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Seminar "Planning and Budgeting for Financiers". Management accounting and budgeting system Advanced training course program budgeting

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Financial planning and budgeting at an enterprise sets the direction of development and determines the need for financial resources for the long and short term. The budget must be balanced at the start and successfully implemented. How to do this?

Alpha Business School offers to attend the seminar “Planning and Budgeting for Financiers,” which intelligently combines theory with practical examples.

The course “Planning and Budgeting for Financiers” reveals the relationship between strategic and operational planning, explains the technologies and procedures of financial modeling and budgeting.

The seminar “Planning and Budgeting for Financiers” will give participants knowledge and a set of practical tools on the following issues:

How to build a budget management system? How to link strategic and operational goals? How to develop a consolidated budget for a production or trading company? How to develop budget regulations? How to create an effective budget execution control system? How to draw conclusions when analyzing deviations from the budget? How to automate budgeting procedures?

Target Audience

The course “Planning and Budgeting for Financiers” is designed for managers and employees of the financial and economic department.

Objectives of the seminar “Planning and Budgeting for Financiers”

  • Trace the relationship between the company's strategy and goals, the motivation system and performance indicators, planning tools and management decisions;
  • Provide practical skills in drawing up financial models and master budgets;
  • Study the procedures for monitoring and analyzing budget execution;
  • Study the procedures and documents required in the budget process;
  • Discuss the principles of budgeting automation;
  • Analyze common mistakes when budgeting.

Seminar program

"Planning and budgeting for financiers"

  • Functions and procedures of the budgeting system.
  • How to plan the company's activities.
  • Management accounting and budgeting.
  • Financial structure. Financial responsibility centers, functional centers.
  • Motivation system. KPI and system balanced scorecards(BSC).
  • Budget model. Technology for drawing up a consolidated budget. Estimates.
  • How to forecast income.
  • How to develop budget regulations.
  • Budget control and procedures.
  • How to manage financial risks.
  • Analysis of budget execution. Types of analysis.
  • When to use process budgeting (ABB).
  • Features of project budgeting.
  • How to choose a program and automate budgeting procedures.
  • Common mistakes building a budgeting system.


    Construction of a financial model (income and expense plan, cash flow plan by indirect method and forecast balance).

    Income planning technique.

    Drawing up a budget for a trading company in the Central Federal District (budget of income and expenses, BDDS using the direct method and forecast balance).

    Drawing up production budgets, income and expenses of a production company.

    Analysis of budget execution.

    Multilevel analysis of budget variances.

    Studying the company's budget regulations (procedures, forms to fill out).

Teaching Methodology

  • Training combines modern theory And practical examples leading companies;
  • The seminar uses advanced international experience and knowledge of high-level teachers with great practical experience;
  • Seminar participants discuss questions from their own practice with the teacher to better understand budgeting techniques in their enterprise;
  • The seminar is accompanied by special materials and templates for further use by participants in their work.

Course teacher: Uvarova Alla Alexandrovna. 20 years of experience in finance, including financial director of leading Russian companies- 8 years.

Course duration: 2 days, or 16 academic hours

Time and place: from 9-00 to 16-30.

Moscow, metro station "Elektrozavodskaya", Rubtsovskaya embankment, building 3, building 1, floor 9

Price: 28,000 rubles.

Discounts and promotions : Discounts are cumulative. When paying 30 days in advance - 20% discount

With the participation of two listeners from one company - Participation of the third is a gift!

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Reviews about the seminar:

“I liked the organization and productivity of the seminar, the structure and conciseness of the theoretical information. I really liked the practical tasks. Many thanks to you for your professionalism and attention to our problems,” Natalya Sergeevna Kolesova, Deputy Head of the PEO of the Yakut diamond trading enterprise AK ALROSA (OJSC), Yakutsk.

“I liked the clear structure of the seminar for the concept of planning and budgeting, both in general and in individual elements,” - Olga Vladimirovna Puchkova, economist, Diana-Trade LLC, Moscow.

“The topic of planning and budgeting is covered quite fully. It was interesting to independently prepare a forecast profit and loss report and especially a forecast balance sheet,” - Vladimir Breslavsky, Deputy Director for Economics and Finance, Mnogovershinnoe CJSC, Khabarovsk Territory.

“I liked that in 2 days we gained knowledge that, I hope, will help us begin the budgeting process. Were considered specific examples budget calculations that can be used in our practice,” Natalya Bronislavovna Pak, Financial Director, TKF Korpas LLC, Moscow.

“I liked the teaching methodology, the accessible presentation of the material, the useful methodological manuals, which I hope will help in future work. It was interesting to try to prepare a forecast balance sheet yourself. The seminar allowed me to study the documents and procedures of the budget process, to understand the goals of the budgeting system as a whole in the organization in which I work,” - Irina Gennadievna Metelkina, Fin. controller of SGM LLC, Moscow.

“Our company is young, for us the seminar is useful information on organizing budgeting and planning at the formation stage. The seminar showed that we are on the right path. We will definitely use the knowledge gained,” Olga Valentinovna Zhukova, deputy. boss finance department JSC "Experimental Production", Moscow.

The combination of planning technology (strategic and budgetary) with a clear organization of the company’s activities gives a noticeable effect in the form of resource savings, predictability and controllability in general.

The course is devoted to an in-depth study of budgeting issues and financial planning. On it you:

  • gain skills in budget planning and accounting strategic guidelines in budgets, drawing up a corporate business plan;
  • master analytical tools that will allow you to predict the future financial condition company, plan financial flows, take correct financial and management decisions;
  • You will practice solving practical problems and analyzing specific business situations (cases) based on real consulting projects.

Warp training course– budgeting methodology and description of the annual budget process in the form of a sequence of steps. Under the guidance of experts, you adapt the information to your organization and, having received all the necessary teaching materials, easily apply the knowledge in your company.

Bonus for every participant!
1.5-hour consultation with Mikhail Serov and Eduard Ivanchenko. You can register with your manager.

Purpose of the course

Increase the efficiency of company management through competent planning and budgeting.

The course is intended for:

  • heads of financial services and their deputies;
  • heads of enterprises; heads of budget committees and budget departments, planning and economic departments;
  • analysts and planners; general directors;
  • directors for development and strategic planning.

On the course you will learn:

  • what should be the correct system of budgetary management of a company;
  • how the use of budgeting helps achieve the organization's strategic goals;
  • how to determine strategic financial parameters of activity and standards for monitoring their implementation;
  • what budgeting looks like in a business process format;
  • what are the main goals and objectives of budgeting;
  • what are the methodologies and technologies for developing budgets;
  • what are the technologies for organizing the budget process;
  • how to draw up and consolidate budgets at all levels;
  • how to use historical data to develop budgets;
  • how financial budgets are linked to purchasing, production and distribution decisions;
  • how to correctly distribute responsibility for the formation, coordination and execution of budgets within the financial structure of the company;
  • how to create and apply budget regulations and budgeting regulations.
  • base material – 50%;
  • training, problem solving – 35%;
  • practical consultations, answers to questions – 15%.

Course program


  • Sequence of steps: strategy – plan – budget – linking strategy and plans – calculation of future value – adjustments and optimization.
  • The basis for success: methodology (catalog of information on budgeting) + description of the annual budgeting process in the form of a sequence of steps.
  • Case: developing the structure of a budgeting methodology in your organization.
  • How does the accuracy of budgets depend on the accuracy of forecasts and sales plans?
  • Budget committee: functions and responsibilities.
  • Financial structure of the organization. Formation of Financial Responsibility Centers.
  • Strategic goals in budgets: business efficiency, increasing competitiveness, cost of the organization (business), taking into account the interests of shareholders and owners.
  • Allocation of resources when drawing up budgets. Resource exchange model.
  • How should the process of drawing up a forecast and sales plan be organized?
  • Budgeting as the main method of cost control.
  • Managerial struggle in resource allocation during budgeting.
  • The main difficulties and difficulties in executing budgets.


  • Organizational structure financial service and the budgeting process.
  • The main characters in the company, their interests, qualifications, knowledge and skills. Directors and shareholders (owners), financial director, PEO.
  • Interaction general director, financial director, chief accountant and treasurer in effective budgeting.
  • Interaction between structural divisions, the procedure for resolving conflicts.


Translating financial strategy into budgets

  • Financial strategy as a model for enterprise financial management. Connection with general strategy and strategic indicators.
  • Financial forecasting and modeling as the basis for strategic decisions.
  • Investment strategy of the enterprise as part financial strategy.
  • How is budgeting related to strategic goals in business?
  • Transformation of financial strategy indicators into budget goals and parameters.

Forecasts and planning scenarios

  • Five main goals of budgeting.
  • Budgets and financial forecasting: how to “plot a route” in business.
  • Pre-budget preparation – scenario analysis of the future.
  • Business forecasting in the “as is” and “as will be” model format.

Budgeting as a function of integrated enterprise management

  • General (“master”) budget of the company: composition and sequence of development.
  • Principles for developing the structure of budgets and its individual components (operational, investment, financial, consolidated budgets).
  • Features of planning sales, production, costs, inventories, purchases.
  • Flexible, floating, dynamic, fixed budgets.
  • Methods for estimating and forecasting sales volumes and income. Active and passive management of business profitability.
  • Connections between different budgets.
  • Planning of consolidated budgets (budget of income and expenses, cash flow budget, forecast balance). What is the procedure for balancing a budget?

Types of budgets and their preparation

  • Classification and types of budgets. Operating and financial budgets.
  • Cash Flow Budget: how to create and use.
  • Budget of Income and Expenses: cost structure and types of profit.
  • Budget classifier: main classifier of articles management accounting and planning.
  • Forecast management balance.

Cash flow budget: forecasting and solvency management

  • Construction effective system cash flow management.
  • Forecasting cash inflows. Forecasting cash expenditures. Optimization of cash flows in the short and long term.
  • Algorithm for the treasury (financial department with treasury functions).
  • Formation and control of compiled payment registers.
  • Payment calendar and operational cash plan as tools for operational cash management.
  • Anticipation of cash gaps, ranking of payment transactions.
  • Account balance management. Calculation of the optimal cash balance.
  • The company's reserve fund as the main risk management tool. Creation and management of reserves.
  • Typical mistakes when compiling BDDS.

Budget of Income and Expenses: forecasting and profitability management

  • Methodology for constructing a BDD. Sequence of steps for compiling a BDR. Rationing of costs within the framework of budget management.
  • Operating budgets: sales, inventory, production, material and labor costs, manufacturing overhead, administrative and selling expenses.
  • Assembling the BDR from operating budgets.
  • Structural analysis of the budget of income and expenses.
  • Strategic management costs through budgets.

Forecast management balance

  • Forecasting and managing property turnover and liquidity.
  • Layout of the forecasted management balance sheet based on operating budget data.
  • Analysis and adjustment of the compiled balance sheet.

Financial analysis of budget quality

  • Control of basic financial indicators according to budgets. What to compare the indicators with?
  • Standardization of budget indicators.
  • Trend analysis by combining facts for 5 years and budgets for 3 years in advance.

Architecture of the budget system: regulations, objects, reports

  • Budget regulations, distribution of functions, order of interaction.
  • Financial structure of the company: financial centers and their managers.
  • Types of financial responsibility and accounting centers (FRC and CFU).
  • Managing a company through responsibility centers - problems and advantages.
  • Development of a system of planned and control indicators for the Central Federal District.
  • What are the main problems and mistakes when introducing and implementing budget management in a company?


Financial control and budget execution

  • Monitoring the implementation of budgets: treasury and plan-actual control.
  • Checkpoints for analysis and verification of major budgets and reports.
  • Audit of the existing budgeting system.
  • How to improve the budgeting system in an organization?
  • Implementation of effective budgeting and control in the organization.


  • Assessing financial risks using a budgeting system.
  • Formation of financial reserves (funds). How is it done in developed countries?
  • Monitoring and analysis of the state of budgets from the point of view of risk management.


  • Forecast and sales plan.
  • Preparation and analysis of data to build a forecast.
  • What are typical indicators for forecasting?
  • An example of a set of indicators in a regional context.
  • Analytical cross-section by sales channels.
  • Section by product attribute.
  • Analysis: profit dynamics compared to the same period last year.
  • Information panel "Plan/actual".
  • Cleaning and preparation of statistical data.
  • Constructing a forecast for cases when the business is not related to product items, but, for example, to services.
  • An example of calculating a sales plan using a multifactor model.


  • Determining the level of complexity and scale of business processes.
  • Analysis of typical problems and errors Russian enterprises when implementing budgeting.
  • Automation goals. What can you really achieve from automation?
  • Experience in budgeting automation: organizational and psychological aspects.
  • Review of business automation systems. Integration with automation systems for financial management accounting and budgeting.
  • Estimation of the cost of the implementation project automated system managerial financial accounting.
  • Main stages of implementation of an automated budget management system.

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Practical course in Management Accounting
(cost accounting and budgeting)

The Management Accounting course examines the issues of cost in a managerial aspect, cost accounting, the basics of budgeting, calculating the break-even point, marginal and management analysis, as well as pricing.

Who is the management accounting course intended for:

  • economists, accountants, managers who do not have knowledge/skills in this area, but plan to engage in in-house accounting and reporting;
  • those who have any scattered knowledge in this area and would like to systematize it for successful practical application;
  • those who already have any skills in the field of management accounting and want to improve their knowledge and receive an international diploma confirming their qualifications.

As a result of completing the training you will:

Know: the main methods of management accounting are cost calculation, cost calculation, the basics of budgeting and management analysis.

Be able to: apply the acquired knowledge in practical situations (using 53 examples, 62 problems, 98 tests, a large intermediate test and control task at the end of the course).

Have: skills in management accounting, management analysis and pricing, and an international diploma "Cost Accounting" confirming qualifications.

Classes are taught by an IPFM accredited management accounting teacher with international qualifications. Project manager for management accounting in large companies.

You can choose training options:

  • group training in the classrooms of the training center;
  • individual form of training;
  • corporate training.

Duration of the course :

48 academic hours of full-time classes + 20 hours of self-study practical work outside the classroom to complete tasks and exercises.
Schedule of upcoming groups (open dates are marked in green):

(*) Classes in Day groups are conducted in a remote (online) format.

Document upon completion of the course Management accounting:

Based on the results of completing the written control task At the end of the course, a personal certificate is issued from the Panorama Training Center on completion of training in Russian and English.

This course of study corresponds to the program of the Institute of Professional Financial Managers of Great Britain (Institute of Professional Financial Managers - IPFM) for the qualification "The Diploma in Cost Accounting" - DipCA.

This allows students who have completed training and passed the diploma to receive the IPFM diploma "The Diploma in Cost Accounting" - DipCA.

There are no prerequisites for candidates to take the exam, such as work experience.

Tuition fee:

24,000 rubles (for individuals) and 26,000 rubles (for legal entities).
It is possible to pay in installments for the duration of the course.

Registration fee for the exam under the IPFM DipCA program: 6,000 rubles (for individuals) and 7,000 rubles (for legal entities).

Included in the cost of training training manual more than 200 pages in length, developed by teachers of the Panorama Training Center. Additional teaching materials are provided free of charge at electronic form, through the course support page on our website.

Topic 1. The essence of management accounting.

1.1. Management accounting concept
1.2. Account Information Users
1.3. Differences between management and financial accounting
1.4. Production accounting and management accounting
1.5. Management process and the role of the accountant in the management process
1.6. Practical tasks

Topic 2. Classification of costs.

2.1. Concept and objectives of costs
2.3. Costs from a decision-making perspective
2.4. Costs from a planning and control perspective
2.5. Practical tasks

Topic 3. Accounting for costs of materials and labor.

3.1. Materials accounting
3.2. Accounting for labor costs
3.3. Practical tasks

Topic 4. Accounting for overhead costs.

4.1. The need to allocate overhead costs
4.2. Overhead allocation rates
4.3. Accounting for over- and under-allocated costs
4.4. Practical tasks

Topic 5. Custom costing.

5.1. Characteristics of custom costing
5.2. Basic approach to job-order costing
5.3. Actual and normal costing
5.4. Contract costing
5.5. Practical tasks

Topic 6. Process costing.

6.1. Characteristics of process costing
6.2. Counting equivalent units
6.3. Distribution of production costs without remaining work in progress
6.4. Distribution of production costs taking into account the balance of work in progress
6.5. Practical tasks

Topic 7. Planning and budgeting.

7.1. Drawing up: sales budgets, production budgets, inventory budgets, wages budgets, overhead budgets, cost budgets for commercial and administrative purposes
7.2. Forecast financial statements
7.3. Practical tasks

Topic 8. Standard costing and variance analysis.

8.1. Monitoring and evaluation of performance results
8.2. Types of deviation meters
8.3. Calculation of deviations
8.4. Causes and interdependence of deviations
8.5. Practical tasks

Topic 9. Costing and marginal income.

9.1. The difference between costing and full distribution costs and costing based on variable costs
9.2. Comparison of the profit impact of costing with full cost allocation and costing based on variable costs
9.3. Arguments in support of full cost allocation and variable costing
9.4. Practical tasks.

Topic 10. Analysis “Costs - production volume - profit”.

10.1. Break-even point and target profit.
10.2. Margin (edge, range) of safety
10.3. Operating leverage(operating leverage, operating gearing)
10.4. Assumptions adopted in the analysis of “costs - production volume - profit”
10.5. Practical tasks

Topic 11. Distribution of costs of complex production.

11.1. Basic concepts of integrated production
11.2. Methods for allocating complex costs
11.3. Accounting for by-products
11.4. Practical tasks

Topic 12. Pricing decisions.

12.1. Key Factors Influencing Pricing Decisions
12.2. Cost-plus pricing
12.3. Target Pricing
12.4. Special Order Pricing
12.5. Practical tasks

Topic 13. Capital budgeting.

13.1. Objectives and stages of capital budgeting
13.2. Undiscounted Capital Budgeting Methods
13.3. Discounted investment valuation methods
13.4. Practical tasks

Tests by topic:
1. The essence of management accounting
2. Cost management
3. Accounting for materials and labor costs
4. Accounting for overhead costs
5. Custom costing
6. Process costing
7. Preparation of the main budget and forecast of financial statements
8. Monitoring and evaluation of performance results
9. Costing with full cost distribution and variable costs
10. Analysis of “costs - production volume - profit”
11. Cost accounting for complex production and by-products
12. Pricing decisions
13. Capital Budgeting

Practice exam.

Independent completion of practical assignments on all course topics. Checking the work by the teacher. Analysis of errors and discussion of results.

Qualifying exam.

The duration of the exam is 3 astronomical hours. The passing score is 60 out of 100. The exam is in written form. Examination tasks include:

  • testing on theory and computational microtasks;
  • large tasks for calculating benefits (losses) for orders;
  • tasks for drawing up budgets for sales, purchases, cash flows;
  • tasks: preparation of a management report on cost, profit and loss report.

Exam results, including diplomas, will be received no later than 4 weeks from the date of the exam.

  • You will learn more complex issues of cost accounting, pricing and budgeting in the course Management Accounting 2 - "Managerial Accounting" (DipMA).
  • All modern budgeting techniques are discussed at

Individual lessons only. Call and make an appointment!

Training center"GCDPO" in Moscow invites you to management accounting courses. Theory and practical development of methods of effective budgeting and budget management.

The course is taught individually. The price is indicated for 1 lesson (4 academic hours). You can agree on the number of classes and training time with the managers of our center.

Purpose of the course:

  • introduce the basic principles financial technologies, algorithms for building a highly effective management financial accounting system, a number of other important aspects and clear examples from practice;
  • develop skills in obtaining reliable information about business profitability, managing the budgeting system, making competent decisions on pricing;
  • teach accounting techniques used to make strategic and short-term management decisions.

Target audience of the course:

  • heads of companies and financial departments;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • financial managers and commercial service managers;
  • economists;
  • chief accountants.

Learning outcomes:

  • understanding the role and place of management accounting in the company’s management system;
  • ability to evaluate different types costs and analyze what impact they have on financial results;
  • the presence of deep professional skills in enterprise budget planning, implementation of a system of standard costs;
  • knowledge of pricing methods and cost calculation of production processes.

This course of lectures and practical classes on budgeting and management accounting will allow you to become a competent specialist in the field of optimization and business management. We will be happy to share our knowledge and experience with you!

Course curriculum

Topic 1

The essence of management accounting. Basic terms and concepts.

Topic 2

Classification of costs. Systems and distribution and cost accounting.

  • Problems arising when allocating costs.
  • Basic terms and concepts.
  • Examples, practical tasks.

Topic 3

Product costing systems.

  • Custom costing.
  • Process-by-process costing.
  • Practical tasks.

Topic 4

Costing with full cost allocation and variable costing.

Topic 5

Standard cost accounting and variance analysis.

  • The concept of standard costs.
  • Deviation analysis as a means of control.
  • Flexible budget.

Practical tasks.

Topic 6

Analysis of “costs - production volume - profit”.

  • Break even.

Practical tasks.

Topic 7

Planning, drawing up estimates (budgets), monitoring and evaluating performance results.

  • Drawing up the main estimate (budget).
  • Forecast of financial statements.
  • Cash flow budget.

Practical tasks

Topic 8

Making pricing decisions.

  • Basic terms and concepts.
  • Practical tasks.


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