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Rating of exchanges for the performance of work for students. Studently - earn money by helping others

Zaochnik has been around for almost 20 years. It was established in 2000 and over the years has completed more than 1 million orders, writing control, term papers and theses. The service offers cooperation between authors and webmasters. Today he helps not only students in obtaining higher education, but also for graduate students to defend a candidate / doctoral dissertation. This is an officially registered legal entity. a person responsible before the law of the Russian Federation for the quality of the services provided.

In this article, you will get acquainted with the top 7 services that will help you write term papers, theses, and any other educational and scientific papers.

These online platforms will help underachieving students and those who, for various reasons, cannot complete the task on time. With the help of them, you can order the writing of any academic work - term paper, diploma, control, dissertation, problem solving and much more. And also take advantage of an individual consultation via Skype on any subject or educational issue.


The platform brings together more than 100 thousand specialists from various fields. Each performer is tested and interviewed by the support service. You will receive the first expert proposals within minutes of submitting a request.

When creating an application, you specify detailed information and your requirements for the order. You also need to set the due date and the amount that you are willing to pay for the work. The service calculates the recommended cost based on similar completed orders in the system.

After filling in all the data, the application is sent to the auction, in which all registered authors will see it. You yourself choose the contractor based on his rating, reviews and statistics of completed orders.

The site provides a list of popular authors for each of the subjects and types of work.
The service ensures the protection of the customer and his funds from possible force majeure. If the expert refuses to fulfill the order, Avtor24 will return the funds to the account.

In addition to help in writing academic papers, the site offers individual online lessons with tutors via Skype. You can choose a teacher from more than 5 thousand graduates.

The service will provide you with a free trial lesson, where you will get acquainted with the learning process and agree on an individual schedule.

Passed everything!

The service process is simple. First, you create an application.

At the first step, specify the type of task: it can be a control, abstract, laboratory, diploma, or any other category from the 20 options already available.

In the second step, you describe in detail everything you need to know to successfully complete the job, and place an order. The site sends out a task to experts who will offer you their services with an indication of the price and deadline for solving the application.

You choose an artist based on reviews and a bid. You can contact the selected expert at a convenient time, get help and consult.

The site gives a guarantee for up to 30 days for the performance of all work. The site works according to the "Safe deal" scheme - if the expert does not cope with the task, the service will return your money.
"VSE PASSED" strictly selects the performers, before paying you can get acquainted with the detailed resume of each of the experts.


On the site you can order a consultation on all types of student work. It can be a term paper, a drawing, a practice report, answers to tickets and a dissertation.

After choosing a service, you describe the application in detail, indicating the amount you are willing to pay for the task.

You yourself choose the performer among those who responded to your application. The main part of the experts on the service are graduate students, candidates and doctors of sciences and university professors.

The profile of each performer is provided with detailed information indicating specialization, positive and negative reviews, achievements and statistics of completed tasks.

Also on the site you will find finished works, each of which is tested for uniqueness.


The service has branches in 15 cities of Russia. The company specializes in writing educational and scientific papers to order - these are essays, term papers, diplomas, as well as dissertations and monographs.

On the site you can find additional services, among which, for example, the execution of drawings, the preparation of business plans, practical tasks and presentations.

Work5 guarantees a high level of completed orders. All works undergo a three-stage check, first for anti-plagiarism, then by experts and finally through the technical control department.

The service guarantees a complete solution of the task. In the case of ordering a scientific work, experts are ready to promptly make all the necessary changes and accompany you directly to a successful defense.


Zaochnik until December 30 - 15% discount with promo code 2018ud

The company is one of the first domestic projects of writing papers to order. The site offers more than 30 types of services, including essays, term papers, presentations, translations and monographs.

Zaochnik has a return policy. If you are dissatisfied with the quality of the services provided, then within 60 days after paying for the order, you can return the money spent.

The service provides an additional check of all tasks for uniqueness, content and design. Each client receives a guarantee of support until the defense of the work and free cheat sheets for the exam.

In the process of all interaction with the service, you will be assisted by a personal manager who will find the best author on your topic and control the completion of the task.

Let's write

The service provides services in three areas: translation from foreign languages, copywriting and working with texts, as well as writing student papers.

All performers have been carefully checked. First, they provided diplomas and other educational documents that confirm their competence and professionalism. Then they successfully demonstrated their knowledge during the interview and the trial period.

The service forms the price according to the auction principle: the authors offer their bid, and you choose the option that suits you. After agreeing the conditions with the contractor, you control the execution of the task and within 30 days after its completion you can demand the necessary changes.


The service offers the writing of educational and scientific papers of any type in any subject. The functionality of the site is similar to those already considered. You specify in detail all the necessary information and requirements for the task, publish the application and choose the author among those who responded.

You independently set the warranty period - the period of time during which you can request improvements to the order after it has been completed.

The service guarantees a refund if you are not satisfied with the quality of work.

Let's briefly mention services that can also be useful:

  • homework.ru - comprehensive preparation of materials and consultations for business and education
  • Kwork.ru is a freelance exchange with a wide range of services, including writing texts and translations
  • PROFI.RU - selection of specialists, search for tutors and training courses

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Up to 400% profit with absolute illiteracy

Why did I take up this article? Yes, just frankly tired of the endless stream of customers, "burned" on the exchange of student papers.

Complaints looked like this:

  • It was decided incorrectly, the teacher did not accept, and the money was paid.
  • A crazy overpayment, and as a result, a triple.
  • They undertake to solve the work, then refuse to correct the mistakes, or disappear altogether.

… time passed, and the dirt continued to pour into my grateful ears, vividly and colorfully characterizing the work of the above-mentioned exchanges. I am a naturally curious person, which prompted me to experiment. I registered on several exchanges as a customer and contractor. As the customer sent several tasks of varying degrees of complexity. Here is what actually came out of it.

First order, or 50r in one click.

To work as a customer, I chose the most popular site Author24.ru. My first order contained a task, which in the standard training course solve using operational calculus: find $y(t)$ if $y(t)=\sin(2t)-\frac(8)(3)\int\limits_(0)^(t)\sh(3( t-\tau))y(\tau)\,d\tau$.

How do clients usually choose their author? According to three criteria: price, rating and reviews. Everyone is looking for their ideal ratio, so I found my artist with good rating and accolades. The price shown in the screenshot is slightly above average:

The initial solution I received was so illiterate that at first it seemed like a joke or a bad prank, albeit inappropriate. The bottom line is simple: with the help of an online solver, the author tries to take the integral by parts, and then passes off the attempts of the unfortunate program as his “labor”. Here it is, the God of earnings on the Internet! He would have to scribble articles on the topic “How to earn 50r per minute. Easily! No work experience! No special knowledge! In a person, perhaps, a brilliant adventurer disappears, and he went there, into the solvers ... Yes, this is undoubtedly a level of skill. Perhaps I will repeat myself, but the author had quite decent reviews.

The crowning achievement of his creation was the following pearl, which finished me off:

AAAAAAA! Sorry for the emotions, but the words are over: the solver from the equation $x=x$ implies that $x=0$ is simply amazing! However, the rest of the "solution" is no less entertaining. Imagine the surprise of a teacher who would read such a work :) And how would an ordinary student get out? Seeing such wild mistakes, I wrote to the author, mind you, quite censored, although, as you understand, there were few words, only emotions.

The author vows to fix everything and sends a new . Here it already becomes clear that a person has heard about higher mathematics. Maybe even in the first year he attended lectures. He demonstrates his knowledge by trying to expand the integrand into a series. And after a whole page of nonsense, it produces an enchanting result:

Being in some prostration from what I read, I wrote an answer with the following content:

It should be noted that the site administration heeded my arguments and returned the money for the wrong decision. But can an ordinary student achieve this? I doubt it very much, because the incorrectness of the decision still needs to be justified, and this requires an understanding of how given example should actually be resolved.

While we only lost time, the money remained with us.

Order number two is a tale of a PhD and imprecise irrationality.

For the second order, I, wise by experience, chose a simpler order, and a fatter performer. The task is simple: investigate the function $y=\frac(\left|x^3-1\right|)(e^(x-1))$ and build its graph. And here is

As for the price: usually they charge a little more for such a task. Exchanges often dump due to the abundance of candidates, and are ready to work for a review. Personally, my principle is simple: since you undertake to do the job, do it right - even for a ruble, even for a penny. What was received from the candidate of sciences? You can see the full solution file, but I will quote the two most striking moments for me. So the cubic equation is:

The cubic equation has no real root! PhD! For those who do not understand the humor, I will explain: a polynomial of the third degree always has at least one real root. However, the second pearl pleased no less than the first:

Of course, this limit was found incorrectly, and there are still asymptotes, but more on that later. In my answer, I drew the author's attention to these two problems: with a cubic equation and an asymptote; with the rest of the shortcomings decided not to bother.

In the response file, I got the following "justification":

As you can see, our Ph.D. did not even bother to consider the cases $x\to(+\infty)$ and $x\to(-\infty)$, which give completely different results. Moreover, he did not even substantiate why such answers are obtained.

The solution of the equation was also "pleased": the corrections indicated the following:

Do we need an algorithm for finding the root? Of course you need it! For in this "decision" nothing is said about how, in fact, we received this root. We write to the author and get an unexpected answer:

Opachki! There is no exact solution! I didn't stop here. Unfortunately, I am not only a curious person, but also an extremely gambling one. Missing the point that the previously sent file did not contain any solution "according to Newton" and at the risk of revealing our incognito, we briefly outline the solution and with pleasure poke it in the nose of the author:

However, I could not expect a further turn. Not at all. For - attention - the roots are not the exact solution!

And this is written by a person who introduced himself as a candidate of sciences, with a five-star rating! Further communication lost all meaning, so I, having advised me to read at least the first volume of Nikolsky, retired. Oh yes, the author is still working.

Order number three or where the winners are found.

After previous experiments, I took a chance. I posted two examples in the order: in the first it was required to prove the elementary equality $1+\ldots+n=\frac((n+1)n)(2)$. But the second task ... it was an outright adventure. Here is the formulation: "Prove that any even number greater than 2 can be represented as the sum of two prime numbers." Behind a simple formulation lies a difficult problem, known as the Goldbach problem, which still has no solution. That is, you understand that the greatest minds of both modernity and the past have fought and are fighting over this issue, but you know what? It's all nonsense! The Goldbach problem? Ugh, 300r!

Do you think I'm kidding? There were unique people who agreed to cope with this trifling task for the steward. For 100, gentlemen. Now I understand where the winners of the Fields, Gauss and Clay awards actually wipe their pants.

Corrosive, I even wrote in a personal to some authors, they say, how are you going to solve a mathematical problem that has not yet been solved? To be fair, a couple of performers recognized the scientific problem and pointed it out to me. However, imagine the level of the remaining dozens, who mindlessly assessed what they were unable to accomplish?

It was funny, but it got boring.

Results and conclusions.

In general, the results are disappointing. I visited the stock exchanges from two sides: both from the side of the performer and from the side of the customer. I note that the author usually performs the work for a price that is half or three times less than the amount paid by the student. The reseller sits on the reseller. The commission of the system is about 10-20% of the order, and often the authors, when initially setting the price, include their percentage in the cost of the solution. But there are also intermediaries who are looking for penny solvers, but sell the work three times, or even four times more expensive. Ultimately, the student suffers.

The very first problem that the poor fellow will face is the choice of a performer. For each order, especially if it does not require knowledge of more than the second year of an average technical university, up to fifty (!) Performers flock. Many have a rating, there are reviews, and even some scientific titles that they shamelessly flaunt in their profile. As far as I could judge from communication with the performers, confirmation of such regalia is not required, or it is not always required. Prices, by the way, differ significantly: from twenty to one hundred rubles per task. However, it should be noted that this amount is not final.

To order a work or redeem an already solved one, you need to enter into the system enough money to pay for it. And here the exchange itself comes into play with commissions from 10 to 20 percent. For example, the author estimates the work at 400 rubles. The author does not want to lose money, because the exchange will take a percentage from him, so the work automatically becomes more expensive: 40-60 rubles. Now let's talk about intermediaries who roam the stock exchange in droves, looking for cash cows. As these cows, both novice authors and one-day ones act, who decide incorrectly, disappear, and re-create a new account. The intermediary (and often a whole chain of them) will add their percentage. Thus, the control work, which was originally estimated at 400 rubles, can be given to the client for 1000, or even more.

By the way, it is worth considering small pranks like commissions for depositing and withdrawing funds from the exchange.

Let's turn to guarantees and good faith performance. These parameters are entirely dependent on the performer. Imagine that the artist sent you a work with an error (in my "field tests" all performers sent works with errors). You yourself are unlikely to find this error, because you have a park and a session. Especially if we are talking about a math test for part-time students, then you have to wait a few months until the teacher checks the work. And the warranty period provided by the exchanges is not so long. After the expiration of this period, in the general case, no claims can be made. And from the left negative feedback you can get only moral satisfaction. Even if you manage to return the invested funds, then remember the commission: it is unlikely that you will be able to withdraw the full amount. Money is lost, time is lost, and what in return?

Of course, there are also normal authors on the stock exchanges - after all, a couple of people recognized the Goldbach problem :) However, can an ordinary student choose such an author from several dozen hacks? The question is rhetorical. There are chances, of course, but they are too small.

Perhaps you have your own experience with exchanges? Comments are open :)

Writing a study paper is not going well, or there is not enough time for it? Do not despair, our exchange will come to the rescue term papers! Our database contains many qualified performers with solid experience. They will be happy to take on your order, quickly write a unique text for you on a given topic, and you will not have to overpay anything for their services.

Features of ordering coursework on the exchange

Perhaps it is impossible to find that student who would not be interested in how much it costs to order a term paper on the stock exchange. Today on the Internet you can find many offers from performers with a variety of prices, so it is possible to choose the most profitable one. Immediately I would like to warn you against cooperation with intermediaries. They are not executors, therefore, when making a deal, they often cannot adequately assess the timing and complexity of the work. Nevertheless, they do not forget to take money for their mediation. Therefore, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to overpay. And in order not to waste money in vain, it is better to order term paper on the stock exchange.

Exchange advantages:

  • You are protected from fraud
  • Your collaboration with the author is recorded
  • You communicate directly with the artist
  • You don't have to pay extra
  • Everything happens quickly

The best option in this regard is our website. More than 4000 authors are registered here. Our exchange rate will urgently get to work and treat it responsibly. The quality requirements here are high, so you can be sure that the work will be done according to all standards, and you can get a high score for it. Interested in how to order coursework on the stock exchange? Everything is extremely simple - send us an application in a special form, and very soon there will be a contractor ready to take on your order.

We work honestly and inexpensively

If you want to save on paying for the services of the contractor, then you have come to the right place. Here they take into account the possibilities of students and do not take too much. Since you will cooperate directly with the author without an intermediary, any overpayments are excluded. You will be charged directly the amount of your task, depending on its complexity and volume. Our exchange of term papers inexpensively provides services to its customers. At the same time, the quality of workmanship is always on top here, and the deadlines for the delivery of orders are sacredly observed.

The Zaochnik company offers a vacancy for an expert in educational areas. If you want to put your professional skills and knowledge to good use, and even make money on it, then welcome to the Zaochnik team!

Working in our team means timely and decent remuneration, the availability of tasks all year round and a free schedule.

How to become an expert?

To become an expert, you need to go through a simple registration procedure and fill out a questionnaire. During registration, a specialist of the department of work with experts will clarify all questions. To cooperate with us, you will need to provide:

  1. an example of a completed task;
  2. data to contact you.

The registration period does not exceed 2 days.

Benefits of being an expert in study areas

Working as an expert in Zaochnik means:

  1. Remote work and no need to go to the office.
  2. Ability to select tasks. You can choose which task to start.
  3. Constant availability of tasks. With us you will never be left without work.
  4. Convenient payment system. Experts are paid twice a month.
  5. Opportunity to apply knowledge in highly specialized areas. There are over 600 disciplines on our list. You will find assignments for any educational area.
  6. Decent salary. One of the pillars of our company is a decent salary for our experts.

Remote work as an expert at Zaochnik can be the main source of income or in a good way part-time jobs outside of your main job. If you are not working in your specialty, then this type of employment helps you stay in the ranks and not lose your skills. Become an expert in educational areas now!

Can you write scientific texts? Want to make money helping students? Are you looking for a reliable and secure internet platform? The Studently online service is waiting for you in its ranks as a commissioned writer.

What is Studently?

Our platform is an exchange for authors. In order to become an author of academic papers, it is not required and not necessary to have an academic degree. If you write essays, checklists, term papers, graduation theses, etc. efficiently and quickly, then the exchange can become your main source of income.

How to join you?

Registration in the service is simple and does not take much time. Everyone who is interested in working as an author at home takes a mini-training and fills out a profile. At the same time, it is not necessary to indicate personal information (full name, phone number, about yourself).

How the exchange works

How much can I earn on the stock exchange?

In Studently, you determine the schedule and scope of work yourself. The better you perform tasks, the higher your rating. The higher your rating, the more new orders you receive and, accordingly, you earn more. New applications appear on the site for authors daily.

Is it generally safe?

Yes, you are completely protected. First, Studently respects anonymity. Secondly, you start fulfilling only the paid order. When the customer accepts it, the money becomes available for withdrawal.

Our advantages

What can I get?

At your disposal is a service where new orders appear every day, a convenient filtering system for finding new tasks, and a rating system. In case of occurrence controversial situations, you can count on honest and independent arbitration by support specialists.

What are the benefits of the service?

Benefits include:

  • simple and intuitive interface;
  • the ability to communicate with customers in a special online chat;
  • various ways to withdraw funds (Yandex Money, Webmoney, qiwi);
  • assistance from support specialists;
  • the ability to work from anywhere in the CIS (Moscow, Minsk, Kiev, etc.).


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