the 20th century. Advertising appeared on billboards along major highways, on the sides of trolleybuses and trams. In Moscow, “since mid-1997, the majority of trolleybus and tram fleets have released about 70% of registered vehicles on routes.”

In 1999, the total expenditure on transit advertising in Russia amounted to about 90 million US dollars (including 10 million for advertising on transport). Among total advertising expenses, the share of transit reached 12%. Among total advertising expenditures, the share of transit worldwide in 2007 was about 6%.

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in terms of development Russian market transit advertising is significantly inferior to the markets of many countries. Thus, “according to the estimates of specialists from the ESPAR-Analyst company, by the beginning of 2001 in Russia there were about 65 thousand advertising surfaces intended for outdoor advertising, while in the USA there were more than 400 thousand, in Germany - 330, France - 250 , Great Britain – 100, Italy – 90 thousand surfaces. The position of the domestic outdoor advertising market in terms of such a relative indicator as the number of advertising surfaces per 10 thousand inhabitants is even more modest: in Russia this indicator equal to approximately 4.5 surface area, in Norway – 8, in the USA – 15, Czech Republic – 23, Germany – 40, in Switzerland – 58, etc.”

Transit advertising surfaces are concentrated mainly in large cities, primarily in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Feature– low level of advertising concentration. Thus, in the late 90s, the share of 30 leading companies, each of which owns more than 200 advertising surfaces in standard formats, accounted for only a little more than 70% of all advertising structures. In billboard advertising this figure was even lower (60%). In regional centers, as a rule, two thirds of the 3 x 6 m format boards belonged to small companies.

Although the vast majority of companies have advertising structures in only one of the regional markets, some have managed to form interregional networks covering a significant number of major cities. For example, the APR-City company, having teamed up with TVD and RMS, was able to place advertising on its own structures in all 13 million-plus cities, using the main standard formats of advertising structures.

Transit Advertisers

The established networks of advertising media allow leading advertisers to conduct national transit advertising campaigns covering all major cities. Thus, for several months in 1999, “Peter I” cigarettes were advertised on 600 3 x 6 m billboards in all millionaire cities.

The leaders in transit advertising are manufacturers of soft drinks, beer, and cellular telephone service providers. The largest advertisers are also companies producing cigarettes, wine and vodka, which is explained by the ban on their advertising on television.

Transit advertising audience

More than 75% of the population Russian Federation lives in cities. About 40% of citizens use public transport every day, 23% - several times a week. About 60% of people on the move go to work, about 40% go shopping, about 55% go to relax and have fun.

On average, the number of trips on urban public transport is slightly more than one per day per resident. During travel, depending on the existing urban public transport system, several types of urban transport are often used: metro, trolleybus, tram or bus.

In Moscow, the average trip length is about 12 kilometers, in other cities – 3-10 km. 80% of people traveling spend about 1 hour in public transport, 17% - about 2 hours, 3% - more than 2 hours.

There are the most people on the streets and in transport during rush hours, when people go to school, work, business or back. On weekends, the number of pedestrians increases, especially in recreation and entertainment areas.

However, the number of passengers and pedestrians does not equal the number of people who saw a particular transit advertisement. People in transport often see nothing at all except the backs of their neighbors' heads. They may also be busy with their thoughts, reading books, newspapers. Drivers are primarily concerned with managing their vehicle and monitoring the situation on the road. Pedestrians also do not always have the opportunity or desire to look at the advertising surfaces they come across.

Non-illuminated structures and inscriptions on the sides of vehicles are not visible at dusk and in the dark. During rain, snow or fog, not a single advertisement is visible. In hot or cold weather, a person’s attention wanders.

The position of a person in relation to advertising design. The smaller the angle, the less attention a passenger or pedestrian will pay to the advertisement.

The higher-paying part of the population uses personal transport, the less solvent uses public transport. The higher paying part lives and works in certain areas or neighborhoods, often uses airports, luxury railway cars, VIP lounges, etc.

In different situations, a person devotes different amounts of time to transit advertising. When a person moves relative to the advertising surface or, conversely, it moves relative to him, then he has very little time to perceive advertising information. In this case, simple means of conveying information are used - clear composition, clear visual image, short text, large font, etc. The most suitable one may be image advertising no phone numbers or addresses.

Types of transit advertising

Transit advertising, from the point of view of its perception by a person, can be divided into two types: dynamic and static. In the first case, a person moves relative to the advertising surface or, conversely, it moves relative to him. In the second, the person and the advertising surface are in a static position in relation to each other.

Dynamic transit advertising consists of various signs, billboards, and structures that people themselves move past. This type also includes advertising on the sides of various vehicles that move past people (on trams, trolleybuses, buses, trains, etc.)

There is little time to perceive dynamic advertising, so it uses simple means of conveying information - a clear composition, a clear visual image, short text, large font, etc. This type is most effective for image advertising without telephone numbers and addresses.

Static advertising is information materials regarding which a person is inactive. First of all, such advertising includes stickers, leaflets attached inside vehicles (in subway cars, buses, trolleybuses, etc.).

A static advertisement can contain many facts, details, individual illustrations, etc. For example, in advertising leaflet, placed on a metro train, a long, detailed text is quite appropriate - people temporarily locked in an empty information space will simply be forced to read it.



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