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Tips for beginners on making money on advego and my review of working on the stock exchange.

The copywriting exchange Advego is one of the pioneers among content services, operating in RuNet since 2008. The largest portal unites the interests of customers and performers in creating content. Thanks to the job exchange, hundreds of thousands of freelancers receive stable income, and webmasters texts for filling and promoting sites. In just a few years, the exchange gained more than a million users. In this article, I will try to objectively tell you about how to work on Advego.ru, about all the main nuances and pitfalls of copywriting, indispensable tools and services for work, and how to make money on Advego as a beginner and survive in the conditions of high competition on the stock exchange. content. It is very important for beginning rewriters to choose in order to reduce any risks to zero and not be disappointed in the chosen field of activity.

Reviews about the Advego copywriting exchange are mostly positive, but there are also unflattering statements from disappointed users. Customers most often complain about the low quality of content. This fact is not surprising, because prices on the exchange are not that high and are comparable to the earnings of copywriters on. Copywriters, in order to earn something, have to do a larger amount of work, which affects the quality of the text. Rewriters are mostly dissatisfied with low pay for their work. However, due to low tariffs, the exchange always has a lot of customers and is full of work.

Pros and cons of the Advego content exchange

  1. Detailed instructions for working with the service, revealing the features of the functionality and capabilities of Advego.
  2. Feedback. Any user can ask a question, express an opinion and a complaint by contacting the support service. No appeal will be ignored.
  3. Large number of orders. Due to the high popularity and rich experience in the copywriting market, the exchange always has a lot of orders in different price categories. High speed completing tasks is very profitable and convenient for customers.
  4. The lack of rating allows novice copywriters to freely compete with experienced users. For performers, only the number of completed tasks, efficiency, number of refusals, delays, and refusals to pay are taken into account.
  5. Useful services developed by the exchange make work more convenient and productive for both performers and webmasters. The programs help analyze SEO parameters, the uniqueness of the text, and check articles for errors.
  6. Communication on the forum. The forum allows performers and customers to communicate directly in their free time.
  7. The store of ready-made articles allows you to select content without waiting for the copywriter to complete the task, and earn money for the performers. Particularly smart users manage to make money by reselling articles, buying texts at a low cost on other exchanges and selling them at a higher cost.
  8. A simple interface with intuitive navigation makes work easier and helps beginners easily navigate.
  9. Minimum size payments – 5 dollars.


Despite the large list of advantages, the Advego copywriting exchange also has disadvantages, as indicated by negative user reviews
1. Low prices - (about 1 dollar per 1000 characters). This affects the quality of content for customers and reduces earnings for copywriters.
2. Slow and not always fair support service, for which the customer is always right. This is where most of the negative reviews come from.
3. Due to the presence of the “refuse payment” button, copywriters may be left “out of pocket” and not receive money for the work performed. Although this is the exception rather than the rule. Such situations happen extremely rarely and for objective reasons, if the content is truly low-grade.

How much do you earn on Advego?

Tasks on Advego are paid according to their complexity and the time required to complete them. Rewriting here costs from 15 rubles per 1000 characters, copyright from 25 rubles, translations from 25 rubles.

With these prices, beginners earn from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles per month.

I’ll share my experience with you - I completed my first order as a copywriter for 10 rubles / 1K characters, then I began to increase the prices. In the first month, my earnings on the Internet amounted to about 5,000 rubles (this is subject to part-time employment). In the second month, the income was already about 15,000 rubles.

How to register on Advego?

If you don’t know how to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange, then first of all you should register by indicating your nickname and email on the official website at advego.ru. After this, you need to follow the link that will be sent to you by e-mail to confirm your registration. If you do not yet have experience in writing texts, then the article will be useful for you.

After registration, you must specify an electronic wallet for withdrawal of funds and fill out a profile. To do this, go to the “Service” - “Personal Data” tab.

How to work for Advego as a beginner: types of tasks and their costs

In total, there are 4 types of tasks presented on the Advego copywriting exchange.

  • Copywriting – writing unique texts. Payment for work from 25 rubles per 1K sign.
  • Rewriting is the reformulation of a text for the purpose of uniqueness without changing the meaning. The cost of this type of work is about 15 rubles per 1000 SIM.
  • Copy-paste – searching for information on the Internet based on a given request and providing it to the customer. The minimum payment is $0.2 per 1000 SIM.
  • Posting – comments, reviews, posts for blogs, forums. Payment – ​​$0.6/1000 SIM.
  • Translations - from 25 rubles. for 1000 characters
  • Completing tasks in social networks.

How much can you earn on Advego? This is the question with which beginners begin their acquaintance with the service. The minimum payment for rewriting is 20 cents per 1K characters. For likes, reposts, and joining groups on social networks, here you can receive from 3 rubles.

To select a task, go to the “Work” - “Job Search” tab in the left corner. In the central part of the screen you can select the type of work - copywriting, communication, social networks, miscellaneous. And on the right side there is a filter system that allows you to select the types of tasks down to the details by cost, type, and time to complete.

Selling articles on Advego: ready-made content store

On the Internet you can find many laudatory reviews about the Advego article store. Its advantage lies in the large number of texts offered for sale and strict moderation, which guarantees high quality texts in terms of literacy and uniqueness. All articles are manually reviewed. If errors are found, the texts are sent to the author for revision.
How to sell on Advego to make good money? To solve this problem, it is important to understand which topics are in greatest demand. For these purposes, you can study the statistics of the Yandex service. Wordstat for selecting the hottest queries. If you don’t know how to write an article that will be bought on Advego, then it is important to remember that the content should be written on a relevant topic and have an attractive title. In order for customers to find your article faster, it is important to correctly compose a description and enter keywords.

To post a work for sale, you need to write at least 10 articles on the exchange (or buy the same number of texts).

To post an article or buy, you need to go to the “Article Store” section and select the “Buy Article” or “Sell Article” tab.

Advego how to start working?

How to start working on the Advego copywriting exchange - the most current issue, exciting for newcomers. The simple structure of the site allows novice copywriters to quickly get used to it. After you have registered and filled out your profile, in order to go to orders, you must select the “Job” section in the top panel, then follow the “Job Search” link. Using filters, you can filter tasks according to different criteria (type of work, amount of payment, etc.). Orders on the Advego exchange are placed according to the tender principle and with automatic acceptance of applications. In the first case, performers submit applications, and the customer selects the best author. In the second option, the order is automatically transferred to the copywriter who meets the specified criteria and who first submitted the application. It is very important for a copywriter to complete the work on time, otherwise the order will be overdue. This threatens the lack of payment and a decrease in rating and trust in the eyes of customers. The order usually specifies the following parameters:

  • title or topic;
  • cost of the entire order;
  • required amount of text;
  • deadlines;
  • type and category of work.

How to perform work on Advego?

Before accepting an order for work, read the customer’s dossier; this will warn you against unscrupulous users and adverse consequences from such cooperation. The requirements for the article are indicated at the bottom of the order. Before submitting an application, be sure to read the terms of reference and make sure that the task is within your capabilities. In the “Order Discussion” section you can ask questions to the customer.
To get started, click on the green “get started” button.

How to withdraw money from Advego?

You can withdraw your earned money to a dollar or ruble Webmoney, Qiwi wallet or a Visa or mastercard bank card. The minimum payment amount is 5 USD. The dollar exchange rate corresponds to the bank exchange rate. The content exchange commission is 10 percent. Payment terms: 3 days. To select a withdrawal option, go to the “Service” - “Personal Information” - “Payment Information” tab. Here you need to enter the number of wallets or cards to which you plan to withdraw money. In the “Units of Account” tab, you can select the currency option - rubles (this will be much more convenient).

Affiliate program

If you want to increase your earnings and receive passive income, then you can participate in affiliate program by inviting your acquaintances, friends, and relatives to the system. For each attracted referral, the exchange will transfer you 2.5% of the amount of his earnings or expenses (if you referred a customer).

Advego plagiarism: how to use

The Advego exchange has developed its own services for checking content, which makes the work of copywriters and webmasters easier. “Advego Plagiatus” is a service for checking the uniqueness of text in the form of an application for Windows. To use the program you need to download and install it on your computer. The service provides the ability to quickly and deeply check for uniqueness with the specified search phrase length and size.

You can find out how to use the program in the video:

How to understand the result on Advego Plagiarism?

Typically, customers indicate requirements for text uniqueness in the terms of reference for the order. An indicator of 95% can be considered satisfactory. There is no online version of “Plagiatus” on the site.
To check SEO parameters, the site contains semantic analysis of the text. The service allows you to obtain data on the frequency of word use, nausea and wateriness of the text. Analyzing text for spelling helps to identify errors and correct them.

If you have a rich imagination, can write well and competently, and also have something to tell people, you have a direct path to content exchanges. For beginners, the Advego exchange is best.

    • What is Advego?
    • What ways to earn money does the Advego exchange provide?
    • Advice for beginning Advego authors
    • Conclusion

What is Advego?

If we talk in simple words, then Advego is a site where you can buy or sell content on various topics or complete any task related to writing articles. Among everything variety of exchanges existing on the Internet, Advego stands out for its affordable prices and a large selection of ready-made articles, which, undoubtedly, is the main reason for the influx of customers.

  1. Before starting work, the exchange does not require passing any special tests. Just registration is enough.
  2. You can either take orders or work with the article store. True, in order to publish your first article, you need to complete at least 10 works and get paid for them.
  3. There is an opportunity to post your resume.
  4. You don't have to pay to access orders like you do on some other exchanges.
  5. To withdraw money from your account, you only need to dial 5 dollars.
  6. You can discuss all the questions you are interested in regarding the operation of the exchange on a special forum.
  7. The exchange provides the opportunity to check content for uniqueness and absence of errors directly on the Advego website itself.

Getting to know the Advego article exchange

As you can understand, such a number of advantages is an excellent argument for joining the ranks of Advego authors. However, like everywhere else, this exchange also has its drawbacks. And it’s better to know about them before starting work:

  1. Very low rates for writing articles. When you're just starting out as a copywriter, this might not bother you too much. But more professional authors, having gained experience and knowledge, as a rule, leave the ranks of Advego authors and begin to look for higher earnings.
  1. For an inexperienced copywriter, there is a risk of doing the job for free. Unfortunately, not in all cases the Advego administration accommodates the authors halfway. Therefore, you will still need to prove the illegality of the refusal to pay. However, fortunately, this rarely happens.

7 secrets of teaser advertising

If you are not afraid of possible difficulties, then the next thing that will interest you will be the question of how earn money by writing articles on Advego.

What ways to earn money does the Advego exchange provide?

There are several ways to make money on this exchange. Over time, you will choose what you like best.


This is the most easy way earn money. This is where most authors start. You will need to leave your comments and posts on social networks or forums. The money paid for such work is small, but in order to earn a rating and understand how the exchange works, posting is quite suitable.


This work involves rewriting one or more articles while maintaining the main idea. Your task is to achieve high uniqueness while maintaining the main idea of ​​the text. This type of work is very similar to writing an essay in school. You are given a text that needs to be paraphrased in your own words, but the meaning of the article should not be affected.


Such work is already considered more difficult. You will be required to write unique content using only your own knowledge and experience. Of course, you can search for information on the Internet, because no one will be able to check where you got it from. However, your article should not be similar to any other.

At first glance, this task seems difficult. However, if you have a lot of experience, a great imagination and you understand what you are writing about, you can handle copywriting.

SEO copywriting

Many aspiring authors are afraid of such assignments. Although in reality there is nothing complicated about them. You are given keywords - a regular set of words or phrases that need to be inserted into the text. At the same time, an outsider who will read your text should not guess how these words or phrases sound, so harmoniously they should be included in the article.


A great way to make money, if, of course, you know a foreign language. Orders for translation of articles are well paid and competition in this work is not so high.

Writing articles for the Advego ready-made content store

Besides fulfillment of orders, you can also write articles for the store ready-made content Advego. To do this, you just need to understand which topic you are strongest in and start writing the article. This kind of work has its advantages. Firstly, you are not limited in time. That is, write whenever and as much as you want.

We recommend a course on making money on the Internet: Find out more than 50 ways to make money online, including ways to make money from copywriting

Secondly, you choose the topic of the article yourself and write about what you want. But there are also disadvantages. The most important thing is that you will have to wait until your brainchild finds its buyer. This may take more than one week. It all depends on how popular the topic of your articles is.

You may have an excellent style, be able to write unique articles and know a lot of useful and interesting information that can be conveyed to people, but, unfortunately, this does not guarantee you success on the Advego exchange.

Checking the uniqueness of the texts you write through Advego

In order to achieve recognition and become a good author, you need know some secrets, which we will discuss below.

Good orders are rarely made public

Most often, the customer creates a tender and chooses the author with whom he will work. Don't neglect such tenders. Be sure to leave requests indicating that you would like to work with this customer. Of course, while you have little experience and written articles, the likelihood that you will be chosen is low. However, it's still worth trying!

Only take on work that you are guaranteed to do

Never take on something that you may not be able to handle. Otherwise, refusing to pay will lower your rating and, as a result, scare away other customers.

Feel free to ask questions on the forums

The more you know, the easier your job will be. However, you should not swear on forums, sort things out and complain about other customers. Don’t forget that forums are read not only by Advego authors. Accordingly, your behavior may not have the best effect on your rating. Maintain a friendly, polite and positive attitude.

Ask to be added to the customer's white list

If you have completed the job successfully, ask the customer to whitelist you. Just don’t bother me too much—few people like that either.

Be careful with order deadlines

Remember that you have a limited amount of time to complete the work. If you fail to submit your work on time, it is automatically considered incomplete, and you have another refusal to pay.

Always check your completed work for grammatical and punctuation errors.

Sometimes we allow them to happen simply through inattention. But in the work of writing articles, they are simply unacceptable.

Before taking your first order from a customer, check his profile

To do this, simply click on his name. You will see what percentage of failures and revisions it has. This is very useful information. Then you can decide for yourself whether you should work with this customer or not.

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A high percentage of payment refusals indicates that your potential employer is picky. Of course, the Advego exchange guarantees payment for your work, but only if it is done correctly. All controversial cases are resolved through the Advego administration and, if it turns out that your work has even the slightest mistake, the refusal to pay will be considered justified.

Spend as much time as possible on the Advego website

Good orders are sold out very quickly. And, if you visit the exchange 1-2 times a week, your chances of catching good order you will have some.

Be sure to consider the uniqueness of your articles

It is checked by a special program Advego Plagiatus. Despite the fact that the exchange considers an article with a score above 90% unique, some customers require a higher uniqueness score, for example, 95% and higher. If you cannot achieve this indicator, you may be denied payment. And such a refusal will be considered completely justified by the Advego administration.

It is more difficult to achieve high levels of uniqueness in highly specialized articles, for example, in recipes, product descriptions, articles on medical, legal or other topics. At first, try to avoid such work so as not to spoil your statistics.


By following all these recommendations, you can easily make money from content writing and become good copywriter. The exchange gives everyone the opportunity to earn money. And with diligence, the amount of your monthly earnings on Advego can easily exceed your current income. However, do not forget that you can only win easy money in the lottery, but this, unfortunately, does not happen often. In other cases you have to work.

The Advego article exchange is the most popular supplier of Russian-language content; a huge number of performers and customers are registered here. Advego has been present on the article market for more than four years, providing tens of thousands of performers with work and an equally large number of customers with texts. This article is intended primarily for people who are interested in making money on Advego. You can go to the website to register.

On the main page of the Advego article exchange there are many useful information about the basic concepts of copywriting. Definitions of copywriting and rewriting, translation and proofreading are given. Just below you can see an announcement about the affiliate program. And even lower are useful links to online services: spell checking and SEO analysis of articles (these services will be written in more detail below). A person who comes to the advego website for the first time, who has never encountered writing articles for money, will be able to find all the information “on the topic” on the main page, and this is very convenient. In general, Advego creates excellent conditions for making money, and even a beginner can start working on this exchange.

1. Pros and cons of the Advego exchange

The exchange has more advantages than disadvantages, and it’s worth starting with them.

1.1 Pros

  1. Orders can be accepted without the customer’s approval. In other words, whoever saw it first took the order. However, in some cases, employers warn that you cannot start working without their approval! Also, some orders can only be processed at certain times.
  2. For performers, the concept of “rating” does not exist. Therefore, it will not be as difficult for new performers to break through as on other exchanges (for example,). However, work statistics are kept: the number of articles sold, the number of completed orders, the author’s efficiency (the ratio of paid works to their total number), the number of payment refusals, the number of unfulfilled works. Based on this data, some customers choose performers.
  3. Useful services (checking literacy, uniqueness, etc.) simplify the work of the contractor. Distinctive feature Advego exchange is that you can analyze the text online.
  4. Prompt arbitration support makes working on Advego more comfortable.
  5. The exchange has its own forum where you can offer services, articles, communicate with colleagues, and exchange experiences in the field of copywriting.
  6. High level of demand for articles on free sale, due to a large number of customers. It is also worth mentioning that the average prices in the article store are higher than when working to order.
  7. Simple and intuitive interface. It’s very difficult to get lost on Advego.
  8. Low minimum payout threshold – $5.

1.2 Cons

2. Rules for working on the Advego exchange

You can familiarize yourself with the contract itself (user agreement).

2.1 Types of work and their payment

There are 4 types of work on the content exchange: copywriting (writing a unique, original article), rewriting (rewriting an existing article in your own words), copy-paste (searching and copying articles on the Internet), posting (writing small blog posts, opening topics on forums and etc.). All calculations are carried out in dollars. The customer himself determines the price when placing an order, but it should not be lower than:

  • copywriting ($0.8/1000 sim.)
  • rewriting ($0.4/1000 sim.)
  • copy-paste ($0.2/1000 sim.)
  • posting ($0.6/1000 sim.)

Average prices on the exchange are almost 2 times higher than the minimum:

However, it is worth understanding that this is data for all orders, and not just for those that are in open access. In reality, it is difficult to find a customer willing to pay more than a dollar for 1000 characters of copywriting.

2.2. Registration rules

You can register an account in the system only once; repeated registrations are prohibited (with the exception of certain cases). In addition, according to the agreement, when registering, the user must provide real information about himself. However, these rules are not always followed.

In order to act on the exchange both as a customer and as a contractor, you do not need to register twice - you can work with one account.

2.3 Material aspects

The minimum payout threshold is five dollars, funds are withdrawn to WebMoney’s dollar wallet within three days (during this time, the administration checks whether there are any material claims against the user).

The exchange commission is charged from both the contractor and the customer - 10% on each side (i.e., the total advego commission is 20% of the order value). This is twice as high as .

2.4 Article store

Artists can add their lyrics to the store Advego articles. Articles undergo preliminary moderation (automatic uniqueness check and literacy check by the moderator) and only after that are allowed for sale.

Articles may be rejected if they contain grammatical, punctuation, stylistic or other types of errors or are not unique enough.

2.5 Violations leading to ban

Repeated account registration by one person is prohibited.

Insults and swearing are prohibited when communicating with system users or moderators.

It is prohibited to leave contact information (icq, skype, e-mail and others) that allows the customer and the contractor to communicate without going through the exchange.

It is prohibited to put up non-unique articles for sale (at least 90% uniqueness for copywriting and at least 80% uniqueness for rewriting), as well as articles for which the rights do not belong to the user, in particular articles published on the Internet or offline publications (newspapers, magazines) , books, etc.).

3. Search for orders on Advego

As already mentioned, the Advego exchange has a user-friendly interface. In order to go to orders, you need to select the item TO THE AUTHOR and then JOB SEARCH.

Just below there will be a filter that allows you to select only those orders that suit you. By default, the most expensive jobs are at the beginning of the list.

Now, let's look at an example of work.

In the upper left corner the price for the entire order is indicated, below it is the volume of text (number of characters including spaces) and the time to write it.

To the right of the price tag, the type of work is indicated (copywriting on the screen) and the topic (construction and repair).

Next to the inscription WEBMASTER the employer’s login is visible, clicking on it, you will see the author’s statistics (number of orders, number of payment refusals, etc.). It is worthwhile to review the customer’s dossier, because... Sometimes you come across employers who very often refuse to pay for work.

In the column EXERCISE the employer describes the conditions that must be met when writing the text.
You can also view additional order parameters by clicking on the button PARAMETERS.

If you are satisfied with the order, click on the green button GET INTO WORK and you can start implementing it.

There are much more orders on Advego than on, as well as on other content exchanges. However, the pay for most of them is too low. In addition, there are many orders for posting or copy-paste, which are valued very cheaply.

4. Advego exchange services

You can go to the Advego exchange tools by first selecting the tab SERVICE and then TOOLS:

There are three such services, and they are very useful.

4.1 Advego spell check

The first is an online spell checker. You can check not only Russian-language texts, but also articles written in other languages.

To start checking, you just need to copy the text into the white field, and also select a language (the default is Russian). The maximum text length should not exceed 100 thousand characters.

As a result, words in the text that may contain spelling errors will be highlighted, and you will also see text statistics:

4.2 Semantic text analysis Advego

This service is truly unique; it has no analogues on other exchanges. The principle of adding text is no different from online spell checking - you just need to copy the article and add it to the white field, then click on the button CHECK. As a result of the check, Advego will display, in addition to text statistics (screenshot above), many more useful things: word statistics, etc.

4.3 Uniqueness check

Unlike the previous two services, it is not possible to check the uniqueness online. We'll have to first download the program Advego.Plagiatus on your computer, and then, after installing it, check the article.

It is worth noting that this program is one of the most popular; many copywriters use it. The Etkht article exchange - Antiplagiarism has a similar program, which can be downloaded from this link.

The Advego article exchange is the undoubted leader in its niche. And this is not surprising, because Advego provides an excellent opportunity to earn money, accessible even to a beginner. Therefore, the popularity of Advego is growing day by day. If you are interested in this, then you can start with this exchange. You can go to the exchange website by this link.

And in conclusion, a short video about how to make money on advego.

Greetings, friends! You all already know which courses on making money on the Internet are most often offered to beginners: “Million in a week” or “1,000,000 rubles in two mouse clicks”... Sound familiar? What's the end result? The author of the course, of course, will receive income. The buyer will also receive it, the question is how much? This is because there are no freebies on the Internet! But you can make money online. You just need to know how and where.

Advego: earning money without cheating

How can a beginner make money on Advego? Content exchange "Advego" occupies one of the places of honor among possible ways making money online: the site is reliable, well-known, the work pays consistently. There are a great many settings, and the interface is clear. Understand how to make money Advego, it’s not that difficult, so why put it off? Listen to the “course for successful survival on Advego” - and go ahead!

Advego is useful for performers, as it makes it possible to earn money initially to pay for a mobile phone, Internet, hosting, and in the future it can turn into a source of stable and considerable income. Customers receive content on Advego for a reasonable fee and can promote their resources and products. So the exchange is useful to them too.


Before registering, be sure to create an electronic wallet. Payments are made via WebMoney. The wallet can be in rubles (WMR) or dollars (WMZ). Dollar is required, ruble is optional. To be on the safe side, “Advego old-timers” recommend indicating everything. The exchange does not work and does not work with other systems: they have an insufficient degree of security. The exchange does not plan to add transfers of earned funds to wallets of other systems in the foreseeable future.

It all starts with registration. It's simple: Go to home page, choose a name and password, indicate your email. Confirm your registration, set up your profile, and get started.

Nickname: how to choose the right one

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All authors work under nicknames, not under their own names. Therefore, when registering, come up with a unique login for yourself. In the “Nickname” box, enter a name that is visible to others. Only Latin letters are used. You can add numbers, underscores, and hyphens.

If the login is busy, a message about this will appear. You'll have to look for another one: you can't do it without a unique nickname. By the way, it is impossible to change it, and therefore it is better to think about the name so that later you do not have to regret the haste.

We indicate your email and put a tick next to the box indicating your agreement with the user agreement. Registration is completed.

All you have to do is wait for a letter to the specified activation address to confirm your actions. Didn't receive the letter? You'll have to look in your Spam folder. And there's no message? Then you will have to restore access to your account using the link http://advego.ru/password. Be sure to indicate your Advego nickname and email address. Next is the reason why the registration address needs to be changed, and a new email. We do the same actions when we forgot the password.

If activation is not done, after three days the account will be canceled and you will have to register again.

Follow the link to the Advego website and read the message about account activation. A little lower is the password form. It is advisable to come up with a complex, at least 8 characters, combination of numbers and letters, small and large. Symbols are only Latin.

It is advisable to register as soon as possible if you have serious intentions to work for Advego: at this time there is a question about complicating the procedure. It is quite possible that you will soon have to enter your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), passport data, and even attach scans of documents.

But after registration, you don’t have to worry about being deleted for inactivity: the profile is saved as long as the exchange operates. There are no deletions here unless there are violations.

Features of registration on the exchange

It is prohibited to register multiple accounts for yourself: they will be banned and deleted, and with them all the money earned. But, if different payment information is specified, then registering several accounts from one computer is allowed.

All questions that arise regarding registration are resolved with the help of the support service. The answer will not come immediately, but everything can be solved.

However, remember that according to the rules of the exchange, the owner of the profile bears all responsibility for access to the account, that is, the author’s profile and losses caused to third parties. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of hacking, you should check your computer for malware with anti-virus programs, so as not to suffer yourself and not become guilty of the troubles of others.

Normal work with the exchange is possible only from a desktop computer or laptop. There are problems logging in via phone or tablet.

So, all the nuances have been taken into account, the registration process has been completed. You can start looking for ways to make money on the stock exchange.

What are the ways to make money on the stock exchange?

You can earn money by doing several types of work:

  • write comments, leave reviews on websites;
  • write articles to order;
  • communicate on forums, create topics;
  • sell articles in the exchange store;
  • perform translations;
  • create advertising slogans;
  • search for the necessary information on the Internet;
  • create master classes;
  • carry out proofreading of finished texts;
  • complete tasks on social networks.

The minimum amount for withdrawal is five dollars. Withdraw funds in USD or rubles at the exchange rate for your Webmoney wallet. You will have to wait 16 days for the first withdrawal, then only 3. Therefore, when the amount reaches the minimum, you need to withdraw money immediately so as not to wait long later.

To earn your first money, you can start with simple orders, for example, by writing comments. This type of work does not bring in much income, but it does allow you to get your first money, and with it comes an incentive for further successful activities.

Writing reviews and comments

It is necessary to comment on publications on the pages of these sites and carry out similar easy orders. On the order card, the dimensions of the work, that is, the number of characters, are indicated.

Fulfilling orders or applying for tenders

To select a suitable order, go to the tab in the upper left corner “Work”, “Job Search”.

To select an order with parameters corresponding to your requests, we use filters. You can set the search for a suitable price, text length, execution time and other parameters.

In the filter I just selected the article and price from 3 to 5 USD, and in the list that opened I found a good offer on the Forex topic. Good price, great offer for me: I am a former “playing trader”, I have several years of experience working on the currency exchange and experience writing texts for a website about Forex. In the portfolio on my website there are texts on this topic and I also have other screenshots of my texts from earlier times, and also a screenshot of my trading terminal with my last name, which has been operating for about 7 years. I think that I could well compete for this order with dignity.

It’s a pity that I don’t have time for this now, and I haven’t worked on content exchanges for a long time, it’s already in the past. So think for yourself, decide for yourself, there is a clear option for you to make money, just as I once did.

Pay attention! All calculations are carried out in conventional units. Therefore, the price for 1000 characters is not 50 rubles, but 1.00.

Sometimes the customer requires a screenshot. Don't be scared and refuse such orders. Everything is done very simply. Read here this link on Advego. And if you want to learn even more about screenshots, and the easiest way to take screenshots, then read my article.

There are many topics for writing articles. Here are a few:

  • business;
  • cooking;
  • fashion;
  • medicine;
  • auto and others.

I wrote about how to successfully choose a topic for writing an article for the stock exchange in this article.

For example, the topic is construction. Also a popular topic.

The order card specifies all the customer’s requirements for the work - both keywords, that is, phrases that need to be inserted into the finished text, and the type of work.

The type of work is rewriting, copywriting or SEO copywriting.

To improve the relationship of search engines to the text, keywords are inserted into it, that is, it is optimized for search engines. This is SEO copywriting.

In translation, it is necessary to translate the text proposed by the customer or find the source yourself and translate it into a foreign or Russian language.

Work requirements

To guarantee payment for work, it is important to comply with the following requirements:

  • uniqueness;
  • full implementation of the technical specifications;
  • literacy.

The Advego Plagiatus program will help you check your uniqueness. It can be downloaded from the exchange website for free and without registration. The required level of uniqueness is indicated in the order card. If it is not there, uniqueness is determined by default: 95% for copywriting, 90% for rewriting.

Non-unique phrases are highlighted in yellow during verification. They are adjusted to obtain the necessary indicators. You can work without leaving the program: insert text, wait for the results and edit.

TK - technical specification, with a description of all the requirements by the customer, from the method of highlighting keywords to the design features of the finished work

Before submitting a completed assignment, it must be carefully checked. Even the absence of a single comma can cause payment refusal. Quality and literacy are the main requirements when working on the Advego exchange. Therefore, together with me.

Selling articles

You can also make money on Advego by selling your articles. Each author independently chooses their volume and topic, taking into account the categories of the exchange store. But here’s what’s important: until ten orders are completed, access to sales is closed. Although do ten simple tasks You can do it in half an hour, it won’t be difficult.

For an article for sale, select

  • category;
  • language;
  • write a title;
  • insert the text of the finished publication;
  • indicate summary with keywords.

All that remains is to decide on the cost of the article, agree to the terms of the exchange for posting the work and click on the “Add article” button.

The text is moderated, that is, it is checked for uniqueness and literacy. There are three attempts in total. Then, if unsuccessful, the account is temporarily blocked. Therefore, attention during the preliminary check is necessary. After putting it up for sale, the buyer is waiting. The sale message comes by email, or you can view it on the tab on the top line of the page.

If a picture is attached to the text, the cost of the work increases. You are allowed to upload no more than 30 pictures.

How to speed up the sale

To speed up sales, write articles of 2000-3000 characters: they sell out best. The title is bright and catchy to attract attention to your publication. Be sure to add unique pictures and videos on the topic, if available. It is advisable not to insert an excerpt from the article into the “Short text” field: it is better to write an announcement in your own words, briefly stating the essence of the publication. Firstly, this is a chance to hook the customer, and secondly, the buyer will not think that most of the work is “water”.

Field " Brief description" - outline of the article. It is recommended to format it in the form of questions to which the article answers. Indicate how the work begins and ends. Can be supplemented by indicating the group of readers for whom the publication is written.

The cost of the work is affected by its type: rewriting is cheaper than copywriting. Length matters; punctuation marks, letters, and spaces are taken into account. Beginners do not need to set the price higher than 0.3-0.6 USD. for 1000 characters. At this cost, it is advisable to write five to ten articles. And then the price can be gradually increased.

Profile and portfolio: no detail

It’s not easy for newcomers to Advego: they need to get used to it and gain experience. So there is no point in chasing expensive orders at first: it is difficult to fulfill them efficiently without knowledge. And it’s easy to ruin your reputation.

From the very beginning, you need to monitor several important profile indicators. And the portfolio is the most important. This is what customers use when choosing performers. You can access it using the “Profile” tabs. In fact, your portfolio should include your work specifically on Advego: how much you have written, sold, in what subject area... The more works, the better, that’s clear. A portfolio in the classical sense can be created in the forums tab. More on this below. In general, if you want a real, high-quality portfolio, then create it on the side, regardless of any exchange, even on LiveJournal. And it’s better, of course, to make a business card website with examples of your work. This is how I have this site, which in itself is my portfolio.

There is a special section on the exchange forum where you can create a topic and fill it with completed work and announcements of new articles. This makes it easier to “promote” your portfolio. The author's efficiency is ideally 100%, but in practice, more is better...

Those unpaid due to violation of working conditions are displayed in the “Payment Refused” tab. This is clear: the fewer there are...

Unfinished work, that is, unfinished due to lack of time to complete it, should not be in the profile. Unscrupulous customers deliberately set unrealistic deadlines. And it is better to bypass such orders.

It’s better to get into the TOP, closer to the first place, so that in the “Ranking” tab there is a value as close as possible to the leading positions. Then the interest of customers in the author’s person will increase noticeably.

Author Level: Status Matters

Orders can be taken according to your status. A newcomer receives the status of “amateur” and can only work with orders of his level. If done well, he ends up on the customer’s white list and receives personal tasks from him.

There are only five levels on Advego:

  • amateur;
  • specialist;
  • professional;
  • expert;
  • guru.

Completing simple orders will allow you to earn positive reviews, gain experience and quickly increase your reputation and rating.

It’s not worth taking part in tenders at the beginning of your work: the selection is tough, and with a low-weight portfolio there is hardly a chance of being selected.

We need to gradually move on to more expensive orders. Knowledge and accumulated experience will tell you when you can “jump” to new steps.

Having completed one task, sitting around waiting for payment without completing new ones is a big mistake. The customer has three days to pay. How much time will be wasted without benefit during this time?

It is advisable to upload an avatar that is bright and memorable: most customers rely on them to remember authors, not nicknames.

If you have any difficulties, answers to most questions can be found in the help section on the exchange forum.

There are unscrupulous customers on Advego who deceive newbies. The scheme is simple: recruit authors for permanent work under the guise of holding a competition, offer a topic to choose from. Of course, there is no fee or symbolic fee for completing the test.

The result is unique articles for free. Cooperation is also a deception: you will receive a message that the author did not pass the selection. It is worth knowing about this so as not to get scammed.

Finally, even with the best intentions, you should not share personal data: the account will be immediately blocked, and all money and experience earned will be lost.

Pavel Yamb was with you. See you again! Read articles on the blog, write comments. In conclusion, I want to say that each author has his own skills and capabilities, so what is the exact amount of earnings for “ Advego"It won't work.

Almost all copywriters begin their professional journey on copywriting exchanges. It’s not surprising - here they gain experience, find regular customers, and are guaranteed to get what they earn. There are many sites on the Internet where authors can start remote work. And one of the most popular among them is the Advego exchange. About 2 million users are registered in the service - the main percentage of them are performers. Yes, the competition is quite high, but anyone can write articles on Advego! And it depends only on you what kind of income you will receive in the future.

The Advego exchange began operating in 2008. And she quickly won the trust of copywriters - both beginners and established professionals. Today, many people register on the site to try their hand at writing and master the skills of remote work without any investment.

How to start working in copywriting on Advego? And what income will a newbie have? Are there any prospects for “career” growth here?

Advantages and disadvantages of the Advego exchange

Any copywriting exchange, and the Advego exchange is no exception, is a meeting place between the contractor and the customer. The “cooperation” of both parties is strictly regulated by the established rules of the site. And all controversial issues between the customer and the author (they arise quite often in the process of work) are resolved individually by the administration of the exchange.

A copywriter on Advego comes to earn money, but the customer needs high-quality articles - “profitable” for both parties! But the functionality of the exchange has expanded greatly in recent years. The contractor here can not only put up his articles for sale and complete writing tasks, but also take on other orders - more or less complex. Naturally, wages vary greatly.

Why do many beginners choose to make money on the Advego exchange? The exchange has many advantages:

  • The exchange interface is very convenient - both for the copywriter and for the customer. For many users who are already accustomed to the Advego “style,” the design and functionality of other exchanges seems not so “friendly.”
  • The exchange has its own program for checking texts for plagiarism. This will make the copywriter’s work much easier - there is no need to go to other sites. The program is free - it works both online and after installation on a PC. It also allows you to evaluate the quality of the written article – water content, number of stop words, nausea. A very useful tool for customers and performers! It’s no wonder that the Advego service is used even by those who work on other copywriting exchanges.
  • Having a forum for users on a website can make a newbie's job much easier. Here you can chat with “colleagues” and get answers to your questions.
  • It’s real to make money on Advego! Hundreds of orders from “employers” are placed here every day. Don't like to strictly follow the customer's rules? Write your articles and put them up for sale – there are plenty of options. Even those who have never heard of copywriting before will be able to find a job here.
  • The Advego content exchange gives copywriters the opportunity to improve their experience - the contractor receives certain “regalia” for positive feedback from customers and with an increase in the number of completed orders. A copywriter is assigned one of 5 levels - amateur, specialist, professional, expert, guru. A high rating allows the author to take on more expensive orders.
  • You can configure Advego in different ways by viewing the order feed - this makes working on the exchange much easier. Just choose topics that interest you and reasonable prices - and then you won’t see all the other tasks that you would never take on.

Working on the Advego exchange also has disadvantages. But they are more general in nature - these “shortcomings” exist in almost all sites of a similar nature. Let's outline the shortcomings:

  • The platform introduced a rather high commission for “mediation” - 20%. This is a lot, considering that many performers here work at minimal prices.
  • The huge competition among performers can be intimidating. It is sometimes difficult for a beginner to take on even a “penny” order.
  • The service works only with one payment system – WebMoney. Some users prefer to make transfers using others electronic wallets. But Advego does not plan to introduce other withdrawal methods.
  • At first, a novice author will probably have to complete tasks on Advego at a minimal cost. Without an established rating, customers will not trust you with complex orders. And it can take a lot of time to develop “status”.
  • The Advego article exchange is “famous” for its low prices. Sometimes customers here do not hesitate to place orders at $0.10 per 1000 characters. But considering high competition Among copywriters, even such tasks are taken on. There are even lower paid jobs here – for example, for “likes” and reposts.
  • Payment for completed tasks and sold articles is calculated in dollars. And this is inconvenient for many - a certain percentage of the money earned is “lost” during conversion and transfers.

If no difficulties scare you, you can get started! How to work for Advego as a beginner? Start by choosing your “niche” and registering on the site.

How can you make money on Advego?

How much you can earn on Advego will largely depend on what tasks you perform. There is no need to thoughtlessly apply for this or that task - weigh your capabilities. First, decide what exactly you can do.

The Advego exchange provides plenty of opportunities for earning money:

  • Writing custom articles. Customers post text writing tasks at a certain price in the general feed. Beginners cannot hire all of them - “employers”, when drawing up an order card, often set restrictions. For beginners, it is better to apply for rewriting first - such articles are somewhat easier to write. And when you get the hang of it, take orders for copyright work - then you’ll earn more on Advego. Before you start writing, carefully study the customer’s requirements for the final text - keywords, style, number of characters. The finished article is placed in the completed order card. After it is approved by the customer, you receive your money.
  • Selling articles. This method of earning money is very popular among copywriters - it’s not for nothing that there are thousands of text materials in the content store on the exchange. Selling articles on Advego, as a rule, does not bring high profits to authors - articles are sold here at a lower price when compared with performing direct tasks from “employers”. But if you don’t like to follow a strict technical specification, choose this option! This, by the way, can also become a “part-time job” for those authors who are currently sitting without orders - write on free topics and exhibit your work in the store. Many copywriters follow a more “profitable” path - they buy cheap, and after a little editing of the text, they sell them for more. How to sell articles on Advego? It’s simple - place the finished text in the form for selling content in the appropriate section, write a short description for it, highlight a short passage in the article (it will be visible to the buyer), click the “Done” button.
  • Translations. And if rewriting on Advego costs very little, then tasks for translating articles are valued much more! Excellent earnings are possible for those who own any foreign language. There are few such tasks on any of the exchanges, including Advego - you will have to “fight” with competitors. Translations on Advego are delivered to the customer using the same “system” as in the case of copyright and rewriting.
  • Comments. A low-paying job that is suitable only for beginners. The payment for comments is meager, but the demands are sometimes “off scale.” In this case, you won’t get a lot of money - the cost of a comment, as a rule, does not exceed $0.10.
  • Reviews. The order card contains a link that the contractor needs to follow and leave his review there. The work is simple, but low paid.
  • Writing essays and diplomas. Excellent work from home on the Advego exchange without investing money for those who know all the intricacies of registration educational materials and knowledgeable in a particular area of ​​knowledge. Naturally, such tasks pay very well, but they take a lot of time. Often, a copywriter has to correct the written assignment many times, since all corrections from teachers will be on the conscience of the performer.

Reviews about working at Advego confirm that anyone can work here! There is a “warm place” on the site for both schoolchildren and copywriting guru. Only the wages will differ.

How much can you earn on Advego?

It is very difficult to indicate the exact “salary” that you will receive on Advego. And not a single experienced copywriter will tell you this “secret”.

How much performers earn on Advego depends on many factors:

  • Type of work performed. “Full-fledged” articles cost more than comments - which means the final profit will be higher for the same time investment.
  • Total operating time. If you work 8 hours a day, you will get more than if you spend only 2-3 hours daily.
  • Time to work on one order. The faster you complete the task, the sooner you will receive money.
  • Prices for orders that you carry out. The cost of orders varies greatly: comments and reviews - $0.05-0.30/1000 characters, rewriting - $0.10-1.5/1000 characters, copyright -0.30-2 .5 $/1000 characters, translations – 0.35-3 $/1000 characters, advertising texts– 1-5 $/1000 characters.

When thinking about how to make money on Advego and get more, choose a popular “niche” for work. If you take on only “penny” orders for writing comments and reviews, working on Advego will disappoint you - your income will be small. Have you decided to stay on the stock exchange for a long time? Then improve your skills - take on more complex tasks, read training materials on copywriting. The Advego exchange, if you make an effort, can become a permanent “place of work”. Experienced copywriters are in no hurry to leave it - here they have a consistently high income.

Any copywriting exchange is not the place where you will receive a “fixed” profit. Remote employment, in terms of income level, is very “unpredictable” - today you are literally overwhelmed with work and receive a lot of positive feedback, and tomorrow you are sitting without work. Not ready for this? Then it’s better to look for another place of work – in real life.

Let's get started: registration on the Advego exchange

Registering with Advego is the first thing you should do if you decide to try your hand at copywriting. It won't take you much time.

Since withdrawals will be made to your electronic account in the future, register your wallet with WebMoney. Open a dollar account right away.

Friendly and simple menu of the Advego exchange

Registration on Advego goes like this:

  • Go to the main page of the exchange. Click the “register” button.
  • In the window that appears, you will have to enter your nickname and email address. All performers on the exchange work under nicknames - and you, too, choose one that suits you. If you specify an already registered name, the system will let you know about it - you will have to choose another one. Newsletters will be sent to the email address specified during registration.
  • Now check the box indicating that you have read the Advego rules. And it’s really worth getting acquainted with them - the rights and obligations of 3 parties are spelled out here - the customer, the contractor, and the exchange administration.
  • Click the “Register” button.
  • You should receive a registration confirmation email to the email address you provided. To activate your account, follow the link that will be in the letter. You will find yourself on a page on the site where you will need to create a password. Choose the most reliable one - all the money you earn will be in the account here until you transfer it to WebMoney.

Please note that the Advego copywriting exchange prohibits one person from registering several accounts for himself at once - “clones” will be banned and deleted. But does this stop resellers? Of course not - accounts are simply registered with different email addresses, and different wallets are attached to each of them.

After your personal account has been created on the exchange, it is better to study the information for beginners, read the forum - this will help you learn how to use Advego and make all the settings. Now you can proceed to filling out your profile. Is everything ready yet? It's time to take on your first order!

Working on the Internet on Advego.ru for beginners gives good chances for earning income. And if your goal is to completely switch to remote earnings, approach the design of your profile, the selection of tasks, and the fulfillment of your “obligations” with maximum responsibility. There are no trifles here!

Some tips to help beginners:

  • Pay attention to the nickname that you choose when registering. It is advisable to choose something “official”. A “playful” name is unlikely to be suitable for serious work - a beginner, in this case, will definitely not receive trust from customers.
  • Fill out your profile with as much detail as possible. Here, indicate your skills and knowledge, experience in copywriting (if any) - you will get a mini-essay on the topic “about yourself”. This, by the way, will give the customer a chance to evaluate your level of literacy and style of writing texts. It also doesn’t hurt to place your real photo on your profile - for many customers this creates the illusion of communicating with real person. And if you do put an avatar, then choose bright, memorable images - this way you will play on memorization.
  • The presence of a portfolio is the most important criterion that customers focus on when choosing a specific contractor. If you already have experience in the field of copywriting, provide links to your articles. Of course, it will be more difficult for beginners here. But after the first completed task, ask the “employer” for a link to the text posted on the Internet. It's not that easy - not everyone provides links. Why? These are resellers who then resell your work or pass it off as their own. You can do it differently - write an article on a free topic and place it in your portfolio.
  • If you have no experience at all and you don’t even know what copywriting is, start by doing simple tasks (for example, writing reviews) or “master” the article store on advego.ru. This way you will gain experience and practice writing short texts.
  • Until you have gained the necessary experience, taking on many jobs at once is a big mistake. You may simply not be able to handle such volumes. At first, it is better to complete tasks slowly.
  • Already accepted the task? Read the terms of reference carefully - this way you will avoid tedious modifications and negative feedback from customers.
  • Don't hesitate to ask! Despite the fact that Advego has clear instructions for beginners, some aspects of working with the exchange may not be clear. Ask on the forum or directly from the exchange administration via feedback. If controversial issues arise with customers, contact the moderators - there are often cases when unscrupulous “employers” deceive newcomers, saying that the text is unsuitable, and then post it on their website. In this case, the performer does not receive money for the work performed. Don’t be deceived – especially if you are sure that you submitted a “good” article for review!
  • Even if you take on a “penny” order (and at first it won’t work out any other way, given the complete lack of rating), complete it “excellently”! This way you will quickly collect a whole “collection” of positive reviews from customers and quickly increase your level - and a high rating will allow you to apply for more expensive orders.

Don’t forget about “correct” communication with customers. Even if a specific person has offended you in some way, you should not be rude or insult him. The administration will help you sort out the controversial issue.

And when you “accumulate” a sufficient amount for withdrawal in your account, make your first money transfer - this will probably be the most enjoyable moment in your work (not counting, of course, positive feedback for the completed task). The system can withdraw money from $5. How to withdraw money from Advego? To receive your earnings, select the “Withdrawal” tab in the menu bar. If your account has already accumulated over $10, then an active link for transferring funds appears in the right panel of your personal account– very convenient. Please note that you can only submit one withdrawal request at a time - calculate your finances. If you are transferring money for the first time, it will arrive in your WebMoney account only after 16 days - the exchange verifies your data. In the future, the procedure will be accelerated - funds will be withdrawn within 3-5 days.



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