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Drawings coloring book Cossack with fish. Lapbook “Meet the Don Cossacks”
You are in the Cossacks coloring page category. The coloring book you are considering is described by our visitors as follows: "" Here you will find many coloring pages online. You can download Cossack coloring pages and print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of the Cossacks develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, and introduces them to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by category will make it easier to find the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new one every day interesting topic for coloring.


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CLOTHING OF THE KUBAN COSSACK AND COSSACK WOMAN Eremeeva E.P., teacher of MBDOU d/sno.5 Krasnodar region, village Kushchevskaya

SUBJECT OBJECTIVES: To deepen children’s knowledge about Kuban clothing, its purpose, name, and its different parts; develop children's interest in national costumes; cultivate a desire to follow ancient folk traditions; to cultivate patriotism, pride for our native land, a sense of respect for our ancestors.

FROM HISTORY... “Cossack” - this word came to us from the Tatars, who called the Cossacks the advanced detachments serving for reconnaissance of the enemy. “Cossack” means “free man”. The Kuban Cossacks trace their ancestry back to the Zaporozhye Cossacks who moved to Kuban. Cossacks were the name given to free people who arrived in Kuban to guard the borders from enemies and were in the service of Queen Catherine. National Kuban clothing is very ancient. It was formed throughout the 19th century under the influence of southern Russian, Ukrainian and neighboring mountain traditions. It was influenced by the military life of the Cossacks, climatic conditions and folk tastes. Clothing differed in age characteristics, demand for ritual, festive and everyday working life. The production of the Kuban national costume is associated with various folk crafts: sewing, weaving, lace weaving, embroidery.


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National clothing of the Kuban people KUBAN COSSACK COSTUME Casual clothing Military clothing

KUBAN COSSACK WOMAN COSTUME Casual wear Festive wear

WHAT IS THERE... The national women's costume of Kuban consisted of: *a “couple”, *a corset, *a headscarf, *a “fashionka”, *a cap, *an apron, *boots, *decoration - beads, rings, etc. Kuban Cossacks wore: *shirt (Russian and beshmet), *harem pants, *sash, *scroll, *Circassian coat, *bashlyk, *boots, *gazyrs on the chest of the Circassian coat, *hat, *cap, *burka, *bekesha.


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KUBAN COSSACK COSTUME Beshmet Bloomers Russian shirt Scroll Sash

KUBAN COSSACK COSTUME Papakha Gazyri Cherkeska Bekesha Boots Burka Hashlyk Cap

COSTUME OF THE KUBAN COSSACK Burka - this woolen shell was almost not cut by a saber, withstood arrows and bullets, and could also be used for shelter while sleeping on a hike. Bekesha is a men's outer winter jacket with fur. A scroll is a long men's outerwear with a wrap or buttons. Wide trousers are a traditional element of Cossack clothing - in tight trousers it is impossible to sit on a horse, and they will wear out the legs and hinder the rider’s movements. The sash was wound around the waist, and a purse for money or a tobacco pouch could be attached to it. Circassian is a Caucasian long men's suit without a collar. Bashlyk is a warm hood with long ends, worn over a hat, and the ends of the bashlyk were used as a scarf. Gazyrs are metal or wooden sockets for cartridges, sewn in rows onto a Circassian coat.


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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

SUMMARY of a lesson on speech development in the senior group. TOPIC: “National clothes of the Don Cossack and Cossack women”

The purpose of the lesson is: to develop children’s knowledge about the clothing of the Don Cossacks, its purpose, name, and its different parts; developing children's interest in national costumes and patterns on clothes. ...

Abstract of the NOD “National clothes of the Kuban Cossack and Cossack women.”

Goal: To introduce children to the culture of the Kuban people, to traditions and love for folk national costume. Educational objectives: Continue to deepen children's knowledge about the Kuban...

Natalia Averkieva

Lapbook« Meet the Don Cossacks»

In our kindergarten Much attention is paid to the patriotic education of children, and special emphasis is placed on the topic « Cossacks» . That's why the topic lapbook which I want to bring to your attention - « Meet the Don Cossacks» .

Lapbook, or as it is also called a thematic or interactive folder, is a homemade book with doors, windows, pockets, and movable parts that a child can take out, rearrange, and fold at his own discretion.

My lapbook Designed for children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Working with it laptop will help children consolidate and systematize the material they have studied, and quickly refresh their memory of covered topics.

The production of this manual was preceded by thematic activities and games, discussion and discussion of complex issues, and completion of assignments.

If you are interested in my laptop, I will tell you how I made it.

1. Since the laptop is intended for independent activities of children, and I would like it to retain its aesthetic appearance for a long time, I decided to make it from two thick cardboard folders, which I connected together and covered with self-adhesive tape.

2. Place the title on the first page and a flag on the last page Cossacks. When the laptop is assembled, it looks like So:

3. Since lapbook intended for reading children, on the second page - the anthem of the Rostov region, the flag of the army Don, coat of arms Don Cossack Army, the alphabet of our region.

4. On the third page - the commandments Cossacks. The pockets are made of transparent dense polyethylene.

5. Fourth page – Cossacks sayings about military valor, games Cossacks, Cossack ditties. I placed the sayings on an old calendar, games and ditties also in pockets made of thick polyethylene.

6. The fifth page is dedicated to housing Cossacks. On the envelope there is a kuren, as a sample for the game "Make a whole from parts", in the envelope - illustrations with the furnishings of the kuren.

7. Page six – about everyday life Cossacks. Cossacks riddles are also in an envelope made of postcards, and illustrations with Cossack utensils are placed on a cut candy box.

8. Seventh page. Cloth Cossacks- on the plastic envelope there is an illustration - a sample, and inside there is a coloring book on this topic. Also on this page, in an envelope made from a postcard, there are crossword puzzles on the topic "Life Cossacks»

Tour of our lapbook finished. As you can see, it was made without any special material costs, is accessible in execution and, most importantly, is easily accessible to children in their independent activities.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of joint activities for younger children “Don Patterns” Goal: creating conditions for the formation of love for the native land, its culture and traditions in preschool children through use.

Summary of the lesson “Meet the Voronezh Nature Reserve” Abstract of the OOD on ecology “Meet the Voronezh Nature Reserve” Prepared by: teacher of the senior speech therapy group Christina Galensky.

Synopsis “Meet Me” Goal: Formation of the child’s interest in himself as a Person, as a unique personality. Progress of the lesson. Organizational moment. Introductory.

Abstract of the GCD “Meet the Russian Matryoshka!” Summary of educational activities for introducing preschoolers to the world around them. Goal: To introduce children to the traditional folk toy - matryoshka, as a symbol.



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