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Marketing research contains information on the state of the Russian sports nutrition market as of August 2016.

As part of the study, the following blocks of questions were considered: the volume and dynamics of domestic production, imports and exports. An assessment of the market volume is given, the current market conditions are characterized, and its forecast is given. Special attention is paid to factors that have a significant impact on the state of the sports nutrition market. Based on macroeconomic forecast data and data from an expert survey of participants in the sports nutrition market, a forecast of its development for the medium term was constructed.

Research will help you answer questions

How much has the production volume of sports nutrition increased during the crisis?
. What is the presence of foreign products in Russian market?
. Why has demand decreased?
. What is happening to Russian producers?
. When will market growth resume?

Main blocks of information

Analysis and forecast of market dynamics
. Analysis of domestic production, market shares of the main participants
. Export and import analysis
. Analysis of factors influencing market development
. Assessment and forecast of market development

Research methodology

Personal and telephone surveys of experts conducted by IndexBox employees
. Analysis information materials provided by manufacturers, importers, distributors, retail operators
. Analysis of statistical information, including Rosstat, TN VED, MED, Ministry of Industry and Trade, unions and industry associations

The report contains: 75 pages, 26 tables, 30 figures



1. Summary
2. Study design
3. Classification of sports nutrition
4. Characteristics of the raw material base
5. Sports nutrition production technology
6. Characteristics of the Russian sports nutrition market
6.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian sports nutrition market in 2010-2016 (O) Forecast for 2017-2020 (base scenario)
6.2. Sports nutrition market structure: production, export, import, consumption
7. Characteristics of domestic production of sports nutrition in 2010 - 2015.
7.1. Major sports nutrition manufacturers and their market shares
7.1.3. R-LINE LLC
7.1.4. LLC "GEON"
7.2. The main foreign manufacturers of sports nutrition represented on the Russian market
7.3. Investment projects in the industry
8. Characteristics of sports nutrition prices
8.1. Formation of the cost of sports nutrition by distribution channels
8.2. Characteristics of retail prices
9. Volume and dynamics of foreign trade operations in the sports nutrition market in 2010 - July 2016.
10. Characteristics of import of sports nutrition to the Russian market
10.1. Import structure by type of sports nutrition
10.2. Volume and dynamics of sports nutrition imports
10.3. Producing countries, leading suppliers of sports nutrition to the territory of the Russian Federation
10.4. Foreign manufacturers of sports nutrition imported to the Russian Federation
10.5. Russian companies receiving sports nutrition imports
10.6. Structure of import supplies of sports nutrition by regions of the Russian Federation
11. Factors influencing the development of the sports nutrition market
11.1. Analysis of the impact of counter-sanctions on the sports nutrition market
11.2. Socio-economic situation in the Russian Federation in the first half of 2016
11.3. Level of well-being of the population
12. Characteristics of sports nutrition consumption
12.1. Volume and dynamics of sports nutrition consumption in 2010-2016 (O) Forecast for 2017-2020
12.2. Volume and structure of sports nutrition consumption by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2015
12.3. Balance of production and consumption of sports nutrition
13. Forecast for the development of the sports nutrition market for 2016-2020.
13.1. Scenarios for the development of the sports nutrition market
List of information sources used
About IndexBox



Figure 1. Main types of food protein by origin
Figure 2. Volume of whey production in Russia in 2010 - July 2016, thousand tons.
Figure 3. Volume of supply in the sports nutrition market in 2010-2016 (O) and forecast for 2017-2020, tons (within the base development scenario)
Figure 4. Volume of supply in the sports nutrition market in 2010-2016 (O) and forecast for 2017-2020, million rubles. (within the framework of the basic development scenario)
Figure 5. Dynamics and structure of the sports nutrition market in 2010-2016 (O) and forecast until 2020, tons (within the base development scenario)
Figure 6. Structure of the sports nutrition market by origin in physical terms in 2010-2015.
Figure 7. Production of sports nutrition in 2010 - 2015, tons
Figure 8. Structure of sports nutrition production in the Russian Federation by manufacturer in 2015, in physical terms
Figure 9. Trade margin by distribution channel levels
Figure 10. Diagram of formation of the final cost of sports nutrition
Figure 11. Deviation of amino acid distributor prices from average retail prices in July 2016, %
Figure 12. Deviation of creatine distributor prices from average retail prices in August 2016, %
Figure 13. Annual dynamics of sports nutrition imports into the Russian Federation in 2010-July 2016, tons
Figure 14. Structure of sports nutrition imports by type in January - July 2016
Figure 15. Structure of imports of sports nutrition into the Russian Federation by country of origin in January-July 2016, in physical and value terms
Figure 16. Structure of imports of sports nutrition into the Russian Federation by manufacturing companies in January-July 2016, in physical and value terms
Figure 17. Structure of imports of sports nutrition into the Russian Federation by recipient companies in January-July 2016, in physical and value terms
Figure 18. Structure of sports nutrition imports by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in January-July 2016, in physical and value terms
Figure 19. Dynamics of the physical volume of GDP in market prices in the Russian Federation in 2006-July 2016, as a percentage of the previous year
Figure 20. Quarterly dynamics of real disposable cash income of the population in the Russian Federation in 2009 - the first half of 2016, as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year
Figure 21. Dynamics of nominal wages and real disposable income of the population of the Russian Federation in 2009 - the first half of 2016.
Figure 22. Structure of the population of the Russian Federation by income level in 2015, as a percentage of the total
Figure 23. Dynamics of nominal and real turnover retail in the Russian Federation in 2008 - the first half of 2016, billion rubles.
Figure 24. Structure of retail trade turnover by type of product in 2009 - the first half of 2016, in value terms
Figure 25. Dynamics of sports nutrition consumption in the Russian Federation in 2010-2016(O). and forecast until 2020, tons
Figure 26. Population involved in sports in clubs 2010 - 2015, thousand people.
Figure 27. Consumption of sports nutrition by federal districts in 2015, in physical terms
Figure 28. Balance of production and consumption in the sports nutrition market in 2010-2016 (O) and forecast until 2020, tons
Figure 29. Forecast of sports nutrition consumption in Russia within the base scenario in 2016(O)-2020, tons
Figure 30. Forecast of sports nutrition consumption in Russia under the optimistic scenario in 2016(O)-2020, tons



Table 1. Key indicators in the sports nutrition market in 2010 - 2015.
Table 2. Classification of sports nutrition according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity
Table 3. Volume and dynamics of the sports nutrition market in 2010-2016 (O) and forecast until 2020, tons (within the base development scenario)
Table 4. Main manufacturers of sports nutrition in Russia
Table 5. Investment projects in the industry with implementation period in 2015-2021.
Table 6. Markup level in the distribution channel
Table 7. Average retail price for 1 kg of protein in August 2016, including VAT
Table 8. Average retail price for 1 kg of gainer in August 2016, including VAT
Table 9. Average retail prices for amino acids for sports nutrition in August 2016, including VAT
Table 10. Retail prices for fat burners in August 2016, including VAT
Table 11. Retail prices for creatine in August 2016, including VAT
Table 12. Volume of imports of sports nutrition in 2013 - July 2016 taking into account Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan
Table 13. Volume of imports of sports nutrition by type in January-July 2016 in physical and value terms
Table 14. Dynamics of imports of sports nutrition into the Russian Federation in 2015 - July 2016, tons
Table 15. Dynamics of imports of sports nutrition into the Russian Federation in 2015 - July 2016, thousand US dollars
Table 16. Volume of imports of sports nutrition by country of origin in January-July 2016, tons
Table 17. Volume of imports of sports nutrition by country of origin in January-July 2016, thousand US dollars
Table 18. Volume of imports of sports nutrition by manufacturing companies in January-July 2016, tons
Table 19. Volume of imports of sports nutrition by manufacturing companies in January-July 2016, thousand US dollars
Table 20. Volume of imports of sports nutrition into the Russian Federation by recipient companies in January-July 2016, tons
Table 21. Volume of imports of sports nutrition into the Russian Federation by recipient companies in January-July 2016, thousand US dollars
Table 22. Volume of imports of sports nutrition by regions of receipt in the Russian Federation in January-July 2016, tons
Table 23. Volume of imports of sports nutrition by region of the Russian Federation in January-July 2016, thousand US dollars
Table 24. Evolution of the sanctions list regarding sports nutrition products
Table 25. Population involved in sports by federal districts in 2015
Table 26. Balance of production and consumption in the sports nutrition market in 2013-2016(O) and forecast until 2020, tons

Almost 24% of Russians use sports and fitness services. These are the results sociological survey, conducted by OPORA Russia.

The industry of sports and recreational services has shown serious growth in recent years, including infrastructure, Dmitry Nesvetov, a member of the board of the Moscow branch of OPORA Russia, told RG. There are offers in the field of healthy nutrition and fitness services on the market, and even in abundance. It is no coincidence that according to the results of the first two quarters of 2012, this particular business took second place after tourism. However, according to Dmitry Nesvetov, there has also been a serious reduction in demand in this segment by almost 30%.

At the same time, there is no decrease in demand for fitness services. Thus, during the New Year period, business expects an increase in the number of visits by approximately 15-20%. The problem is different: the penetration of the fitness industry in the country as a whole is at a very low level. Today, no more than 2-3% of residents of cities with a population of over a million engage in fitness, and in small towns the situation is even worse, shared Alexey Kovalev, president of the Alex Fitness holding. There are approximately 3.5 thousand clubs for 147 million people. For comparison, in the United States there are more than 30,000 clubs per 300 million people. "From the point of view investment attractiveness regional markets look more promising compared to capital markets due to greater capacity and growth dynamics,” he believes.

Today there is an intensive development of the fitness industry all over the world; in terms of growth rates, fitness is in second place after nanotechnology, said Olga Lutseva-Er, general manager research company NeoAnalytics. In Russia, the growth rate of fitness services over the past three years has been about 20-30% per year and has outpaced many leading countries in Europe and the USA in terms of growth. “The state’s participation in the development of this industry is minimal and does not in any way affect the dynamics of the Russian fitness market,” says the expert.

According to a study by NeoAnalytics, the premium class segment is the most saturated in terms of the number of fitness clubs (up to 90%). The Moscow market in this segment is characterized by strong competition among market participants. The saturation of the middle and economy class segments is much lower (about 50%). “In Russia, about 2-3% of the population is actively involved in fitness, in Moscow the figure is close to 10%. In the USA, this figure is 18%. We see that there are prospects for the development and growth of the market,” concluded Olga Lutseva-Er.

In Russia, about 2-3% of the population is actively involved in fitness, in Moscow - almost 10%. In the USA this figure reaches 18%

There are huge business opportunities in the production of environmentally friendly cosmetics, food, and even clothing, says Elena Smirnova, leading expert at Ecobureau GREENS. They are connected both with the growing demand for eco-products and with the general policy of import substitution. “There is competition in this market, but its capacity is so great that it will take several years to fill it with Russian goods. Competition exists at points of sale, both real and online. At the same time, buyers often do not know how one product differs from another , and manufacturers do not consider it necessary to give detailed explanations or promote goods and services,” she says.

The owner of the online store Ekotovary.rf, Igor Boyko, believes that today there is no need to be afraid to launch new startup projects. Demand will always be effective. "Healthy eating will always be popular among target audience", says Olga Lutseva-Er.

One of the drivers for the development of the healthy lifestyle market may be the promotion of sports and proper nutrition by the state, some experts believe.

In turn executive director ANO "National Agency for Sustainable Development" Alexander Andrianov believes that state support is not needed here, since catering- a sought-after commercial niche that a business can handle on its own. At the same time, according to him, the state should have the mission of correct and mass promotion of sports. “We need state support in the field of sports and recreational services, especially in small towns where the demand for such services has not been formed and cannot be financed by the population,” explains Alexander Andrianov.

Alexey Kovalev believes that interest in the development of sports and fitness on the part of government agencies has grown significantly in recent years. "GTO standards are returning to the country. From 2016, state standards for fitness clubs will be introduced. But there is another side to the coin. All industry representatives are confident that the creation of GOST standards for fitness is a very correct idea, but the question is different: will they help improve quality of fitness services. After all, the leading networks of the fitness industry did not take part in the development of these standards. Many of the requirements are illogical and can worsen the situation in the market not only for the owners of fitness clubs, but also for their clients,” the expert notes.


With the development of the idea of ​​import substitution for sports nutrition, new opportunities for market development are opening up.

Before the introduction of sanctions, 80% of the domestic market was occupied by imported products. “Prices for food for athletes increased by one and a half to two times, and the Russian manufacturer was on top. Thus, many domestic companies producing sports nutrition and dietary supplements increased their revenue by more than 5 times,” says Alexey Kovalev.

The size of the sports nutrition market is small - about 200-300 million dollars. Only those who are seriously involved in sports buy special nutrition.

Companies are much more interested in the healthy functional food market. In the near future, the demand for a variety of healthy soups, fortified cereals, meal replacements, and energy bars will grow significantly, experts say.

The presence of hundreds of sports nutrition brands on the market can confuse even experienced fitness trainers and experienced athletes. And taking into account the fact that every year at least one manufacturer appears, offering its own “innovative” sports nutrition formula, the choice is completely at a dead end. Counterfeit sports nutrition may not only not bring the desired effect, but also cause irreparable damage to health - cripple. There is also a practice when the composition of the components differs significantly from those declared by the manufacturer, and sometimes more than half as much as the norm. In this situation, the buyer not only overpays, but also violates the “strict diet”, does not receive the required amount of substances, or receives more than necessary - again the body suffers. There is an opinion that domestic manufacturers deceive and produce low-quality products everywhere - this is not true, because There are manufacturers with an ideal reputation who have been making high-quality products for several decades not only for amateurs, but also for professionals in sports teams of the Russian Federation. So, to help consumers choose quality sports nutrition, this rating was compiled. Only the strongest and most honest domestic and foreign manufacturers are left here.

TOP 10 best domestic sports nutrition brands:

Level UP

Opens the ranking of sports nutrition companies 2018 Level UP – successful company, which has proven itself positively on the Russian market. As stated by the manufacturer, their quality control is strict - right down to individual units of the batch. Levelup also invites everyone to see how they make future sports supplements in the city of St. Petersburg - this is written on the official website, where the manufacturer called such production “transparent.” All raw materials are certified, supplied from Europe and New Zealand, and undergo preliminary examination in our own scientific laboratory. The popular whey protein from LevelUp is 100% whey, containing 77% protein.

Do4a Lab

A young and promising sports nutrition company takes 9th place in the ranking of the best sports nutrition manufacturers in Russia. The founders of the brand are Vadim Ivanov, a famous blogger, whose project had very high traffic and popularity among amateurs and novice athletes. On his blog, Vadim shared some personal “recipes” on how to gain weight, exercises, drug reviews, incl. anabolic steroids, gave recommendations to people. Now Do4a Lab is not just a blog, but a whole line of sports products, which every day deserves more and more attention from the target audience - athletes. All Docha Lab products are made from raw materials that are imported from Germany, which, in turn, are imported to Germany from China, because... production facilities are located there. Docha Lab food is produced at the Evalar plant, the largest pharmaceutical enterprise in Russia. Over the 3 years of its existence, Daughter Lab’s products have not yet been criticized, because The company has set a course for “quality-quantity”, rather than price and markup.

Fitness Formula

Fitness Formula brand products are produced by the manufacturer of the same name, which ranks 8th in the ranking of sports nutrition manufacturers in 2018. All raw materials come to the company’s own plant from New Zealand from the Fonterra farm, and from China from the VitaJoy concern. The main principle of the Fitness formula is European quality at Russian prices. Production facilities and laboratories are located in the cultural and scientific center of Russia - St. Petersburg. The company's product range is not rich - only 7 items: BCAA, Creatine, Gainer, whey protein, beta-ecdysterone and two carnitine mixtures with different formulas. Fitness Formula Whey Premium is a popular protein complex obtained from whey concentrate, containing 76% pure proteins.


Ironman is one of the brands of the Art Modern Scientific Technologies company (hereinafter referred to as ART SNT), which ranks 7th in the ranking of sports nutrition companies in 2018. ART SNT is a very large, multi-brand player in the Russian sports nutrition market. Under the auspices of ART SNT, there are as many as 6 independent brands, including MD and Ironman, which are considered among the best in our ranking. The production facilities of ART SNT are located in the Moscow region, have their own accredited research laboratories, completely modern equipment, the environment outside is a clean area, they comply with all SES standards and even have certificates - in general, ART SNT is a real, not an underground office. Unfortunately, as the company itself states, “it does not reach European standards,” despite the fact that by Russian standards it is at the highest level. All manufactured products undergo chemical, organoleptic, microbiological compliance analysis in order to to the final consumer received a obviously full-fledged product, not compromised by any characteristics.


6th place in the ranking of sports nutrition brands of the year goes to Rline, better known in the sports nutrition market as Rem-line. Remline was founded in 2002, but due to some circumstances it was forced to rebrand in 2014, removing the EM prefix from its name. After rebranding, product quality indicators increased, new lines of sports nutrition appeared, including the “mysterious beast”, walking in online stores and on the shelves of sports markets -BCAA 8:1:1. In terms of composition, it should be “mega BCAA”, but it is not for sale on the official Rline website, which is very strange. Rline states that this series of amino acids is a limited edition, and is produced in very limited quantities. Rline brings raw materials from Europe with further processing and packaging in Russia, most likely in St. Petersburg. A popular product is Rline Whey, a whey protein concentrate whose content per serving is 67%. By the way, according to some data, Rline sports nutrition is recognized as “the most delicious.”


The legendary company takes 5th place in the 2018 sports nutrition rating. Academy-T is one of the pioneers of the domestic sports nutrition, created back in 1986 under the name NPK Agronauka, later renamed and changing the form of organization of the enterprise to CJSC Academy-T. The official date of birth of Academy-T, a company in the light of the development and production of sports products, is considered to be 1994. Academy-T products are used by Russian Olympic athletes and bodybuilders, because the company cooperates with many official teams of the Russian Federation, supplying them with its sports supplements. In addition to success in the sports arena of the Russian Federation, the company has already managed to develop and patent several innovative sports nutrition formulas, for example, BCAA complex Sportamin 6000. Over the 24 years of its existence, the academy has managed to receive many awards, including state ones. A popular supplement is considered to be just the one mentioned above, BCAA Sportamin 6000, and the gainer Sportein, the formula of which is also patented.


The MD brand belongs to the Art Modern Scientific Technologies group, which was described above. It is produced at the same factory in the Moscow region, from the same raw materials as the IronMan brand. MD is an acronym for Muscular Development. On the manufacturer’s official website you can find information about the legendary bodybuilding magazine Muscular Development, which appeared in America in the 60s, but no connection has been identified between the American magazine and Russian sports nutrition. In general, the MD brand produces high-quality and cheap products that are very popular among athletes.


Geon takes third place in the ranking the best companies sports nutrition. Geon was founded in 2006, however, at that time the company was not interested in sports nutrition, because... Geon was exclusively engaged in the supply of pharmaceuticals. The company really liked to tinker with laboratory test tubes and medical powders; subsequently, without thinking twice, the company released the first line of sports nutrition own production in a very limited edition in 2011. Resourceful buyers paid attention to the quality of the product and its composition, and subsequently began to regularly use Geon products, telling their friends in the hall what a cool powder they bought. In general, the stormy excitement around the new brand already in 2014 allowed Geon to bask in the glory. It is unknown where the company gets its raw materials, but they are of really high quality. A popular product is the Excellent MASS 5000 gainer, which contains 30 g of proteins obtained from whey concentrate and 74 g in one 120 gram serving. carbohydrates of average and below average glycemic index.


The second place in the ranking of the best sports nutrition manufacturers is occupied by the company Genetic Lab with the same brand name Geneticlab Nutrition. This is a relatively young brand that has left many “sports nutrition pioneers” behind it. Genetic Lab was founded by Russian bodybuilder Ruslan Khaletsky, who is now also successful businessman. Genetic Lab purchases raw materials from European certified companies Pharma Trading AG, Hochdorf, and Arla - Germany, Switzerland, Denmark. By the way, Arla successfully sells its products in Russia; among the assortment on the shelves you can find Arla butter, yoghurts, curds, etc. The most popular product of Genetic Lab is whey protein - Whey Pro protein concentrate in which - 78%. The quality of Genetic Lab products has documentary confirmation - certificates of conformity. So far, the company has not been subjected to negative criticism from consumers, while receiving mostly laudatory reviews.


Binapharm is the best Russian manufacturer of sports nutrition , is the founder of the Binasport brand. All Binapharma products are made from natural raw materials supplied from EU countries: France, Germany, Denmark, Austria. Binapharm has been producing sports nutrition for Russian national teams for more than 17 years. Then in 2016, Binapharm launched new product lines and carried out a “rebranding” - this is how it was born trademark Binasport, which only received best experience company, as free as possible from the shortcomings of the past. Binasport is an impressive start new history company, so to speak, with a clean slate, and a very enchanting start. Now Binasport in terms of product quality is equal to foreign brands, and in some ways even better, in terms of price-quality ratio it is clearly better. By the way, the Binasport brand has been registered in Austria since 2017, and most likely it can soon be seen on store shelves in the country. One of the most popular Binasport products is whey isolate Excellent Isowhey Protein, which surpasses even the world leader ON Whey Isolate in terms of pure protein content - 90% versus 80% of the mass fraction of pure protein isolates in the composition.

TOP 3 best imported sports nutrition brands:

Ultimate Nutrition

A relatively inexpensive brand whose products are made in the USA. Included in the TOP 3 of the world ranking of sports nutrition in 2018. Ultimate Nutrition offers a wide range of sports products: amino acids, proteins, arginines, gainers, vitamin complexes and minerals, testosterone boosters, etc. The company is actively developing new methods for producing sports nutrition, conducting molecular studies of the effect of their products on the body, and constantly improving the quality of products. Some popular products from the company:

  • Ultimate Nutrition 100% Prostar Whey Protein. Protein “energy station”, whey isolate + concentrate, containing more than 20 amino acids in the composition, and 85% protein obtained from cow's milk.
  • Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution 2600. Mega mass gainer. Contains 8 different whey proteins (isolates, concentrates, and hydrolysates). One serving contains 27% protein, 69% carbohydrates, the remaining mass fraction consists of fats and minerals.


Weider is undoubtedly one of the best sports nutrition manufacturers. Joe Weider is a sports trainer who, together with his brother, made a great contribution to the development of bodybuilding by organizing the international bodybuilding competition “Mr./Ms. Olympia”. Bodybuilding became popular precisely thanks to Vader, who was involved in publishing magazines about physical culture, publishing their training programs for the development of “muscles of steel” in them. A name known to all bodybuilders. Joe Weider was the coach of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Hollywood film actor, former governor of California, Larry Scott, the first winner of the Mr. Olympia competition, and other equally famous people. Popular Products:

  • TOTAL RUSH. Training booster – increases the natural production of testosterone, as well as reduces fatigue by increasing activity, and has a beneficial effect on muscle growth. The composition contains B, C, D, as well as beta-alanine, which pushes back the threshold of neuromuscular fatigue, caffeine - a psychostimulating "energy" (everyone knows that), Kera-Generic - a creatine-containing supplement involved in energy exchange in muscle and neurotissues.

Optimum Nutrition

The only and only participant in the world ranking of sports nutrition in 2018 (and not only 18) produced by an American company in the United States. Optimum Nutrition occupies approximately 9-10% of the entire Russian sports nutrition market share (out of 26 statistics participants!!!). The raw materials supplied to the manufacturing company ON are certified and undergo internal independent laboratory testing of each batch. Best product Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard is considered the average price for a 2.3 kg tube is 3500-4000 rubles. ON 100% Whey is a protein mixture, a “hodgepodge” of whey isolates, concentrates, and peptides of the highest purity, which is achieved thanks to modern technology ultrafiltration, ion exchange. Per 100 grams of product there are 80 grams of pure proteins containing 18 amino acids (23% of the total volume are BCAA amino acids: Leucine, Valine, Isoleucine), 10% carbohydrates and 3% fat. It is for its high quality, easy digestibility, low cholesterol level and the absence of contraindications for people with lactose intolerance that ON becomes the best sports nutrition for gaining muscle mass.

The sports nutrition market is closely related to the popularity of an active lifestyle and the share of the population who regularly engage in sports and fitness. Russia is several times inferior in this indicator developed countries. Despite this, the Russian sports nutrition market may increase by 15% in 2010 due to new consumers and increased availability of goods resulting from an increase in the number of sales points.

Key melons of the sports nutrition market

In 2010, a 15% increase in the sports nutrition market in Russia is expected

  • The number of gyms in Russia is constantly increasing and amounts to more than 70 thousand establishments
  • Only 16% of Russians regularly go in for sports, which is 4 times less than the same figure in the United States
  • By 2020, it is planned to involve up to 40 million people in sports in Russia
  • Fitness clubs and gyms account for 82% of sports nutrition sales points
  • 61% of sports nutrition consumers are people under 40 years of age.
  • 87% of those who take sports nutrition have been doing this for more than six months,
  • 65% of respondents spend 2000-3000 rubles on sports nutrition. per month

Sports nutrition is required for people who are actively involved in sports and undergo heavy physical activity. Sports nutrition includes food additives that have increased nutritional and biological value.

The sports nutrition market is closely related to the popularity of an active lifestyle and the share of the population who regularly engage in sports and fitness. Russia is several times inferior to developed countries in this indicator. According to official data, currently only 16% of Russians regularly engage in sports and physical education, while in Germany this figure is 40%, and in the United States - almost 60%. The size of the US sports nutrition market, the largest in the world, was estimated at about $22 billion in 2008 (Nutrition Business Journal), and the Russian market is currently, according to domestic experts, almost ten times smaller.

At the same time, the domestic sports nutrition market, as well as the related sports goods market, has significant potential for development and may increase several times in the coming years. According to the Federal Target Program for the Development of Sports, by 2020 it is planned to involve up to 40 million people in sports in Russia. Much depends not only on the popularization of sports, but also on the availability of places for sports and physical education. The number of gyms in Russia is constantly increasing, and in 2009 it amounted to 70 thousand establishments

Figure 1. Number of gyms in the Russian Federation, 2005-2009.

Gyms and fitness centers are the most common points of sale of sports nutrition. Thus, in Moscow, these categories accounted for more than 82% of all enterprises engaged in retail trade in sports nutrition. The remaining share belongs to retail stores sports nutrition and pharmacies.

The difficulty of assessing the volume and structure of the Russian sports nutrition market is due to the following factors:

1. High share of direct sales outside of retail, through online stores

2. Blurred market boundaries - the sports nutrition market is difficult to differentiate from the market of dietary supplements and vitamins.

In order to study the structure of the sports nutrition market and consumer preferences, as part of this study, we conducted a survey of sports nutrition consumers. The study was conducted in fitness clubs in Moscow, the results of which concluded that 61% of sports nutrition consumers are people under the age of 40. 65% indicated that they spend about 2000-3000 rubles on sports nutrition. per month

Figure 2. Duration of consumption of sports nutrition

The sports nutrition market is characterized by the presence of a certain, relatively constant circle of consumers. Only 13% of respondents consumed special nutrition and nutritional supplements for sports and health for six months or less. The consistency and frequency of consumption is due to the need to maintain good physical shape, as well as the implementation of health programs from beginning to end.

The study of the sports nutrition market conducted by Academy Service will be of interest to specialists and managers of organizations both working in this market and planning to enter it. The report data will help managers and marketing specialists plan product ranges and analyze effective sales channels.

List of tables and charts7



Technological characteristics of the study9

Purpose of the study9

Research objectives9

Object of study9

Data collection method9

Data analysis method9

Sample size and structure10

Classification and main characteristics of sports nutrition11

Key indicators of the state of the Russian market15

Sports nutrition market size15

Sports nutrition production indicators15

Trends and prospects of the sports nutrition market16

Import-export operations on the Russian market19

Import of sports nutrition to Russia19

Import of sports nutrition to Russia by product category19

Import of sports nutrition to Russia by brand21

Export of sports nutrition from Russia26

Competitive situation on the market27

Study of consumer preferences29

Profiles of leading players33

Domestic manufacturers of sports nutrition33

LLC "ART Modern Scientific Technologies"34


Foreign manufacturers of sports nutrition35




The report contains 5 tables and 8 charts.


Diagram 1. Structure of the volume of sports nutrition imports by product categories in 2012 in value terms, %20

Diagram 2 Structure of sports nutrition import volume by brand in 2011 in value terms, %.22

Diagram 3 Structure of sports nutrition import volume by brand in 2012 in value terms, %.23

Diagram 4 Structure of sports nutrition import volume by brand in 2013 (Jan-Sep) in value terms, %.25

Diagram 5. Market shares of sports nutrition brands in Russia in 2012, %28

Diagram 6. Popularity of sources of information about sports nutrition, %30

Diagram 7. Factors influencing the decision to purchase sports nutrition, %30

Diagram 8. Consumer preferences by types of sports nutrition, %31


Table 1. Volume of imports of sports nutrition into Russia by category in 2011-2013 (Jan-Sep), million $ and million rubles19

Table 2. Imports of sports nutrition into Russia in value terms by manufacturer (brand) in 2011, million $ and million rubles21

Table 3. Imports of sports nutrition into Russia in value terms by manufacturer (brand) in 2012, million $ and million rubles22

Table 4. Imports of sports nutrition to Russia in value terms, broken down by manufacturers (brands) in 2013 (Jan-Sep), million $ and million rubles24

Table 5. Volume of sports nutrition exports from Russia by category in 2011-2013 (Jan-Sep), thousand $ and thousand rubles26

The report consists of 6 chapters.

Chapter 1 contains technological characteristics research: purpose, objectives, object, methods and information base of the study.

Chapter 2 describes the structure of the sports nutrition market. Here you can find data on the product categories of the segment, their classification and characteristics.

Chapter 4 describes import and export operations on the Russian market, namely: import/export by brand and product category.

Chapter 5 examined the competitive situation in the sports nutrition market in Russia and identified the most popular brands by price segment.

Chapter 6 is devoted to the study of consumer preferences in sports nutrition.

The appendix contains profiles of major players in the segment.



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