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Breeding sturgeon at home as a business. Room for sturgeon

The problem of lack of food has always remained at the forefront in the world, and this century is no exception. Thanks to the issue of food security for the planet, engaging in almost any type of activity related to food production will bring constant profit. There will be no such thing that you will not be able to sell your products, at least in small quantities, if, of course, they are of normal quality.

Please note that sturgeon is a group of fish that includes such breeds as:

  • sterlet;
  • Siberian sturgeon;
  • Russian sturgeon;
  • stellate sturgeon.

Each of these fish breeds differs in its external characteristics, but they are not picky in terms of nutrition, and can also live in fresh water without any problems. From the practice of not only foreign, but also our entrepreneurs, it is known that sturgeon breeding can bring excellent income throughout the whole year, if everything is done correctly and there are certain minimum production volumes.

Features of running such a business

When planning to start a business of growing sturgeon in the country or in another place, you need to understand some of the features of this type of activity:

  1. These products are in great demand not only in fish stores, but also in restaurants and other similar establishments.
  2. Due to the fact that not everyone can afford to engage in this type of business, the niche has virtually no competition.
  3. There is no need to invest a lot of money.
  4. You don’t even need to be a professional in fish breeding to start breeding. Using simple literature and gaining experience, you can soon resolve all emerging issues related to this business.
  5. If you do everything correctly, then this type of activity will take no more than 4 hours of your time per day. But there are days when you need to sort once a month, then you will need to spend the whole day.
  6. Due to their characteristics, sturgeon fish adapt to home conditions without any problems. They are not at all demanding in terms of lighting or nutrition and are very easy to maintain.
  7. If you feed the fish correctly and with good food, then there are no problems with it at all, it is not susceptible to infectious and non-infectious diseases.
  8. On average, business payback begins within 9 months after starting.

Choosing the Right Farm Space

Provided that everything is done correctly, breeding can be done not only in a country house, but even in an apartment, if, of course, its size allows it. This will not in any way affect the quality of the slave herself, so there is no need to worry about it. To put everything necessary equipment, you will need about 30 square meters of space at your disposal.

The room must be heated, because for constant growth of sturgeon, a temperature of at least 17 degrees is required. At this temperature, the fish will grow even in winter, which it does not do outside under normal natural conditions. In summer, the water temperature should be in the range of 20-24 degrees.

It may also be that the necessary premises are not available. Then, as an option, you can install a polycarbonate greenhouse in which a pool, a boiler and everything else will be installed, which we will talk about later.

Required equipment

A complete set of special high-quality equipment can be purchased from companies that engage in this type of activity. The approximate cost of everything will be about $10,000. They will not only bring you everything you need, but will even carry out the correct installation, after which all you have to do is start a sturgeon breeding business and make excellent profits from it.

In addition to the pool, you need to purchase special filtration, install a compressor, aeration and pump so that you can clean it from time to time. Usually you buy an automatic feed supply, but at the initial stage you can do everything on your own. Its cost is of course high, but it is special in that it will give you a little free time. Although feeding fish by hand is not a difficult and even interesting activity, all family members can take part in it.

When choosing equipment that must work on an ongoing basis, pay attention to the fact that it should not work at maximum. It’s better to buy something more expensive and better, so that there is a reserve of power, then it will last much longer.

In total, you can save a lot of money if you do everything yourself. To start such a business, this will be quite the right step.

Selection and purchase of sturgeon fry

This issue can be resolved by visiting fish farm, which accordingly should be engaged in breeding such fish. It is best not to immediately buy the first ones you see; you need to consider different options and choose the best offer.

It would be a good idea to ask professionals, for example on the Internet, to learn more about how to choose the right sturgeon fry, what you need to pay attention to first, and how a high-quality fry differs from a low-quality fry. The fact is that if you choose the second option, or rather they slip it to you, most likely consciously, then the fish will grow much longer, you may get sick constantly, and this cannot be allowed in any such business.

Feeding the fish

As mentioned earlier, the sturgeon is not picky in terms of food, but this does not mean that it can be fed with anything and poor quality food. The rate of its growth, as well as the percentage of morbidity, will depend on how high-quality food is supplied to the fish. There are three food options for this fish:

  • foreign production;
  • domestic;
  • made in-house.

Food intended for large fish should not be given to small fish.

In order for the food to be as nutritious, healthy as possible and to provide quick results, it must contain the following ingredients in certain proportions:

  • 40%-50% of the composition goes to crude protein;
  • 20%-25% for crude fat;
  • fiber should make up 3% of the total mass;
  • the rest is phosphorus, lysine, and other components in small percentages.

It is best, of course, to buy special food for this fish, if possible, but if you could not find one and decided to make it yourself, then it is important to remember one thing: the food must be heavy enough to sink to the bottom of the pool, because sturgeon is a bottom-dwelling fish type of habitat. If the food floats on the surface of the water, the fish simply will not smell it. Also, the food should have a good and strong smell, because the fish is guided mostly by its own sense of smell. Well, the food should not fall apart in the water for more than 30 minutes, since the sturgeon likes to enjoy it for a long time, and not to gorge itself as quickly as possible.

Features of caring for everything

For this type of activity to continuously bring you excellent income, you must take care of the fish. You need to constantly feed her at the same time, take care of her and clean the pool. The purity of the water also affects the growth rate of sturgeon.

How profitable is it to do this?

Now let's look at a small business plan for breeding sturgeon to roughly understand what you can expect.

To obtain one ton of fish for sale, it will be necessary to purchase approximately 1800-2000 pieces of fry. Today, one fry can be found at a price of 12-15 rubles per one. It would be correct to calculate to the maximum; in total, it turns out that we will need to spend 30,000 rubles on the fry. To buy food for a whole year, you will need approximately 70,000 rubles. We will also have pumps running, we will need water, and all this also costs money, we take the figure as 18,000 rubles per year.

In total, we will need to spend approximately 120,000 rubles per year. And if we aim to obtain one ton of live weight, then one kilogram will cost 120 rubles. If you can agree with a restaurant on the supply of your products, then they will take one kilogram from you without any problems for 500 rubles with arms and legs. This means that the net income per kilogram will be 380 rubles, which is 380,000 rubles of net profit per year.

As you can see, with such and such a small size, you can earn so much. Of course, if everything is done correctly and efficiently. Now, let's once again note how everything should happen:

  • making a container with your own hands or purchasing and installing a ready-made one;
  • purchase and installation of all necessary equipment;
  • purchasing only high-quality food, which should be different for large and small fish;
  • business registration;
  • coordination of business with veterinarians;
  • coordination of business with the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • purchasing quality fry;
  • regularly feeding the fish at the same time;
  • constant care of fish and pool;
  • catching fish that has reached 500-600 grams and selling it to restaurants or fish stores.

This is it short plan those actions that a person must do to earn an excellent income. We can only wish you success in your endeavors.

Today, sturgeon caviar does not need advertising to find stable markets. This is a storehouse of useful vitamins and microelements for the human body. Its prices are consistently high, which makes it possible for entrepreneurs who breed fish to receive a constant income. We will devote this article to growing sturgeon at home.

  • Where to start breeding sturgeon at home?
  • Technology of fish breeding for caviar
  • How to earn money faster?
  • What equipment to choose for a sturgeon farm?

In general, the process of growing sturgeon requires deep knowledge of technology, good equipment, and the desire to devote most of the time to this matter. Recently invented innovative technologies, which make the farmer’s work easier, but their implementation requires large investments. Here the decision is made directly by the entrepreneur himself.

Where to start breeding sturgeon at home?

Since usually we are not initially talking about organizing a full-fledged sturgeon farm, one container of water is enough. The depth of such a pool is usually about 1 meter, and the diameter is from 1.5 to 2.5 meters. An entrepreneur has the opportunity to maintain such a pool independently, and about 1 ton of sturgeon can be raised in it per year. In addition to the tank itself, you need to purchase a pump, filter and compressor. They are necessary to ensure aeration and filtration in the pool. To reduce labor costs for caring for fish, you can purchase an automatic feeder. The water temperature should be maintained at +18-20 degrees.

Pools are occupied at the rate of 1 sq.m. area for 60 kg of live fish. The peculiarity of growing sturgeon at home is the difficulty in obtaining fry. For breeding purposes on a small scale they are usually purchased. Sturgeons are fed at the bottom of the reservoir. This satisfies the conditions of their nutrition in the natural environment. At first you can buy food, and over time you can learn to cook it yourself. It must contain precise proportions of proteins, fats, lysine and phosphorus. The fry that are released into the pool weigh no more than 5 grams. They grow unevenly. About 20% of the herd rapidly gain weight, due to which they subsequently “conquer” most of the food for themselves.

Such a small reservoir is suitable for growing sturgeon for sale as a fish delicacy. Sturgeon are grown until they reach 500-600 grams and are sold to wholesalers for sale or to restaurants.

Technology of fish breeding for caviar

Breeding sturgeon for caviar is a longer and more labor-intensive process. In nature, the female begins to produce eggs only at the age of 15. In conditions created by man, this occurs at 5-7 years. You will need at least six pools for growing fish for caviar. They are installed in a separate building or heated greenhouse. Sometimes a basement is adapted for these purposes. Since under natural conditions the sturgeon lives on the bottom, it does not need bright lighting at all.

Experts say that to start a business you need no more than $4,000. Many entrepreneurs are attracted to this amount of investment. But, unfortunately, not many people stay in this business. Sturgeon farming for the purpose of breeding caviar frightens businessmen with its long-term nature. If you start with the specified amount and develop the business yourself, then you can achieve full payback only after 10 years. But after this time, the farmer can count on 30% of the net profit from the initial costs. Another feature of the business is that black caviar produced on sturgeon farms is never prohibited by law.

How to earn money faster?

There is a practice of purchasing grown fish or adult specimens. It allows you to reduce the payback time, but also requires large investments in the acquisition of a herd. An adult fish costs about 5 thousand rubles per kilogram, and a three-year-old fish costs 1 thousand rubles. To form a herd that produces 1 ton of caviar, you will need to invest 100 million rubles. In addition, there is a danger of fish dying during transportation and no one can say for sure how it will take root in the new conditions.

What equipment to choose for a sturgeon farm?

One of the new technologies that helps organize the cultivation of sturgeon in a relatively short time is the use of RAS (recirculating water supply units). There are many varieties of such equipment. It differs in the design of the pools and their number, and is intended for growing fish on granulated feed. Typically, round pools are used. Before entering the pool, the water is purified in several stages. It creates a circular motion. The main operating principle of the installation is based on the following processes:

  • Mechanical cleaning
  • Biological treatment
  • Temperature maintenance
  • Oxygen saturation
  • Disinfection.

They can be swapped or combined. A prerequisite is to place them in a heated room. Sturgeon farms using RAS are easily automated. This reduces the labor intensity of the sturgeon breeding process, but does not deprive the fish farmer of the responsibility to regularly monitor the stock.

The advantages of equipment with closed water supply installations include:

  • The ability to create intensive water exchange, oxygenation and powerful filtration. Thanks to this, dense planting of fish is possible.
  • Saving production space, as the pools are located quite compactly.
  • Possibility of constant visual control.
  • Automation of care and feeding processes.
  • Eliminating the influence of unfavorable natural factors on sturgeon.
  • Minimizing the causes that contribute to the occurrence of diseases in fish.
  • Significant savings in water and feed, which reduces production costs.

Compliance with technology and sanitary standards on the farm allows the entrepreneur to grow organically pure product and confirm this with relevant documents.

The sturgeon breeding business is a promising area in Russia, despite the high risks and long payback period. If there is a clean reservoir and experienced fish farmers, it can be organized in open ponds. Market players claim that it is these components that are most difficult now, so they prefer to organize closed sturgeon farms.

If you want to trade elite products, black caviar and sturgeon, then take on sturgeon breeding business at home. It is known that their meat and caviar are a very valuable dietary product, so the demand for this product is always high. At the same time, raising sturgeon is not as difficult as it seems.

Advantages of sturgeon breeding

This family of fish includes the Siberian sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, sterlet, beluga, and stellate sturgeon. At the same time, sturgeon breeding can be organized even in your own apartment.

Main advantages of business:

Relatively small starting capital.
Constantly high demand for meat and caviar.
The fish is unpretentious and easily adapts to new conditions if the temperature changes.
Breeding sturgeon does not require special skills or large funds.

Sturgeon breeding room

As stated earlier, breeding sturgeon at home can be organized even in a city apartment. It is important to allocate an area of ​​30 square meters for this. m. Sturgeon breeding conditions require mandatory heating of the premises in winter. During cold periods, the water temperature should not be lower than 17 °C, and in summer – approximately 20-24 °C.

If it is not possible to organize a house, you can install a pool on a plot of land and cover it with a polycarbonate greenhouse, which is relatively inexpensive.

Equipment for sturgeon breeding

There are many companies that offer equipment for sturgeon breeding with delivery and installation. It will cost about 10 thousand dollars. But, as stated, this is an unpretentious fish, so breeding sturgeon at home can be organized in a container made by yourself. It is important that the container has a diameter of 2-3 meters and a depth of 1 meter. You can maintain such a pool yourself and grow about a ton of fish per year.

If you want to arrange with minimal costs In addition to the tank for sturgeon breeding, you need to purchase aeration, filters and compressors. To clean the pool from time to time, a pump is purchased. You can buy an automatic feeder, but it is quite expensive.

It is important to choose equipment of the required power. Please note that it should not work to the maximum, otherwise it will fail very quickly. Sturgeon breeding pool, made with your own hands, will cost three times less than purchased.

We buy sturgeon fry

To start breeding sturgeon at home, you need to purchase fry. To do this, you will have to look for several fish farms in the area, compare the options, and choose the right one. It is important to choose the fry correctly so that they grow well and quickly and do not get sick.

Selecting food for sturgeon

To start a sturgeon breeding business at home, it is important to know that fish pick up food from the bottom. She also has a well-developed sense of smell, so the food should have an attractive aroma for the sturgeon. However, it should not be destroyed by water for at least half an hour, because the fish will not eat everything at once. But at the same time it must soften slightly so that the fish can eat it. If you want your sturgeon breeding to be a highly profitable business, buy the highest calorie food possible.

Approximate composition of sturgeon feed:


Also remember that the diameter of the feed should correspond to the size of the sturgeon.

Sturgeon breeding technology (video):

Breeding sturgeon in a pond

If you have a pond, your sturgeon breeding business at home will be more profitable. True, in this case sturgeon breeding technology will be a little different. Before introducing fry into it, it is cleaned and limed at least two weeks before the young are placed in it.

Pay attention to the bottom - it should be bowl-shaped. The water should contain algae, worms, reeds, and fertilizers. The fry should be released into the pond on a summer night. Sturgeon breeding technology will require moving the fish to a spawning pond when it reaches medium size. The new fry can then be returned to the community pond. By the way, males are usually carriers of infections.

Sales and business payback

If you purchase about 5 kg of fry, then in six months a significant part of them will reach a weight of 500 g. The peculiarity of the fish is that the fry grow unequally. The most popular on the market is Siberian sturgeon weighing 500 g. One and a half months after the sale of the first batch, those fry that were of average size will grow up, and after another three, the smallest ones. In nine months, a new Central Election Commission can begin.

Profit can be made from selling meat and caviar to supermarkets, shops, markets, specialty stores, catering establishments, wholesale companies. Sturgeon breeding makes a separate profit from the sale of fry.

Business profitability calculations

The retail price of sturgeon is $15 per kilogram. Despite the fact that its cost is about 8 dollars. In general, every month you can make a profit of 8 thousand dollars, depending on the scale of your sturgeon farm.

Fish food costs about $1.2/kg. In order for a sturgeon to gain 1 kg of growth, it needs to be fed about 1.5 kg of food. Fry that weigh 1 g cost $0.2 each. The cost of the equipment depends on what you decide to do with your own hands and what to buy. If the planned production volume is 5 tons, then you need to purchase equipment worth about 20 thousand dollars. The smaller your apatite, the less money you need for equipment.

The most important thing in breeding this fish is to feed it with high-quality food, regularly clean the pool, check the condition of the equipment, especially filters, as well as the quality of the water. Otherwise sturgeon breeding business at home inexpensive and uncomplicated.

Recently, against the backdrop of the global crisis, new ways to create own business, and one of these ways is sturgeon breeding at home as a business.

Breeding sturgeon is quite a long, but very rewarding activity for people who want to do their own business, and also have almost zero dependence on many factors, one of which is the global crisis, which has pushed many people to become entrepreneurs in their own country. If the desire to engage in this business is deliberate, then a thorough immersion in the topic of breeding sturgeon at home as a business is required, which is described in detail in this article. It’s also worth starting with the article by studying of this business from the question “how to grow sturgeon at home.” The answer is below.

Home breeding of sturgeon

How to breed sturgeon at home? If you have a summer house, or live in the private sector, then this is an ideal option for growing sturgeon at home for beginning businessmen, because there is space to build a room. The fish itself is not small and the tanks for keeping it must be of the appropriate size, and it is also worth considering that in order to maintain maximum productivity of the enterprise and the quality of the product, it is necessary to keep the sturgeon in clean water that has the right temperature, and this requires the purchase of the necessary equipment.

Creation of a reservoir for sturgeon

How to grow sterlet at home? If you have a small pool, then it is ideal for this task. But still, it is recommended to buy a plastic tank for keeping sturgeon, because iron conducts cold well. The dimensions of the tank should not be small, but not too large. Reservoirs with a diameter of no more than three meters and a depth of up to one and a half meters are suitable. At the end of the article you will find a video about growing sturgeon at home, where everything is described in detail.

Careful selection of the required feed

Feeding sturgeon is a very important point in the development of your business, because the quality of the food determines how quickly the fish will grow in your reservoirs. The shorter the period of growing up, the better. It is also worth remembering that the quality of the raised meat depends on the quality of the feed.

When a sturgeon hits the water, it instantly sinks aground. This is a natural instinct that helps them avoid danger. Therefore, it is necessary to choose food that does not dissolve in water so quickly. When choosing food, you need to pay special attention to the smell, because sturgeon’s sense of smell is quite developed, and it is with this that they search for prey at the bottom of rivers.

The solubility of the feed should be more than half an hour, and it is also worth remembering that the size of the granules for medium-sized individuals and fry varies significantly, so it is worth taking several types of feed at once.

Young sturgeon

How to get fry

This issue can be resolved quite easily, you just need to have connections with people who are engaged in the same type of business. If there are none, then you need to find the closest enterprise that is engaged in large-scale sturgeon breeding. In some cases, you can order through an online store, but this is rare, and the price for transportation is quite high. Purchasing fry is one of the biggest obstacles facing a novice businessman, because the fry themselves cost a lot, due to the fact that they were raised and fed for a certain period of time. It is also not recommended to save on fry; you should not take cheap ones, because a lot depends on it, from the quality of the meat to the profitability of the business.

Containers for growing sturgeon

To create your business, you will need to purchase containers in which sturgeon will be kept and developed. The room for installing the tank itself must be selected as large as possible, because in addition to the tanks themselves, additional equipment will be installed in it to maintain the cleanliness and temperature of the water.

Fish farming equipment:

  • a tank in which the fish will go through their life cycle;
  • a generator that maintains the farm’s power supply in case there is no main source of energy, as well as in emergency situations;
  • water pump for pumping out and supplying fresh water;
  • feeder with automatic fish feeding;
  • water compressor.

Now let's talk in more detail about each component of the system.


The reservoir is the key link that allows you to create a business literally at home. When choosing a container, you need to carefully discuss everything, because it is better to immediately take a ready-made container that has all the necessary holes for the pipes. If the room is not too large, then instead of one large one, you can install many medium-sized containers, with a diameter of at least 2 meters and a depth of up to one and a half meters, so that the fish feel comfortable. At the end of the article there is a video of breeding sturgeon at home, where you can see the approximate dimensions of the holding tank.



A generator can provide a continuous supply of electricity to your farm. The choice between diesel or gasoline is yours, everything goes into calculating how much you can invest in each detail of the business. A generator is very important if you live in a region where power lines may be broken or there is no electricity at all.

Water pump

The water pump is also very important, because fish cannot live in dirty water. Also, the purity of water directly affects the quality of meat and the survival rate of fry.

A compressor is necessary to ensure the saturation of ordinary water with oxygen, because in an artificial reservoir it is impossible to saturate water in a natural way. It is recommended to take several compressors at once, all this in case one breaks down, all this is due to the fact that fish, like other living beings, cannot do without oxygen.


Although a feeder for automatically feeding food is recommended to ensure maximum business autonomy, it is only suitable for large farms. An alternative to a feeder can be your personal time, or people who agree to feed the fish at a certain time every day.

Only the most significant components of the farm are described, not counting the pipes, the work of specialists in installing all equipment in one circuit, settings, renting premises, etc. Still, although the first steps in developing this type of business are quite expensive, the payback is quite high. In some cases, the payback for equipment, fry, etc. may occur after 11-12 months of continuous operation of the farm.

Optimal water temperature in the container

It is known that the quality of meat and the general condition of fry and adult sturgeon directly depend on the temperature of the water in which they live. This issue requires a careful approach, no matter how it may seem at first glance. Experts recommend water temperature no more than +24 degrees, and also no lower than +18 degrees. Heating water can become quite expensive in winter, because heating at least one tank, which is 2 cubic meters of water, will require quite a lot of electricity. When fish are in an unfavorable environment, for example, in insufficiently warm water, diseases are possible. Everything is the same as with ordinary animals, so the issue of heating water must be approached with attention.

Place where containers will be placed

Where to start growing sturgeon? First you need to find a place where the pools will be located. The choice of location will significantly affect how quickly your business will break even, all because the more fish tanks you can install, the more income you will have in the future. You can breed them anywhere, you just need water supply, electricity and a place to install tanks. If we take the pool described above, then a room of 13 square meters may well be suitable. If you live in the private sector, then you can build an entire greenhouse, which will solve the issue of heating and maintaining optimal water temperature.


It is recommended to buy only good feed, intended exclusively for quick feeding of fry. After reaching the adult stage, you need to switch to food with slightly larger granules. This approach to nutrition will increase survival and growth rate. If there is no automatic feeder, then you will have to feed the fish yourself up to five times a day.

About business payback

As already mentioned, the business becomes fully profitable starting at 11 or 12 months, in some cases earlier. In 9 months, a small fry, whose weight barely reaches 5 grams, can gain weight up to 500 grams. This is the mass of fish that is in great demand among supermarkets, individuals and restaurants. You just need to find clients who will regularly use your services.

The usual market price for sturgeon fry is approximately 25 rubles. This is a good, strong and healthy fry. There are cheaper options, but you should take them only at your own peril and risk. Restaurants, markets and supermarkets buy fish at a price of up to 900 rubles per kilogram, in some cases for 650. Before starting a business, it is worth making contacts so that the fish is bought at the best price, and it pays off as quickly as possible.

So, one fry can bring up to 600 rubles. It is worth remembering that consumables were spent on it, so this figure is divided by all expenses. Let’s say that you purchased 500 fry, then you need to buy food for them for 15 thousand rubles, and you also need to add rent for the premises if you rent it. Electricity also costs a lot; the fee for such a farm can be approximately 15 to 20 thousand rubles per year. The price of electricity varies depending on the region in which you live.

Let's say that you purchased exactly 500 fry at a price of 25 rubles per piece, then the costs and payback will be as follows:

  1. Feed for 500 fry – approximately 15-16 thousand rubles;
  2. Electricity – from 15 thousand rubles per year;
  3. 500 Malkov – 12500 rubles;
  4. Costs for growing sturgeon: 43,500 rubles;

If we take into account that selling 500 fish carcasses, the weight of which can reach 550 grams, and the wholesale price can reach 800 rubles, we get a total income figure of 180 thousand rubles for one cycle (year). In total, for breeding sterlet at home we receive 140 thousand rubles of net profit. Water costs have not been included in the total because it is possible that you have your own well or river nearby. Also, the costs of equipment for breeding sturgeon are not taken into account, due to the fact that it can be made independently.

Ways to sell sturgeon

This question comes up immediately after the idea of ​​creating your own mini-farm appears. The implementation paths are quite wide. This type of fish is in demand in Japanese restaurants, namely for creating sushi. If there is a sushi bar in your city, then it is worth establishing a relationship with the owner and supplying only there. Such establishments prefer to buy fish from private individuals, because large enterprises often mix in all sorts of drugs that affect the quality of taste. After several years of operation of the farm, if funds allow, you can increase the size of the farm, thereby increasing income every year exponentially. But it is also worth updating equipment for growing fish in order to keep up with competitors.

Breeding sturgeon is a fairly lengthy, but very rewarding activity for people who want to do their own thing.

If you are in doubt about whether this is worth doing, you can always find a video on the Internet that tells the same story, one of which is a video about breeding sturgeon at home:

Is growing sturgeon at home. We will not advertise caviar, as this is a product that is a real storehouse of useful microelements, vitamins and minerals.

Its growing cycle is quite long. This article will focus on the production of fish, which is also in good demand in restaurants and supermarkets.

Production involves obtaining environmentally clean products such as sturgeon meat. This breed of fish includes many varieties, among which the most popular are: beluga, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, Siberian and Russian sturgeon.

By appearance Although these inhabitants of the underwater depths have differences, this does not affect the process of growing sturgeon at home - for all varieties it is approximately the same.

Many skeptics will immediately begin to doubt and ask a lot of questions. We immediately want to dispel all doubts and give a lot of arguments regarding the lesson

  • The demand for products is quite high, and this is possible thanks to the large number of food supermarkets, fish stores and prestigious restaurants.
  • does not require large expenses, which at the initial stage becomes a clear advantage.
  • Relatively low competition makes it possible to sell goods at high prices, which increases Many have not even heard of growing sturgeon at home, and this promises great prospects.
  • Every day you need to devote only 3-4 hours of your time, and you can do it in parallel with other things.
  • Breeding sturgeon fish does not require special knowledge and skills and all this can be found on the Internet on thematic forums on the Internet.
  • Sturgeon lives well at home and is not a picky fish. He is practically not susceptible to diseases and problems can only arise when feeding him low-quality food.
  • and pays off in 6-9 months.

These arguments are quite enough to start breeding sturgeon.

Legal subtleties of business

Fish farming is best suited for these purposes, but it also has its own subtleties, so consultation with the tax office will never be superfluous. More details on how to choose the right OKVED can be found at the link - http://okvjed.ru/okved_razdel_b.html

Technology for breeding sturgeon at home

There is nothing complicated in this type of business, but you need to know certain subtleties of this matter. It is important to choose the right premises, equipment and food for fish.

Room for sturgeon

For breeding fish of this breed, an area of ​​25-30 square meters. It could be like private house, and one large room in a city apartment.

The room must be heated. The water temperature in pools in winter should be no lower than 17 degrees Celsius, and in summer no higher than 24 degrees.

If it is difficult to find a suitable premises, then you can equip a heated polycarbonate greenhouse and install all the necessary equipment in it.

Fish farming equipment

Specialized equipment equipped with everything necessary can be purchased from manufacturing companies. Prices vary and depend on the volume of containers.

On average, a beginning entrepreneur will have to spend 10-15 thousand dollars, and not everyone has such funds. You can go the other way and make or buy containers yourself. Sturgeon will feel good even in non-specialized pools.

Minimum container size should be 1.5-2 meters in diameter and 0.8-1 meter deep. If you do the math, you can get about a ton of sturgeon from such a pool in a season, which you’ll agree is quite a lot.

All fish during the growing process are divided into categories, and for each of them there are certain minimum requirements. They are as follows:

  • Sturgeon up to 300 grams - diameter up to 1.5 meters, depth 0.6-0.8 meters.
  • Sturgeon from 300 grams to 2 kg – depth from 0.8 to 1.2 meters, diameter from 1.5 to 2.2 meters.
  • Malek are rectangular containers with a depth and width of 0.5 meters and a length of up to 2 meters.

If in stock country house with a pond, then in the warm season grow sturgeon in it. To do this, you must first prepare the bottom and water - plant the plants and add the necessary mollusks and worms.

In winter, to prevent the fish from freezing, it is necessary to move them into plastic pools, and when the weather warms up, release them into them again. natural environment habitat.

The condition of water in containers must be carefully monitored and the following equipment is used for this:

  • Filters and pumps.
  • A compressor equipped with pipelines for supplying air and water.
  • Automatic feeders and nets.

Purchasing fry for breeding

You can buy sturgeon fry in specialized fish farms. In order not to make a mistake, you need to find out in detail about the place where you are going to buy the fry.

It is best to ask experienced entrepreneurs or study specialized forums on this issue. Purchasing fry is a very important stage that must be approached very seriously. The profitability of the business in the future may depend on this.

Feeding sturgeon

Since this fish is quite unpretentious to food, there are several options. You can purchase products from foreign or domestic manufacturers, or make them yourself.

Adults are fed 4 times a day, young animals - 6 times. A lot depends on the quality of the feed, and if the product is poor, the fish will gain weight very slowly. Sturgeon feeds from the bottom, so the particles of the mixture should sink to the bottom and not soak in the water for about 30 minutes.

The composition of high-quality feed of any modification should be as follows:

  • Approximately 45-50 percent protein.
  • About 25% crude fat.
  • Fiber – 3-4 percent.
  • Vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for fish.

Possible problems

This fish is easy to care for and does not require special conditions for breeding. But some nuances must be observed.

An important point when growing sturgeon is compliance with the diet. It is necessary to give food at the same time, otherwise the fish may refuse it!

The next thing that can lead to its death or slow growth is cold and polluted water. Its temperature should not fall below 17 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to purify and change water as it becomes contaminated.

Business plan for growing sturgeon at home

This point is most interesting for an entrepreneur. How much can he bring in a year? It was noted above that from one pool installed in an apartment you can get about a ton of fish.

For such a quantity of sturgeon, it is necessary to purchase approximately 2000 pieces of fry, costing 0.2 dollars. Feed for growing one ton will need to be purchased for 1000 dollars.

Other expenses include payments for water and electricity if you do not have your own well. They will amount about $500 for the entire cycle.

If you buy completely ready-made equipment, then a kit for breeding such a quantity of fish will cost $10,000. When making it yourself and purchasing individual elements (filters, feeders, compressors, nets, containers, etc.) you can invest 4-5 thousand dollars.

We calculate our investments and costs:

  • Malek – $400.
  • Feed – $1000.
  • Water and electricity – $500.
  • Swimming pool with equipment – ​​$5,000 or $10,000.

That is, you will have to invest $7,000 in this business if self-production equipment and $12,000 when purchasing a ready-made kit.

Sturgeon can be sold in restaurants and hypermarkets for an average of $8 per kilogram. That is, from a ton we get $8000. It turns out that if you make the equipment yourself, you can recoup the investment in one year go to net profit at 1000$.

In the case of purchasing a ready-made kit, after two years of work, the income above the investment will be $2,000. In the future you can receive annually about $6,000 net profit.

To summarize, we can say that growing sturgeon at home is highly profitable. So far there is very little competition in this industry, but in a year or two the situation may change. Good luck with your business!

Growing sturgeon at home - video with step-by-step instructions:



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