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Summary: Application of world information resources in management. Information management

Question 5. Communication in the management system


Information and communication support of the control system is assessed in 7 sections using questions that provide specific answers. After that, a summary table is drawn up, according to which a conclusion is made about the correspondence of the existing information support to the reference one.

This technique allows you to give answers to questions such as:

- how fully used information support meets the requirements of the tasks being solved, i.e. Is it possible to consider the quantitative and qualitative composition of the existing IO as a necessary and sufficient condition for the effective implementation of management tasks and making optimal, timely and high-quality decisions based on the results obtained?

- whether the complex of tasks to be solved is expedient or needs to be adjusted

- are the information flows rationally organized, linking the activities of the analyzed management unit with other related units of the organization and with third-party enterprises

- how does the electronic interpretation of information support affect the effectiveness of solving management problems?

- what are the directions of changes in technologies for working with information.

Based on the results of the materials collected during the application of this technique and their subsequent analysis, it is possible to find various aspects in the information processing processes, which, as a rule, are not paid attention to in everyday activities, since they are performed constantly for a long time and seem to be quite natural and rational ... analysis of the results allows you to see the problems of management activities with a fresh look and identify negative and positive aspects.

In addition to the proposed methodology, you can also use the methodology of express - assessment of the control system, developed by I.V. Skopina, Yu.O. Baklanova. allowing, with minimal time and labor costs, to obtain a reliable visual result (Figure 1)

Rice. 1. Information support of management

In accordance with this methodology, the assessment of information support is carried out according to 10 criteria using a two-point scale.

The undoubted advantages of this technique are:

  • minimization of research time;
  • the reliability of the information received;
  • the possibility of visual reproduction of the information received;
  • operating with terminology understandable to a modern manager.

At the same time, this method of express assessment of management information support has a number of disadvantages:

  • subjectivity of the result obtained;
  • impossibility of an unambiguous answer on some points of the questionnaire.


The modern stage of human development is characterized by a rapid growth in the social and economic value of information. According to statistics, the redistribution of labor resources from the sphere of material production and services to the information sphere has led to the fact that more than 50% of the employed population is already working in the information sphere of developed countries.

There are two main metrics, each of which is strong evidence of the advent of the information age:

1) the time for doubling the volume of accumulated scientific knowledge is already 3-4 years;

2) material costs for storing, transferring and processing information exceed similar costs for energy.

The information processing industry plays for industrialized countries the same role that heavy industry played during the industrialization stage. Information resources are becoming the main national wealth of developed countries, and the efficiency of their use increasingly determines the economic power of the country as a whole. Moreover, the leading role is played by "active" information resources, that is, that part of the resources, which is information available for automated storage, search, transmission and processing.

The term "information" comes from the Latin word "informatio" - explanation, information, presentation.

Information is transmitted by:

Orally and in writing, using electrical signals and radio waves;

Information is received by:

With the help of senses, electrical sensors of photo and video cameras.

In a broad sense, information is a general scientific concept that includes the exchange of information between people, the exchange of signals between animate and inanimate nature, people and devices.

Information- this is information about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and states, which reduce the degree of uncertainty and incompleteness of knowledge about them.

Since the 20th century, the view of information has spread as a public resource, similar to material, labor and monetary resources.

Information- this is new information that allows you to improve the processes associated with the transformation of matter, energy and information itself.

Information is inseparable from the process of informing, therefore, it is necessary to take into account the source of information and its consumers, since information is new information accepted, understood and appreciated by end users as useful. Information presented in an incomprehensible language is useless. Information is information that expands the stock of knowledge of the end user about the world around him. Information is often compared to the word "data", but this is not the same thing. Data can be viewed as signs or recorded observations that, for some reason, are not used, but only stored. When it becomes possible to use data, it turns into information.

Informational resources- documents and arrays of documents in information systems.

To world information resources is related to information characterizing industrial relations in society. It includes information that circulates in the economic system.

Throughout the history of the development of civilization, material objects remained the subject of labor; activities outside of material production and services, as a rule, belonged to the category of non-production costs.

Information technology

The main direction of restructuring management and its radical improvement, adaptation to modern conditions the massive use of the latest computer and telecommunication technology, the formation on its basis of highly effective information and management technologies. Means and methods of applied informatics are used in management and marketing. New technologies based on computer technology require radical changes in the organizational structures of management, its regulations, human resources, the system of documentation, recording and transfer of information. Of particular importance is the introduction of information management, which significantly expands the opportunities for companies to use information resources. The development of information management is associated with the organization of a data and knowledge processing system, their consistent development to the level of integrated automated control systems, covering all levels and links of production and sales vertically and horizontally.

Technology is a complex of scientific and engineering knowledge implemented in labor methods, sets of material, technical, energy, labor factors of production, methods of combining them to create a product or service that meets certain requirements.

Technology is inextricably linked with the mechanization of production or non-production, primarily the management process. Management technologies are based on the use of computers and telecommunications technology.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, information technology is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study methods of efficiently organizing the work of people involved in processing and storing information; computing technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as related social, economic and cultural problems. Information technologies themselves require complex training, high initial costs and high technology. Their introduction should begin with the creation of software, the formation of information flows in the systems of training specialists.

In recent decades, the management in the most developed countries, in particular, in the USA and Japan, on the creative (constructive) information technology of the so-called third (highest) level. They cover the full information cycle - the generation of information (new knowledge), their transfer, processing, use to transform an object, to achieve new higher goals.

Information technologies of the third level mean the highest stage of computerization of management, they allow using computers in the creative process, combining the power of the human mind and the power of electronic technology.

Full integrated automation of management involves the coverage of the following information and management processes: communication, collection, storage and access to necessary information, information analysis, text preparation, support for individual activities, programming and solving special problems. The main directions of automation of information and management activities of companies are as follows: automation of the process of exchanging information, including an office PBX, "e-mail." modern technical means of automation of information and management activities relate:

1. personal computers connected in a network;

2. electronic typewriters;

3. text processing systems (problem-oriented computer systems with great functionality);

4. copy machines;

5. communication facilities, telephone equipment;

6. Means for automating the entry of archival documents and information retrieval (these include non-traditional storage media: magnetic disks and tapes, microfilms, disks with optical recordings);

7. Means for the exchange of information - "e-mail";

8. video information systems;

9. local computer networks;

10. integrated networks of institutions.


Information- a set of information received from the environment, issued to the environment, or stored within the information system.

Data- information presented in a form that makes it possible to automate its collection, storage and further processing by a person or information means.

File- a sequence of records placed on external storage devices and considered during processing as a whole.

Database- a set of interconnected data with such a minimum redundancy that allows it to be used in an optimal way for one or more applications in a certain subject area of ​​human activity.

Subject area- this is a reflection in the database of a set of objects of the real world with their connections, related to a certain area of ​​knowledge and having practical value for users.

First of all, there is a database - a collection of data stored in secondary memory - on disks, drums, or some other medium.

Second, there is a set of batch processing applications that work with this data (fetch, update, include, delete). Additionally, there may be a group of online users interacting with the database from remote terminals.

Third, the database is "integrated", meaning that it contains data for many users, and databases are created to centrally manage certain data.

Data sharing implies not only that all existing application files are integrated, but also that new applications can be built on an existing database. The use of the database provides mainly: - independence of data and programs; - implementation of relationships between data; - compatibility of database components; - ease of changing the logical and physical structures of the database; - integrity; - recovery and protection of the database, etc. Other purposes of using the database include: reduction of redundancy in stored data; elimination of incompatibility in stored data by means of automatic correction and support of all duplicate records; - reducing the cost of developing a software package; - programming queries to the database.

A database is a dynamic information model of a certain subject area, a reflection of the external world. Each object has a number of characteristic properties, attributes, parameters. Working with the database is carried out by the attributes of objects.

What types of information can be obtained on the internet.

The Internet provides the following information services:

· Email;

· Gopher (information access control);

· Usenet newsgroups (exchange of opinion with one person or with a group of people);

· Anonymous FTP (file transfer protocol);

· File transfer systems by mail;

· Access to library catalogs using Telnet;

· IRC or Chat Room;

· Radio broadcasting on the Internet;

Finger (mechanism for disseminating information);

· Wais databases;

· Weather;

· Files of free access;

· Dialog journals;

· FAQ - frequently asked questions;

· Sports and hobbies;

· News and reviews;

· College libraries;

· Government information;

· trips;

· Work and career;

· Commercial Internet services;

Basic concepts of information management

The information sphere is, firstly, the sphere of the economy engaged in the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge, and secondly, the totality of information, information infrastructure, entities that collect, form, disseminate and use information, as well as regulatory systems social relations arising from this.

Information management is a special area of ​​management that covers all aspects of the management problem in the field of creating and using information resources.

Since information flows today penetrate all spheres of human activity, for a more precise definition it is necessary to limit the understanding of information management to two meanings:

  • information management (information flows and information resources), that is, IT management, is an automated information processing technology in a specific subject area;
  • management with the help of information, that is, IT management, is a management technology, management in the proper sense of the word.

Public relations arising in the information sphere during the implementation of information processes are called information, in turn, the activity for the implementation of information processes is called information.

Considering information relations, it should be noted that, despite all their diversity, they occur between the constituent parts of the information sphere. The information sphere can be schematically represented in the form of five areas (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. The structure of the information sphere

Although the diagram draws clear boundaries between the regions, in life such a distinction is impossible, since the functions of the areas of the information sphere often overlap, and the connections between the areas are complex and interdependent. The same actors can play different roles and be included in different areas.

  • Searching, receiving and consuming information... This is the main area, therefore it is located in the center of the information sphere. It initiates processes in all other areas of the information sphere and is the cause of their occurrence. Briefly, this area can be designated by the word "consumption".
  • Creation and distribution of original and derivative information... This area includes all organizations and all individuals who, in one way or another, create initial information (scientific facts, personal data, etc.)

    etc., that is, essentially factual data) and derived information (obtained as a result of processing the original).

  • Formation and preparation of information resources, products and services... In this area, ordering, analysis and additional processing of information take place. As a result, primary and derivative information turns into an information resource (for example, a thematic site on the Internet), a product (an example is the Garant legal system) or a service (for example, a systematic and periodic review of the state of the market in a selected industry).
  • Creation and application of information systems and tools, their provision... This is the sphere of technological support of information processes. On the one hand, this area can be considered as an auxiliary one (the production and consumption of information, the provision of information services existed even before the appearance of information technologies in their modern form), on the other hand, this area itself is a powerful source of primary and derived information.
  • Creation and application of information security tools and mechanisms... In this area, technical and technological solutions, standards and methodologies are being developed to ensure the integrity, consistency and protection of private information or information falling under one or another type of accessibility restriction. The same area is related to the issues of protecting a person from dangerous and harmful information.

What is the field of information management?

  • In a narrow sense, this is a range of management tasks of a production and technological nature in the field of the main activity of an organization, to one degree or another using an information system and information technologies implemented in it.
  • In a broad sense, it is a set of management tasks at all stages of an organization's life cycle, which includes actions and operations both with information in its various forms and states, and with the organization as a whole based on information.

Information management covers all aspects of the management problem in the field of creation and use of information resources. The purpose of information management is to improve the efficiency of the enterprise through the use of information systems and technologies.

The subject of information management is the processes of creation, operation and development of an enterprise information system.

The area of ​​professional activity of a manager is ensuring effective management of information resources and information systems at the organization level, ensuring the use of information as a strategic resource, organizing management systems in the information business industry, improving management in accordance with trends in socio-economic development.

The objects of professional activity of a manager are various information resources and information systems of organizations in the economic, industrial and social spheres, information resources and information systems of management systems units of state enterprises, joint-stock companies and private firms, as well as various organizations in the field of information business. The professional activity of a manager also extends to information resources and information systems of research and production associations, scientific, design and design organizations, government bodies and the social infrastructure of the national economy.

The sphere of information management is a set of all management tasks associated with the formation and use of information in all its forms and states to achieve the goals set for the enterprise. At the same time, the tasks of determining the value and efficiency of using not only the information itself (data and knowledge), but also other resources of the enterprise, in one way or another coming into contact with information: technological, human, financial, etc., should be solved.

Topic 7. Information resources in management

e. In these management tasks, information systems and information technologies implemented in them are used to one degree or another.

The information management concept combines the following approaches:

  • economic - the issues of attracting new documented information are considered based on considerations of utility and financial costs;
  • analytical - based on the analysis of user needs in information and communications;
  • organizational - information technologies are considered in their impact on organizational aspects;
  • systemic - information processing is considered on the basis of a holistic, system-oriented, all-encompassing information processing process in an organization, with special attention paid to optimizing communication channels, information, material resources and other costs, working methods.

The main directions of information management:

  • information system management at all stages of its life cycle;
  • strategic development of IP;
  • IP marketing.

Information management tasks:

  • formation of the technological environment of the information system;
  • development of the information system and provision of its maintenance;
  • planning in an information system environment;
  • formation of the organizational structure in the field of informatization;
  • use and operation of information systems;
  • formation of innovation policy and implementation of innovation programs;
  • personnel management in the field of informatization;
  • investment management in the field of informatization;
  • formation and provision of comprehensive security of information resources.

Information management in an organization solves strategic, operational and administrative tasks. Strategic objectives include: building the organization's information infrastructure and managing information technology. Operational and administrative tasks are of a narrower nature, focused on the implementation of work in specific areas.

15. Information resources in management

Information systems as a basic component.

Information technology as a basic tool for information management.

Information resource as a basic component of information management.

The concept of information management, its structure and types.




Information management - a set of methods and means of information management and information-based management of the activities of an enterprise (organization).

The purpose of information management is ensuring the effective development of the organization through the regulation of various types of its information activities. Information management tasks: 1.quality information support of management processes in the organization; 2. information resource management; 3. ensuring the management of information processing at all levels; 4. provision of communications management.

Control object in information management are:

· Information in different forms of its existence;

· Information systems and information technologies;

· Information industry and information market;

· Personnel implementing the functions of production, use and storage of information.

Subjects of management there are special federal and regional bodies that implement state policy in the field of information management and information resource management services of institutions, organizations and enterprises.

The place and structure of information management are shown in Fig.

Information resources in management

Information Management Technologies

Figure 2 - Types of information management

In accordance with the length of the control tasks, there are strategic information management(SIM) and operational information management(OIM).

Concept "strategic" in a relationship information management suggests one side , the systematic determination of long-term goals in all areas (for a period of 3-5 years), on the other side - choosing a way to achieve the set goal and determining a set of tasks, the solution of which leads to the goal.

Such tasks are solved at the level of the top management of the organization.

The selected solutions to long-term problems form sets of initial data (tasks) for operational , i.e. the most short-term level (in the field of information processing, this is a period of time up to one year).

The range of management tasks includes the design, implementation, operation and development of automated information systems and networks that support the activities of an enterprise (organization). In these networks, information resource management must be provided.

So, information management is turning into a basic technology for organizing management activities in all spheres of the information society.

123Next ⇒

Information management is a special area of ​​management that has emerged as an independent direction in recent years and is increasingly acquiring specific features.

In a broad sense, the sphere of information management is a set of all management tasks at all stages of the life cycle of an enterprise, including all actions and operations associated with information in all its forms and states, and with the enterprise as a whole based on this information. At the same time, the tasks of determining the value and efficiency of using not only the information itself (data and knowledge), but also other resources of the enterprise, in one way or another coming into contact with information: technological, human, financial, etc., should be solved.

In a narrow sense, information management is a range of management tasks, primarily of a production and technological nature, the solution of which ensures the achievement of the organization's goals in its main activity through effective coordinated management of both elements, processes and resources of the information system itself, and other elements, processes and enterprise resources. In these management tasks, information systems and information technologies implemented in it are used to one degree or another.

Today, the most common means of access to information resources are computer networks, and the most progressive way to obtain information is the online mode (online - interactive, interactive mode). It provides an opportunity for a user, having entered a computer network, to gain access to a "big computer" (Host - a computer, host) and to its information resources in a direct dialogue mode, implemented in real time.

Users of this kind include both end consumers of information and intermediate ones who provide services to their clients in solving information problems (special information centers with access to several online systems, or professional specialists engaged in paid information services for clients, information consumers).

The online information services market includes the following main segments:

Computerized reservation systems and financial information services;

Databases (DB) targeted at the mass consumer;

Professional databases.

Among the databases, the following types are usually distinguished:

Text (full-text, abstract, bibliographic, dictionaries);

Numeric and tabular databases;

Bulletin boards.

Information producers include both organizations that extract and publish information (information agencies, the media, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishers, patent offices), and organizations that have been professionally involved in its processing for many years (selection of information, indexing, uploading to databases in the form of full texts, short abstracts, etc.).
Among the most famous foreign companies that process and publish information, there are:

DUN & BRADSTREET (D&B) - publishes reference data on more than 50 million companies around the world (has its own online service);

INVESTEXT GROUP is a division of the world famous Thomson Corporation. Provides in-depth analytical reports on virtually all market segments in various countries and regions;

DERWENT - provides unique information on patents in 41 countries, obtained directly from the patent offices of these countries, information on scientific research and commercial applications of scientific developments (it does not have its own online service);

IAC (Information Access Company) - market and technology overview (Predicast). Abstracts over 1500 periodicals published in 100 countries. This information is translated into English and placed in databases (has its own online service);

INSPEC is a publication by an organization called the Institute of Electrical Engineers. Contains more than 5 million records (abstracts) on all areas of physics, electronics, control systems and information technology;
AFR (AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE) - news agency, supplier of business and political news.

ABB - budget planning based on the functions performed or operational budget planning - planning the budget of a company or an investment project using the principles, tools and methods of ABC. In fact, it is a reverse engineering of the ABC system.
ABC - Functional Cost Analysis - a method of determining the cost and other characteristics of products and services based on the functions and resources involved in business processes.
ABM - ABC Information Management or Operations Management - is a methodology that describes the means and methods of managing an organization to improve business processes and increase profitability based on the information provided as a result of ABC analysis.
ApICS is an American company (Ohio) of highly qualified consultants in the field of production control systems. He sees his task in providing customers with effective, reliable and technological solutions. Publishes guidelines and reports on the creation of systems of the specified class. ApICS clients include such large companies as General Motors Corp., Ford Motor.
ARIS is a set of instrumental software products of the IDS Scheer company (Germany), primarily for modeling automated systems, as well as supporting their creation, ensuring the functioning and development.
ARP - Functional Resource Planning - a method of planning company resources based on the analysis of the functions involved in business processes and LAN analysis data.
Benchmarking is a methodology for determining the effectiveness of a production system by selecting a system of indicators, making measurements and comparing with a benchmark.
BPI - continuous improvement (improvement) of business processes - the concept of smooth (step-by-step) changes in the organization of business processes in the direction of achieving the required performance and quality indicators.
BPR - business process redesign - a concept of changing the organization of a company's activities based on the revision of individual business processes.
BPR - Business Process Reorganization - is a line of business that includes “fundamental rethinking
and radical business process re-planning to achieve leaps and bounds in critical business metrics such as costs, quality of execution, and speed. ” BPWin is a CASE tool of the well-known Computer Associates. Provides advanced tools for modeling, analyzing, documenting and improving complex business processes. Provides modeling in terms of functions, data flows and workflows using IDEFO, IDEF3, DFD (Data Flow Diagram) methods.
CAD (computer-aided design systems, CAD) is a general term for all aspects of computer-aided design. Usually covers the creation of geometric models of the product (solid, three-dimensional, composite), as well as the generation of product drawings and their support. It should be noted that the domestic term CAD in relation to industrial systems has a broader interpretation than CAD: it includes both CAD and CAM, and sometimes CAE elements.
SAE (Automated Engineering Analysis Systems) is a general term for information support for automated analysis of a project, with the goal of detecting errors (strength calculations, kinematic collisions, etc.) or optimizing production capabilities.
CALS is a digital communications protocol developed by the US Department of Defense. Provides standard delivery mechanisms for digital data and ongoing engineering for Department of Defense sponsored developments. CALS uses IGES and STEP standards as data formats. CALS also includes standards for electronic data interchange, electronic technical documentation and guidelines for process improvement. Previously, the abbreviation CALS stands for Computer Aided Logistic System.
CAM (automated production preparation systems) is a general term for software systems for preparing information for machine tools with numerical control. Traditionally, the initial data for such systems were geometric models of parts obtained from CAD systems.
CASE-repository is a CASE-system database that stores design information represented by complex interconnected data - graphical diagrams, software specifications, etc.
CASE-system is a software package for describing an enterprise, an information system and (or) generating various parts of an information system.
CASE system - see CASE tool.
CASE technology is an automated technology that provides comprehensive development support or support for individual stages using dedicated tools (CASE systems) life cycle complex software or information systems.
Check-In is the process of placing or returning a new or modified PDM object in electronic storage, replacing the previous version of the object (the PDM system may leave the previous version). This procedure usually entails a PDM-controlled revision of the database components.
Check-Out is a PDM-controlled process for retrieving parts of the product database. Such a process may be necessary to view, reference, or use the item in another project, production task, or to change the design.
CPI - Continuous Process Improvement is one of the approaches to improving the quality of business processes.
CPN - Colored Petri Nets - a methodology for creating a dynamic model of a business process that allows you to analyze the time-dependent characteristics of the process and the allocation of resources for incoming flows of various structures.
DFD - data flow diagrams - a structural analysis methodology that describes data sources and destinations external to the system, logical functions, data flows and data stores that are accessed.
ECN / ECO (Notice of Change) and Engineering Change Order are formal documents informing interested professionals of proposed, pending and implemented changes. In a PDM-driven environment, ECN / ECO documents can be distributed via email.
ERD - entity - relationship diagrams - a way of defining data and relationships between them, providing detailing of data stores of the designed system, including identification of objects (entities), properties of these objects (attributes) and their relationships with other objects (relationships).
IDEFO - Functional Modeling Methodology, which is an integral part of SADT.
IDEF1X - An information modeling methodology that is an integral part of the SADT.
IDEF3 - A process description methodology that considers the sequence of execution and causal relationships between situations and events for the structural representation of knowledge about a system.
IDEF4 - A methodology for object-oriented design of complex systems that describes the structure, behavior and implementation of systems in terms of a class of objects.
IDEF5 - Methodology for ontological analysis of systems, i.e. analysis of basic terms and concepts (vocabulary) used to characterize objects and processes, boundaries of use, relationships between them.
IGES is a standard for the transfer and exchange of graphic data between various CAD systems.
ISA is an ANSI accredited organization established in 1945. Its objectives are to develop standards in the fields of industrial automation, computer technology, telemetry and communications. One of the areas of its activity is the definition of the interface between management functions and other functions of enterprises and companies. In 2000, the first of the established standards of this series ISA-95.00.01-2000, Enterprise-Control System Integration, Part 1: Models and Terminology was published.
MRP (Material Requirements Planning) is a system for organizing production and logistics, the creation of which in the 60s. XX century coincided with the massive spread of computing. Now it is possible to coordinate and promptly adjust plans and actions of supply, production, and sales departments at enterprises, taking into account changes in real time. The key part of the MRP system database is PTO. However, the MRP system, focused primarily on solving the problems of material accounting and calculating the needs for raw materials and materials, does not provide a sufficiently complete set of data on other factors of the production process, which necessitated its improvement and the development of a new system known as I.
MRP II (Production Resource Planning) is a production organization and logistics system considered by a number of specialists as the second generation of the MRP system. The MRP II system includes the functions of the MRP system (for example, planning material requirements), as well as a number of new functions (computer-aided design, process control, etc.). The MRP II system widely uses simulation methods.
SADT is a structural analysis and design technology based on the entity-relationship concept.
STD - state transition diagrams - a methodology for modeling the subsequent functioning of the system based on its previous and current functioning.
STEP is an International Standard (ISO 10303) designed to facilitate the storage and exchange of all types of product-related information. STEP defines product-specific data formats for all types of information environments, as well as for specific sectors of the industry. A gradual replacement of the IGES standard is envisaged. Today, STEP standards have been developed and are in effect for the most complex mechanical engineering industries - the automotive and aircraft industries.
STORM2000 - CASE-technology for the development of corporate information systems, created by the domestic company "Information Computing Systems" (ICS, Perm). Provides a library of software components with a code generator for the COM environment. Supports Object Modeling Technique (OMT) and UML.
TM FORUM is a large industrial consortium of service providers and communication technology providers in the United States, established in 1988 to develop approaches and practical solutions to improve the management of communication services and their functioning. Among its more than 380 corporate members are AT&T, Bea Systems, IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Microsoft, etc. systems and software.
TQM - systematic quality management - is a line of activity that studies the business process with the aim of organizing them in such a way that guarantees the ideal quality of products.
Automation - transfer of processes or equipment to automatic functioning or the results of this transfer.
Office automation - the unification of office work processes using information processing system tools. Note. This term includes, in particular, the processing and transmission of text, images and voice.
An automated or automatic information system is a set of information technologies and a complex of software and hardware that carry out information processes in a man-machine or automatic mode.
An automated system is a complex of technical, software, other means and personnel designed to automate various processes.
Automated is a definition that refers to tools or processes in which some of the work is done with the help of a computer.
Automate - make a process or equipment automatic.
Automatic refers to a process or equipment that operates under specified conditions without human intervention.
Autonomous; disabled - related to the work of a functional device, carried out independently or in parallel with the main work of the computer.
Document author - The organization or person who created the document.
The author of a program or database is an individual, as a result of whose creative activity a program or database has been created.
Authorization is the level of functionality and access to PDM-managed information that is provided to a specific user. Examples of access authorization include read, write, modify, copy, and view rights. Functional authorization includes the ability to increase the number of users, revise or release documents, or launch an application.
Adaptation of a program or database - making changes carried out solely for the purpose of ensuring the functioning of a computer program or database on specific technical means of the user or under the control of specific user programs.
Adaptability - attributes of software related to the ease of its adaptation to various specific operating conditions, from the use of actions or methods other than those intended for this in the software in question.
Active governance is a process by which organizations, businesses and groups of citizens formulate their interests and desires, realize their rights, obligations and opportunities, and also smooth out differences. This entails looking for ways in which knowledge societies can use more effective, transparent and active governance at the local, regional, national and global levels.
Active; connected - related to the operation of a functional device under the control of a computer.
Information updating is a set of actions for updating, expanding, restoring, restructuring information in order to ensure the efficiency of its use.
An algorithm is a finite ordered set of well-defined rules for solving a problem.
Alphanumeric is a definition that refers to data consisting of letters, numbers, and other symbols, such as punctuation, and to processes and functional devices that use the data.
Analyzability — Attributes of software related to the effort required to diagnose deficiencies or failures, or to identify components for upgrades.
Analog is a definition that refers to continuously changing physical quantities or to data presented in continuous form, as well as to processes and functional devices using this data.
An analog computer is a computer whose actions are similar to the behavior of a certain system and which receives, processes and outputs analog data.
Hardware; hardware - all or part of the physical components of an information processing system. Example: computers, peripherals.
Archive is an organization or its structural unit that receives and stores documents for the purpose of using retrospective documentary information.
Archiving is a branch of activity that covers the organization of storage and use of archival documents.
Archive fund is a set of archival documents that are historically and logically related to each other.
Computer architecture - the logical structure and functional characteristics of a computer, including the relationship between the components of its hardware and software.
Asynchronous - referring to two or more processes that do not depend on the occurrence of such specific events as simple synchronization signals.
Attribute - a description of the key characteristics of the constituent parts of the project, for example, color, cost, weight for product parts or release date for a set of technological documentation for it. Typically, attributes can be expressed as a character string, decimal number, or calendar date.
Attestation - confirmation by examination and presentation of objective evidence that specific requirements for specific objects are fully implemented. Notes. 1) In the design and development process, certification is associated with the examination of the product
in order to determine whether it meets the needs of the user. 2) Qualification is usually carried out for the final product under specified operating conditions. If necessary, certification can be carried out at an earlier stage. 3) The term "certified" is used to denote the corresponding states of an object. 4) A number of appraisals can be carried out if they serve different purposes.
Audit is a check performed by a competent authority (person) in order to provide an independent assessment of the degree of conformity of software products or processes to the established requirements.
Outsourcing is an approach to creating a company management system, in which the implementation of a certain set of interrelated work on the implementation, implementation and (or) maintenance of the system is delegated to a third-party organization. For example, such complexes can be: all work on the analysis, design, implementation and maintenance of the system, with the exception of ensuring secrecy modes, or only network protection of the system, or only psychological monitoring and work on reorienting personnel for the successful implementation of the system, etc.
The base is an extensible structure for describing the many concepts, methods, technologies and generally accepted changes necessary for a complete product design and manufacturing process. Products created from such databases dominate mainly in electronic design. Databases provide a mechanism that uses a common interface with the running process to tell users the correct order of steps, applications, and data transformations.
Database is a set of interrelated data organized according to certain rules on computer media (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Database is a collection of data organized according to certain rules that provide general principles for describing, storing and manipulating data, independent of applied programs (GOST 20886-85).
Database; DB is a collection of data organized in accordance with a conceptual diagram describing the characteristics of this data and the relationship between the objects corresponding to them, supporting one or several subject areas (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Knowledge base - a set of formalized knowledge about a specific subject area, presented in the form of facts and rules (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Knowledge base; BZ is a database containing inference rules and information about universal and professional
experience in some area of ​​expertise. Note. In self-organizing systems, the knowledge base additionally contains information that is the result of previously solved problems (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Database of indicators DB - a factual database, records in which contain data on a particular characteristic (indicator) of objects of the external world.
Baseline is an officially accepted version of a configuration item, independent of the environment, formally designated and fixed at a specific point in time in the life cycle of a configuration item.
The base standard is an international ISO / IEC standard or an ITU-T recommendation.
A byte is a string made up of a number of bits, treated as a unit, and usually representing a character or part of it. Notes. 1) The number of bits in a byte is fixed for a given data system. 2) The number of bits in a byte is usually eight.
A databank is an organizational and technical system that includes one or several databases and a system for managing them (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Databank is an automated information system consisting of one or more databases and a storage, processing and retrieval system.
Database; BnD is a collection of data related to a given topic and organized in such a way that it is possible to interact with subscribers (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Security (information technology) is a property of information technology characterized by the absence of a threat to human life or health, as well as the degree of risk associated with the possibility of damage during its use.
Bibliographic DB is a documentary database in which a record contains only a bibliographic description.
Business to business - 1) an informal term denoting the exchange of goods, services or information that takes place between companies, which does not include the final physical consumer of this product or service in the process. Usually - an integral part of industry portals; 2) an electronic business model, in which intermediate transactions between enterprises are carried out in electronic form.
A business process is a set of one or more related operations or procedures, in the aggregate, realizing a certain goal of production activity, usually carried out within a predetermined organizational structure, which describes the functional roles of the participants in this structure and the relationship between them.
Bit; binary digit - digits 0 or 1 when using the binary number system.
The form of an official document is a standard sheet of paper with the permanent information of the document reproduced on it and the place reserved for the variable.
A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process or step-by-step solution to a problem using appropriately described geometric shapes connected by link lines to design or document a process or program.
Quick Reference - A summary table of work instructions (commands, error messages, etc.), printed on a card or in a small booklet, is useful enough for an experienced user to supplement the reference documentation. It is also recommended to provide an on-screen display and help aids.
Input (process); entry - the process of entering data into an information processing system or any of its parts for storage or processing.
Information input is a set of actions for the direct transfer of information from environmental objects to the information system.
Verification - confirmation by examination and presentation of objective evidence that specific requirements have been fully implemented. Notes. 1) During the design and development process, verification is associated with the examination of the results of this work in order to determine their compliance with the established requirements. 2) The term "verification" is used to denote the corresponding states of the inspected object.
Version is a specific instance of an object. Note. As a result of the modification of the version of the software product, a new version subject to configuration management.
Interoperability is the ability of systems to interact with each other, exchange data, and use information, including content, format, and semantics.
Interchangeability - attributes of software related to the simplicity and complexity of its use instead of other specific software in the environment of this tool.
Open Systems Interconnection is a set of ISO standards defining networking and interworking protocols for each of the layers of the previously standardized seven-layer open systems architecture reference model (physical,
channel, network, transport, session, presentation and application layers).
Document type - a classification grouping of documents of the same name that perform homogeneous functions.
Video conferencing is an event using video conferencing. One type of teleconference.
Video conferencing is a service provided by operators of telecommunications and computer networks and providing the exchange of audio and video information in real time between members of a geographically distributed group.
A virtual machine is a virtual data processing system that appears to be at the exclusive disposal of an individual user, but whose functions are performed by sharing the resources of a real data processing system.
Virtual reality - 1) computer systems that provide visual and sound effects that immerse the viewer in an imaginary world behind the screen. The user is surrounded by computer generated images and sounds that give the impression of reality. The user interacts with the artificial world using various sensors, such as a helmet and gloves, which link his movements and impressions and audiovisual effects. Future research in virtual reality aims to increase the sense of reality of the observed; 2) a new technology of contactless information interaction, which realizes the illusion of direct entry and presence in real time in a stereoscopically presented screen world with the help of complex multimedia operating environments. More abstractly, it is an imaginary world created in the user's imagination.
Virtual economy - conducting economic transactions in the electronic space.
A virtual enterprise is an enterprise consisting of a community of geographically divided workers who, in the process of work, communicate, interact using electronic means of communication with minimal or no personal, direct contact.
Virtual worlds are phenomena and processes of reality modeled on computer screens. With the help of such models, possible options for various life situations and projects in the field of urban planning, laying communication lines, production, trade, education, science, medicine and many other forms of social and cultural activities are thought out.
Virtual communities - the term originated in the development of the Internet and means: 1) a new type of community,
emerging and functioning in the electronic space; 2) uniting network users into groups with common interests to work in the electronic space.
Virtual - the definition of a functional device that seems real, but whose functions are performed by other means.
The owner of information resources, information systems, technologies, means of their support - an entity that owns and uses the specified objects and exercises powers, orders within the limits established by law.
Internal information - information stored in a certain system.
Interoperability is the ability to communicate, execute programs, or exchange data between different functional devices in a manner that requires little or no knowledge of the features of these devices from the user.
Reproduction of a program or database is the production of one or more copies of a computer program or database in any material form, as well as their recording into the computer memory.
Recoverability - Attributes of software related to its ability to restore a level of performance and recover data directly damaged in the event of a failure, as well as the time and effort required to do so.
The World Wide Web - the ubiquitous web (UWP) - is a synonym. 1) Service on the Internet, which allows you to easily access information on servers located around the world; 2) a service on the Internet that organizes information using hypermedia. Each document can contain links to images, sounds, or other documents.
Embedded PDM is a PDM system available only as part of other software. For example, some PDM systems are only available as a CAD / CAM system option.
Log in - start a session.
Input information - information obtained from the environment.
Input - related to a device, process or I / O channel included in the input process, or to the corresponding data or states.
Input data - data entered into the information processing system or any of its parts for storage or processing.
Information output is a set of actions for the direct transfer of information to environmental objects from the information system.
Conclusion (process); output - a process in which an information processing system or any part of it transmits data to the outside world.
Upload over a communications link — Transfer programs or data from a computer to an associated computer with fewer resources, usually from a general purpose computer to a personal computer.
Release - A specific version of a configuration item that is available for a specific purpose (for example, a testing release).
Log out - to end the session.
Output information - information released into the environment.
Output - related to a device, process, I / O channel included in the output process, or to the corresponding data or states.
Output data - data that the information processing system or any of its parts transmits to the outside world.
Report generation is a key feature of the PDM system. Reports can be used, for example, to track the number and description of new parts released during the past month. In general, a PDM system should be able to report on any information contained in the database, allowing the format of the generated reports to be customized to suit industry or enterprise requirements.
Hybrid computer - a computer that combines elements of analog and digital computers using digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters. Note. A hybrid computer can use or process analog and digital data.
Hypertext DB is a database in which records contain information in the form of text in natural language and an indication of their relationship with others.
Globalization is the process of spreading information technologies, products and systems around the world, bringing with it economic and cultural integration. Supporters of this process see it as an opportunity for further progress, subject to the development of a global information society. Opponents warn about the dangers of globalization for national cultural traditions.
The Global Information Infrastructure (GII) is a qualitatively new information formation, the formation of which began in 1995 by a group of developed countries of the world community. According to their plan, the GII will be an integrated global information network for mass service of the population.
our planet through the integration of global and regional information and communication systems, as well as digital television and radio broadcasting systems, satellite systems and mobile communications.
The state policy of informatization (adopted in Russia) is a complex of interrelated political, legal, economic, socio-cultural and organizational measures aimed at establishing national priorities for the development of the information environment of society and creating conditions for Russia's transition to an information society.
Readiness for life in the information society is the level of socio-economic development, assessed according to the following key criteria: development of information and communication infrastructure, e-economy, distance education, use of ICT in public administration and government policy in the field of ICT.
Finished Product - a previously developed and commercially available product suitable for use in the supplied or modified form.
Group technology - see Classification of parts.
Data - documented information circulating in the process of its processing on electronic computers (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Data - information presented in a formalized form suitable for its transmission, interpretation and processing. Note. Data can be processed by humans or by automatic means (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Data - information - knowledge - Data - facts recorded using various media. Information - there is no universal definition. It is used both as a synonym for knowledge and as a synonym for data. However, there is a specificity that is best expressed through the verb inform, i.e. communicate something new. To receive information means to receive an answer to some question. You can get information without having a question, in which case the message will be information if it changes the consumer's picture of the world. Knowledge is the result of human cognitive activity.
Work decomposition is a mechanism for splitting a workflow (generally associated with a specific project) into smaller elements that can be used to assign resources, budget, schedules, etc. WBS provides a framework for project management.
A case is a collection of documents or a document related to one issue or area of ​​activity and placed in a separate cover.
Office work is an activity that includes documenting and organizing work with documents.
Functional dependency diagram is a graphical representation of the sequence of functions performed. Describes the processes and events generated by these processes and initiating them.
Digitalization - digitization is synonymous. Digitizing information. A more technological definition is digital transmission of data encoded in discrete signal pulses.
A disk is a storage medium consisting of a flat circular plate that is rotated to read or write data on one or both sides.
Discrete is a definition that refers to data consisting of individual elements, such as symbols, or to physical quantities that have a finite number of clearly defined values, as well as to the processes and functional properties that use this data.
Distance education - 1) purposeful and methodically organized guidance of the educational and cognitive activities of persons located at a distance from the educational center, carried out through electronic and traditional means of communication; 2) the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities with the help of a specialized educational environment based on the use of ICT, providing the exchange of educational information at a distance, and implementing a system of support and administration of the educational process.
Distance learning is a new way to implement the learning process, based on the use of modern information and telecommunication technologies that allow learning at a distance without direct, easy contact between the teacher and the student.
Agreement - a binding agreement between two parties, supported by law, or a similar agreement within this organization: for the provision of software services; for the supply, development, production, operation or maintenance of a software product.
A document is a material object with information fixed in a man-made way for its transmission in time and space (GOST 16487).
Document is a structured collection of information intended for human perception, which can be an integral object of exchange between users and (or) information systems (STB 1221-2000).
A document is a uniquely designated block of information for human use, such as a report, specification, manual, or book (GOST R ISO / IEC TO 9294-93).
A document on a machine carrier is a document on a data carrier suitable for use in computer technology.
Documentary DB is a database in which a record reflects a document and contains its bibliographic description and, possibly, other information about it.
Documentary factual database - documentary database, a record in which contains a formal presentation of the content (or part of the content) of a document.
Documentation - a set of one or more related documents (GOST R ISO / IEC TO 9294-93).
User documentation - designed to provide the end user with sufficient information to clearly understand: 1) the purpose, functions and characteristics of the software; 2) how to implement and use the software tool; 3) contractual rights and obligations. User documentation should include reference documentation for day-to-day use with the program. Additionally, training documentation may be included to educate users on how to use the software. Documentation may also include brochures, brochures, or screens that summarize work instructions and commands. If necessary, additions can be issued to the documentation, for example: 1) a list of typos in the documentation; 2) a list of installed, but not fixed, errors in software products with a description of the known consequences. The documentation can be submitted both in the form of a hard copy, and on electronic or other media.
Documenting - creating documents.
Documented information (document) - information recorded on a material carrier with details that allow it to be identified (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Documented information - information drawn up in accordance with the established procedure and fixed on a material carrier that ensures its transmission in time and space (STB 982-94).
Documentability (information technology) is a property of information technology, characterized by the possibility of its presentation on tangible media in accordance with the current rules for document preparation.
Document flow is the movement of a document in an organization from the moment it was created or received until the completion of execution or sending.
Home computerization - 1) an element of the state policy of informatization (adopted in Russia), ensuring the satisfaction of the population's needs for information and knowledge
directly at home, mainly via the Internet; 2) the process of equipping the house with electronic devices.
Domestication of new technology - the integration of ICT into everyday life (from Latin domesticus - domestic (domestication, domestication of wild animals)).
Access to information and knowledge - 1) universal availability of the necessary methods, means and skills for the effective use of knowledge, i.e. the availability of networks, infrastructure and services, as well as information resources necessary for the full realization of the political and sociocultural rights of an individual in society; a means allowing citizens to contact the relevant external environment; 2) access to information and knowledge as a topic of discussion. The problem of access to information and the means of its dissemination arises and is resolved in the course of contradictions between the tendencies towards cross-border monopolization and standardization of information media and information itself, on the one hand, and on the other, towards decentralization.
User friendly - A definition that refers to simplicity and ease of use by a human.
A duplicate of a document is a duplicate copy of an official document that has the legal force of the original.
A single information space is a set of databases and data banks, technologies for their maintenance and use, information and telecommunication systems and networks operating on the basis of uniform principles and according to general rules that ensure information interaction between organizations and citizens, as well as the satisfaction of their information needs.
Natural language is a language whose rules are based on modern word usage without their exact description.
Life cycle - the period of existence of a software product, calculated from the beginning of its design to destruction. The main stages of the cycle: design, manufacture, testing, trial operation, storage, operation and maintenance.
The life cycle of a system is an evolution, a period of time and a set of works that change the state of the system from the appearance of an idea and the beginning of its development until the end of operation. Usually broken down into separate stages - requirements analysis, design, implementation (design), verification and operation. The stages of the system life cycle can be repeated in an iterative manner in connection with the gradual clarification of the requirements for the system and / or with the need
its adaptation to those changes that occur in the subject area of ​​the system.
The life cycle of an electronic document is the stage of creation, circulation, archival storage and (or) disposal of an electronic document.
Living in a Digital World is the title of a famous 1996 book by Nicholas Negraponte, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab, in which he says our world will go digital in the near future.
Completeness (information technology) is a property of information technology, characterized by the likelihood of identifying errors made during its development, based on testing results.
Download over a communications link — Transfer programs or data from a connected computer to a computer with large resources, usually from a personal computer to a general purpose computer.
An order is the process of acquiring a system, software product, or software service.
Customer is an organization that purchases or receives a system, software product or software service from a supplier. Note. The customer can be: wholesale or retail buyer, customer, owner, user.
The 1966 Freedom of Information Act is a landmark event in the history of the information society. According to this law, all US federal departments must provide citizens with free access to all available information, except for that related to national defense, law enforcement, financial and personal documents. Violation of this law can be challenged in court.
Replacement part - A part that is approved for use in a specific project as an alternative to the main part, provided that the applicable requirements are met.
Recording information - a set of actions to transfer information to tangible media.
Protection - the preservation of information and data so that persons or systems that are not allowed to them cannot read or change them, and the authorized persons or systems are not limited in access to them.
Data protection - the use of appropriate administrative, technical and physical means to prevent unauthorized, intentional or accidental disclosure, modification or destruction of data (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Information protection - a set of actions to ensure the safety of information resources from internal and external threats.
Information protection - a set of methods and means that ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information in conditions of exposure to threats of a natural or artificial nature, the implementation of which may lead to harm to the owners or users of information.
Security - software attributes related to its ability to prevent unauthorized access, accidental or deliberate, to programs and data (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Security (information technology) - a property of information technology, characterized by the ability to fix or block actions for unauthorized access to information or attempts to destroy it.
Contract Application - a document used by the customer as a means to declare their intentions to act as a potential buyer of a particular system, software product or software service.
A sign is a graphical representation of a concept that makes sense in a specific context.
Knowledge - in a broad sense - is the result of human cognitive activity. Knowledge - in the narrow sense - is a type of information that reflects the experience of a specialist (expert) in a certain subject area, his understanding of a variety of current situations and ways of moving from one description of an object to another. By YES. Pospelov, knowledge is characterized by internal interpretability, structuredness, coherence and mutual activity.
Identification - identifying an object in a series of similar ones using unique names and details.
Notification - Notification capabilities are associated with access control and status management functions. When the state of an object, for example a file with a drawing, changes, then usually there are also changes in access rights. At this point, it is necessary to notify the users, who then receive the right to access this file, and, possibly, they are expected to perform some actions in this regard. The notification is done by sending an e-mail message.
Revision Action Notice - Messages sent to people whose revision actions are required for a particular release procedure.
Approval Notification - Messages to users that a data object has been approved.
Manufacturer - An organization that develops a software package.
Variability — Attributes of software related to the effort required to modify, eliminate a failure, or change operating conditions.
Measurement is the act of applying a software quality metric to a specific software product.
Have access - get the ability to use resources.
Information society development indicators - a list of indicators characterizing the information society development in different aspects: informational, economic, social.
An engineering BOM is an ordered list of parts, subassemblies, assemblies, and raw materials that define an item. PTO is usually created and accompanied by product breakdown management functions and defines the type, number, quantity, and relationships of parts and assemblies. It should also be noted that there is some difference in the concepts of BOM (ISO-9000) and Specification (ESKD) - the domestic term covers a wider class of documents with a more flexible, not strictly defined structure of fields, while the foreign analogue essentially establishes a single standard to provide structured text information about the composition of the product, regardless of the industry affiliation of the developer.
The CASE tool is a software tool intended for full or partial support of the design technology and implementation of complex software and (or) information systems based on certain CASE-methods, processes, models and language tools, as well as on the standards that embody them. The range of tools in this category is very wide - from complex integrated tools used at all stages of the life cycle of a project being developed, to specialized tools used at individual stages of development.
Information technology tools - a set of technical, software and language tools that ensure the implementation of the information process.
Integrated circuit; microchip, a chip is a small piece of semiconductor material that contains interconnected electronic elements.
Integration is the unification of individual elements into a single whole.
Intelligent interface is an interface for direct interaction of the resources of the information complex and the user through programs for processing text requests of the user.
Internet - 1) a global network, which includes government, academic, commercial, military and corporate networks around the world, which is based on the use of the TCP / IP data transfer protocol; 2) a global information system, the parts of which are logically interconnected with each other through a unique address space based on the TCP / IP protocol and which provides, publicly or privately, a high-level communication service; 3) many interconnected computer networks that envelop the globe. The Internet provides access to computers, email, message boards, databases, and discussion groups, all of which use the TCP / IP protocol.
Internet incubator is a venture investment model, the purpose of which is to accelerate preparation and quick launch of Internet companies and their projects to the market. The first incubator was created in 1995 by the American businessman B. Gross.
An online store is a place on the Internet where direct sales of goods to a consumer (legal entity or individual) are carried out, including delivery. In this case, the placement of consumer information, the order of goods and the transaction are carried out in the same place, within the network (on the website of the Internet store).
Internet economy - developing your business on the Internet: opening cam and virtual stores, using electronic advertising and marketing, electronic document management.
An interface is a shared closed area between two functional devices, defined by different characteristics related to functions, physical interactions, signal exchange and other inherent characteristics.
Interface - software for communication between a computer and its user, or between two devices.
Informatization - 1) the process of intensification of production and dissemination of knowledge and information based on the use of ICT; 2) the process of large-scale use of ICT in all spheres of the socio-economic, political and cultural life of society in order to increase the efficiency of the use of information and knowledge for management, to meet the information needs of citizens, organizations and the state and to create the prerequisites for Russia's transition to an information society.
Informatics is a branch of knowledge that studies the general properties and structure of scientific information, as well as the patterns and principles of its creation, transformation, accumulation, transfer and use in various fields of human activity.
Information network is a complex of software and hardware tools for transmitting and processing data through communication channels.
Information security - has three main components: confidentiality, integrity and availability. Confidentiality refers to protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access. Integrity means protecting the accuracy and completeness of information and software. Accessibility is ensuring that information and basic services are available to the user at the right time.
Information industry - large-scale production of information goods and services of various types based on the latest ICT (from newspapers, magazines and books to computer games and content (content) of networks). It includes two essentially different parts: the production of information technology (machinery and equipment) and the production of information itself.
Information products - the materialized result of information processes, designed to meet the information needs of public authorities, legal entities and individuals.
The information revolution is a metaphor expressing in the last quarter of the XX century. the revolutionary impact of ICT on all spheres of society. This phenomenon integrates the effects of previous revolutionary inventions in the information sphere (printing, telephony, radio communication, personal computer), since it creates a technological basis for overcoming any distances in the transmission of information and thereby uniting the intellectual abilities and spiritual forces of mankind.
Information system is an organized set of information technologies, objects and relations between them, forming a single whole (STB 982-94).
An information system is an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications that implement information processes.
Information system - an information processing system in conjunction with the organization's related resources, such as people, technical and financial resources, which provides and distributes information (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Information environment - a set of hardware and software for storing, processing and transmitting information, as well as political, economic and cultural conditions for the implementation of informatization processes.
Information sphere - 1) the sphere of the economy, engaged in the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge; 2) a set of information, information infrastructure, entities collecting, forming, distributing
and the use of information, as well as the system of regulation of the resulting public relations.
Information technology - a set of methods, methods, techniques and means of processing documented information, including applied software, and the regulated procedure for their application (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Information technology; information process technology - a set of methods, methods, techniques and tools that implement the information process in accordance with the specified requirements (STB 982-94).
The information economy is a knowledge-based economy in which most of the gross domestic product is provided by activities for the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge, and more than half of the employed are involved in these activities.
Information economy (a term widespread in the 1970s-1980s) - 1) an economy in which most of the GDP is provided by activities for the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge, and where more than half of the employed are involved in this activity; 2) a concept typical for those forecasts of the coming information society, in which the emphasis is on the leading role of electronic information technical means of communication in the development of all major spheres of the economy. At the same time, the information itself is identified with commodity products and is studied mainly using statistical methods.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) - a set of methods, production processes and software and hardware integrated with the aim of collecting, processing, storing, distributing, displaying and using information in the interests of its users.
Information space - a set of information resources, information systems and communication environment.
Information legislation - a set of laws, regulations and other forms of legal regulation in the field of circulation and production of information and the use of ICT.
Content (content) - any informational content of the information system - texts, graphics, multimedia.
Information inequality - digital divide, information or digital split, digital or electronic divide, computer watershed and a number of other expressions are used synonymously - 1) a new type of social differentiation arising from different possibilities of using the latest ICT; 2) a term typical for supporters of concepts that link the fate of information
structures, means and processes of their uneven distribution among citizens with issues of civil rights and material well-being.
Information support - in automated systems - a set unified system classification and coding of information, unified documentation systems and information arrays.
Information Society - the concept of a post-industrial society; a new historical phase in the development of civilization, in which the main products of production are information and knowledge. Distinctive features of the information society are: increasing the role of information and knowledge in the life of society; an increase in the share of information communications, products and services in the gross domestic product; creation of a global information space that provides: 1) effective information interaction of people, 2) their access to world information resources, and 3) meeting their needs for information products and services.
Information society is a stage in the development of modern civilization, characterized by an increase in the role of information and knowledge in the life of society, an increase in the share of infocommunications, information products and services in the gross domestic product (GDP), the creation of a global information space that ensures effective information interaction of people, their access to world information resources and the satisfaction of their social and personal needs for information products and services.
Information weapon is a set of specialized (physical, information, software, radio-electronic) methods and means of temporary or irreversible disabling of functions or services of the information infrastructure as a whole or of its individual elements.
Information space (accepted in Russia) - 1) an integral electronic information space formed by using electronic networks; 2) spheres in the modern social life of the world in which information communications play a leading role. In this sense, the concept of information space approaches the concept of information environment.
Information and communication infrastructure - a set of geographically distributed state and corporate information systems, communication lines, networks and data transmission channels, means of switching and information flow management, as well as organizational structures, legal and regulatory mechanisms that ensure their effective functioning.
Information retrieval characteristic - a set of requisites that make it possible to identify, take into account and use an electronic document at the stage of archival storage.
Information needs are a kind of intangible needs. The need for information necessary to solve a specific problem or achieve a goal.
Information products - information resources of all types, software products, databases and data banks and other information presented in the form of a product.
Information processes are the processes of creating, collecting, storing, processing, displaying, transmitting, distributing and providing documented information to the user.
Information resources - documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, depositories, museum repositories, etc.).
Information services - meeting the information needs of users by providing information products.
Information city - a city with a post-industrial structure of the economy, in which the main areas of activity are management, financial activities, scientific research, higher education, culture, information services, mass media, business services (advertising, consulting, information, etc.), and more than half of all employees are employed in these activities.
Information crime - deliberate malicious actions aimed at stealing or destroying information in information systems and networks, proceeding from mercenary or hooligan motives.
Information array - a set of documented information, ordered according to certain criteria.
Information product - information obtained as a result of the implementation of information technology.
Information process - a set of processes for receiving, accumulating, processing and transmitting information.
Information resource - an organizational set of documented information, including databases and knowledge, other information systems in information systems (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Information resource - a set of information contained in various sources (STB 982-94).
Information market - the market for ICT, information products and services.
Information - information about facts, events, phenomena, processes, concepts or commands (STB 982-94).
Information - information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
Information (in information processing) - knowledge about such objects as facts, events, phenomena, objects, processes, representations, including concepts that in a certain context have a specific meaning (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Information on the package - information placed on the outer packaging of the package and readable by the consumer before purchasing. Its purpose is to provide an opportunity for potential buyers to evaluate the suitability of the package in accordance with their requirements.
Information about citizens - personal data - a synonym. Information about the facts, events and circumstances of a citizen's life, allowing him to identify his identity.
Artificial intelligence; AI is a field that is seen as part of computer science, related to modeling and systems that implement functions such as reasoning and learning, usually associated with human intelligence.
Artificial intelligence is a hypothetical technical system capable of detecting properties identical to intelligent thinking and human behavior.
Constructed language is a language whose rules are clearly laid down before it is used.
The use of a program or database is the release, reproduction, distribution and other actions for the introduction of programs or databases into economic circulation (including in a modified form).
A calculator is a device capable of performing arithmetic operations that requires human intervention to select the programs stored in it, if any, and start an operation or sequence of operations. Note. The calculator implements some of the functions of a computer, but usually only works with repeated human intervention.
Signature verification public key card - a paper document containing the value of the electronic digital signature verification public key and confirming its belonging to any individual or legal entity.
A cascading (waterfall) life cycle is a phased, sequential construction of an information system. Each stage (usually it is analysis, design, programming, testing, implementation) is fully completed before starting the next.
Quality is the entire scope of characteristics and characteristics of a product or service that relates to their ability to meet stated or anticipated needs (ISO 8402). Note. In the area of ​​the contract, the needs are defined, while in the other areas, the anticipated needs must be established and defined.
Software quality - the entire scope of features and characteristics of software products related to its ability to meet stated or anticipated needs. The quality of software can be assessed by the following characteristics: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, portability.
Qualification test - a test (testing) carried out by the developer, if necessary, authorized by the customer, to demonstrate that the software product meets the specified requirements and is ready for use under the specified operating conditions.
A qualification requirement is a set of criteria or conditions that must be met in order to qualify a software product for compliance with specified requirements and readiness for use under specified operating conditions.
Qualification is the process of demonstrating the ability of an item to meet specified requirements.
Cyberspace is an American concept introduced by writer William Gibson in the play Le Neuromacien. It describes a virtual space in which the electronic data of all computers in the world circulate.
Classification - The assignment of attributes and other defining metadata to managed entities within a PDM system. This metadata is then used to find data with similar characteristics.
Part classification - mechanisms for classifying parts and other elements of a product by their function or by the processes used to produce them. Part classification is used to locate PDM-controlled components needed in product design or in PDM-controlled processes used in the design of similar processes. Synonym for Group Technology.
Document code - document identifier, expressed using a code designation.
Communication environment - a set of methods and means that ensure the transfer (exchange) of information.
Communication - translated into Russian, this word can mean communication, message, means of communication, information, means of information, as well as contact, communication, connection.
A complex of software and hardware means - a set of system-wide software and hardware tools that ensure the implementation of information processes.
Computer: - a functional device that can perform complex calculations, including a large number of arithmetic and logical operations, without human intervention. Notes. 1) A computer can consist of a stand-alone device or several interacting devices. 2) In the field of information processing, the term computer usually refers to digital computers.
Computerization is the process of development and implementation of computers that provide automation of information processes and technologies in various spheres of human activity.
Computerize - Automate through computers.
Computer literacy - mastering the minimum set of knowledge and skills for working on a personal computer. Considered today as a skill, just as essential as reading and writing.
Computer graphics - methods and means of constructing, manipulating, storing and reproducing images using a computer.
Computer network - a network of data processing nodes interconnected for the purpose of data exchange.
A computer crime is a crime that is committed using modifications or destruction of hardware, software or data.
Computer center; data processing center - means, including personnel, hardware and software, organized to provide information processing services.
The end user is the person using the software package.
Connectivity - the connectivity of system components, the ability to connect (for example, computers with each other), the ability to interact (for example, programs with each other).
Consulting is the activity of a specialist or an entire firm engaged in strategic project planning, analyzing and formalizing the requirements for an information system, creating a system project, and sometimes designing applications. But all this is up to the stage of actual programming or setting up some already existing complex enterprise management systems, the choice of which is carried out on the basis of a system project. This does not include system integration. Consulting precedes and regulates these stages.
Access control - the access control function is used to control the process of granting a specific user and / or process read (write) rights for each data object in the PDM system. Access control makes modification impossible
object without a corresponding automated passage of the approval procedure for the changes.
Change control is the process and procedures guided by the incorporation of changes into the product data.
Control characteristic of an electronic document is a hash function value generated by hashing tools in accordance with CTB 1176.1 and intended to confirm the integrity of an electronic document. Note. The integrity of an electronic document means that no unauthorized changes were made to it and it was not distorted as a result of damage to machine media and failures of software and hardware when processing an electronic document or transmitting it through communication channels.
Configuration is the way in which hardware and software of an information processing system are organized and interact.
Product configuration - presentation of a set of parts included in the product in the form of a hierarchical tree (Construction tree).
A copy of a document is a document that reproduces the information of another document and all of its external features or part of them.
A software quality assessment criterion is a set of defined and documented rules and conditions used to decide whether the overall quality of a particular software product is acceptable. Quality is represented by a set of established levels associated with software products.
Critical work is work that cannot be delayed without changing the overall duration or finish date of the project.
Lexicographic VD is a database in which a record contains data about one lexical unit and corresponds to an entry in the dictionary.
Linguistic support of an automated system - a set of language tools used in automated systems, as well as rules for formalizing a natural language in order to increase the efficiency of machine information processing.
Private key podsn - a set of characters belonging to a specific person and used to generate an electronic digital signature.
Logistics - 1) the theory of material and information flows management; 2) the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing, processing and other operations in the process of delivering finished products to the consumer.
Local network is a computer network located in a geographically limited area of ​​the user. Note.
Data exchange within a local network owned by a user is not subject to external control, however, if data exchange goes outside the local network, then it may be subject to some types of control.
Mass media - mass media is a synonym. Press (newspapers, magazines, books), radio, television, cinema, sound and video recordings, videotext, teletext, billboards and panels, home video centers combining television, telephone, computer and other communication lines. All these media are characterized by the qualities that unite them - appeal to a mass audience, accessibility to many people, the corporate nature of the production and dissemination of information.
Dataset - see Machine-readable dataset.
Mass communication is the process of transmitting information to a group of people simultaneously using special means - mass media.
A master part is a set of data about a part that serves as its control definition. This can include information such as part number, creation date, currently active revision level, department responsible for project changes, etc. A master part is linked to other information that describes how the part is used in an assembly, and so on.
A master element is a concept similar to a Part Master except that this data set describes a PDM-managed element (file), not a part.
Scalability - The ability to move an application and transfer data across systems and environments that have different performance characteristics and different functionalities. This component extends the portability of the application program to operating environments of various scales (local area network or global computer network, distributed database or centralized database), etc.
Mathematical support of an automated system is a set of algorithms and programs necessary for controlling the system and solving problems of information processing by computer technology with its help.
Material information carrier is a material with certain physical properties that can be used to record and store information.
Machine medium of information (machine medium) is a material medium intended for recording and reproducing information by means of computer technology, as well as devices interfaced with them.
Machine-readable information array - a database presented in a communicative format or in any other format downloaded from a database management system.
Menu - a list of options displayed by the data processing system, from which the user can select an operation to start a specific job.
Metadata - information about data controlled by the PDM system. For example, drawing number is an attribute in drawing metadata. This definition differs from the definition used by information systems specialists. They call metadata the schema underlying the database.
Method is a system of principles and techniques of cognitive-theoretical and practical activity.
The OMT method is a method proposed by James Rumbaugh for describing an information system, which consists in constructing a data flow diagram to describe the functions performed, and then creating a class model based on it for software implementation.
The OOSE method is a method for describing an information system proposed by Ivar Jacobson. As part of this method, a Use Case Diagram was proposed, which was included in the UML standard.
Booch's method is a purely object-oriented method of describing an information system, proposed by Grady Booch.
The IDEFO method and standard is a structural analysis and design method based on SADT technology. First used in the late 1970s as part of the United States Air Force's Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing (ICAM) program. Supported by a number of software products. In 1993 it acquired the status of a NIST standard (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA). Later, a series of IDEF standards emerged that dealt with various aspects of system modeling.
The IDEF3 method and standard is a modeling method focused on describing the behavioral aspects of an existing or developing system. Allows you to describe using diagrams process flows and state transitions of objects participating in them.
A software design method is a purposeful set of procedures that results in a description of the software system being developed with such a degree of detail that is sufficient for its implementation. Modern industrial design technologies are based mainly on methods using structural or object modeling of the system being developed. (Along with structural and object
methods in practice also use more elite formal methods for specifying systems.)
Methodology (from method and ... logic) - the doctrine of structure, logical organization, methods and means of activity; methodology of science - the doctrine of the principles of construction, forms and methods of scientific knowledge.
The SADT methodology is a methodology for structural analysis and design of complex software and information systems developed in the 1970s by D. Ross and developed by his followers. The result of its application is a functional model of the system being developed, which includes a hierarchy of interconnected diagrams that represent the functional structure of the system with varying degrees of detail, and accompanying documentation. Used in the development of IDEFO.
Software quality metric is a quantitative scale and method that can be used to determine the value of a feature adopted for a specific software product.
Microcomputer - a digital computer, the processing device of which consists of one or more microprocessors and includes memory and input-output means.
Microprocessor - a processor whose elements are minimized into one or more integrated circuits.
Million instructions per second is a unit of measurement for processing performance equal to one million instructions per second.
Million floating point operations per second is a unit of processing performance that equals one million floating point operations per second. Note. This unit of measurement is used when using a computer in scientific research.
A minicomputer is a digital computer that is functionally intermediate between a microcomputer and a universal computer.
Mobile telephony is the introduction of portable telephone devices into modern life. Research shows that mobile telephony has a significant impact on changes in the way people live and think.
Mobility - a set of attributes related to the ability of software to be transferred from one environment to another: adaptability, ease of implementation, compliance, interchangeability. Note. The environment can include an organizational, technical or software environment (GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93).
Mobility (programs) - the ability of a program to run in various data processing systems without conversion to other languages ​​and with little or no change (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Modeling is the use of a data processing system to represent the nature of changes in selected parameters of a physical or abstract system. Example. Representation of air currents around the wing profile at various speeds, temperatures and air pressures.
Model - a material object, a system of mathematical dependencies or a program that imitates the structure or functioning of the object under study. The main requirement for the model is its adequacy to the object.
Life cycle model - a structure consisting of processes, works and tasks, including the development, operation and maintenance of a software product, covering the life of the system from establishing requirements for it to the termination of its use.
Modification of a program or database - any changes to a computer program or database that are not an adaptation.
Multimedia - 1) a combination of different media using sound, images and text; 2) interaction of visual and audio effects under the control of interactive software. Usually means a combination of text, sound and graphics, and more and more often, animation and video. A prominent, if not defining feature of multimedia websites and CD-ROMs is hyperlinks; 3) a concept that means a combination of sound, text and digital signals, as well as stationary and moving images. Thus, a multimedia database will contain textual and figurative information, video clips, tables, and all this is equally easily accessible. A multimedia telecommunications service allows a user to send or receive any form of information, interchangeable at will.
Soft copy is a short-term output of information in sound or visually perceptible form. Example. Image on the screen of a cathode-ray tube.
Reliability of information technology is a property of information technology, characterized by the likelihood of implementation during operation of all its functions in accordance with the specified requirements (STB 982-94).
Reliability - a set of attributes related to the ability of software to maintain its level of performance under specified conditions for a specified period of time: stability, resistance to error, recoverability. Note.
No deterioration or aging of the software occurs. Reliability limitations arise from errors in requirements, design, and implementation. Failures due to these errors depend on the way the software is used and the previously selected software versions (GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93).
Supervision - verification by the customer or a third party of the status of the supplier's work and its results.
The name of the stage - standard - at the level of an industry, a group of allied enterprises or one specific enterprise - is the name of a stage in the life cycle of a complex technical product.
Desktop publishing is an electronic publishing company using a microcomputer.
Computer science is a branch of science and technology that refers to the processing of information using computers.
Independent PDM System - PDM systems are available as standalone products that are not associated with any other application. These systems can integrate with any number of other applications (such as CAD / CAM), but can also be purchased and installed independently without requiring the purchase of any associated applications. These systems are essentially the opposite of embedded PDM systems.
Non-deliverable product - hardware or software that is not supplied under the terms of the contract, but can be used to create a software product.
Lifelong learning is a complex of public, private and public educational institutions that provide organizational and meaningful unity and successive interconnection of all levels of education, satisfying a person's desire for self-education and development throughout life.
Non-programmable terminal; input-output terminal - a user terminal that does not have the ability to independently process data.
Nomenclature of cases - a systematized list of names of cases brought up in an organization, indicating the terms of their storage, drawn up in the prescribed manner.
A data carrier is a material object into which or onto which data can be written and from which it can be read.
Quality assurance - all planned and systematically carried out within the framework of the quality system of work; objective evidence to provide assurance when necessary
that the object will fully comply with the established quality requirements. Notes. 1) There are both external and internal objectives for quality assurance: a) internal quality assurance - within the organization, quality assurance creates confidence in management; b) External quality assurance - In contractual or other situations, quality assurance will create confidence in the consumer or others. 2) Some types of quality management and quality assurance are interrelated. 3) If the quality requirements do not fully reflect the needs of the user, then quality assurance may not create sufficient confidence.
Data exchange is the transfer of data between functional devices in accordance with a set of rules for data movement control and exchange coordination.
Information exchange; communication - a set of actions to ensure the information interaction of objects.
Generalization of information is the transformation of information about the presence of a set of simple private events into information about the presence of a certain event of a higher level, into which these particular events are included as its separate elements.
A shell is a program created to make it easier to work with complex software systems. Skins convert an awkward command user interface into a friendly graphical or menu-like interface. Typically, the wrapper is implemented as a separate program.
Data processing; automatic data processing - the system performing actions on the data. Example. Arithmetic or logical operations on data, combining or sorting data, translating or compiling programs, or manipulating text such as editing, sorting, combining, storing, searching, displaying, or printing. Note. The term data processing should not be used synonymously with the term information processing.
Image processing - the use of a data processing system to create, scan, analyze, enhance, interpret, or reproduce an image.
Information processing is a set of actions to change the state of information in order to give it the required properties (STB 982-94).
Information processing is the execution of actions by the system on information. Notes. 1) Information processing may include such operations as data processing and data exchange, office automation. 2) The term information processing should not be used synonymously with the term data processing (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Word processing; text preparation - operations for processing data on text, such as entering, editing, sorting, combining, selecting, storing, reproducing or printing.
Learnability - Attributes of software related to the user's efforts to learn its use (for example, operational control, input, output).
Sewing the product model - the latest data integration methodology that most fully corresponds to the ideas and goals of PDM - captures all product data from all areas from design offices to marketing services - to build a complete, comprehensive description of both the product itself (geometric digital 3D solid-state CAD models, of course -element models for analytical calculations), as well as technological methods of its production, features of its functioning, modes of application, etc.
An objectographic database is a factual database, a record in which contains data about a separate object (material or ideal) of the external world.
The volume of workflow is the number of documents received by the organization and created by it for a certain period.
Octet; 8-bit byte - A byte consisting of 8 bits.
Operator - the organization operating the system.
Operating system; OS is a software tool that controls the execution of programs and provides functions such as resource allocation, scheduling, I / O and data management. Note. Although operating systems are predominantly software-based, some use of hardware is possible.
Option - see Design Option.
Pilot operation of an automated system - a comprehensive check of the readiness of an automated system. Trial operation is aimed at checking algorithms, debugging programs and technological data processing in real conditions.
Organizational and administrative documentation - documentation that ensures the organization of management processes and managerial work.
Organizational and administrative document - a document used in the design of the organizational, administrative, executive and control functions of management.
Organizational means of information technology - a set of organizational, methodological and scientific and technical documents containing a description and regulation of technological processes that implement the information process.
An open system is a system that implements open specifications (standards) for interfaces, services and data formats sufficient to provide: 1) portability
(portability) of properly designed application systems with minimal changes to a wide range of systems (to different platforms); 2) joint work or integration (scalability) with other application systems on local and remote platforms in order to expand its functionality and (or) impart new qualities to the system; 3) interaction with users in a style that facilitates the latter's transition from system to system (user mobility).
An open specification is a publicly available specification that is supported by an open, transparent conciliation process aimed at the continuous adaptation of new technology, and conforms to standards. An open specification is technology independent, i.e. does not depend on specific hardware, software or products of individual manufacturers.
Openness of information technology; extensibility of information technology - a property of information technology, characterized by the possibility of introducing new elements and (or) connections into it
Signature verification public key is a set of characters available to all interested parties and used when verifying an electronic digital signature.
Debug - identify, localize, and fix bugs in a program.
An official document is a document created by an organization or an official and executed in accordance with the established procedure.
Registration of the case is the preparation of the case for storage determined by the established rules.
Registration of an official document - affixing the necessary details.
Evaluation is the act of applying a specific documented evaluation criterion to a specific software module, package or product for the purpose of conditional acceptance or release of a software module, package or product (GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93).
Evaluation is a systematic determination of the degree of compliance of an object with established criteria.
A software package is a complete and documented collection of software delivered to individual users for general or functional use. Note. Some software packages are subject to change for specific applications.
Memory (device); storage device - a functional device in which data can be placed, in which they can be stored and from which they can be retrieved.
Memory - All addressable memory space in the processing device and any other internal memory used to execute instructions.
Parallel engineering is a management or operation method used to optimize a project, manufacturing process, and product support using development environments in which specialists in different application areas (design, marketing, manufacturing technology, process planning and support) work together using data from all stages of the product life cycle.
Data Transfer is the act of transferring information, controlled by a PDM system and responding to the needs of distributed environments. Information can either be transferred or copied. Unlike broadcasting data, the data transfer process maintains a consistent data format.
Information transfer - a set of actions to transfer information from a source to a receiver, regardless of the type of information and the modes of its processing.
Variable part of a document's requisite - a part of a document's requisite, fixed on the form in the process of filling it out.
Portability - the ability to move an application and transfer data between different types of application platforms and in different operating systems without significant modifications. The immediate effect of portability, combined with interoperability, provides the basis for user-level portability of programs; users have the ability to navigate from one application to another and transfer from one operating environment to another.
A laptop is a microcomputer that can be carried by hand for use in various locations.
Revision is a process in which one or more specialists check changed documents or data in order to determine if the changes were made correctly.
Peripheral equipment - any device that is controlled by a separate computer and can interact with it. Note. I / O device, external memory.
Escort personnel - an organization that performs escort work.
Personal computer - a microcomputer designed exclusively for autonomous use by an individual user.
Personal electronic assistant is a miniature electronic device that stores, processes and transfers information.
Competence building is the result of activities aimed at acquiring such knowledge and skills from individual citizens,
social groups, organizations, enterprises and authorities that will allow them to enter the global Knowledge Society and the knowledge-based economy, as well as make informed decisions that are adequate to their needs.
Maintaining a software tool is the act of maintaining a program and its associated documentation in a functional state. Note: Support for the software may be provided by the manufacturer, dealer, vendor, or other organization. In cases specifically specified in the contract, consumers may be allowed to maintain or upgrade the software themselves.
An original of an official document is the first or only copy of an official document.
Authentic document - a document, information about the time and place of creation of which and (or) about the author, contained in the document itself or identified in any way, correspond to reality.
Subroutine; standard program - a program or part of a program that can be general or multiple.
A subsystem of an automated system is a part of an automated system, distinguished by a functional or structural feature that meets specific goals and objectives.
Information search is a set of actions for the selection (finding) of information based on specified criteria (STB 982-94).
Information retrieval - actions, methods and procedures for obtaining information on a given topic from stored data (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Generation of computers is a category in the historical classification of computers based mainly on the technology used in their production. Example. The first generation was based on relays or vacuum tubes, the second on transistors, and the third on integrated circuits.
Data item field is a form of data item representation in a specific description of the database, which allows to reflect various aspects of the characteristic corresponding to the data item.
Completely turnkey system; turnkey system - a data processing system that is ready for use after installation and provided to the user in a state of readiness of the necessary resources intended for use, in accordance with the specified conditions of the user or the application system. Note. Some preparatory work may be needed on user data.
Full-text DB is a documentary database, a record in which contains the full text of a document or its most informative parts.
User (consumer) of information - a subject who turns to an information system or an intermediary to obtain
necessary documented information (Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Informatization").
User - any person or object that issues commands or messages in the data processing system or receives messages from the information processing system (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Understandability — Attributes of software that relate to the user's effort to understand a general logical concept and its applicability.
Comprehensibility of information technology; clarity of information technology - a property of information technology, characterized by the ease of mastering its essence by the user.
A laptop is a self-powered portable computer, small and light enough.
Supplier - an organization that enters into an agreement with a customer for the supply of a system, software product or software service on the terms specified in the agreement. Notes. 1) Supplier is synonymous with contractor, manufacturer, wholesaler or seller. 2) The customer can designate a subdivision of his own organization as a supplier.
Permanent part of a document's requisite - a part of a document's requisite applied during the production of a document blank.
Job flow - automation of a production activity program (as a whole or a separate part of it), which allows you to transfer documents, information or tasks from one participant in the production process to another to perform certain actions in accordance with procedural rules.
A consumer is an organization or person who purchases a software package.
Consumer software package (hereinafter referred to as the software package) - software products designed and sold to perform certain functions; the program and associated documentation, packaged for sale as a unit.
Correctness — Attributes of the software related to ensuring the correctness or consistency of results or effects. Note. For example, it includes the required degree of precision in the calculated values.
Practicality - a set of attributes related to the scope of work required for use and individual assessment of such use by a specific or intended circle of users: clarity, learnability, ease of use. Note. Users can be interpreted as most direct users of interactive software. The range of users may include operators, end users and indirect users who are affected by this software or who depend on its use. Practicality should
be considered over a variety of user operating conditions that may affect the software, including preparation for use and evaluation of results.
Provision of information - a set of actions to ensure access to information resources (STB 982-94).
An enterprise is a collection of production units that are linked by common interests in the production of a product or a group of products. An enterprise may also logically include a network of contractors or suppliers who are involved in the creation or maintenance of a common product. PDM systems are often used throughout the enterprise.
Prior work - work on which the performance of the current work depends, technologically preceding it.
A prompt is a visual or audible message sent by a program that requires a response from the user.
Suitability - A software attribute related to the availability and suitability of a feature set for a specific task. Note. Examples of correspondence are the composition of task-oriented functions, of its sub-functions, and the volumes of tables.
Features (indicators) - features that determine the properties of software products that can be attributed to quality characteristics. Note. Examples of traits include route length, modularity, program structure, and comments.
Application program - 1) logical grouping into a single block of actions and related data and technologies; an application program, being part of an information system, includes a group of programs (software) or information resources intended for processing data into required information; 2) a logical grouping of programs, data and technologies with which the end user interacts when performing a specific function or class of functions.
Application software - software consisting of individual application programs and packages of application programs designed to solve various user tasks and automated systems created on their basis.
Application software tool; application program - a software tool or program specially designed for solving an applied problem. Example. A program for processing spreadsheets.
Application interface - an interface from an external application that provides access to functionality and the PDM system database. This interface is usually created using a library of calling procedures that you can embed in other applications or programs to access PDM functions and to access or modify the PDM database.
ICT applications - telematics services in the professional or private sphere, such as telework, telemedicine, tele-education and retraining, telecontrol of traffic.
Verifiability of information technology is a property of information technology, characterized by the ability to verify the feasibility of information technology functions declared in the documentation, and controllability during operation.
Program; a computer program is a syntactic unit that obeys the rules of a specific programming language and consists of descriptions and operators or commands necessary to solve a specific function, task or problem.
Programming - creating, recording, modifying and testing programs.
Program; compose programs — create, record, modify, and test programs.
Programmable terminal; intelligent terminal - a user terminal with built-in data processing capability.
Software product - a software object intended for delivery to the user (GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93).
Software service is the performance of work, assignments, or responsibilities associated with a software product, such as development, maintenance, or operation.
Software and hardware means a combination of technical devices and machine instructions or data used by a computer, permanently stored on a technical device in the form of permanent software. This software tool cannot be changed only by means of programming (GOST R ISO / IEC 12207-99).
Firmware is an ordered collection of instructions and associated data, stored in such a way that it is functionally independent of the main memory, usually in read-only memory (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Software and hardware means technical means containing a computer program and data that cannot be changed by the user's means. A computer program and data included in firmware are classified as software; circuits containing a computer program and data are classified as technical means (GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93).
Software - programs, procedures, rules and any related documentation related to the operation of a computer system (GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93).
Automated system software - a set of programs for the implementation of the goals and objectives of an automated system.
Software piracy is the misuse or copying of software.
Information technology software - a set of algorithms and programs used in the implementation of the information process using computers (STB 982-94).
Software; software - all or part of programs, procedures, rules and related documentation of the information processing system. Note. Software is an intellectual product regardless of the medium on which it is recorded (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
A program module is a separately compiled part of a program code (program).
A software product is a collection of machine programs, procedures, and possibly associated documentation and data.
Promotion is the act of transferring a piece of product information from one Promotion Level to another in a PDM-driven change approval process.
Software design is the application of a system of scientific and technological knowledge, methods and practical experience for the development, implementation, testing and documentation of software in order to optimize its production, maintenance and quality.
Design Option - Used in a product structure to denote a coordinated set of design alternatives by which various products are manufactured, such as a 4-cylinder car engine instead of a 6-cylinder one. Design options represent many deviations in the product design that evolve from version to version along with the rest of the units, assemblies, subassemblies and individual parts of the product.
Ease of Deployment — Attributes of software that relate to the effort required to embed the software in a particular environment.
Ease of Use — Attributes of the software related to the user's operational and operational management effort.
A profile is a collection of several (or a subset of one) basic standards (and other normative documents) with clearly defined and harmonized subsets of mandatory and optional capabilities, designed to implement a given function, group of functions or process.
Process (in data processing) is a given sequence of events that take place during the execution of all or part of a program (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Process - a given sequence of events, determined by the goal or result achieved under specified conditions (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
A process is a set of interrelated activities that transform inputs into outputs. Note. The term work implies the use of resources (GOST R ISO / IEC 12207-99).
A processor is a functional device of a computer that analyzes and executes commands. Note. The processor includes at least an instruction control unit and an arithmetic logic unit.
Work is the main structural element of the project; project management methodology assumes that the project is presented as a set of interrelated activities. The work can be done without the involvement of a computer, or it can be an automatic operation in the job flow.
Working group - a group of people working as a team to achieve common goal... An enterprise usually has several working groups involved in a product development project. In domestic industry, the concept of a department usually corresponds to the level of a working group.
A workstation is a functional device that typically has special-purpose computing capabilities and includes user-oriented I / O devices. Example. Programmable terminal, non-programmable terminal, or stand-alone microcomputer.
Working draft of an automated system - technical documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure, containing detailed system-wide design solutions, programs and instructions for solving problems, an assessment economic efficiency automated system and a list of implementation measures.
Development using ICT - socio-economic development based on the massive use of ICT.
Time sharing (time slicing is unacceptable) is a technological method of a data processing system that ensures the time interleaving of two or more processes in one processor.
Developer - an organization that performs development work (including requirements analysis, design, acceptance testing) during the software life cycle.
Ranking (rating) - the action of assigning a measured value to the corresponding ranking level. Used to determine the ranking level of software for a specific quality characteristic.
Distributed data warehouse is the core of an integrated PPM system that covers databases of several enterprises with independent local PPM systems.
Reverse Engineering - Reconstruction of the specifications of an existing system.
Revision is the modification of any product data made after the data has been released for use.
Registration of documents - fixing the fact of creation or receipt of documents by assigning them serial numbers and recording the established information about them.
Reengineering of business processes is the modernization of the corporate management system in connection with the changed conditions of activity or the goals originally established during the formation of the corporation, with a corresponding restructuring of the corporate information system. Usually (especially in the version of the author of the term M. Hammer) it involves a rather radical revision of the existing processes of activity, in contrast to the methods of their gradual improvement (CPI, BPI, etc.).
A document attribute is an element of an official document.
A relational data model is a representation of data in the form of a set of attributes (relational relations), on which you can correctly perform some well-formalized operations (selection, join, projection, etc.).
Resource; computer resource - any element of the data processing system required to carry out the required operations. Example. Memory devices, input-output devices, one or more processing devices, data, files and programs.
An abstract database is a documentary database, a record in which contains bibliographic data and an abstract or annotation.
Robotics - Methods for the design, creation and use of robots.
Gathering information - a set of actions to obtain information from various sources and determine its state, including the identification of information, grouping according to certain criteria and presenting it in the required form.
Connectivity - the ability to connect a given system or device to other systems or devices without modification.
Network organization - network organizations - organizations that use network connections, relationships and technologies in the management of production and business.
Networked economy - 1) an economy carried out with the help of electronic networks. The basis of the networked economy is networked
organizations; 2) an environment in which any company or individual, located anywhere in the economic system, can contact easily and at minimal cost with any other company or individual regarding teamwork, trade, exchange of ideas or know-how, or just for pleasure.
A network society is a society in which a significant part of information interactions is carried out using electronic networks.
Network technologies are technologies that allow you to communicate in a network mode.
Networking is a process of formation of electronic communities based on voluntary and sometimes free exchange of information on interests.
A network is a combination of computers and other devices connected in such a way that users can exchange programs and equipment (for example, printers) and communicate with each other.
Signal - a change in a physical quantity used to represent data.
A symbol is a member of a stencil used to represent, organize, or manipulate data. Note. Symbols can be graphical (number, letter, ideogram, special character) and control (transmission control symbol, format symbol, extension symbol, device control symbol).
Synergetics is a science that studies the processes of self-organization and the emergence, maintenance, stability and decay of structures (systems) of various natures based on the methods of mathematical physics (formal technologies). The synergistic approach is also used in the study of such a complexity and unstructured system as a network information space.
Synchronous - referring to two or more processes, depending on the occurrence of such specific events as simple synchronization signals.
System - a complex consisting of processes, hardware and software, devices and personnel, which has the ability to meet the established needs or goals.
A documentation system is a set of interrelated documents used in a particular field of activity.
Data processing system; computer system - one or more computers, peripheral equipment and software for data processing.
Information processing system - One or more data processing systems and devices, such as office or communications equipment, that provide information processing.
A programming system is a system for developing programs in a specific programming language. The programming system provides the user with special tools for developing programs: a translator, a (special) program text editor, libraries of standard subroutines, a debugger, etc.
A database management system is a complex of software and linguistic tools of general or special purpose that supports the creation of databases, centralized management and organization of access to them for various users in the conditions of the adopted data processing technology.
System documentation is a set of documents that describe the requirements, capabilities, limitations, structure, operation and maintenance of an information processing system.
System software means a software tool that, regardless of the application, supports the operation of applied software tools. Example. Operating system.
Systems Engineering (INCOSE Interpretation) is the discipline of developing products or processes based on a systems concept. It focuses on identifying customer needs and required system functions, establishing requirements, performing design synthesis and validation, aligning both the business and technical aspects of the task. Integrates the necessary disciplines and groups of specialists into one team throughout the entire development (development) life cycle of the system.
Systems engineering is a scientific direction covering the design, creation, testing and operation of complex systems.
The next work is work that depends on the performance of the current work, technologically following the given one.
Data Dictionary - the ability of the PDM system to check, whenever necessary, whether data is entered correctly into the database. The active data dictionary monitors user input throughout the entire data entry process.
The complexity of information technology is a property of information technology, characterized by the number and nature of its constituent elements, connections between them and the complexity of their development.
Service software tool; utility program - a software tool or program that facilitates the development, maintenance, or use of other software, or provides general features that are independent of use. Example. Compiler, database management system.
Removable machine media (removable machine media) is a machine media that can be stored separately from technical devices for reading (writing) information, replaced with another medium of the same type, used in different information systems.
Decommissioning is the termination of active support of the existing system by the operating or supporting organization, partial or complete replacement of it with a new system, or the commissioning of an upgraded system.
The owner of information resources, information systems, technologies, means of their support is an entity that fully exercises the authority to own, use, and dispose of these objects.
The owner of information systems and networks is a state, an administrative-territorial unit, an individual or legal entity that, in accordance with the law, fully owns, uses and disposes of information systems and networks.
Compatibility is the ability of functional devices to meet the requirements of a specific interface without significant modification.
Consistency - Attributes of software that cause a program to adhere to appropriate standards or conventions or legal provisions or similar guidelines.
Agreement - defining the boundaries and conditions under which the working relationship will be carried out.
Compliance - Attributes of the software that cause the program to comply with standards or conventions related to portability.
Maintainability is a set of attributes related to the scope of work required to carry out specific changes (modifications): analyzability, mutability, stability, testability. Note. A change may include fixes, improvements, or adaptation of the software to changes in the environment, requirements and operating conditions.
Social impact of ICT - the impact of ICT on society: on work and employment, economy, education and culture, social structure, home and family, on everyday life in general.
Specification is a formalized description of the properties, characteristics and functions of an object.
A program (module) specification is an exact and complete formulation of a problem that contains information necessary to build an algorithm (program) for solving this problem.
A processing specification is a diagram showing the modules that make up an application program, the queues through which the modules interact with each other, and other information, as well as the macro statements that implement this diagram.
Spiral life cycle - multiple (usually three times) passing through the stages of building an information system. The ability to return to the early stages allows you to accommodate changing system requirements.
Access method - a method of obtaining the right to use data, memory for reading or writing data, an input-output channel for data transmission. Example. Access methods: direct, by index, sequential.
Interoperability - Attributes of software related to its ability to interact with specific systems. Note. Interoperability is used instead of interoperability in order to avoid possible confusion with interoperability.
Reference documentation should provide sufficient clear and comprehensive information to enable the end user to successfully select, deploy, and use the software tool. Examples and illustrations should be given where appropriate, and any abbreviations and symbols used in reference documentation should be identified. Instructions for using the reference documentation should also be included.
Means of providing automated information systems and their technologies - software, technical, linguistic, legal, organizational means used or created in the design of information systems and ensuring their operation, including: programs for electronic computers; computer facilities and communications; dictionaries, thesauri and classifiers; instructions and techniques; regulations, charters, job descriptions; schemes and their descriptions; other operational and accompanying documentation.
Hashing means are software or software and hardware tools that calculate the value of the control characteristic of an electronic document and have a certificate of conformity or a certificate of recognition of a certificate issued in the National Certification System of the Republic of Belarus.
Means of electronic digital signature - software and hardware that ensure the generation and verification of an electronic digital signature and have a certificate of conformity or a certificate of recognition of a certificate issued in the National Certification System of the Republic of Belarus.
Stability - Software attributes related to the failure rate of software errors.
Product structure - a way of accessing product data, which expands PTO capabilities. Defines the relationship between assemblies of part components and between the parts that make up those assemblies. A typical product structure contains attributes, instances, and placement information in addition to the standard PTO data.
A supercomputer is any of the representatives of the class of computers that has the maximum currently achievable speed of data processing when solving scientific and engineering problems.
A hardcopy is a long-term copy of an image on a screen reproduced on an output device such as a printer or plotter that can be carried away.
Text is a form of data presentation in the form of symbols, signs, words, phrases, blocks, sentences, tables and other symbolic means intended to convey meaning, the interpretation of which is based solely on the reader's knowledge of natural or artificial languages. Example. A business letter printed on paper or reproduced on a display screen.
Telecommunications is an ICT-based remote data transmission process.
Teleconference is a type of event in which group communication is carried out between geographically distributed participants using technical means. Try it on !: conference call, audio conferencing, chat, email conferencing, video conferencing, and more.
Telematics - 1) ICT applications: information systems and services that meet the information needs of the user; 2) combining television with computer devices for integrated processing and transmission of information.
Telework - work performed using the information and communication infrastructure, in a place remote from the place where the results of this work are used.
Teleservice is a service provided remotely using an information and communication infrastructure.
Terminal is a functional device in a system or exchange network through which data can be entered or searched.
Video terminal; visual display terminal; display device — A user terminal with a display screen, typically equipped with an input device such as a keyboard.
User terminal - a terminal that enables the user to interact with a computer.
Testability - Software attributes related to the effort required to test modified software. Note. The values ​​of this subcharacteristic can be changed by the modifications in question.
Testability - The extent to which the objectivity and feasibility of testing that verifies compliance with a requirement can be planned.
Test coverage is the extent to which test cases validate the requirements for a system or software product.
Technical means of information technology - a set of mechanical, electrical, electronic and other devices that ensure the implementation of the information process.
A technical design of an automated system is a duly approved documentation containing system-wide design solutions, task algorithms, an assessment of the economic efficiency of an automated system and a list of measures to prepare an object for implementation.
Terms of Reference - a document used by the customer as a means to describe and define the tasks to be performed in the implementation of the contract.
Computer-aided software development technology - see CASE technology.
Automated systems development technology - see CASE technology.
Duplication of information - a set of actions to transfer information to tangible media, ensuring its accurate display in the required number of copies.
Merchant Organization - The organization that distributes the software package.
Data translation - translation of PDM data from one format to another using post- and preprocessing data processing, special converters from formats such as IGES / STEP or translators provided by suppliers or users.
A trigger is a mechanism for detecting a specific operation or change in the state of an object in the PDM system, which as a result can initiate some subsequent action.
Verification sheet - a document designed to confirm the authenticity of one or more electronic documents.
Universal service - providing universal access to information and communication infrastructure at an affordable price by public or private operators, regardless of the user's geographic location.
Universal computer; mainframe; central processing unit - A computer, usually in a computer center, with high performance and resources, to which other computers can be connected in such a way as to share resources.
Unified Documentation System (USD) is a documentation system created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing information necessary for management in a particular field of activity.
Unified document form (UFD) - a set of details established in accordance with those solved in this field of activity
tasks and located on the information carrier in a certain order.
Unification of information technology is a property of information technology, characterized by the degree of use of unified elements in it.
Release Management - The ability of the PDM system to manage the workflow of document release jobs.
Data management is a set of functions that provides access to data, implements or controls data storage, and manages I / O operations in data processing systems.
Image Management - Manage and control raster images (created by scanning and / or using raster transformations of data in other formats), vector data (from CAD and illustration systems), and multimedia data (audio and video images).
Information management - a set of functions that ensure the management of the collection, analysis, storage, search and distribution of information in the information processing system.
Configuration management is the process of defining and controlling the product structure and associated documentation. CM includes control over configuration revisions and information about all changes to a document or product.
Job flow and process management is the interaction of people working with product data in accordance with predetermined plans for the operation of the enterprise in order to achieve corporate goals. Repetitive job flows and processes can be programmed as part of the PDM system to automatically route data and job packets, control and monitor processes, and provide control messages. Change Control is a workflow that is common in most Enterprises, but there are other workflows for managing project releases, preparing requisitions, engineering reviews, purchasing, tracking and resolving issues, and managing contracts. See also Change Control.
Project management - methodology, methods and means of coordination and management of human, financial and material resources, as well as functional and organizational actions, throughout the entire cycle of the project aimed at the effective achievement of its objectives.
State Management - During a product development project, any record in the database can be in one of five states: initiated, submitted, checked, approved
(approved) and released. State management is the ability to set and change the current state of a record. The PDM system must be able to combine access control and state management so that only users with the appropriate rights can make a given state change (similar to a promotion), for example, change the state of some data object from checked to approved.
Data warehouse and document management is a project data management process that provides secure storage and retrieval of product information. The integral parts of this process are check-in / check-out functions, support for release levels, access protection, and promotion authorization.
Control data is the information needed to properly plan and control product development. Scheduling information and Product history reporting information are examples of such data.
Release level is synonymous with promotion level.
Performance level - the degree to which the Needs are met, represented by a specific set of values ​​for quality characteristics.
Promotion level - product information has a certain promotion level. The system administrator defines and names these levels. Each level of advancement has its own set of authorizations to access, make, and approve changes.
A ranking level is a range of values ​​on a scale that allows the software to be classified (ranked) according to stated or perceived needs. The respective ranking levels can be associated with different quality perceptions, i.e. for users, managers or developers. These levels are called ranking levels. Note. These ranking levels are different from the classes defined in ISO 8402.
The operating condition is the configuration of hardware and software, "which the program is used for," eg, the type of computer, operating system, other software and peripheral equipment for which the program is designed.
Resilience - Software attributes related to the risk of the unintended effects of the Modification.
Resilience to error - Attributes of software related to its ability to maintain a certain level of performance in the event of software errors or violation of a specific interface. Note. Definite
performance level includes fail-safe capability.
Processing device -
functional device consisting of one or more processors and their internal memory. Note. The term processor is often used synonymously with a processing device.
Approval is a process by which one or more users with certain rights approve a controlled data object (document, package of documents, dataset) or proposed changes to the data object. An approval can mean a change in the status of an object within its life cycle, for example, the approval of data on a specific part leads to a change in its status - a transition from the technical design stage to the pre-production stage. Another example: approving changes to a project entirely during the production test phase can lead to the return of the entire project to the design phase.
Educational Documentation - designed to provide a gradual introduction to the package for new or inexperienced users. For the simplest types of software, this requirement can be satisfied quite simply by the composition of the reference documentation. However, for software with a more complex user interface, special reference documentation is recommended. Since the purpose of the educational documentation is to familiarize users with the software tool, there is no need to describe the user interface in full. Sufficient instructions should be provided to provide users with experience and confidence in using the software and to guide them to the point where they can successfully use the reference documentation.
File - an identified set of information on a machine medium, supported by the operating system, in the environment of which the file is created and (or) access to it is provided (STB 1221-2000).
File - a named collection of records stored or processed as a whole (GOST ISO / IEC 2382-1-99).
Factographic database - a database, the records of which contain data directly about the state of the external world, not mediated by links to reflecting documents.
A file format is a way of organizing elements of information (bits, bytes) in a file.
Formation of a case - assignment of documents to a specific case and systematization of documents within a case.
Sample form is a model for constructing a document form that sets formats, field sizes, requirements for building a structural grid and basic details.
Forms are the computer equivalent of paper forms (forms), allowing standardized data to be entered into the PDM system.
Functional decomposition - breaking down an activity description based on the functions performed. The types of activities are highlighted, then the main processes, then their implementation is detailed.
A functional subsystem is a component of an automated system that implements one or several related functions.
Functional diagram - A diagram of a system in which major parts or functions are represented by blocks connected by lines showing the relationship between the blocks. Note. Functional diagrams are not limited to physical devices.
A functional device is a piece of hardware, software or software and hardware designed to perform a specific task.
Functionality is a set of attributes related to the essence of a set of functions and their specific properties. Functions are those that fulfill stated or implied needs: suitability, correctness, interoperability, consistency, security. Note. This set of attributes characterizes what the software does to meet needs, while the other sets mainly describe when and how it is done.
A functional standard (FS) is an internationally or nationally agreed document covering several basic standards or profiles.
Hacker (1) is a highly qualified computer specialist.
A hacker (2) is a highly qualified computer specialist who uses his knowledge and means to gain unauthorized access to protected resources.
The nature of the change over time - the attributes of the software related to the response and processing times and the speed of execution of its functions.
Resource Change - Attributes of the software related to the amount of resources used and the duration of such use when performing a function.
Software quality characteristics - a set of properties (attributes) of software products, according to which its quality is described and evaluated. Quality characteristics
software can be refined at many levels of complex indicators (subcharacteristics).
Storage of information - a set of actions to maintain the state of information and media, ensuring the availability of information for a given time.
Number; numeric character - A character that represents a non-negative integer. Example. One of the characters O, 1, ..., F in hexadecimal notation.
The digital economy is an economy driven by digital telecommunications.
Digital is a definition that refers to data consisting of numbers, as well as processes and functional devices that use this data.
Digital age - the term arose in the process of the global spread of digital technologies, since this process has a significant impact on many socio-cultural aspects of modern life.
Digital computer - a computer controlled by programs stored in internal memory, which can use shared memory for all or part of the programs, as well as for all or part of the data necessary for the execution of programs; execute programs written or specified by the user; perform user-specified manipulations on discrete data presented in the form of numbers, including arithmetic and logical operations; and execute programs that are modified during execution. Note. In information processing, the term computer often refers to digital computers.
Numeric is a definition that refers to data consisting of numbers, as well as processes and functional devices that use this data.
Instance - This term is used differently in product design systems, PDM product breakdown functions, and image management systems. In product design systems, an instance is a reference to a geometric object that allows the same geometry to be placed in different locations in an assembled geometric model without actually copying that geometry. When the original geometric object changes, modifications are automatically made at each instance location. Similarly in
In product structures, an instance is a reference to a Part. Using an instance reference allows you to use the same part in multiple assemblies without copying all of the part information into the assembly. In image management systems, an instance is the appearance of an image in a specific format. An image management system can support multiple instances of the same image in distributed locations, which can improve performance.
A knowledge-based economy is an economy in which most of the gross domestic product (GDP) is generated by the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge.
Examination of the value of electronic documents - determining the value of electronic documents in order to select them for storage and establish the terms of their storage.
An expert system is a knowledge-based system that solves problems in a special or applied field, drawing conclusions from a knowledge base created on the basis of human experience. Notes. 1) The term expert system is sometimes used synonymously with the term knowledge-based system, but the emphasis should be on expert knowledge. 2) Some expert systems may improve their knowledge base and develop new inference rules based on their experience with previous problems.
An electronic library is a distributed information system that allows you to reliably save and effectively use heterogeneous collections of electronic documents (text, graphics, audio, video, etc.) through global data transmission networks in a form convenient for the end user.
E-mail is a correspondence in the form of messages transmitted between users' terminals over a computer network.
Email - 1) the most common use of networks; a service that allows computer users to send electronic messages to each other; 2) messaging using a computer. Transfer of letters and messages from computer to computer via the network.
Spreadsheet; spreadsheet program - a program that displays a table in the form of cells arranged in rows and columns, and in which changing the content in one cell can cause recalculation in one or more cells, based on the relationship between the cells specified by the user.
Electronic commerce - commerce carried out using electronic document management in the Internet.
An electronic digital signature is a set of characters generated by means of an electronic digital signature and associated with a special (special) part of a document, which provides an unambiguous identification of the creator and the indisputability of the origin of the substantive (general) part of the document.
Electronic digital signature (EDS) is an analogue of an individual's handwritten signature, presented as a sequence of characters obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of electronic data using a private EDS key, allowing the user of the public key to establish the integrity and invariability of this information, as well as the owner of the EDS private key.
Electronic economy - 1) in a broad sense: an economy based on the extensive use of information, knowledge and ICT; 2) in the narrow sense: an economy based on network technologies and business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) models.
Electronic publishing house; automated publishing - computer-assisted production of printed quality documents, including graphics and drawings. Note. In some cases, electronic publishing is carried out using application programs, in other cases it can be carried out using a special system.
Electronic government is a metaphor for information interaction between government bodies and society using ICT.
Electronic storage - computerized storage areas and databases in the PDM system. The storage contains either the data itself or information about the data access path. The information in the electronic repositories of PDM is controlled by the rules and processes of the system.
E-business - e-commerce, Internet-business - synonyms. The concept is broader than e-commerce, including the presence of a website on the Internet, a virtual store, a company management system, the use of electronic advertising, marketing, a business-to-business model, or a business-to-consumer model.
An electronic document is a document recorded on a machine medium and containing identified information, the authenticity of which is certified by an EDS or DD.
Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a way in which companies can use networks to communicate. While electronic communication between companies is common, EDI involves the transfer of large amounts of information, replacing large paper documents such as invoices and contracts.
Data element is a logical unit of database description that has a designation and a specific meaning.
A configuration item is an object within a configuration that satisfies the end-use function and can be uniquely identified at a given reference point.
Emulation - Using a data processing system to simulate another data processing system in such a way that the simulated system receives the same data, performs the same operations, and achieves the same results as the simulated system. Note. Emulation is usually done in hardware or firmware.
Efficiency (information technology) is a property of information technology, characterized by a combination of technical, economic and social efficiencies when using information technology.
Efficiency is a set of attributes related to the relationship between the level of software performance and the amount of resources used under specified conditions: the nature of change over time, the nature of resource change. Note. Resources can include other software products, hardware, materials (eg, printing paper, floppy disks), and operating, maintenance, or maintenance personnel.
The UML is a widely accepted language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting software systems based on object-oriented methods and a component-based approach. UML 1.1, offered by Rational Software Corporation and supported by a number of other leading vendors of object technology software tools, was approved in September 1997 as the OMG industry standard. The UML uses graphical notation. It is currently supported by many CASE tools.
A programming language is an artificial language for representing programs.
Language tools (information technology) - sets of symbols, agreements and rules that are used to organize human interaction with the means that implement the information process.

The effective functioning of a company depends on many factors. One of such important factors is the information resources of the company. To solve problems within the company, prompt, reliable information is required. Such information within the organization must move and penetrate those levels of the organizational system to which it is required. Today, one of the factors in the growth and development of an organizational system is how high-quality and reliable information this organization has. We live in the information age, and the importance of information can hardly be overestimated. At present, the level of development of information processes has increased so much that information resources have acquired their own orthosol, which subsequently led to the creation of an entire information industry.

Communication processes are the way information flows in an organizational system. The effectiveness of communication networks in an organization depends on the information itself, which shows the relationship between these two processes. Each organization has its own communication channels that provide information about the organization's environment. The task of such departments is not only to establish the flow of information, but also to assess the quality, decoding, selection of information that is important for the activities of the organizational system.

An effective manager must be provided with all the information he needs. The goal of a manager's work is to solve problems, but without providing reliable, high-quality information, it is impossible to plan correctly, formulate a managerial decision. In other words, without the necessary information, it is impossible to engage in management activities.

Properties of information. Information itself is information, facts about something. Management information is a set of such information and facts that a manager can use to achieve certain tasks and formulate management decisions.

Any information, including management information, is divided into objective and subjective. Objective information is information that does not depend on the statement and opinion of an individual or persons, but is considered generally accepted. Subjective information, on the contrary, contains the opinion of one individual and is personal in nature.

Information characteristics.

  • · Volume. The most important quantitative characteristic of information that makes it clear how much information has been received / will be sent. It is important to understand that an insufficient amount of information can create ambiguity, distortion of the message. Too much information can lead to information overloads; also, a large amount of information is absorbed worse than a smaller amount.
  • · Credibility. This information property shows how the received message matches the sent one. The need to determine the reliability of information arises from the possibility of error, distortion of information during its transmission. Any organizational system seeks to obtain as reliable information as possible, using tools for improving information channels to achieve maximum reliability.
  • · Saturation. The essence of this property is to determine the ratio of mediocre and important, useful information. In transmitted messages, mediocre background information is used for better, correct perception of basic information. Saturation, in turn, has three levels: 1. High level(up to 100%), such information is extremely informative, but not structured and difficult to understand. 2. Normal(from 50 to 70-80%) the optimal level of saturation, such information is meaningful and easily perceived by the recipient. 3. Low level saturation (up to 50%), such information actually has no meaningful component, the value of such information is extremely small.
  • · Value. It is a quantitative characteristic of information that determines the meaning of the information to the recipient. This property of information largely depends on the previous characteristics, in particular on the richness and reliability. No matter how important and necessary the information is for the sender, it must also be meaningful and reliable.
  • · Openness. This characteristic shows the range of persons who can use, receive specific information. It is essential for an organization to establish a framework for openness of information. On the one hand, all information cannot be published, but it is also not worth hiding all information processes. The task of an effective information department is to select indicative information for general publication.

There are 3 levels of openness. Secret, extremely limited in use information (accessible to an extremely small circle of people). Confidential, limited in use by regulations, powers (more accessible information, but within a separate structure). Open information available to everyone who wants to get it.

  • · Profitability. This property means that the costs of using and preparing specific information should not exceed the effect of using the information.
  • · Objectivity. The information should not be personal or biased. The accuracy of the information must be generally recognized.
  • · Accuracy. The sender must be sure that the message sent by him is not distorted, does not contain errors.

Methods for generating information. One of the main ways of obtaining information is the process of communication, interaction. Both within the organization and in the external environment, information can flow, both in the process of communication, exchange, and in the form of messages. Also, the exchange of information, mutual enrichment of information is separately distinguished. But to generate the necessary information, there are also other ways.

Introspection. This method is a selection of information already available from a particular person. This information can previously be obtained as a result of training, obtaining a specialty, qualification, as well as under the influence of life experience and other acquired knowledge. This method of obtaining information is effective in making decisions. The knowledge gained through education and experience has a wide range of applications, and can have a beneficial effect on the effectiveness of developing a management solution.

Messages. Informational messages are a collection of information elements that have an internal relationship. One of the main ways of obtaining information in the process of communication. The information in the message must be accurate, symbolic, and specific. An informational message can be transmitted in writing and orally, as well as in various non-verbal ways.

Analysis. Unlike introspection, analysis is a way of highlighting information through the use of quantitative models, research. This is a specially modulated situation, on the basis of the work of which conclusions are drawn. Such conclusions contain the required information.

Information can circulate, both in the organization and outside it, but relative to the organization itself. Depending on the source of highlighting information, it can be divided into internal and external.

Internal environment. It includes all elements directly related to the organization. The effectiveness and potential of an organization largely depends on how well the internal environment is organized.

Information processes in the internal environment are important, as they contain reporting on the activities of the organization. Most often, information about the internal process in the organization is hidden, and is not available for general use, since it contains strategically - economic indicators of the organization's activities. As a consequence, the communication channels for such information must be structured and it is necessary to clearly regulate to whom and how such information will be provided.

External environment. These are factors, subjects that influence the organization, but are outside of it. Isolating information in this environment of an organization is just as important as it is in an internal environment. Information from the external environment is often inaccurate and unstable. An understanding of how the enterprise functions from the outside, and the identification of factors influencing the organization, significantly increases the efficiency of planning. Information in this environment may contain information about competitors, about the market, interaction with the state. It is extremely important for the information departments of the organization to establish the flow of information from the external environment. Such information should meet all the requirements and requests of the organization, not be distorted, since such information is most often used in strategic planning and for solving important management tasks.

Information management. This type of activity is aimed at monitoring and managing information resources and flows in the organization and in the external environment of the organization. The main goal of information management is to provide the organization with the necessary and important information for it, as well as control all information processes, protect information from external threats, regulate the confidentiality of information, distribute information as needed, delegate authority to use specific information required for solving a specific problem. Also, one of the most important goals and objectives of information management is the creation information space of the organization. is a collection of all information that relates to an organization. Such information should be in an orderly state.

One of the main tasks of information management is the accumulation and preservation of those arrays of information that accumulate in the course of the organization's work. This collection of information is called information resources.

Informational resources is a collection of separate arrays of information, which are contained in a documented form, has an orderly and streamlined search system. Since information does not exist by itself, it must have a form, content. The totality of such information resources, and the provision of interconnection, interaction, and forms the information environment of the organization.

Information Systems. Information systems are a set of methods, models, projects, various technologies that are designed to work with information. The presence of such a system in an organization makes it possible to more effectively cope with planning (both tactical and strategic), various accounting operations. Most of these tasks are solved by reprocessing operational management information.

The presence of an information system in an organization stimulates:

  • · Increasing the degree of validity of the decisions made. The availability of reliable information about the environment that can be easily found and with which it is easy to work, significantly increases, both the efficiency of decision-making, and the quality of the decision.
  • · Accounting and operational collection of information, its processing and transmission efficiency. The better the ordered and structured information system is, the better the process of its search, transmission, processing and other types of interaction occurs.
  • · Ensuring the timely adoption of management decisions in the realities of the market economy. The organization of communication channels, which subsequently form information systems, provide a faster movement of information in the organization. The need to make timely important management decisions requires providing a specific element of the organization with reliable, valuable, holistic information. Also, such information should come without delay and distortion.
  • · Restriction, ensuring the confidentiality of information. With the correct organization of information processes in an organization, information leakage options are excluded.

Information protection methods. For a large and successful organization, information is a strategically important resource. Naturally, not all information is so valuable, but various strategic information, financial, accounting reports, are usually hidden and classified. Thus, there is a need to protect such information, both from getting it into an outside communication channel, and from persons for whom it is not intended. Information does not exist by itself, it is assigned to its carrier, be it physical, electronic, or information possessed by a separate individual.

For effective protection of information, it should be structured, an inventory of available information resources should be carried out. Thus, each organization will determine what information they should protect. Most often, organizations try to hide information from personnel departments, accounting (required by law), trade secrets, analytical information, information about technologies, production, and the results of scientific research.

Very often, information security in organizations is not taken as seriously as it should be. Employees involved in communication processes in the organization are most often employees, so the provision of full-time workers in such positions is not provided for by the budget. This becomes the main reason for information leakage, the formation of unnecessary, unnecessary communication channels.

To avoid leaks, declassify information, today, three basic principles of information protection are provided:

  • 1. Data integrity. The information that is stored in the organization, and is of great value, must be stored in an integral, complete volume. Problems arise with information on physical media: some of the information stored in this way is very often lost.
  • 2. Confidentiality of information. The information stored in the organization must have a confidentiality regulation. It is extremely ineffective, and it is not correct to open access to all information to any employee. This often leads to information leakage or distortion when it gets into informal communication channels.
  • 3. Protection against failures that lead to loss of information. One of the most common ways of storing information is electronic. It means storing information on the servers of an organization. Given this, you should protect important information from its loss as a result of hacking, failures, incorrect operation of such servers.
  • 4. Access to information for authorized employees. The problem of confidentiality, and information getting into unwanted communication channels, can also be solved by creating electronic databases of information. But when storing information in this way, you should delimit access to it. For this, it is necessary to register employees in the database, and, depending on the needs and powers of specific employees, provide information.

The widespread use of computer technology has only exacerbated the problem of protecting and storing information. It is extremely convenient to store information in electronic form, but very often additional difficulties arise in the form of deliberate theft of such information. As mentioned above, information is a strategic resource of any organization, and storing it in electronic form creates very comfortable conditions for working with such information. But the storage of information on electronic media has a number of specific properties.

Every organization must have comprehensive information security measures. Basically, there are technical and organizational measures to protect information. Technical measures to protect information include various forms of protection against unauthorized access to confidential information, hacking of electronic databases, measures to eliminate unwanted communication channels. Organizational methods for protecting information include: careful selection of personnel responsible for working with important information, if possible, excluding important work with the information of individual employees, organizing a backup recovery plan for electronic databases, means of protecting against unauthorized access to important information (even for senior management).

Protection of documented information. One of the most basic and the most established way of storing information is documents. The main task in the protection of documented information is to ensure a safe, secure document flow. For this, a special technological system is required when working with information. Protected document flow is the safe movement of documented confidential information through various communication channels, and points of receipt, consideration, use of information. The general principles for effectively protecting document circulation are to restrict access to such information, responsibility for issuing such information, responsibility for the safety of documented information, strict regulation of access to information.

1. World information resources ________________________________ 5

1.1 Information needs of specialists _____________________ 5

1.2 Types of information ____________________________________________ 6

1.3 Brief description of the world market of information services. Producers and sellers of information ___________________________ 7

1.4 ONLINE ACCESS TO Information Resources ______________ 11

1.4.1 Hardware _______________________________________

1.4.2 Form of access ____________________________________________ 12

1.5 Leading sellers of professional information, LEXIS-NEXIS, QESTEL-ORBIT, STN____________________________________ 13

1.6 Communication Objectives: Key Milestones Online Solutions 16

1.6.1 Statement of the problem ______________________________________ 16

1.6.2 Choosing an information system _____________________________ 16

1.6.3 Developing a search strategy ________________________________ 16

1.6.4 Solving the problem ___________________________________________ 19

2. Review of domestic sources of scientific and technical information_ 22

2.1 Sources of scientific, technical and patent information ________ 27

2.2 Sources of information on standardization, metrology and certification ______________________________________________________________ 29

3. Features associated with the management of information resources__ 31

4. Method for assessing the turnover of information resources .______ 33

Conclusion _____________________________________________________ 35

Literature _____________________________________________________ 36

The development of any human society requires material, instrumental, energy and information resources. The present time is a period characterized by an unprecedented growth in the volume of information flows. This applies to both the economy and the social sphere. The largest growth in the volume of information is observed in industry, trade, financial, banking and education. For example, in industry, the growth in the volume of information is due to an increase in the volume of production, the complication of products, materials used, technological equipment, expansion, as a result of concentration and specialization of production, external and internal relations of economic objects. Information is a decisive factor in determining the development of technology and resources in general. Market relations place increased demands on timeliness, reliability, completeness of information, without which effective marketing, financial, credit, and investment activities are inconceivable.

In recent decades, the world is undergoing a transition from an "industrial society" to an "information society". There is a change in the methods of production, the outlook of people, interstate relations. People are increasingly using such concepts as "information", "informatization", "information technology", etc. (1)

But has society always been "informational"? It is believed that the world has experienced several information revolutions. The first information revolution is associated with the invention and mastering of the human language, which, more precisely, oral speech, singled out man from the animal world. This allowed a person to store, transfer, improve, increase the acquired information. The second information revolution was the invention of writing. The knowledge recorded in written texts was limited, and therefore little available. This was the case before the invention of printing. What justified the third information revolution. Here the link between information and technology is most obvious. The mechanism of this revolution was the printing press, which made the book cheaper and made information more accessible. The fourth revolution, smoothly turning into the fifth, is associated with the creation of modern information technologies (telegraph, telephone, radio, television). But the most amazing thing was the creation of modern computers and telecommunications. (2)

For completeness of the disclosure of the topic, it is necessary to give several definitions:

Information- information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.

Informatization- an organized socio-economic, scientific and technical process of creating optimal conditions for meeting information needs and realizing the rights of citizens, government bodies, local authorities, organizations, public associations based on the formation and use of information resources.

Informational resources- individual documents and separate arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems.

Information system- an organizationally ordered set of documents, information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communication, implementing information processes.

User information- a subject who turns to an information system or an intermediary to obtain the information he needs. (3)

The level of development of the information space decisively affects the economy, defense and politics. The behavior of people, the formation of social and political movements and social stability largely depend on this level. The goals of informatization all over the world, including in Russia, are the fullest satisfaction of the information needs of society in all spheres of activity.

In Russia, social and political restructuring, the formation of a market economy objectively led to the need for a significant change in information relations in society. Despite the significant expansion of the market of information services and products in recent years, the information support of government bodies, business entities and citizens remains at a low level.

The ability to access information, as a rule, is limited by its departmental affiliation and is often conditioned by the official position and social status of the consumer. The problem of access to geographically remote information resources has not been resolved.

The majority of the population receives information in the traditional form - print media, radio, television.

Information and telecommunication systems operate mainly in the interests of state authorities. This state of affairs leads to duplication of work, redundancy in the collection of primary information, higher cost of development and operation of systems. In addition, departmental fragmentation makes it difficult to share and access information. Information services, resources and software products are distributed across the territory of Russia extremely unevenly, and they are mainly provided for the regional centers. This distribution corresponds to the distribution of the main scientific and information centers in Russia and does not take into account the needs of the population and government bodies. That is why the problem of equalizing the information potential requires an early solution.

The domestic information industry should develop taking into account the world achievements in the field of information technology and telecommunications exchange. This will enable Russia to reach the world level of technical development.

As the practice of industrially developed countries (USA, England, Japan) shows, solving the problem of the information industry, and therefore the informatization of society, is a global development goal and is associated with the country's entry into a new level of civilization in the next millennium. This purposeful activity is based on a long-term program for creating an information support system for all information consumers in the country, which provides them with the opportunity to use new information technologies based on the widespread use of information and computing resources and an automated communication system. In our country, this basis is made up of network technologies - a fairly new and very rapidly developing area. Large-scale equipping with computers of various enterprises and organizations is underway. Conditions are created for free access of consumers to the information stored in systems due to the organization of specialized workstations of local computing systems.

At the stage of fundamental research, the following information is required:

information about the latest achievements of science and technology;

information on the development trends of this type of technology;

information about patents;

firms' proposals;

information on the totality of development and production costs;

description of the technique of possible production;

characteristics of the period of obsolescence of equipment objects;

information about raw materials and equipment.

At the stage of applied research, design development and technological development, the following information is required:

information about new scientific and technical achievements and R&D;

data on manufacturing costs;

about materials;

about components, etc.

At the production stage, there is a selection, analysis, implementation of scientific and technical documentation and an assessment of technical conditions, which requires information on world, regional, national, industry classification and estimated indicators.

At the stages of operation, modernization, disposal, market and market information is required.

In parallel with the innovation cycle, a set of measures is carried out to "protect" the product, consisting of two blocks, each of which has the goal of:

legal protection of industrial and intellectual property created by the manufacturer and in the process of selling the component "product". Here you need information about the patent situation, about the implementation of patenting, licensing, examination; on the feasibility of acquiring licenses and know-how from other firms; on the possibility of commercial use of intellectual products of the innovation cycle: patents of inventions, schematic diagrams, publications, product models, samples, drawing and design documentation, technological samples, technological documentation, operational documentation, recycling technology). The latter, as the American experience shows, can give up to 80% of the cost of implementing the entire innovative project as a whole;

protection of information (organizational, managerial, economic, scientific and technical, etc.) from its unauthorized use. Information is required on the means of protecting and protecting premises, etc.

Analyzing the complete list of information needs in the implementation of the innovation cycle, the following types of information can be identified (Table 1):

Table # 1

Type of information Content Stage
Scientific and technical

Information about the trends in the development of this type of technology;

Description of the technique of possible production;

Characteristics of the period of obsolescence of objects of technology;

Information about new scientific and technical achievements and R&D;

Information on standardization, certification.

R&D and R&D

Investment design


information on:


The technical level and trends in the development of technical objects;

Their patentability and purity.

R&D and R&D

Marketing research (analysis of the marketing strategy of competitors)


Conjunctural and economic

information on:

Market structure;

An enterprise segment in the market;




Competing products;


General economic trends;

Industry trends.

Marketing research (market and environmental research)

Continuation of Table No. 1

Business information

(about competing companies or potential partners)

Financial information (assets and liabilities of the company, turnover, sales value, income and expenses, taxes, etc.);

Credit analytical information (information on liquidity, profitability ratios);

Payment and analytical information (timing of payments, etc.)

Marketing research

Partner search

Accounting-with statistic

Information concentrated in the bodies of Goskomstat, sectoral and regional computer centers, etc.

Information about:

Population census;

Territory passports;

The economy of the agro-industrial complex;

Production of products, etc.

Marketing research
Regulatory, legal Information about legislative and normative acts and their practical application. For everyone
Infrastructure Information about organizations operating in the field of supporting innovative technological activities, incl. about the sources of investments. For everyone

The main participants in the information services market are:

producers of information (producers);

information sellers (vendors, Vendors);

users of information (users) or subscribers (subscribers).

Today, the most common means of access to information resources are computer networks, and the most progressive way to obtain information is the online mode (online - interactive, interactive mode). It allows the user, having entered a computer network, to gain access to the "big computer" (Host - computer, host) and its information resources in a direct dialogue mode, implemented in real time (Fig. 1).

Users of this kind are referred to as end consumers information, and intermediate, providing their clients with services in solving information problems (special information centers with access to several online systems, or professional specialists engaged in paid information services for clients, information consumers).

The online information services market includes the following main segments:

computerized reservation systems and financial information services;

databases (DB) oriented to the mass consumer;

professional databases.

Among the databases, the following types are usually distinguished:

text (full-text, abstract, bibliographic, dictionaries);

numeric and tabular databases;

message boards.

Such databases are also stored on CD-ROMs, floppy disks and magnetic tapes. Below, however, we will talk about databases that are accessed online - "online professional databases".

Information producers include both organizations that extract and publish information (news agencies, the media, editorial offices of newspapers and magazines, publishers, patent offices), and organizations that have been professionally involved in its processing for many years (selection of information, indexing, uploading to databases in the form of full texts, short abstracts, etc.).

Below are the most famous foreign companies that process and publish information.

DUN & BRADSTREET (D&B)- publishes reference data on more than 50 million companies around the world (has its own online service).

INVESTEXT GROUP- a division of the world famous company Thomson Corporation. Provides in-depth analytical reports on virtually all market segments in various countries and regions. More than 2000 specialists of the company create reports that have been recognized all over the world for more than 20 years and are used both for market research and for the analysis of investment projects.

DERWENT- provides unique information on patents in 41 countries, obtained directly from the patent offices of these countries, information on scientific research and commercial applications of scientific developments (it does not have its own online service).

I AS(Information Access Company) - Market and Technology Overview (Predicast). Abstracts over 1500 periodicals published in 100 countries. This information is translated into English and placed in databases (has its own online service).

INSPEC- publications by an organization called the Institute of Electrical Engineers. Contains more than 5 million records (abstracts) on all areas of physics, electronics, control systems and information technology.

A F P (AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE)- news agency, supplier of business and political news.

Creating an effective system that would allow you to work at a sufficient speed, handling hundreds of millions of documents in communication with thousands of people simultaneously, requires, in addition to high costs and highly qualified personnel to maintain it, as well as significant marketing costs to attract subscribers to your system. Therefore, not all information producers can create and maintain online systems. These functions are taken over by Vendors (information sellers).

The vendor actually acts as an intermediary between the subscriber (user) and the information producer. It has a powerful Host - a computer connected to computer networks, and a well-developed search engine, allowing the user to almost instantly solve problems of the most varied complexity. As part of the current practice, the manufacturer signs a license agreement with the Vendor, according to which he has the right to sell information under certain conditions. A user (subscriber) wishing to access the database must conclude a contract with the Vendor.

It has already been noted above that it is customary to divide online databases into databases focused on the mass (consumer online) and professional (databases for professionals) consumer. Compared to databases for the mass consumer, professional databases usually have a larger volume, contain more complete information, the level of data structuring in them is higher, and the search engine is more developed. The overwhelming majority of information resources on the Internet are usually considered as a database for the mass consumer. They have very modest characteristics.

By the end of 1996, 1805 organizations were selling information, and about 2938 organizations were producing it. Information sales revenues in 1996 amounted to several billion US dollars. According to forecasts of the FROST & SULLIVAN analytical company, the volume of sales in the information industry by the beginning of the XXI century will amount to several tens of billions of dollars. By January 1997, the total number of online databases was 10,033. Distribution DB by scopes and types are illustrated in the diagrams below (Fig. 2). Note that if in 1975 the average size of the database was 52 records, then already in 1996 there were already 6319 records (the size range of each is from 200 to 2000 words).

The development of the information industry in Russia lags significantly behind foreign countries. For example, in the CIS in 1997, there were about 80 organizations with their own databases, registered in the Gale Directory of databases. At the same time, in terms of their characteristics, they still cannot compete with the databases of leading Western companies. Usually, online access to our databases is carried out through foreign sellers. For example, QUESTEL- ORBIT contains information on all Soviet and Russian patents and abstracts of most published scientific works. V LEXIS -NEXIS the issues of ITAR-TASS, Moskovskie Novosti, Garant, The Moscow Times are presented in the form of full texts.

The following companies define the rules of the game on the international information market for professional databases: LEXIS-NEXIS, Westlaw, Knigh-Ridder (combines Dialog and Datastar), QUESTEL-ORBIT, Dow Janes / News Retrieval System, Datatime, STN, NewsNet.

Database distribution (in%):

by areas of application:

Business - 33%

Science and technology - 19%

Legislation - 12%

Consumer market - 10%

Others - 26%

By DB types:

Text - 70%

Numerical - 18%

Multimedia - 7%

Software - 1%

Others - 4%

The undisputed leader in the information market is the United States, which offered access to 5011 databases in 1995, the UK accounted for 638, Germany - 343, France - 247, Austria - 176, Japan - 144 databases. In 1996, respectively: USA - 5962 DB; Great Britain - 753, Germany - 342, France - 260, Austria - 176, Japan - 149, Italy - 115, Spain - 136 DB.

Access of domestic consumers to databases of foreign countries is now becoming possible. This is facilitated by two circumstances: the connection of many scientific and scientific-pedagogical institutions of Russia to the Internet, the emergence of "gateways" in the country, that is, intermediary services aimed at providing Russian scientists and engineers with the possibility of interactive information retrieval. As one of these "gateways" let us name STN International, which provides St. Petersburg consumers with access to 180 abstract, reference and full-text databases on chemistry and chemical technology, energy, metallurgy, ecology, etc.

In addition, there is a tendency for large scientific libraries to acquire the most famous and used worldwide databases on CD-ROM, including such as Science Citation Index, Medline.

Access to foreign professional databases is a paid information service.

1.4.1 Technical means

The technical means currently required to access online professional databases include a computer, a modem, and a telephone line (if you have a cell phone, as well as a special card for connecting a modem, you will not need a telephone line).

Online access to information goes back three decades:

1967 year Libraries of 54 Ohio colleges and universities in the United States have created a single library center (OCLC, Ohio College Library Center), connecting libraries with a computer network. In subsequent years, this network has become international and today unites 21 thousand libraries in the United States and 62 - in other countries of the world.

1968 year Research Institute IT Research Institute (Chicago) created its center for computer search for information and began to provide users with paid services.

1971 In the United States, on the basis of the US National Utory of Medicine (NLM), an online database MEDLINE was created, which contained abstracts and bibliographic references to all biomedical journals in the United States. This database could be accessed via dial-up telephone lines.

1972 year The commercial information service of the Dialog corporation has become available to everyone. It grew out of the corporate system of Lockheed Corp., which enabled employees to view NASA research reports stored on the corporation's mainframe. Today Dialog is one of the world's most powerful sources of information, supporting more than 400 databases on a variety of topics.

1973 g. LEXIS began to provide information services in the field of full-text documents. For this, special subscriber terminals have been developed.

In Europe, the first host to serve user needs for online information support was installed in 1969 at the European Space Agency's Information Retrieval Service (ESA-IRS) and provided scientists with scientific and technical information related to the aerospace field. Today, the ESA-IRS service has significantly expanded the range of supported themes, moreover, from a closed system it has turned into a public (paid) one.

In the early and mid 80s, the specialization of sources was clearly manifested and a group of leading companies was formed, which, in particular, included CompuServe (information support for small businesses and home users); NEXIS, Financial Times Profile and MA 1.0. (business information); STN, Ouestel and ORBIT (science and technology); Reuters (finance). The last decade has passed under the banner of consolidation and consolidation of firms - in other words, acquisitions of some companies by others.

1.4.2 Access form

Currently, large Vendors, such as LEXIS-NEXIS and QUESTEL-ORBIT, conclude global contracts with communication companies (Sprint, TymNet, Infonet, DataPac, Transpac, etc.), according to which the user pays for communication services directly To the vendor, who already pays with the communication company independently.

This payment scheme is convenient, since it provides subscribers with access to the Host-computer from any city where there is a node of such a computer network. In addition, such a scheme of work relieves the subscriber from the need to conclude a contract with a communication company, which simplifies monetary calculations, not to mention the fact that in this case communication services can become cheaper for the subscriber. To use the information resources, the user just needs to conclude a contract with the Vendor (for example, LEXIS-NEXIS or QUESTEL-ORBIT) and receive a password to access the system.

In order to get access via the Internet, it is necessary to additionally conclude a contract with an Internet provider.

The vendor usually provides the software required to operate the online system, as well as reference books. Customer support is available 24 hours a day: for example, you can call LEXIS-NEXIS in the United States free of charge to get the advice you need. If the company has a representative office in Russia, as is the case with LEXIS-NEXIS and QUESTEL-ORBIT, you can ask questions in your native language. This is an important circumstance - poor knowledge of the structure of databases, their content, the company's pricing policy can lead to overhead.

To access the selected online system, you should call one of the nearest nodes of global computer networks or an Internet provider. When working through a computer network with which the Vendor has a global contract, one can access the Vendor's information resources from anywhere in the world where there is a node of such a network.

After connecting to the node of the computer network, the communication program connects the user's computer with the Host-computer, the password is entered and access to the online system is provided. All information received on the computer screen, including the image, is stored on the hard drive and can be analyzed later.

LEXIS-NEXIS(http://www.lexis-nexis.com) is a division of the world's largest publishing company Reed Elsevier Pie, with annual sales of more than $ 5 billion and about 30 thousand employees. LEXIS-NEXIS headquarters in Dayton, Ohio, USA employs about 5 thousand people.

LEXIS-NEXIS is the world's largest full-text online database of legal, political, commercial information and has over 734,000 subscribers.

Founded in 1973, LEXIS-NEXIS contains:

information about finances and business of tens of millions of companies around the world; data on exchange quotes, projects, markets; political and economic forecasts;

information about people, latest technologies and developments; marketing and investment reviews; laws of the USA, England, Canada, Australia, France and other countries, international laws;

more than 5800 constantly updated full-text sources of news and business information from the largest news and financial agencies around the world: REUTERS, CNN, BBC, ASAHI, TASS, THE XINHUA, ASSOCIATED PRESS, AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, BLOOMBERG, ASIA INTELLIGENCE from Financial Times.

QUESTEL-ORBIT is the core of the newly formed France Telecom Multimedia group of companies, which is a division of the world's largest communications company FRANCE TELECOM GROUP. The company has become the main participant in the European Union project to create a single information space that unites the largest Host computers in Europe.

QUESTEL-ORBIT (http://www.questel.orbit.com) has the largest Host Computer in Europe and the highest ranking in the provision of intellectual property and business data.

QUESTEL-ORBIT provides opportunities for performing a whole class of tasks: market research, search for producers and consumers of necessary goods and services, search for new market opportunities for the introduction of inventions, etc.

The database currently has more than 35 thousand subscribers around the world and contains information about:

patents - the world's most complete ON-LINE collection of patents, including their images, from France, Great Britain, USA, Germany, Italy, Japan, China, Russia and other 52 countries in all areas of expertise;

trademarks - more than two million registered trademarks; (USA, UK, France, Benelux countries, Italy, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, etc.);

science and technology - a large collection of scientific and technical information on chemistry, medicine, physics, electronics, engineering, telecommunications, mechanics, geology, geophysics, architecture, scientists and specialists, standards;

petrochemistry and pharmacology - scientific and technical information, including a description of about 17.5 million chemicals;

business - information about the markets and finances of several million companies, including databases DUN & DRADSTREET, PREDICAST, etc .;

other databases on electronic media.

QUESTEL-ORBIT and LEXIS-NEXIS have long-term contacts with the official and most well-known producers of legal, business, patent, scientific and technical information and the like. For example, DERWENT is available via QUESTEL-ORBIT, IAC-Predicast - via QUESTEL-ORBIT and LEXIS -NEXIS, DUN & BRADSTREET (D&B) - via LEXIS-NEXIS and partially via QUESTEL-ORBIT, INVESTEXT - via LEXIS -NEXIS, INSPEC - via QUESTEL-ORBIT, CBD-Commerce Business Daily via LEXIS-NEXIS, AFP via QUESTEL-ORBIT and LEXIS-NEXIS.

More recently, LEXIS-NEXIS and QUESTEL-ORBIT have started hosting their databases on the WWW.

QUESTEL-ORBIT was the first to open the QPAT US database (http://www.qpat.com) on WWW, containing 1.8 million full texts of US patents since 1974. The total volume of this database exceeds 110 GB. This database was voted Best Product of the Year on the WWW in 1996.

LEXIS-NEXIS is also actively entering this market. She, in particular, entered into a strategic partnership agreement with firms Microsoft and Netscape, according to which some of the 13.5 thousand information sources located in LEXIS-NEXIS will be available through the Microsoft Network and the Internet.

Analyst and marketing firm Frost & Sullivan estimates that Internet information sales in the United States alone will total $ 6.64 billion in 1998.

The rapid commercialization of the Internet began in 1993. A significant portion of this revenue comes from companies selling professional databases. From 1997 to 1998, all QUESTEL-ORBIT databases and all LEXIS-NEXIS information sources are represented in the Internet information space.

Problems, the solution of which requires a search, selection and analysis of information, we will call informational.

Any specific informational task in the general case includes the following key stages of the solution (Fig. 3):

1.6.4 Problem solving

As a rule, only specialists who are well aware of the subject area under study and clearly understand what kind of information they need and what is "superfluous" can afford to work in a full-fledged interactive mode according to a scheme such as: "request - response - a quick look and analysis of the results - new refined request, etc. .".

Sometimes solving a problem does not lead to the expected result - you cannot find the information you need. However, most often this does not at all indicate its absence in DB. After clarifying the wording, changing the approach to solving the problem, adjusting the search strategy, you can go to the information you are looking for.

In any case, it is obvious that the effectiveness, accuracy of the solution, the time and money spent are ultimately determined by the user's experience and knowledge, his ability to formulate a problem in a qualified manner, the ability to navigate in the information space, the skills of building a competent search strategy, and analyzing the information received.

Information from scientific and technical databases (for example, patent) is used, inter alia, in market research - in the implementation of the method of business and competitive intelligence.

One of the components of marketing is collecting information about competitors' strategy, while it is quite difficult to obtain this information from analytical reports or the open press: the company's market strategy is usually a trade secret. Firms employ a variety of commercial intelligence techniques to gather this information about their competitors. And here a database with information about intellectual property (patents and trademarks) can become a powerful tool.

Often a patent is the first publication about a development, research, invention. Analysis of patent descriptions allows us to judge the directions of innovation of a competing firm, which is usually aimed at creating a new product. From these descriptions, a specialist may well form an idea of ​​a new product long before it appears on the market.

According to the research results of the German Patent Office, about 30% of all research costs are spent annually on parallel developments and almost 18 billion marks are wasted annually on products and processes that are already patented. Companies that use databases to closely monitor their developments are increasing the output of their research programs by at least 30%.

The marketing strategy of competitors is analyzed, first of all, by patents, which actually describe the know-how of a new product. In this case, the name of the country in which the patent is registered should be considered as a symbol that the company is going to operate in a specific territory.

Large companies, to enter new markets or to promote a new product in an already established market, act covertly, establishing subsidiaries, sometimes with new names, in order to find out the reaction to a new product or evaluate the possibility of working in these new markets. It is rather difficult to reveal such latent intentions with classical media. Patent search will be irreplaceable here as well.

When generating the WPATIWPIL file, the manufacturer of this database, Dewent, often assigns a generic code to patenting firms. All subsidiaries of this company will also have this code, it is this that is the tool that allows you to identify companies avoiding public coverage of their activities.

Below is a list of Russian online databases that can be found in the Gale Directory of Databases. Most databases contain news (7 DB), information about companies, economic projects and business proposals (8 DB), as well as information on certain industries (10 DB). The largest producers of information in Russia: International Center for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) - 13 DB and agency Russica - 8 DB. Sell ​​Russian DB on the international market LEXIS-NEXIS, MagnaTex Communicate, Wistlaw etc. Besides online databases the Gale Directory lists about 60 more DB, distributed on CD-ROMs, floppy disks or other media.

Brief description of some DB, produced in Russia and available to users in online mode through systems LEXIS-NEXIS, Westlaw, MagnaTex Communicate, DataStar, D IMDI, STN:

Traditionally, sources of scientific and technical information were: R&D reports, dissertations, patents, regulatory and technical documentation, information on product expertise, reviews, literature indexes, abstract journals, unpublished translations, etc. Searching databases containing the necessary data or information about them in the tele-access mode seems to be more rational than collecting these types of publications.

Documentary abstract-bibliographic databases created as a result of processing published and unpublished documents are the basis of information resources of automated systems of STI bodies. The largest and most famous are the databases of the former all-Union bodies of NTI listed below:

VINITI - BnD on domestic and foreign published sources of information (books, periodicals, etc.) with a total volume of more than 8 million documents, with an annual increase of 1.3 million documents, includes more than 50 databases on specific areas science and technology.

VNTitsentr - BnD based on materials on research and development work, dissertations, materials of conferences and meetings in the volume of 2 million documents.

Research and Production Association "Poisk" - BnD on patent information in the volume of 14 million documents with an annual increase of 50 thousand documents.

VNIIKI (All-Russian Research Institute of Classification, Terminology and Information on Standardization and Quality) - BnD for normative and technical documentation in the volume of 0.6 million documents.

VKP (All-Russian Book Chamber) - BnD of bibliographic information on printed works published in the USSR. Volume - 1.2 million documents.

INION (Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences) - BnD on domestic and foreign sources of information in the field of social sciences in the volume of 1.2 million documents.

State Public Library for Science and Technology - BnD for serials, foreign books, periodicals received in the country's libraries, industrial catalogs, a collection of published algorithms and programs (total volume - more than 0.5 million documents).

VTsP - BnD for translations of scientific and technical literature, volume of 130 thousand documents.

VIMI (All-Russian Research Institute of Interdisciplinary Information) - BND on published and unpublished documents, NTI on the subject of machine-building branches of the defense complex and related fields of science and technology, with a total volume of 1.1 million documents (of its own generation).

Information from these polythematic BNDs is to a large extent the source for the creation of numerous thematic databases formed by the branch bodies of the STI on the subject of various sectors of the national economy, for the creation of regional STI systems by the republican and territorial bodies of the STI, as well as for the formation of problem-oriented databases.

Databases of branch ASNTI (automated systems of scientific and technical information) were formed on the basis of a combination of selection of documents from the databases of the above organizations and their own processing of additional sources of NTI. The largest and most efficient of these systems are ASNTI:

for the electrical industry (Informelectro), which includes up to 3.8 million documents on the industry and related areas (including 2.5 million patent documents);

for chemical and oil refining engineering (TsINTI Khimneftemash) - more than 0.5 million documents, including 100 thousand documents of its own generation;

instrumentation (Informpribor);

on machine tool building, industrial robots, flexible production systems (VNIITEMR), including 300 thousand documents.

Review and analytical information is an important resource of STI bodies. Therefore, among the abstract-bibliographic databases, the prospects for a relatively increased demand are associated with specialized databases for analytical reviews. The largest of them is the VINITI database for reviews in the volume of 285 thousand documents.

The databases of analytical information that have recently appeared in a number of STI bodies, which directly contain data studied in the course of analyzing and forecasting trends in the development of industries, scientific achievements, the market, etc., usually contain tabular, comparative data and a minimum of textual information. VIMI, Inform VES, VNIKI have such databases.

VNIIKI (All-Russian Research Institute of Classification, Terminology and Information on Standardization and Quality) - BnD for normative and technical documentation in the volume of 0.6 million documents. VNIIKI has the following BNDs:

BnD NORMDOK - databank of normative documents on standardization.

BnD ROSTERM is a databank of standardized scientific and technical terminology.

BnD CLASSIFICATOR - data bank of classifiers of technical and economic information.

BnD INFOCOM is a databank of industrial and economic information.

BnD THESAURUS - databank of thesauri and information languages.

DBs of metrology are kept in order to record the state of measuring instruments.

The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Metrological Service (VNIIMS) has developed and operates BNDs in the main areas of activity of the metrological service. Among them:

BnD on the technical characteristics of measuring instruments that have passed state tests. This databank contains information on technical and metrological characteristics based on catalogs of commercially available devices;

BnD The State Register of Measuring Instruments (MI) contains information on all MI that have passed state tests (new developments, serial production, import). Metrological and technical characteristics are given for each type;

BnD about standards;

BnD on objects and means of verification. Contains characteristics and codes of 2000 units of verification equipment and 1200 groups of calibrated measuring instruments;

BND for calibration equipment developed by metrological research and development organizations and research institutes and used by the centers of standardization and metrology (CSM);

BND on the types of verification work carried out by the territorial bodies of the Gosstandart of Russia. Contains information on the verification potential of the metrological service bodies;

BnD for metrological services of legal entities, accredited for the right to check and calibrate:

BND on the types of calibration and repair work carried out by metrological services using measuring instruments of enterprises and organizations;

BnD on the activities of the State program of metrological support of the country;

BnD on normative documentation in the field of metrology. Contains information about 2500 measurement techniques and ND;

automated codifier of measuring instruments. Contains information on all metrological characteristics of 40 thousand modifications of measuring instruments.

Some processes accompanying the WORLD due to its specificity.

The R&D market and chaos. The market arises where there is a producer and a consumer. We will divide the R&D market into a controlled and an uncontrolled market. An unmanaged market is chaos. (eight)

The element of chaotic circulation of IR is a necessity. It is formed upon degradation of R&D to the level of general availability or their introduction, if necessary for the functioning of the system (state, organization, etc.). The chaotic R&D market supports minimum information and resource functioning of the system.

The next important question.

IR control capability... In our opinion, we can distinguish three levels of capabilities:

1.the subject creates IR and sells them in an almost unlimited market;

2. the subject acquires the created IRs (distributed in a limited manner) and sells them on a partially limited market;

3. the subject acquires R&D on the market and sells them on the same limited market.

Here, the fact of creation and acquisition determines the volume of property rights to R&D, and the term unlimited, partially limited, limited market is of a probabilistic nature. Because it is clear that in the first case, in the absence of demand, the unlimited market will turn into an absolutely limited (i.e. zero), in the third, in the presence of stable demand, the market can become practically unlimited.

When developing specific scenarios, these options should be considered, in our opinion, in two extreme cases each.

It is proposed to characterize the possibility of control by the probability of realization of a given type of IR (1,2,3) in an a priori unknown market, the probability of realization of unknown types of IRs in a priori given markets, or the third using transition probabilities. Of course, these estimates imply the development of models and markets and R&D, since For example, the concept of an unknown market includes exactly four models that correspond to the four possibilities of IR management.

IR management levels.

1. Worldwide; 2. State; 3. Organizations; 4. Personalities.

At each level, we assume that there is a management of Fundamental (F) and applied (P) IR (FIR and PIR, respectively).

notice, that quantitatively: the following inequalities hold:



Double inequality in (1) arises because with an increase in the role of internal property (BC) and own IR changes to.

Double inequality in (2) arises because at the emergence of transnational companies changed to.

Let's give an example of fundamental IRs:

IR of space safety;

R&D for nuclear safety;

IR epidemiological safety;

IR for genetic safety;

IR for food security;

IR for climatic safety;

IR for energy security.

Here, management at the global level includes the creation of FIRs, IDPs, their redistribution, as well as the division for the creation of R&D, which is important because as a result of redistribution, a country or an organization can become a producer only minor IR.

Another process affecting the R&D turnover.

The globalization of the economy.

1. Since, as noted earlier, the economy is "primary" in terms of "age", it directly affects management and, accordingly, management.

2. The socialization of problems leads to the socialization of R&D. However, the individualization of IR is in contradiction with this process.

The way out is the creation of a public controlled consciousness (through IR). However, the question arises again: who determines the content of IR and control. Those. again we come to hierarchies already within the globalized economy. But this is the future. But at the same time, the speed of globalization determines quality R&D management.

The problem of IR systematization(in this case, it should be emphasized: not classification, but systematization).

Systematization is the ordering of IRs in accordance with the classification. Those. filling the corresponding classification niches with content.

R&D inventory problem consists in the absence of objective assessment and monitoring in real time.

These and more common reasons have led to the R&D crisis. IR crisis, thus, due to the following reasons:

1. The globalization of R&D. The crisis of theoretical economics, associated with the difficulties of creating models of the economy in a rapidly changing (including as a result of computerization) situation leading to R&D management crisis, which means management.

2. The problem of determining the reliability of control.

3. Weak dynamics of factors contributing to management (there is an awareness of the ecological catastrophe, but there are practically no specific management actions, etc.)

4. Dynamics of factors not conducive management (individualization of IR, for example, IR hackers, etc.).

5. Problems of systematization.

6. Inventory problems.

The production of databases in Russia began approximately in the mid-70s. (meaning the industrially replicated databases by the orders of organizations - consumers of databases). Currently, the number of databases created in the country is about 30 thousand, including the share of large (more than 100 thousand records) is 26%, medium - 49% and small (less than 1 thousand records) - 25%. At the same time, the number of databases containing mass, commercial, official and financial information does not exceed 5% of the total number of existing databases. In the global information market, most of the database generating centers are engaged precisely in the field of business and commercial information (14). Therefore, in the coming years, we should expect the expansion and development of this particular sector of the information market in Russia.

According to the data given in (14), at present, a little more than 10 thousand Russian users are covered by interactive telecommunication access networks, and of these, about one third are foreign users located in Russia. Apparently, this figure does not in any way reflect the current potential need of users for access to world and domestic computer networks and databases, and in the coming years one should expect a sharp increase in the number of organizations and individuals connected to various data transmission networks, and above all to networks that enable access to the global Internet.

In the last decade, the Western information market has been intensively filled with databases on compact optical (CD-ROM) disks. To date, the number of databases and multimedia disks being produced exceeds 16 thousand, and there is a stable annual growth in the number of produced databases and, in fact, the main manufacturers have been identified. In Russia, the production of CD-ROM databases is still in its infancy, however, in accordance with the global trend, an active development of this area of ​​activity should be expected.

The abundance of information resources that have become potentially available to the Russian user sharply actualizes the problems of their rational and efficient use, a reasonable combination of the possibilities of acquiring databases on compact optical disks, telecommunication access to paid resources of host centers and the use of free resources on the Internet. In this regard, the role of information brokers is increasing and the task is again put on the agenda corporate use expensive information resources and the creation of information service systems operating on the principles of information cooperation.

1. Economic informatics and computer technology: Textbook / Ed. Kosareva V.P., Koroleva A.Yu. - M .: Finance and statistics, 1996.336 p.

2. Rakitov A.I. Russia in the global information process and regional information policy // Informatization Problems. - M .: 1993. Issue. 1-2.

3. About information, informatization and information protection. the federal law dated 20.02.95 No. 24-F3.

4. Institutional changes in Russian science: organizational and socio-psychological aspects / S.A. Kugel, L. S. Blyakhman, A. I. Muravyev and others; Under. Ed. S.A. Kugel. - Petropolis, 1997 .-- 102 p.

5. Informational support of small business. // Inform. Resources of Russia.-1994.-№ 3.- P. 29.

6. Bakhtina T.A., Mokhova E.M. Organization of patent information support in research institutes // Vopr. inventions. - 1984.- No. 7. - S. 42-44.

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