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Easter holiday script for Sunday school children. Martha of Little Faith (script for an Easter play to be staged in a Sunday school with the participation of a younger group) Script for the miracle of Easter theater transfiguration

Alla Sadovaya
Scenario for Easter in Sunday school

Easter in Sunday school 2017 parish of the Temple in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice".

Kaliningrad region, Nivenskoye village.

Children and guests enter the hall to the music and take their seats.

Presenter: Christ Risen! I sincerely congratulate you on Holy Easter. With all my heart I wish that joy Resurrection Christ filled your heart, and the light of Divine love warmed each of you. Peacefully, calmly, confidently walk along the path destined from above, grace, good health, miracles, mercy, faith. Easter It always comes to us with spring and this is the only time when everything wakes up from sleep, from a small bug to the human soul. Let every heart be open to goodness and good deeds. Christ Risen

(word to Father).

I invite everyone to a big round dance to celebrate spring and bright Resurrection of Christ! A round dance is being performed "Spring is red".

Children read poetry:

1. Alyosha. Only in Easter sun plays like that!

The bells bring good news.

Let everything from small to large know:

Christ resurrected! Truly resurrected!

2. Roma. Miracle! Easter has arrived,

Gave people joy.

I tell my mom, lovingly:

May the Lord protect you!

Leading: Guys, all the days in our lives are divided into weekdays and holidays. Holidays are different.

Is there holidays are special: Christian.

Spring has come and the world is full of wonders!

The great one has come again, the Light One holiday!

And they will say everything again: Christ resurrected

"Truly Risen» - everyone will answer"

Easter- the most joyful of all Christians holidays.

Holy Easter is a holiday victory of life over death, good over evil.

In our classes we talked a lot about Easter holiday, about history and traditions. And now the guys will tell these stories.

Roma: One day God sent his son to earth to teach people love and kindness. But there were also such evil people who did not want to believe the son of God Jesus and killed him by hanging him on the cross on Friday (Good Friday). Jesus might not have died, but he agreed to sacrifice himself to wash away all human sins. And in Sunday he rose again - came to life. His resurrection and celebrated on Easter.

Alyosha: Throughout Easter For weeks, bells have been ringing in Rus'. On Easter for everyone, especially children, were allowed to ring bells. Anyone could climb the bell tower and ring the bell. When many bells are struck, the ringing is special, it is called trezvon. It has long been noted that ringing bells heals the soul and restores a person’s strength.

Presenter: Let us listen to beautiful music - the ringing of bells. (listening).

It is impossible to imagine a light egg without a red egg. Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Previously, everyone, young and old in Rus', stocked up on colored eggs and after Easter services gathered for festive table. And they also believed that if the egg was saved until the next Easter, then it will fulfill any desire. And the guys know the song about Easter Egg .

A song is being performed.

Educator: Where does the custom of christening with a red egg come from? Tradition says.

Arina: One of the Savior’s disciples was named Mary Magdalene. After Resurrection Christ she came to the city of Rome to Emperor Tiberius, she said to him:" Christ Risen! But the emperor did not believe her and replied that it was the same as if this white egg suddenly turned red. And then the egg turned red, and the surprised emperor exclaimed: "Truly Risen.

Presenter: Guys, the Lord loves us all, especially children, and He knows your every desire and fulfills your every dream. During our classes, we dreamed that the kindest, funniest and funniest man who lives on the roof - Carlson - would come to us. We even called him and invited him to our holiday. Do you think he will come to us? (children's answer). I also think that he is already in a hurry to our holiday. Let's see if he has already arrived? Send to the window, he’s probably already on the roof and waiting for us when we call him. (the children come to the window, look and wait for Carlson, and at this time he comes in to the music).

Presenter: Guys, look, Carlson has arrived!

Carlson. Well, what are you looking at? Let's land! You see, your strength is running out!

Presenter. So land quickly! (Carlson slows down and stops)

Carlson. Hello, girls and boys, mischief-makers and naughty girls!

Presenter. Hello, hello! But, in my opinion, you got something wrong - our children are not at all mischievous or naughty. If only just a little... Come on,

Say hello to them!

Carlson. Hello, nice kids,

Cheerful, funny,

The kids are great

Very cute!

Presenter. Now you just said hello wonderfully! We have been waiting for you, our dear!

Carlson. Yes, in front of you is the biggest mischief maker and a very cheerful, funny person! I live on the roof and often visit the kids. And I know that everyone has today holiday and you called me and invited me, and so I arrived! Christ Risen my dears!

All in unison: In Truth Risen!

Carlson. What gifts have you prepared for me?

Presenter: Our guys have a lot of wonderful and amazing gifts, here is one of them. We will now tell you poems.

Children read poetry:

3. Arina. Christ resurrected, all hopes have been resurrected.

And again people believe in miracles.

The sun is shining more joyfully than before,

And the skies sparkle blue.

Willow fluff is a symbol of rebirth.

Life has risen. Will rise again and again!

Today, on Saint's Day Sunday

Faith and Love will rise again!

4. Alyosha. We carry the blessed Easter cake from the church.

With him we bring peace and tranquility into our home.

The aroma of the Easter cake rose to heaven.

Christ will be with us! After all, for us he resurrected!

Carlson: Wonderful poems from wonderful guys. And I have gifts and surprises for you. I'm Carlson, the funniest man with a propeller. And I have been to many interesting places all over the world where I saw how all the people rejoiced at the coming of the Great Easter holiday and congratulate each other. I have a wonderful backpack that I take on my travels, would you like to see what I have in there?

Presenter: Of course, we want Carlson! Show me what you have there?

Carlson gets it Easter egg and invites the children to play. The game is being played "Relay". Children are divided into 2 teams and given a spoon. The child must carry the egg in a spoon to a certain place, return back and pass the spoon to another participant.

"Hot Egg".

For this game you will need Easter, chocolate or plastic egg. Sit the children in a circle and play music they like. While the melody is playing, you need to pass the egg around. When the music stops, the one with the egg leaves the circle. The game continues until the last player remains, who receives the winner's prize.

Presenter: What else do you have in your backpack?

Carlson takes out a bag of riddles. The game is being played "Solve a funny riddle".

He's big, huge,

Like a boulder

Trunk, two huge ears.

Well of course it is...


Small animal with a tail

Cheese finds, and then

He gnaws it in the hole.

Well of course it is...


All green, in the warm Nile

Swims in the bottom mud

Crocodile tears are shed

Evil toothy...

(Hippo / Crocodile)

A red animal lives in the forest

And in the village he steals chickens.

Dashingly hiding in a hole

The tailed rogue - ...


Digs holes underground

A small animal is blind,

Between the roots, where there is eternal darkness,

Black lives...


Annoyed by the color red

He hits the ground with his hoof,

Nostrils release steam.

A very scary beast...


Stores water for future use



Knows a lot about wild honey

Clubfoot brown...


Protect grain and rice,

we will send gray ones


Crows awake

Dear, kind... Piglet.


Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course, it's Mishka!


Who's about to fly off the flower?

Multicolored Hippopotamus!


Who moos in the stable in the morning?

I think so Keith!


Who's cooing on the balcony?

A small two-ton Elephant!


Who sleeps in a den all winter?

Blue octopuses!


Who's purring on the bed?

The mouse that ran away from Katya.


Lacy web

Woven skillfully? Pinocchio!


Barking loudly in the yard?

Old pike in a bucket!


There's a big fight in the chicken coop!

And the instigators? Two Cancers!


Glowing in the grass in the dark,

Who's hiding? Crucian carp!


Splashing in a puddle - qua-qua!

All green! Owl!


Breaking the silence in the morning,

Singing in the grove? Mouse!


Who hangs all day long

Upside down in the dark

Does it fly at night?

Long-eared hare!


Makes nests on the rock

And it flies fast!

Who can tell? On a broom

Two smart ministers!


Who is called the king of beasts,

Proud, red, like the sun?

Roars intimidatingly!

Who is this? Of course Keith!


Who is unbearably quiet

Is it crawling on a leaf? Hare!


Underground, who is digging the passage?

No other way, it's a cat!


Who said with delight - Woof!

And his tail wags!

Well, of course, Giraffe!

Everyone knows this.


Carlson: (starts to cry) Oops, I’m tired of having fun with you here. (sits on a chair). I am the most unfortunate Carlson in the world, no one loves me or feels sorry for me.

Presenter: Well, Carlson, you’re wrong, we love you very much and we’re glad that you came to us, right guys?

Carlson: Yeah, where's my Easter cake? Easter. They probably forgot that I need to eat so that I can fly and amuse all the kids.

Presenter: (pointing to the Easter cake). Not at all, and we have prepared a cake for you, just don’t get upset and don’t fly away from us.

Carlson: You are my good ones, you are my golden ones, I love you very much and appreciate your concern. Do you know how to prepare Easter cake?

Presenter: Of course we do. We all helped our mothers bake Easter cakes for holiday!

Carlson: And now I’ll check what kind of bakers you are and whether you know what Easter cakes are made of. I will tell you the products you need, and you will tell me loudly "Yes", or "No".I put cinnamon in the cake,

Honey will flow there too,

Vanillin powder

and a big bag of oats,

I'll pour some cucumbers.

And here is my grandmother

I poured flour there,

The eggs will be at the top.

Easter cake needs water,

They always put rum there

And also raisins, candied fruits,

Nails, hammers, shovels,

Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,

And also our prayer,

Salt and sugar and cement.

And the cake is ready in no time!

Carlson: Well done guys! It's fun and good with you. And I would play and dance with you for a long time. It's just time for me to fly.

Presenter: Thank you Carlson! We were very pleased to make friends with you. Guys, let's say thank you to Carlson and wish him a good trip.

Presenter: A choreographic group from Kaliningrad came to visit us with Russian dance, let's greet them with applause. (after the dance the girls will read poetry).

A song is being performed. “The birds settled in the nests”.

Upon completion tea drinking awaits everyone on the holiday.

Compiled by muses script. head Sadovaya A.N.

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Orthodox calendar

Ascension of the Lord

St. Simeon the Stylite on Divnaya Mountain (596). St. Nikita, stylite of Pereyaslav (1186). Blzh. Xenia of St. Petersburg (glorification 1988).

Mchch. Meletius Stratelates, Stephen, John, Serapion the Egyptian, Callinicus the Magus, Theodore and Faustus and with them 1218 warriors with their wives and children (c. 218). St. Vincent of Lerinsky (up to 450). Martyrs, in the Fereydan Valley (Iran) suffered by the Persians (XVII) (Georgian) (movable celebration on the day of the Ascension of the Lord).

Morning – Mark, 71 readings, XVI, 9–20. Lit. – Acts, 1st part, I, 1–12. Luke, 114, XXIV, 36–53.

At Great Vespers, “Blessed is the man” is not sung. At Matins there is magnification: “We magnify You, Life-Giving Christ, and honor the Divine Ascension into Heaven with Your Most Pure Flesh.” After the Gospel - “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ.” Catavasia “Divine veil...”. Instead of “The Most Honest,” we sing the choruses of the holiday. 1st chorus: “Glorify, my soul, Christ the Life-Giver who ascended from earth to Heaven.”

At the end of Matins and at the Liturgy, dismissal: “Who in glory has ascended from us into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of God and the Father, Christ our true God...”.

At the liturgy there are antiphons of the holiday. Entrance verse: “God rises up with a shout, the Lord with a sound of a trumpet.” Trisagion. Instead of “Worthy” - “Magnify, my soul... You are more than your mind and words....” Instead of “You have seen the True Light...” - “Thou art ascended in glory...” (before giving up).

In the evening of the holiday, Great Vespers is celebrated with an entrance and a great prokeme.

We congratulate the birthday people on Angel Day!

Icon of the day

Venerable Nikita Stylite of Pereyaslavl

Venerable Nikita Stylite

Venerable Nikita Stylite of Pereyaslavl was a native of the city of Pereyaslavl-Zalessky and was in charge of the collection of government taxes and taxes. In 1152, Prince Yuri Dolgoruky moved the city of Pereyaslavl and the stone church in the name of the All-Merciful Savior to a new location. In connection with the costs of building the city and the temple, increased collection of taxes was carried out from the city residents. Nikita, who led these collections, mercilessly robbed the residents, collecting huge sums of money for himself. This went on for many years. But the merciful Lord, who wants to save all sinners, led Nikita to repentance.

One day he came to church and heard the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Wash yourself and be clean, take away wickedness from your souls... learn to do good... deliver the offended, judge the orphan (protect the orphan) and justify the widow” (Is. 1, 16-17). Like thunder, he was shocked by these words, which penetrated into the depths of his heart. Nikita spent the whole night without sleep, remembering the words: “Wash yourself and you will be clean.” However, in the morning he decided to invite friends to forget the horrors of the past night in a cheerful conversation. The Lord again called Nikita to repentance. When the wife began to prepare dinner for treating the guests, she suddenly saw a human head, then an arm, then a leg floating up in the boiling cauldron. In horror, she called her husband, and Nikita saw the same thing. Suddenly his dormant conscience awoke in him, and Nikita clearly realized that with his extortions he was acting like a murderer. “Woe is me, I have sinned greatly! Lord, guide me on Your path!” – with these words he ran out of the house.

Three miles from Pereyaslavl there was a monastery in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Nikita, where Nikita, shocked by a terrible vision, came. With tears, he fell at the feet of the abbot: “Save the perishing soul.” Then the abbot decided to test the sincerity of his repentance and gave the first obedience: to stand at the monastery gates for three days and confess his sins to everyone passing by. With deep humility, Nikita accepted his first obedience. Three days later, the abbot remembered him and sent one monk to see what he was doing at the monastery gates. But the monk did not find Nikita in the same place, but found him lying in a swamp; he was covered with mosquitoes and midges, his body was covered in blood. Then the abbot himself and his brethren came to the voluntary sufferer and asked: “My son! what are you doing to yourself? "Father! Save the perishing soul,” answered Nikita. The abbot dressed Nikita in a hair shirt, brought him into the monastery and tonsured him as a monk.

Having accepted monastic vows with all his heart, Saint Nikita spent days and nights in prayer, singing psalms and reading the lives of holy ascetics. With the blessing of the abbot, he put heavy chains on himself and dug two deep wells at the sites of his monastic deeds. Soon the monk intensified his feat - he dug a deep round hole and there, placing a stone cap on his head, stood, like the ancient stylites, in fiery prayer. He saw only the blue sky and the night stars from the bottom of his pillar-well, and a narrow underground passage leading under the church wall - along it the Monk Nikita went to the temple for divine services.

Thus, having labored a good deed in the monastery of the Great Martyr Nikita, the Monk Nikita himself ended his life with a martyr’s death. One night, the saint’s relatives, who came to him for a blessing, were seduced by his shiny chains and crosses, mistaking them for silver, and decided to take possession of them. On the night of May 24, 1186, they dismantled the covering of the pillar, killed the ascetic, removed his crosses and chains, wrapped them in rough canvas and ran away.

Before the morning service, the sexton, who came to Saint Nikita for a blessing, discovered a dismantled roof and reported this to the abbot. The abbot and the brethren hurried to the pillar of the monk and saw the murdered saint, from whose body a fragrance emanated.

Meanwhile, the killers, stopping on the banks of the Volga River, decided to divide the loot, but were surprised to see that it was not silver, but iron, and threw the chains into the Volga. The Lord also glorified these visible signs of the saint’s secret exploits and labors. That same night, Simeon, a pious elder of the Yaroslavl monastery in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, saw three bright rays of light over the Volga. He reported this to the abbot of the monastery and the elder of the city. The council of priests and numerous townspeople who came to the river saw three crosses and chains “like a tree floating in the waters of the Volga.” With reverence and prayers, the chains were transferred to the monastery of the Great Martyr Nikita and placed on the tomb of the Monk Nikita. At the same time, healings occurred. Around 1420–1425 Saint Photius, Metropolitan of Moscow, blessed the discovery of the relics of Saint Nikita. The abbot of the monastery and the brethren performed a prayer service, then they opened the birch bark with which the incorrupt body was wrapped, but suddenly the grave was covered with earth, and the relics remained hidden. In 1511–1522 a chapel was erected in the name of St. Nikita, and in the 19th century, Archpriest A. Svirelin composed an akathist to the saint.

Troparion to St. Nikita the Stylite of Pereyaslavl

In the Orthodox sense, you have hated youthful desires/ and adopted valiant morals, you have defeated the enemy,/ and in your prudence you have pleased God,/ and from above you have received the gift of miracles from Him,/ drive away your ailments, heal your illnesses,/ Nikita is more glorious, // pray to Christ God, yes will save our souls.

Translation: Having hated youthful passions with your Orthodox mind and began to struggle courageously, you defeated the enemy, and in your zeal you pleased God, and from above you received from Him the gift of miracles: driving away demons, healing diseases. Glorious Nikita, pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion to St. Nikita the Stylite of Pereyaslavl

For the sake of Christ from your servants you endured the necessary death/ and you received the crown of incorruption from Him,/ and you grant healing to those who come with faith from your honorable grave,/ O Reverend Nikita,// Father about our souls.

Translation: For the sake of Christ, you suffered violent death from your servants and received an imperishable crown from Him, but you grant healing to those who come with faith from your revered tomb, O Venerable Nikitas, prayer book for our souls.

Prayer to St. Nikita the Stylite of Pereyaslavl

Oh, all-honorable head, like the most blessed Father, Nikita the Martyr! Do not forget your poor to the end, but always remember us in your holy and auspicious prayers to God and do not forget to visit your children. Pray for us, good father and chosen one of Christ, for you have boldness towards the Heavenly King, and do not keep silent to the Lord for us, and do not despise us, who honor you with faith and love. Remember us, the unworthy, at the Throne of the Almighty and do not stop praying for us to Christ God: for you have been given the grace to pray for us. We do not think that you are dead, even though you have passed away from us in body, but even after death you remain alive. Do not give up on us in spirit, preserving and keeping us from the arrows of the enemy and all the charms of the devil, our good intercessor and man of prayer. Even though your relics are always visible before our eyes, your holy soul with the angelic hosts, with the disembodied faces, with the heavenly powers at the Throne of the Almighty God rejoices with dignity. Knowing that you are truly alive even after death, we bow down to you, and we pray to you, and we pray for us to the Almighty God for the benefit of our souls, and ask us time for repentance and it is not forbidden to pass from earth to Heaven, and bitter ordeals, and the princes of the air, and eternal torment will be delivered from us, and the Kingdom of Heaven will be an heir with all the righteous who have pleased Him, our Lord Jesus Christ, from all eternity. To Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, together with His Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Reading the Gospel with the Church

The Holy Church reads the Gospel of John. Chapter 12, art. 19-36.

19 The Pharisees said to each other: Do you see that you do not have time to do anything? the whole world follows Him.

20 Of those who came to worship on the holiday, there were some Greeks.

21 They approached Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and asked him, saying: Master! we want to see Jesus.

22 Philip goes and tells Andrey about this; and then Andrew and Philip tell Jesus about this.

23 Jesus answered and said to them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.”

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; and if it dies, it will bear much fruit.

25 He who loves his life will destroy it; But he who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life.

26 Whoever serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there will my servant also be. And whoever serves Me, My Father will honor him.

27 My soul is now indignant; and what should I say? Father! deliver Me from this hour! But for this hour I have come.

28 Father! glorify Your name. Then a voice came from heaven: I have glorified it and will glorify it again.

29 The people stood and heard That, said: it's thunder; and others said: The angel spoke to him.

30 To this Jesus said: This voice was not for Me, but for the people.

31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the prince of this world will be cast out.

32 And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Me.

33 He said this, making it clear by what kind of death He would die.

34 The people answered Him: We have heard from the law that Christ abides forever; How then do You say that the Son of Man must be exalted? Who is this Son of Man?

35 Then Jesus said to them: For a little while yet the light is with you; walk while there is light, lest darkness overtake you: but he who walks in darkness does not know where he is going.

36 As long as the light is with you, believe in the light, that you may be sons of light. Having said this, Jesus walked away and hid from them.

(John chapter 12, 19-36.)

Cartoon calendar

Orthodox educational courses

CHRIST IS THE SOURCE OF LIVING WATER: Homily for the 5th Sunday after Easter, about the Samaritan

IN O name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

IN Today Sunday we remember the gospel conversation with the Samaritan woman. The service glorifies Christ, who, in a conversation with a woman from the village of Sychar, made it clear that the Source of living water that leads a person to eternal life is He. He who wants to quench his bodily thirst can go to a well dug in the ground, but he who wants to quench his spiritual hunger must go to Christ.

(MP3 file. Duration 09:34 min. Size 8.76 Mb)

Hieromonk Nikon (Parimanchuk)

Preparation for the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

IN section " Preparation for Baptism" site "Sunday school: on-line courses " Archpriest Andrei Fedosov, head of the department of education and catechesis of the Kinel Diocese, information has been collected that will be useful to those who are going to receive Baptism themselves, or want to baptize their child or become a godparent.

R This section consists of five cataclysmic conversations in which the content of Orthodox dogma within the framework of the Creed is revealed, the sequence and meaning of the rites performed at Baptism are explained, and answers to common questions related to this Sacrament are given. Each conversation is accompanied by additional materials, links to sources, recommended literature and Internet resources.

ABOUT course conversations are presented in the form of texts, audio files and videos.

Course topics:

    • Conversation No. 1 Preliminary concepts
    • Conversation No. 2 Sacred Bible story
    • Conversation No. 3 Church of Christ
    • Conversation No. 4 Christian morality
    • Conversation No. 5 The Sacrament of Holy Baptism


    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Orthodox calendar

Reading the lives of saints by Dmitry of Rostov for every day

Latest Posts

Radio "Vera"

Radio "VERA" is a new radio station that talks about the eternal truths of the Orthodox faith.

TV channel Tsargrad: Orthodoxy


Scenario of the Easter party for kindergarten and elementary school.



Bogatyr Alyosha

Bogatyr Nikita

Bogatyr Dobrynya


Donkey Moses






Bremen Town Musicians


The prince sits at the table with a bored look.

Kolyvan approaches. What are you missing, prince? Treat yourself to some gingerbread.

Prince. I don't want to spoil my appetite before lunch. I'm bored.

Kolyvan. If you don't want gingerbread, treat yourself to an egg. An egg for Christ's Day is expensive these days.

Prince. Are you going to sell me an egg from my chicken coop? And why is it red? I don't want that color!

Kolyvan. No, prince, that’s just what they say. So, eggs are always made red for Easter.

Prince. Who does it? Why don't I know?

Kolyvan. Well, I don't know. This is customary for Easter.

Prince. I did not accept such a decree. Who gave the orders?

Kolyvan. Yes, they said that even before you were born. If you want, let's ask Yuliy, he's in charge of our library.

Prince. Julius is resting at sea, but I sent him on vacation after Shamakhi, otherwise he suffered from fear.

Kolyvan. Then let's send the heroes, let them find out everything.

(announced over loudspeaker):

The heroes Dobrynya, Ilya, Alyosha are summoned to the prince. I repeat: the heroes Dobrynya, Ilya, Alyosha are summoned to the prince.

The heroes appear.

Alyosha. Why did the prince call?

Dobrynya. Did the adversaries attack?

Ilya. Have the dark forces prevailed?

Alyosha. Or did someone cast a spell again?

Prince. - No. This is a matter of national importance. Why do they make eggs red for Easter?

We don't know. (in chorus)

Prince.- If you don’t know, find out. Here is my princely command.

The prince and Kolyvan leave. And the heroes stand confused:

Alyosha. Where will we find out?

Dobrynya. We need to ask our wives. They are the smartest.

Ilya. They sing, they go on tour in the evening to Far Far Away. Let's go quickly.

Three high school girls appear on stage and sing the song “We Sat on the Golden Porch.”

Ilya. Alyonushka, Nastasyushka, Lyubava, help me out. The prince set the task. Why a red egg for Christ's Day?

Nastasya. We don't know. Here we need to think...

Alena. Wait, my friend, Cinderella, maybe she knows, says Alyonushka, I wrote an article about her.

Dobrynya.- How will we find the way to her?

Lyubava. And we will give you a guiding ball, it will show you the way anywhere.

A ball is thrown, music sounds, the scenery changes. Cinderella appears and sings the song “At least Believe It.”

But yesterday I dreamed
It's like a prince came running after me,
On a silver horse.
And the dancers greeted us,
Drummer and trumpeter
48 conductors
And one gray-haired violinist.

At least believe it, at least check it,
It was a wonderful ball
And the artist on the cuff
He drew my portrait.
And the famous sage said,
That there is no one sweeter than me,
The composer sang songs to me,
And the poet composed poems.

At least believe it, at least check it,
So I danced a quadrille,
What are 13 gentlemen
We couldn't catch our breath.
And the orchestra was on fire,
And all the people laughed
Because on the piano
The king himself played the gavotte.

At least believe it, at least check it,
I was spinning like a top
And that's probably why
I lost my shoe.
And when my dream melted away,
Like night clouds
They stood on my window,
Two crystal slippers.

Alyosha. Hello, beautiful maiden, Cinderella. Alyonushka, your friend, sent us from Kyiv. We cannot answer the question: why is there a red egg for Christ’s Day?

Cinderella. Hmm, you're doing a difficult job. But I don't know the answer. Maybe my friends, the Bremen Town Musicians will help you?

Cinderella. They are currently on tour in Munich. But it takes a long time to ride horses, I’ll give you my official car now (the children’s car drives out).

The scenery is changing. Musicians come out and sing the song of the Bremen Town Musicians.

There is nothing better in the world
What to do with friends wandering around the world
Those who are friendly are not afraid of worries
Any roads are dear to us
Any roads are dear to us
La la la la la la

We will not forget our calling
We bring laughter and joy to people
The palaces offer us tempting vaults
Freedom will never be replaced
Freedom will never be replaced
La la la la la la
La la la la la la la la she she she she she
Our carpet is a flower meadow
Our walls are giant pine trees
Our roof is a blue sky

Our happiness is to live such a fate
La la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la
La la la she she she she she

Ilya. Brothers, tell me, the prince asked a question: why a red egg for Christ’s Day?

Troubadour. Well, prince, here you are. Even our king doesn’t know such questions, much less the answer. You need to contact the head of the World Library, Dunno. He became smart after he returned from the moon. Go to him.

The scenery changes, Dunno comes out and sings a song.

There are many unexplored countries

Some of it is true, and some of it is deception.

And nothing is known, but it’s still interesting.

Let's say there is ice and snow in the north,

There the blizzard does not subside for a whole year,

There on the drifting ice floes

You can see a penguin.

But unknown, but unknown

It seems like a lot of books have been written

But how dry and fresh.

How interesting, how interesting

Where they rose to the skies

Mountains and forest.

Somewhere in the jungle between the vines

A large baboon jumps along the branches,

Big peacocks walk

Hippos from the mud are watching.

Let's say there are sands and sands in the desert,

You might as well die of boredom.

And somewhere the oceans are seething

Distant, distant countries...

How interesting, how interesting,

But unknown, but unknown,

It seems like a lot of books have been written,

But how dry and fresh

How interesting, how interesting.

If only I could get to this place,

Where they rose to the skies

Mountains and forest.

Dobrynya. Hello, Dunno. They say you have become the smartest. Tell us the answer to the question.

Ilya. Why a red egg for Christ's Day?

Dunno. Brothers, I have never heard of this. This needs to be addressed to someone smarter.

Thumbelina may know. You need to contact her.

The scenery is changing. Thumbelina appears and sings a song.

The flower opened and she entered

I'm in this world now.

And the scent of a flower.

Chorus: Sings, sings, and breathes all around.

How bright is the light

It's warm and wonderful.

I will drink flower nectar,

I'll wash myself with their dew

And to the warm rays of the sun

I'll extend my hand.


I want to sing and dance

Flutter like a moth

Open up to everyone, find out everything

And joy and warmth.


Ilya. Dear beauty, tell me why there is a red egg for Christ’s Day?

Thumbelina. Well, I can give you the answer to this question. This is a parable. I'll tell you about it now.

At this time, in Kyiv.

Prince. Moses! Moses! Deaf, or what? Look, Julius sent me a letter from vacation.

Moses. This is not a letter, this is a video message.

Prince. What's there?

Moses. Signed, look how the seagulls dance over the sea wave.

Prince. Well, open it up, let's take a look.

Dance number "The Seagulls".

Moses. Beautiful. Maybe we’ll also go on vacation as soon as we find out why an egg for Christ’s Day is so expensive...

Prince. Boring.

Kolyvan. Maybe you can have lunch, prince?

Prince. Did the heroes call?

Kolyvan. No, sir, the pigeon mail only reported that they were last seen in Munich.

Prince. In Munich?! Did they, instead of the prince’s command, decide to rest? So I’ll show them when to return, I’ll send them to the farthest outpost.

Kolyvan. It's about time, it's long overdue. Maybe in lotto? One or two?

Prince. Are you back to your old ways again? (shows fist), look at me. Let's sing something better, or dance?

Kolyvan.- Yes, I don’t know how to sing, bright prince, and I don’t know how to dance.

Prince. And who can?

Kolyvan. Who-who, wives of heroes. They are our stars. They are going on tour in the evening. Let me call you before we leave?

Prince. Well, come on, at least somehow the time will pass faster.

The wives of the heroes come out and sing the song “There was a birch tree in the field.”

The heroes appear.

Prince. Well, they finally showed up. Have you rested? Have you sunbathed? “But they carried out the prince’s decree,” the Prince asks displeasedly.

Alyosha. Done, prince. It was easier to defeat Tugarin than to find the answer to your question.

Prince. Well, tell me.

Alyosha. Before Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, He told His disciples to go into all the world and preach the Gospel - what He taught them. Mary Magdalene also went to preach Christ. She was the first to know that Jesus Christ had risen when early in the morning she came to the tomb of the Lord to anoint His wounded body with myrrh (fragrant oil). But she found a huge stone rolled away from the tomb, and the Angel who was there told her that Christ had risen!

Ilya. Having come to Rome with the preaching of the Gospel, Mary Magdalene appeared before the Emperor Tiberius and, presenting him with an egg, as a symbol of immortality, said: “Christ is risen!” The emperor was surprised and said:

How can anyone rise from the dead! It's hard to believe. It's as hard as believing that this white egg will turn red!

And while he was still talking, the testicle began to change color: it turned pink, darkened and, finally, became bright red!

Dobrynya. Following the example of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, we now give each other red eggs for Easter, confessing two events: the life-giving death of the Lord and His glorious Resurrection.

At Easter, it is customary to give gifts, “confess Christ”, and congratulate on the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ.

The priest presents gifts to students in grades 1-4 and kindergarten.

High school students perform the song “Miracle.”

Christ is Risen! - the sun is playing,
Christ is Risen! - the leaves rustle,
Christ is Risen! - exclaims loudly
From the pulpit, Father, sacred words.
They contain the joy of life, the denial of death,
Our hope, faith and love,
In them is the united voice of the Orthodox Church,
And it sounds all over Russia again.
Christ is Risen! - Happy Easter,
Christ is Risen! - the heart sings a song,
Christ is Risen! - even children know:
Christ is Risen and calls us to the Kingdom of God!


Joy from earth to heaven:
He is risen! Truly risen!
He has risen... And this is the Resurrection
Grants us eternal salvation!

At dawn this morning Jesus rose again
Glorify, children, the Lord of heaven!
There is no Christ in the tomb, the seal is broken,
And the birds chirp - how can we remain silent?!
The conqueror of death brought us joy.
Praise God, children, Jesus Christ is alive!


Where are you going?

We are going to church for Easter service!

And did you feel like jostling around churches on Sunday?

So, after all, Sunday is called Sunday because the Savior was resurrected on this day. Easter is the biggest event, the great Resurrection. If you don’t go to church on this day, it means you’re missing out on the most important thing!

Let's go too, Vanya, I like to light candles in the Church. Their lights are so warm and intimate. When I light a candle, I am always both happy and sad. I even sigh.

This is because the candle is a small sacrifice.

What about the big sacrifice? When do they give a lot of money?

And the great sacrifice is the one that the Lord brought for all the sins of the world.

And what did He bring?

Yourself. He died a painful death on the Cross.

He walked resignedly along the thorny road,
He joyfully met both death and shame;
The lips that spoke the teaching of strict truth,
They did not utter a reproach to the mocking crowd.

He walked resignedly and, crucified on the cross,
He bequeathed freedom and love to the peoples;
For this sinful world, covered in darkness,
His holy Blood was shed for his neighbor.

And again there are three crosses before my eyes...
Here is the execution and the cry of the crowd and executioners
And the Romans laugh and whips whistle
And the hands of the pierced Christ...

Those hands that recently healed
Who blessed the children
And they distributed bread to hungry people,
Today they were pierced and crucified.

"Calvary" Larisa Zuikova

Is it worth being God if you get killed?

You are reasoning like a human being, and a person usually loves himself more than others.

Here you are, baptized. Wear crosses. Why?

I have a gold cross, it’s beautiful.

But my grandmother forces me. He says that without the cross I will completely get away with it.

And our Lord carried His cross across the whole city on his shoulders, and my Saint Simon helped him. And your holy John the Theologian and your holy Mary Magdalene stood at the Cross and mourned Christ.

And what did your saint, Nastya, do?

My saint became famous later, but my name translated from Greek means “resurrected.”

Perhaps you and I will go too.

Just be sure to go around the temple with candles!

Of course, let's go! And in the morning, if you don’t fall asleep, watch the sun play and rejoice in the Resurrection!

The sun woke up early, its ray wanders across the meadow.
When we leave the temple, we kiss each other three times.

On Easter we remember the Lord’s commandment again:
Harmony, peace and affection, and love for our loved ones.



Granddaughter, call your brother quickly,
Yes, roll up your sleeves higher -
We will make Easter cake.

If only he would come out!

If only he would come out!

Anything - study, work
Is it a spiritual, external battle?
We, trusting in God's bounties,
What do we start with?

Humble prayer!

That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to our aid!
Our labors for the table of love.

Lord our God, bless!

Although this white flour is pure,
Still, sift it through a sieve, granddaughter!

There are a lot of different impurities here, grandma,
Small lumps, specks hidden.

Confession to us from sins and temptations
Cleans thoughts like a good sieve.
A repentant sinner is dearer to God,
Let creation fall to the Creator.
Let us liken our heart to oil,
Covering everything with deep humility.

Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
We will generously put it in the cake without fear...

But he will never rise
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are an empty chimera,
If love is not accompanied by faith.

The dough is made with intelligence and dexterity,

Let's finish the job in a hot oven,

Here is our Easter cake on a festive platter -

Happy Easter to you, good people!


What is this?

I'll bet whatever you want that it's Vanya calling!

I don’t understand anything, how did he get to the bell tower?

According to the old Russian custom, throughout the Easter week, any good Christian could go to the bell tower and ring the bells in honor of the great holiday.

But he doesn’t know how.

SEMYON Your heart will tell you. Look how joyfully and loudly he comes out.

Christ is Risen! And singing flows like a rolling wave from the heavens.
The sorrowful unrest has disappeared... Holy night - Christ is Risen!
It’s still dark, but the ray of the east has gilded the dormant forest...
Streams of stream are flowing... Truly Christ is Risen!
Oh this wondrous phenomenon - the holy Miracle of miracles:
Hell has been destroyed by the Cross and the Light of Resurrection: Christ is Risen!
As soon as the preponderance of Light was achieved over the sinful darkness -
Once again a wave swept through: TRULY IS RISEN!


Easter holiday script for Sunday school children. 16.04.2017.

The Easter troparion sounds


1) Christ is risen! The starlings are singing.
And, awakening, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring streams run
And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
Chained in winter.
The dark forest is still thoughtful,
But believing the happiness of awakening,
Wake up! Sing the song of Sunday -
Christ is risen!

All: Truly risen!

Leading: Christ is risen! What heavenly, bright joy these words sound and, like the ringing of a bell, echo in every Christian soul.

The myrrh-bearers come out.


Fog and dawn over the half-asleep land,
Women walked along the slopes.
And a fragrant jug with amber oil
They carried it to the Holy Sepulcher.

First Myrrh-Bearer:

From our thoughts, from the severity of loss
Rows of wrinkles lay on the pale forehead;
And we carry aromas in vessels,
As a tribute of love, to the Teacher on the coffin...

Second Myrrh-Bearer:

Christ prayed, bloody sweat
He fled from his drooping brow,
For the human race, for the evil generation
Christ sent prayers!

Third Myrrh-Bearer:

Fire of Holy Inspiration
Sparkled in the features of His face!
Suffered mortal torment
And the pain of the crown of thorns!

Fourth Myrrh-Bearer:

Who will help us with a big stone

Move back, closing the cave?

To pour out our grief with tears at the grave,

Strengthen your weakened faith!


Don't be afraid! Lords of Christ
Were you looking for the Crucified Body?!
The Savior has risen from the grave!

Announce this to everyone boldly!

Fear not, the heavens are now rejoicing!
Open your previously closed lips!
Proclaim the meaning of the good news to everyone!
The Savior did not die, our Lord lives!

Whether you are a warrior, a publican, a Jew or a Greek,
Any person will find salvation in Him!
I proclaim joy from heaven to everyone,
Jesus, your Savior, is risen today!

Third Myrrh-Bearer:

We will spread the news to the ends of the earth:
We will live forever! We too will rise again!
Take faith, accept it quickly!
Jesus of Nazareth invites everyone!

Myrrh-Bearers (line by line):

Christ is risen! And from dawn
The shadow of the long night is thinning!
For us it lit up above the earth
For a new life - a new day!


Listen, earth and circle of heaven:

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

****************Easter bells ************

Presenter: Since ancient times, people have painted eggs for Easter, baked Easter cakes, and prepared Easter cottage cheese.


Granddaughter, quickly call your brothers,
Yes, roll up your sleeves higher -
We will bake Easter cake!

Granddaughter: If only he would come out!

Grandson: If only he would come out!


Any kind of work: such work,
Is it a spiritual, external battle...
We, trusting in God's bounties,
What do we start with?

Grandchildren: Humble prayer!


That's right, guys! Let's ask God
Angelic help to our aid!
Our labors for the meal of love!

Together: Lord our God, bless!


Although this white flour is pure,
Still, sift it through a sieve, granddaughter!


There are a lot of impurities here, grandma,
Small lumps, hidden specks!


Confession to us from sins and temptations
Cleanses thoughts like a good sieve!

A repentant sinner is dearer to God,
Let creation fall to the Creator!
Let us liken our heart to oil,
Covering everything with deep humility...


Butter and eggs, raisins, cardamom -
We'll put it generously into the cake without fear!


But he will never rise
If there is no good leaven in it!
Our thoughts are an empty idea,
If love is not accompanied by faith!

Granddaughter: the dough is made with intelligence and dexterity!

Grandson: Let's finish it off in a hot oven!
Grandmother: Here is our Easter cake on a festive platter!

Together: Happy Easter to you, good people!

Eldest grandson:

Just yesterday I was sad that we had been fasting for so long...

But the pile of fresh Easter on the table is already turning white!

The house smells like Easter cakes, mom’s kitchen is clean!

Soon, soon we will go to meet Christ with candles!!!

We will walk in pitch darkness, covering the light with our hand!

And let us flow like a human river for unearthly joy!

Having pulled back the darkness of the curtain, we will hear - there is no death!

The Lord lives! “Christ is Risen!” and “Truly!” in response!


The holiday of the Lord is Easter!

People were at the Vigil today.

The ringing of bells can be heard everywhere!

Happy holiday on our land!

Holidays celebration! Believe and glory!

Send your prayer to God in heaven!

Runs ingirlsAnd with the BIBLE IN HANDS
I know for sure - He has risen! And I know firsthand. I read about this in a wonderful book, In which there are many miracles. But this miracle, I tell you, is within the power of God alone. After all, only God Jesus Christ suffered for us and suffered death. But having shown love the teaching, Christ was resurrected! And Sunday - This is a miracle of miracles. I know for sure, He has risen!

There's a song playing "The bells are ringing, they are ringing"

(A boy and a girl enter with a basket of eggs)

Birds singing outside the window!
Today is a holiday - Sunday! (M)
Resurrection of the Lord! (D)
That's why we have today
There is a Easter cake on the table.
Next to him is a mountain of testicles (placed)
Red, yellow, blue,
Both with a pattern and simple ones
In a brand new basket.
My dear sister and I
They came to the temple to bless them.
We will treat you on Easter
All neighbors and friends! (points to the hall)
Come visit us soon! (bows to everyone at the waist)

Let's sing the Easter troparion:(light all the candles)
Your Resurrection, O Christ the Savior,
Angels sing in heaven
And vouchsafe us to earth
Glory to you with a pure heart!

It was a long time ago

Great-grandmother said

Like Mary Magdalene

She gave the egg to the king.

It was all white, It was all round.

She brought it, gave it,

“Christ is Risen,” she said.

And Tiberius accepted,

Didn't reject the gift

He said: “I will believe,

If I see a miracle myself.”

He held an egg in his hands,

I thought to myself:

"Let the testicle turn red

On Sunday - I will believe."

The egg seemed to hear


In Tiberius's hands,

There was horror in his eyes.

“What a miracle!

What a miracle!

I won't argue with you.

This is a miracle of miracles!

Christ is truly risen!”

Video “Mary Magdalene and Tiberius” song by Svetlana Kopylova


Children read poetry:

1) The news flies to all ends:
The messenger angels are trumpeting,
In the heavens they sing of Christ:
He has risen from corruption!
This is not fiction, not a fairy tale,
The main holiday is our Easter!

2) Resurrection of Christ! Everyone is full of love and affection.

We have come here now to celebrate Easter.

3) A song began to sound in my heart, Red Easter has come!

A field, a river, a forest whispers: “Rejoice, Christ is risen!”

Today the miracle of miracles pleases and amuses!

Evil and grief have receded - Jesus Christ has risen!

4)Who is so great in this world,
Whose glory is higher than the stars?
Without doubting for a moment,
We say: (together) Christ

Who in the world has no equal?
Who brought light to the world?
Who is the king of kings: One answer!
So who is He? (together) Christ

Who voluntarily went to the cross
And He Himself bore His own cross?
Who was crucified and then resurrected?
Of course (together) Christ

Whose Father is in heaven
Divinely exalted?
Who and today are miracles
Shows us? (together) Christ

5) People are brothers! Arrived
Great day, day of salvation!
Bright Holiday of Sunday,
God of Truth! God of Powers!

Girl: Christ is Risen!
All. Truly Risen!



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