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Videos for presentation to preschoolers on the theme of winter. Winter presentation for the lesson (middle group) on the topic

Galina Knutova
Lesson-presentation “Winter”

Lesson-presentation on the topic: « Winter»

Target: expand children’s understanding of the characteristic signs of winter; fix the names and sequence of the winter months; learn to find winter signs on your own; be able to analyze, compare, draw conclusions; develop imagination; cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment: multimedia installation.

Progress of the lesson:

How are the pictures different?

What time of year is it now?

Name the signs of winter.

Name the winter months.

Talk about the life of animals in winter.

What do animals eat in winter?

What do birds eat in winter?

Do you need to feed birds in winter?

What holiday do we celebrate in winter?

Now let's rest.

How is this holiday celebrated? - Tell me.

Musical break.

Winter fun for children.

Solve riddles.

The picture is a mystery.

- Didactic game : "Add a word"

Bottom line classes.

Publications on the topic:

Program objectives: To consolidate children’s understanding of the life of animals in winter and to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. Leisure activities Vocabulary: I wanted to.

Summary and presentation of a thematic music lesson for children of middle preschool age “Winter is an Entertainer” Basic educational area: artistic and aesthetic development. Integration of educational areas: cognitive development.

Abstract directly educational activities at 2 younger group on the topic “Winter” Purpose: To form general ideas about.

Program content: 1. Introduce children to characteristic features season "Winter". 2. Continue to activate the dictionary. 3. Continue.

Logorhythmic lesson in preparatory group on the topic: Winter, its signs Purpose: to develop children’s knowledge about winter and its signs. Tasks:.

Goal: Enrichment and activation of the vocabulary about winter; be able to compose simple sentences, develop auditory perception. Cultivating a love for winter.

We decided to present to your attention a variety of crafts made with children in the middle group. Children's creativity very interesting and...

Presentation “Nature - who are you: mistress or slave?” Presentation on the topic: “Nature - who are you: mistress or slave?”, teacher of the first qualification category MBDOU "Firefly", Chernyanka village.

The presentation is dedicated to winter, a cold but beautiful time of year, which is famous for its snowy landscapes. Using the presentation, children will be able to learn the poem:

It's snowing, under white wool

The streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy about the snow -

She came to us again...

From this presentation, preschoolers will learn about the signs of winter:

  • It became cold.
  • It's freezing outside.
  • The nights are long and the days are short.
  • People put on warm winter clothes.
  • Children sled, ski, skate, make snowmen, build snow forts, and play snowballs.

Children will also be able to guess and learn riddles about winter:

It's been snowing for a month now,
We'll see you soon New Year,
All nature is in snow hibernation.
Tell me the time of year. Winter

To our home on New Year's Eve
Someone will come from the forest,
All fluffy, covered in needles,
And the name of that guest... D e D M o r o z

Children consolidate knowledge about New Year's holiday, try to make sentences, a story based on pictures.

New Year

Winter has come. The holiday is approaching, New Year. People bring a Christmas tree into the house and decorate it. New Year's toys, multi-colored balls, garlands, beads. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come to the New Year's tree. Father Frost and Snow Maiden come to the New Year's tree. Det Frost gives gifts to all children. The whole family gathers at the New Year's table to celebrate the New Year.




Slide captions:

It's snowing

Under white wool

The streets and houses disappeared.

All the guys are happy about the snow

She came to us again...


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Slide captions:

Signs of winter

The earth is covered with snow, and the rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

It got cold

It's frosty outside.

Strong winds blow, there are often snowstorms and snowfalls.

The nights are long

And the days are short.

People put on warm winter clothes


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Slide captions:

Completed by: Lupika Natalya Gennadievna Zimushka-winter Completed by: Lupika n.g.

Goal: To communicate and consolidate children’s knowledge about winter and the winter months through artistic expression. Getting to know the popular names of the winter months, sayings and signs.

It has been snowing for a month now, We will soon celebrate the New Year, All nature is in snowy hibernation. Tell me the time of year. I appeared after autumn according to the calendar. I will give you the best holiday for joy! And I covered the ground with white snow myself. Guys, guess, Well, who am I? ...

Tell me, guys, the month in this riddle: Its days are shorter than all days, longer than nights. Snow fell on the fields and meadows until spring. Only our month will pass, We will celebrate the New Year. (December)

Snowball! It's time to build a snowman! December already commands the season, And from early morning until evening He covers all the lawns with snow. Bring your skis, sleds and skates, invite all your friends to go for a ride! Let the fun days fly by - Let's play and laugh merrily!

December is popularly called either gruden (after the frozen piles of earth), or prosinets, when clear days fall and a bright blue sky suddenly appears in the breaks in the clouds... The name “December” apparently appeared in ancient times, when December was the tenth month per year. "Deca" means "ten" in Greek. Popular name for December

December, snowy and frosty, promises a fruitful harvest. If in December the snow piles up close to the fences, it will be a bad summer; if there is a gap left, it will be fruitful. If in December there is a lot of frost, mounds of snow, deeply frozen ground - then this is for the harvest. Folk signs December:

, ...) Look, in the yard all the trees are in silver. A white blizzard is dancing on a wonderful New Year's day. The holidays are noisy, The pranksters say: “It’s a bit of a pity for the old year, And on the street...!”

January, it’s winter outside the windows The snow is silvery white... The frost is cracking, drawing with chalk... Towers are being built on the rivers... On the sea the ice and the sky are getting cold And pale colors of watercolor In the morning there is frost on my windows... April will not come to us soon... January and the sun is not warms... Snowstorm and blizzard day and night And the wind drives the sun away, It doesn’t even dare to object... January, and with it the New Year Garlands, the smell of tangerine A fakir in a Harlequin costume brings us gifts in a bag...

Prosinets (January) - it was named so because it was dedicated by the ancient Romans to Janus, the god of peace. In our old days, it was called “prosinets”, as it is believed, from the blueness of the sky beginning to appear at this time, the radiance, from the intensification, with the addition of day, of sunlight. By the way, take a closer look at the January sky - it lives up to its name. The Little Russian name for January “sochen” indicates either the turning point of winter, which, according to popular belief, occurs in January, the cutting of winter into two halves, or the bitter, severe frosts. Popular name for January

If the sparrows do not sing on the branches, then the snow will fall without wind. Lots of long icicles - the harvest will be good. There is a lot of snow - there will be a lot of bread. If January is dry and frosty, then summer is coming dry and hot. Frosty January to snowstorms in February. Folk signs of January

It's a pity that the last winter month is the shortest - ... . (February) After brother January, it’s my turn to serve. My friends help me: Blizzards and blizzards.

In February, in February, the Blizzard rushes on a broom, Sweeps all the paths, So that March does not pass, If it does not pass, it does not come, And it does not bring spring!..

February is the second month of the year, the ancient name is “fierce”, since at that time there were severe (severe) frosts. The name of February “snowfall” is also known. Sometimes in Russian chronicles the month of February was called “weddings,” since this time in Rus' was dedicated to the performance of weddings. The popular name for February.

Folk signs of February: If you see a live mosquito in February, expect ruin in your family. What the weather is like on February 2, so will spring. If it snows in the morning on February 2, expect an early harvest of grain; if at noon - medium; if in the evening - late. There is a lot of frost in February - in summer there will be a lot of dew. In the morning a tit screams - it means frost. Frost falls at night, but there will be no snow during the day. The sun rises red - expect a snowstorm. The snow stuck to the trees - to the warmth.

Thank you for your attention!

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Slide captions:

Winter Compiled by: teacher of the “Special Child” classes Elena Vladimirovna Starchenko

Winter has arrived Winter months: December, January, February

Snow. It snowed. Snowflakes swirled in the air.

Frost It's cold outside. Freezing. Appeared frosty patterns on trees and windows.

Blizzard. It's windy outside. Blizzard.

Winter clothes. People put on warm winter clothes: jackets, hats, scarves, mittens, boots.

Winter fun. Catania. Children sled, ski, skate, and cheesecakes.

Winter fun. Games. Children play snowballs and make snowmen.

Winter sports. Snowboard, skiing, hockey, ski jumping, ice skating, figure skating, slalom, bobsled

Animals in winter. The hare has changed his coat, the bear is sleeping in the den.

Wintering birds in the forest. Forest birds: tit, bullfinch, woodpecker

Wintering birds in the city. City birds: sparrow, crow, pigeon.

Bird feeders. People make bird feeders

Winter holiday - New Year Children decorate the Christmas tree. Father Frost comes with the Snow Maiden and gives gifts

Resources used. Pictures from the Yandex search server.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Oksana Nikolaevna Maryina
Presentation Zimushka - winter for children 4–5 years old

1 slide topic:Hello winter - winter! Made up teacher: Maryina Oksana Nikolaevna Kindergarten "Topolyok"

2. slide image of a winter landscape,

3. riddle slide

The cold has arrived

The water turned to ice,

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

The bear stopped roaring -

A bear fell into hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?


What a beauty

Stands shining brightly

How luxuriously decorated.

Tell me, who is she?

(Christmas tree)

I wasn't raised

Made from snow,

Instead of a nose cleverly

Did you insert a carrot?


4. Question: How do we dress in winter?

ALGORITHM for putting on winter clothes

Hat, scarf, mittens, warm jacket (fur coat, warm winter boots, felt boots

5 slide game “A lot or a little” - pictures of snowmen are shown

6, slide game “A lot or a little” shows pictures of bullfinches

7 slide game “A lot or a little” shows pictures of tits

8 slide game: “Guess what’s extra?” pictures of the winter games and a picture of the summer game are depicted.

9 slide game: “Guess what’s extra?” depicts pictures of animals in the forest in winter, and a birdhouse in summer

10. slide What do animals eat in the winter? picture explaining what wild animals eat in winter

11. slide How do animals prepare for winter?

Slide 12 What animals sleep in winter, where and how?

Slide 13 How do people help animals and birds in winter?

14 slide Game: "Say kindly about winter"

WINTER - winter

SNOW - snowball

TREE - tree

YOLKA - Christmas tree

WIND - breeze

BIRD - bird

GORKA - hill

SLEDGE - sled

15 slide Children's winter fun

Children and adults make snowmen, sled and ski. down the slide, playing snowballs.

Slide 16 Poems about the New Year!

Santa Claus sent us a Christmas tree,

He lit the lights on it.

And the needles shine on it,

And there’s snow on the branches! V. Petrova

The girls stood in a circle,

They stood up and fell silent.

Santa Claus lit the lights

On a tall tree.

There's a star above

Beads in two rows.

Let the Christmas tree not go out,

Let it always burn! A. Barto

Slide 17 Thank you for your attention"

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated lesson for children 6–7 years old “Winter-winter” Goal: expanding and systematizing children’s knowledge about winter. Tasks: - expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic “Winter”; - develop skills.

Summary of integrated educational activities in the younger mixed-age subgroup (3–5 years old) “Winter-winter” Relevance: During preschool childhood, abilities for initial forms of generalization and inference are formed. However, such cognition is carried out.

Abstract of the educational activity “Winter-winter” for children 3–4 years old Objectives: To consolidate children's knowledge about the season - winter. Teach children to classify objects according to certain criteria.

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